

The Internet is outraged at director Steven Spielberg for poaching … a Triceratops?!

Some animal activists expressed their anger at the “Jurassic Park” director after Jay Branscomb posted a photo of Spielberg with a prop from the 1993 film.

"Disgraceful photo of recreational hunter happily posing next to a Triceratops he just slaughtered. Please share so the world can name and shame this despicable man,” he wrote.

One commenter said, “Steven Spielberg, I’m disappointed in you. I’m not watching any of your movies again ANIMAL KILLER.”

Another wrote, “One day we realize that we are killing all animals on this planet and we need them to survive.”

The post came days after Facebook deleted big game photos from 19-year-old Kendall Jones’ page.

He likes his dinosaur with a side of fried Tribble.

About twenty years ago Spielberg posed with this dino prop from Jurassic Park. Now the picture has resurfaced and some PETA dorks think he really killed a dinosaur for fun!

I think news outlets that are reporting this as people getting pissed at Spielberg failed to recognize people who are joking. It's a case of people who are desperately looking for someone to feel intellectually superior to, that they jump at the first thing that seems stupid, even if the person was clearly trolling.
I'm told he shot the beast with his walkie-talkie.