Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

he blew up a statue dedicated to a riot. they rebuilt the statue and he blew it up again. no attempts on innocent lives, no murder.


According to both the Wall Street Journal and New York Times, Ayers and his cohorts set off a bomb at the Pentagon and blew up a room there.

Again, that doesn't make him a murderer. However, if someone had been unlucky enough to be there when the bomb went off, Ayers would, in fact, be guilty of murder.

If, if, if, if, if....can we use alternate realities as sources of arguments now? Let me know, if so. I've got a doozy of a reality where the Republican party collapsed under its own corruption back during Nixon's era...

In fact, his then-girlfriend was actually killed in a mishap with one of the group's bombs in another incident. Ayers wasn't involved with that incident. However, it points out just how reckless and potentially deadly Ayers' activities were.

And certainly points out nothing about Ayers himself, or his relationship with Obama....which is the point of all of this, right?

As such, the terrorist label certainly remains appropriate, even if he was lucky enough not to kill anyone.

Again, you imply "luck" as if you understand the full motivation and plans of Ayers. I like how well you know this man, G. In fact...you seem to know him a little too well. You must be friends! Wait...are YOU an Innocent-American-Killing-Terrorist-Muslim-Baby-Raper?!!!

As for the "label" (which I love how the Right are always quick to slap onto people or groups they don't agree with), I usually call those who casually kill innocents "terrorists", and those that destroy public property in a political demonstration back in the 1960's as "activists"...