Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

Did you even read the information about this guy? It's kind of funny. He blew up a statue, they rebuilt it, and then he blew it up again. He didn't blow up a police station, he blew up a statue. It's less terrorism than it is "college prank gone too far."

Ray, did you read the information about Ayers? According to the New York Times:
  • He writes that he participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, the Pentagon in 1972.

I don't read links that you post. I googled him and I'm not seeing anything credible about that aside from fox news mentions.
But again, did anyone die? And does participation mean he helped make the bombs, planted the bombs, or said "yeah that would be neat" when the idea was brought up.

The point really isn't about myers at all. It's about Obama. You want to attack him for the actions his friends took when he was a kid. But I'm mentioning Bush's friends and the bad things they've done. If you attack Obama for who he is friends with, then you have to also condemn Bush for who his friends are. And actually I'm taking it a step farther by pointing out that these people with bad deeds were given power and positions by Bush. If Obama appoints Ayers to some powerful post, then I'll be angry.

Bow ties are coool.