Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
Bickering aside, I do find fault for Obama being friends with a known remorseless terrorist. I also have problems as previously discussed with a man raising his children in such a racist church. I don't put a lot of salt in personal life vs politics, but in these two cases his decision making skills have to be called into question.

While I would agree about the pastor, I'm not certain it surprises me. It wasn't so much that the pastor was anti-American, but that he's anti-WHITE-American. You'll find that type of resentful racism in many black churches and/or groups. I'm not stereotyping, you understand. It's simply what it is. Should Obama have gotten out if he didn't agree with it? Absolutely. Am I convinced he carries a racial chip on his shoulder? Yes. Is that bad? Honestly...I hate it. I hate that there are threads in society that perpetuate this whole "race" idea. It's the fucking 21st century, and we still can't seem to get past it. I don't know what to say on that. Am I convinced that Obama is anti-American because of the church/pastor? No. Again, I think it's a racial motive, versus a political/idealogical motive.

Having a relationship with Bill Ayers is very radical, I would agree. And, although neither has confirmed their "relationship" with each other, I will go ahead and give the Right the benefit of the doubt on this and say that they're probably friends. However, even given that, I don't feel this is an issue. First of all, Bill Ayers never killed anyone. He blew up a statue quite a few times. But, he never took a life. Second, he and the Weatherman Group weren't opposed to Americans. They were opposed to what they percieved to be an American Imperialism in the Federal Government. As I pointed out in my initial response to G, there's a BIG difference between being opposed to America, and being opposed to the Federal Government. One does not equate to the other. And hating one does not equate to hating America. I, myself, think the Federal Government is a corrupt cancer that will be the eventual downfall of America as we know it. But, that's an entirely different issue here.

Basically, when it comes down to it, I don't agree with lumping the pastor in with the Bill Ayers thing. And, I also don't think the Bill Ayers is anything. it's a non-story. Now, if Ayers plants a new bomb and kills people, then we'll talk... ;\)