The board ate my (long) post. Kinda pissed off now.

Suffice it to say (in bullet points this time):

  • Happy the cat's out of the bag.
  • It was inevitable that Marxism would reach the gaming aspect of the culture since, by design, it's meant to turn all aspects of societies into a homogenous, conductive monster.
  • Didn't give gamers enough credit; expected them to be cool with being lulled to sleep by messages of social justice.
  • Since gamers are essentially addicts obsessed with getting their fix, they will attack anything that threatens their pet media (for better or worse) with relentless enthusiasm. It's a 4chan-esque "sleeping giant" subculture if you will.
  • Wish I had more free time to contribute to the foray. Will fuck with SJW when I can.

In the mean time, reading this shit as it happens will tide me over.

This thread at GS alone has been pretty damn awesome. There are some die hard Sarkeesian, Quinn, and SJW defenders in this convo and their routine of attempting to deconstruct the GamerGate has been very instructive. They're using as many pejoratives as they possiblly can to derail GamerGate proponents(see also: referring to them as "Gaters" (see also: Truthers, Birthers,)). I honestly believe that they're being coordinated.

The thread's OP also has a lot of good links and clarification of the issue in it.

It's always great having 4chan on your side. It's not like they have been a haven for pedophiles or anything.

The moment the movement becomes about pedophilia, be sure to let me know.

Whatever quirkiness/shittiness exists within the ranks of their ilk, they're largely responsible for making sure the issue can't be ignored. Like I said: for better or worse.
I guess the cliff's notes version ran out of room before they could discuss the rape threats. I mean, it's not like those were a problem or anything.
Actually, they've been discussing it.

The claim is that the accusation that they leveled rape AND bomb threats at Sarkeesian--a full month before the actual Quinn incident--is another way to pad her tune that these are nothing but a lot of misogynists, or rather, "misogynerds." Another disparaging label meant to marginalize the allegedly woman-hating gamer demographic that she despises and seeks to replace.

Or do you think that Sarkeesian is the picture of honesty? In which case, how much of her stuff have you actually read/watched? Are you familiar with her Kickstarter shenanigans by chance?
Jebus fuck!

  • http://www.buzzfeed.com/josephbernstein/someone-inside-congress-edited-a-wikipedia-article-about-gam?utm_term=4ldqpia#2hn9dyl

    Congress-edits is a Twitter bot that posts all edits made to Wikipedia from the IP address associated with the United States House of Representatives. Today, it announced one very strange edit:

    Kotaku is the popular game-news and culture arm of Gawker Media and has recently been embroiled in the toxic #gamergate movement of aggrieved and confused white nerds. The edit, which cites two Breitbart articles, is as follows: “In 2014, Kotaku was exposed as being part of a vast conspiracy to promote Cultural Marxism through video games.”
I'm not at all a gamer, but I have been following this Anita Sarkeesian/Feminist Frequency saga.

Anita Sarkeesian does not appear to be an honest person. From her kickstarter, to different videos where she contradicts herself.

Her videos seem to be either badly researched or manipulated to serve her rhetoric.

She does seem to be pretty savvy at manipulation of the media. She mainly uses it to quiet any opposing viewpoint.

As for the death/rape threats I bet it isn't any more than the average person in the public eye gets for expressing their opinion. I bet Bill O'Reily gets a ton of death threats after every episode.
The full mailing list.

Holy shit.
Rumors are that Moot is in bed with Sarkessian after XOXO.

There's an alleged chat that took place with his mods about it, but it hasn't been authenticated. We'll see where it goes from there.


Alleged chat between Moot and his mod-toadies.

  • [9/18/14 12:06 AM] moot: Why the fuck didn't you react sooner
    [9/18/14 12:06 AM] moot: I guess it was my fault, but you could have done this without me
    [9/18/14 12:06 AM] [REDACTED 1]: sorry m8, i was not sure what to do
    [9/18/14 12:07 AM] [REDACTED 1]: but like
    [9/18/14 12:07 AM] [REDACTED 1]: they would, like the angry fucks they are, rage because "MUH FREESPEECH" kek
    [9/18/14 12:07 AM] [REDACTED 2]: Moot, I hate to break it to ya, but it's not working
    [9/18/14 12:08 AM] [REDACTED 3]: I fucking wish it worked but there are so many fucking people, it's too hard to stop them
    [9/18/14 12:08 AM] moot: It's pissing me the fuck off too, believe me
    [9/18/14 12:08 AM] moot: Where the hell are the other moderators? They don't display as online
    [9/18/14 12:08 AM] [REDACTED 1]: mods are kill
    [9/18/14 12:08 AM] [REDACTED 4]: It's late, moot, so excuse me if my posting is a bit sloppy
    [9/18/14 12:08 AM] moot: This meeting is one of the most important we've ever had, EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE HERE
    [9/18/14 12:08 AM] [REDACTED 2]: We've had like 800 discussions since Gamerhate started
    [9/18/14 12:08 AM] [REDACTED 5]: ----'s gonna be late. he told me his computer BSOD'd
    [9/18/14 12:09 AM] moot: It's fine. I called in 20 people, he's pretty much nothing more than an ally
    [9/18/14 12:09 AM] [REDACTED 2]: Gamergate...
    [9/18/14 12:09 AM] moot: I told you in the email it's about Gamergate
    [9/18/14 12:09 AM] [REDACTED 7]: is this all this is?
    [9/18/14 12:09 AM] [REDACTED 7]: are we seriously getting up in arms about a bunch of stupid fucking nerds making posts about some game dev
    [9/18/14 12:09 AM] [REDACTED 8]: Ayyyyye lmao
    [9/18/14 12:09 AM] [REDACTED 3]: aye m8
    [9/18/14 12:09 AM] [REDACTED 6]: I'm glad we're addressing the issue in a hostile way, they don't respect us otherwise
    [9/18/14 12:09 AM] [REDACTED 4]: Who gives a fuck about respect? This is about ending all harassment and bad reputation going to 4chan
    [9/18/14 12:09 AM] moot: It used to be about that
    [9/18/14 12:09 AM] moot: Now, we're fighting an army of stupid fucking nerds instead of just a bunch
    [9/18/14 12:09 AM] [REDACTED 7]: i've been kind of out of it since that bomb threat
    [9/18/14 12:09 AM] [REDACTED 9]: hi
    [9/18/14 12:09 AM] moot: I feel for you. It's hard to ignore Gamergate to me, when I'M GETTING FUCKING DEATH THREATS
    [9/18/14 12:10 AM] [REDACTED 1]: why would anyone want to threaten mootsan my lord and savior
    [9/18/14 12:10 AM] [REDACTED 6]: I got a death threat too, but the person sending it lived on the other side of the world, like wtf lol
    [9/18/14 12:10 AM] moot: Fuck this waiting, I'm shaking, I need to tell my unfiltered thoughts NOW
    [9/18/14 12:10 AM] [REDACTED 3]: You sound distressed
    [9/18/14 12:10 AM] [REDACTED 10]: I ARRIVED IN TIME OMG
    [9/18/14 12:10 AM] [REDACTED 2]: It's been 5 minutes, Christ
    [9/18/14 12:10 AM] [REDACTED 4]: Dammit I fucking hate those nerds
    [9/18/14 12:10 AM] moot: I'm gonna gather up everything that's happened, and info dump you all
    [9/18/14 12:10 AM] moot: Everyone else, just stay idle until I give the "head's up"
    [9/18/14 12:10 AM] moot: I'll be back!
    [9/18/14 12:10 AM] [REDACTED 10]: I just got here and already moot's gone ;_;
    [9/18/14 12:10 AM] [REDACTED 9]: he'll be back
    [9/18/14 12:10 AM] [REDACTED 3]: Perfect time for me to take a shower if Moot's preparing a speech or whatevs
    [9/18/14 12:11 AM] [REDACTED 5]: I think we can leave until Moot gets bafk
    [9/18/14 12:12 AM] [REDACTED 2]: It's such a travesty when out fellow brothers gets depressed
    [9/18/14 12:12 AM] [REDACTED 6]: Well damn

    break in chat, for the next 30 minutes there are only 4 posts, pointless to leave in

    [9/18/14 12:41 AM] moot: My speech is done. Horrifying revelations have been revealed.
    [9/18/14 12:42 AM] [REDACTED 11]: OH SHIT
    [9/18/14 12:42 AM] [REDACTED 1]: MUH GAWD
    [9/18/14 12:42 AM] [REDACTED 2]: I'm ready!!!
    [9/18/14 12:42 AM] moot: This cannot get out. They will be fucking pissed beyond belief if it gets out
    [9/18/14 12:42 AM] [REDACTED 4]: Moot, what happened to the other mods. There are only 12 of us online...
    [9/18/14 12:42 AM] moot: Timezone issues I assume. I'm not going to fault them, but I told them about this last night
    [9/18/14 12:42 AM] moot: They could've just said "I can't come" instead of leaving me hanging. Oh well.
    [9/18/14 12:42 AM] [REDACTED 5]: We're listening, man
    [9/18/14 12:42 AM] [REDACTED 3]: I haven't been this anxious since the Chris-Chan debatacle ffs
    [9/18/14 12:42 AM] moot: Chris-Chan was some weird autistic kid. This is nowhere close to that.
    [9/18/14 12:42 AM] [REDACTED 7]: it's weird how just a month ago we were all like "huh well isn't this interesting"
    [9/18/14 12:42 AM] [REDACTED 1]: hurry up with the speech moot
    [9/18/14 12:42 AM] [REDACTED 2]: I'm anxious too m8
    [9/18/14 12:42 AM] moot: Hold the fuck on, damn
    [9/18/14 12:42 AM] [REDACTED 7]: but now it's become so enticing, a disgusting perverted issue that is a war between rational people who just want to support women, and lanky disgusting fucks who can't stand the idea of a woman having sex
    [9/18/14 12:42 AM] [REDACTED 1]: you know what they say
    [9/18/14 12:42 AM] [REDACTED 6]: I arrived just in time wtf
    [9/18/14 12:43 AM] [REDACTED 1]: dumbfucks gonna dumbfuck
    [9/18/14 12:43 AM] moot: Read this thoroughly before responding, don't post while I'm posting:
    [9/18/14 12:43 AM] [REDACTED 2]: It's habbnin'
    [9/18/14 12:43 AM] moot: Cracked sent me an email a few days ago
    [9/18/14 12:43 AM] moot: The same day Zoe issued her article, to be exact
    [9/18/14 12:43 AM] moot: They told me they are strong supporters of the Social Justice Movement, and are through sitting behind while the harassment goes on
    [9/18/14 12:44 AM] moot: They said if I didn't stop Gamergate on 4chan, they would write an article that "exposes" 4chan for the "true cesspit" it is. They're also going to basically get feminists to hack in and take down my site.
    [9/18/14 12:44 AM] moot: And coincidentally, I got a letter that threatened to lynch me in the streets, from a group of hackers who strongly support feminism.
    [9/18/14 12:44 AM] moot: A day before this, I went to see Anita speak at XOXO, and she was absolutely lovely. Behind the scenes, I got to have a word with her. We hit it off perfect, and we're now friends through online communication.
    [9/18/14 12:44 AM] moot: I told her my situation, and her advice was to get my mods to delete everything Gamergate on site.
    [9/18/14 12:44 AM] moot: I was reluctant, but after that day, I did what she said. You all remember the day I told you to delete Gamergate shit, we were convinced it would work.
    [9/18/14 12:44 AM] moot: But it didn't fucking work.
    [9/18/14 12:45 AM] moot: That hacker group is real btw.
    [9/18/14 12:45 AM] moot: They've been sending more letters to my house, and emails to my personal address.
    [9/18/14 12:45 AM] moot: Funny thing is, I still support them more than I do Gamergate.
    [9/18/14 12:45 AM] moot: So, that's why I'm so worried. I got Cracked making threats and a group threatening to take down my site.
    [9/18/14 12:45 AM] moot: The two are very powerful, and can get done what they say they want to get done.

    ...mostly just reiterating and people reacting for the next few minutes, nothing noteworthy.
    here's where the real dirt begins:

    [9/18/14 12:59 AM] [REDACTED 2]: The Internet Aristocrat's real name is ------ - ------- and it turns out he has a real job at ------------. Maybe, we could call him at work and get him fired because of his shameless support of harassment?
    [9/18/14 12:59 AM] [REDACTED 3]: Holy hell, how did you find that?
    [9/18/14 1:00 AM] [REDACTED 2]: A friend who used to know him. The Aristocrat's a disgusting human being, he deserves it.
    [9/18/14 1:00 AM] [REDACTED 10]: We have dox on a lot of Gamergate supporters.
    [9/18/14 1:00 AM] [REDACTED 10]: Nero and MundaneMatt among others.
    [9/18/14 1:00 AM] moot: While I don't advocate doxing, maybe this could play into our advantage.
    [9/18/14 1:00 AM] [REDACTED 5]: Couldn't we just scare the supporters off?
    [9/18/14 1:00 AM] moot: Scaring them off could take work.
    [9/18/14 1:00 AM] [REDACTED 6]: Tell them we got dox because they posted in /v/
    [9/18/14 1:00 AM] [REDACTED 8]: What the hell, you're not legitimately considering this are you?
    [9/18/14 1:00 AM] [REDACTED 8]: They could find out it was us.
    [9/18/14 1:00 AM] [REDACTED 1]: we can use firewalls, lol
    [9/18/14 1:00 AM] moot: I'm reluctant, but not unwilling to try that.
    [9/18/14 1:01 AM] [REDACTED 8]: Fine, but what about the people using proxies?
    [9/18/14 1:01 AM] [REDACTED 5]: There are more people without proxies than people with proxies.
    [9/18/14 1:01 AM] moot: ^ We can get rid of most of them.
    [9/18/14 1:01 AM] [REDACTED 5]: I'll work on the idea. Maybe, get in one normie supporter so it looks legit.
    [9/18/14 1:01 AM] moot: Nice. Sometimes hostility is the answer. Not all the time, but sometimes.

    it all gets kind of un-noteworthy after that, but the last thing i mentioned...

    [9/18/14 1:31 AM] [REDACTED 5]: What about that new site you mentioned earlier?
    [9/18/14 1:31 AM] moot: I got Tumblr's support on the project. I'm still brainstorming though...
    [9/18/14 1:31 AM] [REDACTED 1]: any ideas?
    [9/18/14 1:32 AM] [REDACTED 8]: Tumblr? You're not going SJW on me are you?
    [9/18/14 1:32 AM] moot: Fuck off. Speak with me in IM. I've got a word to have with you.
    [9/18/14 1:32 AM] [REDACTED 7]: you can support social justice without being from tumblr, dipshit
    [9/18/14 1:32 AM] moot: In response to ------, I have no current ideas.
    [9/18/14 1:32 AM] [REDACTED 1]: what about 4chan?
    [9/18/14 1:32 AM] [REDACTED 3]: #BurnDown4chan
    [9/18/14 1:32 AM] [REDACTED 5]: 4chan's ride never ends. It just gets more disgusting and disturbing as you go along
    [9/18/14 1:32 AM] moot: I'll have to rebuild it from the ground up, or I'll sell it to someone else.
    [9/18/14 1:32 AM] [REDACTED 7]: Why would you be worried about hackers taking it down if you yourself want to take it down?
    [9/18/14 1:32 AM] moot: I said sell it, not shut it down.
    [9/18/14 1:33 AM] [REDACTED 7]: Either way, can you make sure to permanently ban everyone who's posted in Gamergate threads?
    [9/18/14 1:33 AM] [REDACTED 4]: Yeah, if you want to rebuild 4chan, the first step is banning EVERY. SINGLE. GAMERGATE. SUPPORTER.
    [9/18/14 1:33 AM] moot: It'll take a lot of work, but I'll probably do that.
    [9/18/14 1:33 AM] moot: Don't know yet.

honestly doesn't sound like the m00tle I remember, but it's not terribly challenging to doctor up a chatlog. I'm this skeptical of everything in memespace, though. this whole thing is sketchy as fuck. yeah, it appears quinn was responsible for some shady shit, and she shouldn't be let off the hook if what we're told about alleged tampering with the campaigns is true, but the problem here is that, simply put, internet gonna internet. we're used to being able to rage with impunity to the point that we no longer have that little angel on our shoulder asking if we're sure we're not blowing things out of proportion. the problem isn't that memespace blew up at quinn for possibly fucking up an effort to improve the gaming industry. it's that a numerically small but absurdly vocal minority within gamergate lacks any concept of decorum and seems unable to express dissatisfaction with something a prominent woman said/did in a manner other than rape threats and the basest of vulgarities. it does the rest of memespace a disservice and makes legit channers, goons, and redditors look like the entitled, misogynistic powerspergs that turned a valid objection into an unnavigable shitstorm.
At this point, it's looking more like the conversation they had was real. Aside from his confirmed attendance at XOXO, and his SJW-advocate girlfriend, he's chosen radio silence over clarifying his position. And, apparently, the excuse in his only post explaining the deletion of all the GamerGate stuff was total bunk: I don't hang out at 4chan that much, but all the people that have for the past six years agree that the incidents with which he he parelled this one were less than appropriate citations.

it's that a numerically small but absurdly vocal minority within gamergate lacks any concept of decorum and seems unable to express dissatisfaction with something a prominent woman said/did in a manner other than rape threats and the basest of vulgarities.

So you're skeptical of all the GamerGate claims, but you're absolutely certain of the claims of an underlying, credibility-destroying scum-bagginess coming from their end?

Like Jaburg said, vulgarity and obscenity is nothing new on the internet--and when I say the internet, I mean the INTERNET, and not any one party. You think SJW and friends aren't capable of slander and vitriol--let alone fucking DDos attacks? Or is censorship favorable to vulgarity?

I think all of the evidence thusfar makes it apparent that this goes WAY beyond Quinn, and trying to keep the wedge-issue of rape/death/bomb threats alive serves as an attempt to distract from the larger issue that people are being socially engineered by people like Sarkeesian and the journalists she influences. Quinn is just a crony who ended up blowing their cover.
Formatting's annoyingly complex, so I'm just going to leave the link.

This is one of the first threads that popped up in response to the Aristocrat's outing of Quinn and Grayson. Like the GS thread, it's become a pretty good news aggregate on the issue, but here's a choice post with a quote I couldn't find elsewhere:

I probably shouldnt post this but here goes. I used to be a mod for /d/.

Inb4 degenerate.

I need for this info to get out. Most of the mods on 4chan have only been in that position for a couple of weeks.

The day after the #ShutDown4CHAN thing happened in july, moot called a meeting with all the mods in a IRC. He said that a girl did atempt suicide and that she had connections and they wanted blood.

Moot demanded that we use everything we can to remove anything wanting to " fuck up sjw shit". Needless to say alot of mod anons called out moot and were kicked from the chat.

Before one was kicked he told every mod agianst this shit to meet in a 4craft server. We all did and discussed how fucked up this was. Over the next few days our chats about it became emails wich became skype calls. In the end we agreed that the next big fuck up the sjws make then we will let whatever happens happen.

What came next was dashcon.

We let the discussion go on like normal.
Some mods did moots bidding and banned.
Others were in the threads bumping .
What was left was nearly 2/3 of 4chan`s given the boot.

We we're all purged and outed. We fell on eachother and to bitch and moan. I swear to god our chatlogs the day after must look like mr. meeseeks.

One ousted mod anon was also a mod for 420chan and wizardchan. He said that alot of the mods thier were also exiled.

He gave proof, in the form of a collection of perma banned notices for dozens of IPs. And a list of those same IPs in log records for mod services.

We flipped our shit and began looking for more chans that this had happened to. 7chan, mchan, getchan and even shrekchan had massive mod axeings on the same day as 4chan.u

The next day a mod who wasnt outed contacted us. To our horror he told us that the new mods are complete sjws and openly call for permabans for alot of 4chan "board culture".

As we dug deeper we found out that the same thing was happening to alot of subreddits. Normally we would say fuck em. But they told us that tons of non sjw mods had thier accounts sieged and them ip banned.

Deeper we dug and found out that dozens of forum mods and website mods were either changed or became rabbid sjw over night.

Currently this is the deepiest we have dug. The girl who attempted suicide was kassie washington, niece of nick denton owner and publisher of gawker media

The sheer level of odiousness implied by this (admittedly old) revelation is jarring--holy fuck!

The Crony/Marxist machine is so well oiled, so well prepared, that they actually have dozens of infiltrators in pop culture BBSs. Why the fuck did I not see that coming.

I really REALLY wish I was in the states right now. Reading about this stuff from the Middle East is making me stir-crazy.
Apparently, SJW called the work of the guy who started NotYourShield and got him fired.
Wow. There's been about a dozen facets of this story developing all at once in the past couple of days. Wish I had more time towatch the train wreck ensue.

Two editors attempted to write the article for the movement on Wikipedia that portrayed the SJW's in a negative light. In response, they were doxxed by Sarkeesian-Quinn-SJW advocates (probably the same feminist hacker group that targeted everyone else in GamerGate). As such, if you read the article on it now, you'll just see a bunch of wank about how terrible and misogynist the movement is, and how Quinn is a tragic victim.

One of the editors turned out to be a ten-year old kid.

Article from the SJW, ultra-feminist point of view:


Every paragraph screams manhate and passively justifies doxxing people as long as they're dudes.
Posted By: Pariah Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-09-28 12:33 AM
Posted By: Pariah Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-09-28 9:59 PM
Aristocrat posted a summary of the past month for those unwilling to scrounge image BBSs for material.

Posted By: thedoctor Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-09-28 10:50 PM
The rules of the universe state that because you are so passionate about this that I can't give a flying fuck about it.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-09-29 9:53 PM
You do realize that the trends encouraged by the SJW movement are exactly what caused franchises like Mass Effect to go down the shitter, right?

People inside EA have already been exposed as being apart of the network on the GameJourno mailing list. If developers/producers/publishers can count on good reviews in exchange for exhibiting the pet social issues of SJWs in the games they make, then developers have no incentive for fleshing out their product beyond being a typical third-person/first-person shooter with functional mechanics--at least as far as Mass Effect was concerned.

I don't play many games anymore. While it's largely because I've been busier lately, it's also because the majority of them don't interest me at this point. I can't help but think that this wouldn't be the case were the industry not struck with this crony/nepotist disease where game contents were filtered through SJW ideologues.

The larger implications here are especially horrifying considering that the progressive agents within the gaming industry have just revealed the chink in the armor of the overall movement to shift and mold Western culture into whatever these SJW motherfuckers want it to be. Quite frankly, they should have foreseen this since the gaming medium is the least developed, and therefore less predictable/controllable, form of media. Thankfully, the contemporary American Marxist machine's hipster-agency turned out to be too arrogant to realize that social conduction of such a fickle and insular demographic isn't that simple, and so here we are.

And are you really okay with the gaming journalist industry receiving public money via DiGRA--for the purpose of funding SJW causes no less? If not, then I hardly think that apathy is an appropriate response this issue.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-09-29 10:55 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
The rules of the universe state that because you are so passionate about this that I can't give a flying fuck about it.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-09-29 11:05 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
And are you really okay with the gaming journalist industry receiving public money via DiGRA--for the purpose of funding SJW causes no less? If not, then I hardly think that apathy is an appropriate response to this issue.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-09-29 11:16 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
The rules of the universe state that because you are so passionate about this that I can't give a flying fuck about it.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-10-01 11:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
I care about what happens to the franchises I invest in, but I'm too paranoid to show any sign that I give a flying fuck about it.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-10-03 11:14 PM
Wow. Intel dropped Gamasutra.

And apparently an SJW tried to dox someone who worked for the DoD.


  • I can’t exactly be accused of writing about sunshine and roses here on the site. But, every once in awhile, a story comes my way that really brightens my spirits. Now, this story isn’t perfect, because it still involves SJW thugs trying to doxx someone. I still think you’ll find it very smile-worthy, though.

    As it turns out, not everyone can be harmed by a doxxing. Take yours truly, for example. I could care less if these assholes try to doxx me, or not. It won’t affect my life. Plus, it’s not like I can do anything about it. That’s another reason I don’t worry. Luckily, some people are in a different position. Lots of people have their back…like the FBI and Department of Homeland Security, for example.

    You see, when you try to doxx someone who works in the Department of Defense, the Feds do not take that shit lightly. When that person also has a “top secret” security clearance? Well, you end up getting investigated espionage, and possible domestic terrorism. That’s not the spot you want to be in if you’re some guy from 4chan with extremist feminist ties. Hell, it’s not a spot anyone wants to be in, regardless of background. The FBI doesn’t play around.

    Here’s a friendly reminder to all you SJW pricks: There’s no parole in the federal penitentiary system. You’re gonna have to do 85% of your time, at least. I hope it was worth it.

    See, I told you guys this was going to make you smile.

Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-10-04 6:35 AM
at one point there were valid arguments here. one big problem is that the underlying issue at stake here (the impartiality of gaming journalism and the reviews system) is right up there with country clubs not automatically tacking on gratuities after dinner and the rising cost of banana republic flat-front twill slacks in the hierarchy of first-world problems. I've played video games for most of my life, and I've been enmeshed in the internet since compuserve dialup on a windows 95 machine, but this is why everyone is raising an absolute shitstorm? developers and publishers have been either paying for or cashing in favors for artificially inflated game reviews since the first issue of nintendo power. no news there. would I like to see the institution of journalists and reviewers build a little integrity? sure, but I'm not about to dox or threaten anyone over it. I spend an unhealthy amount of time on reddit too, and I don't recall the alleged "SJWs" (by the way, throwing that label around doesn't really do much for one's credibility outside the bubble) first escalating the conflict to that level. are there idiots on both sides? this is the fucking internet we're talking about. have people gone too far with this? this "issue" persisting longer than 48 hours constituted going too far with it. there are fucktards and fuckups galore on all sides of this fucking thing. just let it die while some shreds of dignity remain.

the argument I'm not hearing often enough really can't be overstated here. way back at the beginning of this shitstorm, when the ex's dazzlingly whiny rant outed quinn to begin with, someone should've established this because it would've ended the whole thing before it began. the question of whether or not zoe quinn fucked a reviewer does not determine whether she as an individual is at fault for supposedly ill-gotten reviews. zoe quinn could fuck the entire staff of IGN and it wouldn't make her solely responsible for 'corrupting' the hallowed institution of gaming journalism. because it takes two fucking people to fuck. when a man fucks a woman (♫♪♫), is he, like, hypnotized and unable to write an objective review? it doesn't make zoe quinn a vile temptress who should be ashamed for daring to use her vagina in a cavalier fashion. it doesn't even prove conclusively that the review was skewed on account of the alleged coitus. and if a reviewer comes out and admits "yeah, I gave her a good review because she does this fucking thing with her..." it says way more about his degree of objectivity and journalistic integrity than it does about the inherent evils of her femininity. if a prosecuting attorney fucks (or has fucked) the defendant, their ass is right the hell off that case (and possibly under investigation themselves) - if you're a journalist and you become romantically entangled with the subject of your article or review or feature, it's on you to get the hell off that byline. the one argument the feminists would be incontrovertibly right about (if they could just stick to it) is that blaming the woman does fuck-all to fix or address or even correctly identify the problem. if you're gonna bitch about reviews being skewed by money or sex or job referrals, maybe you should take it up with the reviewers who allow themselves to be influenced?
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-10-04 6:36 AM
by the way, I'm not addressing sarkeesian at all at this point. it's so hard to verify her claims that that whole story is a fucking minefield.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-10-04 3:50 PM
You're apparently missing the very large point here, and I don't understand why it's so hard to grasp, but what you're choosing to disparagingly write off as "first-world problems" and soft-headedly identify as a case of 'assholes on both sides' is, in actuality, the hijacking of an 80 billion+ dollar industry by way of phasing out it's demographic and socially conducting the masses using nepotism, cries of victimhood and social justice, coercion, career sabotage, and censorship. I mean, did you just completely gloss over the part where a dozen columnists on various gaming sites came out with the SAME. FUCKING. "gamers are dead" article?

Cultural Marxism isn't going to limit itself based on your own perception of what you think does and does not warrant this much attention. Like I already said, this episode is one facet of a larger--organized--cultural attack: "The larger implications here are especially horrifying considering that the progressive agents within the gaming industry have just revealed the chink in the armor of the overall movement to shift and mold Western culture into whatever these SJW motherfuckers want it to be. Quite frankly, they should have foreseen this since the gaming medium is the least developed, and therefore less predictable/controllable, form of media. Thankfully, the contemporary American Marxist machine's hipster-agency turned out to be too arrogant to realize that social conduction of such a fickle and insular demographic isn't that simple, and so here we are."

They're trying to frame the narrative to paint gamers as misogynistic wastoids/rapists/harassers and you're choosing to ignore it in favor of sounding milquetoast. Both parties aren't wrong--or even half-right--by virtue of having a disagreement.

the argument I'm not hearing often enough really can't be overstated here. way back at the beginning of this shitstorm, when the ex's dazzlingly whiny rant outed quinn to begin with, someone should've established this because it would've ended the whole thing before it began. the question of whether or not zoe quinn fucked a reviewer does not determine whether she as an individual is at fault for supposedly ill-gotten reviews. zoe quinn could fuck the entire staff of IGN and it wouldn't make her solely responsible for 'corrupting' the hallowed institution of gaming journalism. because it takes two fucking people to fuck. when a man fucks a woman (♫♪♫), is he, like, hypnotized and unable to write an objective review? it doesn't make zoe quinn a vile temptress who should be ashamed for daring to use her vagina in a cavalier fashion. it doesn't even prove conclusively that the review was skewed on account of the alleged coitus. and if a reviewer comes out and admits "yeah, I gave her a good review because she does this fucking thing with her..." it says way more about his degree of objectivity and journalistic integrity than it does about the inherent evils of her femininity. if a prosecuting attorney fucks (or has fucked) the defendant, their ass is right the hell off that case (and possibly under investigation themselves) - if you're a journalist and you become romantically entangled with the subject of your article or review or feature, it's on you to get the hell off that byline. the one argument the feminists would be incontrovertibly right about (if they could just stick to it) is that blaming the woman does fuck-all to fix or address or even correctly identify the problem. if you're gonna bitch about reviews being skewed by money or sex or job referrals, maybe you should take it up with the reviewers who allow themselves to be influenced?

Why are you still on Zoe Quinn?

Why are you talking about her "femininity"?

Why are you choosing to strawman the issue by focusing on Quinn's nature as a female rather than, say, her coordinated campaign (with Sarkeesian, Alexander, et al) to censor the fact that she helped compromise the industry?

Why do you make it sound as though Grayson and friends aren't taking a whole lot of shit for this too?

Did you marry an SJW or what?
Posted By: Pariah Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-10-04 3:52 PM
Posted By: Pariah Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-10-04 9:34 PM

  • Anti-Gamergate Publications Blacklist Kingdom Come: Deliverance

    A few days ago, Warhorse Studios released a video update on their game Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Gaming blogs all over the world have written about the video, but until now the only site in the US to give the update any press was Cinemablend. The complete silence from most major gaming publications about the title will come as no surprise to some. Daniel Vavra, the game’s director, has been a fairly vocal supporter of Gamergate, a topic which we at Techraptor have written about in abundance. Who knows how many other games have gone unnoticed just because the game developers somehow displeased the wrong journalist?

    This of course leaves the creators of the game in a bit of an unfortunate situation; without a lot of press for the game leading up to its release, it will have an uphill battle to climb up Steam’s Top Sellers page. While the supporters of Gamergate are eagerly awaiting the game’s release, only time will tell if that will be enough to give the game a successful launch. Though things seem hopeful, as despite the lack of coverage, the video still managed to be their most popular one yet, and they have hit a new record week in their crowdfunding campaign. Hopefully word of mouth will continue to raise hype for the game over time.

Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-10-05 6:45 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Why are you still on Zoe Quinn?

Why are you talking about her "femininity"?

Why are you choosing to strawman the issue by focusing on Quinn's nature as a female rather than, say, her coordinated campaign (with Sarkeesian, Alexander, et al) to censor the fact that she helped compromise the industry?

Why do you make it sound as though Grayson and friends aren't taking a whole lot of shit for this too?

Did you marry an SJW or what?

I grew up. look into it.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-10-05 6:49 AM
respectfully, though, in all seriousness. what's their endgame? what are you so concerned the SJWs and warrior feminists are going to do to the industry? to society? what are we trying to prevent?
Posted By: Pariah Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-10-05 11:25 AM
Mediocrity. Not to mention the assimilation of an industry that's largely influential to our youth.

If the hand that's reached into the gaming sphere is apart of the same machine that's already taken over our political/media outlets, then that's yet another avenue that we've allowed them to get a hold of and work with in concert.

I grew up. look into it.

Congrats on avoiding the question.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-10-05 3:42 PM
I'm (I can't believe I'm saying this) more interested in getting a concise opinion out of you. in all honesty it's mainly because this is one of the topics we'll be tackling (from all angles) tonight when we record for an upcoming podcast. is there any way you could condense your personal perspective over the last two pages into a paragraph or two? I'll hopefully be able to give you a more satisfactory response soon; I'm just going back over all the sources I've been given on all sides of this so I can at least do a more or less objective take on it tonight.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-10-05 7:26 PM
Are you asking for a timeline of events with sources or my reasoning for thinking this is a big deal?
I have to go to bed, but my best advice is to watch her commentary on the subject. She breaks down the issue and its implications the most eloquently I've seen thusfar.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
GamerGate is freedom!

GamerGate is LIFE!
Gamergate is the most fucking pointless bullshit I have ever read.
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
Gamergate is the most fucking pointless bullshit I have ever read.

"Playing soldier" hasn't helped Pariah grow up at all.

Our taxpayer dollars at work, I'm afraid.

JLA would much rather I try to unionize everyone here and form a picket line outside of Khandahar. That's how you do "grown up" stuff apparently...

Gamergate is the most fucking pointless bullshit I have ever read.


Pretty long article. The primary gist of it is that the GameJournoPros conspired with Destructoid to get Pinsoff fired and discredited for investigating fraud within the IndieGoGo campaign.

GamerGate's efficacy may or may not be in question (looks like it's growing pretty big though), but "pointless" is rather nihilist--if not ignorantly simplistic.
What I would prefer is that you stop being a leech living off of that overly generous government paycheck that is coming out of my pocket, fake soldier.

Besides, last time you were anywhere near a picket line, a little kid taunted you, and you haven't been the same since.

The bitterness is strong with this one...

On that note: Mercedes just pulled ads from Gawker.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-10-25 6:41 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Did you marry an SJW or what?

realized I never did give you an honest answer. so I will.

I honestly never cared about stuff like this. I have a Y chromosome; it doesn't affect me, you know? I felt like feminism as a whole had overstayed its welcome, buncha leftard pinko harpies coattailing on what was probably a legitimate social movement several decades ago for the sake of political expediency. sure, things probably aren't perfect for women, but things aren't perfect for anyone, so why lose sleep over it?

well, ain't it a sonofabitch, but not only is there a woman sharing my last name, but now there's a little girl running around my townhome who looks disturbingly like me and is gonna grow up to be - shockingly enough - a woman. not only do I have to be concerned about individuals other than myself, I actually have to be cognizant of what they and other women in our society go through on a daily basis. and the more I learn, the less I like.

look, I'm still nowhere near a feminist, and I disagree with what a lot of current gender theory espouses. but if you look objectively at situations just like this, women are getting blamed for decisions they didn't make and are being threatened with not just violence but the most abhorrent expressions of violence, more or less because they're women and it's just programmed into us at a cultural level that there are just some things women should know better than to do.

long story short, I don't give a flying fuck what it does to gamer culture or the hallowed institution of game journalism. I don't want my daughter growing up in a society where she's viewed and treated as less than in any way by virtue of her gender, and that outweighs my concern for the quality and content of video games I get to play by orders of magnitude. if that puts us at odds, it's nothing personal, but since you asked, that's why I'm not concerned about the same aspects of this issue as you.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Hitler Reacts to GamerGate - 2014-10-25 9:45 AM
Please point out where I, or any of the most vocal of GamerGate, have said that women should be treated differently.

I'm not particuarly certain why you've chosen be a white knight for Zoe Quinn and/or Sarkeesian on this issue with all the evidence stacked against both of them. I mean, you've already acknowledged that their behavior has been shady, and yet you're still pushing the same narrative as they are. The name for you at the moment is "concerned trolling." I didn't come up with that phrase, but it's fairly accurate.

What's even worse is that they haven't been the issue for quite some time now, but you still made a rant having to do with feminism rather than the charges of corruption in the industry. Is it really that difficult to care about the integrity of businesses and your daughter's welfare at the same time? Please to keep in mind that she may be playing these games, after all. Do you really want individuals like them controlling thoses games' messages when your child's behind the controller?
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
The bitterness is strong with this one...

On that note: Mercedes just pulled ads from Gawker.

Pariah submits after two posts from me.

I just keep getting better with age...
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
The bitterness is strong with this one...

On that note: Mercedes just pulled ads from Gawker.

Pariah submits after two posts from me.

I just keep getting better with age...

When I indirectly compel you to start talking like Prometheus, there's really not that much more damage I could possibly do.
How some Gamergate supporters say the controversy could stop “in one week”
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
The bitterness is strong with this one...

On that note: Mercedes just pulled ads from Gawker.

Pariah submits after two posts from me.

I just keep getting better with age...

When I indirectly compel you to start talking like Prometheus, there's really not that much more damage I could possibly do.

I was right then. Two posts, and then the white flag of surrender.

Nice to know resilient guys like you are fighting the war on terrahhh.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah

[9/18/14 12:43 AM] moot: Cracked sent me an email a few days ago
[9/18/14 12:43 AM] moot: The same day Zoe issued her article, to be exact
[9/18/14 12:43 AM] moot: They told me they are strong supporters of the Social Justice Movement, and are through sitting behind while the harassment goes on
[9/18/14 12:44 AM] moot: They said if I didn't stop Gamergate on 4chan, they would write an article that "exposes" 4chan for the "true cesspit" it is. They're also going to basically get feminists to hack in and take down my site.

This is amazing.

I also love how Gamergate gives their enemies names that sound like awesome '90s shows (Ultra Morphin' Social Justice Warriors, White Knight Attack Force Squad Team 2999) while saying stuff like "we will wrap the world in fire" "we will turn our enemies into smoldering piles of ashes" and "bow down before Doom, Fantastic Fools!"

Seems like a fairly balanced article from what I know or care about this.

On another point, Mxy, I got ask you what's the deal with cracked lately? (present company and Seanbaby excepted) It seems like every week it becomes less and less of a humor site and more and more a bunch of people just ranting and raving about whatever real world topic sets them off. Don't get me wrong. Some of the articles are still reasonably interesting (Gladstone ought to get a gig as a serious music critic somewhere), but they're interesting in the same way you might enjoy something at Rolling Stone, the Huffington Post or the editorial page of the local newspaper. Did the site get new editors or they just decide it's easier to fake drama then comedy?
I blame Mxy. Ever since he got on the Internet, everything just went downhill.
The editors are the same: it's funny to see right wing people saying the site went to shit since Wong took over, considering he took over in 2007 (and has been writing those articles since like 1999). What's changed is the amount/diversity of content. A few years ago there were two new articles per day, usually one fact-based list with dick jokes thrown in between and one column, which can be whatever the fuck the columnist wants to talk about. As the site got bigger they started adding more daily content, including videos, photoplasties and other types of articles, but there's still at least one daily fact/dick joke list like always.

The topics depend on what the people in the forums are pitching and what the columnists want to talk about. Also, cultural Marxism and whatnot.
From what I see it's less a political thing at Cracked these days and more of just a "this thing bugs me and if I write that it bugs me that makes it funny" (i.e., what you describe as "one column which can be whatever the fuck the columnist wants to talk about"). It seems as if the site is less of a humor site and more of an opinion one these days. Even the photoplasties are turning into editorials typed onto a stock image.
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

[9/18/14 12:43 AM] moot: Cracked sent me an email a few days ago
[9/18/14 12:43 AM] moot: The same day Zoe issued her article, to be exact
[9/18/14 12:43 AM] moot: They told me they are strong supporters of the Social Justice Movement, and are through sitting behind while the harassment goes on
[9/18/14 12:44 AM] moot: They said if I didn't stop Gamergate on 4chan, they would write an article that "exposes" 4chan for the "true cesspit" it is. They're also going to basically get feminists to hack in and take down my site.

This is amazing.

I also love how Gamergate gives their enemies names that sound like awesome '90s shows (Ultra Morphin' Social Justice Warriors, White Knight Attack Force Squad Team 2999) while saying stuff like "we will wrap the world in fire" "we will turn our enemies into smoldering piles of ashes" and "bow down before Doom, Fantastic Fools!"

So did the social justice arm solicit your cooperation individually or just tell Cracked, as a whole, to tow the line?
the thing about Cracked threatening moot is that it comes off as moot just fabricating excuses to justify what he did to 4chan. The threats look silly and 4chan already has a reputation for being a cesspit. There was nothing to expose.

(also, Cracked is already full of articles that are negative towards 4chan.)
He's surrounded by Yes-men that already agree with everything he does. Why would he need to fabricate excuses?

Moot has always been able to skate on the excuse that his domain is a freespeech dispensary rather than a hate factory. The idea behind the threat seems to be that they were going to staple the less abstract image of "woman-haters" and "suicide-enablers" on the collective face of 4chan using a fairly trusted source (i.e. Disinformation). Cracked most certainly wouldn't have been the only website to tow the line in this instance.

It's one thing to fight the always unpopular Scientiologists, but it's quite another to deal with an ideologically-reinforced, intricately networked fraternity of hipster critics, activists, and journalists who run the gamut from Facebook all the way to SomethingAwful (with just about every gaming website and primary/ancillary social network in between).

At this point in his life, Moot is trying to be profitable. As it stands, 4chan has not been--or is simple incapable of being--profitable for him. He's used it to get his name out there. But if it ends up associating him with misogyny or whatever else that stands opposite to his girlfriend or Sarkeesian, then he can't hope to make money on the internet ever again.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
At this point in his life, Moot is trying to be profitable. As it stands, 4chan has not been--or is simple incapable of being--profitable for him. He's used it to get his name out there. But if it ends up associating him with misogyny or whatever else that stands opposite to his girlfriend or Sarkeesian, then he can't hope to make money on the internet ever again.

Yeah, because being a haven for pedophiles was a real money maker for him.
That chat is so stupidly fake, even Gamergaters called bullshit on it. I mean, that's an impressive amount of stupid.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
So did the social justice arm solicit your cooperation individually or just tell Cracked, as a whole, to tow the line?

I missed the meeting where DARPA told us to do more warring about social justices, but then Marx himself called me on my vergatario (look it up) and demanded my cooperation.
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
That chat is so stupidly fake, even Gamergaters....

I just kinda stopped right there.

Challenging the veracity of one anecdote with another using a transitive "even" means an overdose of hyperbole.

All of the imgur footage on the issue technically qualifies as anecdote since it could all be edited, but no one's been stupid enough to make the claim that it's fake (yet).

But I suppose relying on internet ambiguity does make it easier to duck the issue.....

 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I missed the meeting where DARPA told us to do more warring about social justices, but then Marx himself called me on my vergatario (look it up) and demanded my cooperation.

Makes sense.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
All of the imgur footage on the issue technically qualifies as anecdote since it could all be edited, but no one's been stupid enough to make the claim that it's fake (yet).

I am! I'm stupid enough to say it's definitely fake. And Gamergate and 4chan members, too. Some choice quotes:

That reads absolutely like it was made up by a particularly slow twelve year old.
I don't believe it for a second.

The majority of us are calling fake. Too much shit about it doesn't add up.

A lot of it is bullshit- to think that he would be nervous about CRACKED running a hit piece -kek

That conversation looks pretty fake. Note the way everyone speaks and replies in “logical” order: in real chatroom-style stuff, answers are out of order and all over the place because everyone’s typing and replying at the same time. Even a two-person conversation doesn’t look that neat and tidy.

People say these logs are fake and were made by SJW trolls to sow discord and confusion among redpilled posters

The leaks also say that Cracked.com promised to run a smear article about him and about 4chan. And, although running smear campaigns has become nothing new to cracked in the past few years, smearing 4chan is like smearing shit on some more shit.
This is either a lie, proof the logs are fake, or proof that m00t is now actually making failed attempts to change his image.

That last one is Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Can you please say something clear like "I believe it's possible that Cracked blackmailed the creator of 4chan by threatening to hire feminist hackers to bring down the site in order to further the SJW agenda conspiracy"? Just to have something simple to quote once some 4channer comes forward and says "Oh yeah, I made up that chat, did someone fall for it?"

SJW = Social Justice Warrior?


social justice warrior
- A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on social justice on the Internet, often in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation. A social justice warrior, or SJW, does not necessarily strongly believe all that they say, or even care about the groups they are fighting on behalf of. They typically repeat points from whoever is the most popular blogger or commenter of the moment, hoping that they will "get SJ points" and become popular in return. They are very sure to adopt stances that are "correct" in their social circle.

The SJW's favorite activity of all is to dogpile. Their favorite websites to frequent are Livejournal and Tumblr. They do not have relevant favorite real-world places, because SJWs are primarily civil rights activists only online.


A social justice warrior reads an essay about a form of internal misogyny where women and girls insult stereotypical feminine activities and characteristics in order to boost themselves over other women.

The SJW absorbs this and later complains in response to a Huffington Post article about a 10-year-old feminist's letter, because the 10-year-old called the color pink "prissy".

Commnter: "I don't like getting manicures. It's too prissy."

SJW: "Oh my god, how fucking dare you use that word, you disgusting sexist piece of shit!"

by poopem April 21, 2011

I get lost in all the acronyms, most of which are not in usage by more than 20 people worldwide anyway.

It used to be a sarcastic term for people who pretended to care about social issues but were all talk (basically, all of Tumblr). Now it's used against anyone who even says anything about any social issue, ever, so it's pretty much lost meaning.
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I am! I'm stupid enough to say it's definitely fake. And Gamergate and 4chan members, too. Some choice quotes:

You think all the screen captures on imgur are fake?

That reads absolutely like it was made up by a particularly slow twelve year old.
I don't believe it for a second.

The majority of us are calling fake. Too much shit about it doesn't add up.

A lot of it is bullshit- to think that he would be nervous about CRACKED running a hit piece -kek

That conversation looks pretty fake. Note the way everyone speaks and replies in “logical” order: in real chatroom-style stuff, answers are out of order and all over the place because everyone’s typing and replying at the same time. Even a two-person conversation doesn’t look that neat and tidy.

People say these logs are fake and were made by SJW trolls to sow discord and confusion among redpilled posters

The leaks also say that Cracked.com promised to run a smear article about him and about 4chan. And, although running smear campaigns has become nothing new to cracked in the past few years, smearing 4chan is like smearing shit on some more shit.
This is either a lie, proof the logs are fake, or proof that m00t is now actually making failed attempts to change his image.

That last one is Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Can you please say something clear like "I believe it's possible that Cracked blackmailed the creator of 4chan by threatening to hire feminist hackers to bring down the site in order to further the SJW agenda conspiracy"? Just to have something simple to quote once some 4channer comes forward and says "Oh yeah, I made up that chat, did someone fall for it?"

Don't you think it's a tad lazy--and disingenuous--to use faceless IDs apart of an amorphous movement to insinuate the credibility of your position without coming to an absolute conclusion on it yourself? Supposing the chat was confirmed to have taken place, the pseudo-position you've taken remains convenient enough for you to say 'it made more sense to believe this anecdote from the horse's interwebz mouth over that anecdote from his interwebz asshole' without having to either indict or defend the SJW culture in the process--or Cracked in particular for that matter.

Consider ED for a moment: it doesn't actually take a position on whether or not the chat is fake. That block you quoted was a part of a larger article that speculates the chat's authenticity (while holding it against a larger preponderance of evidence that m00t is/was being pinched) without denying or confirming anything. So even though the authors that contribute to ED exhibit a more apparent dislike for the SJW crowd and all its cultural Marxist doings, it doesn't rely on passively supporting/attacking anyone--or, more specifically, "concerned trolling."

While I'm sure that skepticism is the safest, and most advantageous, position to take, it doesn't actually advance discussion on...anything. Its principal application is, more often than not, to stymie the discussion.

 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
It used to be a sarcastic term for people who pretended to care about social issues but were all talk (basically, all of Tumblr). Now it's used against anyone who even says anything about any social issue, ever, so it's pretty much lost meaning.

More hyperbole? Whatever for?
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
You think all the screen captures on imgur are fake?

No, you're right, those couldn't possibly be faked.


Actually, I haven't seen screencaps of the Cracked chat, wasn't it dumped on pastebin as raw text?

I'm not completely sure what you're trying to say with the rest of it, but if you mean that I'm trying to dodge the issue of cultural Marxism/the SJW world conspiracy by focusing on how stupidly ridiculous the fake chat is, I'm not. I can understand being concerned about something having a negative impact in your hobby or whatever. There's probably a valid discussion to be had there.

What I can't understand is anyone buying that fake as shit chat log, specifically, because it's just silly as hell. Try saying it out loud: Cracked tried to blackmail 4chan by threatening to hire feminist hackers to bring down the site and writing articles to expose it as bad, because no one knows it's bad. 4chan had a stellar reputation across the globe until a dick joke site wrote an article about it and moot completely lost his shit. Please say that out loud, or have one of those text to voice programs read it.

You said no one would be stupid enough to say the chat is fake: I clearly said "it's fake", and as a bonus provided quotes of Gamergate supporters and other 4chan-related types saying it's fake. I'm not proving the chat wrong as part of a culture war, I'm proving your specific post wrong because it's funny. Pretty simple. Don't try to read other arguments into that.
Just out of curiosity, is it possible to believe that 4Chan are a bunch of twits and that the editorial staff of cracked.com are a bunch of weenie boys who are desperately trying to curry favor with girls who won't sleep with them?
 Originally Posted By: G-man
Just out of curiosity, is it possible to believe that 4Chan are a bunch of twits and that the editorial staff of cracked.com are a bunch of weenie boys who are desperately trying to curry favor with girls who won't sleep with them?

No, you have to pick one or the other. This is a culture war, dammit!
It's true, though. Mxy is a weenie boy who is desperately trying to curry favor with men who won't sleep with him.
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
Actually, I haven't seen screencaps of the Cracked chat, wasn't it dumped on pastebin as raw text?

No. It was originally posted on /v/ before it made the rounds. And while I can't confirm its authenticity, I do believe it was posted by the mod of /d/ and that what he said about m00t cleaning house and turning 4chan into an echo chamber is true. That's why it's a part of a preponderance of evidence.

What I can't understand is anyone buying that fake as shit chat log, specifically, because it's just silly as hell. Try saying it out loud: Cracked tried to blackmail 4chan by threatening to hire feminist hackers to bring down the site and writing articles to expose it as bad, because no one knows it's bad. 4chan had a stellar reputation across the globe until a dick joke site wrote an article about it and moot completely lost his shit. Please say that out loud, or have one of those text to voice programs read it.

To tell you the truth Mxy, with Cracked being a magnet for all the narcissistic hipster retards that are housed within it, it wouldn't surprise me in the least to learn that they actually believed that would work. I hold them in the same esteem that I do MSNBC or CNN, both of which thought they could destroy the NRA on the mere premise that the organization promotes selling firearms even though they've been openly doing that for decades.

Like ED said, the veracity of the Cracked claim could be reasoned either way. In which case, what bugs me about the whole 'intuitively fake' kneejerk is that it suggests a version or permutation of the chat that isn't obviously fake--the concept of which leaves you to prove, abstractly, the intuitive legitimacy of the theoretical chat that you would find more convincing.

You said no one would be stupid enough to say the chat is fake: I clearly said "it's fake", and as a bonus provided quotes of Gamergate supporters and other 4chan-related types saying it's fake. I'm not proving the chat wrong as part of a culture war, I'm proving your specific post wrong because it's funny. Pretty simple. Don't try to read other arguments into that.

I didn't say anyone was stupid to claim the chat was fake. I was pointing out that they (and you) were making a rush to judgement. I paralleled its relevance with all of the incriminating GG convos captured on imgur or archive.today and pointed out that while the captured BBS/Twitter/Reddit chats could be just as subject to editing as the skype chat, it's far less likely (to the extent that it would be stupid to claim they were edited). One source of anecdote is more verifiable than the other, but because both still occupy the same contextual realm of evidential ambiguity, it would be more prudent not to discount either.

Do I think Cracked would have any socially effectual influence over 4chan? No. Do I think the ilk at Cracked has an ideological oar to stick into the discussion through their articles as well as the level of self-absorption required to believe said articles would change anything (especially if they're in tandem with Gawker, Polygon, Kotaku, etc.)? Yes (case in point: Cracked hosting Zoe Quinn's "5 Things I learned as the Most Hated Person on the Internet" screed). What's more, do I believe that m00t is so embedded in the SJW sub-culture that he'd feel intimidated by its vastly-networked community of blackballing thugs (to say nothing of his girlfriend)? Yes.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man

I'm still trying to figure out how Mr. Flynt managed to leapfrog Zoe Quinn in notoriety on this issue. But I suppose it had more to do with CNN than with Flynty himself.
I just want to point out that you're at such a high level of GamerGaterism that you believe conspiracies even most GamerGaters (the truthers of electronic amusements) find silly. That's impressive and I salute you.


 Originally Posted By: Pariah
no one's been stupid enough to make the claim that it's fake (yet).

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
I didn't say anyone was stupid to claim the chat was fake.

The DIGRARPA SJWs have gotten to rob and he's editing your old posts to make you look foolish. RUN! BEFORE THEY GET YOU!
Ah. Now it's an "ism".

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
I didn't say anyone was stupid to claim the chat was fake. I was pointing out that they (and you) were making a rush to judgement. I paralleled its relevance with all of the incriminating GG convos captured on imgur or archive.today and pointed out that while the captured BBS/Twitter/Reddit chats could be just as subject to editing as the skype chat, it's far less likely (to the extent that it would be stupid to claim they were edited). One source of anecdote is more verifiable than the other, but because both still occupy the same contextual realm of evidential ambiguity, it would be more prudent not to discount either.

Read back and you will see that I specifically mentioned Imgur, and not the chatlog.

I think your miscalculation here came from trying to use ED and faceless screen names to somehow give Cracked the benefit of the doubt. You probably should have just stuck with "you can't prove that chatlog's real!"

Straight up now, tell me Mxy, do you personally believe that there was no collaborative effort to socially engineer gaming demographics using multiple news outlets to broadcast the same fucking message? Frankly, I'm more interested in knowing your position on that than I am with launching an inquisition on Cracked, which is already known to be simpatico with the Sarkeesian ilk anyway.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Straight up now, tell me Mxy, do you personally believe that there was no collaborative effort to socially engineer gaming demographics using multiple news outlets to broadcast the same fucking message? Frankly, I'm more interested in knowing your position on that than I am with launching an inquisition on Cracked, which is already known to be simpatico with the Sarkeesian ilk anyway.

No, I don't think there's an organized effort, I think there's lazy "journalism" and there's reading too much into it. At Cracked we do a series about bullshit stories that go viral (most of which could have been debunked by 2 minutes on Google) and I've edited some of those articles. Before working on that, I never realized how much Gawker and sites like that copy from each other; a site will grab a story from Reddit or whatever, another will slightly reword it, another will reword that one, and so on. By the end of the week you'll have 10 sites doing the same story, none of which went through the trouble of double-checking the sources. And that's how you end up seeing your aunt sharing a fake article about bigfoot on Facebook.

The same thing happens with opinion pieces. One site writes about an issue and another "reports" it by pasting some quotes and adding five paragraphs of "on the one hand..." and rhetorical questions (1000-word articles pay more than 500-word articles). It's barely journalism. That's very clearly what happened with the "gamers are dead" articles I've seen cited as the entire impetus for Gamergate, despite the fact that they came out after the movement started. Again, if people wanna start an anti-"SJW" movement I think that's perfectly fine, but just fucking say "we don't like the influence of progressives in our culture" or whatever. Don't try to make a conspiracy out of it. That's a fantastic way to ensure only nutjobs take the movement seriously. Especially when you're planning sockpuppet campaigns in public chatrooms and silly shit like that.

As for the nerd sites mailing list, I hope I'm not fueling more conspiracies by revealing there's a private Facebook group for dick joke site writers, too. We talk about how to file our taxes, laugh at idiots attacking Cracked, etc. It's mainly for Cracked writers but lots of them write for other sites too so, you know, collusion!
 Originally Posted By: Mxy
As for the nerd sites mailing list, I hope I'm not fueling more conspiracies by revealing there's a private Facebook group for dick joke site writers, too. We talk about how to file our taxes, laugh at idiots attacking Cracked, etc. It's mainly for Cracked writers but lots of them write for other sites too so, you know, collusion!

I confess I'm not really up on this. Sexism and online gamers is about where my knowledge ends.
... Fuck I guess that means I need to read this thread from the beginning.

That's some hardcore KGB shit right there.

I love how Heather Kelley markets her intentions as benevolent by first identifying the potentially dangerous and nefarious implications of gaming affecting the larger sociocultural habits of the people before saying that they need to get to it first....you know, to make sure no one else abuses it.

Of course, only the messages that meet their approval will be allowed to make it into the larger gaming community. Since, you know, they know what's best and most socially enlightened.
 Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves
... Fuck I guess that means I need to read this thread from the beginning.

you are about to witness the complete depreciation of outrage as a social currency.
Still married to an SJW?

 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
No, I don't think there's an organized effort, I think there's lazy "journalism" and there's reading too much into it. At Cracked we do a series about bullshit stories that go viral (most of which could have been debunked by 2 minutes on Google) and I've edited some of those articles. Before working on that, I never realized how much Gawker and sites like that copy from each other; a site will grab a story from Reddit or whatever, another will slightly reword it, another will reword that one, and so on. By the end of the week you'll have 10 sites doing the same story, none of which went through the trouble of double-checking the sources. And that's how you end up seeing your aunt sharing a fake article about bigfoot on Facebook.

The same thing happens with opinion pieces. One site writes about an issue and another "reports" it by pasting some quotes and adding five paragraphs of "on the one hand..." and rhetorical questions (1000-word articles pay more than 500-word articles). It's barely journalism. That's very clearly what happened with the "gamers are dead" articles I've seen cited as the entire impetus for Gamergate, despite the fact that they came out after the movement started. Again, if people wanna start an anti-"SJW" movement I think that's perfectly fine, but just fucking say "we don't like the influence of progressives in our culture" or whatever. Don't try to make a conspiracy out of it. That's a fantastic way to ensure only nutjobs take the movement seriously. Especially when you're planning sockpuppet campaigns in public chatrooms and silly shit like that.

Nine articles surface on the same day (with two or three more in the days following Aug 28) after the outrage over the Quinnspiracy, and that's just lazy journalism?

If what you're talking about was a developing trend over a period of weeks or months, you'd have a point. But a fraternity of like-minded hipsters posting the same fucking headline on the same fucking day is hardly "lazy". It's a coordinated attack.

As for the nerd sites mailing list, I hope I'm not fueling more conspiracies by revealing there's a private Facebook group for dick joke site writers, too. We talk about how to file our taxes, laugh at idiots attacking Cracked, etc. It's mainly for Cracked writers but lots of them write for other sites too so, you know, collusion!

That's nice. Do you guys talk to the authors, actors, directors, publishers, etc. associated with the media content of which you guys write columns about? 'Cuz, you know, the people in the Pro mailing list did. Why on earth should developers be on a professional mailing list with this journalist community when the job of the latter is to critique the produce and the business practices of the former?

Or, perhaps, maybe you guys talk amongst yourselves about other peers that have made your shit list and decide as a group whether or not you should blackball them the same way the journo community did to Allistair Pinsoff.
Saw that. I got a 7 out of 10.

A couple surprising ones in there.
Nine articles surface on the same day (with two or three more in the days following Aug 28) after the outrage over the Quinnspiracy, and that's just lazy journalism?

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. How many dumb thinkpieces about Baltimore are there on Gawker, Slate and sites like that right now? Saying pretty much the same thing? These sites love outrage, and the proto-Gamergaters at 4chan gave them exactly that when they started going after Quinn, trying to drive her to suicide and generally being awful about the whole thing. They wanted a scandal and they got one, just not about what they thought.

And if you actually look at those articles, there was actually one at Ars Technica, I think one other that referred to it but added substantial stuff, and the rest were just quoting and aping the first two, like these people do with everything.

That's nice. Do you guys talk to the authors, actors, directors, publishers, etc. associated with the media content of which you guys write columns about? 'Cuz, you know, the people in the Pro mailing list did. Why on earth should developers be on a professional mailing list with this journalist community when the job of the latter is to critique the produce and the business practices of the former?

It would be very different if you were talking about real journalists and big companies with actual clout, but you're talking about bloggers who write pretentious toy reviews and indie developers who make their own games. They both come out of gaming fandom, so I'm not surprised that they're friends and shoot the shit. The equivalent in Cracked's case would not be Joss Whedon or Spielberg, but a guy who wrote a Harry Potter fan theory or a My Little Pony erotic novella. In that case, yeah, we do talk to those guys, because many of our writers are also write for TV Tropes, fan wikis and stuff like that.

Or, perhaps, maybe you guys talk amongst yourselves about other peers that have made your shit list and decide as a group whether or not you should blackball them the same way the journo community did to Allistair Pinsoff.

If writers plagiarize, if sites don't pay, if someone acts like a total butt, yeah, we warn each other about those people. Believe it or not it happens in every part of entertainment.
I confess I'm not really up on this. Sexism and online gamers is about where my knowledge ends.

Here's a pretty good summary, Dave! http://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/article/2015/04/28/gamergate/ I'm sure Pariah approves.
Crash Override logs dating back to 2014 have been leaked.

Warning, Spoiler:

BroTeam was reading through it in real time. Here's the video if you have the patience for it.

Already they've found logs that show Quinn and friends were posting Cheeze Pizza on 8chan, et al.

The archives are posted in these threads:

Warning, Spoiler:
