Originally Posted By: the G-man
I'd already read that a lot of the Iraq vets were Obama supporters. Contrary to your prediction in another thread, I'm not terribly surprised or upset by that.

They're younger, and often minorities, both of which are part of Obama's core constituency.

Sure, I'd prefer they realize that McCain will be better for their long-term interests, but I'm not going to attack them for making a choice I disagree with. They're the ones who fight for the right to vote, after all.

That's right, write off the opinions of the people who are actually there cause they are young and minorities .

I don't suppose it's possible they support Obama cause they actually don't like this war and feel in the long-term it's better that America not be war mongers?

I don't suppose it's possible they support Obama cause of how horribly fucked up this war has been?

I don't suppose they support Obama cause they're pissed off cause they had to fight while the Iraq politicians took a two month vacation.

I don't suppose they support Obama cause there were no WMD's in Iraq.

I don't suppose they support Obama cause this whole war has destabalized the middle east in the "long-term".

I don't suppose they support Obama cause the govt. managed to get oil trucks into Iraq before they could send the troops supplies and armor.

I don't suppose they support Obama cause McCain has flip flopped going from Bush's main Republican adversary to following in his foot steps.

I don't suppose they support Obama cause they have to live with the idea of killing people for a war that at BEST is precarious.

No, of course not, it's cause they are "young and minorities"

Things are pretty fucked up in America right now and McCain like all Republicans is too busy trying to save face to make any change. At least with Obama there's a chance he'll do something. I'm not as naive as you, G-man. I realize that Obama's talk might be for show but I'd rather be dissapointed with him than vote for a guy I know won't do shit to help. And maybe the troops agree.