There are my two favorite quotes from the comment section that's asking the question why troops support Obama.

Michael from Greenfield, Wi.

As a Vietnam era ex-Marine veteran with a son who is in the Army and was wounded in Iraq in 2003, I would vever give a penny to John McCain. I personally do not know any other veterans who are donating to McCain either.
Jack. Veterans hate war, wrong wars, and the people who talk so cavalier about waging it. Usually those that never served during war, or never served at all are the ones who talk so loosely about war. The veterans that I knew when I was in that liked war, were either stupid, crazy, homicidal, or all of the above. Where does that leave McCain.

David, Tampa, Fl August 15th, 2008 2:45 pm ET

Jack, the reason is the lower ranks, guys with their butts on the line doing the dirty work, want to return home quickly. They will support that canidate that will extract them from hams ways they hope. Higher ranking officers, who spend most of their time brown-nosing for their next promotion and are in the rear areas and pertty much out of harms way, support those they beleive will increase their lot in life. Respectfully a Viet Nam era Vet.

So far everytime I've posted this at a message boards the Republicans have gone into utter denial. I guess it's a blow to the partisan ego that historically combat vets have donated to other combat vets but now they're not.