Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
Roe V. Wade will never be repealed no matter what any politician says on either side of the aisle.

If McCain wins and Ginsberg and Stevens can't hold out til a Democrat finally gets in office, I'll bet you 100 hard earned American dollars that Roe won't make it to the end of his first (only?) term.

I tend to agree with PJP. Supreme Court Justices tend to be very wary of overturning precedent, even if they disagree with it.

Furthermore, as noted on another thread, even if Roe v Wade were overturned, that wouldn't mean that abortion was suddenly illegal, just that it could be legislated in the future.

The battle would shift to where it belongs: the legislature and, I would wager, you would never see it banned completely because most people are moderate on the issue. They oppose some forms of abortion and support others.