Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Ray, which point should I stand my ground on?

Mccain. you post anti-obama, anti-me, but not too much about why mccain should be president.

To be fair, neither one of you seems to be too interested in telling someone like myself - someone who isn't enamored with either candidate - why I should vote for your candidate. So why don't you both do that. I'm a social liberal, economic conservative, mostly moderate person. I admit to being politically apathetic but I do make it a point to vote. Why should I vote for your guy?

As I said Bush is a main issue. Mccain will continue Bush's wars and as has been pointed out his plan for the war will require a draft, the manpower isn't there without one. Mccain is also the oldest man to ever run, if you look at him the age is clearly showing. And as I said about his use of his POW time in this election as political leverage shows that he is now willing to do anything to get elected. I'm also troubled by the canned nature of his speeches. There also seems to be a lot of pent up anger in the man. He called Vietnam an enemy in a recent speech, sure he was talking about the war but he sounded like he still had unresolved anger towards the country which isn't good for a president. Also he used "gook" in 2000, which is also troubling. He's joked about starting a war with Iran, which is also troubling.
But that's why I don't think he's right for the job. Mccain is just more of the same with some slight adjustments. Mccain has war on the brain in my opinion. He's just a cynical old man.

I like Obama personally. He seems like a decent person, like he actually believes in what he is saying. And he's talking about hope and a better tomorrow, he's talking about bringing the troops out of Iraq. He uses common sense and doesn't talk down to people. He was ridiculed for saying we could save millions of barrels of oil if people checked their tire pressure and got regular tune-ups. The ridicule stopped when it turned out many experts and even the department of transportation had also given the same advice. I like the fact that he didn't just say "i'm gonna drill here or bomb there for oil" but he gave practical advice that can easily be done. That to me is a president. A leader who leads, not some gung ho soldier looking for combat. I feel that even if Obama fails miserably he deserves the chance because he's trying to make things better because he believes they can be better. I feel he would repair our image in the world. Diplomacy is not a sign of weakness, it's the ultimate support for the troops because it shows willingness to not be macho and just send men to their deaths. And America has a great bargaining position in the world, we don't need to use the military like Bush did with Iraq and Mccain would most likely do with Iran. And when you consider Biden's experience in the senate, and his detailed knowledge of the middle east and it's people and his comprehensive plans and ideas for Iraq, it'd be such a breath of fresh air after so much "they hate us for our freedom" mentality.
Obama would present an intellectual America to the world, something which we need after 8 years of Bush.
And yes, he's black. Which would help to mend a lot of the racial divide in the country and would show the world that we're not just a nation run by rich white guys. It just seems to me that in all ways we can choose to try and improve the world and make America a respected power again or we can choose to fight the world and create more enemies.

Bow ties are coool.