Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
...in all honesty, this goes too far...You don't like Obama so you call him a muslim terrorist, you imply that because he is friends with some college proffessor (which is the person he met and got to know, not the young ayers who was in the underground) then he is a terrorist, you say because a man he's known 20 years gave a speech about race on a day Obama wasn't there that Obama hates America.
You attack whomod and me and any liberal for posting views you don't like. you try and turn them into jokes for the crime of being liberal. You don't do point by point debate to make your point, you attack the poster for daring to see things the way they do. And then when people call you on it, you just cherry pick the quoting so that you can make them seem irrational.

 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
Judging by the way many Dems reacted here on the boards and on the talk shows today I believe McCain hit a Home Run with Palin. They are shitting themselves trying to figure out how to deal with this....