Posted By: Caitlin O'Malley - Witch Grrl Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-24 2:54 AM
I decided to go into the Comic Shop today and see if anything new would catch my eye. Of course I saw cover after cover of "pamphlets" contaning nothing but pretentious stories that could be told in one or two issues instead of six part "arcs"(but that'd never make a good trade would it?)

BUT something did jump out at me, Birds of Prey #76 featuring the Wicca counterpart to Black Adam, Black Alice. For whatever reason, I decided to buy it.

Having read it all i can say is that THAT THING is not a "Wiccan".
Wicca is a Nature-based and Goddess-centered belief system. Wiccans DO NOT KILL, EVER but rather we care forthe world around us and the rights of others, interested only in living in peace.

I'd suggest before the "writer" of his comic Ms. Simone refers to someone as a Wiccan she actually do a little something called research. Something ALL writers, professional or not, should do.

Needless to say this has only discouraged that much more from the so called genius of new comics.

Still, can't say I didn't try.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-24 2:55 AM
If Larry sees you mocking Gail, you're in some deep trouble!
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-24 2:55 AM
What the fuck is a Wiccan?
Posted By: rex Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-24 2:57 AM
A fat ugly woman.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-24 2:57 AM
It's a type of outdoor patio furniture.

And, just so she doesn't feel left out: Shut up, twat. No one cares about your cult.
Posted By: Poverty Lad Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-24 4:43 AM
My watch is a special Hallowe'en-edition Timex.

You know.

It takes a Wiccan, and keeps on ticking.

Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-24 4:45 AM
Who buys Birds of prey still???? Besides PJP..it sucks ass....Wiccans should be able to see into the future and tell about that kind of shit..what other use is a Wiccan?

Paper wiccan....
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-24 4:47 AM

Poverty Lad said:
My watch is a special Hallowe'en-edition Timex.

You know.

It takes a Wiccan, and keeps on ticking.

Dammit! I don't wanna find that funny!

Posted By: the G-man Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-24 5:01 AM

I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:
What the fuck is a Wiccan?


rex said:
A fat ugly woman.

Hey, hey...Stareena was a Wiccan.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-24 5:04 AM
Wiccans aren't all ugly they are just strange ..moreso than the average woman..which is pretty damn strange.
Posted By: PixieP Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-24 6:01 AM
Not a normal buyer of new books (except JSA, natch), I bought BOP #76 to see this "Black Alice" character, the so-called rip-off of Shazam and found that simply not the case. Alice is a wiccan (another word for witch) that was able to absorb the magicks of Dr. Fate, Zatanna and Captain Marvel, albeit for a short period of time. Not a bad story...seen worse but if DC's smart, they'll expand on this character in the future
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-24 7:51 AM
Someone should probably inform Caitlin that witches don't really exist.
Posted By: PenWing Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-25 11:50 PM

PixieP said:
Not a normal buyer of new books (except JSA, natch), I bought BOP #76 to see this "Black Alice" character, the so-called rip-off of Shazam and found that simply not the case. Alice is a wiccan (another word for witch) that was able to absorb the magicks of Dr. Fate, Zatanna and Captain Marvel, albeit for a short period of time. Not a bad story...seen worse but if DC's smart, they'll expand on this character in the future

I would be surprised if Gail didn't bring this character back in a future BoP or even Action Comics story. There is a lot of potnetial there.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-25 11:58 PM
Caitlin- witches don't really exist.
Posted By: rex Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-26 12:05 AM

MisterJLA said:
Caitlin- witches don't really exist.

Posted By: PenWing Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-26 12:12 AM
Posted By: PixieP Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-26 3:50 AM

MisterJLA said:
Caitlin- witches don't really exist.

Then Sabrina and Wendy the Good Little Witch have been both a lie?!!
Posted By: ShazamGrrl1 Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-26 12:42 PM

Caitlin O'Malley - Witch Grrl said:
I decided to go into the Comic Shop today and see if anything new would catch my eye. Of course I saw cover after cover of "pamphlets" contaning nothing but pretentious stories that could be told in one or two issues instead of six part "arcs"(but that'd never make a good trade would it?)

BUT something did jump out at me, Birds of Prey #76 featuring the Wicca counterpart to Black Adam, Black Alice. For whatever reason, I decided to buy it.

Having read it all i can say is that THAT THING is not a "Wiccan".
Wicca is a Nature-based and Goddess-centered belief system. Wiccans DO NOT KILL, EVER but rather we care forthe world around us and the rights of others, interested only in living in peace.

I'd suggest before the "writer" of his comic Ms. Simone refers to someone as a Wiccan she actually do a little something called research. Something ALL writers, professional or not, should do.

Needless to say this has only discouraged that much more from the so called genius of new comics.

Still, can't say I didn't try.

Well, three more things about you, "sweetie". First, you're a CURRENT member of the DCMBs (since MOST of the body of what you posted came from something I put up there), second, you WERE a member of the Marvels of SHAZAM group long enough to find "your" user name posted there and third obviously have an axe to grind against me, hence stealing a bastardized version of MY character's name.

Why don't you just admit who you really are, baka, and make your life a fucking lot easier.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-26 9:33 PM
You do, of course, realize that no one here cares about this "feud" you're having with your own alt-ID, right?

"Baka"...is that Wiccan for "twat"? If so, you're a useless, ignorant "Baka".
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-26 9:40 PM

ShazamGrrl1 said:, baka,

"Baka"?! What the fuck is this?! Where do these people come from?!
Posted By: The Question? Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-27 12:42 AM
um from what i've been told "baka" is roughly Japanese for fool. or at least some Japanese dialect. Shazamgrrl occaisionally likes to call people names in other languages, it's really cool or something i guess. she also apparantly likes to take credit for really dumb posts because the things she's comlaining about never really happened all that much in the actual book.
Posted By: ShazamGrrl1 Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-27 12:47 PM
"Baka" can mean idiot, fool, moron, dimwit or just any synonym for stupid you can think of. Except "asshole". That's another word alltogether.

BTW, patch, you sticking up for your "girl"friend again? How chivalrous of you.
Posted By: rex Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-27 12:49 PM
I think thats the first time you wrote those words without "you" before it.
Are you back on your medication?
Posted By: The Question? Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-27 1:15 PM

ShazamGrrl1 said:
"Baka" can mean idiot, fool, moron, dimwit or just any synonym for stupid you can think of. Except "asshole". That's another word alltogether.

BTW, patch, you sticking up for your "girl"friend again? How chivalrous of you.

so then i was more or less right when i said that baka meant fool?

i thought so.

but really, isn't it enough that you take credit for people's usernames and the content of their posts, bow you have to take credit for being my g/f too?!?!
we've already talked about this Shazamgrrl and it ain't gonna happen. i'm too interested in things like reality, fact based opinions and not writing erotic fanfic about superheroes for things to ever work out btw you and i.
Posted By: The Question? Re: Bird of Prey #76 - 2005-03-27 1:19 PM
i mean i assume that Caitlin is who you're implying is the g/f i'm trying to stick up for but since she's really your alt-ID you're somehow implying that you're my g/f.

ypu haven't written any erotic fanfic about me have you? gosh i hope not....

wow. now i know what my nightmares are going to be about for the next little bit