Posted By: Franta I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-03 8:47 AM
Posted By: Blurr Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-03 8:51 AM

Posted By: Franta Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-03 8:54 AM
Yeah babies keep one offline


Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-03 7:25 PM
it's either Sex and The City the movie or Scrooged!
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-05 5:11 AM
For hundreds of years people have been awed by the bright lights and big noise of fireworks. The ancient Chinese used fireworks at festivities and to frighten enemies in battle. Captain John Smith set them off in Jamestown in 1608, enjoying a bit of English popular entertainment and impressing Native Americans.Legend has it that the Chinese made the first fireworks in the 800s, filling bamboo shoots with gunpowder and exploding them at the New Year with the hope that the sound would scare away evil spirits. According to tradition, Marco Polo brought this technology back to Europe.It's fair to say, however, that the origins of fireworks are shrouded in smoke; the China story is widespread, and possibly true, but fireworks may in fact have developed in India or the Arab world. Fireworks became known in Europe during the 1300s, probably after returning Crusaders brought them from the East.By the 1400s Florence, Italy, was the center of fireworks manufacturing. At this time fireworks were just one effect in a celebration rather than its focus. At religious festivals Italians made plaster figures that spewed fireworks from their eyes and mouths. The 1533 coronation parade for Anne Boleyn included a papier-mache dragon that belched fire. During the 1700s displays became more elaborate and were popular with European royalty. French king Louis XV ordered extravagant displays of fireworks at Versailles, and Russian czar Peter the Great put on a five-hour show after the birth of his son. Meanwhile, in the American colonies settlers used fireworks to mark happy occasions. Early fireworks were enjoyed more for the sound than the show—in its simplest forms gunpowder explodes quickly, leaving a terrific bang but not much to see other than a rather brief golden glow. Over time people discovered that using chemical compounds with greater amounts of oxygen made the explosives burn brighter and longer. The multi-hued displays we know now began in the 1830s, when Italians added trace amounts of metals that burn at high temperatures, creating beautiful colors. Other additives also produced interesting effects. For example, calcium deepens colors, titanium makes sparks, and zinc creates smoke clouds.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-05 6:20 AM
Posted By: Poncharillo Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-06 3:44 AM
Franta? That's it, I'm leaving!
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-06 7:29 AM
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-06 7:43 AM
Posted By: Poncharillo Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-07 2:55 AM
My subliminal message has been found out! I am so ashamed I will hide in these scraggle-bushes here!
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-07 11:20 PM
It's no use! There's something waiting for you there.

Posted By: Franta Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-10 3:13 AM
Posted By: Uschi Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-10 8:51 AM
Posted By: URG Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-11 7:18 AM

Posted By: Jeremy Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-11 7:33 AM
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-11 5:46 PM
"I can't be arsed" is my tag line!
Posted By: thedoctor Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-11 7:28 PM
I thought you just liked to tag arses.
Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-12 4:48 AM
Looks like a copyright infringement,Dave.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-12 4:49 AM
 Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves
"I can't be arsed" is my tag line!

I thought it was "dead but encoded on to a hard drive."
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-12 8:41 AM
As the economy continues to suffer a growing number of people are opting to
publicly pray about their every day tribulations. In Rockville, Md., local resident Rocky Twyman, 59, had heard enough from both fellow peers and the Holy Spirit.After hearing complaints about the rising gas prices from fellow volunteersat a local soup kitchen, Twyman, a long time activist, said he needed to do something.Twyman hit the streets and began campaigning for what now is nationally called the "Pray Down The High Gas Prices Movement." Beginning in the Maryland area, he and local and spiritual supporters went to gas stations with permission from the owners, gathered around the pumps cipher-style, and sang, prayed and also recruited paying customers. Once the media caught wind of Twyman's effort to introduce religion as a solution to the suffering economy versus bureaucratic dialogue, the prayergatherings grew both nationally and internationally.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-12 8:52 AM
A mallard duck mounted an epic rescue mission to recover her six chicks when they were washed down a storm drain.The ducklings seemed doomed when they were swept away from their mother down a drain cover in Newcastle, reports the Daily Mail.However, their determined parent refused to accept their loss, and followed their cheeps for over a mile, across roads, roundabouts, rail lines, two school fields and the grounds of a hospital.Eventually they came to a halt, and the unnamed mother duck stood guard by the manhole cover above them - for four hours.Jogger Peter Elliott, 59, had noticed the quacking mother as he set out, but was confused to find her still patrolling the same area upon his return.His two-year-old grandson James heard the stranded ducklings when he came out with his mother Vicki, 30, to investigate.Mr Elliott, his son-in-law Rob Jefferson, 30, and neighbour, Jim Calder, 62, armed themselves with a crowbar and other tools and set about rescuing the ducklings.

"We managed to haul this heavy manhole cover up and saw six little ducklings scrabbling around in the drain," said Mr Elliott. "We got a little fishing net from the house and lifted each duckling out in turn.
Posted By: Franta Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-13 10:02 AM
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-19 6:41 AM
Robin: "Holy molars! Am I ever glad I take good care of my teeth!"
Batman: "True. You owe your life to dental hygiene."

Bruce: "Yes, Dick, your bird calls are close to perfect. If more people practiced them, someday we might have a chance for real communication with our feathered friends."
Dick: "In that case I think I'll polish up my ruby-crowned kinglet and my rose-breasted yellow-tailed grouse-beak calls."

Dick: "Sorry, I'm not interested in dance lessons."
Bruce: "Wait a minute, Dick. The junior prom's coming up, isn't it?"
Dick: "Yes, but..."
Bruce: "Well, we don't want you to be a wallflower, do we? Dancing is an integral part of every young man's education."
Dick: "Gosh Bruce, you're right."

Batman to Robin: "When you get a little older, you'll see how easy it is to become lured by the female of the species."

Robin: "I guess you can never trust a woman."
Batman: "You've made a hasty generalization, Robin. It's a bad habit to get into."

Robin: "That's an impossible shot, Batman."
Batman: "That's a negative attitude, Robin."

Batman: "The green button will turn the car a la escarda o a la drecia."
Robin: "To the left or right. Threw in a little Spanish on me, huh, Batman?"
Batman: "One should always keep abreast of foreign tongues, Robin."

Dick: "Gosh, Economics is sure a dull subject."
Bruce: "Oh, you must be jesting, Dick. Economics dull? The glamour, the romance of commerce... Hmm. It's the very lifeblood of our country's society."

"Gosh, Batman, you're right!"
Bruce: "Don't dip your oar in this sordid sea, Dick. You might be besmirched."

Batman: "That's one trouble with dual identities, Robin. Dual responsibilities."

Batman: "In fact, Mr. Wayne is taking Mrs. Harriet Cooper, a devotee of Miss Glaze's, backstage before the performance to meet the dazzling star."
Robin: "While Dick Grayson, I suppose, stays home and works on his essay on glaciers?"
Batman: "Right again, Robin."

Robin: "To the batcave?"
Batman: "And up the batpoles."
Robin: "The batpoles?"
Batman: "Even crimefighters need their sleep, Robin."

Robin: "Picked up the seal pulsator yet, Batman?"
Batman: "We're still over land, Robin, and a seal is an aquatic, marine mammal."
Robin: "Gosh, yes, Batman, I forgot."

Robin: "Where'd you get a live fish, Batman?"
Batman: "The true crimefighter always carries everything he needs in his utility belt, Robin."

Robin: "Batman, maybe I should stay home tonight. Homework, you know."
Batman: "I think you should acquire a taste for opera, Robin, as one does for poetry and olives."

Robin, to Carpet King: "You must be that gentleman I've read about. Aren't you a king or something?"
Batman: "Robin, England has no king now. England has a queen, and a great lady she is, too."

Robin: "Gosh, Batman, this camel grass juice is great."
Batman: "Beware of strong stimulants, Robin."

Batman: "Robin, the Constitution provides that a man is innocent until proven guilty. And the Constitution is the cornerstone of our great nation. We must abide by it."
Robin: "Gosh, when you put it that way..."

Batman: "Man-eating lilacs have no teeth, Robin. It's a process of ingestion through their tentacles."

Batman (after cracking a safe): "It's not difficult, if you have steady nerves and a good ear. Quality is destroyed by the tenor of criminal life."

Batman: "An older head can't be put on younger shoulders."

Robin: "Venus seemed like a nice girl in that costume."
Batman: "I suspect she is a nice girl down deep, but she's fallen in with bad companions. And who knows what her home life was like."

Batman: "Go back outside and calm the flower children."
Robin: "They'll mob me!"
Batman: "Groovy."

Batman: "You know your neosauruses well, Robin. Peanut butter sandwiches it is."

Batman: "Too many Bessarovian Cossacks around here, Robin. If I'd joined you in the fight, some of them may have been injured."

Robin, about Batgirl: "She's gone again! For once, Batman, let's follow her."
Batman: "No, Robin. With my head sticking out of this neosaurus costume, I might not appear like an ordinary, run of the mill crimefighter."

Bruce: "Just because we're traveling, I don't think that Dick should neglect his studies, so we brought along one thousand key works of literature, his biological specimens, and also his own desk."
Dick: "Yes, I expect to study hard."

Batman: "You're far from mod, Robin. And many hippies are older than you are."

Superintendent Watson: "Well, I think this calls for a cup of char at venerable Ireland Yard."
Robin: "Char?"
Batman: "Yes, Robin, a colloquialism for tea."

Catwoman: "Let noone say that Catwoman is not the best-dressed woman in the world."
Batman: "There are no fashion shows where you're going, Catwoman."
Robin: "And how could a feline feloness like you also be a fashion model?"
Batman: "Ah-ah. Give credit where credit is due, Robin. She may be evil, but she is attractive. You'll know more about that in a couple of years."

Robin: "If we close our eyes, we can't see anything."
Batman: "A sound observation, Robin."

Robin, about Catwoman: "Do you think she'll kill Batgirl?"
Batman: "Or worse, Robin. Or worse."

Batman: "Nobody wants war."
Robin: "Gee, Batman. Belgravia's such a small country. We'd beat them in a few hours."
Batman: "Yes, and then we'd have to support them for years."

Joker: "Let bygones be bygones. I'd like to shake hands with both of you. Can't we be friends?"
Robin: "I'd rather shake hands with a spitting cobra!"
Batman: "You're being cynical, Robin. To err is human, to forgive...divine."

Batman: "What took you so long, Batgirl?"
Batgirl: "Rush hour traffic, plus all the lights were against me. And you wouldn't want me to speed, would you?"
Robin: "Your good driving habits almost cost us our lives!"
Batman: "Rules are rules, Robin. But you do have a point."

Batman: "Cattail Lane and Nine Lives Alley. The Grimalkin Novelty Company is on that corner."
Robin: "Grimalkin? What kind of a name is that?"
Batman: "An obscure but nevertheless acceptable synonym for cat, Robin."

Robin, looking at Batgirl: "You know something, Batman?"
Batman: "What's that, Robin?"
Robin: "She looks very pretty when she's asleep."
Batman: "I thought you might eventually notice that. That single statement indicates to me the first oncoming thrust of manhood, old chum."

Robin: "Gosh, if I could just figure out that riddle. Why can't I get it?"
Batman: "Maybe your mind's on that cute little teenager who waved to you on the way across town, eh?"
Robin: "Awww, come on, Batman."

Dick: "Awww, heck! What's the use of learning French anyway?"
Bruce: "Dick, I'm surprised at you! Language is the key to world peace. If we all spoke each other's tongues, perhaps the scourge of war would be ended forever."
Dick: "Gosh, Bruce, yes. I'll get these darn verbs if they kill me!"

Robin: "What do we do, tip off Commissioner Gordon?"
Batman: "No, not on your life, old man. The Penguin and I have a score to settle."

Dick: "Wow! The rings of Saturn! This is sure some fun, Bruce."
Bruce: "Astronomy is more than mere fun, Dick."
Dick: "It is?"
Bruce: "Yes, it helps give us a sense of proportion. Reminds us how little we are, really. People tend to forget that sometimes."
Dick: "Gosh yes, that's right. I'll bet I see those rings a little differently this time!"

Robin: "Gosh, there could be diplomatic repercussions if we fail this time, Batman."
Batman: "That's not the point, Robin. What's important is that the world know that all visitors to these teeming shores are safe, be they peasant or king."
Robin: "Gee, Batman, I never thought of that. You're right."
Batman: "It's the very essence of our democracy."

Batman to Robin: "Stop fiddling with that atomic pile and come down here!"

Dick: "Gosh, botany is tough. I'll never learn to recognize all these trees!"
Bruce: "Come come, Dick. Pine. Elm. Hickory, chestnut, maple. Part of our heritage is the lure of living things, the storybook of nature."
Dick: "That's true, Bruce. I'll learn to read that book of nature yet!"

Batman: "Robin, you haven't fastened your safety bat-belt."
Robin: "We're only going a couple of blocks."
Batman: "It won't be long until you are old enough to get a driver's license, Robin, and you'll be able to drive the Batmobile and other vehicles. Remember, motorist safety."
Robin: "Gosh, Batman, when you put it that way.."

Bruce: "When we have more time, I'll acquaint you with the various processes of sculptoring. It's a fascinating art to which I devoted many hours of study."
Dick: "I sure would like to hear about it, Bruce."

Batman (during a bat-climb): "Careful, Robin. Both hands on the Bat-rope."
Robin: "Sorry, Batman."

Robin (about Lydia Limpet): "Gosh, Batman, those look like honest eyes."
Batman: "Never trust the old chestnut, 'Crooks have beady little eyes'. It's false."

Robin: "When we put the fake jewels in Miss Starr's safe and take the real ones out, we could be nailed as crooks."
Batman: "That's a chance we have to take, Robin. In our well ordered society, protection of private property is essential."
Robin: "Yes, you're right, Batman. That's the keystone to all law and order."

Dick Grayson: "I thought Lima was the capital of Equador."
Bruce Wayne: "As you can see, I was right. It's the capital of Peru."
Aunt Harriet: "Oh, I just love this game of capitals. It's just so educational!"
Bruce: "Not only that, if we don't know all about our friends to the south, how can we can carry out our good neighbor policy?"

Bruce: "Most Americans don't realize what we owe to the ancient Incas. Very few appreciate they gave us the white potato and many varieties of Indian corn."
Dick: "Now whenever I eat mashed potatos, I for one will think of the Incas."

Dick (working on a jigsaw puzzle): "It's so much harder with the pieces upside down."
Bruce: "Of course. Think of what excellent training it is for your visual memory."
Dick: "Gosh yes, I guess that's true."

(in Batmobile, on golf course)
Robin: "Let's get going and make an emergency bat-turn!"
Batman: "Not this time, old chum. Have to think of the golfers. The retro-rockets would burn up the course for a hundred yards."

Batman: "Human mechanisms are made by human hands, Robin. None of them is infallible. It is a lesson that must be faced."

Batman: "That's life, Robin, full of ups and downs. It ill befits any of us to become to confident."

Batman (about to cross the street): "Remember Robin, always look both ways."

Robin: "It sure is a shame, Batman. A restaurant with such terrific chow turning out to be a mere front for some criminal scheme."
Batman: "Look at it this way, Robin. That $100 cover charge is pretty stiff. Penguin's 'terrific chow' is hardly within the budget of the average worker."
Robin: "Gosh yes, you're right, Batman. All the needy people in the world, all the hungry children."
Batman: "Good thinking, Robin."

Dick: "Gosh Bruce, Greek is still Greek to me."
Aunt Harriet: "It's Greek to a lot of Greeks too. It's one of the world's oldest, most important, most beautiful languages."
Dick: "It may be, Aunt Harriet, but can't we take a breather and work out in the gym for a while?"
Aunt Harriet: "But the mind needs excercise too, Dick."
Dick: "Well, my mind is getting muscle-bound."
Bruce: "Ahhh, there is an old saying, Dick. A sound mind and a sound body. A worthy goal."

Batman: "Ma Parker's girl is more dangerous than her three boys."
Robin: "Her legs sort of reminded me of Catwoman's."
Batman: "You're growing up, Robin. Remember, in crime-fighting always keep your sights raised."

Robin: "But what is it?"
Batman: "Saribus Sacer. A species of ancient Egyptian beetle, sacred to the Sun God, Hymeopolos. And from which the term scarab is derived. But, you should know that, Robin, if you are up on your studies of Egyptology."
Robin: "You're right."

Batman: "I know. Hieroglyphics self-taught are a chore, Robin; but, it is a surefire way to unravel the secrets of the ancient mystics."

Batman: "Experience teaches slowly, Robin. And at a cost of many mistakes."

Robin: "I am a little hungry."
Batman: "Of course, Robin. Even crime-fighters must eat. And especially you. You're a growing boy and you need your nutrition."

Batman: "Remember the Boy Scouts' motto."
Robin: "'Be prepared'."
Batman: "It would do well to keep that in mind at all times."

Robin: "We better hurry, Batman."
Batman: "Not too fast, Robin. In good bat-climbing as in good driving one must never sacrifice safety for speed."
Robin: "Right again, Batman."

Batman: "Tarnished reputations are unfortunate, Robin. We can live with those. However, a threat to all of Gotham City is something else."

Robin: "Self-control is sure tough sometimes, Batman!"
Batman: "All virtues are, old chum. Indeed, that's why they're virtues."

Robin: "How about rushing the place, Batman?"
Batman: "Shh. I think not, Robin. All they've done so far is stolen a few items, attempted to kill you, me, and Batgirl. No, I think they plan something really big."

Dick: "Bruce, let me ride Waynebow. I'm light enough."
Bruce: "No, Dick, I couldn't allow my own ward to ride my own thoroughbred. People might think it was funny."
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-19 7:53 AM
Posted By: Franta Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-19 8:15 AM
and youll never have too
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-26 7:21 AM
Wank, Bavaria Location Bavaria, Germany is a German mountain close to the Austrian border in the southwestern Estergebirge range near Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The peak is 1780 metres above mean sea level.Mount Wank has been linked to Garmisch-Partenkirchen by cable car since 1928.In 1982 the lift was upgraded into a modern rotary cable car system. The ride takes 20 minutes from the valley to a mountain station close to the peak (valley station 728m, mountain station 1742m). The mountain hut Alois Huber House) was built by the local branch of the German Alpine Association (DAV) in 1911.

Cry is a litlle town and commune of France, in Burgundy Bourgogne région, in
the Yonne département in the arrondissement of Avallon with renting canoes
on an adventure park on a river Armançon. The beautiful old stone bridge is
build from five century.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2008-07-26 7:42 AM
A blind 96-year-old great grandmother is taking an Open University degree in social sciences.Grace Ledger, of Selsey, West Sussex, passed the first year with top marks of 80% and is set to receive a certificate of merit.Mrs Ledger, who has two sons, three grandchildren and six great- grandchildren, hopes to cram the four-year course into three years.Despite being able to use a computer, she prefers to write her essays in longhand with the help of a special high-intensity light and magnifying glasses.

"It's well worthwhile," Mrs Ledger, who also suffers from arthritis, told the Chichester Observer.

"I go to bed at 9pm and listen to my cassettes. It's very good to have something to do and for anybody who has a lot of pain it helps."

"You mustn't be daunted. Try something that takes your mind off your aches and pains. There is so much kindness and you meet all sorts of people."
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-03-23 1:21 AM
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-03-28 2:58 AM
9.Content in Wikipedia is subject to the laws (in particular copyright
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A topic is deemed encyclopedic if it is "notable"[39] in the
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journals) that are independent of the subject of the topic. Second,
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Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-04-04 6:27 AM
Early Americans brought a strong wrestling tradition with them when
they came from England. The settlers also found wrestling to be
popular among Native Americans.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-04-04 6:28 AM
Amateur wrestling flourished throughout the early years of the country
and served as a popular activity at country fairs, holiday
celebrations, and in military exercises.The 1st organized national wrestling tournament was held in New York City in 1888, while the 1st wrestling competition in the modern Olympic Games was held in 1904 in Saint Louis, Missouri. FILA was founded in 1912, in Antwerp, Belgium. The 1st NCAA Wrestling
Championships were also held in 1912, in Ames, Iowa. USA Wrestling,
ocated in Colorado Springs, Colorado, became the national governing
body of amateur wrestling in 1983. It conducts competitions for all age levels.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-04-11 6:20 AM
"Have you got any kids?"
"My wife says I'm the only one"
Angus Young
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-04-18 9:59 AM
Blow Boys Blow!

A Yankee ship came down the river
Blow, boys, blow!
Her masts and spars they shone like silver
Blow my bully boys blow!

How do you know she's a Yankee liner?
Blow, boys, blow!
The Stars and Stripes float out behind her.
Blow my bully boys blow!

How do you know she's a Yankee packet?
Blow, boys, blow!
They fired a gun, I heard the racket
Blow my bully boys blow!

And who d'you think is the captain of her?
Blow, boys, blow!
Why, Bully Hayes is the captain of her.
Blow my bully boys blow!

Oh, Bully Hayes, he loves us sailors;
Blow, boys, blow!
Yes, he does like hell and blazes!
Blow my bully boys blow!

And who d'you think is the mate aboard her:
Blow, boys, blow!
Santander James is the mate aboard her.
Blow my bully boys blow!

Santander James, he's a rocket from hell, boys,
Blow, boys, blow!
He'll ride you down as you ride the spanker.
Blow my bully boys blow!

And what d'you think they've got for dinner?
Blow, boys, blow!
Pickled eels' feet and bullock's liver.
Blow my bully boys blow!

Then blow, my bullies, all together,
Blow, boys, blow!
Blow, my boys, for better weather.
Blow my bully boys blow!

Blow, boys, blow, the sun's drawing water;
Blow, boys, blow!
Three cheers for tlhe cook and one for his daughter.
Blow my bully boys blow!

A Yankee ship on the Congo River,
Blow, boys, blow!
Her masts they bend and her sails they shiver.
Blow my bully boys blow!

Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-04-18 10:02 AM
Blow The Man Down

Come all ye young fellows that follow the sea,
to my way haye, blow the man down,
And pray pay attention and listen to me,
Give me some time to blow the man down.

I'm a deep water sailor just in from Hong Kong,
to my way haye, blow the man down,
if you'll give me some grog, I'll sing you a song,
Give me some time to blow the man down.

'Twas on a Black Baller I first served my time,
to my way haye, blow the man down,
And on that Black Baller I wasted my prime,
Give me some time to blow the man down.

'Tis when a Black Baller's preparing for sea
to my way haye, blow the man down,
You'd split your sides laughing at the sights that you see.
Give me some time to blow the man down.

With the tinkers and tailors and soljers and all
to my way haye, blow the man down,
That ship for prime seaman on board a Black Ball.
Give me some time to blow the man down.

'Tis when a Black Baller is clear of the land,
to my way haye, blow the man down,
Our Boatswain then gives us the word of command
Give me some time to blow the man down.

"Lay aft," is the cry,"to the break of the Poop!
to my way haye, blow the man down,
Or I'll help you along with the toe of my boot!"
Give me some time to blow the man down.

'Tis larboard and starboard on the deck you will sprawl,
to my way haye, blow the man down,
For "Kicking Jack" Williams commands the Black Ball.
Give me some time to blow the man down.

Pay attention to order, now you one and all,
to my way haye, blow the man down,
For right there above you flies the Black Ball.
Give me some time to blow the man down.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-04-25 5:03 AM
John Tyler was elected as a Democratic-Republican to the Fourteenth Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John Clopton. Re-elected to the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Congresses, Tyler served in the House of Representatives from December 17, 1816 to March 3, 1821.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-04-25 5:42 AM
"Let it, then, be henceforth proclaimed to the world, that man's
conscience was created free; that he is no longer accountable to his
fellow man for his religious opinions, being responsible therefore
only to his God." John Tyler
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-05-02 5:44 AM
Peggy Lee
Cause I'm a woman!

I can wash out 44 pairs of socks and have 'em hangin out on the line
I can starch & iron 2 dozens shirts 'fore you can count from 1 to 9
I can scoop up a great big dipper full of lard from the drippins can
Throw it in the skillet, go out & do my shopping, be back before it melts in the pan
'Cause I'm a woman! W-O-M-A-N, I'll say it again

I can rub & scrub this old house til it's shinin like a dime
Feed the baby, grease the car, & powder my face at the same time
Get all dressed up, go out and swing til 4 a.m. and then
Lay down at 5, jump up at 6, and start all over again
'Cause I'm a woman! W-O-M-A-N, I'll say it again

If you come to me sickly you know I'm gonna make you well
If you come to me all hexed up you know I'm gonna break the spell
If you come to me hungry you know I'm gonna fill you full of grits
If it's lovin you're likin, I'll kiss you and give you the shiverin' fits
'Cause I'm a woman! W-O-M-A-N, I'll say it again

I can stretch! a green black dollar bill from here to kindom come!
I can play the numbers pay the bills and still end up with some!
I got a twenty-dollar gold piece says there ain't nothing I can't do
I can make a dress out of a feed bag and I can make a man out of you
'Cause I'm a woman! W-O-M-A-N, I'll say it again
'Cause I'm a woman! W-O-M-A-N, and that's all.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-05-02 6:02 AM
How Lovely To Be A Woman

When you're a skinny child of fourteen,
Wide with braces from ear to ear,
You doubt that you will ever be appealing.
Then Hallelujah! You are fifteen
And the braces disappear
And your skin is smooth and clear
And you have that happy grown-up female feeling.
How lovely to be a woman,
The wait was well worth while;
How lovely to wear mascara
And smile a woman's smile.
How lovely to have a figure,
That's round instead of flat;
Whenever you hear boys whistle,
You're what they're whistling at.
It's wonderful to feel
The way a woman feels;
It gives you such a glow just to know
You're wearing lipstick and heels!
How lovely to be a woman
And have one job to do;
To pick out a boy and train him
And then when you are through,
You've made him the man you want him to be!
Life's lovely when you're a woman like me!
How wonderful to know
The things a woman knows;
How marvelous to wait for a date
In simply beautiful clothes!
How lovely to be a woman
And change from boys to men,
To go to a fancy nightclub
And stay out after ten.
How lovely to be so grown-up and free!
Life's lovely when you're a woman like me!
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-05-09 4:43 AM
27.how to french kiss
Moisten your lips. Dry lips do not move well together. Just a light
brush of your tongue over your lips will be sufficient to moisten
them. In general, use lip balm regularly- you never know when someone
will go in for the smooch.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-05-09 4:43 AM
28. how to french kiss
Angle your head. If your mouths meet dead-on, your noses will get in
the way, and you will not be able to kiss deeply or smoothly. To avoid
this, tilt your head slightly to one side. Make sure you do not both
tilt your heads to the same side. Close your eyes. As you approach for the kiss, look into your partner'
s eyes, but, once you are close to theirs, close your eyes. It can be
a bit of a turnoff to be kissing and going cross-eyed. However, you
don't need to always close your eyes; some people enjoy keeping their
eyes open and seeing their partner when kissing.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-05-16 6:32 AM
things not to say to a cop when he pulls you over.

10. Is it true that people become cops because they are too dumb to
work at McDonalds?
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-05-23 7:55 AM

Nietzsche: Because if you gaze too long across the Road, the Road
gazes also across you.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-06-20 6:09 AM
"Little Black Rain Cloud" is a song from the 1966 musical film featurette Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree. An instrumental version is played in the next featurette Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day. The song was also subsequently incorporated into the 1977 musical film, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh which is an amalgamation of the three previous Winnie-the-Pooh featurettes including "Honey Tree". In the song Winnie the Pooh comments about the on-screen actions where he is pretending to be a "Little Black Rain Cloud", as the title implies. It is Pooh's hope that the Honey Bees will not notice him as he approaches their ever coveted honey.The song was written by Robert & Richard Sherman who have written most of the music for the Winnie-the-Pooh franchise over the years.

“ I'm just a Little Black Rain Cloud
Hovering under the honey tree
I'm only a Little Black Rain Cloud
Pay no attention to little me
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-06-20 6:51 AM
Roo is a fictional character created by A. A. Milne and first featured in the book Winnie-the-Pooh. He is a young kangaroo, the son of Kanga.
Because of his young age, Roo is a very small animal, the smallest in the story (other than Rabbit's friends and relations, and Alexander Beetle), although he must be very close in size to Piglet since Kanga is unable to tell the difference when Piglet jumps into her pouch instead of Roo. (In Ernest H. Shepard's illustrations, Roo appears to be very slightly smaller than Piglet.) He is also apparently small enough to fall down mouse holes while practicing jumps, and too small to reach the first rail of the Poohsticks bridge.Like most of the characters in Winnie-the Pooh, Roo was based on one of Christopher Robin Milne's stuffed toys.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-06-27 6:41 AM

As part of the introductory patter to The Tonight Show, McMahon would state his name out
loud, pronouncing it as Ed "Mc MAH yon", but neither long-time cohort Johnny Carson nor
anyone else who interviewed him ever seemed to pick up on that subtlety, usually
referring to him as Ed "Mc MAN".
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: I CANT BE ARSED - 2009-06-27 6:41 AM

10.The extroverted McMahon served as a counter to the notoriously shy Carson. Nonetheless,
McMahon once told an interviewer that after his many decades as an emcee, he would still
get "butterflies" in his stomach every time he would walk onto a stage, and would use
that nervousness as a source of energy.