Originally Posted By: the G-man
The only way that an argument about experience works for you (the left) in this election is if you assume that a VP is running the show.

Or if you believe that a lack of Washington experience can be a helpful too.

Let me be clear: I'm not saying that Biden's experience adds to the ticket. I'm not saying that Palin's lack of experience takes anything away. I've never spoken about polls or voting. Seems some people think I have.

What I'm saying that a VP choice is important functionally. Even if a VP doesn't become President, even if he or she doesn't become a name in history, the choice of VP still holds the potential for great impact. Even if people vote based on the name at the top of the ticket, the VP is one heartbeat away from the presidency, as has been said.

Again, that's what I've been talking about.

However, if you want to talk about the effects on the polls, fine. Do I think it'll make an impression? Yes. First, she's a woman, and we can only wait and see how Hillary supporters will react. On the other hand, she lacks experience and is untested, two things McCain has hit Obama on, again and again. Okay, so if people vote based on the top of the ticket, how are they going to react to McCain choosing a #2 who holds the same "negative" qualities? How will he answer to that? Will he say that Palin has more executive experience than Obama, so it's okay? Only the hardcore right will eat that filet.

Will this lead to a bump in the polls for McCain or the opposite? I don't know and I'm not speculating. I'll wait till after the RNC to see.