Posted By: JQ G-Man likes Cocaine - 2005-09-29 9:07 AM
stupid asshole
Posted By: the G-man Re: G-Man likes Cocaine - 2005-09-29 4:05 PM
I do enjoy that classic Eric Clapton song (actually written by J.J. Cale) , with its unique bluesy guitar work.

But shouldn't a discussion of this song, and other classic Clapton tunes, be in the media forum?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Other Songs About Cocaine - 2005-09-29 4:08 PM
There's also an old blues/folk song called "cocaine."

    You take sally and I’ll take sue
    Their ain’t no difference between the two
    Cocaine, running all ’round my brain

    Headin’ down scott, turnin’ up main
    Looking for that girl that sells cocaine
    Cocaine, runnin’ all ’round my brain

    Late last night about a quarter past four
    Ladanyi come knockin’ down my hotel room door
    Where’s the cocaine--
    It’s runnin’ all ’round my brain

    I was talking to my doctor down at the hospital
    He said, son, it says here you’re twenty-seven,
    But that’s impossible
    Cocaine-- you look like you could be forty-five

    Now I’m losing touch with reality and I’m almost out of blow
    It’s such a fine line-- I hate to see it go
    Cocaine, runnin’ all ’round my brain

Some of you might have heard it when Jackson Browne did a version on the "Running on Empty" album. However, the song has been recorded by dozens of blues and folk artists over the years.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Other Songs About Cocaine - 2005-09-29 4:13 PM
And, the legendary Johnny Cash, played the song "Cocaine Blues"
at the equally legenday Concert at Folsom Prison:

    Early one mornin' while makin' the rounds
    I took a shot of cocaine and I shot my woman down
    I went right home and I went to bed
    I stuck that lovin' .44 beneath my head

    Got up next mornin' and I grabbed that gun
    Took a shot of cocaine and away I run
    Made a good run but I ran too slow
    They overtook me down in Juarez, Mexico

    Late in the hot joints takin' the pills
    In walked the sheriff from Jericho Hill
    He said Willy Lee your name is not Jack Brown
    You're the dirty heck that shot your woman down

    Said yes, oh yes my name is Willy Lee
    If you've got the warrant just a-read it to me
    Shot her down because she made me sore
    I thought I was her daddy but she had five more

    When I was arrested I was dressed in black
    They put me on a train and they took me back
    Had no friend for to go my bail
    They slapped my dried up carcass in that county jail

    Early next mornin' bout a half past nine
    I spied the sheriff coming down the line
    Ah, and he coughed as he cleared his throat
    He said come on you dirty heck into that district court

    Into the courtroom my trial began
    Where I was handled by twelve honest men
    Just before the jury started out
    I saw the little judge commence to look about

    In about five minutes in walked the man
    Holding the verdict in his right hand
    The verdict read murder in the first degree
    I hollered Lawdy Lawdy, have a mercy on me

    The judge he smiled as he picked up his pen
    99 years in the Folsom pen
    99 years underneath that ground
    I can't forget the day I shot that bad bitch down

    Come on you've gotta listen unto me
    Lay off that whiskey and let that cocaine be

If you listen to the album, you can hear the prisoners cheering and whooping in affirmation of the song. They don't just sing along, some of them have lived it.

I'm a big, big, Johnny Cash fan, so of course I like this song.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: Other Songs About Cocaine - 2005-09-29 5:10 PM
Coke is it!