Originally Posted By: King Snarf
Also, Donald Rumsfeld shook hands with Saddam Hussein. By G-Man's logic, that means Rumsfeld is bosom chums with Saddam and is partly responsible for the WMDs that Hussein was stockpiling.

Snarf's argument, such as it is, is based upon a faulty premise.

As I and others have noted before:

  • 1. Shaking hands with someone while on a diplomatic mission is clearly not the same thing as a longstanding personal friendship (in fact, under Snarf's logic, Roosevelt and Churchill were best pals with Joe Stalin and Bill Clinton was bosom buddies with Yassir Arafat and Kim Jong Il);
    2. Rumsfeld mission to Saddam was an attempt to advance US interests at a time when it appeared that he could be an ally against Iran, whereas Ayers' acts were most decidedly carried out against American targets.