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Re: Trump Beating Biden Matter-eater Man 2024-06-12 12:16 AM
None of them were commander in chief WB. Looking at the records almost everyone was scrambling to get the National Guard in when things started to get out of control except for Trump. He had to be begged to eventually ask his people to leave.
“ WASHINGTON (AP) — Despite desperate pleas from aides, allies, a Republican congressional leader and even his family, Donald Trump refused to call off the Jan. 6 mob attack on the Capitol, instead “pouring gasoline on the fire” by aggressively tweeting his false claims of a stolen election and celebrating his crowd of supporters as “very special,” the House investigating committee showed Thursday night.

The next day, he declared anew, “I don’t want to say the election is over.” That was in a previously unaired outtake of an address to the nation he was to give, shown at the prime-time hearing of the committee.

The panel documented how for some 187 minutes, from the time Trump left a rally stage sending his supporters to the Capitol to the time he ultimately appeared in the Rose Garden video that day, nothing could compel the defeated president to act. Instead, he watched the violence unfold on TV.
Jan. 6: Trump spurned aides’ pleas to call off Capitol mob
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Re: Trump indicted again (attempt to steal election edition) Matter-eater Man 2024-06-11 11:40 PM
“ In Kenosha, Wisconsin, relative calm returned after multiple nights of looting and two violent deaths in response to an officer who on Sunday fired seven shots at the back of 29-year-old Jacob Blake, paralyzing him.
Harris, a U.S. senator who previously served as California's attorney general, said she supported peaceful protesters.
"We should not confuse them with those looting and committing acts of violence, including the shooter who was arrested for murder. And make no mistake, we will not let these vigilantes and extremists derail the path to justice," Harris said in a speech from a university auditorium in Washington streamed online.”

So unlike Trump she supports peaceful protests. She’s not lumping in the violent with the peaceful. With Trump it just depends if they are useful to him. Useful violent ones are now warriors and if law enforcement gets in the way and dare to speak about it that makes them targets.
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Re: Canada to Allow Same-Sex Marriage Matter-eater Man 2024-06-11 11:27 PM
Here’s one of your warriors WB…
“ WASHINGTON (AP) — A Colorado man who helped other rioters drag a police officer into a mob storming the U.S. Capitol was sentenced on Thursday to more than five years in prison for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack.

Jeffrey Sabol ripped a baton from an officer’s hands before pulling another officer into the crowd outside the Capitol, allowing other rioters to assault the officer with weapons.

Sabol, 54, told U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras that he knows he is “100%” guilty and would have apologized directly to the officers whom he attacked if they had attended the hearing.

“I accept whatever it is you hand me,” Sabol said. “I’ll be honest: I deserve it.”

The judge sentenced Sabol to five years and three months behind bars. He’ll get credit for the three years and two months that he has already spent in jail since his arrest.”
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Re: Trump indicted again (classified materials) Matter-eater Man 2024-06-10 11:28 PM
Yes and it’s all been debunked many times over. Trump and his goons tried and failed to steal 2020. Recounts even done by partisans and cherry picking only confirmed Biden’s win. Trump lost in court over and over again. Dominion however so far has taken Fox to court and got a big pile of money. Now Trump is basically employing delay tactics to avoid court. He lost and exposed how quickly you are willing to not count votes and how you truly don’t value democracy. You can win every time that way WB.
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Re: Joe Lieberman (1942-2024) Wonder Boy 2024-06-10 3:33 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I would point out republicans have a word for moderate republicans (Rino) where democrats don’t for moderate democrats. Loyalty to a convicted felon is the utmost principle for the gop these days. Everyone that isn’t or hasn’t fallen into line is only tolerated if they can’t be replaced with a trump supporter.

RINOs (Republicans in name only) are not "moderates", the term denotes Republicans who completely abandon conservative/Republican principles. They are Republicans who are voted into office in regions that are deeply conservative, are voted in to protect and preserve those Reagan-variety conservative rights and values, but elected Republicans who completely betray the people who voted for them, and vote legislation for the exact opposite of what they were elected in to stand for.
Mitt Romney is a prime example, and is deeply hated by his constituents, and just recently announced he will not be running for another term as a Senator in Utah (because he knows from internal polls that he would lose by a huge and humiliating margin.

Likewise RINO John Cornyn of Texas, (who says he will run again). Watch Chris Salcedo on Newsmax, who regularly details Cornyn's betrayals.
And Adam Kinzinger (who also knew he could not possibly get re-elected with how badly he betrayed his voters, so announced he would not run again.

Liz Cheney in Wyoming ran for re-election despite how obviously she was hated for her betrayal, and was defeated by the largest margin that any Republican imcumbent was ever ejected by in a re-election primary. Because again, she deeply betrayed the values of the constituents who voted for her.

John McCain, who up until 2000 I considered a true moderate, who periodically dissented from his party to make a principled stand, in the end became a full-on RINO.
A principled stand by McCain was putting his political fortunes at risk by supporting a "troop surge" to turn the tide of the war in Iraq, despite that it was unpopular in the polls. It was the right thing to do. For a number of years (2001-2008) McCain consistently opposed George W. Bush policy and a thorn in Bush's side, opposing Bush and the Republican leadership on almost every issue, that I saw as spite for having lost the 2000 nomination to W. Bush.
But on the troop surge, McCain was on the right side. Increasingly after, McCain was less and less of a Republican, and ever more the RINO.

McCain's ultimate RINO moment was when out of pure spite toward President Trump, McCain should have been he deciding vote in 2017 to repeal Obamacare, but McCain voted to keep Obamacare, and in doing so, betrayed the will of his Arizona constituents who wanted it repealed, and betrayed tens of millions of other Republicans nationwide, who McCain CLEARLY was not representing in making that vote. That is, again, the definition of RINO.

Any Republican who voted for the multiple trillion-dollar socialist/leftist nation-wrecking Obama and Biden legislation bills, is by definition a RINO.

Any Republican who votes for over 100 billion in aid for Ukraine aid, while not pressuring and holding out for the 5 billion Trump requested (and was denied) as president from 2017-2020 to defend our own Southern border, is by definition a RINO. Republican legislators doing this are deeply betraying the people who voted these leaders into office to defend them, and to defend our borders and sovereignty.

Any Republican who votes to pass legislation for 87,000 new IRS agents, that will be further used by IRS to attack conservative organizers and large donors to the Republican party, are RINOs by definition. Republican leaders voting for his that is the OPPOSITE of defending your Republican/conservative constituents. Polar opposit defending their voters, that is throwing them to the wolves.

Likewise Republicans who vote to expand the FBI and build a new FBI headquarters, when the FBI has already been weaponized by Democrats against Republicans for at least 14 years. Republicans who vote not just for new funding for FBI, but for INCREASED funding for FBI, without provisions to protect Republicans who have suffered under tyranny of a weaponized FBI since at least 2010 :
* Tea Party members targeted by FBI, ATF, OSHA and IRS,
* Parents who oppose woke indoctrination of their children in schools at PTA meetings, and are targeted by FBI for intimidation arrest and prosecution.
*Peaceful pro-life activists, similarly targeted by FBI for arres and malicious prosecution with super over-charged jail sentences.

* And most incendiary, the FBI's most highly poliical hit job, its 1,300 January 6th arrests, that is an incendiary show of FBI power and intimidation, where hundreds ofn Trump supporters were kept in jail JUST FOR "trespassing" (tthat they were tricked into entering the Capitol, to even be charged, signs moved away, police waving hem in, and police holding the double-doors wide open to invie them in. "Trespassign", yeah. rolleyes),
Where FBI used false-flag undercover agents to trick them to go in the building at all, framed Trump supporters for violence they, the FBI committed, just to discredit Trump and his supporters, and set up a "geo-fence" in advance to identify them later by their cel phone signals and data. Something FBI NEVER did to Antifa or BLM who have looted, burned and terrorized for years, ONLY to rump supporters.
Jan 6th Trump supporters ("trespassing" grandmas, small business owners and real estate agents) held indefinitely without charges or trial, in many cases not permitted in jail to even bathe or shave, without water, without soap, shampoo or razors.
Forced to drink water from mold-infested plumbing, in some cases forced to drink from toilets,
Held by a Warden and guards who are rabid leftist Trump-hating Democrats (and pos their hate on social media).
Many Jan 6 prisoners beaten in their cells by these guards, unable to be visited by their families, and even denied access to attorneys. Who have long ago lost their businesses and had their homes foreclosed, from just the unending illegal detainment without trial, unable to earn money and pay their bills. And if they complain, they are beaten in their cells by guards, and/or put in solitary confinement.


For peacefully standing outside the Capitol on Jan 6th, waving Trump flags, to PEACEFULLY and patriotically support Donald Trump ?
PEACEFULLY protesting a rigged and stolen election, and just protesting for Constitutional review of the integrity of the election ballots, and delaying finalizing the electoral vote for a week or two, to do such a review, in a House/Senate joint session televised debate of the issues?

About 600 were tricked into entering the Capitol, and of the 60 small acts of vandalism or clashing with police, I would lay money that most or all of that "violence" was done by FBI (20 undercover agents, disguised as Trump supporters), 20 DHS agents (disgiused as Trump supporters, 10 DC Metro police officers (disguised as Trump supporters), and at least 20 Antifa led by John Earle Sullivan ([ disguised as Trump supporters).
Plus many others like the Boogaloos and Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, 3 Percenters, and likely many other federal agents.
I would lay money that most or all of the 60 acts of vandalism and violence (as contrasted wih well over 100,000 PEACEFUL Trump supporters) were committed by FBI, Antifa, or other Trump-hating federal agents sent there specifically to do a false-flag operation and frame Trump supporters.

A Republican Senate or House member who votes to continue funding and even expand the FBI, in a new muli-billion-dollar headquarters no less, when it has already used is resources to systematically target the very Republicans who voted for these leaders for over 15 years since at least 2010, is NOT a Republican leader protecting his constituents, and is the worst kind of RINO, who has directly betrayed those who voted for them, and more than that, thrown them to the 97% Democrat-Bolshevik wolves.

FBI currently uses 60% of is resources to target "white supremacist insurrectionists" (i.e., their fictional narrattive o demonize Trump supporters).
Why would ANY Republican vote to give them even MORE resources to attack Republicans? Because they are RINOs, who have sold us out.
Not "moderates". RINOs.
2 28 Read More
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Re: Robert De Niro Speaks Up. Wonder Boy 2024-06-09 5:10 AM

I think a lot of actors who rail the hardest against Trump are :

1) Posturing out there as the wokest of the woke, so far-left directors and producers will see them and give them work.
Hey, look at me, I hate Trump more than anybody. PLEASE, give me work !

2) Celebrities who no one has talked about for years, desperately groping for publicity and relevance. Madonna comes to mind. And Alyssa Milano. Michael Moore, and dozens of other Jussie Smollet-level unknowns, who were barely a blip on the radar at the peak of their careers. Deniro had his day in the 1970's but now definiely makes that list.
1 66 Read More
Comic Books Jump to new posts
Re: For the love of MAD... Wonder Boy 2024-06-07 6:21 AM
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
[Linked Image from]

Also posted earlier. It's from MAD 102, April 1966.
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Re: the Sub-Mariner's 80th birthday Wonder Boy 2024-06-07 5:40 AM

Mignola also did two nice single issues of SUPERMAN during the later part of Byrne's run.

SUPERMAN 18 (June 1988) , scripted by Byrne, with Mignola/Kesel art.

and SUPERMAN 23 (Nov 1988), scriped by Roger Stern, with Mignola/Russell art. The issue after Byrne left the series.
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Re: John Byrne: The good years, the bad years, and what the heck went wrong? Wonder Boy 2024-06-07 4:41 AM
[Linked Image from]

Byrne's cover from ACTION COMICS 584, Jan 1987, the first issue of Byrne'e roughly one-year run.
Not exactly the same pose, but pretty close.
141 69,014 Read More
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Re: South Park Episode 901: Mr. Garrison's Fancy [Operation] McGurk 2024-06-06 1:46 PM
Clip from that episode, and look where we are 19 years later...

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