Originally Posted By: the G-man
Hillary's Missed Moment:
  • Hillary had a stronger case for being put on the ticket than any loser since Ronald Reagan in 1976. Her supporters in Denver this week are making no effort to bury their bitterness that she isn't making the fall run. Yet Mr. Obama knew that making her his running mate would have undermined his ability to govern if he wins. Americans don't want a three-person Presidency.

    Even now, one gets a sense from the Clintons and some of their supporters that the nomination itself was stolen from them because Barack Obama played the race card and the media were biased in his favor. There's great irony in that since the Clintons were masters of the former and in 1992 were elevated by the same media.

    No doubt they will put on a good show of support for Mr. Obama this week, and campaign for him through the fall. They will not want to be blamed if he loses. Even so, there is a palpable sense that they won't be surprised, or upset, if he does lose. Hillary and Bill can then set their sights on 2012.

I would argue the bit about Americans seeing an Obama/Hillary ticket as a three way presidency or that they didn't want Hillary on the ticket. Polling showed alot of Dems wanting that "Dream Ticket". For whatever reason Obama decided not to consider Hillary beyond some empty lipservice about her being on anyone's short list. I would imagine that she will do & say all the right things & not pull a Ted Kennedy when he lost the nomination by a much larger margin. If Obama loses this one I don't doubt she won't feel bad about it. (who would blame her?) Perhaps 2012 will be her real moment?

Fair play!