G-Man : I responded to your posts, and all you can do is take Halle Berry shots at me?

Doc : Dammit, I'm still at work so I don't have time to respond completely to your points. But, let's just say that while I concede that relative examples help to support your points, I still do not assume that it's a foregone certainty that it will play out exactly as you say. And I would think that for every bad example you choose to provide, there are numerous examples where UHC works in other countries. I am not saying I'm one-hundred-percent right, and you're completely wrong. But, I'm not going to go dig up twenty examples to support my position. If you want me to concede your point on this based solely on that fact, then I absolutely do. However, I still stand by my opinion on the subject and will need a lot more thorough examples of how the system doesn't work at all. As for taking it seriously or not, I hope you should know me well enough to know that I take very little on these boards seriously. Most especially NOT this forum...

BASAMS : I hope not. I'm trying to be very clear in all my posts that I am not defending Obama, but trying to point out G-Man's slanted tricks on the subject. That's all.

All in all, Obama is not the man I thought or hoped he was. At least, it's becoming very clear that there's more politician to him than I originally believed. And I don't agree with all of his policies. Even still, I'm willing to give the man the benefit of the doubt and not completely dismiss him based off (what I think are) trivial attacks from the Right. This is, of course, just my opinion...