Posted By: Pig Iran Biggest Comic Letdown of The Past 12 Months - 2005-04-06 7:09 PM
What were you really looking forward to?

What did you think you'd like, but didn't?

What was the book that people told you to buy? You did, and you disliked it?

I suppose it can be more than 1, but with all the generating of hype and promises and the fanboy cult out there now greater than ever there are surely plenty that apply...

Tell us and whine or bitch..or just tell us...
Avengers Disassemble

-All hype, no payoff. Weak story and borrowed plots. F-

Marvel in general, really. No new ideas. No direction. Just the same old Brian Michael Bendis comics....
Posted By: PJP Re: Biggest Comic Letdown of The Past 12 Months - 2005-04-06 7:22 PM
The digression of Nightwing as a character......if you're going to make somebody who used to be real cool a pussy.....then just kill him off.
That's Devin Grayson for you!

Amazing she collects a paycheck for that rubbish.
Nightwing for the above-mentioned reasons.

Identity Crisis - cool premis and Meltzer did a good job with characterization, but there were just too many loose ends left for me to feel good about the overall story in the end. I read the Bat titles, so I expect (or rather, hope) that his mind-wipe will be dealt with in those titles or in the up coming "Crisis," but I still think that his mind wipe should've been dealt with within IC. Plus, the victim and the killer turning out to be third rate characters didn't (for me) meet the hype factor that I expected. Pretty much what a lot of people bitched about in other MBs, I'm sure.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Biggest Comic Letdown of The Past 12 Months - 2005-04-07 12:46 AM
This month's Superman/Batman.
$3 per issue.

Biggest let down, ever.
Posted By: PJP Re: Biggest Comic Letdown of The Past 12 Months - 2005-04-07 12:49 AM
I think Catalina Flores (Tarantula) was letdown when her hot body was butt naked in front of Nightwing and he couldn't get it up.......that was a letdown.

His new nickname is Mr.Limpdick.
This is why I haven't bought a comic in nearly a year.

wannabuyamonkey said:
$3 per issue.

Biggest let down, ever.


Prometheus said:
Avengers Disassembled

-All hype, no payoff. Weak story and borrowed plots. F-

Posted By: Uschi Re: Biggest Comic Letdown of The Past 12 Months - 2005-04-07 3:15 AM
everything with Joker in it. Also I'm not giddy about where Fables is going. They removed the two most dynamic characters and now we have to play interested in the weiners that are still around? Lucifer is great though, I thought it was gonna suck but then WOW it totally came back for me. Y-The Last Man is turning to teh suckage a bit but it also seems to be in a kind of reawakening as to what its main goals are. So that's alright for now.
I think that happens when writers start doing more than 2 books a month..something always suffers. I cannot think of any writer this doesn't apply to. there should be a rule.... no more than 2 books a month unless it's the occassional mini-series. Vaughn writes more than 2 now, Johns has for awhile and one book always suffers, willingham is writing more now, simone writes 2 or 3 ....something always sucks with prolific writers..they are only prolific at lining their pockets...
I dunno about Vaughn - so far I'm enjoying all the stuff he's been writing - Runaways just started up again, though, so we'll see if Vol. 2 can be as much fun as the first given his heavy writing load. But Ex Machina and Y are still on my pull list. What else is he writing? I'm blanking right now...
ultimate x-men as well...
Past 12 months?

That really eliminates a lot of stuff I could list.


Oh, DC's fucktardedness in dropping Fallen Angel. Best comic on the market, and doing better than most of their better known superhero titles, but right when it starts to gain readership, they drop it. And I think #20 is delayed. Peter David owns the book, so at least if he can find another publisher, he can keep it going. Or, he can novelize it.
Actually, PenWing, I read somewhere that he IS continuing Fallen Angel at another company. Either AIP or IDG, I think...
Thank goodness, cuz Fallen Angel is excellent. I would've thought people would've checked it out based on the rumors about her possibly being Linda Danvers, but apparently not...

Chewy Walrus said:

Prometheus said:
Avengers Disassembled

-All hype, no payoff. Weak story and borrowed plots. F-


This was a big dissapointment for me.
Posted By: Danny Re: Biggest Comic Letdown of The Past 12 Months - 2005-04-07 5:28 AM

harleykwin said:
Thank goodness, cuz Fallen Angel is excellent. I would've thought people would've checked it out based on the rumors about her possibly being Linda Danvers, but apparently not...

It's sad that for a new title to gain readership it has to rely on some tenuous link to a mainstream superhero property.

Uschi said:
everything with Joker in it. Also I'm not giddy about where Fables is going. They removed the two most dynamic characters and now we have to play interested in the weiners that are still around? Lucifer is great though, I thought it was gonna suck but then WOW it totally came back for me. Y-The Last Man is turning to teh suckage a bit but it also seems to be in a kind of reawakening as to what its main goals are. So that's alright for now.

I've been worried about Fables, but I'm still holding out hope.
Every piece of shit issue of Superman/Batman. The pople allowing the plot holes to slide in that book should be executed in some kind of fanboy pay per view snuff film

The way Hush started out with so much promise but deterioted so quickly because of shitty endings, lack of any answers what so ever, and just plain awful writing from Lieberman

Identity Crisis. Like Harleykwin said, good series, shame DC dragged the mindwipe thing out, and the whole series turned to shit when the killer was revealed and the last issue turned into more of a waste of money prologue

Wont even go into Nightwing, that title has become a real disgrace. Im dishearetened to see a company do this to a character that meant so much to me, now he's nothing more than wimp in shoddy and poorly written stories. Devin Grayson should be in a Nightwing fans PPV snuff film aswell

Avengers Dissasembled would be on my list, but i steered well clear of that, i knew it would be shit, especially how the deaths were marketed like some cheap soap opera. Last year or so has been one hell of an awakening to the amount of shit people market in the comics industry, no fucking way im picking up anymore hyped books or 'Big Events'

harleykwin said:
Thank goodness, cuz Fallen Angel is excellent. I would've thought people would've checked it out based on the rumors about her possibly being Linda Danvers, but apparently not...

No one cares about Linda Danvers.
I gotta go with the obvious answer of "Identity Crisis," if, for no other reason, the fact that the entire series was apparently little more than a prologue to several others series that left too many loose ends.
Under Millar Ultimate X-men was one of my favorite titles, but I had to drop it with issue 50 after over a year of suffering.

Johns' work has been crap on all his titles.

Chuck Austen's Action Comics. It was supposed to be an amazing story with Doomsday and Gog. But its been unbearable. I dropped it after only a 6 months.
If we're limiting it to the last 12 months....

Two things...

-$3 for some comics. Not a good move.

-John Byrne's failure to rejuvenate the Doom Patrol. His focus remains on the new characters (who bear strong resemblances to Marvel Girl (Nudge), Beast (the four armed ape) and Cyclops (Vortex))
r3x29yz4a, you should have carried on with Ultimate X-men for a few more issues, the way that Gambit storyline ended was suprisingly good. The Andy Kubert art and the fact that Gambit kicked Wolverines ass were also highlights. It sounds like shit again now going on the solicits, but atleast that arc gave me hope

I throw Green lantern: Rebirth into the mix aswell, the simple fact that Johns has literally wiped away all the wrong things Hal Jordon did is a a kick in the face. I thought the new GL title would deal with his guilt as he searched the world or something, but it looks as though it'll just be another lame DC title with an iron clad staus quo where Hal just battles villains and saves the day **yawn**
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Biggest Comic Letdown of The Past 12 Months - 2005-04-10 10:10 PM
Lee and Azz's run on Superman. Three words: What. the. fuck.

Jeremy said:
Lee and Azz's run on Superman. Three words: What. the. fuck.

Four words: Best Superman story ever!
For me to poop on!
I was lost after reading the first issue. Not a good place to be...
horrible..ass can't write superheroes....or can't right. as pariah would say...
I thought it was a good read, but not a very superhero-y read. Not enough of the action people like and too layered for your average comic book fan.

PJP said:
The digression of Nightwing as a character......if you're going to make somebody who used to be real cool a pussy.....then just kill him off.


MisterJLA said:
That's Devin Grayson for you!

Amazing she collects a paycheck for that rubbish.

Agreed and agreed. I wholeheartedly believe any one of us could do a better job of writing Nightwing than she has. Just thinking about it makes me beyond angry...it makes me angrified.

Now if you'll excuse me, I feel the need to exact my rage on 1020 pounds of leg press...
Posted By: Steve T Re: Biggest Comic Letdown of The Past 12 Months - 2005-04-12 12:24 AM
I haven't minded her run on Nightwing.
The make or break moment for me will be how they handle the rebuilding.
i'd say this years creative revamp on the Superman books was my biggest disappointment.
Birds Of Prey getting turned from a quality action book to fucking Spice Girls style "girl Power" crap would be mine.

Brian A. Ortiz said:Just thinking about it makes me beyond angry...it makes me angrified.

Now if you'll excuse me, I feel the need to exact my rage on 1020 pounds of leg press...

I didn't mind Dissembled, but only because I was entirely new to it. Wasn't great, wasn't terrible.
i'd have to say the Azz/lee run of Superman and that whole convoluted Doomsday/gog story where Doomsday turns heroic and time again gets altered in the DCU.

Wednesday said:

harleykwin said:
Thank goodness, cuz Fallen Angel is excellent. I would've thought people would've checked it out based on the rumors about her possibly being Linda Danvers, but apparently not...

No one cares about Linda Danvers.

Yes, they do. If you had the courage (or insanity) to check out the DCMBs' FA forum a few months ago, there was always a thread about whether or not the angel was Linda. Truth is, PAD's Linda-lead Supergirl title was really good and had fans who were very interested in her - unfortunatley, not enough to keep the title going. IMO Linda was a million times more interesting than Loeb's S/B (pre-crisis?) Kara that was recently re-introduced.

Maybe the above should read:

Wednesday does not care about Linda Danvers.

The bastardization of Joker and Poison Ivy by Lieberman.
erm...I just(finally) watched Blade Trinity - what a piece of shit. Goyer can not direct to save his life, absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever!

I really enjoyed the first 2 films.

How come this was a flop, after the success of the first two, I would have thought people would have flocked to see this! It's as if they knew this was going to be shite!
First two? The second sucked too! It's why I didn't see the third.
Posted By: PJP Re: Biggest Comic Letdown of The Past 12 Months - 2005-04-17 6:56 PM

harleykwin said:

Wednesday said:

harleykwin said:
Thank goodness, cuz Fallen Angel is excellent. I would've thought people would've checked it out based on the rumors about her possibly being Linda Danvers, but apparently not...

No one cares about Linda Danvers.

Yes, they do. If you had the courage (or insanity) to check out the DCMBs' FA forum a few months ago, there was always a thread about whether or not the angel was Linda. Truth is, PAD's Linda-lead Supergirl title was really good and had fans who were very interested in her - unfortunatley, not enough to keep the title going. IMO Linda was a million times more interesting than Loeb's S/B (pre-crisis?) Kara that was recently re-introduced.

Maybe the above should read:

Wednesday does not care about Linda Danvers.

Linda is way more intersting that's true. But Kara is a hot piece of art.

Jeremy said:
First two? The second sucked too! It's why I didn't see the third.

That's your opinion.

And if you thought that was shit, thank fuck you didn't see the third one!
Birthright was in the last twelve months, right? If not, I still say Birthright.

...And Birthright.

Although we call it 'Crapright'.
"Crapright" it is, then.

I just thought of an even bigger letdown - so big, I had temporarily blocked it from my psyche: JSA: Strange Adventures. Lame story, screwed with continuity (with no story-related reason for the screwing)... just one of the worst comics I'd read in ages, made all the worse by how badly I wanted to see a cool old-school JSA mini. ...The cover art was pretty sweet, at least. Turd with a silver lining.