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Re: Trump Beating Biden Matter-eater Man 2024-06-12 12:16 AM
None of them were commander in chief WB. Looking at the records almost everyone was scrambling to get the National Guard in when things started to get out of control except for Trump. He had to be begged to eventually ask his people to leave.
“ WASHINGTON (AP) — Despite desperate pleas from aides, allies, a Republican congressional leader and even his family, Donald Trump refused to call off the Jan. 6 mob attack on the Capitol, instead “pouring gasoline on the fire” by aggressively tweeting his false claims of a stolen election and celebrating his crowd of supporters as “very special,” the House investigating committee showed Thursday night.

The next day, he declared anew, “I don’t want to say the election is over.” That was in a previously unaired outtake of an address to the nation he was to give, shown at the prime-time hearing of the committee.

The panel documented how for some 187 minutes, from the time Trump left a rally stage sending his supporters to the Capitol to the time he ultimately appeared in the Rose Garden video that day, nothing could compel the defeated president to act. Instead, he watched the violence unfold on TV.
Jan. 6: Trump spurned aides’ pleas to call off Capitol mob
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Re: Trump indicted again (attempt to steal election edition) Matter-eater Man 2024-06-11 11:40 PM
“ In Kenosha, Wisconsin, relative calm returned after multiple nights of looting and two violent deaths in response to an officer who on Sunday fired seven shots at the back of 29-year-old Jacob Blake, paralyzing him.
Harris, a U.S. senator who previously served as California's attorney general, said she supported peaceful protesters.
"We should not confuse them with those looting and committing acts of violence, including the shooter who was arrested for murder. And make no mistake, we will not let these vigilantes and extremists derail the path to justice," Harris said in a speech from a university auditorium in Washington streamed online.”

So unlike Trump she supports peaceful protests. She’s not lumping in the violent with the peaceful. With Trump it just depends if they are useful to him. Useful violent ones are now warriors and if law enforcement gets in the way and dare to speak about it that makes them targets.
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Re: Canada to Allow Same-Sex Marriage Matter-eater Man 2024-06-11 11:27 PM
Here’s one of your warriors WB…
“ WASHINGTON (AP) — A Colorado man who helped other rioters drag a police officer into a mob storming the U.S. Capitol was sentenced on Thursday to more than five years in prison for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack.

Jeffrey Sabol ripped a baton from an officer’s hands before pulling another officer into the crowd outside the Capitol, allowing other rioters to assault the officer with weapons.

Sabol, 54, told U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras that he knows he is “100%” guilty and would have apologized directly to the officers whom he attacked if they had attended the hearing.

“I accept whatever it is you hand me,” Sabol said. “I’ll be honest: I deserve it.”

The judge sentenced Sabol to five years and three months behind bars. He’ll get credit for the three years and two months that he has already spent in jail since his arrest.”
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Re: Canada to Allow Same-Sex Marriage Matter-eater Man 2024-06-11 11:24 PM
Sad and pathetic WB. Not sure what you’re talking about in much of your rant but can see right off that your lying about Jan 6. 1,300? Where do you get that number? There were almost that number arrested but they are not being held indefinitely. Some are even running for office for your party. The ones that Trump and his followers like yourself call political prisoners include individuals that were caught on video beating on law enforcement. You’re literally upset that people are being punished for that. He calls them warriors now. But it’s not shocking anymore. You revealed how easily you can rationalize not counting votes to install a loser with fake electors.
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Re: Trump indicted again (attempt to steal election edition) Wonder Boy 2024-06-11 8:31 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Harris supported the peaceful protesters and spoke out against the rioters and looters during the George Floyd protests. The Floyd protests were much larger and lasted longer than Trump’s Jan 6 attempt to steal the election. Most people involved in both were not violent. Trump and supporters like yourself meanwhile paint actual violent rioters as victims and the law enforcement that they were beating on as villains. He’s now taking to calling the Jan 6 rioters as “warriors “

No, these were BLM and Antifa rioters in Minneapolis, formerly convicted violent criminals from previous riots,
TRULY violent people, who attack police and really hurt people, throw Molotov cocktails in police cars, start arson fires in Federal buildings, and try to trap federal officers insidet o burn them alive.
Ask reporter Andy Ngo about these "poor people siting in jail". They almost killed him, at multiple protest/riots in multiple cities. Ngo had brain damage that severely limited his ability to speak for several months, and it finally, fortunately healed. Antifa look for him, and other conservative reporters, to specifically target and VIOLENTLY attack, just to prevent them from reporting the inconvenien facts, to intimidate them from coming back, or potentially kill or permanently maim them. Ngo released a book about Antifa, and he had to leave the country for a few months after its release, so great were the attempts to find and kill him.

THESE are the "poor people" you and Kamala Harris defend, and in her case, directly fund.
There is only ONE reason you would fund bail for these violent activists and put them immediately back on he street to riot and intimidate people : Because you WANT them to act as your Leftist Nazi storm troopers, to intimidate and hurt your political opposition, even reporters, to hide the facts and prevent them from accurately reporting the true INSURRECTIONIST terror that they are unleashing on their opposition in ciies nationwide, FOR YEARS. So leftist media like CNN can front the lie of "Fiery, but mostly peaceful protests."

And Kamala Harris knows these protesters are violent. And she cheers them on, and supported a fund to let them out to immediately riot, loot, burn and terrorize again. It's no like the people who, once hey make bail, will go home and wach re-runs of Laverne and Shirley. hey will go right back out on the street to do itt again. And Kamala Harris knows his :

KAMALA HARRIS, in 2020 television interview:
"They're going to continue and keep up the pressure right on up to election day, they will not stop. And they SHOULDN'T stop."

Does that sound like a woman who doesn't know she's funding bad actors, who are engaging in violence and intimidation?


  • A Minnesota nonprofit has bailed out defendants from Twin Cities jails charged with murder, violent felonies, and sex crimes, as it seeks to address a system that disproportionately incarcerates Black people and people of color.

    And it has plenty of money to do it.

    The Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) received $35 million in donations in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd, with many of those donations intended to help protesters who were jailed during the demonstrations and riots in May.

    [ UPDATE: Lawmaker wants transparency in bail system after FOX 9 investigation ]

    The group’s mission was celebrated on social media with praise from Hollywood celebrities, like Steve Carell, Cynthia Nixon, and Seth Rogen.

    It was an unexpected windfall. Prior tax returns in 2017 and 2018 show MFF would pull in about $100,000 in donations.

    "We initially got some raised eyebrows especially when we ramped up our activity from $1000 a day to now $100,000 a day, raised eyebrows from our bankers," said Greg Lewin, the interim executive director of the fund.


    Among those bailed out by the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) is a suspect who shot at police, a woman accused of killing a friend, and a twice convicted sex offender, according to court records reviewed by the FOX 9 Investigators.

    According to attempted murder charges, Jaleel Stallings shot at members of a SWAT Team during the riots in May. Police recovered a modified pistol that looks like an AK-47. MFF paid $75,000 in cash to get Stallings out of jail.

    EDITOR's NOTE: A jury acquitted Stallings in this case. Stallings said he acted in self-defense, returning fire after the police fire what turned out to be less-lethal munitions -- and before he realized the people shooting at him were police officers. Video shows police firing 40mm rubber marking pellets, followed quickly by Stallings firing from his handgun. Just prior to this, Stallings' attorney says more body camera footage shows a Minneapolis sergeant suggesting being more "proactive and finding civilians instead of chasing our tail" in the hours after the 8 p.m. curfew. Stallings' attorney maintains after being hit in the chest and the door of his pick-up with green police markings, as a trained shooter with the military, he responded with three shots from his handgun. Stallings insists he did not want to hit or injure the occupants and shot low. Then upon realizing the occupants in the unmarked car were police officers, Stallings dropped his handgun and laid it on the ground.

    Darnika Floyd is charged with second degree murder, for stabbing a friend to death. MFF paid $100,000 cash for her release.

    Christopher Boswell, a twice convicted rapist, is currently charged with kidnapping, assault, and sexual assault in two separate cases. MFF paid $350,00 in cash for his release.

    "The last time we were down there, the clerk said, ‘we hate it when you bail out these sex offenders, that is what they said'," Lewin said.

    Lewin said for MFF it is not about the crime, it’s about the system.

    In Minnesota, 60 percent of the jail population is waiting for trial, according to an analysis by the Vera Institute of Justice, based on data from 2015.

    That analysis found Black people are incarcerated in Minnesota jails at 4.7 times the rate of Whites; and, for Native Americans the rate is 11 times the rate for whites. It is considered one of the largest racial disparities in the U.S.


    "I often don’t even look at a charge when I bail someone out," Lewin said.

    "I will see it after I pay the bill because it is not the point. The point is the system we are fighting," Lewin said.

    Much of the money donated to the MFF was given to help protesters get out of jail after Floyd’s death, and for "nuisance bail" for gross misdemeanor offenses. But, many of the protesters arrested were quickly released or only received citations.

    When asked how many protesters were bailed out, Lewin responded, "probably a dozen in terms a direct bail actions."

    Before Floyd’s death, MFF bailed out 563 people with an average bail of $342, according to numbers provided by the group.

    Since Floyd, the fund has bailed out 184 people, but the average bail is much higher, $13,195. MFF is also assisting 400 people with what they call pre-trial justice, like court fines, legal fees and lost wages. About 83% of those bailed out, the group said, have been Black, indigenous, or people of color.

    "A lot of people are saying 'F the police,'" Lewin said. "Those same people, quite frankly, should be thinking 'F the courts,' 'F the jail' because that is part of the same cycle."

    The groups activities have caught the attention of bail bonding companies in the Twin Cities.

    "There has to be some scrutiny on this," said Jeff Clayton, executive director of the American Bail Coalition.

    Clayton said local bail bond companies have noticed a pattern in who MFF is bailing out, given the lower jail population because of COVID-19.

    "It has to be violent criminals, because that is all that is left, there’s nobody left, there are no protesters left to spend this kind of money on," Clayton said.

    The bail coalition recently wrote a letter to the Hennepin County Sheriff threatening to sue, if it didn’t release the names of inmates bailed out by MFF.

    "A judge or a prosecutor should know if it is Vladimir Putin’s henchmen posting the bond for this guy or a co-conspirator or if it is part of organized crime to bail this person out," Clayton said.

    When a third party, like MFF pays all cash to get someone out of jail, that is not considered a public record. The Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office said it could not provide the names of inmates bailed out by the Minnesota Freedom Fund.

    The FOX 9 Investigators discovered the names of inmates bailed out by MFF, by finding a document in the court records where defendants agreed to return the bail money to MFF.


    Under Minnesota’s constitution there should be ‘no excessive bail,’ but that doesn’t mean it's ‘affordable.’

    Bail is not punishment, it’s meant to guarantee the defendant comes back to court, and ensure the safety of the victim and community.

    A judge has three choices when it comes to deciding bail: release a defendant without bail, on the own recognizance; set bail with conditions, like drug testing; or unconditional bail.

    This is where the bail bond companies come in.

    If bail is $10,000, for example, the defendant or someone else, must pay 10% of that sum up front, $1,000, non-refundable. There must be a co-signer, who assumes responsibility for the rest of that $10,000 if the defendant doesn’t show up for court, and a warrant is issued for their arrest.

    A bail bondsman usually wants a co-signer with a bank account, credit history, or home to put up for collateral, all things that can work against the poor and communities of color.

    "I have seen bail bondsmen attempt to position themselves as the answer here, but it is like a payday lender calling themselves a community resource. It is a predatory industry," Lewin said.

    But the ones making big money, aren't necessarily the bail bond shop on the corner; it’s the insurance underwriters, who get a 10% cut for underwriting the loan and usually pay out less than one percent of their revenue.

    By comparison, home and auto insurance payouts are usually between 40 to 60 percent of revenue.

    "There is no oversight because there is no regulation, specifically acting as a bail bondsman, not for profit, there is no regulation whatsoever, in Minnesota and everywhere else," said Clayton, who said his organization is funded by insurance underwriters.

    MFF points out that not everyone they bail out is charged with a crime.

    Domestic assault charges against one man, who Fox 9 is not identifying, were dismissed. But then, not everyone comes back for trial.

    Donavan Boone was charged with breaking into the home of an ex-girlfriend and choking her. According to the criminal charges, the victim told police she thought she was going to die.

    MFF bailed Boone out for $3,000 cash. He failed to show up for court and a warrant has been issued for his arrest. MFF has forfeited the bail money.


    In Boston, police and prosecutors recently criticized a similar group, the Massachusetts Bail Fund, for bailing out a Level 3 sex offender who re-offended upon his release from jail.

    Lewin admits some community groups in Minneapolis have expressed similar concerns about those who are being released and the transparency of the organization.

    "And that is a relatively new, as of last week, that conversation that is getting started, we’ll see where it goes. I am curious to see where lines get drawn by folks," Lewin said.

    MFF has set up an advisory council to get more feedback from community groups.

    The MFF recently revealed its board membership after several members were ‘doxed’ on social media.


And another article Minnesota Freedom Fund and the Minneapolis riots, with mug shots of the Floyd riots defendants.
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Re: Canada to Allow Same-Sex Marriage Wonder Boy 2024-06-11 6:25 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Interesting enough Biden on this last D day anniversary was attacked by republicans for being anti Nazi! They and you both know democracy is your enemy.
Conservatives Angry at Biden’s Anti-Nazi D-Day Speech

And I think it’s nice when a President is for inclusion but as the story you linked to shows flying the Pride flag wasn’t an overriding priority to passing needed legislation for President Biden. However for republicans banning flying the flag was such a priority that they put it in a bill that they supposedly supported.

That's hilarious, that enormous bovine movement you try to pass off as fact.

I'd love to dive into the actual wording and context of that alleged "attack on Biden for being anti-Nazi". The criticism of Biden is that in a really sleazy way, Biden in his D-Day speech tried to conflate 1944 German Nazis with 2024 Trump supporters, in a really vile and cowardly non-sequitur. And you're equally the liar as Biden, for trying to front that talking point as if it were legitimate, and not completely out of context incendiary Democrat-Bolshevik garbage, as it is.

I've detailed before how Adolf Hiitler in 1923-1933 patterned the Nazi flag and Nazi brochures after German Communist party brochures and colors, and patterned after the Soviet flag and colors, so as to draw recruits away from his Communist rivals, and into the Nazi party..
And what are the Nazis anyway? National SOCIALIST German Workers Party.
A more nationalism-focused brand of communism, as compared to the more globalist communist workers' revolution in Soviet-Russian ideology.
So Nazism is an offshoot of Marxism/Communism.

And who do the Democrat-Leftist party leadership admire and emulate? COMMUNISTS. The source of the Nazis' tactics of violence, intimidation, and cancel-culture. Democrats like Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Obamas WORSHIP the intimidation tactics of Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Mao Tse Tung, Castro, Hugo Chaves, Che Gueverra, Hugo Chaves, Saul Alinsky.
WORSHIP them. And I've multiple times quoted at least half a dozen of them who have exultantly invoked Mao and these other leaders, WHILE SERVING IN THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.
Hillary was completely enthralled by Saul Alinsky, and enthusiastically interacted regularly with Saul Alinsky from her college years till his death. She wildly cheered on the release of Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals book. Bill and Hillary travelled to Russia and spent over a year there, openly siding against the U.S. in the Vietnam war, and other Leftist radicalism in their college years, and Bill Clinton repeatedly lying, to avoid being drafted during the Vietnam war .
People who knew the Clintons in those years can easily be found to confirm the level of their Marxist radicalism.

Barack and Michelle Obama's college and post college years likewise are filled with Derrick Bell-variety obsession with race (Black Liberation Theology) and were years they spent in angry protests to extort white guilt and black-set-asides from their college administrators.
Both the Clintons and the Obama's were part of the communist front group Students For a Democratic Society.
And the Clinton and Obama administrations were filled to the brim with anti-American Marxist radicals.
As is Joe Biden's administration now.

And that auhoritarian/Marxist cancer has spread to pretty much the entire Democrat party: Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Waters, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, Hakkim Jeffries, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and her entire "Squad", Jamal Warner, on and on.
The challenge isn't identifying the ones who are Communists in the Democrat party, but trying to identify any Democrat leader WHO IS NOT cheering on full-blown Communism / Marxism / "Socialism".
The challenge is to find a Democrat leader who is NOT cheering on the tearing down of statues of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt, and erasing these founders' names from schools, public parks, and federal buildings, and ones who do NOT advocate teaching a twisted America-hating false history that erases their accomplishments, that doesn't advocate teaching of a false history ("intersectionalism", "liberation theology", "1619 Project" ) that we are a racist country with a shameful past, that we are a nation built on the alleged exploitation of minorities and stealing their wealth.([Obama's ideologies of Colonilism, an Black Liberation Theeology.
These Democrat-Bolshevik leaders clearly despise this country, welcome its authoritarian Cultural Marxist replacement, and absolutely will not defend our Constitutional republic's continued existence. Quite the opposite, they are actively working to destroy it.

And whatever Democrats like Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez try to front about being "Democratic socialists"...

The goal of Socialism is Communism.
--Vladimir Lenin

My point is, Biden and other Democrat-Bolsheviks don't actually condemn Nazis, THEY ARE Nazis.
Nazism being a similar ideological offshoot of Communism/Socialism. And we all know how much all these Democrats (who I've quoted exalting communist murderers repeatedly) LOVE LOVE LOVE Marxism/Communism/Socialism, and admire and emulate the tactics of the aforementioned Communist leaders. Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, A O-C, Bernie Sanders, Maxine Waters, on down.

Here's just a sampling of the officials in Obama's White House :

  • Quote
    Two of my favorite philosophers, the Pope, and Maoo Tse Tung
    ---Anita Dunn, a the time Obama's White House comunicaionss director

    We agree with Mao, that capitalism as mostly a sham, and that power is mostly administered at the barrell of a gun.
    ---Obama transportaion Czar Ron Bloom.

    Very effective, and a good model to follow.
    ---Obama diversity Czar Mark Lloyd, discussing communist leader Hugo Chavez's successful state takeover of Venezuela's media

    Top down, bottom up, and inside out.
    ---Obama white house staffer Van Jones (personally hired by Valerie Jarrett), discussing the pincer-movement strategy of having elected marxist leaders in government, working with outside fake-grassroots NGO's, working together to create a Marxist revolution, to create a fake appearance people rising up and wanting socialism/communism, and then the elected Marxists "just give the people what they want".
    This is the grassroots pincer-movement technique developed by George Soros-sponsored groups in a dozen eastern European nations, before these techniques were exported by him to the United States and other western nations, as seen in the Occupy Wall Street movement, the Open Borders movement, Antifa, the Black Lives Matter riots culminating in 2020, and the more recent "Free Palestine" protests/riots in cities and universities nationwide. Virtually all the same protesters in all of them, and certainly orchestrated by the same Soros-funded groups, each time.
    Van Jones went on (after Glenn Beck-led public pressure to fire Jones) went on to CNN, on Crossfire and other programs. But even though outside the White House, remaining a surrogate and advocate for Obama's nation-destroying Marxist policy. Much like Jen Psaki now. And George Stephanopoulos before them.

    To cite just a few.

Trump, in contrast, RESTORED our economy and personal freedoms, in his first four years. Restored 1st amendment free speech, religious freedoms, 2nd Amendment rights that Biden and other Democrats CLEARLY want to shut down. And other rights that Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks have stomped on even more.
Such as the right to privacy and to not be subject to government surveillance, or to illegal search and seizure without due cause and without obtaining a warrant without due cause, the right to due process and a speedy trial, the right to a jury of your peers in a fair venue, the right to even know what you're accused of, and the right to not be jailed indefinitely without a trial, that have absolutely been stomped on and destroyed in the last 4 years.

Just ask Donald Trump himself about his 5 trials under vindictive partisan judges, unfair over-90% Democrat-voting Trump-hating venues, and malicious prosecutors who WERE ELECTED ON each's individual promise to "get Trump" (Alvin Bragg, Letitia James)

Likewise for the 1,300 political prisoners set up on January 6th, and held in jail indefinitely, under cruel conditions, without evidence, without right to an attorney in many cases, and without due process, denied their right to a speedy trial.

Likewise rights denied to many poliically targeted indictments of Trump white house staffers, and employees at Trump's real estate business, and employees at Mar A Lago.

Likewise rights denied to peaceful pro-life activists, politically targeted and jailed and prosecuted with politically motivated excessively long prison sentences. Because George Orwell's 97% Democrat DOJ and FBI don't approve of a 75 year old grandma praying in front of an abortion clinic, so away she goes, on a 5-year prison sentence. Just for praying.

Likewise rights denied to parents surveiled, arrested and tried by FBI and DOJ, just for speaking at a PTA meeting, objecting to woke indoctrination of heir children in local schools. They are arrested, tried and intimidated, just to make an example of hem, and silence other dissenters. Many others further intimidated, with George Orwell's FBI writing down their license plate numbers as they got in their cars in the parking lot. For future possible arrest and prosecution later.

Likewise with people refusing Covid vaccination, many of them doctors and nurses who most understand the risk vs. benefit of the MRNA vaccine, who lost their jobs in hospitals
And many others in the military, in private sector federal contract jobs, and in private sector corporate jobs, MILLIONS of people who lost their jobs because they refused Biden's vaccine mandates, where they NO LONGER HAD A CHOICE, as they did under Trump, whether they could get Covid vaccination.
Anthony Fauci boasted that if you threaten to take away people's jobs, or their ability to travel, or to attend a university if hey don' get vaccinated, they give up their "ideology crap" about freedom, and get Covid-vaccinated.
For a vaccine proven no to work, and has health risks for hundreds of thousands of people (officially), and millions (statistically proven, but not officially recognized by George Orwell's CDC) , NOT disclosed. That Pfizer and Moderna have no liability from because of "emergency use authorization" (from which Fauci enjoys millions in shared patent royalties for authorizing, a greed motive beyond public safety.)

ALL these are rights we had 4 years ago, that have been stripped away by Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks.

I can only IMAGINE what Democrats would further unleash and take away, if Biden and his puppetmasters would be emboldened to further make a power grab for, if they were somehow able to be re-elected and remain in power.
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Re: Trump indicted again (attempt to steal election edition) Matter-eater Man 2024-06-11 2:35 AM
Harris supported the peaceful protesters and spoke out against the rioters and looters during the George Floyd protests. The Floyd protests were much larger and lasted longer than Trump’s Jan 6 attempt to steal the election. Most people involved in both were not violent. Trump and supporters like yourself meanwhile paint actual violent rioters as victims and the law enforcement that they were beating on as villains. He’s now taking to calling the Jan 6 rioters as “warriors “
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Re: Trump indicted again (classified materials) Matter-eater Man 2024-06-10 11:28 PM
Yes and it’s all been debunked many times over. Trump and his goons tried and failed to steal 2020. Recounts even done by partisans and cherry picking only confirmed Biden’s win. Trump lost in court over and over again. Dominion however so far has taken Fox to court and got a big pile of money. Now Trump is basically employing delay tactics to avoid court. He lost and exposed how quickly you are willing to not count votes and how you truly don’t value democracy. You can win every time that way WB.
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Re: Trump indicted again (classified materials) Wonder Boy 2024-06-10 5:16 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Uhm 2020 showed democrats did beat Trump. And polls after Trump became a convicted felon don’t show him rising that I’ve seen. After 2016 polls have been notoriously off when it comes to Trump. He’s never won the popular vote and the midterm results didn’t see a big red wave that everyone was expecting. I certainly wouldn’t assume anything

No. We've been over this many times.

Trump was winning on election night 2020 in all 7 battleground states, some by margins of 400,000 or 600,000 with 80% of the votes already counted.
I think two (Georgia and Arizona) by less than 10,000 votes. Up until about 3 AM Trump was winning in a landslide.

Then Democrat-city election supervisors tossed the canard that they were going to stop counting votes for the night, and resume in the morning. Tricking the Republican vote observers to all go home. And then when it was just Democrats in the room, they began wholesale cheating, and lo and behold there was a sudden and dramatic rise in votes for Biden.
The strategy of this is, as in other authoritarian nations worldwide ( many of their elections done with similar Dominion or Smartmatic computer voting machines) is to stop the vote count (officially) and (secretly) count how far ahead Trump is, and then manufacture the fake votes for Biden, to orchestrate a narrow victory for Biden.
Or in other nations, whoever the Bolshevik candidate of choice is predetermined to win.

THAT's how Biden "won" the election.
By visibly cheating.

Video in Atlanta shows how, after a fake water-main break (a trick to instruct Republican observers into going home) the remaining Democrat cheaters pulled hidden boxes of fake votes from under a table and began adding them into the count as soon as Republicans left. And lo and behold, there was a sudden sharp spike of almost exclusively Biden votes. And another 250-pound black woman began running the same batch of votes through the scanning machine over and over, adding the same votes into the count over and over.

Security video outside the Detroit voting center shows a variation of he same thing: a Ryder truck pulling up after 3 AM with garbage bags full of fake votes with no chain of custody, unloaded and taken inside to add to the count. And miracle of miracles, another sudden shift in the voting pattern, a sudden overwhelming spike in votes for Biden.

And in Wisconsin, where police officers were used to eject republican vote counters for alleged Covid distancing violations. And when the Republicans didn't fully leave, but continued observing as best they could through large glass windows overlooking the vote counting room, Democrats vote counters covered the observers' window with cardboard boxes to obscure their view of the ballots counted. And golly gee whiz... ANOTHER huge spike in votes for Biden, that overcame Trump's massive lead, and gave the state to Biden.

Maricopa County in Arizona had missing flash drives and security breaches of their election computers .
As did Philadelphia.
As did Atlanta.

Eric Coomer, Vice president of security for Dominion Voting Systems, on his social media was a rabid Trump hater. And someone tracked Coomer to a Skype Anttifa group conference call. One concerned Antifa guy in that 2020 conference call, weeks before the election, voiced concern Trump would win.
To which Coomer replied, "Trump won't win, I made fucking sure of that."

All just mere coincidence, right M E M?

No. the election was rigged.
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Re: Trump indicted again (attempt to steal election edition) Wonder Boy 2024-06-10 3:53 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
A bunch of links that include Brett art with no context? I remember you attacking Kamala Harris for supporting a charity that helped provide funds for people that couldn’t pay bail with the one link. So you are for poor people sitting in jail if they are not wealthy like Trump? Don’t see where you have a principle there beyond a partisan one. Like with pretty much anything these days it’s all about if it helps Trump or not. If a police officer gets beaten by a maga crowd on Jan 6 and talks about, he is on your enemies list. Yuck

Jesus God.

I linked and sourced three topics related to the discussion, and posted a number of links demonstrating the sources I specifically used in each of these topics, and sources I commonly use in other topics, to demonstrate that the sources I use are not dismissable as just right-wing blogs, or even just conservative sources like Breitbart, DailyCaller, or Fox News.

I demonstrated (SOURCED AND LINKED) that I link a wide array of sources, some of them lefistt/liberal, and EVEN THEY affirm the facts that you sweepingly label as "right wing" ( panic ) and therefore unbelievable.
Well, MSN, Wikipedia, Yahoo News, USA Today an others verify the same facts, and often re-post the oh-so-disrepuable "right wing" sources I cite.

So what I post is not just "right wing" propaganda. It is verified fact.

Much as you bury your head in the sand and try to pretend otherwise.

Originally Posted by M E M
I remember you attacking Kamala Harris for supporting a charity that helped provide funds for people that couldn’t pay bail with the one link. So you are for poor people sitting in jail if they are not wealthy like Trump?

No, these were BLM and Antifa rioters in Minneapolis, formerly convicted violent criminals from previous riots,
TRULY violent people, who attack police and really hurt people, throw Molotov cocktails in police cars, start arson fires in Federal buildings, and try to trap federal officers insidet o burn them alive.
Ask reporter Andy Ngo about these "poor people siting in jail". They almost killed him, at multiple protest/riots in multiple cities. Ngo had brain damage that severely limited his ability to speak for several months, and it finally, fortunately healed. Antifa look for him, and other conservative reporters, to specifically target and VIOLENTLY attack, just to prevent them from reporting the inconvenien facts, to intimidate them from coming back, or potentially kill or permanently maim them. Ngo released a book about Antifa, and he had to leave the country for a few months after its release, so great were the attempts to find and kill him.

THESE are the "poor people" you and Kamala Harris defend, and in her case, directly fund.
There is only ONE reason you would fund bail for these violent activists and put them immediately back on he street to riot and intimidate people : Because you WANT them to act as your Leftist Nazi storm troopers, to intimidate and hurt your political opposition, even reporters, to hide the facts and prevent them from accurately reporting the true INSURRECTIONIST terror that they are unleashing on their opposition in ciies nationwide, FOR YEARS. So leftist media like CNN can front the lie of "Fiery, but mostly peaceful protests."

And Kamala Harris knows these protesters are violent. And she cheers them on, and supported a fund to let them out to immediately riot, loot, burn and terrorize again. It's no like the people who, once hey make bail, will go home and wach re-runs of Laverne and Shirley. hey will go right back out on the street to do itt again. And Kamala Harris knows his :

KAMALA HARRIS, in 2020 television interview: "They're going to conttinue and keep up the pressure right on up to election day, they will not stop. And they SHOULDN'T stop."

Does that sound like a woman who doesn't know she's funding bad actors, who are engaging in violence and intimidation?
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Re: Trump Beating Biden Wonder Boy 2024-06-10 3:42 PM

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy, Jan 26 2024
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I’m sure it looked good bringing up Biden’s attempt to get Trump to act like decent human being but Biden was still a private citizen. He didn’t know Trump would just sit and watch the violence on tv and let it go on. He actually tweeted this at 3:20 when it became very evident that Trump wasn’t doing the right thing.

Joe Biden
I call on President Trump to go on national television now to fulfill his oath and defend the Constitution by demanding an end to this siege.

Originally Posted by WB
And as I said, regarding Trump and the Capitol riot call for protesters to go home, you are nit-picking over a matter of minutes of response time, over a video Trump posted instructing protesters to go home. As I PRECISELY quoted from an NPR (liberal media) timeline, Biden tweeted for Trump to call off protesters at 4:06 PM, and Trump (already producing it) posted his video at 4:17 PM.
It is a desperate smokescreen attempt by you to attack Trump on ANYTHING, in order to change the narrative from how Biden and the other Democrat-Bolsheviks are destroying the country:
[ long list of Biden failures and deliberate destruction of the nation, since Jan 20 2021 ]

President Trump on January 3 2021 gave an executive order for up to 20,000 troops to defend Washington Square from any possible rioting or violence on January 6th.
Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser flat-out refused this offer or troops, IN WRITING.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer likewise prevented this deployment.

On Jan 6th, smashing windows and other rioting OUTSIDE the Capitol began about 12:40 PM

Trump gave his speech on the White House lawn from 12 noon till 1:11 PM (So his ACTUAL supporters, would have not yet been at the Capitol, would have been far away listening to Trump, would have left the White House lawn and walked over to the Capitol and arrived there 45 minutes walking distance later, about 1:56PM. Not to be confused with the false-flag undercover FBI, DHS DC Metro police, and Antifa DISGUISED AS Trump supporters who arrived and started trouble earlier. )
Some clashing with police outside the Capitol was first detected about 12:53 PM, and was phoned in to Capitol police chief Stephen Sund (as he said above in his video interview with Tucker Carlson)

Some minor rioting breached the Capitol building interior about 2:15 PM

The incident where an unarmed Ashli Babbitt was shot (FOR NO REASON) by Capitol police Lt. Michael Byrd occurred at 2:45 PM

From Wikipedia:'_conduct

  • At 2:26 p.m., D.C.'s homeland security director Chris Rodriguez coordinated a conference call with Mayor Bowser, the chiefs of the Capitol Police (Sund) and Metropolitan Police (Contee), and DCNG [DC National Guard] major general Walker.
    As the DCNG does not report to a governor, but to the president, Walker patched in the Office of the Secretary of the Army [McCarthy], noting that he would need Pentagon authorization to deploy. Lt. Gen. Walter E. Piatt, director of the Army Staff, noted that the Pentagon needed Capitol Police authorization to step onto Capitol grounds.
    Metro Police chief Robert Contee asked for clarification from Capitol Police chief Sund: "Steve, are you requesting National Guard assistance at the Capitol?"

    To which Chief Sund replied, "I am making urgent, urgent, immediate request for National Guard assistance".
    According to Sund, Lt. Gen. Piatt stated, "I don't like the visual of the National Guard standing a police line with the Capitol in the background".

    Sund pleaded with Lt. Gen. Piatt to send the Guard, but Lt. Gen. Piatt stated that only Army secretary McCarthy had the authority to approve such a request and he could not recommend that Secretary McCarthy approve the request for assistance directly to the Capitol.

    The D.C. officials [chief Sund, and DC chief Contee] were subsequently described as "flabbergasted" at this message. McCarthy would later state that he was not in this conference call because he was already entering a meeting with senior department leadership.[239]
    General Charles A. Flynn, brother to the controversial General Michael Flynn, participated in the call.[356][357]
    By 3:37 p.m., the Pentagon dispatched its own security forces to guard the homes of senior defense leaders, "even though no rioters or criminal attacks are occurring at those locations."
    Chief Sund later opined, "This demonstrates to me that the Pentagon fully understands the urgency and danger of the situation even as it does nothing to support us on the Hill.

So acting only to protect themselves, Pentagon military bureaucrats acting as fast as they could, took until 3:37 PM to deploy troops to protect their own homes.
Trump gave a video post for protesters to "go home" at 4:17 PM

And the exact time from the first beginnings of breach into the Capitol (2:15 PM), till when Trump aired a video statement for everyone to go home , was at 4:17 PM.
That's 2 hours and 2 minutes total response time.

Given all these EXACT times, Trump at every stage, from executive ordering up to 20,000 National Guard , to his 12 noon- 1:11 PM speech instructing his supporters "you'll be going over to the Capirtol now to PEACEFULLY and patriotically voice your support" for Republican House and Senate members inside LEGALLY challenging he Electoral vote count, to his social media posts every 20 to 30 minutes continuing to instruct his supporters to "remain PEACEFUL", to his 4:17 PM video statement to go home, that alone probably took him at least 30 minutes to compose, video-record and uplink to Twitter... based on all the above acts by Trump to insure peaceful protest, I think it is ridiculous, RIDICULOUS for you to continue to allege Trump is some kind of criminal who was somehow callous and negligent and responsible for what happened.

These are the known approximate exact times.

The delay-time till when knowledge of events on the ground, and confirmation of accuracy of these events reported were actually known by Trump or other public officials above them , means they could have taken 30 minutes or an hour to know for sure whether any events they were hearing of were accurate.

And again, if not obstructed by Muriel Bowser, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer, the Naional Guard would have been deployed in advance of Jan 6th, and any disruption at all would have been impossible.

WHY ?!?
Because they are inconvenient to your lying narrative, THAT's why.

Trump acted responsibly at every stage to prevent and discourage violence and rioting. He encouraged only peaceful protest.
THOSE are the facts.
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Re: Trump Beating Biden Wonder Boy 2024-06-10 3:36 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump didn’t ask his people to leave after it got violent well after it was apparent. Biden actually had time to go on tv in an effort to try to get Trump to fulfill a very basic role as commander in chief. Trump eventually did ask his people to leave but it took over 2 hours for him to do so. Any timeline I’ve seen shows this, not to mention we watched it happen in real time. He’s unfit for the office that he held and will hopefully have to sit his fat ass in court for his actions and inaction for the 2020.

False narrative, that I've answered a billion times, with exact timelines.
What you say is absolute shi garbage. Absolutely not true.

I used YOUR OWN sourced ttimeline to demonstrate how untrue this is.
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Re: Joe Lieberman (1942-2024) Wonder Boy 2024-06-10 3:33 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I would point out republicans have a word for moderate republicans (Rino) where democrats don’t for moderate democrats. Loyalty to a convicted felon is the utmost principle for the gop these days. Everyone that isn’t or hasn’t fallen into line is only tolerated if they can’t be replaced with a trump supporter.

RINOs (Republicans in name only) are not "moderates", the term denotes Republicans who completely abandon conservative/Republican principles. They are Republicans who are voted into office in regions that are deeply conservative, are voted in to protect and preserve those Reagan-variety conservative rights and values, but elected Republicans who completely betray the people who voted for them, and vote legislation for the exact opposite of what they were elected in to stand for.
Mitt Romney is a prime example, and is deeply hated by his constituents, and just recently announced he will not be running for another term as a Senator in Utah (because he knows from internal polls that he would lose by a huge and humiliating margin.

Likewise RINO John Cornyn of Texas, (who says he will run again). Watch Chris Salcedo on Newsmax, who regularly details Cornyn's betrayals.
And Adam Kinzinger (who also knew he could not possibly get re-elected with how badly he betrayed his voters, so announced he would not run again.

Liz Cheney in Wyoming ran for re-election despite how obviously she was hated for her betrayal, and was defeated by the largest margin that any Republican imcumbent was ever ejected by in a re-election primary. Because again, she deeply betrayed the values of the constituents who voted for her.

John McCain, who up until 2000 I considered a true moderate, who periodically dissented from his party to make a principled stand, in the end became a full-on RINO.
A principled stand by McCain was putting his political fortunes at risk by supporting a "troop surge" to turn the tide of the war in Iraq, despite that it was unpopular in the polls. It was the right thing to do. For a number of years (2001-2008) McCain consistently opposed George W. Bush policy and a thorn in Bush's side, opposing Bush and the Republican leadership on almost every issue, that I saw as spite for having lost the 2000 nomination to W. Bush.
But on the troop surge, McCain was on the right side. Increasingly after, McCain was less and less of a Republican, and ever more the RINO.

McCain's ultimate RINO moment was when out of pure spite toward President Trump, McCain should have been he deciding vote in 2017 to repeal Obamacare, but McCain voted to keep Obamacare, and in doing so, betrayed the will of his Arizona constituents who wanted it repealed, and betrayed tens of millions of other Republicans nationwide, who McCain CLEARLY was not representing in making that vote. That is, again, the definition of RINO.

Any Republican who voted for the multiple trillion-dollar socialist/leftist nation-wrecking Obama and Biden legislation bills, is by definition a RINO.

Any Republican who votes for over 100 billion in aid for Ukraine aid, while not pressuring and holding out for the 5 billion Trump requested (and was denied) as president from 2017-2020 to defend our own Southern border, is by definition a RINO. Republican legislators doing this are deeply betraying the people who voted these leaders into office to defend them, and to defend our borders and sovereignty.

Any Republican who votes to pass legislation for 87,000 new IRS agents, that will be further used by IRS to attack conservative organizers and large donors to the Republican party, are RINOs by definition. Republican leaders voting for his that is the OPPOSITE of defending your Republican/conservative constituents. Polar opposit defending their voters, that is throwing them to the wolves.

Likewise Republicans who vote to expand the FBI and build a new FBI headquarters, when the FBI has already been weaponized by Democrats against Republicans for at least 14 years. Republicans who vote not just for new funding for FBI, but for INCREASED funding for FBI, without provisions to protect Republicans who have suffered under tyranny of a weaponized FBI since at least 2010 :
* Tea Party members targeted by FBI, ATF, OSHA and IRS,
* Parents who oppose woke indoctrination of their children in schools at PTA meetings, and are targeted by FBI for intimidation arrest and prosecution.
*Peaceful pro-life activists, similarly targeted by FBI for arres and malicious prosecution with super over-charged jail sentences.

* And most incendiary, the FBI's most highly poliical hit job, its 1,300 January 6th arrests, that is an incendiary show of FBI power and intimidation, where hundreds ofn Trump supporters were kept in jail JUST FOR "trespassing" (tthat they were tricked into entering the Capitol, to even be charged, signs moved away, police waving hem in, and police holding the double-doors wide open to invie them in. "Trespassign", yeah. rolleyes),
Where FBI used false-flag undercover agents to trick them to go in the building at all, framed Trump supporters for violence they, the FBI committed, just to discredit Trump and his supporters, and set up a "geo-fence" in advance to identify them later by their cel phone signals and data. Something FBI NEVER did to Antifa or BLM who have looted, burned and terrorized for years, ONLY to rump supporters.
Jan 6th Trump supporters ("trespassing" grandmas, small business owners and real estate agents) held indefinitely without charges or trial, in many cases not permitted in jail to even bathe or shave, without water, without soap, shampoo or razors.
Forced to drink water from mold-infested plumbing, in some cases forced to drink from toilets,
Held by a Warden and guards who are rabid leftist Trump-hating Democrats (and pos their hate on social media).
Many Jan 6 prisoners beaten in their cells by these guards, unable to be visited by their families, and even denied access to attorneys. Who have long ago lost their businesses and had their homes foreclosed, from just the unending illegal detainment without trial, unable to earn money and pay their bills. And if they complain, they are beaten in their cells by guards, and/or put in solitary confinement.


For peacefully standing outside the Capitol on Jan 6th, waving Trump flags, to PEACEFULLY and patriotically support Donald Trump ?
PEACEFULLY protesting a rigged and stolen election, and just protesting for Constitutional review of the integrity of the election ballots, and delaying finalizing the electoral vote for a week or two, to do such a review, in a House/Senate joint session televised debate of the issues?

About 600 were tricked into entering the Capitol, and of the 60 small acts of vandalism or clashing with police, I would lay money that most or all of that "violence" was done by FBI (20 undercover agents, disguised as Trump supporters), 20 DHS agents (disgiused as Trump supporters, 10 DC Metro police officers (disguised as Trump supporters), and at least 20 Antifa led by John Earle Sullivan ([ disguised as Trump supporters).
Plus many others like the Boogaloos and Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, 3 Percenters, and likely many other federal agents.
I would lay money that most or all of the 60 acts of vandalism and violence (as contrasted wih well over 100,000 PEACEFUL Trump supporters) were committed by FBI, Antifa, or other Trump-hating federal agents sent there specifically to do a false-flag operation and frame Trump supporters.

A Republican Senate or House member who votes to continue funding and even expand the FBI, in a new muli-billion-dollar headquarters no less, when it has already used is resources to systematically target the very Republicans who voted for these leaders for over 15 years since at least 2010, is NOT a Republican leader protecting his constituents, and is the worst kind of RINO, who has directly betrayed those who voted for them, and more than that, thrown them to the 97% Democrat-Bolshevik wolves.

FBI currently uses 60% of is resources to target "white supremacist insurrectionists" (i.e., their fictional narrattive o demonize Trump supporters).
Why would ANY Republican vote to give them even MORE resources to attack Republicans? Because they are RINOs, who have sold us out.
Not "moderates". RINOs.
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