Originally Posted By: the G-man

I posted a link to the New York Times, not Fox.

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
...I don't trust anything you link. Maybe if you didn't post blogs as facts so often.

I very rarely post from blogs and, when I do, I typically point that out. In either event, I noted in the body of my post (in boldface, even) that it was an article from the NY Times.

You then wrote that the only source you could find was Fox.

My point stands.

Got anything better than an inaccurate attack on my source?

I never said what he did was legal, just that he didn't kill anyone.

You tried to excuse his actions, which were clearly dangerous to others, by saying that no one died. By your own logic, then, attempted murder is excusable because no one actually dies.


And the charges were dropped, so he was never convicted.

According to the Chicaco Sun-Times the charges were dropped because of legal technicality, after Ayers spent years as a fugitive, not because he didn't commit the crimes.