Here's the thing, Ray: since I'm not a liberal, I don't find myself consumed with class envy and hatred against someone who has more money than I do.

McCain is a successful man who married a very wealthy woman. Good for him.

As for not knowing how many properties his family owns, I think the fact he spends more time thinking about how to better his country than cataloging his wife's possessions is an admirable thing.

In regard to the the idea he's "hiding" behind his POW status, this is just another canard that the left likes to use because they realize they can't attack the man as a "chickenhawk" or for being as inexperienced as their candidate.

McCain's military record is part of his experience and part of who he is. Of course he is going to talk about it, just as he talks about dozens of other aspects of his long career of public service. Furthermore, unlike Kerry, he didn't spend the first twenty or thirty years of his career trying to disavow his service or his fellow veterans before running for president.

Do think McCain is perfect? Obviously not. I've criticized him on many issues over the years where I disagree with his positions.

But I'm not going to attack him for his success either.