Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
and Mary Jo Kopechne wasn't an intern...

Well, then, she deserved to die.

try finishing the sentences, g-man. i was pointing out that she was way above an intern. just correcting your error.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Ray should be along any second now to tell us that the Tate-Libianca incident was just a college prank.

you're seriously comparing a car accident to a multiple murder?
that's just sick. i put forth a valid argument that someone who's car went off the road and into the water, who escaped the car and believed the passenger was killed, then went through pitch black terrain and swam across a channel (and nearly drowned) might have had post traumatic shock.
the mistake was in not calling for help, something he himself later admitted. but it does sound like trauma. he had a near death experience and got confused. it happens, people who suffer trauma sometimes blank it out and go about a normal routine until their brain processes it and they react.
If you actually look at the story, it does seem like that. He got back to his hotel after nearly dying twice and went to his room. The key in my mind to calling it trauma is that he came downstairs a few times and seemed almost blank like he was trying to figure out the situation.
Was he drinking? I don't know. I've heard that he has denied being drunk, but that seems suspect. However people do have car accidents, and he's hardly the first guy to drive home after a party not realizing how drunk he is.
A DUI is serious, enough that I think that kind of judgment should rightfully disqualify him for president (of course you voted for bush so you disagree), but at worst he was negligent, and at best he was suffering the trauma of nearly drowning twice.
To compare that to multiple murder, including that of a pregnant woman is sick. I'm getting so sick of this place, it's one thing to joke, but there's a nasty undercurrent to the partisanness. Even PJP who normally is a good guy becomes an ass here. And I've really tried to have serious conversations lately but I'm seeing that's impossible. If I dare to open my mouth (or fingers) and type out any defense of a democrat you attack. you attack whomod for the crime of being liberal, you mock the insurgents for the crime of being liberal. And then you smear any liberal's name all over the board, trying to turn us into punchlines instead of actually making a good counter-argument.
I may mock people here, but generally with reason. I mock g-man because he's an asshole, I mock wondy because he's a racist, I mock pariah because he's a little uptight, and I mock rex because he's rex and mocking him is part of the user agreement. But I don't go viciously after PJP and bsams, who have attacked my side non-stop.
It's a real shame that you guys are so intent on turning this place into a rightwing circle jerk. You make it very unpleasant to post here, and your constant hit jobs on liberals only put us on the defensive if we post here at all.

Bow ties are coool.