
If you have the heart of Captain America and the cunning of Batman, you might be one of the millions of Americans starting your holiday shopping the day after Thanksgiving, otherwise known as "Black Friday". And if you happen to have any comic book fans on your list, there is a bevy of new DVD/Blu-ray releases of some top-notch comic book-related films from this past summer in stores, including The Incredible Hulk, Hellboy 2: The Golden Army, Wanted, Iron Man, and The Dark Knight.

But of course that's just the new releases. There are dozens more in the genre to choose from as well. Newsarama thought we'd take the occasion to look at the Top 10 Best Comic Book-Based Movies of All Time, from #10 all the way down to #1.

10. A History of Violence (2005)

Studio: New Line. Director: David Cronenberg. Stars: Viggo Mortensen, Maria Bello, Ed Harris.

What Makes It Great:

"History" gets the slight nod over a couple of other films in their own little comic book movie sub-genre - the comic book movies very few people know are comic book movies, which includes "Road to Perdition" and "Ghost World".

More loosely based on the 1997 graphic novel from DC's defunct Paradox Press imprint than adapted from it, “History” is that – one man’s history of violence refusing to let him go, no matter what he does to push it away or hide from it. Mortensen offers up an amazing performance as a man trying to keep a monster inside him, but in a much more realistic manner than any Hulk story ever did. This overlooked gem that forged the bond between Mortensen and Cronenberg (see "Eastern Promises") is worth seeking out if not for its graphic novel roots, then for the fact that it’s a damn fine film.

Stand-Out Scene:

The final fight at William Hurt’s house is classic, not only in that Mortensten finally surrenders to himself, but also due to the fact that Hurt’s expression of incredulity makes the violence around him a little easier to take. And of course, the ending will have you screaming for more. With most viewers, we mean that literally.

9. Batman (1989)

Studio: Warner Bros. Director: Tim Burton. Stars: Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson, Kim Basinger.

What Makes It Great:

Almost lost in the wash between the triumph of Christopher Nolan's latest two Batman epics (more on those later) and the stink of the two near franchise-killing Joel Schumacher entries is the fact that Tim Burton's first effort in '89 is a darn good movie and was the box office phenomena of its time.

Though now dated slightly by the back-lot exterior sets, the by-now way too familiar Danny Elfman score, and the heavy-handed inclusion of Prince songs (what the hell was that about?), Michael Keaton's Batman was a surprising but highly credible one, and Jack Nicholson's the Joker was a sensation.

And the film had a high bar to clear in its day. True-blue comic book fans were still newly basking in the glow of the original publication of perhaps the two definitive contemporary Batman stories, Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns" (1986) and Alan Moore's "The Killing Joke" (1988).

Stand-Out Scene:

Nicholson's presumably improvisational moment of making peculiar random noises to no one in particular before cracking up in the character's famous maniacal cackle.

8. Men in Black (1997)

Studio: Columbia. Director: Barry Sonnenfeld. Stars: Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones.

What Makes It Great:

With all due respect to the original "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", here is the film that announced not only to audiences, but to Hollywood itself that comic books were fertile creative ground that had much more to offer than just iconic Marvel and DC superheroes.

Loosely adapted from a relatively obscure comic book, "Men in Black" delivered a killer summer movie high concept (is it time to revive the franchise?), along with Will Smith's follow-up to the 1996 ensemble blockbuster "Independence Day", establishing him as a bankable (and soon-to-be the bankable) headline superstar.

Stand-Out Scene:

Though formulaic, the recruitment scene where Smith's New York street cop outsmarts and outshines decorated military men was the perfect showcase for Smith's breakout screen charisma.

7. X2: X-Men United (2003)

Twentieth Century-Fox. Director: Bryan Singer. Stars: Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Halle Berry.

What Makes It Great:

If there is a rule that sequels of films adapted from other media play better than the original, "X2" may be the movie that defines the rule. With all the origin stories, introductions of beloved characters, and establishment of the "mutant" premise out of the way, the film hit the ground running from its very first reel, relying on great moments from the comic books for inspiration, but without paying obvious, heavy-handed homage to them.

Stand-Out Scene:

Wolverine popping his claws and cutting loose on Stryker's solders during their attack on the Xavier Institute. On top of a rousing, well-choreographed action scene, it was the big screen moment hardcore X-Men fans waited decades to see.

Honorable mention goes to Magneto's inventive escape from his plastic prison cell, as well as the opening sequence involving Nightcrawler infiltrating the White House.

6.) 300 (2006)

Studio: Warner Bros. Director: Zack Snyder. Stars: Gerard Butler, Lena Headey.

What Makes It Great:

"300" makes the list mainly in observance of the "groundbreaking" rule. Aside from a solid script based on a terrific graphic novel by Frank Miller, a star-making performance by Gerard Butler, "300" will be remembered for its innovative use of green screen technology to a create an arrestingly new wholly virtual landscape that will likely prove highly influential in the genre over the next several years.

Sure, you might argue that the 2005 green screen panel-for-panel recreation of that other Frank Miller graphic novel "Sin City" came before "300", as did films like 2004's "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow", but the Zack Snyder-directed epic was the first nearly all-CGI box office hit, scoring over $450 million at theaters worldwide.

Stand-Out Scene:

What, you were expecting us to say anything other than the defeat of the 300? Even though you know how the battle will end, the spectacle and the emotion of Leonidas’ final assault hits deeply on a visceral level, making it a satisfying conclusion to the story, as well as an amazing four minutes of film. It also sets up a very satisfying epilogue, and hopefully, the seeds for the sequel.

5.) Superman: The Movie (1978)

Studio: Warner Bros. Director: Richard Donner. Stars: Christopher Reeve, Margot Kidder, Gene Hackman.

What Makes It Great:

The "groundbreaking" rule applies here again. "Superman" was arguably the first true modern comic book movie adaptation, and holds a special place in the hearts of an entire generation of moviegoers, not to mention the writers, artists, directors, and executives shaping Superman's adventures in various media today. While the special effects are of course now clunky by contemporary standards, the John Williams score remains an all-time classic, and the story and performances are solid and endearing.

Stand-Out Scene:

The helicopter rescue of Lois Lane atop the Daily Planet building. In a rare moment of movie harmony, the Metropolis bystanders' reaction to seeing Superman in action for the first time matched perfectly with the response from modern moviegoers - pure awe and joy.

4.) Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Studio: Sony. Director: Sam Raimi. Stars: Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Alfred Molina.

What Makes It Great:

Like its Marvel Comics cousin, "X2", the first "Spider-Man" sequel is just that much more satisfying than the very good original, and for largely the same reasons. Free of all the necessary exposition of the "origin story", "Spider-Man 2" just focused on telling a rousing action-adventure story.

And Alfred Molina as Doctor Octopus made a surprising, and much more effective screen villain than the original's Willem Dafoe as the Green Goblin, whose impact was impaired by being behind an expression-static metal mask during his confrontations with Spidey. Doc Ock had a more empathetic human quality, often the secret ingredient behind top-notch screen villains, and in turn the secret ingredient for great action films.

It also helped that the not-so-good Doctor didn't have to share screen time with one or two other villains, which seems to often be the case in superhero sequels.

Stand-Out Scene:

Forgiving the fact there aren't really any elevated subway trains in the middle of Manhattan, the CGI-driven chase/action sequence on Manhattan's elevated subway trains in one of the genre's most crafty and kinetic.

3.) The Dark Knight (2008)

Studio: Warner Bros. Director: Christopher Nolan. Stars: Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart.

What Makes It Great:

Perhaps one of the best reviewed comic book movies of all time, and certainly the most financially successful, a strong argument could be made to place "Dark Knight" in the top spot. But the reasons for its third place standing have more to do with the strengths of the Top 2 entries than any weakness on its own part.

It goes almost without saying Heath Ledger's final, transformative performance as the Joker is "The Dark Knight's" calling card. Nicholson's Joker was still very much Nicholson. Ledger disappeared into the role and completely made the 70 year-old character entirely his own.

The super-solid story, direction, and performances of the original mostly simply carry over here, although special mention also goes to Gary Oldman as Jim Gordon. While a small handful of actors in Nolan's two efforts received higher billing than the veteran character actor, he's the glue that holds them together.

Stand-Out Scene: With all due respect to Bale, Cain, Eckhart, et al, pretty much any scene Ledger is in, including the inventive bank robbery opening sequence.

2.) Iron Man (2008)

Marvel/Paramount. Director Jon Favreau. Stars: Robert Downey Jr., Jeff Bridges, Gwyneth Paltrow.

What Makes It Great:

It would be easy to just say "Robert Downey Jr." and leave it at that. But that wouldn't be fair to the film's secret weapon, director Jon Favreau.

Having already demonstrated considerable box office savvy with the holiday hit "Elf", which appealed to adults and children equally, here Favreau takes at best a B-list comic book character and crafts a story and characters with mass appeal. "Iron Man" plays equally well to the hardcore male comic book reader, as it does with woman, kids, and just about anyone that might not have ever read a comic book before. And he did it all the while staying very faithful to the comic books.

Favreau didn't rethink the core concept in order for it to make more "sense" to non-comics fans. He knew audiences would buy into the fantastical conceit of the armor and sci-fi elements so long as its human counterpart made them want to suspend their disbelief, and in that respect Favreau came up aces with Downey Jr., which was at first an unexpected and somewhat risky choice.

Stand-Out Scene:

Its very first. Downey Jr.'s hyper-witted riffing with the army soldiers in the armored jeep right before it's attacked not only set the entire movie's pitch-perfect tone, but immediately placed the audience in the palm of its star, where he held them steady through the closing credits.

1.) Batman Begins (2005)

Studio: Warner Bros. Director: Christopher Nolan. Stars: Christian Bale, Liam Neeson, Katie Holmes.

What Makes It the Best Comic Book Based Movie of All Time:

Okay, so why "Batman Begins" over "The Dark Knight", when the latter has all the Academy buzz and box office clout? By re-invoking the "groundbreaking" rule one last time (a decision we can maybe revisit if "Dark Knight" takes home some of those Oscars). And what ground did "Batman Begins" break? It was the first comic book superhero movie that didn't play like a comic book superhero movie.

Executed almost entirely without even a trace of camp, "Begins" runs over an hour before a costumed Batman makes a first appearance, yet even the most hardcore comic book fan couldn't complain. Almost more "Bourne" than Batman, "Begins" opened the comic book-superhero genre to not necessarily a bigger audience, but definitely a broader one.

Need proof?

Consider "Batman Begins" made $205 million in its theatrical life, compared with "Dark Knight's" $530 million. While some of the sequel's strikingly superior box office performance can be attributed to the aforementioned Ledger-factor, much of the credit should also go to the then Bat-weary audience "Begins" actually drew to the franchise over the three years in-between on DVD, Pay-Per-View, and cable - a home video audience so enthralled they were motivated to go see the sequel at the theater.

Ledger or not, "The Dark Knight" was always poised to be a monster hit because of "Batman Begins" post-box office trailblazing.

Stand-Out Scene:

Christian Bale claiming the Batman role as wholly his own with his growling, high-wire interrogation of Flass, or the artfully directed Batmobile car chase, one of best put on film since the car chase heyday of the 70's.

So that's our list. No doubt some of you disagree with our rankings or thought we missed the boat on some films entirely. As always, feel free to let us know and share your own lists with your fellow fans...
Posted By: rex Re: Top 10 Comic Book-Based Movies of All Time - 2008-11-29 3:35 PM
They say Batman begins and Iron Man are better than The Dark Knight? I think we should raid them for having their own opinion!
How is Spider-Man 2 on there, but Sin City isn't? This list is laughable.
Because Sin City was a shit fest?
And Spider-Man 2 wasn't? Spider-Man 2 was cuh-RAPPY!
Catwoman was the best comic movie ever. Even if it was about a woman.
Posted By: PJP Re: Top 10 Comic Book-Based Movies of All Time - 2008-11-29 8:15 PM
I liked Spiderman 2 a lot.

I liked Sin City but didn't think it was the greatest thing ever. It was just ok for me.
I enjoyed Sin City, I have the dvd, but I think it's stiff and awkward in places and far from perfect. I think the next one (if it gets made) will be better for lessons learned making the first
I enjoyed Spider-Man 2, didn't think it was great but it was a nice super hero flick.

I tried to watch Sin City twice and could never finish it, I really wanted to like it, it seems like it would be my kind of movie, but it was so bland I couldn't finish it.
Posted By: rex Re: Top 10 Comic Book-Based Movies of All Time - 2008-11-30 1:04 AM
Spider-Man 2 was a great movie, it just wasn't that much greater than the first one. It was more of a continuation than a true sequel.
I thought Spider-Man 2 was much weaker than 1. I thought the scene on the subway and the ending were poorly done. I think 3 took the heavy-handedness of 2 and ran with it. Spider-Man 3 sucked whomodically.
I'm not so sure we weren't just so geeked to have a Spider-Man movie that one seems greater than 2 in retrospect.
I think 2 was better because of the character of Doc Ock. In one, the fight scenes between Spidey and Goblin were a little bland because of no facial reactions due to the full masks. Molina had the good fortune to be able to react with gusto.
 Originally Posted By: Steve T
I enjoyed Sin City, I have the dvd, but I think it's stiff and awkward in places and far from perfect. I think the next one (if it gets made) will be better for lessons learned making the first

 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
I enjoyed Spider-Man 2, didn't think it was great but it was a nice super hero flick.

I tried to watch Sin City twice and could never finish it, I really wanted to like it, it seems like it would be my kind of movie, but it was so bland I couldn't finish it.

I know some people here tend to like the man's work, but I think Clive Owen is a shit actor.

The only time I liked him was in Bourne Identity.

Jessica Alba sucks too. She has no personality.

Search your feelings you know these things to be true.

Look at what they make you give.
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
 Originally Posted By: Steve T
I enjoyed Sin City, I have the dvd, but I think it's stiff and awkward in places and far from perfect. I think the next one (if it gets made) will be better for lessons learned making the first

 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
I enjoyed Spider-Man 2, didn't think it was great but it was a nice super hero flick.

I tried to watch Sin City twice and could never finish it, I really wanted to like it, it seems like it would be my kind of movie, but it was so bland I couldn't finish it.

I know some people here tend to like the man's work, but I think Clive Owen is a shit actor.

The only time I liked him was in Bourne Identity.

Jessica Alba sucks too. She has no personality.

Search your feelings you know these things to be true.

The Marv sequences were pretty cool.
I'd agree with most of this list save for Spider-man 2, which I thought was weak.

I haven't seen Sin City so I can't comment.

But there's only a limited number of comic-based films out there anyway, isn't there?

Lets see:

Road to Perdition
From Hell
Incredible Hulk
Ghost Rider
The Rocketeer
Mystery Men
X-men 3
Blade (and its sequels)
The Punisher (both versions)

I'm not seeing much there that should be making any sort of list, other than a shit list.

Wolverine is coming of course but I'm not envisaging much other than a gore-fest.
Posted By: Rob Re: Top 10 Comic Book-Based Movies of All Time - 2008-11-30 4:50 AM
 Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves
I'd agree with most of this list save for Spider-man 2, which I thought was weak.

yeah, i think the list is pretty spot on -- i even like the ordering. my only complaint of any sizable level would be for the spider-man flick. personally, i think all three are crap, but the first one has some really great moments; namely peter learning of his abilities and hanging out in school.

i must admit, my memory has soured on iron man a bit. i only saw it the once in theaters, and wont catch it again til after i own the dvd, a requested christmas present. i still think it was the funnest of all superhero films in the past 10 years, and downey rules in the role. but the odd (forced?) romance, the non-climax (unrelated to romance), weaker overall story/villain, and a bit of the "power ranger" effect weigh on the memory. though, from what i remember of the first half (or whatever, til he builds the first suit) were friggin awesome; and perhaps awesome-enough that i could easily overlook some of the otherwise more major gripes.

in a similar vein, watching superman again quasi recently pointed out a few modern day flaws that i of course never noticed as an 8 year old (dude), not the least of which is that it seems a bit long at parts. but just the whole iconic resemblance and intro and theme and all that just outweigh the bad by so much -- to the point where i could easily still rank that as a top 1, 2, or 3 spot.
Iron Man was my favourite this year. Its glorification of machinery somehow tied 1930s machine age sensibilities with the American love of the car with the Japanese big armour subculture. And with some controversial ethics - gunrunning is bad - and some real, quirky humour provided by RDJr. (I personally thought the romantic aspect of it with Pepper Potss' shutdown of stark was perfectly done.)

The only downside was the Ironmonger showdown, which was disappointingly played out and which the climax of which I hven't understood despite watching it three times.
btw I just watched Hellboy 2 for the first time tonight, pretty damn good as well. Not Iron Man awesome but still a fun movie.
 Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves

But there's only a limited number of comic-based films out there anyway, isn't there?

Lets see:

Road to Perdition
From Hell
Incredible Hulk
Ghost Rider
The Rocketeer
Mystery Men
X-men 3
Blade (and its sequels)
The Punisher (both versions)

Well, there's also Ghost World, Virus (starring Jamie Lee Curtis), Barb Wire (bleh!), the TMNT franchise, MIB, Spawn (also bleh!), Alien vs. Predator (though that one's kind of arguable) and a few others I can't remember off the top of my head. And let's not forget comic strips that have been adapted into movies, such as Annie, Dick Tracy, Brenda Starr, The Phantom, and Flash Gordon.
I actually enjoyed Spawn. It's also the only movie where John Leguizamo was able to make me laugh.
Oh, forgot The Prestige and 30 Days of Night.
The Prestige was a book.
A quick search on wikipedia shows you're right. I saw the credits, saw "Christopher Priest" and thought of noted comic book writer. I didn't realize there was a British author by the same name....
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Top 10 Comic Book-Based Movies of All Time - 2008-11-30 11:21 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
It was more of a continuation than a true sequel.

Uh...a sequel is a continuation...
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Top 10 Comic Book-Based Movies of All Time - 2008-11-30 11:24 AM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
I enjoyed Spider-Man 2, didn't think it was great but it was a nice super hero flick.

Except for Tobey's whining, I thought it did a good job with the Spider-Man character.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Top 10 Comic Book-Based Movies of All Time - 2008-11-30 11:26 AM
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53

I know some people here tend to like the man's work, but I think Clive Owen is a shit actor.

In a way he reminds me of Steven Segal in his acting. Especially in Shoot 'em up, he's never really in a situation where you think he'll fall.
Posted By: rex Re: Top 10 Comic Book-Based Movies of All Time - 2008-11-30 12:03 PM
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
 Originally Posted By: rex
It was more of a continuation than a true sequel.

Uh...a sequel is a continuation...

It didn't do enough to set it apart as its own movie. I'm not saying its a bad thing but I thought the first one raised the bar for comic book movies and I was hoping the sequel would raise it again.
Like Breakin 2, did for break dance movies...
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53

I know some people here tend to like the man's work, but I think Clive Owen is a shit actor.

In a way he reminds me of Steven Segal in his acting. Especially in Shoot 'em up, he's never really in a situation where you think he'll fall.

You do realise Shoot em up was a parody?
As with most lists, this list is worthless as everyones opinion will differ.
Some people liked Sin City, some didnt, just like the people who compiled this list.

Some people liked Spidey 2, some didnt.

I am sure some people here would rate films like Daredevil or Fantastic 4 above some on this list, just as some people her would say this list is in completely the wrong order.

I think the only thing most people will all agree on is that the list for worst comic based movies would be topped by Elektra and Catwoman.
I'd rather watch Turkish Spiderman vs Turkish Captain America, than those two!
The turkish spiderman was badass. He killed a woman by burying her body in the sand and sticking a boat propeller in her face.
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53

I know some people here tend to like the man's work, but I think Clive Owen is a shit actor.

In a way he reminds me of Steven Segal in his acting. Especially in Shoot 'em up, he's never really in a situation where you think he'll fall.

You do realise Shoot em up was a parody?

I liked Shoot Em Up.

Clive Owen was perfect for it.

Don't get me wrong I don't hate the guy, I know nothing about him, I just don't like the bulk of his work.
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman

I think the only thing most people will all agree on is that the list for worst comic based movies would be topped by Elektra and Catwoman.

Spawn was pretty terrible as well. You'd gotta think that would get the third spot, with Batman & Robin squeaking in at number 4.
Batman & Robin would be #1 in my book, having not seen Catwoman. B&R was so bad that I refused to let us play it on my shift back when I worked at a video/music store.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Batman & Robin would be #1 in my book, having not seen Catwoman. B&R was so bad that I refused to let us play it on my shift back when I worked at a video/music store.

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Batman & Robin would be #1 in my book, having not seen Catwoman. B&R was so bad that I refused to let us play it on my shift back when I worked at a video/music store.

Oh believe me, Catwoman and Elektra make Batman & Robin look like The Dark Knight!
I couldnt finish Catwoman and I could never bring myself to watch Elektra after seeing the trailers.
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53

I know some people here tend to like the man's work, but I think Clive Owen is a shit actor.

In a way he reminds me of Steven Segal in his acting. Especially in Shoot 'em up, he's never really in a situation where you think he'll fall.

You do realise Shoot em up was a parody?

I liked Shoot Em Up.

Clive Owen was perfect for it.

Don't get me wrong I don't hate the guy, I know nothing about him, I just don't like the bulk of his work.

I was talking to Jermery and the fact he doesnt realise that Shoot em up was exagerating every action movie cliche in the book, which was why he was so damn good at everything.
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53

I know some people here tend to like the man's work, but I think Clive Owen is a shit actor.

In a way he reminds me of Steven Segal in his acting. Especially in Shoot 'em up, he's never really in a situation where you think he'll fall.

You do realise Shoot em up was a parody?

I liked Shoot Em Up.

Clive Owen was perfect for it.

Don't get me wrong I don't hate the guy, I know nothing about him, I just don't like the bulk of his work.

I was talking to Jermery and the fact he doesnt realise that Shoot em up was exagerating every action movie cliche in the book, which was why he was so damn good at everything.

Betcha he missed the obvious references to the Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck/Elmer Fudd cartoons.
Jermery thought it was a serious drama film.
I thought Jeremy was seriously gay!
Then you thought correctly.
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
Jermery thought it was a serious drama film.

As opposed to hilarious drama films, like Schindler's List.
Making fun of the holocaust is bad form, Snarf. Why do you hate the Jews so much? Is it because of that curly hair they have?
I'm not making fun of the Holocaust. Schindler's List is not the historical event, but merely a representation of that event.
Wait... Are you now saying the holocaust didn't happen? I will not put up with such ignorance and hate, Snarf. This will not stand. Stop denying the tragedy of the holocaust. Stop being a Nazi sympathizer. And stop hating the Jews, Snarf. Just stop it.
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Are you now saying the holocaust didn't happen?

You're confusing me with Wonder Boy. I'm the one who thinks the Moon Landing didn't happen.
Roy Batty, please don't hold a grudge against the rest of us here for Snarf's hatred against your people.
Vince McMahon is a jew, you know.
And has hair.

All the pieces have finally fallen into place.
Posted By: rex Re: Top 10 Comic Book-Based Movies of All Time - 2008-12-03 2:32 AM
 Originally Posted By: whomod 2.0

You're confusing me with Wonder Boy. I'm the one who thinks the Moon Landing didn't happen.
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Roy Batty, please don't hold a grudge against the rest of us here for Snarf's hatred against your people.

Roy Batty is from the Moon?!? Wow!
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Vince McMahon is a jew, you know.

Not a practicing one, though. He follows the religion of McMahonism. (That was an actual wrestling storyline where Vince and son Shane feuded with Shawn Michaels and... God. The actual God. Vince booked the Almighty in a wrestling match. People in Greek myth were forced to push rocks up hills for eternity for that kind of thing....)
You know I could rent you out as a decoy for duck hunters?
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
Jermery thought it was a serious drama film.

As opposed to hilarious drama films, like Schindler's List.

Have you never heard of light drama?
You fucking moron!
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Vince McMahon is a jew, you know.

I am a faggot!

Sorry, but had to edit your post so it made some sort of sense!
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Roy Batty, please don't hold a grudge against the rest of us here for Snarf's hatred against your people.

Roy Batty is from the Moon?!? Wow!

First Snarf says that the holocaust never happened. Now he's saying that Jewish people are from outer space. Does your hatred know no bounds?
It's just more of Snarf's pathetic attempt to ape the whomod of six to eight years ago. Whomod already did the anti-semitism bit.
I'd slap you senseless but I can't spare three seconds.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Top 10 Comic Book-Based Movies of All Time - 2008-12-03 9:53 AM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Roy Batty, please don't hold a grudge against the rest of us here for Snarf's hatred against your people.

Roy Batty is from the Moon?!? Wow!

First Snarf says that the holocaust never happened. Now he's saying that Jewish people are from outer space. Does your hatred know no bounds?

Next he'll say the Insurgents actually won. Snarf, you need help.
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
Next he'll say the Insurgents actually won. Snarf, you need help.

That's ridiculous. I defeated the Insurgents!
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Top 10 Comic Book-Based Movies of All Time - 2008-12-03 10:15 AM
Han shot first!
Darth Vader is Luke's father!
Why is it that Jews like to watch pornos in reverse?
They like the part when the hooker gives the money back.
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
Next he'll say the Insurgents actually won. Snarf, you need help.

I am ridiculous!
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Are you now saying the holocaust didn't happen?

You're confusing me with Wonder Boy. I'm the one who thinks the Moon Landing didn't happen.

Why do you hate astronauts so much, you g'damn commie?

Posted By: Chant Re: Top 10 Comic Book-Based Movies of All Time - 2009-01-06 12:00 AM
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Batman & Robin would be #1 in my book, having not seen Catwoman. B&R was so bad that I refused to let us play it on my shift back when I worked at a video/music store.

Oh believe me, Catwoman and Elektra make Batman & Robin look like The Dark Knight!

 Originally Posted By: Jermery
I wish we had a media forum for things like this.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Top 10 Comic Book-Based Movies of All Time - 2009-01-06 3:38 AM
I keep hoping.
You are so stupid you got hit by a parked car.