Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
never mind all that. black dukakis will save us all!

what does that prove? seriously. do you think you actually proved me wrong or won some argument? you posted a graemlin.
another whiney chickenshit contributing nothing.

says the guy whose posts are at least one third eye-rolling graemlins. what is it that you 'contribute' here? audiovisual feces nobody wants to watch? your opinions? moonbat columnists' opinions? these boards are a blank slate on which everyone is free to express themselves. your olbermann youtubes are just one can of the spraypaint you use to graffiti them up. are you hoping to vent your bitterness toward conservatives - especially evangelical ones? or are you just that much of an attention whore? because either way, you're just the whiny, angry teenage kid with the can of spraypaint in his hand.

oh, phil. i can't stay mad at you.

and is a valid response. it was established when Al Gore invented the interweb.

but seriously, you may not like my opinions and views but they are what they are. if i remember right, you're christian. i find religious belief to be kind of silly. i imagine your response to that statement is the same as mine to you calling me a moonbat.
the reason i post with so many conservatives is because i believe it's good to have your views challenge[d], it's good to have these kinds of debates. no one may change their mind but when we really get into it and defend our views and express them to people who are on the far opposite end of the spectrum, it helps clarify our own beliefs by forcing us to define them and write them out.

call me cynical, ray, but it's hard for me to believe you're here solely (or even primarily) to challenge posters' views when you spend as much time and effort as you do challenging posters themselves. seriously - the moment someone doesn't adequately appreciate your perspective, it's almost always either a direct personal attack, an absurd straw-man rebuttal, or your favorite cop-out, this guy. if the goal is reasoned discourse of balanced opinions (although next to nothing in this forum seems to suggest that lately), your approach is painfully counterproductive at best.


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