Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Pro
Bush is a Cocaine Addict! Bush Lied About his Military Record! Karl Rove is Guilty!

Yep. Broken.

Why do you keep coming back to this, G? I've already responded to this being exactly what you do in every thread (including and especially this one), but you ignore that response in favor of just saying "broken" over and over? If you can't take your own medicine, please just say so. Otherwise, I'm not the one who appears "broken" here.

In fact, I would say the guy who creates an avatar just to attack or slander Obama is the one who is filled with 'broken'. Are you that desperate? (It's a funny avatar, though, I'll give you that).

Pro, on another thread, you claim to want some sort of meaningful dialogue about Obama.

However, the best you're coming up with there are slogans. Meanwhile, on this thread, you keep attacking Bush, who isn't even running...

See my point above, and in previous posts. I'm just pointing out some fun facts about George Bush, and making some G-conjecture about Karl Rove. Again and again, if you don't enjoy your own tactics given back to you, then you should just admit I'm making your upset and we'll let it go. Otherwise, what's your beef?

even after you've admitted the allegations about Obama's relationships with Wright and Ayers are suspicous and/or troubling:

 Originally Posted By: Pro
I would agree about the pastor, I'm not certain it surprises me. It wasn't so much that the pastor was anti-American, but that he's anti-WHITE-American. You'll find that type of resentful racism in many black churches and/or groups. I'm not stereotyping, you understand. It's simply what it is. Should Obama have gotten out if he didn't agree with it? Absolutely. Am I convinced he carries a racial chip on his shoulder? ***** Having a relationship with Bill Ayers is very radical, I would agree. And, although neither has confirmed their "relationship" with each other, I will go ahead and give the Right the benefit of the doubt on this and say that they're probably friends.

I like how you edited out this line to try and support your point: "Am I convinced that Obama is anti-American because of the church/pastor? No. Again, I think it's a racial motive, versus a political/idealogical motive."

Pretty dishonest there, counselor. How many people need to point out your manipulative nature before you consider the error of your ways?

And, when the fact you had to retreat to Bush-bashing is pointed out, you retreat to calling other posters liars, even though the record is clear that you were, in fact, the one who started posting the irrelevant anti-Bush (aka "Bush hate") rhetoric.

You stated, verbatim, that I was posting "I hate Bush". Nowhere did I post that in this thread. Thus, you lied. Simple. Fact. The End.

Also, at no time have I posted "anti-Bush/Bush hate" in this thread. Now, I've changed the title of these posts (like you do) to state some facts about GW (he did do cocaine, right?) and to play the G-Card with fun conjecture about Rove. So, again, you're incorrect.

Meanwhile, all I've been doing is pointing out your slanted opinions that you try and post as "facts", along with your slanted-Right website that you quote to seem founded in truth. When, in fact as I pointed out, you're doing nothing but spreading your normal one-sided, hate-filled propaganda. And, when I point that out, it just makes you angry, so you come back with "broken" and all the rest of your tired cliches.

Anything else?

As for your more substantive point:

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Bill Ayers never killed anyone. He blew up a statue quite a few times. But, he never took a life.

No one called him a murderer.

You didn't have to. You implied it with the normal Republican fear-mongering of "he tried to blow up innocent Americans", etc., etc. Please don't insult my intelligence by trying to weasel out of it. It's one your old tricks that you use all the time. I think we're all used to it by now.

However, the fact he was lucky enough not to kill someone through his crimes doesn't make him less of a terrorist.

I'm sorry, was it "luck", or was it the fact that he never targeted any living beings, but an inert, lifeless statue? Sounds like you're conjecturing to me.

Furthermore, as noted above, he's one of the few prominent violent radicals from that era who hasn't renounced his past actions.

At no point have I disagreed with this. And you keep offering it as if it's supposed to prove something. I have no problem with him blowing up statues. Our Founding Fathers blew up a lot more than statues, and they're the greatest Americans to ever live. So, I find this an arbitrary point.

I would also note that "at least his bombs didn't kill anybody" is not exactly the best justification for why you think someone is moral.

That's your opinion. You have a right to it, even if I disagree.

In fact, this begs the question: if you and Ray are correct, and Ayers is such a harmless, right-minded, fellow (who was completely justified in committing multiple reckless felonies that endangered anyone who happened to come near his work), why is Obama now acting so guilty about their relationship?

Wow, a question no one can answer truthfully, since none of us are Obama, but...as with all of your slanted propaganda...fully loaded with implied guilt and condemnation. As a guess, perhaps it's because he knows the far Right is worried that he's this close to winning the Presidency and they'll do ANYthing to stop that? Maybe it's because fear-mongering and lying are the Republican tactics that have served them forever?

Those are just gueses, mind you. I'm certain you'll have some "factual" answer for us...