Originally Posted By: the G-man
Ray, seriously, you keep bringing up this idea that McCain=Bush, or some variation thereof. I've already told you-and others have already told you-why we disagree with that.

but that wasn't what i was talking about. i was comparing the rather breezy Dem convention to the difficulty Mccain will have next week. bush has low approval ratings, horrifically low. the bulk of voters don't want more of the same. but those supporters are the republican base that Mccain will need to keep happy. So I was commenting on Mccain's problems. He will need to both distinguish himself from Bush while not really putting down bush's term. that's a very fine line. and while Obama was able to talk about the problems and offer solutions, Mccain will essentially have to sell people on things not being that bad.
It's very tricky. that's not an opinionated argument about him or his policies (though i do think someone who votes with bush 90% of the time is not someone i want), it's my analysis of the situation.

As I recall, in fact, we had that discussion yesterday...again.

how many times have you brought up "god damn america" or called him a secret muslim?
are we only allowed to beat the dead horse with the obama attacks?

How many times do you really want me to respond to that argument?

i made an argument about his record and similarities to bush yesterday, today i'm saying that perception and bush's unpopularity will require finesse from Mccain. He has to make everyone happy, Obama just has to make people unhappy with bush happy.
and how many times have we talked about ayers, wright, muslimism? seriously. if i have to respond to your repeated arguments, you have no right to complain.

The question of whether or not Obama or McCain would take some sort of "high road" was your new point and the one I responded to.

i think i need to find a new arch-rival, this just isn't working out. there's no algonquin roundtable here, just an old man who comes to vent his closeted rage at a bunch of comic book readers. i think my new arch-rival will be bsams. at least his insults are clever and he will be challenging to debate. you're just grumpy and kind of dishonest about it all. it's a message board, there's nothing at stake here. yet you seem to play dirty and cheat and avoid the conversation as if it was life or death.
people call me a liberal and attack me frequently here, but i try to be honest and respond with frankness because it's the internet and i have nothing to lose by just being straightforward.

Bow ties are coool.