Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

it's totally different. Cheney is like an evil mastermind behind the scenes in a man-sized safe in his home (which was removed from googlmaps). The company he ran got several no bid contracts in Iraq. That will translate to a lot of money once he leaves office and cracks into the blind trust that he put his Haliburton stock into. Cheney is creepy, his experience always seemed to involve creepy things, the things he said were creepy. And he shot a man in the face and then kept it quiet for a few days.
I think bush and cheney are the most disgusting and yes evil men to occupy that office. I may talk about Mccain agreeing with bush and voting with him way too often, but i don't think anyone will ever be as bad as bush/cheney. you can't draw comparisons between biden and cheney.

Putting aside our disagreements on whether or not Cheney and Bush are evil incarnate, you need to remember that, back in 2000, Cheney was generally thought of in terms similar to those in which you think of Biden: an well-respected foreign policy expert and old Washington hand, who was supposed to balance the alleged inexperience of the younger guy on the top of the ticket:

and lex luthor was a respected businessman until he got to the oval office and his evilness was made public.

Bow ties are coool.