Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
Impressing you is not particularly high on my list of things to do. But the fact is simple: I don't use those terms because I am neither for nor against abortion. I stand for the right of a woman to make an educated choice about whether to continue or end a pregnancy without the government forcing a decision one way or another.

I think it would be great if every woman who got pregnant would have no need to choose to end it. It would be awesome if pregnacies only happened when they were convenient and when the parents are together in a loving relationship and emotionally and financially stable enough to provide for the child in the best way possible. But that utopian society hasn't happened yet. The world that I live in needs Roe v. Wade.

If you tolerate abortion, then you're pro-abortion. There's no halfway. If I'm disgusted by the act of theft or murder and it's happening in my proximity, I'm not going to tolerate it. To do anything less would be an example of personal apathy or endorsement.

You, in particular, feel that people should be empowered by the state to decide whether or not a child lives or dies. That is a form of endorsement reluctant or otherwise.

I'm sure we're all "pro-life." But that doesn't mean "choice" doesn't impede on life.