Exactly. NONE of the contested states have said their states have finished counting, have not announced giving their state votes over to the electoral college.

The liberal news media just decided with their electoral math people to PREDICT (not verify) that states will go to Biden. Incredibly, even Fox News joined the liberal networks in this Orwellian narrative. And the Biden campaign has gone along with it, with Biden giving something of a victory speech (despite no victory). In a bid to create enough momentum to pressure the remaining media chime along with the "Biden victory" narrative, and to pressure Trump and his supporters to concede, which he, and we, will not do.

There is absolute evidence, and PLENTIFUL evidence, that there is massive fraud in all these states, in the testimony of at least 54 witnesses in Philadelphia alone, along with video-recorded evidence and other documentation to support it. Forensic computer evidence of fraud, that can be verified. Rudy Giuliani in his investigation found at least 200,000 tampered ballots in Philadelphia, and another 300,000 tampered ballots in Pittsburg. RNC chair Ronna McDaniel has cited further evidence of massive and orchestrated voter fraud in Michigan, more than enough to eliminate Biden's manufactured "victory" and give the states back to Trump.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel press conference in Michigan, Friday, Nov 6, 2020

Starting Monday, Rudy Giuliani will be filing 5 lawsuits in 5 states over the next 5 days.
This is BLATANT misconduct by Democrats. But of course, M E M has no problem with that. Whatever serves the revolution, whatever gives his party victory.