Posted By: Black Machismo ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 7:55 AM

QUOTE (Captain Zzap @ Jul 29 2008, 01:12 AM)
Quickest reaction time yet!!!!!
Actually, every time you or one of the other RKMBers contradict yourselves and your attitude that nothing said on the internet has any significance by responding to one of our posts, yeah, I consider that as a win in our column. Also, every time you or one of the RKBMers betray your ideal that nothing said on the internet has any significance by responding to one of our posts...an angel gets its wings.

Saddest rationalization ever. I need a win. So, if you respond, I win. It was Sikk or Halo that originally copied what I wrote here and posted it at the Likes it in the Ass that solicited these responses from you. Here is a doggie treat for being such a good boy and jumping through the hoop.

Wrong again, I don't need a win, in fact, I'd be quite happy never to have to think about or respond to you again; but it is somewhat satisfying, on a purely visceral level, to know that I'm annoying you enough that you feel the need to respond and prove yourself to be just another deluded RKMB liar who can't even maintain your most dearly held tenet about the importance of things said on the internet. Every response of yours or of the other RKMBers puts that entire line of thinking firmly in the category of being a lie and just something you all need to tell yourselves so you can continue to operate in the heinous fashion that you all so enjoy.

Another reason I don't need a win is because I'm content knowing that everything the Insurgency stood for "wins" over anything the RKMB does. Friendship over betrayal, loyalty over back stabbing, support over gleefully emasculating each other. Yup. I'm pretty comfortable with our status as being better/superior to the RKMB.

However, just for the shits and grins you all seem to enjoy so much, please try and explain to me why that is a rationalization? Are you sure you know what that word means? If not, look it up or ask Knit for help (assuming she hasn't dumped your pathetic ass by now like she should have). You're the folks who stridently maintain that nothing on the internet should be taken seriously and then you all go and contradict yourselves by taking things seriously enough to want to respond to them. I just don't see how pointing out that hypocrisy of yours is a rationalization on my/our part.

As opposed to what? Staying at the Insurgency under your "leadership"? Yeah, I think we made the right decision.

Well, at least, you can admit you ran with your tail between your legs.

Hmmm...interesting take. I wonder if that's what all back stabbing despots and delusional little Tin G-ds whisper to themselves when they've curled up on the floor in the fetal position after fully realizing how shitty a person they really are when those they've betrayed leave them to wallow in the muck and mire of their pathetic fiefdom in order to resettle somewhere more to their liking? I'm guessing "yes".

Nothing subjective about it. You were a volunteer in our "cause", a trusted member of our inner circle and the founder of our board. You ratted us out and aided and abetted the "enemy. Nothing subjective at all. It was a betrayal. Anything else is a rationalization or a delusion. As for living in "fantasy land", I'd rather live there than in a pool of my own vomit while slumped over in an alley somewhere as so many drunks are wont to do.

You sure as hell should buy it, you joined us for that very reason, remember? Back when you had a spine and functioning soul you voluntarily joined us in our raid to help us support whomod. Unless, of course, you were pulling your Judas act as far back as that.

Hopefully, Pro can forgive me for sharing a little PM I sent him on May 26, 2008.

QUOTE (iggy)
Well, just thought you might like to know that it is really funny behind the locked door of the Insurgency right now. A few of us are taking the others to task for organizing the worst raid ever, not to mention the general lack of balls required to shut down the boards so that you guys couldn't raid back.

They've generally called a halt to all activities for the moment for "reorganizational purposes."

Anyway, just thought you might like to know that everybody else caught a bad case of the Dien Bien Phu.

And, lastly, I joined into this thing late just because I heard people were taking pot shots at family which is something I generally don't condone. But, upon getting here and seeing that it was a joke alt called whomod's daughter, the wind in my sails died. You guys aren't bad. He just went overboard.

Anyway, I'll try to get the idiots in line.


Honestly, if you couldn't see the idiocy of the raid then and now, you must really be one stupid fuck. As far as the "betrayal" goes, it really boiled down to an issue of conflicting ideologies about the board. You lost, you left.

Oooh..."stupid fuck". Now that hurt. It may have been too much for me…to…go…on…rolleyes.gif

So, anyway, not entirely sure what the point of posting the PM was; to prove that you were an asshole sell out as far back as May 26th? Or was it to “prove” that you considered the alt to be a joke? Oh, and since we have no real way of knowing what you did or didn’t do on May 26th, other than the word of an asshole sell out who stabbed us all in the back, you’ll forgive me if I’m just a tiny bit skeptical about anything you proffer as being the “truth”. Additionally, IMHO, that PM sure doesn’t sound like a “first contact” communiqué; if anything it sounds more like you giving Prometheus an update. Which would then indicate that you were betraying us even further back than May 26th.

Also, why is the word “betrayal” in your post in quotes? It’s neither questionable or up for debate. Your own PM just proved that. You betrayed us. You stabbed your friends in the back. There are no two ways about it. And you know as well as anyone that our leaving had nothing to do with any differences of idealogy, we left because you betrayed us.

Regardless, you're either missing the point or refusing to see it in order to preserve whatever shreds of self worth you have left. The point here wasn't whether or not the raid was "valid", but that you, having been fully informed ahead of time and with ample opportunity to do your own research, joined us anyway. And then betrayed us INSTEAD of asking us to re-evaluate the validity of the raid or otherwise stop it entirely. Yeah, I know you did try. You made ONE post. ONE. And even that was more to the effect of "I'm dropping out" instead of "this raid is invalid". See, that's what still puzzles me; why you thought we wouldn't listen to you. Were you so unsure of yourself or your position/influence at the Insurgency that you thought we'd...what...mutiny or something, even though we'd always gone along with ANY limitation/rule you issued in the past? Instead of trusting your friends enough to talk to them and tell them your opinions you must have felt that "it would be pointless because no one likes me or respects me enough to listen to me so I might as well just betray them and sell out to the "enemy".

Really now, Jordan, out of curiosity, was I that much of a threat to you? Were you really that jealous of my popularity and leadership in your extended absences that you felt you had no other choice but to destroy us if only to make yourself feel better? That's what I don't get.

I'm thinking Syd was right on the money here.

QUOTE (Ffag)
Maybe. Maybe not. I can't read Halo's mind, but the way it was presented to me and so far as I know to the rest of the Insurgents, was to defend whomod based on the precedent set by Starheart1976.

Heh. I just remembered that Star's avatar was of Green Lantern. Alan, of course, but Green Lantern all the same.

See my response above. Halo brought it to the attention of the Insurgency, not whomod. If he did it for revenge, he never mentioned it to me. Frankly, if it was for revenge, then that's on Halo. I know I wouldn't have gone to his defense for that reason. Whomod's daughter is another thing entirely. If Halo lied/tricked all of us (including you, by the way)...well what can you do? He got us to do what he wanted. Yup, the guy you all refer to as "Halotard" was smart enough to pull all of our strings, (again, your strings included), as our puppet master. I just don't see that as being the case. But then you already know all this. You read all the posts for yourself and based on what you saw, made a voluntary decision to help us support whomod. Remember? So, why the ambiguity? Why all these "questions"? Don't you remember reading all that stuff?

So, it was Halo who went overboard about the alt so he could get revenge. Sad. As for all the questions, see the PM above. I heard the rumblings. I was expecting something sinister. I got that. I voluntarily withdrew my help and support. Now, I understand why. This was really all just a chance for Wanky to try and get a little Lost Lantern revenge.

Oy! Yes, it was Halo. It was always Halo. I’ve said that about 100 times already. It’s no secret. Jeez! Are you that much of a stupid fuck? happy.gif

Again, I can't comment on Halo's intent. Personally, however, it doesn't sound like the Halo I know, so I doubt that was the case. Conversely, the Halo I know would act to defend a friend, so...I guess I have made up my mind. Halo didn't do it for the reason you'd all love to think he did; he did it for all the "right" reasons.

So, you “heard the rumblings” and expected “something ‘sinister’” and instead of bringing your concerns up to the board for discussion or at least with your Co-Admins in a PM, you thought the right way for you to go is to stab us in the back and sell us out to the enemy. Well, that’s good to know.

Indeed. I'm both glad and a little surprised you remember and admit that I extended my hand in friendship to you in that way; way above and beyond what most people would do for someone they knew only from the internet, (see the similarity here between what I did for you and what I did for whomod?)And who is there to say that had you accepted some help your life wouldn't be even better than it is today? I'm sure I don't need to quote you statistics about success vs. recidivism rates back into alcoholism, especially in regards to when the alcoholic goes it alone vs. assisted by a support system. Or do I?

First lesson I received about statistics in my stats class, learn to lie with them. Oh, also, who is there to say my life wouldn't be worse? See, it can go both ways when you use lame what-might-have-been questions like that.

Your life could have been worse? You sure about that? Fine, if that's what you choose to believe. I can't imagine how having the support and assistance of people who cared about you could make your life worse, but I suppose anything is possible. Good argument, btw.

Man, this argument is just annoyingly lame. My relationship with my children is far, far more secure than any you may have experienced. In fact, based on what I've seen of your actions and the actions of the entire RKMBoard, I'm confident in saying that my relationship with my children is not something you or they can fathom. It's a relationship based on love, honesty, trust and a mutual understanding and agreement about what is important in life. I can assure you that as a family we agree that friends are important, sticking up for friends is very important and defending those that can't defend themselves is of utmost importance. Maybe chalk that last one up to being Jewish. Regardless, in point of fact, when I told my son that he would be having a friend over so that I could spend time online defending a friend whose baby daughter was attacked, he had no problem with it. That's the kind of family I was raised in and the family that I'm raising.

I still can't believe that out of all the insurgents who saw the alt, I am the only one who realized that it was the lamest excuse for a raid ever.

And some of us still can't believe that you'd sell us all out. I know for a fact that you weren't the only Insurgent who recognized the alt for what it was but some acted for other reasons, too. Perhaps the alt was simply the straw that broke the camel's back. It's been well known that the RKMB had been bashing whomod for years over his liberal beliefs and postings, maybe the combination of the two was enough for some to finally take a stand. Like Halo, for instance, who shares whomod's political leanings, or our very own group, The Hellhounds, who raid for the simple enjoyment of it. They surely don't need much, if any, reason to go on the offensive with another board.

BTW, couldn't help but notice you didn't respond to anything in my paragraph and what you posted was something of a non sequitur.

Good luck trying to understand that.

I didn't think you could.


P.S. Or, you and/or Joe could just give us another win by responding. Your choice. 39.gif smile.gif

See the first part of the post about it being my post here that was copied there getting you to jump through hoops. If you want to consider being held by the bit a win, then go ahead you sad, creepy man.

And now we come to what has actually been my favorite part of this love letter; the part where the pot calls the kettle black. I'll just use your words here to make a fool of you again: "Saddest rationalization ever. I need a win. So, if you respond, I win."

LOL.gif LOL.gif LOL.gif LOL.gif LOL.gif


Or do I? 6.gif

what is with the little cliques and clubs and wars? is this some rpg and no one told me?
Posted By: rex Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 8:12 AM
I really don't care about you guys and your little fights. Just take adler and leave already.
Posted By: Uschi Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 8:12 AM
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 8:27 AM
basically uschi, zap said that he was gay
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 8:30 AM
 Originally Posted By: whomod,Jul 29 2008, 03:17 AM
I think way to much gets made of the RKMB's whole attitude/attack thing.

Seeing as how most of you have already encountered them, you know their only response is the usual one.

My take is that if they're not insulting and trying to belittle you en masse, then you really haven't bugged them and gotten under their skin enough.

They're going to claim victory no matter what you do, the trick is to ignore it and continue to fuck with them.

With me, the facts on the ground politics-wise was always going to be my biggest ally seeing as how the Republican party is a mess right now. And that alone was more than enough for them to retort by trying to make it about me and not about what I was rubbing their faces in with.

Which as I've always said, was more than enough to please me seeing as how the amount of venom directed my way was proportionate to the amount of anger and frustration I was causing them .

And rather than feel attacked, I always felt pleasure that they were bugged by being wrong on Iraq and wrong at being Bush's eager and willing dupes and little brownshirts. That to me is more than enough reason for me to have enjoyed rubbing their faces in shit for.

My only regret is that I barely have time to participate here with work and trying to raise my daughter and long to rub their faces in McCain's daily comedy of flip flops, lies and flat out comedy of incompetent campaigning.

So yeah, I appreciate Halo and his having my back as I do and did the rest of you. Still, getting the RKMB's bark is meaningless. How can you take seriously the jabbering of someone who giddily exclaimed days after Iraq was invaded, "We found lotasa plutionium", as he absorbed FOX news' lies as gospel and then cracked some lame Back To the Future joke "1.7 gigawatts!". These dickheads have been wrong every step of the way and have asked for more dick from Bush as they eagerly suck away even as he's now one of the most disgraced and discredited figures in American history.
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 8:34 AM
oh yeah. i forgot we're all republicans...
Posted By: Captain Zzap Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 8:37 AM
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
basically uschi, zap said that he was gay

I'm rolling with you on this one, honeylips! Can I spit in your shithole and lick it out?

Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 8:40 AM
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 8:47 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
I really don't care about you guys and your little fights. Just take adler and leave already.

Posted By: Rob Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:30 AM
man. they sure do spend a lotta time caring about stuff they don't care about.

oh well. at least the republican gimmick is back.
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:33 AM
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:36 AM
also why cant zap just come over and post this stuff himself?
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:43 AM
Hey it's not my fault you guys are predictable lemmings...
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:45 AM

so.... why doesnt he just post it himself?
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:52 AM
To be fair, maybe he's having troubles getting here now that, as a consequence of the raid, we're a closed forum.

Oh wait.

That's them.

 Originally Posted By: whomod,Jul 29 2008, 03:17 AM
They're going to claim victory no matter what you do

Even if you run away from your own forum and abort your raid!
Posted By: Rob Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:58 AM
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:58 AM
Sikk, it's a pain in the ass trying to read that long post without the quote tags... Instead of cutting and pasting directly from the topic, you should quote the post and copy the text from there.
Posted By: Rob Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:59 AM
lookit mxy, asking for more dick from bush to suck away! (even as he's now one of the most disgraced and discredited figures in American history)
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:02 AM
I was gonna say that the whole "making fun of them for trying to insult us through Bush" shtick is getting kinda old... but they keep giving us so much material!
Posted By: Poncharillo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:09 AM
Lemmings are not predictable!

Lookit all the different things they can do!
Posted By: Rob Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:19 AM
i wonder if the others get mad that whomod makes their raid views political?
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:33 AM
I'm sure one of them will point of whomod's mistake. Unlike us, the ex-Insurgents are capable of disagreeing amongst themselves. Let's keep in mind that they're not part of a collective hive mentalimob like you and I, Rob. You fucking bitch.
Posted By: Rob Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:42 AM
it is through the shared support of our president bush that mxy and i gain strength
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:45 AM
God bless Amarica!

(Is that how you spell it?)
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:48 AM
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 2:50 PM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
God bless Amarica!

(Is that how you spell it?)

mxy if you cant spell America how can you be a Republikan? Are you a spy?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 4:52 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo

QUOTE (Captain Zzap @ Jul 29 2008, 01:12 AM)
Quickest reaction time yet!!!!!
Actually, every time you or one of the other RKMBers contradict yourselves and your attitude that nothing said on the internet has any significance by responding to one of our posts, yeah, I consider that as a win in our column. Also, every time you or one of the RKBMers betray your ideal that nothing said on the internet has any significance by responding to one of our posts...an angel gets its wings.

Saddest rationalization ever. I need a win. So, if you respond, I win. It was Sikk or Halo that originally copied what I wrote here and posted it at the Likes it in the Ass that solicited these responses from you. Here is a doggie treat for being such a good boy and jumping through the hoop.

Wrong again, I don't need a win, in fact, I'd be quite happy never to have to think about or respond to you again; but it is somewhat satisfying, on a purely visceral level, to know that I'm annoying you enough that you feel the need to respond and prove yourself to be just another deluded RKMB liar who can't even maintain your most dearly held tenet about the importance of things said on the internet. Every response of yours or of the other RKMBers puts that entire line of thinking firmly in the category of being a lie and just something you all need to tell yourselves so you can continue to operate in the heinous fashion that you all so enjoy.

Another reason I don't need a win is because I'm content knowing that everything the Insurgency stood for "wins" over anything the RKMB does. Friendship over betrayal, loyalty over back stabbing, support over gleefully emasculating each other. Yup. I'm pretty comfortable with our status as being better/superior to the RKMB.

However, just for the shits and grins you all seem to enjoy so much, please try and explain to me why that is a rationalization? Are you sure you know what that word means? If not, look it up or ask Knit for help (assuming she hasn't dumped your pathetic ass by now like she should have). You're the folks who stridently maintain that nothing on the internet should be taken seriously and then you all go and contradict yourselves by taking things seriously enough to want to respond to them. I just don't see how pointing out that hypocrisy of yours is a rationalization on my/our part.

As opposed to what? Staying at the Insurgency under your "leadership"? Yeah, I think we made the right decision.

Well, at least, you can admit you ran with your tail between your legs.

Hmmm...interesting take. I wonder if that's what all back stabbing despots and delusional little Tin G-ds whisper to themselves when they've curled up on the floor in the fetal position after fully realizing how shitty a person they really are when those they've betrayed leave them to wallow in the muck and mire of their pathetic fiefdom in order to resettle somewhere more to their liking? I'm guessing "yes".

Nothing subjective about it. You were a volunteer in our "cause", a trusted member of our inner circle and the founder of our board. You ratted us out and aided and abetted the "enemy. Nothing subjective at all. It was a betrayal. Anything else is a rationalization or a delusion. As for living in "fantasy land", I'd rather live there than in a pool of my own vomit while slumped over in an alley somewhere as so many drunks are wont to do.

You sure as hell should buy it, you joined us for that very reason, remember? Back when you had a spine and functioning soul you voluntarily joined us in our raid to help us support whomod. Unless, of course, you were pulling your Judas act as far back as that.

Hopefully, Pro can forgive me for sharing a little PM I sent him on May 26, 2008.

QUOTE (iggy)
Well, just thought you might like to know that it is really funny behind the locked door of the Insurgency right now. A few of us are taking the others to task for organizing the worst raid ever, not to mention the general lack of balls required to shut down the boards so that you guys couldn't raid back.

They've generally called a halt to all activities for the moment for "reorganizational purposes."

Anyway, just thought you might like to know that everybody else caught a bad case of the Dien Bien Phu.

And, lastly, I joined into this thing late just because I heard people were taking pot shots at family which is something I generally don't condone. But, upon getting here and seeing that it was a joke alt called whomod's daughter, the wind in my sails died. You guys aren't bad. He just went overboard.

Anyway, I'll try to get the idiots in line.


Honestly, if you couldn't see the idiocy of the raid then and now, you must really be one stupid fuck. As far as the "betrayal" goes, it really boiled down to an issue of conflicting ideologies about the board. You lost, you left.

Oooh..."stupid fuck". Now that hurt. It may have been too much for me…to…go…on…rolleyes.gif

So, anyway, not entirely sure what the point of posting the PM was; to prove that you were an asshole sell out as far back as May 26th? Or was it to “prove” that you considered the alt to be a joke? Oh, and since we have no real way of knowing what you did or didn’t do on May 26th, other than the word of an asshole sell out who stabbed us all in the back, you’ll forgive me if I’m just a tiny bit skeptical about anything you proffer as being the “truth”. Additionally, IMHO, that PM sure doesn’t sound like a “first contact” communiqué; if anything it sounds more like you giving Prometheus an update. Which would then indicate that you were betraying us even further back than May 26th.

Also, why is the word “betrayal” in your post in quotes? It’s neither questionable or up for debate. Your own PM just proved that. You betrayed us. You stabbed your friends in the back. There are no two ways about it. And you know as well as anyone that our leaving had nothing to do with any differences of idealogy, we left because you betrayed us.

Regardless, you're either missing the point or refusing to see it in order to preserve whatever shreds of self worth you have left. The point here wasn't whether or not the raid was "valid", but that you, having been fully informed ahead of time and with ample opportunity to do your own research, joined us anyway. And then betrayed us INSTEAD of asking us to re-evaluate the validity of the raid or otherwise stop it entirely. Yeah, I know you did try. You made ONE post. ONE. And even that was more to the effect of "I'm dropping out" instead of "this raid is invalid". See, that's what still puzzles me; why you thought we wouldn't listen to you. Were you so unsure of yourself or your position/influence at the Insurgency that you thought we'd...what...mutiny or something, even though we'd always gone along with ANY limitation/rule you issued in the past? Instead of trusting your friends enough to talk to them and tell them your opinions you must have felt that "it would be pointless because no one likes me or respects me enough to listen to me so I might as well just betray them and sell out to the "enemy".

Really now, Jordan, out of curiosity, was I that much of a threat to you? Were you really that jealous of my popularity and leadership in your extended absences that you felt you had no other choice but to destroy us if only to make yourself feel better? That's what I don't get.

I'm thinking Syd was right on the money here.

QUOTE (Ffag)
Maybe. Maybe not. I can't read Halo's mind, but the way it was presented to me and so far as I know to the rest of the Insurgents, was to defend whomod based on the precedent set by Starheart1976.

Heh. I just remembered that Star's avatar was of Green Lantern. Alan, of course, but Green Lantern all the same.

See my response above. Halo brought it to the attention of the Insurgency, not whomod. If he did it for revenge, he never mentioned it to me. Frankly, if it was for revenge, then that's on Halo. I know I wouldn't have gone to his defense for that reason. Whomod's daughter is another thing entirely. If Halo lied/tricked all of us (including you, by the way)...well what can you do? He got us to do what he wanted. Yup, the guy you all refer to as "Halotard" was smart enough to pull all of our strings, (again, your strings included), as our puppet master. I just don't see that as being the case. But then you already know all this. You read all the posts for yourself and based on what you saw, made a voluntary decision to help us support whomod. Remember? So, why the ambiguity? Why all these "questions"? Don't you remember reading all that stuff?

So, it was Halo who went overboard about the alt so he could get revenge. Sad. As for all the questions, see the PM above. I heard the rumblings. I was expecting something sinister. I got that. I voluntarily withdrew my help and support. Now, I understand why. This was really all just a chance for Wanky to try and get a little Lost Lantern revenge.

Oy! Yes, it was Halo. It was always Halo. I’ve said that about 100 times already. It’s no secret. Jeez! Are you that much of a stupid fuck? happy.gif

Again, I can't comment on Halo's intent. Personally, however, it doesn't sound like the Halo I know, so I doubt that was the case. Conversely, the Halo I know would act to defend a friend, so...I guess I have made up my mind. Halo didn't do it for the reason you'd all love to think he did; he did it for all the "right" reasons.

So, you “heard the rumblings” and expected “something ‘sinister’” and instead of bringing your concerns up to the board for discussion or at least with your Co-Admins in a PM, you thought the right way for you to go is to stab us in the back and sell us out to the enemy. Well, that’s good to know.

Indeed. I'm both glad and a little surprised you remember and admit that I extended my hand in friendship to you in that way; way above and beyond what most people would do for someone they knew only from the internet, (see the similarity here between what I did for you and what I did for whomod?)And who is there to say that had you accepted some help your life wouldn't be even better than it is today? I'm sure I don't need to quote you statistics about success vs. recidivism rates back into alcoholism, especially in regards to when the alcoholic goes it alone vs. assisted by a support system. Or do I?

First lesson I received about statistics in my stats class, learn to lie with them. Oh, also, who is there to say my life wouldn't be worse? See, it can go both ways when you use lame what-might-have-been questions like that.

Your life could have been worse? You sure about that? Fine, if that's what you choose to believe. I can't imagine how having the support and assistance of people who cared about you could make your life worse, but I suppose anything is possible. Good argument, btw.

Man, this argument is just annoyingly lame. My relationship with my children is far, far more secure than any you may have experienced. In fact, based on what I've seen of your actions and the actions of the entire RKMBoard, I'm confident in saying that my relationship with my children is not something you or they can fathom. It's a relationship based on love, honesty, trust and a mutual understanding and agreement about what is important in life. I can assure you that as a family we agree that friends are important, sticking up for friends is very important and defending those that can't defend themselves is of utmost importance. Maybe chalk that last one up to being Jewish. Regardless, in point of fact, when I told my son that he would be having a friend over so that I could spend time online defending a friend whose baby daughter was attacked, he had no problem with it. That's the kind of family I was raised in and the family that I'm raising.

I still can't believe that out of all the insurgents who saw the alt, I am the only one who realized that it was the lamest excuse for a raid ever.

And some of us still can't believe that you'd sell us all out. I know for a fact that you weren't the only Insurgent who recognized the alt for what it was but some acted for other reasons, too. Perhaps the alt was simply the straw that broke the camel's back. It's been well known that the RKMB had been bashing whomod for years over his liberal beliefs and postings, maybe the combination of the two was enough for some to finally take a stand. Like Halo, for instance, who shares whomod's political leanings, or our very own group, The Hellhounds, who raid for the simple enjoyment of it. They surely don't need much, if any, reason to go on the offensive with another board.

BTW, couldn't help but notice you didn't respond to anything in my paragraph and what you posted was something of a non sequitur.

Good luck trying to understand that.

I didn't think you could.


P.S. Or, you and/or Joe could just give us another win by responding. Your choice. 39.gif smile.gif

See the first part of the post about it being my post here that was copied there getting you to jump through hoops. If you want to consider being held by the bit a win, then go ahead you sad, creepy man.

And now we come to what has actually been my favorite part of this love letter; the part where the pot calls the kettle black. I'll just use your words here to make a fool of you again: "Saddest rationalization ever. I need a win. So, if you respond, I win."

LOL.gif LOL.gif LOL.gif LOL.gif LOL.gif


Or do I? 6.gif


Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 4:59 PM
Another reason I don't need a win is because I'm content knowing that everything the Insurgency stood for "wins" over anything the RKMB does. Friendship over betrayal, loyalty over back stabbing, support over gleefully emasculating each other. Yup. I'm pretty comfortable with our status as being better/superior to the RKMB.

Just for future reference, what is it classified as when you manipulate someone over the internet to say.... I don't know.... gain control of a message board by playing on that person's emotions, later you ban that very person from the boards, and then boast about how you easily manipulated that person by pretending to be nice? What is that called again? What's the word for that?

Posted By: rex Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 5:40 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo

does anyone else think its funny that the people who are supposedly more accepting of the gays think its a good think to insult people by calling them gay? Isn't that just a little hypocritical?
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:02 PM
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo

does anyone else think its funny that the people who are supposedly more accepting of the gays think its a good think to insult people by calling them gay? Isn't that just a little hypocritical?

1. political satire you dumb fuck.
2. Aids kill's fags dead.
Posted By: rex Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:05 PM
I'm not an expert or anything but I thought satire was supposed to be funny?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:12 PM
Blah, blah, blah. Until Zzap, Andy, Thomas, or Whomod grow some balls and make their own posts here, don't expect me to read all of this high school drama...
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:15 PM
the Sikk has the biggest balls of them all.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:19 PM
Keep saying it out loud Sikk. I'm certain someone, somewhere will believe you. Meanwhile, you just do what all pussies do and ride the fence...
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:19 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Blah, blah, blah. Until Zzap, Andy, Thomas, or Whomod grow some balls and make their own posts here, don't expect me to read all of this high school drama...

They don't care enough about these boards to actually post here themselves.

They will post rambling, eight paragraph posts everywhere else just to prove this point, for the next 10 years or so.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:20 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Keep saying it out loud Sikk. I'm certain someone, somewhere will believe you. Meanwhile, you just do what all pussies do and ride the fence...

pisses on Homoerotictheus's fence.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:23 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Keep saying it out loud Sikk. I'm certain someone, somewhere will believe you. Meanwhile, you just do what all pussies do and ride the fence...

pisses on Homoerotictheus's fence.

Wow...how long did you work on that witty gem?
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:24 PM
2 seconds?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:25 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
the Sikk has the biggest balls of them all.

Elephantiasis doesn't count.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:31 PM
stop examining my balls with your toungue doctor.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:31 PM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
They don't care enough about these boards to actually post here themselves.

They will post rambling, eight paragraph posts everywhere else just to prove this point, for the next 10 years or so.

I know, but jeez! You would think after all of the hard work they've done to try and cover up their slaughter, and ultimate destruction of their message board, that they wouldn't still be so frightened of us. I know Steve Z, Andy, and Thomas are all still humiliated, but you would think they would try and be men enough to make their own posts. Getting Sikk-Mary here to pass their notes in class must be embarrassing enough for him, much less them. Oh well, though, what are you going to do? If you're scared, you're scared. Maybe they want me to come over there and take some more screenshots?

Meanwhile, what's funny is that Sikk said no one told him to post Zzap's posts over here. Yet, Steve himself said that us responding to his posts was all part of his "plan for winning" or something like that. So, if their boards are fearfully sealed tight, then how would we see their posts to respond (and thus help Steve "win") if he didn't post them over here?

I've asked that question a couple of times, and no one seems to be able to answer it. I guess it's hard to lie, form your own reality shell, and actually make rational sense all at once...
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:34 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
They don't care enough about these boards to actually post here themselves.

They will post rambling, eight paragraph posts everywhere else just to prove this point, for the next 10 years or so.

I know, but jeez! You would think after all of the hard work they've done to try and cover up their slaughter, and ultimate destruction of their message board, that they wouldn't still be so frightened of us. I know Steve Z, Andy, and Thomas are all still humiliated, but you would think they would try and be men enough to make their own posts. Getting Sikk-Mary here to pass their notes in class must be embarrassing enough for him, much less them. Oh well, though, what are you going to do? If you're scared, you're scared. Maybe they want me to come over there and take some more screenshots?

Meanwhile, what's funny is that Sikk said no one told him to post Zzap's posts over here. Yet, Steve himself said that us responding to his posts was all part of his "plan for winning" or something like that. So, if their boards are fearfully sealed tight, then how would we see their posts to respond (and thus help Steve "win") if he didn't post them over here?

I've asked that question a couple of times, and no one seems to be able to answer it. I guess it's hard to lie, form your own reality shell, and actually make rational sense all at once...

the jew with a plan to amuse me so i post his posts to fuck with you... yeah thats surprising.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:38 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
stop examining my balls with your toungue doctor.

What's a 'toungue doctor'? I doubt I own one since I have no idea what it is. I don't even know what a toungue is, much less a device to doctor one. Oh, and I must ask you to get off my lawn and take Halo with you. I'm not interested in your display of him trying to gobble your elephantiasis balls on my walkway.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:39 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
They don't care enough about these boards to actually post here themselves.

They will post rambling, eight paragraph posts everywhere else just to prove this point, for the next 10 years or so.

I know, but jeez! You would think after all of the hard work they've done to try and cover up their slaughter, and ultimate destruction of their message board, that they wouldn't still be so frightened of us. I know Steve Z, Andy, and Thomas are all still humiliated, but you would think they would try and be men enough to make their own posts. Getting Sikk-Mary here to pass their notes in class must be embarrassing enough for him, much less them. Oh well, though, what are you going to do? If you're scared, you're scared. Maybe they want me to come over there and take some more screenshots?

Meanwhile, what's funny is that Sikk said no one told him to post Zzap's posts over here. Yet, Steve himself said that us responding to his posts was all part of his "plan for winning" or something like that. So, if their boards are fearfully sealed tight, then how would we see their posts to respond (and thus help Steve "win") if he didn't post them over here?

I've asked that question a couple of times, and no one seems to be able to answer it. I guess it's hard to lie, form your own reality shell, and actually make rational sense all at once...

the jew with a plan to amuse me so i post his posts to fuck with you... yeah thats surprising.

So, you're Zzapp's bitch, is that it?
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:40 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
They don't care enough about these boards to actually post here themselves.

They will post rambling, eight paragraph posts everywhere else just to prove this point, for the next 10 years or so.

I know, but jeez! You would think after all of the hard work they've done to try and cover up their slaughter, and ultimate destruction of their message board, that they wouldn't still be so frightened of us. I know Steve Z, Andy, and Thomas are all still humiliated, but you would think they would try and be men enough to make their own posts. Getting Sikk-Mary here to pass their notes in class must be embarrassing enough for him, much less them. Oh well, though, what are you going to do? If you're scared, you're scared. Maybe they want me to come over there and take some more screenshots?

Meanwhile, what's funny is that Sikk said no one told him to post Zzap's posts over here. Yet, Steve himself said that us responding to his posts was all part of his "plan for winning" or something like that. So, if their boards are fearfully sealed tight, then how would we see their posts to respond (and thus help Steve "win") if he didn't post them over here?

I've asked that question a couple of times, and no one seems to be able to answer it. I guess it's hard to lie, form your own reality shell, and actually make rational sense all at once...

the jew with a plan to amuse me so i post his posts to fuck with you... yeah thats surprising.

So, you're Zzapp's bitch, is that it?

nah, i post them because it amuses me, i also mock them when it amuses me.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:42 PM
So, Zzap wants you to post these here for him; and you do. Doesn't that mean you're Zzap's little bitch at his beck and call?
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:43 PM
nah, i could stop tommorow.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:45 PM
But not today?
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:46 PM
he has yet to say antyhing interesting as have you.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:46 PM
Sikk will gladly play ZZap Tuesday, for a handjob today...
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:47 PM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Sikk will gladly play ZZap Tuesday, for a handjob today...

my names not pariah reject.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:47 PM
So, you can quit tomorrow, but not today? Sounds like some addict denial.

Are you addicted to being Zzap's bitch?
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:48 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Sikk will gladly play ZZap Tuesday, for a handjob today...

my names not pariah reject.

Wow. That was almost as powerful as your emo poems on the eminem boards.

Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:48 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
So, you can quit tomorrow, but not today? Sounds like some addict denial.

Are you addicted to being Zzap's bitch?

are you addicted to estrogen?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:51 PM
SikMachismo, or whatever the hell you're called, I think it's time you face your addiction and pull Zzap's cock out of your mouth. Time to be your own man thing and stand up for yourself. Shying away from the subject and denying it isn't going to help you. It'll just make you an even bigger bitch for Zzap.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:52 PM
it's amazing how much you talk about zzapp's penis doc, are you sure you dont have a crush on the poor lonely jew?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 6:56 PM
Uh-oh. Somebody's a little sensitive. I insulted the relationship you and Zzap have. Now, you're all angry. Funny how only one mention of Zzap's cock being in your mouth get you bent out of shape. Or was it the fact that I said you needed to remove it that got you so upset? Maybe we should get Dr. Phil in here to help you with your problem. Maybe an online intervention.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 7:10 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Uh-oh. Somebody's a little sensitive. I insulted the relationship you and Zzap have. Now, you're all angry. Funny how only one mention of Zzap's cock being in your mouth get you bent out of shape. Or was it the fact that I said you needed to remove it that got you so upset? Maybe we should get Dr. Phil in here to help you with your problem. Maybe an online intervention.

did you need Viagara to type that?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 7:10 PM
No, just a keyboard.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 8:29 PM
Why are you guys complaining about Sikkbones' posts? Everything he's posted, third person, shows just how decisive our victory over them was. Stevie Z. is afraid to post here himself, Tommy resigned to form the heckpuppies and as for Andy...well, has anyone seen Andy? Add to those facts that Sikkbones is STILL posting here after he made his goodbye post and left in a huff over Iggy's Hoganesque heel turn, and that Sikkbones is STILL riding the fence about whether he was part of their botched "raid" in the first place, and you have more victories for us without even having to raise a finger.

I say, "Keep posting Sikkbones!" Keep showing us how broken your friends are. Keep revealing Stevie's accusations of Republicanism where there is very little. Occasionally provide us with updates on Andy and the tongue bather of your genitalia, Tommy "heckpuppy #1" Tantillo. We'll all be here, posting and laughing at you all and enjoying how you all try to cope with the neverending aftershocks of your collective failures.

As you were.
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 8:55 PM
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:04 PM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Why are you guys complaining about Sikkbones' posts? Everything he's posted, third person, shows just how decisive our victory over them was. Stevie Z. is afraid to post here himself, Tommy resigned to form the heckpuppies and as for Andy...well, has anyone seen Andy? Add to those facts that Sikkbones is STILL posting here after he made his goodbye post and left in a huff over Iggy's Hoganesque heel turn, and that Sikkbones is STILL riding the fence about whether he was part of their botched "raid" in the first place, and you have more victories for us without even having to raise a finger.

I say, "Keep posting Sikkbones!" Keep showing us how broken your friends are. Keep revealing Stevie's accusations of Republicanism where there is very little. Occasionally provide us with updates on Andy and the tongue bather of your genitalia, Tommy "heckpuppy #1" Tantillo. We'll all be here, posting and laughing at you all and enjoying how you all try to cope with the neverending aftershocks of your collective failures.

As you were.

Thought I'd chime in just to thank Fat Mama for proving me right about him all along. Here he is talking shit about Sikk who was suppose to be his "buddy" and who he wanted to "assimilate" just for a chance to boost his own underservingly massive ego. Not only that, but doing what the Whores at this board do best...rationalizing. Saying Iggy took a "Hoganesque heel turn" when all he did was sellout in his overdramatic way. Saying because Andy isn't around you morons "won" and because I'm not here cause I'm "resigning" to form the "heckpuppies" (which is further proof of Joe's stupidity since I simply resigned for the hellhounds all together). Don't you have something better to do than conjure up some imaginary victory Joe? Wasn't it you who told me to "let it go" months ago yet here you are still feeding yourself lies? Damn man, that's sad. But then again, I guess that's why you're so perfect here? A board full of delusional liars.

Like Rob, saying we lost cause we "took this so seriously" yet he freaked out about big sigs?

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Harley, who needs to believe that you guys are actually smart so she doesn't have to face the truth that she's the cliched woman who laches on to arrogant, macho, immature men cause she herself is "insecure".

And Iggy, the bitch of all bitches. Saying that Zzap is making the "saddest" rationalization" when he says you guys are giving us a "win" everytime you respond. Yet, that's pretty much what Joe is saying in the post I quoted? That's exactly what Joe was saying everytime he went off on some insane rant about "good doggie" when I trashed him and he had nothing else to say. It's exactly what Sammitch is saying when he says "dance monkey, dance". Hell, this whole board is made up of anti-social attention whores like rex and MisterJLA who love getting a negative reaction from people and consider it victory when they get that reaction. So Iggy, by your own logic the RKMB is the saddest place on earth. You just won't let yourself see it. Cause you're a cowardly hypocrite.

But, I've totally gottin off track. Thanks Joe, for proving you're the pathetic and hypocrical sack of shit I always said you were. \:\)
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:05 PM
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:06 PM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:06 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Why are you guys complaining about Sikkbones' posts? Everything he's posted, third person, shows just how decisive our victory over them was. Stevie Z. is afraid to post here himself, Tommy resigned to form the heckpuppies and as for Andy...well, has anyone seen Andy? Add to those facts that Sikkbones is STILL posting here after he made his goodbye post and left in a huff over Iggy's Hoganesque heel turn, and that Sikkbones is STILL riding the fence about whether he was part of their botched "raid" in the first place, and you have more victories for us without even having to raise a finger.

I say, "Keep posting Sikkbones!" Keep showing us how broken your friends are. Keep revealing Stevie's accusations of Republicanism where there is very little. Occasionally provide us with updates on Andy and the tongue bather of your genitalia, Tommy "heckpuppy #1" Tantillo. We'll all be here, posting and laughing at you all and enjoying how you all try to cope with the neverending aftershocks of your collective failures.

As you were.

Thought I'd chime in just to thank Fat Mama for proving me right about him all along. Here he is talking shit about Sikk who was suppose to be his "buddy" and who he wanted to "assimilate" just for a chance to boost his own underservingly massive ego. Not only that, but doing what the Whores at this board do best...rationalizing. Saying Iggy took a "Hoganesque heel turn" when all he did was sellout in his overdramatic way. Saying because Andy isn't around you morons "won" and because I'm not here cause I'm "resigning" to form the "heckpuppies" (which is further proof of Joe's stupidity since I simply resigned for the hellhounds all together). Don't you have something better to do than conjure up some imaginary victory Joe? Wasn't it you who told me to "let it go" months ago yet here you are still feeding yourself lies? Damn man, that's sad. But then again, I guess that's why you're so perfect here? A board full of delusional liars.

Like Rob, saying we lost cause we "took this so seriously" yet he freaked out about big sigs?

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Harley, who needs to believe that you guys are actually smart so she doesn't have to face the truth that she's the cliched woman who laches on to arrogant, macho, immature men cause she herself is "insecure".

And Iggy, the bitch of all bitches. Saying that Zzap is making the "saddest" rationalization" when he says you guys are giving us a "win" everytime you respond. Yet, that's pretty much what Joe is saying in the post I quoted? That's exactly what Joe was saying everytime he went off on some insane rant about "good doggie" when I trashed him and he had nothing else to say. It's exactly what Sammitch is saying when he says "dance monkey, dance". Hell, this whole board is made up of anti-social attention whores like rex and MisterJLA who love getting a negative reaction from people and consider it victory when they get that reaction. So Iggy, by your own logic the RKMB is the saddest place on earth. You just won't let yourself see it. Cause you're a cowardly hypocrite.

But, I've totally gottin off track. Thanks Joe, for proving you're the pathetic and hypocrical sack of shit I always said you were. \:\)

So, to put it in a nutshell, yer basically saying yer gay!
Glad to see you finally admit it!
Posted By: rex Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:07 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

Harley, who needs to believe that you guys are actually smart so she doesn't have to face the truth that she's the cliched woman who laches on to arrogant, macho, immature men cause she herself is "insecure".

Wow. Wanky just made fun of someone for latching onto a "stronger person". That's like super irony.

I see you're still too cowardly to mention me.
Posted By: rex Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:12 PM
Wank and Cry content User Feared by RKMB
3000+ posts 7 minutes 33 seconds ago Logging out
Posted By: Rob Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:14 PM
you countered this:

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Rob, saying we lost cause we "took this so seriously"

with the following?

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Thought I'd chime in just to thank Fat Mama for proving me right about him all along. Here he is talking shit about Sikk who was suppose to be his "buddy" and who he wanted to "assimilate" just for a chance to boost his own underservingly massive ego. Not only that, but doing what the Whores at this board do best...rationalizing. Saying Iggy took a "Hoganesque heel turn" when all he did was sellout in his overdramatic way. Saying because Andy isn't around you morons "won" and because I'm not here cause I'm "resigning" to form the "heckpuppies" (which is further proof of Joe's stupidity since I simply resigned for the hellhounds all together). Don't you have something better to do than conjure up some imaginary victory Joe? Wasn't it you who told me to "let it go" months ago yet here you are still feeding yourself lies? Damn man, that's sad. But then again, I guess that's why you're so perfect here? A board full of delusional liars.

Like Rob, saying we lost cause we "took this so seriously" yet he freaked out about big sigs?

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Harley, who needs to believe that you guys are actually smart so she doesn't have to face the truth that she's the cliched woman who laches on to arrogant, macho, immature men cause she herself is "insecure".

And Iggy, the bitch of all bitches. Saying that Zzap is making the "saddest" rationalization" when he says you guys are giving us a "win" everytime you respond. Yet, that's pretty much what Joe is saying in the post I quoted? That's exactly what Joe was saying everytime he went off on some insane rant about "good doggie" when I trashed him and he had nothing else to say. It's exactly what Sammitch is saying when he says "dance monkey, dance". Hell, this whole board is made up of anti-social attention whores like rex and MisterJLA who love getting a negative reaction from people and consider it victory when they get that reaction. So Iggy, by your own logic the RKMB is the saddest place on earth. You just won't let yourself see it. Cause you're a cowardly hypocrite.

But, I've totally gottin off track. Thanks Joe, for proving you're the pathetic and hypocrical sack of shit I always said you were. \:\)

heh. well played. you certainly showed you don't take this too seriously.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:17 PM
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

Harley, who needs to believe that you guys are actually smart so she doesn't have to face the truth that she's the cliched woman who laches on to arrogant, macho, immature men cause she herself is "insecure".

Wow. Wanky just made fun of someone for latching onto a "stronger person". That's like super irony.

Don't forget the part about 'imaginary victories' or 'board of delusional liars'.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:28 PM
They don't have the balls to post, but they're all interested in what we have to say.

Anonymous 17 minutes 48 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,

Anonymous 22 minutes 18 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,

Anonymous 38 minutes 26 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,
Posted By: Rob Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:31 PM
well, at least with the verification of w&c's very detailed can't-quit-you post, we know they don't take it too seriously.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:50 PM
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
well, at least with the verification of w&c's very detailed can't-quit-you post, we know they don't take it too seriously.

Once again Rob's inner hypocrite shines through. Afterall, writing alot of stuff on the internet is sure fire way of showing somebody is taking something seriously.

Wait, didn't you write some huge diatribe about the Insurgency awhile back?

*Yup, you did.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:52 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
They don't have the balls to post, but they're all interested in what we have to say.

Anonymous 17 minutes 48 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,

Anonymous 22 minutes 18 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,

Anonymous 38 minutes 26 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,

Didn't you used to ask what's so ballsy about posting on the internet? You and Mxy while playing stupid both asked whats so hardcore about any of this.

Who needs to post when you idiots continue to shoot yourselves in the foot and don't even know it?
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:56 PM
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

Harley, who needs to believe that you guys are actually smart so she doesn't have to face the truth that she's the cliched woman who laches on to arrogant, macho, immature men cause she herself is "insecure".

Wow. Wanky just made fun of someone for latching onto a "stronger person". That's like super irony.

I see you're still too cowardly to mention me.

I see you only see what you want to-

[quoteH alo]Hell, this whole board is made up of anti-social attention whores like rex and MisterJLA who love getting a negative reaction from people and consider it victory when they get that reaction. [/quote]

Anyway, your delusions aside. I've never latched on to anyone. Oh wait, I'm sure you're going to say "you needed the Insurgency blah blah". Yeah, I needed the people who weren't here half the time when I was here fucking with you jerkoffs.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:58 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:58 PM
Hey rex, here's a though. Instead of making yourself out to be an ass by saying I didn't say things that...I clearly said. Why don't you just put me on ignore...again.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:59 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

Captain Snobbish continues his obsession and is still to afraid to make an actual argument. Awesome \:\)
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:59 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 9:59 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:00 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:00 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:00 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:00 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

Did you learn this in College?
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:00 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:00 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:01 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:01 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

Did you learn this in College?

it's one of the advanced things. you probably aren't there yet.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:01 PM

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Posted By: Rob Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:04 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
writing alot of stuff on the internet is sure fire way of showing somebody is taking something seriously.

no, not necessarily. that's a valid point.

however, continually logging out, reading anonymously, logging back in and responding to posts and posters you claim to not let bother you, discussing the past and new interpretations of it repeatedly in a private clubhouse, unable to move on, wanting desperately for us to know how you feel about something the rest of us had a good time with, especially when it'd be so easy for you to simply ignore us and move on...

that's showing somebody is taking something too seriously.

even now, you're concocting a response. we can see it. we can smell it. maybe you wont post immediately. maybe you'll log out, first, then lurk, then confer with your pals, then return, more triumphant than ever. but the dance will be the same; all of us have fun, and you are lost in a world of taking things too seriously.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:04 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

Did you learn this in College?

it's one of the advanced things. you probably aren't there yet.

Ah yes, advanced learning in college. I'll be impressed if you can ever figure how to put a condom on.

You're just proof that College doesn't really mean shit.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:05 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

Did you learn this in College?

it's one of the advanced things. you probably aren't there yet.

Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:14 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
They don't have the balls to post, but they're all interested in what we have to say.

Anonymous 17 minutes 48 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,

Anonymous 22 minutes 18 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,

Anonymous 38 minutes 26 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,

Didn't you used to ask what's so ballsy about posting on the internet? You and Mxy while playing stupid both asked whats so hardcore about any of this.

Who needs to post when you idiots continue to shoot yourselves in the foot and don't even know it?

It doesn't take a man with balls to simply post, which is why it makes your Insurgent (or whatever they hell they are now) friends even bigger cowards than before.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:15 PM
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
writing alot of stuff on the internet is sure fire way of showing somebody is taking something seriously.

no, not necessarily. that's a valid point.

however, continually logging out, reading anonymously, logging back in and responding to posts and posters you claim to not let bother you, discussing the past and new interpretations of it repeatedly in a private clubhouse, unable to move on, wanting desperately for us to know how you feel about something the rest of us had a good time with, especially when it'd be so easy for you to simply ignore us and move on...

that's showing somebody is taking something too seriously.

You mean, because I post here (whenever I want) then go do something else I'm obsessed? Wow, that's like, the exact opposite definition of taking something seriously. I realize I'm the center of the RKMB universe but I'm not the one here anonymously 99% of the time.

But I really don't see how talking about the past and "new interpretations" in a "private clubhouse" is any different than you guys who create alternate realities where you guys can bitch about others doing exactly what you do (responding to negative accusations, writing long posts lambasting someone, talking shit etc etc) so you can pontificate about how great you are. We said we don't like you fuckers so all of a sudden you desperate extremist are creating shit like "you all must think you're are morally superior" just cause we don't like you and (god forbid) anyone express there dislike (isn't that part of what this board is about?) and of coure the famous "you made a generic crack about Nowherebrains mom which is exactly the same thing as talking about someone brand new baby girl" which of course is the ultimate proof of how deluded you fucking neanderthals are.

Give reality a visit before lecturing anyone Rob. Afterall, you can hardly talk about "moving on" when you have a forum named "Random thoughts and the Insurgency Roast".

Fuck, I posted here...what? 5 times in the last few months? You mother fuckers can't shut up about me. I guarantee you months after I've stopped thinking about this place pathetic pieces of shit like Joe and Sammitch will still be talking about me.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:16 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
They don't have the balls to post, but they're all interested in what we have to say.

Anonymous 17 minutes 48 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,

Anonymous 22 minutes 18 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,

Anonymous 38 minutes 26 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,

Didn't you used to ask what's so ballsy about posting on the internet? You and Mxy while playing stupid both asked whats so hardcore about any of this.

Who needs to post when you idiots continue to shoot yourselves in the foot and don't even know it?

It doesn't take a man with balls to simply post, which is why it makes your Insurgent (or whatever they hell they are now) friends even bigger cowards than before.

Um, okay. It doesn't take balls to post so people are cowards for not posting? That's not only extreme but kinda twisted. I gues anybody who doesn't post on the internetis a coward in your book?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:17 PM
It just doesn't stop!
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:20 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
It just doesn't stop!

No, it doesn't.

Oh wait, I forgot, you guys have NOTHING to do with the continuation of this? Have fun talking to Sikk about me.

(Thanks for ignoring my post that you didn't have the "balls" to respond to)
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:20 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Um, okay. It doesn't take balls to post so people are cowards for not posting? That's not only extreme but kinda twisted. I gues anybody who doesn't post on the internetis a coward in your book?

It means that anyone can post; but since your guys are just lurking and unwilling to actually post your criticisms of us here where we can see them ourselves and respond makes them even bigger cowards than we gave them credit for.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:22 PM
Wank and Cry content User Feared by RKMB
3000+ posts 2 minutes 0 seconds ago Logging out
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:27 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Why are you guys complaining about Sikkbones' posts? Everything he's posted, third person, shows just how decisive our victory over them was. Stevie Z. is afraid to post here himself, Tommy resigned to form the heckpuppies and as for Andy...well, has anyone seen Andy? Add to those facts that Sikkbones is STILL posting here after he made his goodbye post and left in a huff over Iggy's Hoganesque heel turn, and that Sikkbones is STILL riding the fence about whether he was part of their botched "raid" in the first place, and you have more victories for us without even having to raise a finger.

I say, "Keep posting Sikkbones!" Keep showing us how broken your friends are. Keep revealing Stevie's accusations of Republicanism where there is very little. Occasionally provide us with updates on Andy and the tongue bather of your genitalia, Tommy "heckpuppy #1" Tantillo. We'll all be here, posting and laughing at you all and enjoying how you all try to cope with the neverending aftershocks of your collective failures.

As you were.

Thought I'd chime in just to thank Fat Mama for proving me right about him all along. Here he is talking shit about Sikk who was suppose to be his "buddy" and who he wanted to "assimilate" just for a chance to boost his own underservingly massive ego. Not only that, but doing what the Whores at this board do best...rationalizing. Saying Iggy took a "Hoganesque heel turn" when all he did was sellout in his overdramatic way. Saying because Andy isn't around you morons "won" and because I'm not here cause I'm "resigning" to form the "heckpuppies" (which is further proof of Joe's stupidity since I simply resigned for the hellhounds all together). Don't you have something better to do than conjure up some imaginary victory Joe? Wasn't it you who told me to "let it go" months ago yet here you are still feeding yourself lies? Damn man, that's sad. But then again, I guess that's why you're so perfect here? A board full of delusional liars.

Like Rob, saying we lost cause we "took this so seriously" yet he freaked out about big sigs?

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Harley, who needs to believe that you guys are actually smart so she doesn't have to face the truth that she's the cliched woman who laches on to arrogant, macho, immature men cause she herself is "insecure".

And Iggy, the bitch of all bitches. Saying that Zzap is making the "saddest" rationalization" when he says you guys are giving us a "win" everytime you respond. Yet, that's pretty much what Joe is saying in the post I quoted? That's exactly what Joe was saying everytime he went off on some insane rant about "good doggie" when I trashed him and he had nothing else to say. It's exactly what Sammitch is saying when he says "dance monkey, dance". Hell, this whole board is made up of anti-social attention whores like rex and MisterJLA who love getting a negative reaction from people and consider it victory when they get that reaction. So Iggy, by your own logic the RKMB is the saddest place on earth. You just won't let yourself see it. Cause you're a cowardly hypocrite.

But, I've totally gottin off track. Thanks Joe, for proving you're the pathetic and hypocrical sack of shit I always said you were. \:\)

Your Honor, I rest my case.

Thank YOU, Tommy. Once again, your inability to do the slightest bit of research, along with your ignorance and general failure, provides us with entertainment and another victory without doing any serious lifting. How's the recruitment coming, by the way? I expect the heckpuppies to be at full strength by the end of summer.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:38 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
But I really don't see how talking about the past and "new interpretations" in a "private clubhouse" is any different than you guys who create alternate realities where you guys can bitch about others doing exactly what you do (responding to negative accusations, writing long posts lambasting someone, talking shit etc etc) so you can pontificate about how great you are.

Speaking creating alternate realities and whatnot, have you updated the wikipedia entry to include the heckpuppies?

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Fuck, I posted here...what? 5 times in the last few months? You mother fuckers can't shut up about me. I guarantee you months after I've stopped thinking about this place pathetic pieces of shit like Joe and Sammitch will still be talking about me.

Perhaps more than that, Tommy. But who's counting, really. The fact is, we'll never know if your speculation will ever come to pass because you can't stop posting here, whining about your botched "raid" and spinning the facts to keep from facing yet another failure and crying to Iggy about how hurt you are that he jilted you and tongue bathing Sikkbones' genitalia and begging us to smash you again and again. Face it, you are addicted to this place. So take another hit, Tommy.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:52 PM
Um, guys, you wanna cool it down a little? If we continue taunting them, they might flee their own forum again.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 10:53 PM
I don't think I could take another defeat like that. I mean, the RKMBs are the best thing I have going on right now...
Posted By: Rob Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 11:05 PM
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
even now, you're concocting a response. we can see it. we can smell it. maybe you wont post immediately. maybe you'll log out, first, then lurk, then confer with your pals, then return, more triumphant than ever. but the dance will be the same; all of us have fun, and you are lost in a world of taking things too seriously.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
You mean, because I post here (whenever I want) then go do something else I'm obsessed?

heh. close enough.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
But I really don't see how talking about the past and "new interpretations" in a "private clubhouse" is any different than you guys who create alternate realities where you guys can bitch about others doing exactly what you do

so are you saying you're exactly like us?

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
how great you are


 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
you desperate extremist are creating shit like "you all must think you're are morally superior"

 Originally Posted By: zap
Grab the moral highground

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Yes. We came here because you are stupid assholes who can't mount more of a offensive then "aww poor baby" type shit. We claim moral superiority again and again.


 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
and of coure the famous "you made a generic crack about Nowherebrains mom which is exactly the same thing as talking about someone brand new baby girl" which of course is the ultimate proof of how deluded you fucking neanderthals are.


 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
you can hardly talk about "moving on" when you have a forum named "Random thoughts and the Insurgency Roast".


well, wait. more than heh.

you see, dear friend, we do this in jest. and, sure, i don't know why i said "you see", because you don't, and thus all the fun we're having. but the point is we enjoy messing with you. and not just you (though especially you). we don't take this seriously. this is having a few moments of fun on the intrawebs, gloriously at your expense. it is comical for all and financially rewarding for me. all i have to do is say some words here, and you'll get all angry and poo out a bucket of spelling errors. wash, rinse, repeat.

many of your fellow pals got that. some bailed out because it got silly for them, or maybe they always thought it was silly. but you are amongst the few that couldn't let go, and tried to win at all costs and obsessed and dedicated and strategized and retaliated and returned and planned and plotted, etc. this has clearly not stopped, or even slowed.

that is taking it too seriously. that is how individuals "lose" on this here internetopia.

but you don't see that. and you won't see that.

and we all look forward to your response.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 11:09 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Another reason I don't need a win is because I'm content knowing that everything the Insurgency stood for "wins" over anything the RKMB does. Friendship over betrayal, loyalty over back stabbing, support over gleefully emasculating each other. Yup. I'm pretty comfortable with our status as being better/superior to the RKMB.

Just for future reference, what is it classified as when you manipulate someone over the internet to say.... I don't know.... gain control of a message board by playing on that person's emotions, later you ban that very person from the boards, and then boast about how you easily manipulated that person by pretending to be nice? What is that called again? What's the word for that?

I think we could easily argue that, during the course of their "raid", the former Insurgents betrayed everything they claim they stand for. They manipulated and betrayed a friend, they insulted family members (including children), they continually broke their word (NOT ONE POST!)... Zzap himself admitted that they couldn't continue the raid without "becoming as soulless as [we] are"... but soon that changed to "It hasn't even began!".

The loyalty and friendship they value so much went to hell when they finally realized they did have a mole and started accusing other people behind their backs. Most Insurgents would be surprised to learn who Zzap's top suspects were (please, someone challenge me on this).
Posted By: Rob Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 11:16 PM

they are all that they feared.

they are... the bushsurgencies.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 11:17 PM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
The loyalty and friendship they value so much went to hell when they finally realized they did have a mole and started accusing other people behind their backs. Most Insurgents would be surprised to learn who Zzap's top suspects were (please, someone challenge me on this).

And the best part is that they had more than one and never knew it. But let me be the one to challenge you on your assertion about Zzap. There's no way he had suspects that weren't common knowledge! Not him!!!
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 11:21 PM
rob appreciates the extra traffic!
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 11:21 PM
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 11:22 PM
bringer of change
Posted By: iggy Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 11:22 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
Wrong again, I don't need a win, in fact, I'd be quite happy never to have to think about or respond to you again; but it is somewhat satisfying, on a purely visceral level, to know that I'm annoying you enough that you feel the need to respond and prove yourself to be just another deluded RKMB liar who can't even maintain your most dearly held tenet about the importance of things said on the internet. Every response of yours or of the other RKMBers puts that entire line of thinking firmly in the category of being a lie and just something you all need to tell yourselves so you can continue to operate in the heinous fashion that you all so enjoy.

Another reason I don't need a win is because I'm content knowing that everything the Insurgency stood for "wins" over anything the RKMB does. Friendship over betrayal, loyalty over back stabbing, support over gleefully emasculating each other. Yup. I'm pretty comfortable with our status as being better/superior to the RKMB.

However, just for the shits and grins you all seem to enjoy so much, please try and explain to me why that is a rationalization? Are you sure you know what that word means? If not, look it up or ask Knit for help (assuming she hasn't dumped your pathetic ass by now like she should have). You're the folks who stridently maintain that nothing on the internet should be taken seriously and then you all go and contradict yourselves by taking things seriously enough to want to respond to them. I just don't see how pointing out that hypocrisy of yours is a rationalization on my/our part.

Heh. Okay, let me try to explain this one more time. You started off be responding to a post that I made here. If anyone is the lap bitch, it is you. Until that post of mine, the most conversation we've had is when you couldn't stand the fact that I fired right back at you at the Likes It in the Ass board. Then, you just had to follow up with a response to my post here that Sikk copied and pasted over there. So, please, lay off the self-righteousness. If I really wanted you to suck my balls, I would've asked for it. But, it is good to know that you are so committed as to drop down on your knees at anytime and polish them babies with your mouth without me needing to say anything.

Hmmm...interesting take. I wonder if that's what all back stabbing despots and delusional little Tin G-ds whisper to themselves when they've curled up on the floor in the fetal position after fully realizing how shitty a person they really are when those they've betrayed leave them to wallow in the muck and mire of their pathetic fiefdom in order to resettle somewhere more to their liking? I'm guessing "yes".

Wow. Keep trying, Zzap. One day, I might give...ehh, actually, nevermind. I won't ever give a damn.

Oooh..."stupid fuck". Now that hurt. It may have been too much for me…to…go…on…rolleyes.gif

So, anyway, not entirely sure what the point of posting the PM was; to prove that you were an asshole sell out as far back as May 26th? Or was it to “prove” that you considered the alt to be a joke? Oh, and since we have no real way of knowing what you did or didn’t do on May 26th, other than the word of an asshole sell out who stabbed us all in the back, you’ll forgive me if I’m just a tiny bit skeptical about anything you proffer as being the “truth”. Additionally, IMHO, that PM sure doesn’t sound like a “first contact” communiqué; if anything it sounds more like you giving Prometheus an update. Which would then indicate that you were betraying us even further back than May 26th.

Also, why is the word “betrayal” in your post in quotes? It’s neither questionable or up for debate. Your own PM just proved that. You betrayed us. You stabbed your friends in the back. There are no two ways about it. And you know as well as anyone that our leaving had nothing to do with any differences of idealogy, we left because you betrayed us.

Regardless, you're either missing the point or refusing to see it in order to preserve whatever shreds of self worth you have left. The point here wasn't whether or not the raid was "valid", but that you, having been fully informed ahead of time and with ample opportunity to do your own research, joined us anyway. And then betrayed us INSTEAD of asking us to re-evaluate the validity of the raid or otherwise stop it entirely. Yeah, I know you did try. You made ONE post. ONE. And even that was more to the effect of "I'm dropping out" instead of "this raid is invalid". See, that's what still puzzles me; why you thought we wouldn't listen to you. Were you so unsure of yourself or your position/influence at the Insurgency that you thought we'd...what...mutiny or something, even though we'd always gone along with ANY limitation/rule you issued in the past? Instead of trusting your friends enough to talk to them and tell them your opinions you must have felt that "it would be pointless because no one likes me or respects me enough to listen to me so I might as well just betray them and sell out to the "enemy".

Really now, Jordan, out of curiosity, was I that much of a threat to you? Were you really that jealous of my popularity and leadership in your extended absences that you felt you had no other choice but to destroy us if only to make yourself feel better? That's what I don't get.

I'm thinking Syd was right on the money here.

First, the PM that I showed you was about the third one I sent to Pro. The other two were just about making sure that what was said in private would be kept private. So, that is why it doesn't sound like first contact.

Second, to clear this up for you guys, I didn't start helping Pro get on the boards for over two weeks after I sent that PM. I gave you all that time to try to take care of it. You failed. You became obsessed. You said you would take your planning and everything to another one of your secret boards, but--in the end--you kept it on mine. I didn't see much point in trying to discuss things with people who were foaming at the mouth so much.

I said the raid was stupid. I said it wasn't going to prove anything or get any of the results you were looking to get. I said I wasn't going to take part in the idiocy anymore. You guys said I had "battle fatigue."

Oy! Yes, it was Halo. It was always Halo. I’ve said that about 100 times already. It’s no secret. Jeez! Are you that much of a stupid fuck? happy.gif

So, you “heard the rumblings” and expected “something ‘sinister’” and instead of bringing your concerns up to the board for discussion or at least with your Co-Admins in a PM, you thought the right way for you to go is to stab us in the back and sell us out to the enemy. Well, that’s good to know.

Your life could have been worse? You sure about that? Fine, if that's what you choose to believe. I can't imagine how having the support and assistance of people who cared about you could make your life worse, but I suppose anything is possible. Good argument, btw.

And some of us still can't believe that you'd sell us all out. I know for a fact that you weren't the only Insurgent who recognized the alt for what it was but some acted for other reasons, too. Perhaps the alt was simply the straw that broke the camel's back. It's been well known that the RKMB had been bashing whomod for years over his liberal beliefs and postings, maybe the combination of the two was enough for some to finally take a stand. Like Halo, for instance, who shares whomod's political leanings, or our very own group, The Hellhounds, who raid for the simple enjoyment of it. They surely don't need much, if any, reason to go on the offensive with another board.

BTW, couldn't help but notice you didn't respond to anything in my paragraph and what you posted was something of a non sequitur.

Quick summation since I must head to work:

1. Apologies, not really, if a little thing called the real world kept me from reading every little thing that you guys posted, pm-ed, and such about the raid. I've got a girl, a job, parties, hobbies...you know, a life to live.

2. What I did see was making it out like these guys were threatening the real lives behind the user names. It wasn't the case. It was just virtual butt hurt.

3. Rehab isn't for everyone. Otherwise, it was just me pointing out that "what could've been" arguments don't do much because that means that any other "what could've been" argument is just as valid. So, it was a superfluous thing to add to your reply.

4. That would almost be believable except that I have a serious problem with people who constantly put themselves in the position of being ridiculed. Whomod could've stopped posting at any point in the last five years. He didn't. He had the ability to stop it by way of that. He didn't. He brought it all on himself so if I don't seem empathetic it is because I'm generally not when people do it to themselves.

Good luck trying to understand that.

I didn't think you could.

And now we come to what has actually been my favorite part of this love letter; the part where the pot calls the kettle black. I'll just use your words here to make a fool of you again: "Saddest rationalization ever. I need a win. So, if you respond, I win."

LOL.gif LOL.gif LOL.gif LOL.gif LOL.gif


Or do I? 6.gif


One word: sad.
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 11:22 PM
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-01 11:58 PM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
But let me be the one to challenge you on your assertion about Zzap. There's no way he had suspects that weren't common knowledge! Not him!!!

Eh, where's the fun in that? It has to be one of them.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 12:01 AM

It was worth a try.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 12:42 AM
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP


 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
the jew with a plan to amuse me so i post his posts to fuck with you... yeah thats surprising.

Try posting that again, but this time in english. I haven't the faintest idea what you're trying to say...

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Like Rob, saying we lost cause we "took this so seriously" yet he freaked out about big sigs?

I don't remember Rob ever freaking out, at any time in the past. Ever. Oh, wait, are you talking about when he edited your sigs because they were larger than his preferred size limit? Is that "freaking out"? Because, you guys did exactly the same thing to me when I was posting over at your [now destroyed] boards. Hypocritical much?

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Sorry to infringe on your gimmick. What do you call it when you're sucking cock?
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 12:44 AM

I just like saying that.

For some reason bothering you and Lothar gives me pleasure! Consider it a compliment!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 12:45 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Sorry to infringe on your gimmick. What do you call it when you're sucking cock?

he doesnt call it anything, as his mouth is always full!
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 12:48 AM
Posted By: Prometheus Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 1:11 AM
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP

I just like saying that.

For some reason bothering you and Lothar gives me pleasure! Consider it a compliment!

You're such a cocktease...
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 2:42 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Why are you guys complaining about Sikkbones' posts? Everything he's posted, third person, shows just how decisive our victory over them was. Stevie Z. is afraid to post here himself, Tommy resigned to form the heckpuppies and as for Andy...well, has anyone seen Andy? Add to those facts that Sikkbones is STILL posting here after he made his goodbye post and left in a huff over Iggy's Hoganesque heel turn, and that Sikkbones is STILL riding the fence about whether he was part of their botched "raid" in the first place, and you have more victories for us without even having to raise a finger.

I say, "Keep posting Sikkbones!" Keep showing us how broken your friends are. Keep revealing Stevie's accusations of Republicanism where there is very little. Occasionally provide us with updates on Andy and the tongue bather of your genitalia, Tommy "heckpuppy #1" Tantillo. We'll all be here, posting and laughing at you all and enjoying how you all try to cope with the neverending aftershocks of your collective failures.

As you were.

Thought I'd chime in just to thank Fat Mama for proving me right about him all along. Here he is talking shit about Sikk who was suppose to be his "buddy" and who he wanted to "assimilate" just for a chance to boost his own underservingly massive ego. Not only that, but doing what the Whores at this board do best...rationalizing. Saying Iggy took a "Hoganesque heel turn" when all he did was sellout in his overdramatic way. Saying because Andy isn't around you morons "won" and because I'm not here cause I'm "resigning" to form the "heckpuppies" (which is further proof of Joe's stupidity since I simply resigned for the hellhounds all together). Don't you have something better to do than conjure up some imaginary victory Joe? Wasn't it you who told me to "let it go" months ago yet here you are still feeding yourself lies? Damn man, that's sad. But then again, I guess that's why you're so perfect here? A board full of delusional liars.

Like Rob, saying we lost cause we "took this so seriously" yet he freaked out about big sigs?

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Harley, who needs to believe that you guys are actually smart so she doesn't have to face the truth that she's the cliched woman who laches on to arrogant, macho, immature men cause she herself is "insecure".

And Iggy, the bitch of all bitches. Saying that Zzap is making the "saddest" rationalization" when he says you guys are giving us a "win" everytime you respond. Yet, that's pretty much what Joe is saying in the post I quoted? That's exactly what Joe was saying everytime he went off on some insane rant about "good doggie" when I trashed him and he had nothing else to say. It's exactly what Sammitch is saying when he says "dance monkey, dance". Hell, this whole board is made up of anti-social attention whores like rex and MisterJLA who love getting a negative reaction from people and consider it victory when they get that reaction. So Iggy, by your own logic the RKMB is the saddest place on earth. You just won't let yourself see it. Cause you're a cowardly hypocrite.

But, I've totally gottin off track. Thanks Joe, for proving you're the pathetic and hypocrical sack of shit I always said you were. \:\)

Why So Serious?

i'm having fun mocking everyone on both sides... haven't you idiots figured out this is just a distraction from work and my everyday life?
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 2:45 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
It just doesn't stop!

No, it doesn't.

Oh wait, I forgot, you guys have NOTHING to do with the continuation of this? Have fun talking to Sikk about me.

(Thanks for ignoring my post that you didn't have the "balls" to respond to)

don't worry as soon as he get's hisestrogen pills and his Viagara and has his stool samples checjked for other mens semen he'll be back to thinking about his toungue on your testicles halo... right now i think he's hankering for some kosher tubesteak tho.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 2:46 AM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
But I really don't see how talking about the past and "new interpretations" in a "private clubhouse" is any different than you guys who create alternate realities where you guys can bitch about others doing exactly what you do (responding to negative accusations, writing long posts lambasting someone, talking shit etc etc) so you can pontificate about how great you are.

Speaking creating alternate realities and whatnot, have you updated the wikipedia entry to include the heckpuppies?

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Fuck, I posted here...what? 5 times in the last few months? You mother fuckers can't shut up about me. I guarantee you months after I've stopped thinking about this place pathetic pieces of shit like Joe and Sammitch will still be talking about me.

Perhaps more than that, Tommy. But who's counting, really. The fact is, we'll never know if your speculation will ever come to pass because you can't stop posting here, whining about your botched "raid" and spinning the facts to keep from facing yet another failure and crying to Iggy about how hurt you are that he jilted you and tongue bathing Sikkbones' genitalia and begging us to smash you again and again. Face it, you are addicted to this place. So take another hit, Tommy.

Joe, are all of you here obsessed with the former insurgency's genitals or is just you and the doctor?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 3:14 AM
Seems that you're the one with a fascination with other people's genitals today, Sikchismo. Are you missing your own?
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 3:26 AM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Seems that you're the one with a fascination with other people's genitals today, Sikchismo. Are you missing your own?

i'm not the one that keeps talking about the former insurgents private parts however.. you are.

have you had your daily does of your anti-depressants today, it might cure the repressed closet homosexuality.
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 3:35 AM
thedoctor is a great guy....maybe try to get to know him before judging him. Keep in mind you guys came here looking for trouble. So if you are getting ragged on it is because you brought it on yourself. I bet if you said you'd like to start over and ask for a fresh start you might be pleasantly surprised.

Also like you said this is just a distraction for you from work, what do you think it is to us? Take a deep breath and revisit some of the crap you are saying about everyone here. You might realize you sound like a tool.
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 3:37 AM
I have Nick Blackburn and Scott Kazmir pitching for me tonight and both are pitching gems! Just thought everyone should know. Also Mike Cameron hit a HR for me.
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 3:38 AM
I am going to drop Jay Bruce from my team.....he is having a really hard time.
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 3:43 AM
Blackburn just gave up a double. I am not amused.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 3:44 AM
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
thedoctor is a great guy....maybe try to get to know him before judging him. Keep in mind you guys came here looking for trouble. So if you are getting ragged on it is because you brought it on yourself. I bet if you said you'd like to start over and ask for a fresh start you might be pleasantly surprised.

Also like you said this is just a distraction for you from work, what do you think it is to us? Take a deep breath and revisit some of the crap you are saying about everyone here. You might realize you sound like a tool.

wait... did one of the representives of Rob's home improvement Show just call me a tool?

teh irony tis lost on the illarati.
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 3:44 AM
whatever man.....just trying to help you out.
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 3:45 AM
Blackburn just got Sizemore out to end the inning.
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 3:46 AM
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
Blackburn just got Sizemore out to end the inning.
Sounds like some sexual nicknames the insurgency would use with each other.......Oh hey Blackburn.....you want some of my Sizemore!
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 3:46 AM
stop turning this thread into a babseball thread.
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 3:48 AM
why....it's more entertaining!

Never get involved in a highly competitive fantasy league. It's like having a second job.

Or a first job if you're rex.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 3:57 AM
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
I am going to drop Jay Bruce from my team.....he is having a really hard time.

Bruce is being moved to the 3 slot now that Griffey is gone, he will have Brandon Phillips batting behind him with Dunn after that, he should get better pitches. I'd give it a week.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 3:58 AM
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
thedoctor is a great guy....maybe try to get to know him before judging him. Keep in mind you guys came here looking for trouble. So if you are getting ragged on it is because you brought it on yourself. I bet if you said you'd like to start over and ask for a fresh start you might be pleasantly surprised.

Also like you said this is just a distraction for you from work, what do you think it is to us? Take a deep breath and revisit some of the crap you are saying about everyone here. You might realize you sound like a tool.

or in rex's case a break from not work.
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 4:59 AM
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
I am going to drop Jay Bruce from my team.....he is having a really hard time.

Bruce is being moved to the 3 slot now that Griffey is gone, he will have Brandon Phillips batting behind him with Dunn after that, he should get better pitches. I'd give it a week.
he just hit a HR.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 6:23 AM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Why are you guys complaining about Sikkbones' posts? Everything he's posted, third person, shows just how decisive our victory over them was. Stevie Z. is afraid to post here himself, Tommy resigned to form the heckpuppies and as for Andy...well, has anyone seen Andy? Add to those facts that Sikkbones is STILL posting here after he made his goodbye post and left in a huff over Iggy's Hoganesque heel turn, and that Sikkbones is STILL riding the fence about whether he was part of their botched "raid" in the first place, and you have more victories for us without even having to raise a finger.

I say, "Keep posting Sikkbones!" Keep showing us how broken your friends are. Keep revealing Stevie's accusations of Republicanism where there is very little. Occasionally provide us with updates on Andy and the tongue bather of your genitalia, Tommy "heckpuppy #1" Tantillo. We'll all be here, posting and laughing at you all and enjoying how you all try to cope with the neverending aftershocks of your collective failures.

As you were.

Thought I'd chime in just to thank Fat Mama for proving me right about him all along. Here he is talking shit about Sikk who was suppose to be his "buddy" and who he wanted to "assimilate" just for a chance to boost his own underservingly massive ego. Not only that, but doing what the Whores at this board do best...rationalizing. Saying Iggy took a "Hoganesque heel turn" when all he did was sellout in his overdramatic way. Saying because Andy isn't around you morons "won" and because I'm not here cause I'm "resigning" to form the "heckpuppies" (which is further proof of Joe's stupidity since I simply resigned for the hellhounds all together). Don't you have something better to do than conjure up some imaginary victory Joe? Wasn't it you who told me to "let it go" months ago yet here you are still feeding yourself lies? Damn man, that's sad. But then again, I guess that's why you're so perfect here? A board full of delusional liars.

Like Rob, saying we lost cause we "took this so seriously" yet he freaked out about big sigs?

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Harley, who needs to believe that you guys are actually smart so she doesn't have to face the truth that she's the cliched woman who laches on to arrogant, macho, immature men cause she herself is "insecure".

And Iggy, the bitch of all bitches. Saying that Zzap is making the "saddest" rationalization" when he says you guys are giving us a "win" everytime you respond. Yet, that's pretty much what Joe is saying in the post I quoted? That's exactly what Joe was saying everytime he went off on some insane rant about "good doggie" when I trashed him and he had nothing else to say. It's exactly what Sammitch is saying when he says "dance monkey, dance". Hell, this whole board is made up of anti-social attention whores like rex and MisterJLA who love getting a negative reaction from people and consider it victory when they get that reaction. So Iggy, by your own logic the RKMB is the saddest place on earth. You just won't let yourself see it. Cause you're a cowardly hypocrite.

But, I've totally gottin off track. Thanks Joe, for proving you're the pathetic and hypocrical sack of shit I always said you were. \:\)

Your Honor, I rest my case.

Thank YOU, Tommy. Once again, your inability to do the slightest bit of research, along with your ignorance and general failure, provides us with entertainment and another victory without doing any serious lifting. How's the recruitment coming, by the way? I expect the heckpuppies to be at full strength by the end of summer.

Impressive argument. Nobody can go into full blown denial without a shred of substantive argument like you, Joe. Not only that, but you managed to toot your own horn in the midst of your inane babble.

And what the fuck are you talking about "recruitment"? I know that in the Joeverse not only is being fat, ugly, stupid, delusional, egotistical, and pathetic cool things but Halo is the center of all things but I have nothing to do with the "heck puppies". All I know is the hellhounds KNOW it's a gag. Unlike you morons who believe your own hype.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 6:25 AM
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 6:32 AM
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
even now, you're concocting a response. we can see it. we can smell it. maybe you wont post immediately. maybe you'll log out, first, then lurk, then confer with your pals, then return, more triumphant than ever. but the dance will be the same; all of us have fun, and you are lost in a world of taking things too seriously.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
You mean, because I post here (whenever I want) then go do something else I'm obsessed?

heh. close enough.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
But I really don't see how talking about the past and "new interpretations" in a "private clubhouse" is any different than you guys who create alternate realities where you guys can bitch about others doing exactly what you do

so are you saying you're exactly like us?

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
how great you are


 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
you desperate extremist are creating shit like "you all must think you're are morally superior"

 Originally Posted By: zap
Grab the moral highground

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Yes. We came here because you are stupid assholes who can't mount more of a offensive then "aww poor baby" type shit. We claim moral superiority again and again.


 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
and of coure the famous "you made a generic crack about Nowherebrains mom which is exactly the same thing as talking about someone brand new baby girl" which of course is the ultimate proof of how deluded you fucking neanderthals are.


 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
you can hardly talk about "moving on" when you have a forum named "Random thoughts and the Insurgency Roast".


well, wait. more than heh.

you see, dear friend, we do this in jest. and, sure, i don't know why i said "you see", because you don't, and thus all the fun we're having. but the point is we enjoy messing with you. and not just you (though especially you). we don't take this seriously. this is having a few moments of fun on the intrawebs, gloriously at your expense. it is comical for all and financially rewarding for me. all i have to do is say some words here, and you'll get all angry and poo out a bucket of spelling errors. wash, rinse, repeat.

many of your fellow pals got that. some bailed out because it got silly for them, or maybe they always thought it was silly. but you are amongst the few that couldn't let go, and tried to win at all costs and obsessed and dedicated and strategized and retaliated and returned and planned and plotted, etc. this has clearly not stopped, or even slowed.

that is taking it too seriously. that is how individuals "lose" on this here internetopia.

but you don't see that. and you won't see that.

and we all look forward to your response.

Good job linking to those posts that...mean nothing since it's exactly like I said they are. Saying you guys are assholes is different than arrogance and I made a generic crack about Nowhereman's mom. Further proof of how clueless you are. And no, I'm not like you, you're just hypocrites.

As for the rest of your diatribe (which is obviously long and shows how much you care ) it's easy to say "we do this in jest and cause we enjoy it". Any retard from Forest Gump to Joe Mama to Sikkbones can say that. But when it all comes down to it you have no more evidence of enjoying it than we have of enjoying fucking with you. So ultimately it's a moot point.

Speaking of not seeing, I make spelling errors all the time. You've probaly noticed that but are desperate for an argument. You, however, don't fuck with people's accounts often so if anybody is acting out of the ordinary...it's you.

I also see you completely dodged my point about me not posting here a whole lot and you fuckers still talking about it and finding any excuse possible to feel like you "won". Good job, Queen Bee. By your own logic your board is the obsessed one. I guess a broken clock you is right twice a day and all.

But yeah, I bet you losers LIVE to see my posts. That much I believe, coming from you.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 6:32 AM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk

Not quite. You guys get to cherish my presence here a little longer.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 6:35 AM
I don't remember Rob ever freaking out, at any time in the past. Ever. Oh, wait, are you talking about when he edited your sigs because they were larger than his preferred size limit? Is that "freaking out"? Because, you guys did exactly the same thing to me when I was posting over at your [now destroyed] boards. Hypocritical much?

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see that in the rules. OH THAT'S RIGHT, cause there are none. On a board where you assholes pride yourself on no rules (along with many other retarded things you brag about) that would be considered freaking out.

So no, I'm not hypocritical at all. You'd see that if you could take your face out of the Rob's zipper.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 6:37 AM
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Sorry to infringe on your gimmick. What do you call it when you're sucking cock?

he doesnt call it anything, as his mouth is always full!

Now this is hypocricy.

Just so you know in the future, Pro.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 6:38 AM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Why are you guys complaining about Sikkbones' posts? Everything he's posted, third person, shows just how decisive our victory over them was. Stevie Z. is afraid to post here himself, Tommy resigned to form the heckpuppies and as for Andy...well, has anyone seen Andy? Add to those facts that Sikkbones is STILL posting here after he made his goodbye post and left in a huff over Iggy's Hoganesque heel turn, and that Sikkbones is STILL riding the fence about whether he was part of their botched "raid" in the first place, and you have more victories for us without even having to raise a finger.

I say, "Keep posting Sikkbones!" Keep showing us how broken your friends are. Keep revealing Stevie's accusations of Republicanism where there is very little. Occasionally provide us with updates on Andy and the tongue bather of your genitalia, Tommy "heckpuppy #1" Tantillo. We'll all be here, posting and laughing at you all and enjoying how you all try to cope with the neverending aftershocks of your collective failures.

As you were.

Thought I'd chime in just to thank Fat Mama for proving me right about him all along. Here he is talking shit about Sikk who was suppose to be his "buddy" and who he wanted to "assimilate" just for a chance to boost his own underservingly massive ego. Not only that, but doing what the Whores at this board do best...rationalizing. Saying Iggy took a "Hoganesque heel turn" when all he did was sellout in his overdramatic way. Saying because Andy isn't around you morons "won" and because I'm not here cause I'm "resigning" to form the "heckpuppies" (which is further proof of Joe's stupidity since I simply resigned for the hellhounds all together). Don't you have something better to do than conjure up some imaginary victory Joe? Wasn't it you who told me to "let it go" months ago yet here you are still feeding yourself lies? Damn man, that's sad. But then again, I guess that's why you're so perfect here? A board full of delusional liars.

Like Rob, saying we lost cause we "took this so seriously" yet he freaked out about big sigs?

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Harley, who needs to believe that you guys are actually smart so she doesn't have to face the truth that she's the cliched woman who laches on to arrogant, macho, immature men cause she herself is "insecure".

And Iggy, the bitch of all bitches. Saying that Zzap is making the "saddest" rationalization" when he says you guys are giving us a "win" everytime you respond. Yet, that's pretty much what Joe is saying in the post I quoted? That's exactly what Joe was saying everytime he went off on some insane rant about "good doggie" when I trashed him and he had nothing else to say. It's exactly what Sammitch is saying when he says "dance monkey, dance". Hell, this whole board is made up of anti-social attention whores like rex and MisterJLA who love getting a negative reaction from people and consider it victory when they get that reaction. So Iggy, by your own logic the RKMB is the saddest place on earth. You just won't let yourself see it. Cause you're a cowardly hypocrite.

But, I've totally gottin off track. Thanks Joe, for proving you're the pathetic and hypocrical sack of shit I always said you were. \:\)

Why So Serious?

i'm having fun mocking everyone on both sides... haven't you idiots figured out this is just a distraction from work and my everyday life?

Haven't you figured out, asshole? Only the Whores can have fun.
Posted By: rex Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 6:44 AM
Wanky spews more meaningless crap than that black guy running for president.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 6:45 AM
Chris Rock?
Posted By: Rob Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 6:51 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Good job linking to those posts that...mean nothing

other than directly disqualifying your statements? sure, i guess other than that, they mean (suspense dots) nothing.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
when it all comes down to it you have no more evidence of enjoying it than we have of enjoying fucking with you. So ultimately it's a moot point.


i'll allow this, prosecutor, because it just sounds so funny.

so, lets say i'm a wee bit wanky and i wanted to prove i enjoyed laughing at your expense, making you run in circles, and watching your repeated, ranting obsessions. what type of evidence would i be looking for?

i just want to make sure the evidence meets your qualifications.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
I make spelling errors all the time. You've probaly noticed that

i probaly have.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
You, however, don't fuck with people's accounts often so if anybody is acting out of the ordinary...it's you.

you record my account-fuckery quotas? what constitutes an ordinary amount?

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
I also see you completely dodged my point about me not posting here a whole lot and you fuckers still talking about it and finding any excuse possible to feel like you "won".

it wasn't dodged. its all part of the same point above, where we talk about you because its fucking funny. you make us laugh. and the more often we discuss you, the more you march right back here with your cute lil stompy booties. you're like a wind up toy. so its double funny, because it keeps reinventing itself. like right here, in this thread.

sure, i don't have internevidence to prove it. i mean, aside from the thousands of threads where you can see us proving it (suspense dots!) but still.

i look forward to your entertaining response.


 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
of the Rob's zipper.

oh, excuse me, THE rob.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 6:57 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Sorry to infringe on your gimmick. What do you call it when you're sucking cock?

he doesnt call it anything, as his mouth is always full!

Now this is hypocricy.

Just so you know in the future, Pro.

what's hypocricy? is that like hypocrisy only tragically full of fail like yourself?
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 7:56 AM
Wank and Cry User Feared by RKMB
3000+ posts 08/02/08 12:45 AM Making a new reply
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,

eleven minutes by my count. I may have arrived late.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 7:56 AM
other than directly disqualifying your statements? sure, i guess other than that, they mean (suspense dots) nothing.

So...me saying that I made a generic insult to Nowhereman about his mom is disqualified by me making a generic insult to Nowhereman about his mom? Wow. Only on Rob's board could that make any sense.


i'll allow this, prosecutor, because it just sounds so funny.

so, lets say i'm a wee bit wanky and i wanted to prove i enjoyed laughing at your expense, making you run in circles, and watching your repeated, ranting obsessions. what type of evidence would i be looking for?

i just want to make sure the evidence meets your qualifications.

Evidence of obsession? Well, for instance, if you (or your minions) were watching somebody's profile so closely that you knew the moment they logged in or out that could count as obsession. In fact...it pretty much does.

you record my account-fuckery quotas? what constitutes an ordinary amount?

Let's see. In the six months I was here as a normal poster you altered...nobodies account. So yeah, it's out of the ordinary.

it wasn't dodged. its all part of the same point above, where we talk about you because its fucking funny. you make us laugh. and the more often we discuss you, the more you march right back here with your cute lil stompy booties. you're like a wind up toy. so its double funny, because it keeps reinventing itself. like right here, in this thread.

Oh, so it's funny that you guys talk about us all the time but for us it's obsession? That's some double standard you got going. But anyway, you dodged my point. Either that or you are completely retarded for "wanking" about the things you all do. Do you even realize that this-

however, continually logging out, reading anonymously, logging back in and responding to posts and posters you claim to not let bother you, discussing the past and new interpretations of it repeatedly in a private clubhouse, unable to move on, wanting desperately for us to know how you feel about something the rest of us had a good time with, especially when it'd be so easy for you to simply ignore us and move on...

-totally describes you and the other imbeciles of this board. Reading the Insurgency anonymously, posting at the Icon cbox, discussing us over pms (same fucking thing as a "private clubhouse"), saying that our posts don't bother you yet fussing about sigs, crying hypocracy, making your long posts (that according to you all constitutes a "meltdown"), and let's not forget your "Insurgency Roast" forum.

sure, i don't have internevidence to prove it. i mean, aside from the thousands of threads where you can see us proving it (suspense dots!) but still.

i look forward to your entertaining response.

"heh", the deluded ramblings of internet morons such as yourselves isn't admissable in court.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 7:57 AM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Wank and Cry User Feared by RKMB
3000+ posts 08/02/08 12:45 AM Making a new reply
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,

eleven minutes by my count. I may have arrived late.

See Rob, Sammitch is a perfect example of obsession.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 7:58 AM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Sorry to infringe on your gimmick. What do you call it when you're sucking cock?

he doesnt call it anything, as his mouth is always full!

Now this is hypocricy.

Just so you know in the future, Pro.

what's hypocricy? is that like hypocrisy only tragically full of fail like yourself?

Kinda. Only it has less to do with failing so much as not being some snob who can't do anything other than spell and play video games.

Hey, it's Saturday night, shouldn't you have some hot date here?
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 8:01 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Sorry to infringe on your gimmick. What do you call it when you're sucking cock?

he doesnt call it anything, as his mouth is always full!

Now this is hypocricy.

Just so you know in the future, Pro.

what's hypocricy? is that like hypocrisy only tragically full of fail like yourself?

Kinda. Only it has less to do with failing so much as not being some snob who can't do anything other than spell and play video games.

I'm not sure how I will go on with my life after receiving such a soul-crushing insult.

Hey, it's Saturday night, shouldn't you have some hot date here?

I'll just leave this be.

you really woulda been better off with
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 8:08 AM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Sorry to infringe on your gimmick. What do you call it when you're sucking cock?

he doesnt call it anything, as his mouth is always full!

Now this is hypocricy.

Just so you know in the future, Pro.

what's hypocricy? is that like hypocrisy only tragically full of fail like yourself?

Kinda. Only it has less to do with failing so much as not being some snob who can't do anything other than spell and play video games.

I'm not sure how I will go on with my life after receiving such a soul-crushing insult.

Hey, it's Saturday night, shouldn't you have some hot date here?

I'll just leave this be.

you really woulda been better off with

I'd be better of with a picture of V giving oral? Really? Is that your secret to being such a happy guy who has nothing better to do than spend all his time on the internet picking at other people? No thanks.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 8:11 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Sorry to infringe on your gimmick. What do you call it when you're sucking cock?

he doesnt call it anything, as his mouth is always full!

Now this is hypocricy.

Just so you know in the future, Pro.

what's hypocricy? is that like hypocrisy only tragically full of fail like yourself?

Kinda. Only it has less to do with failing so much as not being some snob who can't do anything other than spell and play video games.

I'm not sure how I will go on with my life after receiving such a soul-crushing insult.

Hey, it's Saturday night, shouldn't you have some hot date here?

I'll just leave this be.

you really woulda been better off with

Is that your secret to being such a happy guy who has nothing better to do than spend all his time on the internet picking at other people?

I don't even need to edit the into this.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 8:17 AM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Sorry to infringe on your gimmick. What do you call it when you're sucking cock?

he doesnt call it anything, as his mouth is always full!

Now this is hypocricy.

Just so you know in the future, Pro.

what's hypocricy? is that like hypocrisy only tragically full of fail like yourself?

Kinda. Only it has less to do with failing so much as not being some snob who can't do anything other than spell and play video games.

I'm not sure how I will go on with my life after receiving such a soul-crushing insult.

Hey, it's Saturday night, shouldn't you have some hot date here?

I'll just leave this be.

you really woulda been better off with

Is that your secret to being such a happy guy who has nothing better to do than spend all his time on the internet picking at other people?

I don't even need to edit the into this.

Sammitch has nothing to say other than posting a motie and a RKMB cliche? How very out of the ordinary .

But hey, you were right about one thing (even for retards such as yourself it happens). It's only Friday night. Tommorow is your big date posting on the internet!!!

Have fun.
Posted By: Rob Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 8:32 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
So...me saying that I made a generic insult to Nowhereman about his mom is disqualified by me making a generic insult to Nowhereman about his mom?

no worries, i'll walk y'through it.

you said you "made a generic crack about Nowherebrains mom." i responded with your reference to the actual quote, which referred to nowhereman's perversion and incest with his mother, who has passed away. she was an individual that meant the world to him, and revisiting your commentary again, it seems a little more than a "generic crack"

now, its likely your argument will now be that "generic" is a relative term, or some such silliness. in which case, you just get yerself a nice little gold star.

so thats quote one. y'with me still?

in quote 2, you said that we are extremists who are silly to create stories about you, like "you all must think you're are morally superior." my response was in two parts, one was zap's quote, about how you insurgentians should "grab the moral highground" -- the other was your own, stating "We claim moral superiority again and again."

so, as you'll note, both of those quotes from zap and yourself seem to counter your other point fairly directly.

and that, dear friend, is the reason i posted them for you. i found it funny (that's why i said "heh") that you were trying to rewrite the past by redefining what you had already done or said. when, in reality, looking at your actual words, they're in direct contrast to one another.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Evidence of obsession?

no, that is not what i asked, nor was it what you were looking for in your own clarification. again, no worries. i'll walk you through this, as well. originally, i said i (and we, as a whole) enjoy toying with you because its funny. you said that i couldn't prove i was enjoying it. so i was asking what evidence i'd need to present to you to prove i enjoyed laughing at your expense and that i enjoy(ed) your continued torment.

please advise.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Let's see. In the six months I was here as a normal poster you altered...nobodies account. So yeah, it's out of the ordinary.

how would you know that? or why would you think you know that?

i mean, at the very least, in the same thread where you discovered your screen name had changed colors, joe mama noticed his own screen name had changed colors, as well. if i recall, these discoveries were within a few posts of one another. if you didn't notice that one, you can't expect you'd notice others.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Oh, so it's funny that you guys talk about us all the time but for us it's obsession? That's some double standard you got going.

its not a double standard. in fact, to most of the people in your tribe, there is no difference with us. they are (or were) all having fun with it, as well. but for you, and a few select others over there, it has become an obsession. you're clearly not having fun. you're angry. you're frustrated. you're trying so desperately to win something, when that very path guarantees failure. i'd wager the rkmbs is something you think about off line, as well. that is where all your "lose" comes from.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
totally describes you and the other imbeciles of this board. Reading the Insurgency anonymously

i dont think anyone here read your old forum anonymously, unless they weren't allowed to register / log in. the only reason anyone here would sign up there (which never included me) would be to post on the boards and fuck with them.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
posting at the Icon cbox

i don't know what that is.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
discussing us over pms (same fucking thing as a "private clubhouse")

how would you know if that were true or not? its certainly not something i've done. it wouldn't even make much sense to do it, we have nothing to hide. we have nothing to plan. the grand bible is "see wanky, make fun of wanky, cyber high five one another, illegally vote republican twice"

its out in the open.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
saying that our posts don't bother you yet fussing about sigs

your posts bother no one here. honestly. i can't stress that enough. everything you say is humorous. whether its in this current revisionist mode, your war raiding mode, or your green lanterning mode. we enjoy your posts.

the only one who ever fussed over your sig was me. and it was never an issue of content, simply a practicality of the forum's program. i also wouldn't allow you to install windows vista on my server, or smear my monitor with your tears. content-wise, you can say whatever you want. anyone can. you can yell at me or say these boards are too gray or even make liberal statements. you've always known that, and if not, you should by now.

but above and beyond the notion that i don't dislike your posts or your content, its quite the opposite -- i like them! i don't want you to stop posting here. i enjoy your posts. they make me happy and they make me money. they stir up discussion and fun for everyone. i, of course, want that to continue. truthfully, i wish your raid was still "rampaging" the boards here in the doses and groups from a month or two back, before you lost your forum. at the very least, i'd dub that period of time inspiring for post content.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
crying hypocracy

please note the quote commentary above.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
making your long posts (that according to you all constitutes a "meltdown")

no, i've already clarified this earlier tonight. long posts don't necessarily mean anything.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
and let's not forget your "Insurgency Roast" forum.

again, previously clarified. its all in jest. mockery in the form of comedy. you know, like a "roast" (!!!)

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
"heh", the deluded ramblings of internet morons such as yourselves isn't admissable in court.

please don't use my "heh."

your response is appreciated

Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 9:37 AM
fuckin christ, i stopped reading all that. someone summarize this thread for me
Posted By: Rob Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 10:08 AM
in summation, wank and cry is declaring victory for a raid that plagues him to this day, and lead to the destruction of his message board.

we interject on occasion with a variety of responses, but really just like watching the fireworks.
Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 10:17 AM
damn. i really hate catching the end of a show.
Posted By: Rob Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 10:51 AM
oh no, we're nowhere near the end.
Posted By: iggy Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 12:07 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Why are you guys complaining about Sikkbones' posts? Everything he's posted, third person, shows just how decisive our victory over them was. Stevie Z. is afraid to post here himself, Tommy resigned to form the heckpuppies and as for Andy...well, has anyone seen Andy? Add to those facts that Sikkbones is STILL posting here after he made his goodbye post and left in a huff over Iggy's Hoganesque heel turn, and that Sikkbones is STILL riding the fence about whether he was part of their botched "raid" in the first place, and you have more victories for us without even having to raise a finger.

I say, "Keep posting Sikkbones!" Keep showing us how broken your friends are. Keep revealing Stevie's accusations of Republicanism where there is very little. Occasionally provide us with updates on Andy and the tongue bather of your genitalia, Tommy "heckpuppy #1" Tantillo. We'll all be here, posting and laughing at you all and enjoying how you all try to cope with the neverending aftershocks of your collective failures.

As you were.

Thought I'd chime in just to thank Fat Mama for proving me right about him all along. Here he is talking shit about Sikk who was suppose to be his "buddy" and who he wanted to "assimilate" just for a chance to boost his own underservingly massive ego. Not only that, but doing what the Whores at this board do best...rationalizing. Saying Iggy took a "Hoganesque heel turn" when all he did was sellout in his overdramatic way. Saying because Andy isn't around you morons "won" and because I'm not here cause I'm "resigning" to form the "heckpuppies" (which is further proof of Joe's stupidity since I simply resigned for the hellhounds all together). Don't you have something better to do than conjure up some imaginary victory Joe? Wasn't it you who told me to "let it go" months ago yet here you are still feeding yourself lies? Damn man, that's sad. But then again, I guess that's why you're so perfect here? A board full of delusional liars.

Like Rob, saying we lost cause we "took this so seriously" yet he freaked out about big sigs?

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Harley, who needs to believe that you guys are actually smart so she doesn't have to face the truth that she's the cliched woman who laches on to arrogant, macho, immature men cause she herself is "insecure".

And Iggy, the bitch of all bitches. Saying that Zzap is making the "saddest" rationalization" when he says you guys are giving us a "win" everytime you respond. Yet, that's pretty much what Joe is saying in the post I quoted? That's exactly what Joe was saying everytime he went off on some insane rant about "good doggie" when I trashed him and he had nothing else to say. It's exactly what Sammitch is saying when he says "dance monkey, dance". Hell, this whole board is made up of anti-social attention whores like rex and MisterJLA who love getting a negative reaction from people and consider it victory when they get that reaction. So Iggy, by your own logic the RKMB is the saddest place on earth. You just won't let yourself see it. Cause you're a cowardly hypocrite.

But, I've totally gottin off track. Thanks Joe, for proving you're the pathetic and hypocrical sack of shit I always said you were. \:\)

Halo, I'm going to try to be nice. Really.

Have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons? If so, this should make sense. Just imagine a D&D session were, for some reason, it just isn't this one player's day. No matter how much he shakes the dice or changes the way he rolls, he just can't help but roll low. He even defies the odds and gets several natural ones. It just isn't his day. So, all the other players and the DM taunt him about it in game. But, then, the session has ended. What do you say to that one guy after it is all over? "Hey, want to get a drink?" And, that's that.

Now, follow with me, all of the goings on here have been like that imaginary game of D&D. For some reason, you guys just can't help but role natural ones. And, we taunt you about it. We aren't actually winning anything here. We are just laughing at your failures. But, when all is said and done, we log off and we go do other things. The fun of the taunt is over. At least, it is until the next rather predictable session.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 5:29 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Sorry to infringe on your gimmick. What do you call it when you're sucking cock?

he doesnt call it anything, as his mouth is always full!

Now this is hypocricy.

Just so you know in the future, Pro.

what's hypocricy? is that like hypocrisy only tragically full of fail like yourself?

Kinda. Only it has less to do with failing so much as not being some snob who can't do anything other than spell and play video games.

I'm not sure how I will go on with my life after receiving such a soul-crushing insult.

Hey, it's Saturday night, shouldn't you have some hot date here?

I'll just leave this be.

you really woulda been better off with

Is that your secret to being such a happy guy who has nothing better to do than spend all his time on the internet picking at other people?

I don't even need to edit the into this.

but that one was begging for it.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 6:18 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Why are you guys complaining about Sikkbones' posts? Everything he's posted, third person, shows just how decisive our victory over them was. Stevie Z. is afraid to post here himself, Tommy resigned to form the heckpuppies and as for Andy...well, has anyone seen Andy? Add to those facts that Sikkbones is STILL posting here after he made his goodbye post and left in a huff over Iggy's Hoganesque heel turn, and that Sikkbones is STILL riding the fence about whether he was part of their botched "raid" in the first place, and you have more victories for us without even having to raise a finger.

I say, "Keep posting Sikkbones!" Keep showing us how broken your friends are. Keep revealing Stevie's accusations of Republicanism where there is very little. Occasionally provide us with updates on Andy and the tongue bather of your genitalia, Tommy "heckpuppy #1" Tantillo. We'll all be here, posting and laughing at you all and enjoying how you all try to cope with the neverending aftershocks of your collective failures.

As you were.

Thought I'd chime in just to thank Fat Mama for proving me right about him all along. Here he is talking shit about Sikk who was suppose to be his "buddy" and who he wanted to "assimilate" just for a chance to boost his own underservingly massive ego. Not only that, but doing what the Whores at this board do best...rationalizing. Saying Iggy took a "Hoganesque heel turn" when all he did was sellout in his overdramatic way. Saying because Andy isn't around you morons "won" and because I'm not here cause I'm "resigning" to form the "heckpuppies" (which is further proof of Joe's stupidity since I simply resigned for the hellhounds all together). Don't you have something better to do than conjure up some imaginary victory Joe? Wasn't it you who told me to "let it go" months ago yet here you are still feeding yourself lies? Damn man, that's sad. But then again, I guess that's why you're so perfect here? A board full of delusional liars.

Like Rob, saying we lost cause we "took this so seriously" yet he freaked out about big sigs?

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Harley, who needs to believe that you guys are actually smart so she doesn't have to face the truth that she's the cliched woman who laches on to arrogant, macho, immature men cause she herself is "insecure".

And Iggy, the bitch of all bitches. Saying that Zzap is making the "saddest" rationalization" when he says you guys are giving us a "win" everytime you respond. Yet, that's pretty much what Joe is saying in the post I quoted? That's exactly what Joe was saying everytime he went off on some insane rant about "good doggie" when I trashed him and he had nothing else to say. It's exactly what Sammitch is saying when he says "dance monkey, dance". Hell, this whole board is made up of anti-social attention whores like rex and MisterJLA who love getting a negative reaction from people and consider it victory when they get that reaction. So Iggy, by your own logic the RKMB is the saddest place on earth. You just won't let yourself see it. Cause you're a cowardly hypocrite.

But, I've totally gottin off track. Thanks Joe, for proving you're the pathetic and hypocrical sack of shit I always said you were. \:\)

Your Honor, I rest my case.

Thank YOU, Tommy. Once again, your inability to do the slightest bit of research, along with your ignorance and general failure, provides us with entertainment and another victory without doing any serious lifting. How's the recruitment coming, by the way? I expect the heckpuppies to be at full strength by the end of summer.

Impressive argument. Nobody can go into full blown denial without a shred of substantive argument like you, Joe. Not only that, but you managed to toot your own horn in the midst of your inane babble.

And what the fuck are you talking about "recruitment"? I know that in the Joeverse not only is being fat, ugly, stupid, delusional, egotistical, and pathetic cool things but Halo is the center of all things but I have nothing to do with the "heck puppies". All I know is the hellhounds KNOW it's a gag. Unlike you morons who believe your own hype.

God, you are truly stupid. Thank you, Tommy. Thank you for being a failure, missing multiple points and references, and generally just being you. You are the Alpha dog of the heckpuppies, and deserve the position.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 6:49 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Why are you guys complaining about Sikkbones' posts? Everything he's posted, third person, shows just how decisive our victory over them was. Stevie Z. is afraid to post here himself, Tommy resigned to form the heckpuppies and as for Andy...well, has anyone seen Andy? Add to those facts that Sikkbones is STILL posting here after he made his goodbye post and left in a huff over Iggy's Hoganesque heel turn, and that Sikkbones is STILL riding the fence about whether he was part of their botched "raid" in the first place, and you have more victories for us without even having to raise a finger.

I say, "Keep posting Sikkbones!" Keep showing us how broken your friends are. Keep revealing Stevie's accusations of Republicanism where there is very little. Occasionally provide us with updates on Andy and the tongue bather of your genitalia, Tommy "heckpuppy #1" Tantillo. We'll all be here, posting and laughing at you all and enjoying how you all try to cope with the neverending aftershocks of your collective failures.

As you were.

Thought I'd chime in just to thank Fat Mama for proving me right about him all along. Here he is talking shit about Sikk who was suppose to be his "buddy" and who he wanted to "assimilate" just for a chance to boost his own underservingly massive ego. Not only that, but doing what the Whores at this board do best...rationalizing. Saying Iggy took a "Hoganesque heel turn" when all he did was sellout in his overdramatic way. Saying because Andy isn't around you morons "won" and because I'm not here cause I'm "resigning" to form the "heckpuppies" (which is further proof of Joe's stupidity since I simply resigned for the hellhounds all together). Don't you have something better to do than conjure up some imaginary victory Joe? Wasn't it you who told me to "let it go" months ago yet here you are still feeding yourself lies? Damn man, that's sad. But then again, I guess that's why you're so perfect here? A board full of delusional liars.

Like Rob, saying we lost cause we "took this so seriously" yet he freaked out about big sigs?

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Harley, who needs to believe that you guys are actually smart so she doesn't have to face the truth that she's the cliched woman who laches on to arrogant, macho, immature men cause she herself is "insecure".

And Iggy, the bitch of all bitches. Saying that Zzap is making the "saddest" rationalization" when he says you guys are giving us a "win" everytime you respond. Yet, that's pretty much what Joe is saying in the post I quoted? That's exactly what Joe was saying everytime he went off on some insane rant about "good doggie" when I trashed him and he had nothing else to say. It's exactly what Sammitch is saying when he says "dance monkey, dance". Hell, this whole board is made up of anti-social attention whores like rex and MisterJLA who love getting a negative reaction from people and consider it victory when they get that reaction. So Iggy, by your own logic the RKMB is the saddest place on earth. You just won't let yourself see it. Cause you're a cowardly hypocrite.

But, I've totally gottin off track. Thanks Joe, for proving you're the pathetic and hypocrical sack of shit I always said you were. \:\)

Why So Serious?

i'm having fun mocking everyone on both sides... haven't you idiots figured out this is just a distraction from work and my everyday life?

Haven't you figured out, asshole? Only the Whores can have fun.

and apperently also the idiot. (you)
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 6:59 PM
no worries, i'll walk y'through it.

you said you "made a generic crack about Nowherebrains mom." i responded with your reference to the actual quote, which referred to nowhereman's perversion and incest with his mother, who has passed away. she was an individual that meant the world to him, and revisiting your commentary again, it seems a little more than a "generic crack"

now, its likely your argument will now be that "generic" is a relative term, or some such silliness. in which case, you just get yerself a nice little gold star.

so thats quote one. y'with me still?

in quote 2, you said that we are extremists who are silly to create stories about you, like "you all must think you're are morally superior." my response was in two parts, one was zap's quote, about how you insurgentians should "grab the moral highground" -- the other was your own, stating "We claim moral superiority again and again."

so, as you'll note, both of those quotes from zap and yourself seem to counter your other point fairly directly.

and that, dear friend, is the reason i posted them for you. i found it funny (that's why i said "heh") that you were trying to rewrite the past by redefining what you had already done or said. when, in reality, looking at your actual words, they're in direct contrast to one another.

Yeah, like I said, I made a generic crack about Nowheremans mom. Even Mxy knows practically every mom insult is generic. And again, pointing out why we don't like you guys doesn't equal moral superiority so much as it equals genuine disdain. Nothing I've posted "contrasts" any of that. We're simply at the point where there's nothing you can do other than make mountains out of molehills. Here after all you'll do is say the same shit again and again.
Posted By: PJP Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 7:00 PM
life is too short to go around hating people.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 7:04 PM
 Originally Posted By: Iggy
Now, follow with me, all of the goings on here have been like that imaginary game of D&D. For some reason, you guys just can't help but role natural ones. And, we taunt you about it. We aren't actually winning anything here. We are just laughing at your failures. But, when all is said and done, we log off and we go do other things. The fun of the taunt is over. At least, it is until the next rather predictable session.

Yeah yeah yeah. I get it Iggy. Nothing any of you do is wrong, bad, stupid, arrogant, or comparable to what we're doing cause it's "fun". What I'm saying, is that they are full of shit and you are gullible. I point to instances where one of the whores does something that indicates being "serious" like Rob fucking with my account, Sammitch deleting posts, Joe editing them and throwing fits but you ignore it and instead cling to this same dumbass argument

Here's a fact for you, Iggy. We've done nothing that your masters haven't done, yet you give them credit for nothing other than some retarded claim of "having fun". But hey, that's just you and your "sad rationalizations".
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 7:15 PM
Tommy, face it, it's over. Iggy isn't going to take you back.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 7:16 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Only the Whores can have fun.

Not with you, they can't, though I'm sure they appreciate that they get an hour's pay for only 15 minutes of "work."
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 7:18 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Iggy
Now, follow with me, all of the goings on here have been like that imaginary game of D&D. For some reason, you guys just can't help but role natural ones. And, we taunt you about it. We aren't actually winning anything here. We are just laughing at your failures. But, when all is said and done, we log off and we go do other things. The fun of the taunt is over. At least, it is until the next rather predictable session.

Yeah yeah yeah. I get it Iggy. Nothing any of you do is wrong, bad, stupid, arrogant, or comparable to what we're doing cause it's "fun". What I'm saying, is that they are full of shit and you are gullible. I point to instances where one of the whores does something that indicates being "serious" like Rob fucking with my account, Sammitch deleting posts, Joe editing them and throwing fits but you ignore it and instead cling to this same dumbass argument

Here's a fact for you, Iggy. We've done nothing that your masters haven't done, yet you give them credit for nothing other than some retarded claim of "having fun". But hey, that's just you and your "sad rationalizations".

Be a Man Halo, YOu Coooweerd!!!!! (spoken in a kermit the from voice.)
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 7:20 PM
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-02 7:22 PM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Whatcha gonna do brother When Hollywood Sikkmanania and the viagara bottle Run wild On you?
Posted By: Jeremy Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-03 12:12 AM
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
oh no, we're nowhere near the end.

That's what I'm afraid of.
Posted By: rex Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-03 12:48 AM
As long as you're not encouraging them or anything.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-03 2:23 AM
They're just so made of fail it makes baby Jesus cry.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-03 4:26 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Sorry to infringe on your gimmick. What do you call it when you're sucking cock?

he doesnt call it anything, as his mouth is always full!

Now this is hypocricy.

Just so you know in the future, Pro.

Please explain what in that was hypocrisy.
Cause I sure dont remember saying people cant talk about sucking cock.

I mean, what else do guys like you have to talk about?
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-03 4:29 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
no worries, i'll walk y'through it.

you said you "made a generic crack about Nowherebrains mom." i responded with your reference to the actual quote, which referred to nowhereman's perversion and incest with his mother, who has passed away. she was an individual that meant the world to him, and revisiting your commentary again, it seems a little more than a "generic crack"

now, its likely your argument will now be that "generic" is a relative term, or some such silliness. in which case, you just get yerself a nice little gold star.

so thats quote one. y'with me still?

in quote 2, you said that we are extremists who are silly to create stories about you, like "you all must think you're are morally superior." my response was in two parts, one was zap's quote, about how you insurgentians should "grab the moral highground" -- the other was your own, stating "We claim moral superiority again and again."

so, as you'll note, both of those quotes from zap and yourself seem to counter your other point fairly directly.

and that, dear friend, is the reason i posted them for you. i found it funny (that's why i said "heh") that you were trying to rewrite the past by redefining what you had already done or said. when, in reality, looking at your actual words, they're in direct contrast to one another.

Yeah, like I said, I made a generic crack about Nowheremans mom. Even Mxy knows practically every mom insult is generic. And again, pointing out why we don't like you guys doesn't equal moral superiority so much as it equals genuine disdain. Nothing I've posted "contrasts" any of that. We're simply at the point where there's nothing you can do other than make mountains out of molehills. Here after all you'll do is say the same shit again and again.

In which case, generic cracks about peoples children are fine as well because they are generic cracks.

Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-03 4:32 AM
does that extend to making references to halo's baby-raping tendencies?
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-03 4:58 AM
straight outta the womb!
 Originally Posted By: Captain Zzap
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
basically uschi, zap said that he was gay

I'm rolling with you on this one, honeylips! Can I spit in your shithole and lick it out?

wow. I can't believe how much we have in common. you know, the whole dick in the ass thing.
Yes, you can have another!
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-03 8:43 AM
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
straight outta the womb!

Guuuuuys! You're ruining our moral superiority!
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-03 8:44 AM
oh wait that's them. Nevermind!
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-03 3:32 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
And again, pointing out why we don't like you guys doesn't equal moral superiority so much as it equals genuine disdain.

thank you for pointing out how not serious you take this.....

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-07 1:11 AM
Anonymous 08/06/08 06:10 PM Reading a post
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,

hi zzzap!
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 6:52 PM
have you people taken your viagara today?
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 7:57 PM
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
And again, pointing out why we don't like you guys doesn't equal moral superiority so much as it equals genuine disdain.

thank you for pointing out how not serious you take this.....

You're welcome.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 8:37 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
And again, pointing out why we don't like you guys doesn't equal moral superiority so much as it equals genuine disdain.

thank you for pointing out how not serious you take this.....

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 8:40 PM
Sammitch, with all due respect (as you regularly crack me up when you mess with Tommy's posts), this post of Tommy's didn't need adjusting. It has the perfect amount of "no comeback" and "probably doesn't get the joke in the first place." In fact, I'm going to quote it because it still makes me chuckle and proves, once again, that Tommy will never leave us because he simply can't - and that's a good thing for all of us.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
And again, pointing out why we don't like you guys doesn't equal moral superiority so much as it equals genuine disdain.

thank you for pointing out how not serious you take this.....

You're welcome.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 8:42 PM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Sammitch, with all due respect (as you regularly crack me up when you mess with Tommy's posts), this post of Tommy's didn't need adjusting. It has the perfect amount of "no comeback" and "probably doesn't get the joke in the first place." In fact, I'm going to quote it because it still makes me chuckle and proves, once again, that Tommy will never leave us because he simply can't - and that's a good thing for all of us.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
And again, pointing out why we don't like you guys doesn't equal moral superiority so much as it equals genuine disdain.

thank you for pointing out how not serious you take this.....

You're welcome.

What's funny is that I do leave...and Joe keeps talking about me. Hypocrisy abounds with Joe. As usual.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 8:47 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Sammitch, with all due respect (as you regularly crack me up when you mess with Tommy's posts), this post of Tommy's didn't need adjusting. It has the perfect amount of "no comeback" and "probably doesn't get the joke in the first place." In fact, I'm going to quote it because it still makes me chuckle and proves, once again, that Tommy will never leave us because he simply can't - and that's a good thing for all of us.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
And again, pointing out why we don't like you guys doesn't equal moral superiority so much as it equals genuine disdain.

thank you for pointing out how not serious you take this.....

You're welcome.

What's funny is that I do leave...

No you don't. You lurk and then come back. At least be honest about your junkie ways, Tommy.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
...and Joe keeps talking about me.

Assuming that's true, after I discuss our fantasy sports leagues, the latest controversy at a Tyson plant, etc, the only way you would know that is if you were still around. Which easily proves that you're a dishonest junkie.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Hypocrisy abounds with Joe. As usual.

Grumpy li'l Tommy. So bitter about all the ass-whippings that come his way. Keep projecting onto me, Tommy. It's okay - I know where it all comes from. But try and move towards a more positive place. These posts only reveal your pain, they don't help you heal it.

Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 8:48 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Sammitch, with all due respect (as you regularly crack me up when you mess with Tommy's posts), this post of Tommy's didn't need adjusting. It has the perfect amount of "no comeback" and "probably doesn't get the joke in the first place." In fact, I'm going to quote it because it still makes me chuckle and proves, once again, that Tommy will never leave us because he simply can't - and that's a good thing for all of us.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
And again, pointing out why we don't like you guys doesn't equal moral superiority so much as it equals genuine disdain.

thank you for pointing out how not serious you take this.....

You're welcome.

What's funny is that I do leave...and Joe keeps talking about me. Hypocrisy abounds with Joe. As usual.

hey you're right, joe!

but I'm still gonna have to mess with one or two once in a while.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 8:51 PM

No you don't. You lurk and then come back. At least be honest about your junkie ways, Tommy.

Wrong again. I never lurk. If I'm not posting, I'm not here. I know you obsessed little turds would like to believe I'm always with you but it's just not true.

Assuming that's true, after I discuss our fantasy sports leagues, the latest controversy at a Tyson plant, etc, the only way you would know that is if you were still around. Which easily proves that you're a dishonest junkie.

Speaking of dishonest, I never you always keep talking about me I said-

 Originally Posted By: me
Joe keeps talking about me

So yeah, you engage in other activities around this shit hole but I remain your favorite subject.


Grumpy li'l Tommy. So bitter about all the ass-whippings that come his way. Keep projecting onto me, Tommy. It's okay - I know where it all comes from. But try and move towards a more positive place. These posts only reveal your pain, they don't help you heal it.

Oh man, Joe's talking about me being Grumpy...how on earth will I ever respond to that utterly clever piece of banter that he's said about a million times now? Maybe I'll point out that I taught Joe the word projection
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 8:52 PM
Oh, feel free to mess with Tommy's diatribes. Like I said, you crack me up. Just show a little restraint - sometimes Tommy's posts speak for themselves in terms of unintentional comedy and the tragedy that is his existence.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 8:52 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Sammitch, with all due respect (as you regularly crack me up when you mess with Tommy's posts), this post of Tommy's didn't need adjusting. It has the perfect amount of "no comeback" and "probably doesn't get the joke in the first place." In fact, I'm going to quote it because it still makes me chuckle and proves, once again, that Tommy will never leave us because he simply can't - and that's a good thing for all of us.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
And again, pointing out why we don't like you guys doesn't equal moral superiority so much as it equals genuine disdain.

thank you for pointing out how not serious you take this.....

You're welcome.

What's funny is that I do leave...and Joe keeps talking about me. Hypocrisy abounds with Joe. As usual.

hey you're right, joe!

but I'm still gonna have to mess with one or two once in a while.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

Yeah, this boards a big old circle jerk alright.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 8:54 PM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Oh, feel free to mess with Tommy's diatribes. Like I said, you crack me up. Just show a little restraint - sometimes Tommy's posts speak for themselves in terms of unintentional comedy and the tragedy that is his existence.

Further proof. I'm glad your mutual obsession over me (both of you losers have stuff about me in your sigs and title's) has brought you two together. Hopefully Joe has his tubes tied.
Posted By: iggy Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 8:54 PM
Gaylo just can't quit us.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 8:56 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Sammitch, with all due respect (as you regularly crack me up when you mess with Tommy's posts), this post of Tommy's didn't need adjusting. It has the perfect amount of "no comeback" and "probably doesn't get the joke in the first place." In fact, I'm going to quote it because it still makes me chuckle and proves, once again, that Tommy will never leave us because he simply can't - and that's a good thing for all of us.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
And again, pointing out why we don't like you guys doesn't equal moral superiority so much as it equals genuine disdain.

thank you for pointing out how not serious you take this.....

You're welcome.

What's funny is that I do leave...and Joe keeps talking about me. Hypocrisy abounds with Joe. As usual.

hey you're right, joe!

but I'm still gonna have to mess with one or two once in a while.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 8:56 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank & Cry
Written by Thomas Tantillo
Silver Surfer is a property of Marvel Comics and is used without permission.

Silver Surfer #1 The Obsessed.

Page 1

Panel 1: Looking out into the cosmos seeing only stars.

1 Cap: Looking up into the heavens a boy once wished for nothing more then roam among the stars. He and his kin had everything they could ever want yet the boy needed more.

Panel 2: Focusing in we see a bright light in the distance.

2 Cap: He was a born explorer and like all explorers he was possessed by desire that he could not define. A yearning to find something deeper in all around him.

Panel 3: Coming closer we see the light streaking through the cosmos.

3 Cap: I came to pass that the boy's boys wishes would come true when he made a noble, yet self serving, sacrifice to become the herald to Galactus the Devourer of worlds.

Panel 4: Now we're close enough to see that there are two distinctly diffrent lights. One orange followed by blue.

4 Cap: Not only did he get to roam with the stars but he became one with them. He became.

Page 2

Splash: Silver Surfer chasing after Firelord.

5 Cap: ...The Silver Surfer.

6 Cap: He and I have engaged in a tit for tat for years now. He is my greatest obsession. And he is not without his own compulsions. Like all explorers he never stops searching. Even now he searches for the slightest possibility of redemption for a foe he once considered friend.

7 Silver Surfer: End this mad rampage Perilous Kryl.

8 FireLord: My name is Firelord. Whatever remained of Perilous Kryl was left behind in the cold corridors of death.

Page 3

Panel 1: Silver Surfer unleashes powerful blasts from his hands towards Firelord.

9 Silver Surfer: And now you dispense that which you abhor.

Panel 2: Firelord spins his staff shielding him from the Surfers blasts.

11 Firelord: The Kree are a disease. It is time they taste of extinction so they may no longer brutishly leave death and destruction in their wake.

Panel 3: The right side of Surfers face and shoulder. He has a stern look while he tries to reason with FireLord.

12 Surfer: No love have I for the Kree but they are not the only one who have fell before your pharisaic wrath.

Panel 4: The left side of Firelords face and shoulder as he harshly rebukes Surfers reasoning.

13 FireLord: All scum. Perhaps if "heroes" such as yourself had taken firmer action years ago with the Kree or Skrull their victims wouldn't number so high. Perhaps Annihilation would not have caused such carnage with his Wave. Carnage that you missed while once again in thrall to Galactus.

Panel 5: Surfer and Firelord speeding toward eachother.

14 Surfer: And what would you have me do with you Perlous?

15 Firelord: I'd have you stay out of my way.

16 Surfer: That I cannot do.

Panel 6: The left side Firelords face with his eye squinted and focused.

17 Firelord: Very well.

Page 4

Panel 1: Mephisto watching a massive and yet splendidly beautiful explosion from a distance standing on a asteroid.

18 Cap: The power Galactus has givin his Heralds is uncanny. Firelord has created a supernova engulfing them both in a magnifient yet catastrophic explosion. Most amazing of all is that neither of them will be harmed by the blast so I'm not quite sure why Firelord has envoked this stratagy but I'm sure he had his reasons.

Panel 2: Seeing Mephisto from the side as the waves of the Supernova pass by him.

19 Cap: It is unbecoming of one such as I to express sentiment but there are exceptions. How could I not appreciate the splendor of a Supernova. Our roles in the scheme of things are actually quite akin when I too bring out the beauty in death, destruction, and tragedy.

Page 5

Panel 1: The Surfer, having been laid low, rises from his board looking around for Firelord.

20 Cap: Ah, now I see Firelords purpose for that Supernova. A means of escape.

Panel 2: Firelord camoflaged with the darkness of space behind the Surfer.

21 Cap: He has rather cleverly cloaked himself in dark matter.

Panel 3: Surfer peering into space with his eyes illuminated looking for Firelord.

22 Cap: With his Galactus givin sight, which can see across galaxies, Surfer undoubtedly sees the pocket of Dark Matter but assumes it's a result of the explosion.

Panel 4: Surfer suddenly sees something that horrifies him.

23 Cap: Eventually Surfer would figure it out but...

Panel 5: Over Surfer's shoulder we see Mephisto in the distance.

24 Cap: ...Something else catches his eye.

Panel 6: Surfer speeding toward Mephisto's location.

25 Cap: Like all explorers he's easily distracted.

Page 6

Panel 1: Surfer gets to where Mephisto was standing only to find no one there. He looks around bewildered.

26 Cap: Perhaps he'll assume the explosion has upset his senses. Or not. Either way I've provideded Firelord the space he needs to escape. Which serves my purposes for another day.

Panel 2: From a chest level view we look to see Surfer staring intently at the stars.

27 Surfer: I know you can hear me Kryl. Beware.

Panel 3: Surfer leaving the scene behind with some final words.

28 Surfer: There are deeper and darker abysses then death to fall into.

29 Cap: HA. There certainly are.

Panel 4: Firelord leaving with a heavy brow.

Page 7

Panel 1: Surfer riding the spaceways.

30 Cap: There are many misconceptions of the Surfer. For one, he's not a warrior. Battle and hate have very taxing affects on him. Between my looming presence in his mind and his donnybrook with Firelord he is in need of repast.

Panel 2: Surfer looking into the distance with a slight look of glee.

31 Cap: And what better place to gather his thoughts.

Panel 3: A light blue spot among the starts.

32 Cap: Then Earth. The world he has all but adopted as his own.

Page 8

Panel 1: Surfer entering Earths atmosphere.

33 Cap: I cannot read minds but in the case of the Silver Surfer I do not need to. I know why he returns to a world that once served as his prison for years. I know why he returns to a world that has disheartened and infuriated him at every turn.

34 Cap: It reminds him of Zenn-La

Page 9

Panel 1: Surfer soaring over the ocean.

33 Cap: Far less advanced and civilized but in terms of visage the geography and people are very similiar.

Panel 2: With his hands behind his back Surfer moves slowly a few feet above the ocean, staring down at the waves.

34 Cap: He sacrificed his freedom long ago so that Zenn La would be spared but it turned out it was a sacrifice in vain since the world had been ravaged again and again till meeting it's final doom.

35 Cap: He would never speak the words but he is almost glad that Zenn La is at final peace. But from time to time he enjoys being reminded of his homeworld and it's enchanting traquility.

Panel 3: Surfer flying through the Tibetan mountains.

36 Cap: There is another reason though.

Panel 4: Surfer walking through the snow.

37 Cap: Of all the worlds Surfer has tread upon...

Panel 5: A stone door hidden among the rocks is ajar.

38 Cap: ...Earth is one of the few that manage to surprise him.

Panel 6: Surfer with a look of curiousity on his face.

Page 10

Panel 1: The Shadows of two boys playing on the walls as Silver Surfer walks forward.

39 Mutt: You won't catch me Spider-man.

40 Eight: Oh yes I will Green Goblin.

Panel 2: A mutant boy who has 6 arms and 8 eyes hangs from the wall shooting webs out of his hands at his friend.

41 Eight: For good always triumphs over evil.

Panel 3: A boy with the features of a wolf is on the ground webbed up.

42 Mutt: Man, how come you always get to be Spider-man?

Panel 4: Eight jumps down to the ground near Mutt who is getting loose.

43 Eight: I'll give you eight guesses why.

44 Mutt: Who cares when your Spidey dialogue sucks.

Panel 5: Eight and Mutt face to face with Surfer in shadows behind them.

45 Eight: Does not.

46 Mutt: Does too. Spidey doesn't say corny stuff like that. That's more like...

Page 11

Panel 1: Mutt talking while Eight stares in awe behind him.

47 Eight:...the Silver Surfer???

48 Mutt: Yeah, somebody like...

Panel 2: Mutt and Eight staring up at the ledge above them staring at a glistening Silver Surfer.

49 Surfer: Hello young ones.

Page 12

Panel 1: Mutt is scared and Eight is excited.

50 Mutt: AHHHHHH

51 Eight: Relax Mutt, he's a good guy. I read all about him on the internt.

Panel 2: Eight turning to Silver Surfer

52 Eight: I read all about you on the internet.

Panel 3: Silver Surfer looking down at the two kids with a bit of a smile.

53 Surfer: I am glad you know I intend you know harm. It seems everyone on this planet normally assumes the worst when it comes to me.

Panel 4: Surfer walks down to the same ground level as the kid

54 Surfer: Though, I am somewhat curious how you two traversed the harsh weather conditions and mountains to get here.

Page 13

Panel 1: Looking down over Surfers shoulder we see Mutt and Eight.

55 Mutt: Well, if you haven't noticed, we're a little diffrent. We can take the cold and handle the mountains. We were playing outside and found this place.

56 Surfer: Are you mutants?

Panel 2: Looking at Surfer, Mutt, and Eight from the side.

57 Eight: No no no we're freaks.

58 Surfer: Freaks? I'm unfamiliar with the application of this term here on earth?

59 Eight: There was an accident in our hometown and we were some of the people changed by it. How did you find this place?

Panel 3: Surfer holding his arm out with his hands open palms facing up.

60 Surfer: My story is not that foreign from your own. There was a time I was trapped here on earth thanks to my former master Galactus. While exploring this world I stumbled upon the hidden ruins of these mountains. I return here from time to time to gather myself.

Panel 4: Looking over Mutt and Eight's shoulders to Surfer

61 Mutt You don't mind us being here do you?

Panel 5: Surfer looking down at the boys.

62 Surfer: No, I do not mind. I have no more claim to this place then you and I could use the company.

63 Mephisto: Really?

Page 14

Panel 1: See Mephisto posturing, from an upward angle, with his arms crossed from an upward angle.

64 Mephisto: How about the company of an old friend?

Page 15

Panel 1: Surfer with a look of intensity on his face while Mutt is pulling Eight away by his shirt.

65 Surfer: Children, you must leave now.

66 Eight: But we can help.

67 Surfer: No, you cannot, now hurry.

Panel 2: Mutt dragging Eight out of there with Surfer in the background heading towards Mephisto on his board.

68 Mutt: Stop being an asshole Eight and let's get out of here.

Panel 3: Surfer on going downward toward Mephisto

69 Surfer. DEMON

70 Surfer: I don't know why you've chosen to appear before me now but you will rue that decision.

Panel 4: Mephisto smurking.

71 Cap: One of the reason I take such intrest in the Surfer is I absolutely love how he reacts to me.

Panel 5 From behind Mephisto we see him looking up at Surfer soaring over head.

72 Cap Such unbridled hate from one so gentle. Knowing that the mere sight of me causes him such agita is almost vengeance enough. Almost.

73 Mephisto: Must you always act the fool with such hysterics? After all this time don't you know I only want to talk.

74 Surfer: Your words are more dangerous then the actions of most evil one.

Panel 5: The left side of Mephisto's face with Surfer hovering right above the ground.

75 Mephisto: True. But it is not the words alone.

Page 16

Panel 1: Mephisto with his hands in the air, as though he's casting a wicked spell, while Surfer looks on.

76 Mephisto: It's the guile behind them.

77 Mephisto: BEHOLD

78 Mephisto: A vision in my Stygian mists.

Panel 2: Outside in the Snow Mephisto's Souless Ones are grabbing the Eight and Mutt.

79 Mephisto: My newly resurrected Souless Ones have captured your young friends.

Panel 3: Surfer looking past the mist at Mephisto yelling at him.

80 Surfer: MEPHISTO.

81 Surfer: Hurt those children and I'll

81 Mephisto: Do not waste my time with with idle threats and I will not waste yours with mourning. They are merely to insure I have your attention.

Panel 3: Surfer slightly bowing his head submissively.

82 Surfer: What do you want Mephisto?

Panel: 4: Mephisto manifesting another image in his mist as Surfer watches.

83 Mephisto: For once, you and I want the same thing.

Page 17

Panel 1: Surfer and Mephisto looking into the mist to see an image of Morlun.

84 Surfer: Morlun!

85 Mephisto: I see you know of him? He has been givin the power to destroy you.

Panel 2: Surfer with his back to us and Mephisto facing us with both facing the other.

85 Surfer: Why are you telling me this?

86 Mephisto: Morlun is a small part of a much larger threat to Earth. One of my largest sources for souls to reap. It would hardly serve my best intrest for Earth to be destroyed.

86 Surfer: Deciever, I know there is far more to this then you present. What do you want in return for this information?

Panel 3 With a view from behind Surfers right side seeing Mephisto standing with his fist against his hips.

87 Mephisto: All I ask is that you stay here on earth until you are certain the threat has subsided. And perhaps there is more to this but...

Panel 4: Mephisto leaning into Surfers face with Surfer staring unflinchingly.

88 Mephisto: Are you really willing to take that chance.

Page 18

Panel 1: Outside the Souless ones release the children.

89 Mephisto: As a showing of good will I'll release your friends.

Panel 2: Mephisto vanishing.

90 Mephisto: I leave you with one promise Surfer, never has the earth needed you more.

Panel 3: Surfer with a pensive look.

Panel 4: Surfer flies outside while the children move away from the Souless ones.

91 Mutt: Let's get out of here.

Panel 5: Surfer comes to the childrens side to check on them.

92 Surfer: Are you okay?

93 Eight: Yeah.

Panel 6: Surfer with his arms around the boys as all three look to the souless ones.

94 Surfer: It will all be okay now.

Page 19

Panel 1: The Horned Souless one about to enter a portal while the other masked Souless one stares at Surfer.

95 Horned Souless one: Come brother. Mephisto beckons.

Panel 2: Close up of Masked Souless Ones face.

96 Masked Souless One: Be seeing you, Surfer.

Panel 3: Both Souless Ones disappear into the portal as Surfer and the boys watch on.

Panel 4: Eight looks up to Surfer.

97 Eight: What was that about?

98 Surfer: The continuation of a game between me and an old foe who seeks to torment me by keeping me here on Earth.

99 Cap: That's part of it, sure.

100 Surfer: But what he does not realize is that things are diffrent now.

Panel 5: Surfer transforms into a flesh and blood man.

101 Cap: Hmm, I didn't see that coming but I suppose it is not totally unexpected. Easily accomplished for the Surfer and his power cosmic. Intresting he hasn't done it earlier.

Page 20

Panel 1 Surfer in process of transforming back into his Silver form while kneeling in front of the children with his hands on their shoulders.

102 Surfer: Come, I will take you to your home.

103 Cap: I suppose it doesn't matter. I can take comfort in the knowledge I have that he doesn't.

Panel 2 Surfer flying away with the boys on his board.

104 Cap: For in these coming days the stars will need him more then ever and thanks to me he won't be there.

Page 21

Panel 1 The home world of the Grandmaster.

Panel 2 From behind the grandmaster we see the Elders of the Universe gathered.

105 Grandmaster: My fellow Elders. Thank you for attending this meeting. Each of us share a common bond of being the last of our respective races due to some cataclysm. Well I believe it is time for us to bring others into our fold which means...

Panel 3: Grandmaster leaning back with his fingertips touching with a cold stare.

106 Grandmaster: It is time for another cataclysm.

Panel 4: A battle being waged in the outer atmosphere of a planet.

Panel 5: Three sillouettes stand watching the battle outside on a screen.

107: Such destruction. It's tragic this had to happen.

108: Yes, tragic but necessary.

Page 22

Panel1: The three figures revealed as bald men all wearing Silver robes.

109: For all the Universe must know the way of Zenn-La.

The End.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 8:57 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Wrong again. I never lurk. If I'm not posting, I'm not here. I know you obsessed little turds would like to believe I'm always with you but it's just not true.

Suuuuuuuuure, Tommy. Like I said, it's okay that you're an RKMBs-junkie. Just be honest about it. We know you former Insurgents have the tendency to revisit here.

Assuming that's true, after I discuss our fantasy sports leagues, the latest controversy at a Tyson plant, etc, the only way you would know that is if you were still around. Which easily proves that you're a dishonest junkie.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Speaking of dishonest, I never you always keep talking about me I said-

 Originally Posted By: me
Joe keeps talking about me

So yeah, you engage in other activities around this shit hole but I remain your favorite subject.

So what you're saying is that I don't keep talking about you, I just keep talking about you. Um, Tommy, maybe it's the dyslexia, but methinks you're confusing yourself. Which I know isn't difficult for you, but still...

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Oh man, Joe's talking about me being Grumpy...how on earth will I ever respond to that utterly clever piece of banter that he's said about a million times now?

Clearly, based on your post, you won't.

Well, you will, but it'll just be more sad scrambling as you attempt you keep up with your betters.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Maybe I'll point out that I taught Joe the word projection

No, you just provide the perfect examples of the term. With every post you make.
You know, I like the "sammitch got me preggerz" thread better. There's just not enough sex in this thread.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 8:59 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Oh, feel free to mess with Tommy's diatribes. Like I said, you crack me up. Just show a little restraint - sometimes Tommy's posts speak for themselves in terms of unintentional comedy and the tragedy that is his existence.

Further proof. I'm glad your mutual obsession over me (both of you losers have stuff about me in your sigs and title's) has brought you two together. Hopefully Joe has his tubes tied.

Once again, Tommy's lack of education shows. Not only did he fail basic biology, his daddy and uncle never stopped to give him the talk about men and women in between raping him. Poor li'l Tommy. Another point of failure for him.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Oh, feel free to mess with Tommy's diatribes. Like I said, you crack me up. Just show a little restraint - sometimes Tommy's posts speak for themselves in terms of unintentional comedy and the tragedy that is his existence.

Further proof. I'm glad your mutual obsession over me (both of you losers have stuff about me in your sigs and title's) has brought you two together. Hopefully Joe has his tubes tied.

Once again, Tommy's lack of education shows. Not only did he fail basic biology, his daddy and uncle never stopped to give him the talk about men and women in between raping him. Poor li'l Tommy. Another point of failure for him.

Ok, well, so much for not enough sex. Color me intrigued.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 9:06 PM
Suuuuuuuuure, Tommy. Like I said, it's okay that you're an RKMBs-junkie. Just be honest about it. We know you former Insurgents have the tendency to revisit here.

Let me ask you a question Joe, since you have magic anonymous senses...who are those 14 anonymous members on right now? Oh, what's that, you don't know? Is there anything you know about...other than wasting space?

So what you're saying is that I don't keep talking about you, I just keep talking about you. Um, Tommy, maybe it's the dyslexia, but methinks you're confusing yourself. Which I know isn't difficult for you, but still...

The famous RKMB triple logic at work here. Maybe cause I'm smarter than you but it seems to me like somebody can talk about something without having to talk about it all the time.

I come here and fuck with a variety of you assholes but I make one post and you come running. You can "spin" it all you want but that's the way it is, Joe.

Clearly, based on your post, you won't.

Well, you will, but it'll just be more sad scrambling as you attempt you keep up with your betters.

Better at sumo wrestling perhpaps.


No, you just provide the perfect examples of the term. With every post you make.

Is that why you started using that word all the time after I used it on you? That seems somehow pathological (another word I taught you and (fake)Pariah).
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 9:08 PM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Oh, feel free to mess with Tommy's diatribes. Like I said, you crack me up. Just show a little restraint - sometimes Tommy's posts speak for themselves in terms of unintentional comedy and the tragedy that is his existence.

Further proof. I'm glad your mutual obsession over me (both of you losers have stuff about me in your sigs and title's) has brought you two together. Hopefully Joe has his tubes tied.

Once again, Tommy's lack of education shows. Not only did he fail basic biology, his daddy and uncle never stopped to give him the talk about men and women in between raping him. Poor li'l Tommy. Another point of failure for him.

No, I'm pretty sure you have a vagina and you've had sand in it ever since they stopped super-sizing meals at McDonalds.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 9:08 PM
you're teaching words now?

guess we know what you were busy with in spelling class.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 9:10 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
you're teaching words now?

guess we know what you were busy with in spelling class.

You probably don't, but I'm guessing you'll spend all your time thinking about it.

Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 9:11 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
you're teaching words now?

guess we know what you were busy with in spelling class.

stoop tesinng me!
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 9:13 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
you're teaching words now?

guess we know what you were busy with in spelling class.

stoop tesinng me!

Deflections, a sure sign of Sammitch's intelligence
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 9:14 PM
I suppose my level of intelligence isn't quite as obvious as yours.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 9:18 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Let me ask you a question Joe, since you have magic anonymous senses...who are those 14 anonymous members on right now? Oh, what's that, you don't know? Is there anything you know about...other than wasting space?

Do you REALLY want to know who each person is? Or is this just an excuse to get to your lame "is there anything you know about..." retort?

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
The famous RKMB triple logic at work here. Maybe cause I'm smarter than you but it seems to me like somebody can talk about something without having to talk about it all the time.

So what you're saying is that you DID manage to confuse yourself there. Gotcha.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
I come here and fuck with a variety of you assholes but I make one post and you come running. You can "spin" it all you want but that's the way it is, Joe.

And here's what you can't seem to grasp. You call us obsessed with you, but you fail to catch that we don't come looking for you. You come here. And, yes, I'll admit it: every time you come here I'm going to make fun of you. Because it's fun and easy and makes me (and others) laugh. Every time you show up to a place that you openly hate, I'm going to make jokes at your expense and point out the inconsistency in your presence here. Because it amuses me, and I know that you'll keep giving me material with which to play. You can accuse everyone here of obsession with you, but the truth is that you're obsessed with us, which is proven by the fact that we don't come to you...you come to us.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Better at sumo wrestling perhpaps.

Probably. And spelling. Among a slew of other things.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Is that why you started using that word all the time after I used it on you? That seems somehow pathological (another word I taught you and (fake)Pariah).

Wow. The dyslexia flared up again. You totally missed the point of my comment.

That was easy...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 9:19 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
you're teaching words now?

guess we know what you were busy with in spelling class.

You probably don't, but I'm guessing you'll spend all your time thinking about it.

Uh oh. Tommy...were you abused by the faculty?

Poor kid...raped by every adult in his life. Tommy, it wasn't your fault. It wasn't your fault. It's NOT your fault!

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
you're teaching words now?

guess we know what you were busy with in spelling class.

You probably don't, but I'm guessing you'll spend all your time thinking about it.

Uh oh. Tommy...were you abused by the faculty?

Poor kid...raped by every adult in his life. Tommy, it wasn't your fault. It wasn't your fault. It's NOT your fault!

Unfortunately, I think you just made Halo Matt Damon in this scene.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 9:26 PM
 Originally Posted By: The Dread Pirate Westley
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
you're teaching words now?

guess we know what you were busy with in spelling class.

You probably don't, but I'm guessing you'll spend all your time thinking about it.

Uh oh. Tommy...were you abused by the faculty?

Poor kid...raped by every adult in his life. Tommy, it wasn't your fault. It wasn't your fault. It's NOT your fault!

Unfortunately, I think you just made Halo Matt Damon in this scene.

I think you're right. Tommy IS Matt Damon:

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 9:27 PM
Damn, Tommy. That's one long response you're making.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 9:29 PM
Do you REALLY want to know who each person is? Or is this just an excuse to get to your lame "is there anything you know about..." retort?

No, I want to prove that your "you're lurking here" argument is yet more of your inane bullshit. Which I have since at any givin time there are multiple anonymous users on here that you have no clue who they are. Your mind just goes straight to me.


And here's what you can't seem to grasp. You call us obsessed with you, but you fail to catch that we don't come looking for you. You come here. And, yes, I'll admit it: every time you come here I'm going to make fun of you. Because it's fun and easy and makes me (and others) laugh. Every time you show up to a place that you openly hate, I'm going to make jokes at your expense and point out the inconsistency in your presence here. Because it amuses me, and I know that you'll keep giving me material with which to play. You can accuse everyone here of obsession with you, but the truth is that you're obsessed with us, which is proven by the fact that we don't come to you...you come to us.

You mean I don't grasp your bullshit? Cool.

Let's pretend that you guys don't come looking for me (which is bullshit but I'll get back to that later) and lets ignore how incredibly hive-minded your statement sounds ("we don't come looking for you") since I'm not talking about the rest of the whores right now I'm talking about your dumbass. You come to me. I fight with BSAMS or Sammitch and there you are on my coat tails as usual. My posting on this board is not an invitation for you to come talk to me.

But it doesn't matter since you assholes do come to me. Nowhereman or that Wedge asshole followed me to Comicbloc, you google the internet hoping to find info on me, Prometheus spends his time trying to get into Icon or D.N, and YOU came to Insurgency and one of your motives was to "spite" me.

Yet more of Joe's bullshit dissproven. Feel free to run to Pro, Iggy, or Harley so they can stroke your fragile ego


Wow. The dyslexia flared up again. You totally missed the point of my comment.

That was easy...

Wit is totally lost upon you I see. I'd explain it to you but it would kill the joke and you probaly know what I meant you just can't come up with anything better. You were better off saying "I win" all the time. At least that way you don't put your idiocy out for the world to see.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 9:30 PM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Damn, Tommy. That's one long response you're making.

Watching my profile? That's not obsession or anything.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 9:39 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Damn, Tommy. That's one long response you're making.

Watching my profile?
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 9:45 PM
Joe Mama User Breaker Of Halotard
15000+ posts 08/09/08 02:32 PM Making a new reply
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,

holy hell joe! this oughta be good...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 9:46 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
No, I want to prove that your "you're lurking here" argument is yet more of your inane bullshit. Which I have since at any givin time there are multiple anonymous users on here that you have no clue who they are. Your mind just goes straight to me.

So, basically, your answer is "yes." This took ten minutes to post?

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
You mean I don't grasp your bullshit? Cool.

Let's pretend that you guys don't come looking for me (which is bullshit but I'll get back to that later) and lets ignore how incredibly hive-minded your statement sounds ("we don't come looking for you") since I'm not talking about the rest of the whores right now I'm talking about your dumbass. You come to me. I fight with BSAMS or Sammitch and there you are on my coat tails as usual. My posting on this board is not an invitation for you to come talk to me.

I already told you, I enjoy making fun of you. You show up here, and I'll make fun of you. Or, to be a bit more specific, if you come to the RKMBs (a message board you profess to hate), I'll make fun of you every time. Because it makes me laugh, and it makes you cry. As for your "my posting on this board is not an invitation for you to come talk to me" comment, I disagree. Anyone who posts here is inviting anyone else to respond or comment. That is the nature of a message board. If you can't grasp that, then leave. But you won't because you really do love it here, and you love when anyone here talks to you. Also, considering the times you've come here and responded to something I've said to another poster, or made a crack about me, that line reeks of dishonesty and hypocrisy. You truly ARE a former Insurgent.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
But it doesn't matter since you assholes do come to me. Nowhereman or that Wedge asshole followed me to Comicbloc, you google the internet hoping to find info on me, Prometheus spends his time trying to get into Icon or D.N, and YOU came to Insurgency and one of your motives was to "spite" me.

No, my reason to come to Insurgency is because multiple people asked me to. Including your "leader," Steve Zweig, who also PM and thanked me for not beating you down while I was there. Spiting you was just a bonus.

And you continue to post here. In a message board you "hate."

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Yet more of Joe's bullshit dissproven. Feel free to run to Pro, Iggy, or Harley so they can stroke your fragile ego


But you haven't disproved anything. You just make comments that you can't prove in hopes that I'll accept them. See? You crave my acceptance!

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Wit is totally lost upon you I see. I'd explain it to you but it would kill the joke and you probaly know what I meant you just can't come up with anything better. You were better off saying "I win" all the time. At least that way you don't put your idiocy out for the world to see.

That wasn't wit. That was you, once again, missing a point and now you're scrambling to make yourself look better. Which, again, you fail. But, since you request it:

"I win!"
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 9:47 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Damn, Tommy. That's one long response you're making.

Watching my profile? That's not obsession or anything.

Nope, but returning again and again to a place that you profess to hate certainly is.
Posted By: iggy Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 9:51 PM
Heh. Gaylotard.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 10:11 PM
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-09 11:07 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
have you people taken your viagara today?

Seriously, guy, I'm pretty worried about your obsession with us having medically induced boners. I mean.... that post just seems like you're cruisin' or something, and it's weirding me the fuck out. Please, stop it.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 12:47 AM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Damn, Tommy. That's one long response you're making.

Watching my profile? That's not obsession or anything.

Nope, but returning again and again to a place that you profess to hate certainly is.

It "amuses" me to do so. I don't mean that in the typical RKMB way of "I need to rationalize my way out of this" but I actually need to kill sometime today. So, I come here to fuck with idiots like you and in return you guys to get to continue your obsession with me. All's well that ends well.
Posted By: rex Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 12:56 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
I come here for attention.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 12:57 AM
So, basically, your answer is "yes." This took ten minutes to post?

Wow, you just can't wait to get a reply from me, can you? But no moron, that's not a yes. Take the self-serving glasses off sometime and maybe you'll see that.


I already told you, I enjoy making fun of you. You show up here, and I'll make fun of you. Or, to be a bit more specific, if you come to the RKMBs (a message board you profess to hate), I'll make fun of you every time. Because it makes me laugh, and it makes you cry. As for your "my posting on this board is not an invitation for you to come talk to me" comment, I disagree. Anyone who posts here is inviting anyone else to respond or comment. That is the nature of a message board. If you can't grasp that, then leave. But you won't because you really do love it here, and you love when anyone here talks to you. Also, considering the times you've come here and responded to something I've said to another poster, or made a crack about me, that line reeks of dishonesty and hypocrisy. You truly ARE a former Insurgent.

So you enjoy your obsession? Fair enough. It's kinda sad though that when I make fun of you cause I enjoy making fun of assholes in general that you have to hide behind that double standard.

No, my reason to come to Insurgency is because multiple people asked me to. Including your "leader," Steve Zweig, who also PM and thanked me for not beating you down while I was there. Spiting you was just a bonus.

And you continue to post here. In a message board you "hate."

No, no, no. You specifically said you were there to spite me. Continue to lie if you wish, but you and I both know you're full of shit. Lies make baby Jesus cry, Joe. You don't want that on your concience, do you?



But you haven't disproved anything. You just make comments that you can't prove in hopes that I'll accept them. See? You crave my acceptance!

Get over yourself. You started talking about me today, Joe. You couldn't help yourself. Just like now you can't help but fall back on some lame insult that any two year old can think of.

That wasn't wit. That was you, once again, missing a point and now you're scrambling to make yourself look better. Which, again, you fail. But, since you request it:

"I win!"

It was wit that went way over your head. Not that that's hard or anything considering you're a mental midget. Don't blame me cause you're a big ol' lame duck.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 12:58 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
I come here for attention.

You shouldn't throw stones in glass houses. Especially since you're in your mom's basement. She wouldn't appreciate it.
Posted By: rex Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 1:03 AM
Also because you still live with your parents. Or are you bumming off of your friends? Or are you on some kind of mental disability thing?
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 1:06 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
Also because you still live with your parents. Or are you bumming off of your friends? Or are you on some kind of mental disability thing?

I'm just a plain old thing.

A think that isn't some 40 year old virgin with a fetish for Sesame Street characters.
Posted By: rex Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 1:19 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: rex
Also because you still live with your parents. Or are you bumming off of your friends? Or are you on some kind of mental disability thing?

I'm just a plain old thing.

A think that isn't some 40 year old virgin with a fetish for Sesame Street characters.

You really are afraid of reality, aren't you? I ask you a simple question and you get all pissy and illiterate. I win again.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 1:24 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: rex
Also because you still live with your parents. Or are you bumming off of your friends? Or are you on some kind of mental disability thing?

I'm just a plain old thing.

A think that isn't some 40 year old virgin with a fetish for Sesame Street characters.

You really are afraid of reality, aren't you? I ask you a simple question and you get all pissy and illiterate. I win again.

I am not pissy, you're historonic.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 1:26 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
I never lurk. If I'm not posting, I'm not here.

You mean you weren't lurking at all between the time you left (over Hal Jordan) and the time you came back (over Hal Jord--erm, whomod)?
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 1:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
I never lurk. If I'm not posting, I'm not here.

You mean you weren't lurking at all between the time you left (over Hal Jordan) and the time you came back (over Hal Jord--erm, whomod)?


Well, there was this one time when we were getting alot of guests at the Insurgency and I came here to see if it was you assholes but that was it.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 1:29 AM
Hmm, I wonder what quote of mine Mxy will take out of context to try and make it seem like I was lurking here?
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 1:42 AM
Well, you see, you admitted being the guy who told the ProtestWarrior forum that Sammitch wanted to raid them. Sammitch's thread was posted weeks before the Insurgency raid started and months after you had left (over Hal Jordan) ('s anus). If you weren't lurking here at all, how did you see that thread? Was it... *gasp*... magic?! :0
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 1:48 AM
Posted By: rex Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 1:51 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: rex
Also because you still live with your parents. Or are you bumming off of your friends? Or are you on some kind of mental disability thing?

I'm just a plain old thing.

A think that isn't some 40 year old virgin with a fetish for Sesame Street characters.

You really are afraid of reality, aren't you? I ask you a simple question and you get all pissy and illiterate. I win again.

I am not pissy, you're historonic.

Don't use big words to try to sound smart. You aren't fooling anyone.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 2:07 AM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
Well, you see, you admitted being the guy who told the ProtestWarrior forum that Sammitch wanted to raid them. Sammitch's thread was posted weeks before the Insurgency raid started and months after you had left (over Hal Jordan) ('s anus). If you weren't lurking here at all, how did you see that thread? Was it... *gasp*... magic?! :0

Wrong again, jackass. I told the Protest Warriors about the raid a day or two after the raid and I was here as one of my alts. Either Dan Blocker or Serpico.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 2:08 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: rex
Also because you still live with your parents. Or are you bumming off of your friends? Or are you on some kind of mental disability thing?

I'm just a plain old thing.

A think that isn't some 40 year old virgin with a fetish for Sesame Street characters.

You really are afraid of reality, aren't you? I ask you a simple question and you get all pissy and illiterate. I win again.

I am not pissy, you're historonic.

Don't use big words to try to sound smart. You aren't fooling anyone.

Not so sure. You look like a fool to me?
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 2:09 AM
 Originally Posted By: me

Hmm, I wonder what quote of mine Mxy will take out of context to try and make it seem like I was lurking here?

Mxy you're one transparent mother fucker.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 2:11 AM
Right, you told them after the raid had started. But how did you know about the thread, if it was posted at least a week before you came here?
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 2:12 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: me

Hmm, I wonder what quote of mine Mxy will take out of context to try and make it seem like I was lurking here?

Mxy you're one transparent mother fucker.

Since I didn't actually quote you, I assume you're calling me invisible. Well, I take offence, sir. I'm very much visible.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 2:12 AM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
Right, you told them after the raid had started. But how did you know about the thread, if it was posted at least a week before you came here?

Because I saw it while I was here as one of my alts

Damn you're dense. Sammitch's thread about raiding the PW was still on the first page of the Random section.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 2:13 AM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: me

Hmm, I wonder what quote of mine Mxy will take out of context to try and make it seem like I was lurking here?

Mxy you're one transparent mother fucker.

Since I didn't actually quote you, I assume you're calling me invisible. Well, I take offence, sir. I'm very much visible.

You said that I said something. That's as good as a quote.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 2:16 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
Right, you told them after the raid had started. But how did you know about the thread, if it was posted at least a week before you came here?

Because I saw it while I was here as one of my alts

Damn you're dense. Sammitch's thread about raiding the PW was still on the first page of the Random section.

Um, no, it wasn't. I just checked the reply dates. Based on that, the thread had to be at least three pages into the archive. Do you want me to post the dates, Wanky?
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 2:16 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: me

Hmm, I wonder what quote of mine Mxy will take out of context to try and make it seem like I was lurking here?

Mxy you're one transparent mother fucker.

Since I didn't actually quote you, I assume you're calling me invisible. Well, I take offence, sir. I'm very much visible.

You said that I said something. That's as good as a quote.

Maybe. Not according to the dictionary, though.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 2:20 AM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
Right, you told them after the raid had started. But how did you know about the thread, if it was posted at least a week before you came here?

Because I saw it while I was here as one of my alts

Damn you're dense. Sammitch's thread about raiding the PW was still on the first page of the Random section.

Um, no, it wasn't. I just checked the reply dates. Based on that, the thread had to be at least three pages into the archive. Do you want me to post the dates, Wanky?

Bullshit. Ray had just made a comment about new meat and G-man was talking about me only a day or two before.

Post anything you want, but that thread was on the front page when I saw it. Not like those dates mean anything anyway. All that could mean was that you fuckers weren't posting a whole lot in the Random section. I remember somebody (I think you) thanking me cause things had been really slow and boring around here.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 2:21 AM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: me

Hmm, I wonder what quote of mine Mxy will take out of context to try and make it seem like I was lurking here?

Mxy you're one transparent mother fucker.

Since I didn't actually quote you, I assume you're calling me invisible. Well, I take offence, sir. I'm very much visible.

You said that I said something. That's as good as a quote.

Maybe. Not according to the dictionary, though.

I suppose it's pointless trying to get you to use common sense.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 2:33 AM
Wonder if Mxy is having fun copy and pasting those meaningless dates?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 2:37 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Wrong again. I never lurk. If I'm not posting, I'm not here. I know you obsessed little turds would like to believe I'm always with you but it's just not true.

Actually...and I'm serious here...I believe Halo on this one. I think that if he's here, he posts...if nothing but for the simple fact that his stubborn impatience and temper utterly control his every action. Thus, if he's here, it drives him c-r-a-z-y to see us chatting and having fun, so he must involve himself in some fashion. So, yeah...he's telling the truth here. It's guys like Zzap, Andy, and Whomod that do all the pussy-lurking with no posts.

 Originally Posted By: The Dread Pirate Westley
You know, I like the "sammitch got me preggerz" thread better. There's just not enough sex in this thread.

While I agree with your point, I have to wonder why Thomas and Co. don't lambaste you for being a "traitor", as well? Meanwhile, I'll be recommending to the committee that we see your full membership pushed through the proper channels. Rex doesn't like you for no reason, you always wear the right shirt color on Thursdays, and you swing a nine-iron like a god. Well done. Ask me later about the secret handshake.

Bonus points on how many gay jokes you can make out of all of that...

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Prometheus spends his time trying to get into Icon or D.N

Wait--.....when did I do that? Seriously? Are you talking about back when we drove you from your old boards? Before Pologuy detonated the place? Because, I really don't spend any time "trying" to get into your locked-down clubhouse. I don't have to "try"...

Now the question you have to ask is: Did I "hack" your boards? Or, do you have another "traitor" in your midst? OR! What if...it's still the same mole, and the ones that have "admitted" to helping me so far aren't the only ones that do? Think about it.

Now, don't be so mean, Thomas...

 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
have you people taken your viagara today?

Seriously, guy, I'm pretty worried about your obsession with us having medically induced boners. I mean.... that post just seems like you're cruisin' or something, and it's weirding me the fuck out. Please, stop it.

Yeah, I'm with you on that one...
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 2:39 AM

The last post before the raid was on the 18th, and the raid started on the 20th (as you can see from the posts in the same thread).

We're on the 9th. The first thread from the 7th I can find on the archive is on the fourth page. Discounting Sammitch's one page of spam, I'd say it's normal for threads that haven't had any activity in two days to be on the third page.

Don't let this discourage you from lying, Wanky. By all means, keep doing it so I can keep proving you wrong.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 2:39 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Wonder if Mxy is having fun copy and pasting those meaningless dates?

Why are you so worried about the dates? Could it be because you're gearing up to try and "disprove" the Roman calendar system?
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 2:42 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: me

Hmm, I wonder what quote of mine Mxy will take out of context to try and make it seem like I was lurking here?

Mxy you're one transparent mother fucker.

Since I didn't actually quote you, I assume you're calling me invisible. Well, I take offence, sir. I'm very much visible.

You said that I said something. That's as good as a quote.

Maybe. Not according to the dictionary, though.

I suppose it's pointless trying to get you to use common sense.

That's right, let's bury the subject before I ridicule you with the dreaded dictionary!
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 3:13 AM
using a dictionary is worse than the holocaust.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 3:14 AM
Word Nazis!
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 5:59 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
I am not pissy, you're historonic.

reax! put that shit in your sig!
Posted By: the Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 7:21 AM
Rob Kamphausen ass-kicky Administrator cobra kai
15000+ posts Sun Aug 10 2008 12:20 AM Reading a post
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,
Posted By: the Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 7:22 AM
iggy argumentative User Board Killer
500+ posts Sun Aug 10 2008 12:22 AM Reading a post
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,
Posted By: the Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 7:23 AM
Rob Kamphausen ass-kicky Administrator cobra kai
15000+ posts Sun Aug 10 2008 12:23 AM Reading a post
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,
Posted By: the Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 7:27 AM
Captain Sammitch innocent Moderator tantillo taunter
10000+ posts Sun Aug 10 2008 12:26 AM Reading a post
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,
Posted By: the Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 7:29 AM
Captain Sammitch innocent Moderator tantillo taunter
10000+ posts Sun Aug 10 2008 12:28 AM Reading a post
Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 5:44 PM
Posted By: Prometheus Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 7:41 PM

That took me a minute!!
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 7:55 PM
Posted By: Uschi Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 8:52 PM
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts

Is... is someone at the window? hard to see.
Posted By: rex Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 8:54 PM
Its a black man.
Posted By: Uschi Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 8:55 PM
Posted By: rex Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 9:08 PM
He's using his built in camouflage.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 9:12 PM
Kind of like when you stand in front of a rack of gay sex magazines?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 9:12 PM
I'm really stoned right now...
Posted By: rex Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 9:15 PM
I hope so.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 9:23 PM
You can do better...
Posted By: rex Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 9:24 PM
I hope so.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 9:42 PM
Littering and Littering and Littering and Littering and Littering and...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-10 11:55 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Wow, you just can't wait to get a reply from me, can you? But no moron, that's not a yes. Take the self-serving glasses off sometime and maybe you'll see that.

So, yes then. Gotcha. Thanks for answering the long way, though.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
So you enjoy your obsession? Fair enough. It's kinda sad though that when I make fun of you cause I enjoy making fun of assholes in general that you have to hide behind that double standard.

More of your inability to grasp simple concepts. But I get it. You need to accuse others of double standards and obsession because you can't face the facts that your presence here fits into both categories. Accepting that truth would shatter what little ego and sense of self worth you have. I understand.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
No, no, no. You specifically said you were there to spite me. Continue to lie if you wish, but you and I both know you're full of shit. Lies make baby Jesus cry, Joe. You don't want that on your concience, do you?

Swing and a miss, Tommy. My first post specifically stated that I WASN'T there to raid or start shit with anyone. I did say that the former Insurgents might recognize me as the guy who regularly smacks you around, but I made it clear that I intended to play nice. It was later, after multiple posts of you whining, foaming at the mouth, and generally being yourself that I told you that I would continue to post because I liked it there AND just to spite you. But nice job trying to spin facts and alter history. Bravo, Tommy.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Get over yourself. You started talking about me today, Joe. You couldn't help yourself. Just like now you can't help but fall back on some lame insult that any two year old can think of.

Whatever you need to keep from messing up mommy's basement with your brain matter, Tommy. Fact is, Sammitch, BSAMS, Pro, and Iggy (the object of your affection who jilted you) are the reasons you come here. You love the attention we give you. You love that we treat you the way Sikkbones, another object of your affection, treats you. But "get over yourself," Tommy? So lame...so cliche...so Tommy Tantillo.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
It was wit that went way over your head. Not that that's hard or anything considering you're a mental midget. Don't blame me cause you're a big ol' lame duck.

Next time, save yourself the time and just say "yes it was," Tommy. "Lame duck," though? Oh, Tommy, have I thrashed you so badly that this is your best?

Such "wit..."
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-11 3:53 AM
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-11 3:57 AM
Posted By: URG Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-11 6:58 AM
Is good. A herd of clean women.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-13 10:21 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
have you people taken your viagara today?

Seriously, guy, I'm pretty worried about your obsession with us having medically induced boners. I mean.... that post just seems like you're cruisin' or something, and it's weirding me the fuck out. Please, stop it.

aww did someone get pwned by not being able to get it up?
Posted By: The Dread Pirate Westley Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-13 10:24 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
have you people taken your viagara today?

Seriously, guy, I'm pretty worried about your obsession with us having medically induced boners. I mean.... that post just seems like you're cruisin' or something, and it's weirding me the fuck out. Please, stop it.

aww did someone get pwned by not being able to get it up?

Not true, this

Gives me a boner every day.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-13 10:31 PM
 Originally Posted By: The Dread Pirate Westley
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
have you people taken your viagara today?

Seriously, guy, I'm pretty worried about your obsession with us having medically induced boners. I mean.... that post just seems like you're cruisin' or something, and it's weirding me the fuck out. Please, stop it.

aww did someone get pwned by not being able to get it up?

Not true, this

Gives me a boner every day.

but then agian your also sexually aroused by Jordan Willis.
Posted By: iggy Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-13 10:33 PM
The hockey player?!?
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-13 10:35 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
The hockey player?!?

i dunno, i always thought that you and tommy tantillo would make a pretty cute couple Jordy.
Posted By: iggy Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-13 10:39 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: iggy
The hockey player?!?

i dunno, i always thought that you and tommy tantillo would make a pretty cute couple Jordy.

Two problems.

(1) I'm not gay.
(2) Even if I was, I don't think that I could be nearly as abusive as Tommy likes it.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-13 10:40 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
have you people taken your viagara today?

Seriously, guy, I'm pretty worried about your obsession with us having medically induced boners. I mean.... that post just seems like you're cruisin' or something, and it's weirding me the fuck out. Please, stop it.

aww did someone get pwned by not being able to get it up?

Funny that you suggest I'm gay for wanting you and Tommy to be happy together while constantly talking about viagra, Doc's ability to get an erection, and Tommy's penchant for sucking your cock. Listen, feel free to come out of the closet at your own pace. It's the first step towards letting go of a lot of anger that you hold onto.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-13 10:44 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: iggy
The hockey player?!?

i dunno, i always thought that you and tommy tantillo would make a pretty cute couple Jordy.

Two problems.

(1) I'm not gay.
(2) Even if I was, I don't think that I could be nearly as abusive as Tommy likes it.

jealous of my power?
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-13 10:45 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: iggy
The hockey player?!?

i dunno, i always thought that you and tommy tantillo would make a pretty cute couple Jordy.

Two problems.

(1) I'm not gay.
(2) Even if I was, I don't think that I could be nearly as abusive as Tommy likes it.

jealous of my power?

It just supports my contention that you two are a great couple, should you two choose to take that step.
Posted By: iggy Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-13 10:48 PM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: iggy
The hockey player?!?

i dunno, i always thought that you and tommy tantillo would make a pretty cute couple Jordy.

Two problems.

(1) I'm not gay.
(2) Even if I was, I don't think that I could be nearly as abusive as Tommy likes it.

jealous of my power?

It just supports my contention that you two are a great couple, should you two choose to take that step.


Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-13 10:52 PM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: iggy
The hockey player?!?

i dunno, i always thought that you and tommy tantillo would make a pretty cute couple Jordy.

Two problems.

(1) I'm not gay.
(2) Even if I was, I don't think that I could be nearly as abusive as Tommy likes it.

jealous of my power?

It just supports my contention that you two are a great couple, should you two choose to take that step.

actually i think Tommy's more you're type joe.

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-13 10:57 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: iggy
The hockey player?!?

i dunno, i always thought that you and tommy tantillo would make a pretty cute couple Jordy.

Two problems.

(1) I'm not gay.
(2) Even if I was, I don't think that I could be nearly as abusive as Tommy likes it.

jealous of my power?

It just supports my contention that you two are a great couple, should you two choose to take that step.

actually i think Tommy's more you're type joe.

While I'm confused how Tommy relates to a picture of me at Disney World, I'm flattered that Michael (Mike?) Carter is attracted enough to keep pictures of me.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-13 11:02 PM
whose the kid your molesting there Joe.. seems to me you and pariah have a few things in common.

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-13 11:03 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
whose the kid your molesting there Joe.. seems to me you and pariah have a few things in common.

Don't you recognize your son?
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-13 11:05 PM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
whose the kid your molesting there Joe.. seems to me you and pariah have a few things in common.

Don't you recognize your son?

wow, joe.. that's a new low even for you.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-13 11:09 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
have you people taken your viagara today?

Seriously, guy, I'm pretty worried about your obsession with us having medically induced boners. I mean.... that post just seems like you're cruisin' or something, and it's weirding me the fuck out. Please, stop it.

aww did someone get pwned by not being able to get it up?

For the last time, I'm not into dudes. That's why your come ons have no effect on me. Just be happy with Halo and leave the rest of us alone.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-13 11:09 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
have you people taken your viagara today?

Seriously, guy, I'm pretty worried about your obsession with us having medically induced boners. I mean.... that post just seems like you're cruisin' or something, and it's weirding me the fuck out. Please, stop it.

aww did someone get pwned by not being able to get it up?

For the last time, I'm not into dudes. That's why your come ons have no effect on me. Just be happy with Halo and leave the rest of us alone.

are you like the rest of the idiots here and prefer younger children instead?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2008-08-13 11:11 PM
No. And Jim Jackson will tell that it's just research.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2011-10-09 6:52 AM
Google 10/08/11 11:35 PM Reading a post
Forum: Pro & Jake's Fortress of Awesome Chat
Thread: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch.,
Posted By: Prometheus Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2011-10-09 8:38 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Blah, blah, blah. Until Zzap, Andy, Thomas, or Whomod grow some balls and make their own posts here, don't expect me to read all of this high school drama...

It's true! Past me was awesome!!

 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: me

Hmm, I wonder what quote of mine Mxy will take out of context to try and make it seem like I was lurking here?

Mxy you're one transparent mother fucker.

Since I didn't actually quote you, I assume you're calling me invisible. Well, I take offence, sir. I'm very much visible.

You said that I said something. That's as good as a quote.

Maybe. Not according to the dictionary, though.

I suppose it's pointless trying to get you to use common sense.

That's right, let's bury the subject before I ridicule you with the dreaded dictionary!

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

I have to say, in all honesty...as a person, not "Prometheus"...we/I/you give a lot of shit to guys like Dave Wonder Boy and Pariah, or even G-Man and Rex. But none of them will ever, EVER be as clearly sad, stupid, and as pathetic as Thomas 'Wanky' Armadillo (or whatever the fuck his name was). Hell, I'd have loved to seen Dave-WB scrape Tommy off the bottom of his boot. Where were you Dave? Also surprised Pariah didn't get more involved, either. You'd think someone like Tommy...who was practically a wind-me-up-toy for people who like to argue and debate...would have been something of a golden plaything for Pariah to bat around. Like a ball of string. Thomas was SOOOO absurd, I almost don't believe he's real.

Iggy...you can tell us now...enough time has passed......Tommy was just an Alt-ID of someone having a joke. Right? I mean, come on. He just couldn't have been....real.
Posted By: iggy Re: ZZAPP destroys Iggybitch., - 2011-10-09 8:54 PM
After seeing what they were all reduced to, I wish I could. But, he was no more an alt than Steve "Fuck My Work and Kids, Zzap!" Zweig. Same with Andy and his "you let pro use her screenname, I wish you great hurt or death!"

Still, I'll say the weren't all insane. AlaskaPhil...Fartspray...or, Your Mommy (I think he used that alt, too) was okay. I still keep up with Whomod and a couple others on facebook and the Huffington Post.

I think they may have even had a falling out about a lot of things since the raid. The Iconoclasts have been more or less abandoned and a few names deregistered. I haven't really cared enough to ask about it. But, maybe, it is time.