Posting a YouTube clip is often less effective.

If someone posts a written editorial, it can be quickly skimmed to determine whether it's worthwhile read the whole thing. It can also be read without the sound on and doesn't take time to load (not everyone has cable or DSL, for example).

And, to be honest, just as you probably wouldn't bother to click on a video from Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter, I'm not going to bother to sit there and listen to Olbermann bloviate.

When I do post a clip, I try to explain why I posted it and what it's about, so the reader can determine if he or she wants to click on it.

You insurgents and insurgent wannabes typically just throw up a lengthy clip of Olbermann and expect us to sit there and try and figure out why we should pay attention to his latest bit of lib-porn.

As for your other points, I've never seriously called Obama a "traitor." I've criticized him for his close associations people who could legitimately be called traitors, such as Ayers, and his extremely dangerous and naive foreign policy views. And, if people consider Obama "elitist," it's because of his own comments about people being "bitter" and "clinging to guns and religion." McCain and Obama may both be very successful men, but only the latter gets caught insulting people not as lucky as they are. That's why he gets tagged as an elitist.

Finally, you need to let go of the Bush obsession. McCain isn't Bush and the left's attempts to claim otherwise look desperate and foolish.