Originally Posted By: the G-man
Here's the thing, Ray: since I'm not a liberal, I don't find myself consumed with class envy and hatred against someone who has more money than I do.

your side is the one that uses class warfare. all politicians who get to the point to run for president are essentially wealthy. however republicans pretend like their average joes and they paint the democrats as elitist for not covering up their education and lifestyle. the housing issue came up because people, regular people, are losing their homes and mccain is saying the economy is stable. it's stable for him and he's out of touch. like when george bush sr. didn't know about supermarket scanners.

McCain is a successful man who married a very wealthy woman. Good for him.

and he doesn't know how many homes he has? either that's old age and poor memory or a sign of someone who is, what's the word, "elite."

As for not knowing how many properties his family owns, I think the fact he spends more time thinking about how to better his country than cataloging his wife's possessions is an admirable thing.

it shouldn't be that hard to keep track of how many HOUSES you own. HOUSES are big fucking things. we're not talking about him not knowing how much his family spent on groceries last year.

In regard to the the idea he's "hiding" behind his POW status, this is just another canard that the left likes to use because they realize they can't attack the man as a "chickenhawk" or for being as inexperienced as their candidate.

he brings it up at every chance to deflect issues. Jay Leno jokingly brought up the house issue. as an obvious joke and comical way and Mccain responded that he spent 5 years in a POW "house" with no kitchen or bathroom. Nothing to do with the question, just him using his past as leverage. Like rudy using 9/11 so he didn't actually have to know facts about terrorism and the middle east.

the shame is that mccain used to have more class than this. in 2000 he didn't use his POW status for politics. i guess after being raped by Karl Rove for having a black baby mccain just wants to be president and will sell out any principle to get there.

McCain's military record is part of his experience and part of who he is. Of course he is going to talk about it, just as he talks about dozens of other aspects of his long career of public service.

while it's certainly an experience beyond anything i have ever endured and is a sign of strength that he survived, how does being a POW count as experience? technically being captured means he fucked up as a soldier. and being tortured doesn't give you knowledge of international affairs. i'm not trying to belittle his experience, i do think his surviving that and then devoting himself to politics is a mark of honor, but it has to be put in the proper context. survivng a gunshot wound does not qualify you to be an ER doctor. he should stick to his political career if he wants to sell his experience, otherwise he sounds like he's going for pity.

Furthermore, unlike Kerry, he didn't spend the first twenty or thirty years of his career trying to disavow his service or his fellow veterans before running for president.

John Kerry came back from the war, heavily decorated and highly honored, and worked to end the war. he worked to end the war because vietnam was a mistake, it was not a place we should've been. many veterans felt screwed over, it was a bad place that scarred their lives and kerry worked to end it, for the sake of his fellow soldiers. i'm not sure what, if any, effect he had. but he fought the good fight.
then 30 years later a bunch of republicans fabricated lies about his service and denegrated his service in order to elect a man who at best got a cushy job in the national guard using his daddy's connections and at worst didn't even bother to show up.
Do think McCain is perfect? Obviously not. I've criticized him on many issues over the years where I disagree with his positions.

like wondy who says he criticizes both sides, you say "i disagree" to the republicans and "this man is a traitor" to the democrats.

But I'm not going to attack him for his success either.

i think his success became an issue when he tries to act like a regular joe sixpack while painting Obama as an elitist.
fact is, as i said above, anyone running for president is elite. you don't get there making $30,000 a year. I'm just sick of your side pretending that your candidates are down to earth regular folks. i don't like the mentality that a president should be elected based on whether or not you'd want to have a beer with them. the president should be smart, the president should be cultured. because the president's job requires quick thinking, knowledge of the facts, and being our ambassador to the world. when you put up a millionaire who acts like one of the guys you get people like bush. people who can barely get their sentences out, people who get bored with long reports and want the "jist" of it instead, people who grope foreign leaders and generally make America look really foolish.
But the point is not Bush. the point is that Mccain opened the door to his houses being an issue by pretending to be regular, talking to people who are losing their one and only home and pretending to understand when he doesn't even know how many homes he has.

Bow ties are coool.