Posted By: Jeremy Civil War #7 [Spoilers] - 2007-02-20 10:31 PM

Preview here
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Civil War #7 [Spoilers] - 2007-02-20 10:34 PM
I bet someone will die.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Civil War #7 [Spoilers] - 2007-02-20 10:36 PM
I'm with Vigo.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Civil War #7 [Spoilers] - 2007-02-20 10:47 PM

Pig Iron said:
I bet someone will die.

That innocent bystander has it coming.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Civil War #7 [Spoilers] - 2007-02-21 12:48 AM
Heroes will live, heroes will die, and the DC, uh I mean Marvel, U will never be the same again.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 5:57 AM
Real spoilers below....really....

-The final battle does not take place in the N-Zone, but in Manhattan. Cloak teleports them.

- In the battle, Reed saves Sue from a gunshot from Taskmaster, and gets severely injured. (energy shot)

Sue gets her revenge


Pro-Reg: Clor, but he gets taken down by Herc.
Anti-Reg: Namor and Atlantis.

End of battle:

-Although the anti-reg forces looked like they were going to win. Cap surrenders because of the damage that had been done to the city. He felt that they weren't fighting for the right reasons (for the well being of the people), and told both sides to stand down.

-Cap was arrested, and he took off his mask. Punisher picked it up. In other words: Pro-Reg won, 50 state initiative is now active, and more clones are being made (all named in Clor's honor).

-Sue got back together with Reed.

-Tony Starks is the new Director of SHIELD

And one last thing: the resistance continues. Although every hero is to register, there are some (New Avengers for instance) that continue to fight.

Whole lot of fighting in this issue.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 6:19 AM
the preview is today Germy....today....
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 6:54 AM
oh yeah, Cap gets the upper hand on iron man, because vision phases into the armor and shorts it...

I think Marvel should rename this fascist Iron Man...Iran Man.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 6:56 AM

PJP said
Praise Allah!

Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 6:57 AM
I'm getting rob to change my name to Pig Iran in honor of their favorite cuisine...
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 9:38 AM

Pig Iron said:
the preview is today Germy....today....

Germy? Geez, do you think I don't shower or something?
Posted By: jafabian Re: Civil War #7 [Spoilers] - 2007-02-21 10:31 AM

Pig Iron said:
I bet someone will die.

It'll be Bucky. They brought him back just to kill him!
Posted By: PJP Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 3:53 PM

Pig Iron said:
I'm getting rob to change my name to Pig Iran in honor of their favorite cuisine...

Posted By: PJP Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 3:57 PM

Pig Iron said:
Real spoilers below....really....

-The final battle does not take place in the N-Zone, but in Manhattan. Cloak teleports them.

- In the battle, Reed saves Sue from a gunshot from Taskmaster, and gets severely injured. (energy shot)

Sue gets her revenge


Pro-Reg: Clor, but he gets taken down by Herc.
Anti-Reg: Namor and Atlantis.

End of battle:

-Although the anti-reg forces looked like they were going to win. Cap surrenders because of the damage that had been done to the city. He felt that they weren't fighting for the right reasons (for the well being of the people), and told both sides to stand down.

-Cap was arrested, and he took off his mask. Punisher picked it up. In other words: Pro-Reg won, 50 state initiative is now active, and more clones are being made (all named in Clor's honor).

-Sue got back together with Reed.

-Tony Starks is the new Director of SHIELD

And one last thing: the resistance continues. Although every hero is to register, there are some (New Avengers for instance) that continue to fight.

Whole lot of fighting in this issue.

so in other words, a whole lot of nothing. everything is more or less how it was in the beginning. Just like infinite crisis this was a big fucking wank fest with not much changed afterwards.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 4:17 PM
Except Cap is in jail and Iron Man is the head of shield.

And aunt may gets shot or something
Posted By: PJP civil war in the ass - 2007-02-21 4:18 PM
in the ass!!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: civil war in the ass - 2007-02-21 4:23 PM
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: civil war in the ass - 2007-02-21 4:57 PM
Fallen To Her Knees: Aunt May Humbled

followed by

Fallen To His Knees: Luke Cage Get's What's Coming To Him-Humbled
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: civil war in the ass - 2007-02-21 5:31 PM

Pig Iron said:
Fallen To His Knees: Luke Cage Get's What's Coming To Him-Humbled

By Beardguy!
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 5:44 PM

Pig Iron said:
-Cap was arrested, and he took off his mask.

Like he did in his own book a few years back? This whole damn thing made no sense.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 5:46 PM
Cap quits or takes off his mask almost as much as Superman cries.
Posted By: PJP Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 5:48 PM

thedoctor said:

Pig Iron said:
-Cap was arrested, and he took off his mask.

Like he did in his own book a few years back? This whole damn thing made no sense.

The day after the final battle Joe Q wakes up and sees Bobby Ewing come out of the shower and he realizes it was all just a bad dream.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 5:56 PM

PJP said:

thedoctor said:

Pig Iron said:
-Cap was arrested, and he took off his mask.

Like he did in his own book a few years back? This whole damn thing made no sense.

The day after the final battle Joe Q wakes up and sees Bobby Ewing come out of the shower and he realizes it was all just a bad dream.

Then Bobby humbles him!
Posted By: casselmm47 Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 6:14 PM
In the ass!
Posted By: the G-man Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 6:15 PM

Pig Iron said:
Cap quits or takes off his mask almost as much as Superman cries.

This could be the next, greatest, Marvel-DC crossover event yet: a twelve issue series of Cap taking off his mask and making Superman cry.
Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 8:31 PM

the G-man said:

Pig Iron said:
Cap quits or takes off his mask almost as much as Superman cries.

This could be the next, greatest, Marvel-DC crossover event yet: a twelve issue series of Cap taking off his mask and making Superman cry.

you forgot someone getting raped, a new legacy hero, and Geoff Johns writing 7 issues of fanwank in-jokes.

Here's what I imagine Infinite Civil Crisis of the House of Kal-El:
Superman lands on New York street. Captain America is punching some guy. Batman is standing around for no reason.

Superman: Captain America is my hero
(Superman smiles and watches Cap)
(two page shot of Captain America punching bad guy out)
Batman: And they call us the "WORLD'S FINEST."
Superman: Since when do you make jokes?
Batman: (shrugs)

(Captain America examines the body of the man he just beat up)
Cap: My god. This man was a Vietnam veteran. That damn war.

(Captain America takes off his mask and quits.)
(Superman breaks down crying.)

Cut to a shot of Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen in the Daily Planet newsroom.
Jimmy: Lois?
Lois: Yes, Jimmy.
Jimmy: I've been evil all these years, so has Green Lantern. The black Green Lantern who no one cares too much about. Definitely not Hal Jordan, he's like so perfect.
Lois: You're evil? I don't believe it.

Jimmy then rapes Lois.
The issue ends with a shot of Krypto the super-pup returning to Earth with the Legion of Super Pets

Krypto: Don't worry Lois. We'll save you.

The epilogue shows Paste Pot Pete killing Krypto with Kryptonite-glue. Behind him, someone is standing in the shadows.

By Geoff Johns and Judd Winik
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 8:33 PM

Karl Hungus said:
Judd Winik

You forgot to make someone gay and have someone else get AIDs.
Posted By: THE Bastard Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 8:36 PM
Both of them would be Rob.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 8:45 PM
I actually just bought and read the issue and it is even more gay.

Not unlike Rob...it unleashes gaydiation as you flip the pages-I am gayer for having read it.

Boy, it sure was special and convenient that Thor, Hulk, and Scarlet Witch weren't around and the X-men didn't participate, and that Dr strange did nothing-mighty convenient.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 8:47 PM
i will only add that is was way frickin' better than infinite crisis...but it still sucked more balls than Rob.
Posted By: Rob Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 9:13 PM

THE Bastard said:
Both of them would be Rob.

yeah, and thanks for the AIDS, bastie.

worst. valentine's. ever.
Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 9:34 PM

thedoctor said:

Karl Hungus said:
Judd Winik

You forgot to make someone gay and have someone else get AIDs.

obviously you missed the part at the end where someone was in the shadow (shadow of AIDS?) and would be "coming out" next issue.
Posted By: THE Bastard Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 9:56 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:

THE Bastard said:
Both of them would be Rob.

yeah, and thanks for the AIDS, bastie.

worst. valentine's. ever.

Posted By: casselmm47 Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 10:49 PM
I liked the part where Krypto rapes Mary Jane.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-21 11:07 PM

casselmm47 said:
I liked the part where Krypto rapes Mary Jane.

venturing into Pariah territory there man...
Posted By: Rob Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-22 12:02 AM

Pig Iran said:
Cap quits

captain france!
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-22 12:14 AM
No, Captain Armistice.

and armistice is actually a cognate which is spelled exactly the same in english and french-with the same meaning.
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-22 6:16 AM

Pig Iran said:

Boy, it sure was special and convenient that Thor, Hulk, and Scarlet Witch weren't around and the X-men didn't participate, and that Dr strange did nothing-mighty convenient.

Posted By: PJP Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-22 5:45 PM
I read it last night. It was shit. What pissed me off the most was how the pro-reg side acted like they won so easily when they were getting there asses kicked. The "citizens" jumping Cap was very far fetched and very stupid. He still could have gotten them off him without hurting them. Plus when a warrior is in battle like that if 6 guys jump you you don't look to see who it is....you fuck them up and them see what idiot it was that just jumped on your back.....very stupid....very unrealistic. Him in jail at the end was very stupid. Tony Stark acting very smug at the end was very stupid....this whole thing will blow up in all there faces....The Thunderbolts now control Colorado???? stupid.....

2 words to describe issue #7 stupid shity piece of shit.

more than 2 words but I couldn't stop.

Posted By: Rob Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-22 8:33 PM
Tom Brevoort discusses Civil War 7
Matt Brady - newsarama.com

    NRAMA: Was the ending seen in #7 always the final ending, from the pitch stage to now? Any insight on some of the other ideas that were shot down early on?

    TB: Yes, pretty much. At the very outset, in the initial discussions (back when Mark was thinking of Civil War as 12 issues, rather than the 7 it became) there was a whole other plot thread that got dropped along the way. But in the Civil War planning sheet that got sent to the other editorial offices and to the writers, dated 12/2/05, this is what it said:

    CIVIL WAR #7
    -- SPECTACULAR fight. One by one, the guys go down until we’re left with just Cap and Tony

    -- Cap, exhausted, finally puts Tony down in the cleverest way possible. It’s over.

    -- He looks around at the crowds assembled on the edge of town and he sees something he’s never seen before: Fear. Cap inspires hope and yet here he is terrifying the locals. They start to yell at him, voicing everything we’ve seen in the background throughout the series about how they WANT a register and need to be protected from lunatics in masks doing whatever they want; completely unaccountable vigilantes.

    -- Cap realizes he was wrong. He realizes he’s been fighting for masks when he should have been fighting for America

    -- Cap concedes that the people do want superheroes to go legit. His big problem is liberties being taken away by people he doesn’t know and can’t trust and so he says to Tony that he and his guys will ACCEPT the registration on one simple condition: That it isn’t the government that holds all the secrets. Sure, the person in charge can be accountable to the government, but he wants a super hero to be in charge of this. The person he wants, the person he trusts most, is Tony.

    -- Cut to a series of epilogues where we get the new Marvel Universe being constructed here. Tony Stark now heads up HAMMER as well as supervising the new hero teams.


    NRAMA: So - take us inside Cap's head then - why was he fighting? As we saw at the end, even he seemed to have lost the reason, saying they were "just fighting" to fight, apparently. In your view, when did he lose sight of the reason for the fight?

    TB: Cap was fighting for a principle, for a belief in the sanctity of the personal freedoms of his fellow super heroes. And he was fighting in what amounted to a large act of civil disobedience, in the manner of the founding fathers, or of the civil rights activists of the 1960s. Cap’s goal wasn’t the struggle—it was in being able to continue to do the job despite the increased difficulty and the additional restrictions in doing so. I think that, if he lost sight of his true goals, it was in getting caught up in the escalation of hostilities with Iron Man and his guys—that it became more personal after the battle that cost the life of Bill Foster, and that caused Cap to perhaps put less of his energies into upholding the public good, and more thought and effort into taking down Iron Man.

    NRAMA: Could you say, or could it be said that Cap made a mistake in all of this? Was there a better way for his side to fight Registration rather than fighting?

    TB: Some have argued that Cap’s first mistake was made in the first issue, by choosing to go on the run in defiance of the Registration Act, rather than conducting his efforts within the court of public opinion, either through the media or through his connections in government. In fairness to Cap, though, I don’t think he expected this to go on for so long, nor for tempers to get so heated along the way.

full interview
Posted By: the G-man Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-22 9:38 PM
Maybe I'm wrong, but it almost seems as if Brevoot is admitting that, by the end of the storyline, the writers realized that they had boxed themselves in a corner and had to have the heroes realize that the whole idea of them fighting over this was stupid all along.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-22 9:47 PM
Yep, seems that way.
Posted By: THE Bastard Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-22 9:59 PM
Read that way, too.
Posted By: allan1 Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-23 5:02 PM
The problem I found with Civil War is that after the first 3-4 issues,the story took a mostly lackluster turn.Issue 5 should've been in Amazing Spider-Man while issue 6 was told & then retold in Punisher War Journal.Issue 7 had some big fight scenes,but the ending went *poof* and wrapped up so stupidly,I wondered if all the delays were worth what was delivered.To me,the best stories were told outside the series.
Posted By: Chant Re: Civil War spoiled - 2007-02-23 5:39 PM
I'm dissapointed about the ending. It seemed a bit forced.

And, being the fanboy I sometimes am, I'm a bit dissapointed about Marvels treatment of Spiderman, I thought joining the Avengers was supposed to be good for him.