After being exposed in this thread by investigative poster bsams, the Super Moderator District Supervisor has arranged a press conference for me to take questions to the media.

The pre press conference fact kit:


PrincessElisa said:
ok ok heres your proof. She goes to: http://www.springcreekacademy.com/
where I teach...although they haven't taken my picture yet (I replaced Krista Wilkes).

And Nastia's on this page: http://www.springcreekacademy.com/holiday%20party%202002%20frame.htm

Scroll down cuz shes toward the bottem (pink sweater!).

There was alot of personal student info.

When confronted here:


britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
ive emailed the school. eithwer your impersonating a teacher or giving out personal info about students on the internet. either way, you are a sick woman, if you are indeed a woman.

All her posts suddenly turned to:


PrincessElisa said:
Post deleted by PrincessElisa

It is not known at this time if she was lying about being a teacher or just callously giving out personal info on minors. We do know she has a habit of talking about her poor grandma and hating black people, even at times being linked to Chris Oakley who has admitted to killing black people with his mind.

You may proceed with your questions, yes you.
Should I wear my black shirt, or my dark black shirt?
Um, yes, Mr. Moderator, sir. My question is:

Is there any truth to the rumored romance between the princess and a certain Britney that has been mentioned in conjunction with her? And if so, can the classified photos of the January 12th 'event' finally be released to the press?

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
Should I wear my black shirt, or my dark black shirt?

As far as I know no one here will be called to testify. thanks to internet cache's all of her posts are saved as ghost images, and should be retreavable by the FBI.

Next question.

klinton said:
Um, yes, Mr. Moderator, sir. My question is:

Is there any truth to the rumored romance between the princess and a certain Britney that has been mentioned in conjunction with her? And if so, can the classified photos of the January 12th 'event' finally be released to the press?

As far as I know and I will have to check with Mxy on this the Princess is only interested in wrecking the lives of other people through cruel acts and doesn't pose for pictures with such positive role model's as Britney.

Next question.
Who touches the touchmen?

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
Who touches the touchmen?

The Princess(Or Prince depending on some new info coming to light) has not been charged with anything as of yet, I'm assuming the scholl will take a serious look at this and determine the appropriate course.
Thank you Mr. Moderator. Back to the alleged 'racism': Could you please provide quotes of the specific statements? As well, concerned parents would like to be made aware of just what institution allowed this alleged monster into the education system.

klinton said:
Thank you Mr. Moderator. Back to the alleged 'racism': Could you please provide quotes of the specific statements? As well, concerned parents would like to be made aware of just what institution allowed this alleged monster into the education system.

Not alleged, but fact:


next question.
My..my God! Do you have any word from Spongebob on the pending lawsuit? I've just been handed a document stating that he is in fact seeking $1,000,000 in damages.
Sir/M'am only the facts in this thread. Spongebob asked clearly for a million zillion crabby patties.
Next question
Is Matt Murdock the blind Hell's Kitchen lawyer indeed the vigilante known as Daredevil?

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
Is Matt Murdock the blind Hell's Kitchen lawyer indeed the vigilante known as Daredevil?

We have no info that she infact hates disabled people as well, but it wouldn't be suprising.
I have heard reports that orange is a color AND a fruit. Do you have any confirmation on this?

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
I have heard reports that orange is a color AND a fruit. Do you have any confirmation on this?

Well if our susicions do indeed turn out to be true, Princess E posing as a woman to woo desperate message board guys, would indeed make him a fruit, and any unsuspecting masterbaters fruitees.

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:

If I'm lying I'm dying.

next question.
Sir, I've noticed several spelling errors in this so-called "formal press conference". Which begs the question: Are you drunk?
That's just not true! I've seen pictures of her alleged students in suggestive clothing and poses....Oh shit! Has she contacted Michael Jackson's lawyer?

King Snarf said:
Sir, I've noticed several spelling errors in this so-called "formal press conference". Which begs the question: Are you drunk?

as is well documented I never learned to read!
also it is very informal im wearing footie pajamas.
Do they have a bunny tail?

that would be cute.
Hmm...and I talk to her on AIM too...
You shouldn't shoot toothpaste, son.

PrincessElisa said:
Post deleted by PrincessElisa

Run, coward!

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
Do they have a bunny tail?

that would be cute.

Of course they do. Next question!

Jeremy said:
Hmm...and I talk to her on AIM too...

I wouldn't take it personal even BTK friends had no idea.


PrincessElisa said:
Post deleted by PrincessElisa

Run, coward!

I haven't read any posts in this thread............I'm waiting for the E True RKMB Story.
Which forum is this one?

Isn't this Writer's Block?
I don't think she's coming back...here or on AIM either. Looks like BSAMS finally scared her off.
I've just received a news report that confirms that Marlon D. Jefferson (a.k.a. Buddy Richard, Luis Dimas, CONRAD, John Titor, Brian A. Ortiz, The Webcam Chicken, and many other aliases) is currently fugitive from the law, I repeat fugitive from the law. The authorities urge anyone who sees Jefferson, or has any idea as to where he could be hiding, to notify the closest avaliable officer of the law (in our case, uber-keeper DrZSmith). It is recommended that blacks, hispanics, and sponges do not approach him, as he is believed to be armed with minority-killing-mental-powers granted by terrorist Kristopher V. Oakley.
Posted By: Anonymous Post deleted by Rob Kamphausen - 2005-03-02 10:33 PM

Jeremy said:
I don't think she's coming back...here or on AIM either. Looks like BSAMS finally scared her off.

Why the sad face? Surely you don't condone impersonating a teacher?

Balloonknot said:
Would you care to explain why the LAPD was fond molesting a Rabbit and Sheep.

To get to the other side, next question!

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
Why the sad face? Surely you don't condone impersonating a teacher?

How 'bout hell no! But we talked about math and the old DCMBs...and comics...it was special...

Though I was expecting you to say "I WIN!" for scaring her off.
You think that we're happy that a kid's life has been ruined forever? You think we like the burden of being super-moderators on our shoulders? That we enjoy taking care of situations like these?
That said, basams clearly won...

I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:
You think that we're happy that a kid's life has been ruined forever? You think we like the burden of being super-moderators on our shoulders? That we enjoy taking care of situations like these?

you are a God among Insects!!
I concur!
What about the rumors linking Jefferson to various asian midget porn rings?

I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:
That said, basams clearly won...

Mxy in times like these there are no winners, just one sad man that impersonated a teacher who lost horribly. Then again, I guess that means we win again!
Posted By: Anonymous Post deleted by Rob Kamphausen - 2005-03-03 6:29 PM

What the fuck is your issue mate? I mean really, what the fuck is wrong with you? This kinda shit trancends humor and leaps into the realm of just fucked up. Do you need a fucking hug? A gun to end your miserable existence? I don't even knowe why you are allowed to post here anymore. This shit's just not funny. You're a sick fuck, mate. Get help.

what thread is this from?
Posted By: Anonymous Post deleted by Rob Kamphausen - 2005-03-03 7:14 PM
Posted By: rex Re: Princess Elissa EXXXXXXXPOSED PRESS Conference. - 2005-03-03 10:20 PM
Its one of Klintons asinine things he said to me in the deep thoughts forum.
Posted By: PJP Re: Princess Elissa EXXXXXXXPOSED PRESS Conference. - 2005-03-03 10:22 PM
I'll give you a hug rex.............a Greek Hug!
Posted By: rex Re: Princess Elissa EXXXXXXXPOSED PRESS Conference. - 2005-03-03 10:23 PM
A greek hug involved sodomy.
Posted By: PJP Re: Princess Elissa EXXXXXXXPOSED PRESS Conference. - 2005-03-03 10:26 PM
if by sodomy you mean a penis entering an ass.........................then yes.

PJP said:

I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:
You think that we're happy that a kid's life has been ruined forever? You think we like the burden of being super-moderators on our shoulders? That we enjoy taking care of situations like these?

you are a God among Insects!!

I'm an alligator *riff*

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:

What the fuck is your issue mate? I mean really, what the fuck is wrong with you? This kinda shit trancends humor and leaps into the realm of just fucked up. Do you need a fucking hug? A gun to end your miserable existence? I don't even knowe why you are allowed to post here anymore. This shit's just not funny. You're a sick fuck, mate. Get help.

what thread is this from?

One of my new favorites.
Posted By: NON Re: Princess Elissa EXXXXXXXPOSED PRESS Conference. - 2005-03-04 10:28 AM
Oh shit a printer! Everybody run for your LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NON said:
I'm sure the other deliquents will love to help you eat shorts that weren't exactly peeled off of Britney Spears.

But don't stop the neurotic and psychotic bullying and stalking on MY account. I only started talking recently. You must have a good (gullible) defense attorney or you wouldn't be doing this. Please, do go on. Inquiring printers want to know.


I fell in love with someone I never met. I cannot talk to real girls and you have ruined my life! Well, quasi-internet life at any rate.


britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
Oh shit a printer! Everybody run for your LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have no life man! Im livin' on the net!

40b All women are overweight by definition, don't agree with them about it.

43. Only women understand the reason for "guest towels" and the "good china"