Posted By: PenWing Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-04 3:05 AM
You decide:


I'm not sure if anyone has posted a link to this site before, but Peter David brought it up on his blog and I thought some of the posters here would appreciate it.
Posted By: rex Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-04 3:08 AM
This was on fark a couple weeks ago, then some one started a thread here about it, then the website got overloaded. Its good to see they got a good host now. Its a funny site.
Posted By: PixieP Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-04 6:15 AM
Superman...what a meanie burning Jimmy Olsen's gift to him
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-04 3:22 PM
I disagree. That robe looked gay. If Jimmy was a good adopted son he'd have bought him edible underoos like Robin does.
Posted By: ShazamGrrl1 Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-06 12:22 PM
Subject: Superman is a dick?

Fucking duh.
Posted By: The Time Trust Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-06 3:13 PM
I don't remember you being this negative in the old days, Shazamgrrl.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-06 11:16 PM

ShazamGrrl1 said:
Subject: Superman is a dick?

Fucking duh.

The wit and wisdom of Shaddaptwwt0...
Posted By: Danny Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-07 5:48 AM
Superman may occasionally be arrogant, but he's no villain like Captain Marvel.
Posted By: ShazamGrrl1 Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-07 8:48 AM

The Time Trust said:
I don't remember you being this negative in the old days, Shazamgrrl.

You also don't remember Food Eater Lad and patchwork, do you? You know, the assholes who have chased me across the Internet just to harass me (yet deny doing so), copied my posts from other MBs and groups, altered them, then either reposted them to "prove" that I'm a crazy, lying hypocrite OR as "their own" words, like FEL's been doing here? ("Caitlin," my ass. He's no more a female than RuPaul is.)

Having any type of a stalker after you, either in cyberspace or in the real world, changes your outlook and how you do things.

Why do you think no one but MEMBERS can view posts, files, etc., on the Marvels of SHAZAM? Because I got sick and tired of seeing mine and other members posts copied to Notepad, altered to fit someone else's skewed agenda and reposted on the DC Boards as "proof" of our aledged "lies". In spite of this, it's STILL going on.

Why do you think "Caitlin's" words sound so familiar? Because, except for the OBVIOUS errors in spelling and syntax, most of them are MY words, taken from various and sundry posts I've made on MoS, BOTH Rock of Eternity Forums and even the DCMBs, like where he took my posts where I called Geoff Johns a hack and my announcement that I was having my fics pulled from FauxDC because I was being accused of plagiarising Jerry Ordway's work and concocted the wild hare accusation that I called Johns a "plagaristic hack".

(Note to FEL: it's plagiaristic, you moron. Get a fucking spell checker. Or a brain.)

BTW, Doc, I seem to remember you buying FEL's line of bullshit, which "Caitlin" has been repeating here. Not that the idiot would know what the truth was if it bit him in his fat ass, but it's funny how the retellings of the "charges" have varied wildly since he first "reported" them, and the FACTS of the matter have remained consistantly THE OPPOSITE of the so-called "charges" I never made.

And the fuck why do you think patchwork/The Question? seems to know so much about what I do in groups I either own or that I'm a member of, yet he CLAIMS he's not a member of any of them? Because he is, but he's too much of a sneaky, chicken-shit coward to admit it. BTW, being a sneaky, chicken-shit coward suits him.
Posted By: The Time Trust Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-07 8:59 AM
I'm not taking sides.
Posted By: Danny Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-07 10:02 AM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-07 7:08 PM
Bitch needs to breathe.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-07 7:39 PM

ShazamGrrl1 said:

The Time Trust said:
I don't remember you being this negative in the old days, Shazamgrrl.

You also don't remember Food Eater Lad and patchwork, do you? You know, the assholes who have chased me across the Internet just to harass me (yet deny doing so), copied my posts from other MBs and groups, altered them, then either reposted them to "prove" that I'm a crazy, lying hypocrite OR as "their own" words, like FEL's been doing here? ("Caitlin," my ass. He's no more a female than RuPaul is.)

Having any type of a stalker after you, either in cyberspace or in the real world, changes your outlook and how you do things.

Why do you think no one but MEMBERS can view posts, files, etc., on the Marvels of SHAZAM? Because I got sick and tired of seeing mine and other members posts copied to Notepad, altered to fit someone else's skewed agenda and reposted on the DC Boards as "proof" of our aledged "lies". In spite of this, it's STILL going on.

Why do you think "Caitlin's" words sound so familiar? Because, except for the OBVIOUS errors in spelling and syntax, most of them are MY words, taken from various and sundry posts I've made on MoS, BOTH Rock of Eternity Forums and even the DCMBs, like where he took my posts where I called Geoff Johns a hack and my announcement that I was having my fics pulled from FauxDC because I was being accused of plagiarising Jerry Ordway's work and concocted the wild hare accusation that I called Johns a "plagaristic hack".

(Note to FEL: it's plagiaristic, you moron. Get a fucking spell checker. Or a brain.)

BTW, Doc, I seem to remember you buying FEL's line of bullshit, which "Caitlin" has been repeating here. Not that the idiot would know what the truth was if it bit him in his fat ass, but it's funny how the retellings of the "charges" have varied wildly since he first "reported" them, and the FACTS of the matter have remained consistantly THE OPPOSITE of the so-called "charges" I never made.

And the fuck why do you think patchwork/The Question? seems to know so much about what I do in groups I either own or that I'm a member of, yet he CLAIMS he's not a member of any of them? Because he is, but he's too much of a sneaky, chicken-shit coward to admit it. BTW, being a sneaky, chicken-shit coward suits him.

They have pills for paranoia now.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-07 7:52 PM

ShazamGrrl1 said:

The Time Trust said:
I don't remember you being this negative in the old days, Shazamgrrl.

You also don't remember Food Eater Lad and patchwork, do you? You know, the assholes who have chased me across the Internet just to harass me (yet deny doing so), copied my posts from other MBs and groups, altered them, then either reposted them to "prove" that I'm a crazy, lying hypocrite OR as "their own" words, like FEL's been doing here? ("Caitlin," my ass. He's no more a female than RuPaul is.)

Having any type of a stalker after you, either in cyberspace or in the real world, changes your outlook and how you do things.

Why do you think no one but MEMBERS can view posts, files, etc., on the Marvels of SHAZAM? Because I got sick and tired of seeing mine and other members posts copied to Notepad, altered to fit someone else's skewed agenda and reposted on the DC Boards as "proof" of our aledged "lies". In spite of this, it's STILL going on.

Why do you think "Caitlin's" words sound so familiar? Because, except for the OBVIOUS errors in spelling and syntax, most of them are MY words, taken from various and sundry posts I've made on MoS, BOTH Rock of Eternity Forums and even the DCMBs, like where he took my posts where I called Geoff Johns a hack and my announcement that I was having my fics pulled from FauxDC because I was being accused of plagiarising Jerry Ordway's work and concocted the wild hare accusation that I called Johns a "plagaristic hack".

(Note to FEL: it's plagiaristic, you moron. Get a fucking spell checker. Or a brain.)

BTW, Doc, I seem to remember you buying FEL's line of bullshit, which "Caitlin" has been repeating here. Not that the idiot would know what the truth was if it bit him in his fat ass, but it's funny how the retellings of the "charges" have varied wildly since he first "reported" them, and the FACTS of the matter have remained consistantly THE OPPOSITE of the so-called "charges" I never made.

And the fuck why do you think patchwork/The Question? seems to know so much about what I do in groups I either own or that I'm a member of, yet he CLAIMS he's not a member of any of them? Because he is, but he's too much of a sneaky, chicken-shit coward to admit it. BTW, being a sneaky, chicken-shit coward suits him.

It's only a message boa...oh, forget it.
Posted By: Steve T Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-08 2:50 PM
A tenner to the first person brave enough to make a "time of the month joke"!
Posted By: ShazamGrrl1 Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-08 9:11 PM
Must be Steve T's time of the month.
Posted By: The Question? Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-08 11:21 PM
that's not really a joke. i don't think he owes you a tenner for that.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-08 11:39 PM
SG, you're prolly right about everything and whatever else. I'm not sure myself, I haven't bothered reading your posts--Which brings me to my point: No one cares.
Posted By: LLance Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-09 12:30 AM
You meant to say "SUPERMAN HAS A DICK!", didn't you? It just came out wrong cause his dick is rammed down your throat, right? Mystery solved!
Posted By: crawfordcrow Re: Superman is a dick? - 2005-04-20 8:14 AM
I ran across this website a few weeks ago. Hi-larious.

Neal Adams did some priceless shitty-smug expressions on a couple of those covers.