Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
but they already have legislated it.

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard

Not really. As I understand it, the decision on Roe V. Wade says that the government can't outlaw the option of abortion. It doesn't force a woman to have one or not to have one. It just gives her a credible choice in the matter.

Not exactly. But close enough for this thread.

Either way, I think it's going to be hard for people to attack her for being pro-life. Normally, the dig on someone for being anti-abortion runs along the lines of their being a hypocrite or someone who 'doesn't understand' the tough decision involved.

Palin, however, is committed enough to her belief on this issue that she refused to abort a disabled child. That's going to make attacks on her much more difficult. She is obviously personally aware of the issues involved.