Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I, myself, think the Federal Government is a corrupt cancer that will be the eventual downfall of America as we know it.

I can't argue with that.

by g-man's rules if you hate the government than you hate america.
but if that's what you believe, then why do you support (or at least not openly oppose) agendas (e.g. 'universal health care') that consolidate more and more power within that very same federal government?

because the completely free market with no government oversight and no taxes and no social programs does not work with hundreds of millions of people. for every person who abuses welfare there's 100 people who need it to get a leg up and they work hard to get out of it. those people have children. those people aren't all driftless losers manipulating the system, a lot of them are people in a bad spot accepting a hand up from the government to get them out of that spot.
universal healthcare is a good thing. completely privatized medicine is about money, government run healthcare has more of an obligation to help the poor live.

the real problem is corporations. i'm not against business, or even big business, but corporations are legally people with a legal obligation to survive and that means they can do so much evil and not be stopped. government regulation is in response to these bad acts. they regulate the water and air pollution because companies were heavily polluting, to the degree that people got sick.
The government will always be big and powerful because they have the military, because they write the rules that we have to live by. so they might as well be using that might to at least attempt to help the people they govern.
taxes are part of living in such a large society. if you want to live in society then you need to be a part of that society, you need to help your neighbor in need and they need to help you in need. taxes pay for the programs that help you when in need (911, military, etc) and they also help others.

Bow ties are coool.