Posted By: the G-man ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-12 11:59 PM
An ABC News editorial on its website admits what conservatives have argued all along: that the press is liberal:

    Like every other institution, the Washington and political press corps operate with a good number of biases and predilections.

    They include, but are not limited to, a near-universal shared sense that liberal political positions on social issues like gun control, homosexuality, abortion, and religion are the default, while more conservative positions are "conservative positions."

    They include a belief that government is a mechanism to solve the nation's problems; that more taxes on corporations and the wealthy are good ways to cut the deficit and raise money for social spending and don't have a negative affect on economic growth; and that emotional examples of suffering (provided by unions or consumer groups) are good ways to illustrate economic statistic stories.

    The press, by and large, does not accept President Bush's justifications for the Iraq war -- in any of its WMD, imminent threat, or evil-doer formulations. It does not understand how educated, sensible people could possibly be wary of multilateral institutions or friendly, sophisticated European allies.

    It does not accept the proposition that the Bush tax cuts helped the economy by stimulating summer spending.

    It remains fixated on the unemployment rate.

    It still has a hard time understanding how... President Bush's base remains extremely and loyally devoted to him -- and it looks for every opportunity to find cracks in that base.

    The worldview of the dominant media can be seen in every frame of video and every print word choice that is currently being produced about the presidential race.

While this is all obvious, it's a pleasant surprise to find it acknowledged so forthrightly by one of the major TV networks.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-13 3:03 AM
Posted By: D. McDonagh Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-13 3:04 AM
Mind you, if the entire news media in America was written and performed solely by PJ O Rourke, whatsisface Buckley, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and Adolf Hitler the conservatives would doubtless still whine incessantly about it having a liberal bias.
Posted By: Darknight613 Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-13 3:27 AM

D. McDonagh said:
Mind you, if the entire news media in America was written and performed solely by PJ O Rourke, whatsisface Buckley, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and Adolf Hitler the conservatives would doubtless still whine incessantly about it having a liberal bias.

I was going to stay out of this thread, but I've gotta speak up here.

I think that's going a bit far (especially comparing them to Hitler - that's crossing the line). But in all honesty, some people make it seem like the only people we get news and information from are liberals, and conservatives never get to express their opinion. There are many prominent conservatives out there who do get to express their views. What about:

Elliot Abrams, Kenneth Adelman, Gary Aldrich, Fred Barnes, Michael Barone, Robert Bartley, Gary Bauer, Tom Bethell, Tony Blankley, Linda Bowles, L. Brent Bozell, Richard Brookhiser, David Brooks, Tony Brown, Bay Buchanan, Pat Buchanan, William Bennett, Linda Bowles, William F. Buckley Jr., Tucker Carlson, Mona Charen, Steve Chapman, Linda Chavez, Lynn Cheney, Ward Connerly, Ann Coulter, Blanquita Cullum, Dinesh D'Souza, Midge Decter, Joe DiGenova, James Dobson, Lawrence Eagleburger, Larry Elder, Jerry Falwell, Andrew Ferguson, Suzanne Fields, Kelly Ann Fitzpatrick, Malcolm "Steve" Forbes Jr., David Frum, John Fund, Frank Gaffney, Maggie Gallagher, Rich Galen, David Gergen, Paul Gigot, George Gilder, James Glassman, Bernard Goldberg, Jonah Goldberg, Bob Grant, Ken Hamblin, Sean Hannity, David Horowitz, Britt Hume, Laura Ingraham, Reed Irvine, Terry Jeffries, Don Imus, Jack Kelly, Michael Kelly, Jack Kemp, Alan Keyes, James Kilpatrick, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Henry Kissinger, Morton Kondracke, Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, Lawrence Kudlow, Donald Lambo, Michael Ledeen, Ernest Lefever, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Gordon Liddy, Glenn Loury, Rich Lowry, Frank Luntz, Michelle Malkin, Mary Matalin, John McLaughlin, Michael Medved, Dennis Miller, Susan Molinari, Peggy Noonan, Oliver North, Robert Novak, Kate O'Beirne Bill O'Reilly Norman Ornstein, P.J. O'Rourke, Kathleen Parker, Richard Pearle, Howard Phillips, James Pinkerton, Daniel Pipes, John Podhoretz, Norman Podhoretz, Richard Poe, Dennis Prager, Wes Pruden, Ronald Radosh, Michael Reagan, Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, Abe Rosenthal, William Rukeyser, William Safire, Robert Samuelson, Debra Saunders, Phyllis Schlafly, Laura Schlessinger, Schnitt, Brent Scowcroft, Alan Simpson, Tony Snow, Joseph Sobran, Thomas Sowell, John Stossel, Andrew Sullivan, Cal Thomas, R. Emmett Tyrell, Ben Wattenberg, Caspar Weinberger, George Will, Armstrong Williams, and Walter Williams?

(Somebody sent this list to me a while ago, and I hung onto it just in case I ever needed it for anything.)

Of course there will always be some liberals with biases reporting the news. Just as there will always be conservatives with biases reporting the news. And there will always be moderates without bias reporting the news. But depending on what news sources you listen to and who's telling the story, you WILL end up hearing from both "sides" - even on the networks.

And to bring up an old argument, the words of a few do not represent the views of the entire media industry. The media is diverse, and people with all sorts of opinions are involved with it. Sticking a label on the media as a whole is no different than any other stereotype.

Also, there are some news stories where people see a bias that isn't there. I've heard people call articles on the Middle East anti-Israel, and others will call those exact same articles anti-Arab. So maybe our own perceptions (and maybe biases) shape the way we see the media? I brought this up in the thread about Mel Gibson's Jesus movie.

And one last point that I have to bring up: I've studied the media extensively, both in class and on my own. Whatever bias individuals may have, the media's bias is towards whatever will get them ratings. This country is mostly conservative, and for the media to stand against such a huge demogrpahic is pretty stupid, because people won;t listen to what they don't agree with. It would cost the media ratings and money to take a liberal-only stand and turn away the conservatives. It would be self-destructive. Which is why I've always been skeptical of the liberal media theory.
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-13 5:44 AM

Darknight613 said:
[What about:

Elliot Abrams, Kenneth Adelman, Gary Aldrich, Fred Barnes, Michael Barone, Robert Bartley, Gary Bauer, Tom Bethell, Tony Blankley, Linda Bowles, L. Brent Bozell, Richard Brookhiser, David Brooks, Tony Brown, Bay Buchanan, Pat Buchanan, William Bennett, Linda Bowles, William F. Buckley Jr., Tucker Carlson, Mona Charen, Steve Chapman, Linda Chavez, Lynn Cheney, Ward Connerly, Ann Coulter, Blanquita Cullum, Dinesh D'Souza, Midge Decter, Joe DiGenova, James Dobson, Lawrence Eagleburger, Larry Elder, Jerry Falwell, Andrew Ferguson, Suzanne Fields, Kelly Ann Fitzpatrick, Malcolm "Steve" Forbes Jr., David Frum, John Fund, Frank Gaffney, Maggie Gallagher, Rich Galen, David Gergen, Paul Gigot, George Gilder, James Glassman, Bernard Goldberg, Jonah Goldberg, Bob Grant, Ken Hamblin, Sean Hannity, David Horowitz, Britt Hume, Laura Ingraham, Reed Irvine, Terry Jeffries, Don Imus, Jack Kelly, Michael Kelly, Jack Kemp, Alan Keyes, James Kilpatrick, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Henry Kissinger, Morton Kondracke, Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, Lawrence Kudlow, Donald Lambo, Michael Ledeen, Ernest Lefever, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Gordon Liddy, Glenn Loury, Rich Lowry, Frank Luntz, Michelle Malkin, Mary Matalin, John McLaughlin, Michael Medved, Dennis Miller, Susan Molinari, Peggy Noonan, Oliver North, Robert Novak, Kate O'Beirne Bill O'Reilly Norman Ornstein, P.J. O'Rourke, Kathleen Parker, Richard Pearle, Howard Phillips, James Pinkerton, Daniel Pipes, John Podhoretz, Norman Podhoretz, Richard Poe, Dennis Prager, Wes Pruden, Ronald Radosh, Michael Reagan, Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, Abe Rosenthal, William Rukeyser, William Safire, Robert Samuelson, Debra Saunders, Phyllis Schlafly, Laura Schlessinger, Schnitt, Brent Scowcroft, Alan Simpson, Tony Snow, Joseph Sobran, Thomas Sowell, John Stossel, Andrew Sullivan, Cal Thomas, R. Emmett Tyrell, Ben Wattenberg, Caspar Weinberger, George Will, Armstrong Williams, and Walter Williams?

All commentators, with limited airtime and, furthermore, they are explicitly identified as "conservative" and as "commentators." The "liberal" press, as noted in the article cited, treats "liberal" as "non-idealogical and liberal reporters as "journalists" not commentators. Hence one of the claims of bias.


I've studied the media extensively, both in class and on my own.

Really? Me too. In fact, before going to law school, I got my masters and bachelors in communications and economics.

My studies indicate that the press skews liberal. Maybe not "Utne Reader/the Nation" liberal, but definitely somewhere left of center of liberal.
Posted By: Darknight613 Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-13 7:25 AM

the G-man said:
Really? Me too. In fact, before going to law school, I got my masters and bachelors in communications and economics.


I'm a Radio/Television Production major - a back-up to an acting career. I could've gone with the journalism track of the RTV program, since I like writing, but I figured the production track would give me more versatility. Besides, I don't like journalism because you can't be creative (well you can, depending on who you work for, but that wouldn't be right.) I learned how to write for news articles and televised news, and I can do it well if I have to, but it will always be something to do until I get to do what I really want to do (check out my website, if you want to find out more about what I've done and studied - the link is in my signature).


My studies indicate that the press skews liberal. Maybe not "Utne Reader/the Nation" liberal, but definitely somewhere left of center of liberal.

My studies never mentioned politics, actually. Every professor I ever had taught that when it came to journalism, we had to be objective and brush aside any personal biases. Any bias was wrong. We were also taught how to watch for bises so that we could learn what not to do. The only time I ever heard politics come into it was during a couple lectures about journalism, we were told that the point of having a constitutionally protected free press was so that the media could criticize the government. The press is meant to be the watchdogs of the government in order to keep the government honest. In theory, anyway.

I've also completed two internships for radio and television stations, and while there were a few people who held individual opinions and biases about current events, liberal and conservative alike, they kept their biases off the air and instructed me to do the same.

As for personal observations, I've seen a good deal of stories that portray the facts in a fair, objective light. I've seen some that demonstrate a liberal bias, and some that demonstrate a conservative bias. Most of the biases I see tend to happen in local news broadcasts, as opposed to national news.

And since I can only make observations and judgements about what I actually see, I can only conclude that there's no uniform bias throughout the media. I do not consider this to be the be-all-end-all definite conclusion of how the media works - merely an observation I feel justified in stating based on my own research. I'd be an idiot if I said that nobody in the media demonstrated a bias. I just don't feel that the biases represent the entire media as a whole.

There's only one thing about the media, I'll ever say for sure - if I doend up working in journalism, I will (try to) be 100% objective and fair. I'll make you a personal guarantee on that. Deal?
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-13 8:23 AM
If that's the case, good for you and your professors.

Unfortunately, a number studies have found that journalism students skew liberal. In other words, they were liberal before they began working as reporters.

And in a more recent study at Ithaca College, it was found that "the highest percentage of FRESHMAN students agreeing with prohibiting racist and sexist speech were in the (the College's) Roy H. Park School of Communications. Sixty-eight percent agreed [with censoring such speech]).


In other words, FRESHMAN journalism students, a group that one would THINK would be strongly in favor of ANY free speech, no matter how offensive, ENTER their program advocating in liberal poltical correctness and resulting censorship.

Also, you need to remember: if someone is biased, that bias can very easily color what they think is or isn't "objective."

Which is one of the points of this ABC News admission: the "mainstream Press" assumes that the liberal position is the nonideological one and the conservative position isn't.

Which is, itself, a biased view.
Posted By: Darknight613 Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-13 11:03 AM

the G-man said:
Also, you need to remember: if someone is biased, that bias can very easily color what they think is or isn't "objective."

Trust me, I'm fully aware of this. This is one of the things I mean when I say how an individual's ideaologies and backgrounds can affect their perspectives and the way they interpret the media.
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-13 9:48 PM
Looks like its not just ABC either...

Bob Arnot leaves NBC, calls Iraq coverage biased

    In a 1,300-word e-mail to NBC News president Neal Shapiro, written in December 2003 and obtained by NYTV, [NBC correspondent] Dr. Arnot called NBC News’ coverage of Iraq biased.

    Dr. Arnot included excerpts from an e-mail from Jim Keelor, president of Liberty Broadcasting, which owns eight NBC stations throughout the South. Mr. Keelor had written NBC, stating that "the networks are pretty much ignoring" the good-news stories in Iraq.

    That pretty much summed up Dr. Arnot’s attitude as well. In his letter to Mr. Shapiro, he wondered why the network wasn’t reporting stories of progress in Iraq, a frequently heard complaint of the Bush administration. "As you know, I have regularly pitched most of these stories contained in the note to Nightly, Today and directly to you," he wrote. "Every single story has been rejected."

    Reached at home in Vermont, Dr. Arnot said Mr. Shapiro was no longer interested in his kind of coverage.

    Dr. Arnot was not the first NBC employee to complain about coverage in Iraq. In fact, Noah Oppenheim, the producer of the Hardball series, a self-identified neoconservative and onetime producer for Scarborough Country, wrote an article for The Weekly Standard upon his return from his three weeks in Iraq, asserting that reporters rarely got out of the so-called Green Zone in Baghdad, and that they cribbed wire reports.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-14 4:55 PM
Some of this has been discussed in a prior topic here:

The liberal media

As discussed prior, when reporters are asked about their political leanings, or more specifically how they vote, it quickly reveals that reporters are consistently upwards of 80% liberal/Democrat.
If you have 10 network White House correspondents, and all of them voted for Mondale, and none of them voted for Reagan, how do you think that might affect coverage of the two political platforms?
And when you consider that Reagan carried 49 out of the 50 states in the 1984 election, how well do you think that ratio of liberal reporters in Washington represents opinion of the U.S. population ?

Now, I don't doubt that on many occasions, liberal reporters at least make the effort to be objective.
I also don't doubt that just as often, liberals deliberately slant the coverage to make the conservative perspective seem far less well-reasoned and persuasive than it truly is.

A few days ago, I wrote a long post criticizing AOL News' online article summarizing George W. Bush's appearance last Sunday on Meet The Press, an AOL news article/summary which again (consistent with the rest of the liberal press) blunted the logic and detailed responses Bush was giving, making his answers sound more like canned rhetoric and defensive denials, instead of the detailed answers he actually gave.
The AOL summary would say "Bush denied this" and "Bush denied that", instead of detailing his explanation of the logic of his decisions on the economy, Iraq, intelligence leading up to the Iraq war, and other issues.
My post to AOL's message boards was instantly deleted. Gee, what a shock.

Liberal reporters also pick photos of conservatives/Republicans for newspaper and online photos where they have their mouths formed in a funny way while pronouncing a word, that makes Republicans look stupid, whereas they pick more dignified photos of Democrats. I see this pretty consistently of George W. Bush and Jeb Bush.

Again, in the book Bias by Bernard Goldberg, a 28-year veteran correspondent for CBS News, he details in chapter 4, specifically pages 62-68, exactly what G-man was just describing:
How conservative politicians and scholars and senators are clearly labelled as "conservative views" or "conservative leaders", clearly labelling them as outside the mainstream.
Whereas liberals --even the most extreme liberal views-- are not labelled as being partisan, and are tossed out to the viewing public without any kind of liberal or extreme-liberal subtitle, to inform viewers that their views represent the opposite extreme of the political spectrum.
And by the liberal media doing this, they present liberal views as if they were mainstream views.
And they're not.

Which intended or not, is liberal bias.

Goldberg in his book says that to liberals, their view IS the mainstream. Because in their insulated liberal bubble that is New York City, where all the networks are based, virtually everyone is liberal. All their co-workers are liberal, most of their friends are liberal, most of the people they'd meet in the street are liberal.
All three major news networks are based in New York City, and they all are surrounded by people who share their liberal views.

Goldberg says that it would instantly change the ways news is covered, if they simply moved their network headquarters to Lincoln, Nebraska (one of the most conservative places in the United States). Because then they would be exposed to people from outside their liberal bubble, who'd have views different from their own.

What if, on an issue like abortion or the morning-after pill, the networks asked the opinion of a conservative women's group like the League of Women Voters (who the major networks never ask for an opinion, and are arguably a more mainstream source of women's views), rather than the networks' usual source for quotes, the ultra-liberal National Organization for Women?

But instead, the liberal media consistently portrays conservative women's views as uninformed, ignorant, outdated, and ultimately, outside the mainstream. And instead go to NOW (a liberal group at the far distant left of the mainstream, but portrays NOW as mainstream), for views on women's issues that match and reinforce network reporters' own predominant liberal perspective of the issues, onto the public.
Posted By: D. McDonagh Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-15 12:15 AM

What if, on an issue like abortion or the morning-after pill, the networks asked the opinion of a conservative women's group like the League of Women Voters (who the major networks never ask for an opinion, and are arguably a more mainstream source of women's views), rather than the networks' usual source for quotes, the ultra-liberal National Organization for Women?
But instead, the liberal media consistently portrays conservative women's views and uninformed, ignorant, outdated, and ultimately, outside the mainstream. And instead go to NOW (a liberal at the far distant left of the mainstream, but portrayed as mainstream), for views on women's issues that match and reinforce network reporters' own predominant liberal perspective of the issues onto the public.

You'd sooner they were asking men's groups about said issues? I'm sure Robert Bly would be all for crucifying any woman who dares abort her owner's foetus...
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-15 4:10 PM
Snide comments work better when one actually reads and comprehends the point being responded to, Mr. McDonagh.

Dave the Wonder Boy didn't advocate the press asking men's groups about abortion.

He asked why, on issues such as abortion, when the press wanted a quote from a women's group, the press always went to a liberal women's group to get that opinion instead of, sometimes, going to a conserative, or even non-ideological women's group.

Try addressing what Dave actually said, and discussing that point, instead of what you imagined his point was.
Posted By: D. McDonagh Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-15 6:08 PM
I'd imagine they prefer talking to a women's group who are pro abortion, rather than one who agree with the chimp that women aren't entitled to birth control.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-15 6:16 PM
you have alot of anger in you.....
Posted By: PenWing Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-15 9:39 PM
Well, I'd rather they spoke to all sides, and presented all sides, w/o bias, so that we, the American people, can make up our own minds, instead of them telling us what to think. And that goes for so called "conservative" press too. If a media outlet is labeled, then it's obviously not doing it's job, in an ethical sense.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-16 5:36 AM
Is this really a problem? The value of the news is dependent on it's truthfullness. That in itself holds things in check for the most part. Most people don't want one sided coverage, do they? Much of the complaining seems over fairly minor things IMHO.

Al Franken mentioned in his last book, a study that concluded Gore received more negative coverage than now President Bush.

I think its also important to talk about the system of conservative news sources that have been manipulating the media in the last couple of years if your having this kind of debate. Today was probably a good example of the conservative pit bulls Franken talks about. All the news shows I watched had a mention of John Kerry's rumored affair. No proof offered & not even an allegation but thanks to a couple of websights the media has a nice juicy soundbite. Oh & there is also the doctored photo of Kerry with Jane Fonda. Before that there was the botox story.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-16 6:04 AM
Well if Franken mentioned the study it must be true. He is a beacon of truth.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-16 7:11 AM
What has he lied about?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-16 7:16 AM
Read some of his stuff or listen to him.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-16 7:23 AM
I have and still ask what he's lied about? Is this general dislike because of the people he targets?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-16 7:28 AM
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-16 8:19 PM
As I recall, Franken was forced to admit to sending false letters to Attorney General Ashcroft in an effort to gather material for one of his books. He was also forced to admit to misappropriating official Harvard stationary as part of that self same scheme.

Neither of which would generally be considered acts of veracity.

Also, even if Gore got more "negative" coverage than Bush, that alone does not mean the press is not liberal. For example, how many of those "negative" stories were critical of Gore for not being liberal enough?

And then there is the question of quantification. For example, if one story was only midly negative about Gore (for example, calling him "stiff" or "uninspiring" as a speaker), while the other was strongly negative about Bush (for example, calling him stupid or unqualified or attacking his policies vs his personality), the mere fact that both stories were negative is not as relevant as Franken would like us to think.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-17 6:57 PM
I have found recently that while i do have "conservative" leanings...I prefer to not be conservative or liberal. I'm tired of both..tired of democrat and republican as well. Both extremes are ridiculous especially if they simply pander to party lines or idealisms. This is the area that is destroying our country (US). The 2 party system needs erased and a new social issue leaning..using your own brain... needs to be created.

I'm tired of people telling me what they need to do for me rather than me telling them what they need to do for me. We need problems solved..not problems created so they can be solved later.
Posted By: Grand Pooh-Bah Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-18 8:33 AM
Being a lib is mainstream and extremely cool. Conservative media should be locked away without trial for it has been already judged racist and ill for the simple minds of this country to hear for it makes them zombies and do things that are not in the favor of the one true god Kerry.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-18 9:07 AM
Is the ABC conservative or liberal?

Just curious to see into which camp the entity reporting this news falls.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-18 7:39 PM
Conservative, liberal...

Labels. Oversimplification.

It sells the opinions of people who would otherwise have nothing of value to say.

The wool is being pulled over everyone's eyes.
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-18 8:30 PM

Dave said:
Is the ABC conservative or liberal?

Just curious to see into which camp the entity reporting this news falls.

The entity reporting this, ABC, was including itself as one of the "liberal" press outlets.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-19 5:14 AM

the G-man said:
As I recall, Franken was forced to admit to sending false letters to Attorney General Ashcroft in an effort to gather material for one of his books. He was also forced to admit to misappropriating official Harvard stationary as part of that self same scheme.

Neither of which would generally be considered acts of veracity.

Also, even if Gore got more "negative" coverage than Bush, that alone does not mean the press is not liberal. For example, how many of those "negative" stories were critical of Gore for not being liberal enough?

And then there is the question of quantification. For example, if one story was only midly negative about Gore (for example, calling him "stiff" or "uninspiring" as a speaker), while the other was strongly negative about Bush (for example, calling him stupid or unqualified or attacking his policies vs his personality), the mere fact that both stories were negative is not as relevant as Franken would like us to think.

The Harvard & crank letters thing was mentioned in his book. Since he was a fellows at Harvard writing a book, using Harvard Stationary wouldn't be to unsurprising. The only thing he lied about was the letter portrayed him as writing a book on Abstinace Heroes & was asking for any great abstinance stories. Obviously a joke letter & not very shady at all.

I can understand questioning any surveys or studies, I'm sure you could find something saying quite the opposite. Gore did get some raw deals though. Items that should have been feathers in his cap were turned into negatives. His early support for the internet turned into a meglomaniac Gore creating the internet after going through the conservative news loop.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-19 5:10 PM

the G-man said:

Dave said:
Is the ABC conservative or liberal?

Just curious to see into which camp the entity reporting this news falls.

The entity reporting this, ABC, was including itself as one of the "liberal" press outlets.

But in Stupid White Men, the ABC is denounced as a conservative news network.

Who is a poor foreigner to believe?
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-19 9:38 PM

Dave said:

But in Stupid White Men, the ABC is denounced as a conservative news network.

Who is a poor foreigner to believe?

To Michael Moore, anyone not an out and out communist is a "conservative."
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-20 12:47 AM
after all the lies that have been proven that were in the columbine movie, i'd feel sorry for anyone naive enough to believe Moore...
Posted By: Darknight613 Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-20 1:41 AM

Dave said:

the G-man said:

Dave said:
Is the ABC conservative or liberal?

Just curious to see into which camp the entity reporting this news falls.

The entity reporting this, ABC, was including itself as one of the "liberal" press outlets.

But in Stupid White Men, the ABC is denounced as a conservative news network.

Who is a poor foreigner to believe?

Don't believe anybody. If you can't see it for yourself, how do you know the labels other people assign are accurate? If you can see it for yourself, you don't need anyone to label it for you.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-20 1:57 AM
Thank you Obe-Won.
Posted By: D. McDonagh Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-21 3:20 AM

To Michael Moore, anyone not an out and out communist is a "conservative."

Moore is hardly a communist, unless anybody who's even vaguely to the left of Senator MacCarthy can be so termed.
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-21 6:36 AM
Apparently, you come from a place where they don't recognize that the icon means a person is joking or being facetious.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-21 4:54 PM
Moore acknowledges in his last book that he reports to his handlers in Cuba every hour.

Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-21 5:47 PM
Seriously, however, Moore has admitted to being very, very, liberal.

So his idea of "conservative" is not the typical definition of conservative.
Posted By: D. McDonagh Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-21 7:30 PM
If you're going to make inflammatory statements, trying to hide behind an icon is a very lame cop out.
Liberals and communists are two different things. One group are very taken with Karl Marx, the other is composed of capitalists who don't like to see the untermensch getting shat on. Unless you can get your head around that detail, there's little point in your even trying to discuss politics.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-21 7:38 PM
why do people get their panties in such a bunch over wise cracks about moore? he's made a career out of making absurd comparisons of people he disagrees with, and when he gets cracked on you always have people chiming in your not fair!
Posted By: D. McDonagh Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-21 8:55 PM
I don't give a shit about that, to be honest. I was just pointing out that he isn't a communist and anyone who thinks that he is probably doesn't have any business talking about politics until they've worked out how socialists differ from liberals. Clear now?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-21 9:04 PM

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
why do people get their panties in such a bunch over wise cracks about moore? he's made a career out of making absurd comparisons of people he disagrees with, and when he gets cracked on you always have people chiming in your not fair!


D. McDonagh said:
I don't give a shit about that, to be honest. I was just pointing out that he isn't a communist and anyone who thinks that he is probably doesn't have any business talking about politics until they've worked out how socialists differ from liberals. Clear now?

Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-22 5:36 AM

D. McDonagh said:
I don't give a shit about that, to be honest. I was just pointing out that he isn't a communist and anyone who thinks that he is probably doesn't have any business talking about politics until they've worked out how socialists differ from liberals. Clear now?

I know exactly what the difference is.

A communist knows what he's doing and admits what he's up to.

BTW, if you're going to be anal retentive about political labels, should you be using socialist and communist interchangably?
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-22 7:45 AM

the G-man said:
Seriously, however, Moore has admitted to being very, very, liberal.

So his idea of "conservative" is not the typical definition of conservative.

That doesn't follow. Just because you swing to an extreme either way doesn't mean you can't recognise the spectrum on the other wing.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-22 8:20 AM
Snopes says:



I'm confused. The article says:


The first version published of yesterday's Note included what was intended as a SATIRICAL report of a fictional ABC News/Washington Post poll. No such poll was conducted. The questions and results listed were not from a real poll.

Does this statement refer to the text that follows it (i.e., about liberal bias in the media), or does it refer to something else that has since been removed (or appeared on a different page)?

- snopes

Looks like it was satire, folks.
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-22 3:57 PM
I think the message board people at Snopes are misreading the intro.

I think that what happened is that an ABC commentator published a satirical piece about an imagninary poll, as part of making a point of admitting their biases. Unfortunately, some readers took the poll as real.

As a result, the next day, ABC printed an "editorial" saying, in effect, "the poll was a fake/joke, meant to illustrate our point. Here is our point...the press, like anyone else comes in to the game with certain biases, etc. Please don't cite the fake poll."

Furthermore, if ABC was only joking about being liberal, why not print a SECOND clarification?

After all, this editorial has now been cited all over the place (mostly by conservative comentators) as 'proof' ABC was admitting the press was liberal: Wall St. Journal, Rush Limbaugh, G. Gordon Liddy Show, NewsMax, etc. Why would ABC want to keep this up unclarified, and handing their detractors ammo, if the piece was a joke?
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-22 5:03 PM
Have they?

Can't be arsed running a Google search. There must have been some feedback from ABC if there was this consequential stir.
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-22 5:25 PM
I just went back to ABC site and couldn't find either a retraction or clarification.

And the Wall St. Journal, where I saw this linked to in the first place, is actually pretty good about running corrections when they receive them. And, so far, nothing has run to indicate this wasn't legit.

As such, I still think it was serious
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-22 5:27 PM
Oh, and just to get sort of off topic for a second...

Previously on this thread, there was a bit of side discussion about Al Franken and the veracity of his book.

Here is a web site that purports to documents distortions, inaccuracies, etc., in Franken's book.


Judge for yourself.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-22 5:31 PM

the G-man said:
I just went back to ABC site and couldn't find either a retraction or clarification.

And the Wall St. Journal, where I saw this linked to in the first place, is actually pretty good about running corrections when they receive them. And, so far, nothing has run to indicate this wasn't legit.

As such, I still think it was serious

Its odd that such a piece was run with a "satirical poll" though. Maybe we should e-mail the ABC and ask them?
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-22 5:38 PM
It DIDN'T run with a satirical poll.

The satirical poll/piece ran THE DAY BEFORE.

The next day they ran a WHOLE NEW PIECE on the fact that the poll FROM THE PREVIOUS DAY was satirical and then explained how the previous piece was meant to illustrate that the press was liberal.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-22 5:42 PM
Now I'm confused, and keep thinking about pole-dancers.
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-22 5:52 PM
Speaking of pole dancers:

Cornell Dormitory votes to purchase dancing poll

    "When people hear 'dancing pole' they think of stripping," says Nick James '04, explaining why the approval of a $324 free-standing dancing pole might raise some eyebrows on campus. Risley Hall's "Kommittee," the representative body that vets such purchases at Cornell's arts-themed dorm, approved the purchase at a Feb. 8 meeting.

    "[Students] began researching this years ago, when there were other students in Risley who did performance art involving a pole," Kommittee chair David Schoonover '05 said.

    Robin Liu '07 thought the pole, like "make your own sushi at Appel Commons," would draw students to attend Risley events.

    "I guess it will be okay because it will draw people to Tammany on Friday," Liu said, referring the dorm's regular entertainment program.

    Spalding Warner '07 agreed. "Curiousity itself will draw people in," he said.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2004-02-24 8:37 AM

the G-man said:
Oh, and just to get sort of off topic for a second...

Previously on this thread, there was a bit of side discussion about Al Franken and the veracity of his book.

Here is a web site that purports to documents distortions, inaccuracies, etc., in Franken's book.


Judge for yourself.

You might want to check this out before coming to a conclusion...

Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2005-07-20 8:52 PM
Today's Wall St. Journal has a column that questions whether the media bias towards Kerry had the effect of defeating him:

    ..once Mr. Kerry won the nomination, he had--or seemed to have--something else going for him: the support of the liberal media, which loathed President Bush and yearned for his defeat. "The media, I think, wants Kerry to win," Evan Thomas of Newsweek said last July. "I think they're going to portray Kerry and Edwards--I'm talking about the establishment media, not Fox--but they're going to portray Kerry and Edwards as being young and dynamic and optimistic and all. There's going to be this glow about them . . . that's going to be worth maybe 15 points." Mr. Thomas later revised his estimate downward, to five points.

    If Mr. Thomas was right, then, Mr. Bush would have won re-election with a popular-vote margin of between 7.5% and 17.5% of the total vote--rather than the 2.5% he actually got--but for the liberal media. Yet there's a case to be made on the other side: that the liberal media actually helped President Bush, rendering the Kerry campaign ineffective by telling Democrats what they wanted to hear rather than what was true.

    [For example] Mr. Kerry's ... Vietnam story was, to say the least, complicated. He first rose to public prominence not for his exploits in combat but for his leadership of the radical Vietnam Veterans Against the War.

    These calumnies left many veterans angry and resentful, and they made it likely that Vietnam would prove to be the candidate's Achilles' heel rather than his silver bullet. One veteran quoted in "Unfit for Command" summed things up pointedly: "In 1971-72, for almost 18 months, [Mr. Kerry] stood before the television audiences and claimed that the 500,000 men and women in Vietnam, and in combat, were all villains--there were no heroes. In 2004, one hero from the Vietnam War has appeared, running for president of the United States and commander in chief. It just galls one to think about it."

    The Kerry camp evidently hoped the media would gloss over the candidate's antiwar activities, and for the most part, for many months, they did. One exception was ABC's Charlie Gibson, who in April 2004 confronted Mr. Kerry about the 1971 medal incident. Mr. Kerry answered evasively, then muttered into a live microphone that Mr. Gibson was "doing the work of the Republican National Committee." This was a telling comment. Mr. Gibson was, in truth, doing the work of a journalist: asking a politician tough questions. But Democrats expect the mainstream media to treat them sympathetically--an expectation that has ample basis in experience.

    Yet it's far from clear that such sympathy serves the Democrats' interests. Suppose that, once Mr. Kerry secured the nomination, the media had aggressively investigated and reported on his antiwar activities. The candidate would have been forced to respond. If he had been smart, he would have delivered a major speech in which, without renouncing his opposition to the Vietnam War, he repudiated and apologized for his decades-old slanders against fellow veterans. He might have concluded by saying of the Vietnam conflict, "I hope and pray we will put it behind us and go forward in a constructive spirit for the good of our party and the good of our country"--the words with which he ended a February 1992 Senate speech criticizing fellow Vietnam vet Bob Kerrey for trying to make Bill Clinton's draft avoidance an issue in that year's Democratic primaries.

    This surely would have gone a long way to defusing the issue. Instead, Mr. Kerry bet that the media's silence would carry him through to the election--and he would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for those meddling Swift Boat Veterans. A month after the Democratic Convention, they launched their first round of anti-Kerry ads, coinciding with the publication of "Unfit for Command." The claims that Mr. Kerry had falsified his heroics in order to win medals and an early end to his tour of duty were mostly unverifiable, and fair-minded Americans probably would have been inclined to give Mr. Kerry the benefit of the doubt. But the ads goaded Mr. Kerry into responding, which in turn forced the media to pay attention. Whereupon the Swift Boat Veterans turned their attention to Mr. Kerry's antiwar activities, on which they had him dead to rights.

    Then, in early September, CBS News aired its disastrous story on Bush's National Guard service. So eager were Mr. Kerry's supporters in the media to believe the worst of the president that Mr. Rather and producer Mary Mapes went to air with a report based on obviously fabricated documents, then stood by their story for an agonizing two weeks. Yet even if it had been true--or had gone undebunked--it's unlikely it would have made a difference. As the Washington Post's liberal TV critic, Tom Shales, acknowledged with hindsight in an Inauguration Day column, "It's common knowledge that Bush was a spoiled little rich boy who did not serve with any great distinction, so this story wasn't exactly a blockbuster."

    The CBS debacle marked the end of Vietnam as a campaign issue. In the remaining weeks before the election, Mr. Kerry talked a lot less about Vietnam and more about matters of contemporary concern. He performed adequately in the debates, and with the help of a massive get-out-the-vote effort he avoided a landslide defeat.

    After the Swift Boat Veterans and Rathergate, it must have been clear even to Mr. Kerry that campaigning on Vietnam had led him into a quagmire. If the media had treated his war-hero narrative with more skepticism in the first place, he might have reached this realization--and developed a better campaign strategy--much earlier. Conservatives love to complain about liberal media bias, and for the most part they're right. But they should count their blessings, too. Were it not for the media reinforcing the Democrats' spin, John Kerry might be president today.

This points out an interesting theory: the need for candidates of both parties to have both liberal and conservative media, not only to trumpet "their" side, but to help "test" them.
Posted By: magicjay Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2005-07-21 1:04 AM
I'm liberal (according to rex I'm a commie) and I don't see the media as being liberal at all. The reporters themselves may be but the guys up top with names like Disney, Eisner, Redfern, Welch, Hearst and Murdoch certainly aren't. And editors keep their jobs by seeing to it that the stories don't stray too far from world view of THEIR masters. Unless it will make lots of money.

I'd like to see a return to the days of yesteryear when the media outlets were highly partisan. Each city had a liberal paper and a conservative paper. If you wanted balance you could read them both. Let the reader decide whom to believe. Objectivety in media means bland stories without context. I'll take bias, thank you, preferably from both sides. Then you could see things on TV Bill Buckley getting angry and calling Gore Vidal a 'little faggot' on ABC.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2005-07-21 1:29 AM
I like news that presents both sides. The I can look at the issue in its entirety and take a bias liberal stance.
Posted By: magicjay Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2005-07-21 2:00 AM

Wednesday said:
I like news that presents both sides. The I can look at the issue in its entirety and take a bias liberal stance.

True. But sometimes I like to get REALLY pissed off, so I read the Op-Ed page of the WSJ. Then I come here and chew on Pariah for awhile
Posted By: wannabuyamonkey Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2005-07-21 7:43 AM

I'm liberal (according to rex I'm a commie) and I don't see the media as being liberal at all.

Well, duh. Forrest through the trees and all that.
there's no liberal bias, there's a money bias. All media is money-biased based on what will sensationalizeand sell. If it was Liberal Bias then there would've been no real Monica Lewinsky or Gary Condit coverage.

This whole Liberal Bias idea probably goes back to Nixon when he saw his poor ass being attacked for Watergate.

The only news outlet that I've ever heard of that was run politically was Fox. They're run by an ex-Bush sr. official, hire mainly conservatives, echo many White House policies overly-positive in their reports and trash a lot of Democrats. Watch Outfoxed. Even if you don't buy the testimony of ex-employees, look at the memos and the comiled news coverage, and listen to the opinion of Walter Cronkite in the movie of how reporting used to be done.
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2005-07-21 2:59 PM
The Press and The Public Are Worlds Apart

    The press and the public remain... "worlds apart."

    This split has been visible ever since a groundbreaking article 23 years ago in AEI's Public Opinion magazine. In it, academics Robert Lichter and Stanley Rothman presented results of a careful study of media elites. They discovered that from 1964 to 1976, 81 percent of journalists voted for the Democratic Presidential candidate.

    A later survey by Freedom Forum found that 89 percent of Washington-based reporters voted for Bill Clinton in 1992 and only 7 percent for George H. W. Bush. Meanwhile, 59 percent viewed the 1994 Republican "Contract with America" as a "campaign ploy," while just 3 percent called it a "serious reform proposal." The public disagreed, and the GOP captured the House for the first time in four decades.

    Today, the media and the public are drifting even farther apart. In the new Pew study, 34 percent of national journalists describe themselves as "liberal," compared with 22 percent in 1995. Only 7 percent of reporters say they are conservative at present. For the general public, the results are again reversed: 33 percent of Americans call themselves conservatives; 20 percent, liberals.

    On social issues, the gap is even wider. For example, the national press states by a margin of 91 percent to 6 percent that "belief in God is not necessary to be moral." The general public says, to the contrary, that belief in God is necessary, by a margin of 58 percent to 40 percent.

the G-man said:
The Press and The Public Are Worlds Apart

    The press and the public remain... "worlds apart."

    This split has been visible ever since a groundbreaking article 23 years ago in AEI's Public Opinion magazine. In it, academics Robert Lichter and Stanley Rothman presented results of a careful study of media elites. They discovered that from 1964 to 1976, 81 percent of journalists voted for the Democratic Presidential candidate.

    A later survey by Freedom Forum found that 89 percent of Washington-based reporters voted for Bill Clinton in 1992 and only 7 percent for George H. W. Bush. Meanwhile, 59 percent viewed the 1994 Republican "Contract with America" as a "campaign ploy," while just 3 percent called it a "serious reform proposal." The public disagreed, and the GOP captured the House for the first time in four decades.

    Today, the media and the public are drifting even farther apart. In the new Pew study, 34 percent of national journalists describe themselves as "liberal," compared with 22 percent in 1995. Only 7 percent of reporters say they are conservative at present. For the general public, the results are again reversed: 33 percent of Americans call themselves conservatives; 20 percent, liberals.

    On social issues, the gap is even wider. For example, the national press states by a margin of 91 percent to 6 percent that "belief in God is not necessary to be moral." The general public says, to the contrary, that belief in God is necessary, by a margin of 58 percent to 40 percent.

that's implying that reporters (real reporters) can't distinguish between their feelings and their job.

Reporters will vote. It doesn't matter who they vote for unless they leak out their feelings on the air.

The President's "brain" leaking confidential information is news.
A bloody war that is opposed internationally and has a mounting death toll is news.
A blow job in the oval office? That's less relevant. But the "liberal media" put more into Monica Lewinsky than either of the other stories.
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2005-07-21 11:30 PM
I can agree with you that reporters are simpletons who will readily latch onto stories involving sex regardless of politics.
Posted By: magicjay Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2005-07-22 12:27 AM

the G-man said:
I can agree with you that reporters are simpletons who will readily latch onto stories involving sex regardless of politics.

Remember guys, the only reason TV and news papers' have content is to get you to watch the commercials!
Posted By: wannabuyamonkey Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2005-07-22 12:54 AM

magicjay said:

the G-man said:
I can agree with you that reporters are simpletons who will readily latch onto stories involving sex regardless of politics.

Remember guys, the only reason TV and news papers' have content is to get you to watch the commercials!

Posted By: Randal_Flagg Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2005-07-23 1:57 AM

Remember guys, the only reason TV and news papers' have content is to get you to watch the commercials!

And remember that the majority of companies that pay for those commercials typically have conservative interests.
Again putting the liberal media meme to death, right-wing loon Ann Coulter explains to fellow winger Brent Bozell on the 7/26 Sean Hannity Show that Bush should appoint a more extreme Judge than Roberts to the Supreme Court because “we have the media now”. Audio.

One more:

Bill O’Riley:
“One major casualty in the war on terror is the liberal press in the USA. Don’t believe the right-wing ideologues when they tell you the left still controls the media agenda. It does not any longer. It’s a fact.”

That's right-winger opinion, not lefties. Still, continuing to call the media "liberal" does help to further move the middle more rightward.
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2005-07-28 3:22 PM
Did she mean that "the media is all conservative" or did she mean "we have a conservative media (ie, talk radio, columnists and blogs) that stands side by side the liberal one (ie, NY Times and major networks)"? Knowing Ann she meant the latter, not the former.
Posted By: Kaz Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2005-07-28 3:44 PM
Knowing Ann she probably assassinated a moderate photojournalist in the parking lot on her way in.
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2005-07-28 4:47 PM
Hey, that's not fair.

Ann maims, she doesn't kill.
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2005-08-20 8:18 PM
The Wall Street Journal has taken a look on how the media portrays the economy.

    The paradox of the year is why so many Americans tell pollsters they feel bad about an economy that's been so good, with solid job growth and corporate profits, rising wages and home prices, and a huge decline in the budget deficit. Perhaps one reason is because the media keep saying the economy stinks.

That's the conclusion of a study to be released today by the Media Research Center, which finds that so far this year 62% of the news stories on the Big Three TV networks have portrayed the U.S. economy in negative fashion. The "negative full length TV news stories on the economy outnumbered positive stories by an overwhelming ratio of 4 to 1," the MRC reports

The Media Research Center conducted this study and alleges:

    The federal deficit is shrinking, unemployment has fallen, and America has seen more than two straight years of job growth. But broadcasters have been describing the economy as “dicey,” “volatile” and “slow.” A Free Market Project analysis of economic stories on network evening news shows since President George W. Bush’s second inauguration showed negative news prevailing 62 percent of the time (71 out of 115 stories). That number was deceiving, however, because even good news often was portrayed as bad. In 40 stories classified as good economic news, journalists undermined the good news with bad 45 percent of the time.

    Good news was relegated to short reports, or briefs, 68 percent of the time, while bad news was treated with full stories. When briefs on both sides were excluded, the comparison of full-length news stories showed an overwhelming ratio: negative stories outnumbered positive ones almost 4-to-1.

A similar study last year to contrast how the media presented the economy when there is a Democratic and a Republican president in office:

    When GDP growth is reported, Republicans received between 16 and 24 percentage point fewer positive stories for the same economic numbers than Democrats. For durable goods for all newspapers, Republicans received between 15 and 25 percentage points fewer positive news stories than Democrats. For unemployment, the difference was between zero and 21 percentage points. Retail sales showed no difference. Among the Associated Press and the top 10 papers, the Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Associated Press, and New York Times tend to be the least likely to report positive news during Republican administrations, while the Houston Chronicle slightly favors Republicans. Only one newspaper treated one Republican administration significantly more positively than the Clinton administration: the Los Angeles Times' headlines were most favorable to the Reagan administration, but it still favored Clinton over either Bush administration.

Is anyone surprised by all these results? I think these findings are too large to be due to mere happenstance. I'm not saying that the reporters get together and say, "Hey, a Bush is president; let's convince everyone that the economy is doing terribly." But that is the template through which they view the news. They don't look at economic results as a point on a graph but as part of an overall story about where the economy is headed. And they have made up their minds that policies such as tax cuts will trash the economy. So, they're ready with the gloom and doom. As the WSJ writes:

    Media coverage of President Bush's tax cuts has been particularly slanted. During the 2003 tax-cut debate, three of every four major TV network news stories were negative. The favorite criticisms were liberal echoes that it would bust the budget and favor the rich. Earlier this year, a news story on National Public Radio announced that "as everyone knows, the primary cause of the budget deficit was the Bush tax cuts." No word yet on whom NPR is crediting with this year's revenue surge of $262 billion.

NPR doesn't need to give anyone credit. They'll just downplay the story or not even report it. It will be a brief blurb in the roundup of headlines and they'll resist the opportunity to explain how the tax cuts have helped create a increase in revenue. That will fit their pattern of talking about the shaky, greedy economy of the Reagan economy, the sinking economy of the G.H.W. Bush years, the thriving economy of the Clinton years, and the fragile economy of the G.W. Bush years.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2005-08-20 11:17 PM
Guess I don't see any big deal here. The Journal is also biased and has a slant. And when I personally start feeling the effects of this booming economy I guess I'd be more sympathetic. I'm guessing that wages in general have not kept up with inflation. I know mine haven't. I've been getting by with increased OT created by layoffs.
CNN'er: Katrina Victims Better Off Beheaded

    CNN's "American Morning" host Soledad O'Brien said Tuesday that Hurricane Katrina evacuees housed at the Superdome were worse off than beheading victims in Baghdad.

    The normally mild-mannered newswoman offered the overwrought observation while speaking at Redbook Magazine's "Movers and Shakers" awards luncheon in New York.

    According to the New York Daily News, O'Brien blurted out:

    "It is a sad thing to watch military veterans cry as they tell you the beheadings in Baghdad were less horrific than what they saw as 30,000 people marched from the Superdome through a shopping mall and onto buses to who knows where."

    Ms. O'Brien didn't identify the veterans who told her that Katrina victims would have been better off being beheaded.

Bush's poll numbers are in free fall, but CNN's Malveaux claimed they are improving

On the September 12 edition of CNN's The Situation Room, White House correspondent Suzanne Malveaux claimed that "we have seen poll numbers improve" ...

Media Matters
Posted By: the G-man Re: Cronkite: Americans are Stupid - 2005-10-05 9:04 PM
Washington Times:

    Former CBS anchorman Walter Cronkite, in an appearance Friday on CNN's "Larry King Live," said Americans are too dumb to vote for the right candidates. "We're an ignorant nation right now," Mr. Cronkite said. "We're not really capable, I do not think the majority of our people, of making the decisions that have to be made at election time ....in the selection of their legislatures and their Congress and the presidency, of course." ...... "I don't think we're bright enough to do the job that would preserve our democracy, our republic. I think we're in serious danger."
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Cronkite: Americans are Stupid - 2005-10-05 9:31 PM
I concur!
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Cronkite: Americans are Stupid - 2005-10-05 9:32 PM
It's just fortunate how most of those elections turned out in the end.
It's probably true that the press is not intentionally biased, but naturally constrained by its own points of view and what it deems, based on its own beliefs, is "news."

Here's a fabulous analysis of how a good picture from an anti-war rally covers up the truth of the rally. Is the rally all about some young, compassionate teen, who chose to articulate the statement "People of Color say 'No to War!'" during an anti-war rally, or was that teen a pawn in a crass, juvenile, extremist and communist party organized event?

Check it out below. It pissed off the folks at the San Francisco Chronicle.

Anatomy of a Photograph

Anatomy of a Photograph

An analysis of a single seemingly innocuous photograph, and the pervasive media bias it reveals.

My photo essay of the anti-war protest in San Francisco on September 24, 2005 was not the only report done about the event. A few other outlets ran their own coverage. But the one photo from the rally that was seen by the most people was this:

Why? Because the San Francisco Chronicle, which had the only mainstream media coverage of the rally, published this photograph on the front page of its Web site as a teaser for their article about the event.

Now, let's take a closer look at this image.

By chance, I took a photo of the same girl just a few moments later. Looks practically identical, doesn't it?

But you might notice that my picture is lower resolution. That's because it's a zoomed-in portion of a much larger photograph. I cropped off the other parts of the picture to get a close-up of the girl.

But what would happen if I hadn't cropped off so much? Let's take a step backward and reveal what the San Francisco Chronicle didn't want you to see.

Here's the same photo without as much cropping, revealing more of the context. You can see that the girl's protest contingent also sported Palestinian flags and obscene placards.

Now let's take another step back.

Here's my full original photo, uncropped. Now we can see that the girl is just one of several teenagers, all wearing terrorist-style bandannas covering their faces.

But, as you'll notice, the bandannas are all printed with the same design. Was this a grassroots protest statement the teenagers had come up with all by themselves?

To find out, let's take a look at another photo in the series, taken at the same time:

Oops -- it looks like they're actually being stage-managed by an adult, who is giving them directions and guiding them toward the front of the march. But who is she?

The last picture in the series reveals all.

It turns out that the woman giving directions belongs to one of the Communist groups organizing the rally -- if her t-shirt is to be believed, since it depicts
the flag of Communist Vietnam, which has been frequently displayed by such groups at protest rallies in the U.S. for decades.

The San Francisco Chronicle featured the original photograph on its front Web page in order to convey a positive message about the rally -- perhaps that even politically aware teenagers were inspired to show up and rally for peace, sporting the message, "People of Color say 'No to War!'" And that served the Chronicle's agenda.

But this simple analysis reveals the very subtle but insidious type of bias that occurs in the media all the time. The Chronicle did not print an inaccuracy, nor did it doctor a photograph to misrepresent the facts. Instead, the Chronicle committed the sin of omission: it told you the truth, but it didn't tell you the whole truth.

Because the whole truth -- that the girl was part of a group of naive teenagers recruited by Communist activists to wear terrorist-style bandannas and carry Palestinian flags and obscene placards -- is disturbing, and doesn't conform to the narrative that the Chronicle is trying to promote. By presenting the photo out of context, and only showing the one image that suits its purpose, the Chronicle is intentionally manipulating the reader's impression of the rally, and the rally's intent.

Such tactics -- in the no-man's-land between ethical and unethical -- are commonplace in the media, and have been for decades. It is only now, with the advent of citizen journalism, that we can at last begin to see the whole story and realize that the public has been manipulated like this all along.


UPDATE: This essay has caused such an outcry that the San Francisco Chronicle has now (on October 2, 2005) run a column about zombietime and the controversy surrounding the photo, defending itself from charges of bias. You can read the column here. (Someone at the Chronicle also wrote to me directly and rather brazenly requested that I update my site with a link to their response -- which I have just done -- although they purposely did not include a link to "Anatomy of a Photograph" in their column. They insist that I allow my readers to see the Chronicle's side of the story, but they won't let their readers see my side of the story. Again, the whiff of arrogance.)

Some of the Chronicle's defensiveness is the result of the paper's having been barraged by emails from zombietime readers, some of whom slightly misinterpreted a couple of points in my analysis above. Please note that I do not claim that the Chronicle cropped its photograph, which is obviously a high-resolution close-up and thus not cropped much, if at all; I only discuss cropping my photograph. I also didn't say that the Chronicle ran the photo on the front page of its print edition, but rather on the front page of its online edition.

Part of the Chronicle's attempted rebuttal is the claim that, since some of my readers jumped to the conclusion that the picture was on the front page of the print edition, this somehow constituted an "error" on my part that I refuse to acknowledge. I think that it should be fairly universally understood that when a Web site provides a link to an article or photo it is discussing, it is referring to the online version. Blogs and media-related Web sites deal pretty much exclusively with information and links that are online.

The Chronicle also defends itself by saying that its article about the rally did mention a few of the controversial aspects of the event. A defense which, to me, misses the mark on two counts: first, "Anatomy of a Photograph" was specifically about the Chronicle's photo coverage (and the decision to highlight one specific photograph), not about the textual news article; and second, its article only very peripherally referred to a couple of radical elements, and glossed over almost all of the extremism that was manifested at the rally.

And lastly, the Chronicle claims that the photo was chosen because it was visually arresting, not for any political considerations. And of course the photo is a good image, based solely on stylistic characteristics: the girl is pretty, and her face is in sharp focus.

But this brings up a larger issue concerning media coverage of these events. Newspapers and other mainstream outlets run photos that almost always fall into these four categories:

a. Wide shots of the crowd at a distance, in which individual messages aren't clearly visible. A good example is this photo in the Chronicle (oops, I mean: on the Chronicle's Web page).

b. Close-ups of individuals' faces, with no message visible -- as in this example from the Chronicle.

c. Human-interest images of people, in which the political aspect is peripheral or cut off, as in this photo.

d. Mid-range shots of people displaying "safe," non-controversial messages, like the one visible here.

Now, there's nothing wrong with any of these kinds of photographs; each, in its own way, is a valid type of image. But what media outlets rarely publish are the kind of photographs that I feature on zombietime: mid-range images focusing on individual protesters displaying their heartfelt (and often intense) messages. And that's all a rally is really composed of: thousands of individuals, each with their own messages. By showing them as an overall group, or by showing the individuals without their messages, or by showing only non-controversial messages, media outlets (probably unconsciously) influence the public's impressions of such events as being somewhat less disturbing and less politically radical than they really are.

Yet the public is hungry for the type of uncompromising, in-your-face photography that can be found on zombietime and similar Web sites and blogs, since we show the kind of images that simply can't be found in mainstream media outlets. At least 170 Web sites linked to zombietime's photo coverage of the September 24 rally. How many sites specifically linked to the Chronicle's photo coverage?

If the Chronicle is truly unbiased in its coverage (which I doubt rather strongly: I know several Chronicle staffers, and have been in the Chronicle offices, and I can say that there is -- as there is at most major newspapers -- a overall left-wing/"progressive" atmosphere at the paper), and if it wants to increase readership, then it should take a close look at how it frames and reports on certain issues. Whitewashing potential controversies, or lazily presenting unchallenged the narrative of people or groups it is covering, only leads to a bland paper and a bored readership.

Return to zombie's main September 24, 2005 anti-war rally page.

So the San Francisco Chronicle zoomed in to keep all the expletives on the poster out. What's the big deal?

Pariah said:

Posted By: the G-man NYT Misreps Dead Soldiers Views - 2005-11-04 7:08 PM

    The New York Times defended its treatment of a letter written by a Marine killed in Iraq as "entirely fair" yesterday, after days of complaints by the soldier's family that the story misrepresented the 22-year-old's beliefs.

    It was the first public comment by the paper regarding the controversial excerpt from Cpl. Jeffrey Starr's letter in a story published Oct. 26.

    In a statement, the paper said the article was "entirely fair and so, within it, was our presentation of Cpl. Jeffrey Starr."

    Starr's family has been critical of the paper for selectively excerpting the letter and ignoring a passage in which he praised America's war mission.

    Starr's uncle, Timothy Lickness, said: "It was not complete and it left a wrong impression."

    The article quoted only part of the letter — which Starr intended to be read by his girlfriend if he died — in which he wrote: "I kind of predicted this . . . A third time just seemed like I'm pushing my chances."
Posted By: the G-man America Bashing:Media's Favorite Hobby - 2005-12-07 9:57 PM
Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police. He takes the mainstream media to task for America Bashing:

    Look at the headlines of most US newspapers or the lead stories in broadcast or cable news, and you'll most likely see at least one story telling the world that the United States is corrupt and evil.

    Whether it's the war on terrorism, the Iraq counterinsurgency, the US criminal justice system or various institutions and organizations the left dislikes, you can bet the farm you'll see news stories, editorials, opinion pieces, and news analysis articles beating the bash America drum.

    And, unfortunately, when reading the newspaper of record, the New York Times, or the venerable Washington Post it's sometimes difficult to distinguish editorial from news story. Sometimes news reporters are cunning in how they are able to blur the lines between opinion and news so that most Americans are unaware they're being spoon-fed a hidden agenda.

    Take a story by the supposedly reliable Associated Press that was picked up by newspapers and TV news organizations throughout world. AP reported on the executions Friday of an Australian heroin trafficker in Singapore, and a murderer in the United States -- the 1,000th since capital punishment was resumed in 1977 -- and told readers and viewers that the two incidents revived international debate about the death penalty.

    Although the story gave the usual talking points of both sides of the capital punishment debate, what appeared striking was the fact that this widely published story likened the Singapore execution of a drug trafficker to that of a vicious, brutal murderer.

    Even the vast majority of death penalty advocates in the United States would never support capital punishment for drug traffickers. While a good case can be made that drug traffickers do contribute to the deaths of the hopelessly addicted, most clear thinking capital punishment advocates would not consider it a crime heinous enough for a death sentence.

    America executes murderers. And not just murderers, but the most brutal and vicious murderers in the nation. If after 28 years we've hit a milestone of only 1000 executions, that shows the US justice system utilizes the death penalty sparingly.

    The purpose of this news story was not to inform, but to convict. To convict the United States of being a backward, savage country akin to Singapore where caning is common, and death sentences are handed out for crimes in which no one dies. (Caning is the equivalent of flogging only instead of a whip a bamboo cane is used.) The two executions have as much to do with one another as the sentencing of a drunk driver and a rapist.

    The United States has witnessed a dramatic decrease in violent crime over the years. Midnight basketball or other feel-good programs did not achieve that. Tough law enforcement did. Meanwhile, the European countries -- France, United Kingdom, Germany especially -- so beloved of the US liberal media, are experiencing annual increases in their crime rates. Britain recently saw a female cop, an unarmed rookie, gunned down while answering a store alarm. The killing intensified the debate regarding the arming of British patrol officers. Yet, the British are not debating the issue of just punishment for the killing a police officer; they aren't debating capital punishment. Not yet, anyway.

    America is the most generous, the most compassionate nation on the planet. Americans, for the most part, are a caring people. But when it comes to heinous acts of murder, Americans concern themselves with the victims not with the murderers who've taken away from the victims everything they have and everything they will ever have. Only liberals -- including the majority of the ladies and gentlemen of the press -- are concerned with the treatment of murderers and thugs. And so, while they celebrate the routine killing of unborn babies, they oppose the execution of the most violent and brutal among us.
Posted By: theory9 Re: America Bashing:Media's Favorite Hobby - 2005-12-08 4:23 AM
No where in that editorial did he refute the idea that America is corrupt, and that we should take a closer look at ourselves in how said corruption should be addressed. People that gloss over problems help perpetuate their existence.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: America Bashing:Media's Favorite Hobby - 2005-12-08 6:12 AM
Corrupt like the deep thoughts forum?
Posted By: magicjay38 Re: America Bashing:Media's Favorite Hobby - 2005-12-08 9:27 AM

Jim Kour said:

The United States has witnessed a dramatic decrease in violent crime over the years. Midnight basketball or other feel-good programs did not achieve that. Tough law enforcement did. Meanwhile, the European countries -- France, United Kingdom, Germany especially -- so beloved of the US liberal media, are experiencing annual increases in their crime rates. Britain recently saw a female cop, an unarmed rookie, gunned down while answering a store alarm. The killing intensified the debate regarding the arming of British patrol officers. Yet, the British are not debating the issue of just punishment for the killing a police officer; they aren't debating capital punishment. Not yet, anyway.

The violent crime rate is a function of demographics. The higher the proportion of young males in a population, the more crime. As that segment ages, the crime rate drops. The high crime rates of the 70s and early 80s coincide with the young adulthood of the Boomers. As Boomers aged, the crime rate dropped. Expect to see a blip in rates as the Echos hit their stride. It won't be as big because Boomer birth rates were lower than their parents, reducing the numerator and increased life spans enlarge the denominator of the fraction.
Posted By: theory9 Re: America Bashing:Media's Favorite Hobby - 2005-12-09 2:48 AM

Pig Iron said:
Corrupt like the deep thoughts forum?

Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2005-12-20 4:12 PM
Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist
December 14, 2005

Contact: Meg Sullivan ( msullivan@support.ucla.edu )
Phone: 310-825-1046

    While the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal is conservative, the newspaper's news pages are liberal, even more liberal than The New York Times. The Drudge Report may have a right-wing reputation, but it leans left. Coverage by public television and radio is conservative compared to the rest of the mainstream media. Meanwhile, almost all major media outlets tilt to the left.

    These are just a few of the surprising findings from a UCLA-led study, which is believed to be the first successful attempt at objectively quantifying bias in a range of media outlets and ranking them accordingly.

    "I suspected that many media outlets would tilt to the left because surveys have shown that reporters tend to vote more Democrat than Republican," said Tim Groseclose, a UCLA political scientist and the study's lead author. "But I was surprised at just how pronounced the distinctions are."

    "Overall, the major media outlets are quite moderate compared to members of Congress, but even so, there is a quantifiable and significant bias in that nearly all of them lean to the left," said co‑author Jeffrey Milyo, University of Missouri economist and public policy scholar.

    The results appear in the latest issue of the Quarterly Journal of Economics, which will become available in mid-December.

    Groseclose and Milyo based their research on a standard gauge of a lawmaker's support for liberal causes. Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) tracks the percentage of times that each lawmaker votes on the liberal side of an issue. Based on these votes, the ADA assigns a numerical score to each lawmaker, where "100" is the most liberal and "0" is the most conservative. After adjustments to compensate for disproportionate representation that the Senate gives to low‑population states and the lack of representation for the District of Columbia, the average ADA score in Congress (50.1) was assumed to represent the political position of the average U.S. voter.

    Groseclose and Milyo then directed 21 research assistants — most of them college students — to scour U.S. media coverage of the past 10 years. They tallied the number of times each media outlet referred to think tanks and policy groups, such as the left-leaning NAACP or the right-leaning Heritage Foundation.

    Next, they did the same exercise with speeches of U.S. lawmakers. If a media outlet displayed a citation pattern similar to that of a lawmaker, then Groseclose and Milyo's method assigned both a similar ADA score.

    "A media person would have never done this study," said Groseclose, a UCLA political science professor, whose research and teaching focuses on the U.S. Congress. "It takes a Congress scholar even to think of using ADA scores as a measure. And I don't think many media scholars would have considered comparing news stories to congressional speeches."

    Of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center, with CBS' "Evening News," The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal.

    Only Fox News' "Special Report With Brit Hume" and The Washington Times scored right of the average U.S. voter.

    The most centrist outlet proved to be the "NewsHour With Jim Lehrer." CNN's "NewsNight With Aaron Brown" and ABC's "Good Morning America" were a close second and third.

    "Our estimates for these outlets, we feel, give particular credibility to our efforts, as three of the four moderators for the 2004 presidential and vice-presidential debates came from these three news outlets — Jim Lehrer, Charlie Gibson and Gwen Ifill," Groseclose said. "If these newscasters weren't centrist, staffers for one of the campaign teams would have objected and insisted on other moderators."

    The fourth most centrist outlet was "Special Report With Brit Hume" on Fox News, which often is cited by liberals as an egregious example of a right-wing outlet. While this news program proved to be right of center, the study found ABC's "World News Tonight" and NBC's "Nightly News" to be left of center. All three outlets were approximately equidistant from the center, the report found.

    "If viewers spent an equal amount of time watching Fox's 'Special Report' as ABC's 'World News' and NBC's 'Nightly News,' then they would receive a nearly perfectly balanced version of the news," said Milyo, an associate professor of economics and public affairs at the University of Missouri at Columbia.

    Five news outlets — "NewsHour With Jim Lehrer," ABC's "Good Morning America," CNN's "NewsNight With Aaron Brown," Fox News' "Special Report With Brit Hume" and the Drudge Report — were in a statistical dead heat in the race for the most centrist news outlet. Of the print media, USA Today was the most centrist.

    An additional feature of the study shows how each outlet compares in political orientation with actual lawmakers. The news pages of The Wall Street Journal scored a little to the left of the average American Democrat, as determined by the average ADA score of all Democrats in Congress (85 versus 84). With scores in the mid-70s, CBS' "Evening News" and The New York Times looked similar to Sen. Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., who has an ADA score of 74.

    Most of the outlets were less liberal than Lieberman but more liberal than former Sen. John Breaux, D-La. Those media outlets included the Drudge Report, ABC's "World News Tonight," NBC's "Nightly News," USA Today, NBC's "Today Show," Time magazine, U.S. News & World Report, Newsweek, NPR's "Morning Edition," CBS' "Early Show" and The Washington Post.

    Since Groseclose and Milyo were more concerned with bias in news reporting than opinion pieces, which are designed to stake a political position, they omitted editorials and Op‑Eds from their tallies. This is one reason their study finds The Wall Street Journal more liberal than conventional wisdom asserts.

    Another finding that contradicted conventional wisdom was that the Drudge Report was slightly left of center.

    "One thing people should keep in mind is that our data for the Drudge Report was based almost entirely on the articles that the Drudge Report lists on other Web sites," said Groseclose. "Very little was based on the stories that Matt Drudge himself wrote. The fact that the Drudge Report appears left of center is merely a reflection of the overall bias of the media."

    Yet another finding that contradicted conventional wisdom relates to National Public Radio, often cited by conservatives as an egregious example of a liberal news outlet. But according to the UCLA-University of Missouri study, it ranked eighth most liberal of the 20 that the study examined.

    "By our estimate, NPR hardly differs from the average mainstream news outlet," Groseclose said. "Its score is approximately equal to those of Time, Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report and its score is slightly more conservative than The Washington Post's. If anything, government‑funded outlets in our sample have a slightly lower average ADA score (61), than the private outlets in our sample (62.8)."

    The researchers took numerous steps to safeguard against bias — or the appearance of same — in the work, which took close to three years to complete. They went to great lengths to ensure that as many research assistants supported Democratic candidate Al Gore in the 2000 election as supported President George Bush. They also sought no outside funding, a rarity in scholarly research.

    "No matter the results, we feared our findings would've been suspect if we'd received support from any group that could be perceived as right- or left-leaning, so we consciously decided to fund this project only with our own salaries and research funds that our own universities provided," Groseclose said.

    The results break new ground.

    "Past researchers have been able to say whether an outlet is conservative or liberal, but no one has ever compared media outlets to lawmakers," Groseclose said. "Our work gives a precise characterization of the bias and relates it to known commodity — politicians."

h/t Wednesday
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2005-12-24 12:05 AM
Editor & Publisher, the newspaper trade magazine, carries a story under the headline " 'Impeachment' Talk, Pro and Con, Appears in Media at Last."

"At last"

Nope, no liberal bias there.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2006-01-30 9:56 PM

Do you want to fully understand why many people no longer trust the infotainment industry? Examine just this small sample from the Feb. 6, 2006 issue of Newsweek, in an article called Palace Revolt (emphasis mine):

Counsel to the vice president is, in most administrations, worth less than the proverbial bucket of warm spit, but under Prime Minister Cheney, it became a vital power center, especially after 9/11.

This is what passes for reporting today for Newsweek, and is not the only example of Democratic Underground-quality commentary in this group effort from Daniel Klaidman, Stuart Taylor Jr. and Evan Thomas.

There is one bright side, however. Unlike another shoddily-sourced, politically-driven Newsweek article, it does not appear anyone will immediately die as a result.

This time.

Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is partisan - 2006-01-31 7:16 AM
That type of thing is damaging to a news organization credability or at least it should be. To some extent I have to wonder if the success FOX has had with it's biased reporting has changed the rules. News may be becoming more driven by market/demographic factors than before.
Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2006-01-31 12:07 PM
Lets be honest. The press as a whole is shitty an without any real integrity.
Fox is the political one that has its little messages and supports Bush as blindly as they bashed Clinton.
The other big networks are more corporate. They follow the "if it bleeds, it leads" philosophy and have no interest other than to get their viewers to watch.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Press is Liberal - 2006-02-01 12:56 AM
Sure, Ray, surrrre...
Posted By: Killconey Re: Press is Liberal - 2006-02-01 1:13 AM

Captain Sammitch said:
Sure, Ray, surrrre...

Actually... I.... ARGGH!!! I have to agree with Ray!

That is the number one drawback to all mass media in my mind. Sources are either unabashedly political or are largely controlled by commecialism.

It's not as black and white as most conspiracy theorists would like to think, though. In order to be commercially viable, the media must maintain a high degree of accuracy. Now this doesn't stop them from occasionally spreading shit, the news is still fairly trustworthy. Hopefully this slight difference from Ray's post will keep my soul from burning in hell.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2006-02-18 6:47 AM
A television station in Minnesota is refusing run an ad supporting the war in Iraq because its managers don't like what the ad has to say about the media's coverage of the war, according to the Star-Tribune.

ABC affiliate KSTP in Minneapolis will not run the 60-second spot produced by the conservative advocacy group Progress for America Voter Fund because it complains that media only report bad news about the war. The ad is said to feature images of the 9/11 attacks and testimonials from soldiers who say it's better to fight terrorists in Iraq rather than at home.

KSTP General Manager Rob Hubbard doesn't like what the ad has to say about the media. "We know it's not accurate about how we approach our news and we didn't feel it was appropriate just to take someone's money. We weren't going to let them take a shot at us that wasn't warranted," he said.

I can't really fault the station for this. It's their business and they have a right to choose their advertisers.

However, it points up that the press is no different than any other business or special interest: they want to protect their own "brand" and their own credibility, more than they want an exchange of ideas.

Posted By: magicjay38 Re: Press is Liberal - 2006-02-18 9:35 AM
The only people that have freedom of the press are those that own one.
Posted By: Killconey Re: Press is Liberal - 2006-02-18 10:25 AM
Quite true.
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2006-04-26 6:07 PM

magicjay38 said:
I just wish there were a channel that offered a left-wing perspective.

That was a good one, Jay.
Posted By: magicjay38 Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2006-04-26 6:21 PM

the G-man said:

magicjay38 said:
I just wish there were a channel that offered a left-wing perspective.

That was a good one, Jay.

The mainstream press is at best MOR in it's perspective. I consider the networks center right. I want a news network offering the same kind of advocacy for the left that Fox provides for the right. The Guardian (UK newspaper) of the airwaves.

Why did you post this in a different thread? Not pleased with the way it was going over there? If the discussion is to continue, here is the entire text of what I said:


MJ said:

What's all this crap about fair and balanced? Facts are meaningless without context and interpretation. Fox provides a view of the world from a conservative perspective. It's Rupert Murdoch's crowning achievment (he is a newsman afterall) and the content reflects his philosophy. He keeps his hands off the entertainment enterpises and Fox produces almost all the fresh and provocative TV programming out there. I take Fox News with a grain of salt and I don't watch the commentary. I just wish there were a channel that offered a left-wing perspective.

Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2006-04-26 6:27 PM
At best, and I doubt even this, Fox is center right, with the other big networks being center LEFT.

As for why you don't have a network that provides far left advocacy, there's always "Air America." Of course, given its ratings, you apparently are somewhat alone in your desire for more of that type of advocacy journalism.
Posted By: magicjay38 Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2006-04-26 6:45 PM
What I'd like to see is a variety of perspectives. Network/cable news remaeiscent of the early 20th century where there were conservative, liberal, pre-fascist and socialist perspectives presented everyday. You apparently think of Fox with far greater generosity than I think of CBS, NBC or ABC. NBC is GE, CBS is Viacom and ABC is Disney. The views expresed are those of corporate USA. PBS represents the views of the permanent government in Washington.

The end result would be a better informed and politically involved public. We wouldn't want that to happen, would we?

BTW, Why did you move and edit my post?
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2006-04-26 7:19 PM
I didn't "move and edit" your post. I simply quoted it in a different thread. The original is still safely tucked away on the other thread.

I wanted to address you point about the need for a "strong left" voice in news on this thread, which is already about whether or not the press is liberal, as opposed to on a thread about the White House Press office, simply because there are a number of posts here that deal with that particular point of yours.

You raise an interesting issue about wanting "a variety of perspectives. Network/cable news remaeiscent of the early 20th century where there were conservative, liberal, pre-fascist and socialist perspectives presented everyday." Personally, I think that's a good idea...as long as the network doesn't try and pretend its not skewing the news.

I miss, for example, the old days where each city had two newspapers a "Democrat" one and a "Republican" one. In those days, the papers often went out their way to make clear where their allegiences lie, sometimes even putting their party affiliation in their title. Having news programs do the same thing would, I think, be a great idea.

Personally, I suspect that day will return. Given the rise of political magazines (National Review, the Nation, etc.), followed by the rise of political blogs, followed now by the coming of "podcasting," I wouldn't be suprised if we didn't soon see "internet" networks that do exactly what you want.
Posted By: magicjay38 Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2006-04-26 7:27 PM

the G-man said:
I didn't "move and edit" your post. I simply quoted it in a different thread. The original is still safely tucked away on the other thread.

I wanted to address you point about the need for a "strong left" voice in news on this thread, which is already about whether or not the press is liberal, as opposed to on a thread about the White House Press office, simply because there are a number of posts here that deal with that particular point of yours.

You raise an interesting issue about wanting "a variety of perspectives. Network/cable news remaeiscent of the early 20th century where there were conservative, liberal, pre-fascist and socialist perspectives presented everyday." Personally, I think that's a good idea...as long as the network doesn't try and pretend its not skewing the news.

I miss, for example, the old days where each city had two newspapers a "Democrat" one and a "Republican" one. In those days, the papers often went out their way to make clear where their allegiences lie, sometimes even putting their party affiliation in their title. Having news programs do the same thing would, I think, be a great idea.

Personally, I suspect that day will return. Given the rise of political magazines (National Review, the Nation, etc.), followed by the rise of political blogs, followed now by the coming of "podcasting," I wouldn't be suprised if we didn't soon see "internet" networks that do exactly what you want.

Holy cow, G-man! We agree! I'm not as optimistic about technology as you are but it's certainly possible.
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2006-04-26 7:33 PM
I should note, however, I do have a certain amount of concern over this possibility insofar as it could lead to a greater polarization of our nation, as people find themselves only getting their information from sources that reinforce their own prejudices.

I think you see some of that already with the internet and, especially, with blogs.

Republicans gravitate towards Free Republic, for example, while Democrats gravitate towards Democratic Underground. If those types of sites are the only place where each side gets their information, and if that trend continues to "broadcast" news, it can lead to a certain insular thinking and intellectual laziness that ill serves us as a nation.

the G-man said:
I should note, however, I do have a certain amount of concern over this possibility insofar as it could lead to a greater polarization of our nation, as people find themselves only getting their information from sources that reinforce their own prejudices.

I think you see some of that already with the internet and, especially, with blogs.

Republicans gravitate towards Free Republic, for example, while Democrats gravitate towards Democratic Underground. If those types of sites are the only place where each side gets their information, and if that trend continues to "broadcast" news, it can lead to a certain insular thinking and intellectual laziness that ill serves us as a nation.

I agree. I think they need to all work to have multiple news agencies who just report the blank facts, no selling the story or slanting it towards opinion. And no color commentary.
Posted By: magicjay38 Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2006-04-27 6:45 AM
What colour is the sky on your planet, Ray?
Posted By: wannabuyamonkey Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2006-04-27 7:38 AM
Me and Mj think G-Man and r3x are living in a fantasy world.... How's that for a haunting?

magicjay38 said:
What colour is the sky on your planet, Ray?

I agree its unrealistic, but I can still dream, can't I? I can dream of a world with a non-commercial media. Of a Walter Cronkite telling us the way it is.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2006-09-24 6:19 PM
When it comes to donations, at least one journalists' union puts itself squarely in the "liberal" camp.

According to the Associated Press, "the union representing Newsday's reporters and editors violated its own ethics by contributing money to politicians covered by the daily."

Recipients included Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy, the Suffolk chapter of the Working Families Party, the Islip Town Democratic Committee, state Assembly candidate Treewolf West and Islip Councilwoman Pamela Greene.

Only Greene is a Republican.

Newsday has admitted that the donations "could call into question how the paper covers the news," but insist that its staff of trained journalists were ignorant of the contributions.

Newsday is on of the fifteen largest newspapers in the United States, with approximately 481,000 readers. It is owned by the Tribune Company, a media conglomerate whose other holdings include the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times.

Unless you've been traveling the hinterlands with Borat the last few months, you probably already know what the Center for Media and Public Affairs is confirming today: that coverage of Democratic candidates during this campaign season is overwhelmingly favorable to them. Among the findings, as reported by USA Today:
  • Seventy-seven percent of on-air evaluations of Democratic candidates and members of Congress were positive during the first seven weeks of the campaign. Only 12 percent were favorable towards their Republican counterparts.
  • Coverage has been dominated by two major themes: the effects of the
    Foley scandal, and the impact the Bush presidency is having on the
    party's congressional candidates.
  • Because of the focus on Foley, the re-election race of House Speaker
    Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., was featured in 42 stories. Sen. Barack Obama,
    D-Ill., was featured in 10 stories, even though he's not up for
    re-election this year. Sen. Hillary Clinton's possible 2008
    presidential run was grist for nine stories.

The media really has kicked their efforts into higher gear in this go-round.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2007-01-09 10:22 PM
The New York Times ran a story Sunday about mutual funds that cater specifically to liberals or conservatives.

Interestingly enough, the Times failed to disclose the presence of New York Times Co. stock in the portfolio of The Blue Fund, which only invests in companies that make at least 51 percent of their political donations to Democrats.

But I'm sure those donations to Democrats don't reflect the political views of the paper.
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Press is Liberal - 2007-01-09 10:36 PM
Please. Like Republicans are hurting for campaign contributions...
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is Liberal? - 2007-01-11 4:29 AM

ABC shut down blogger who criticized violent rhetoric on one of its radio stations
Summary: The mainstream media have yet to report on the story of a blogger whose website was shut down after he began spotlighting inflammatory rhetoric common to several talk radio hosts on KSFO, an ABC Radio-owned station in San Francisco.
In 2006, a blogger named Spocko began spotlighting inflammatory rhetoric common to several talk radio hosts on KSFO, an ABC Radio-owned station in San Francisco. Spocko compiled a litany of examples on both his weblog, Spocko's Brain, and in numerous letters to corporations advertising on KSFO. He noted that KSFO hosts had claimed to have put "a bull's-eye" on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), advocated hanging various New York Times editors, called for the murder of millions of Muslims, and so on. This letter-writing campaign apparently got results, as major advertisers such as MasterCard, Bank of America, and Visa reportedly pulled their ads from the station. But as numerous blogs have noted in recent days, on December 21, ABC Inc., a subsidiary of the Disney-ABC Television Group, apparently issued a cease-and-desist letter targeting Spocko and his blog for copyright violation. Specifically, ABC alleged that by posting brief audio clips of various talk radio hosts on KSFO, the site was "in clear violation" of the station's copyright. The letter demanded that the owner of the site "remove the content immediately." Soon after, according to Spocko, his Internet service provider shut down his blog.
But while this story has received widespread coverage in the blogosphere, the mainstream media have yet to report on it.

Media Matters

Spocko is apparently now back up with a new service provider.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is Liberal? - 2007-01-13 8:34 AM

Morgan: "I've been the target ... of an effort by liberal bloggers to get me fired"
In her January 12 WorldNetDaily column, conservative radio host Melanie Morgan described herself as "the target ... of an effort by liberal bloggers to get me fired for engaging in what these far-left activists are calling 'hate speech.' " Morgan stated that this "move by liberal activists to silence conservative radio hosts comes after the failure of the left-wing Air America radio network." The column follows a brewing controversy involving a cease-and-desist letter apparently sent by ABC Inc. in response to Spocko, a San Francisco-based blogger who last year attempted to spotlight the extremist rhetoric common to Morgan and other hosts on KSFO, the ABC-owned Bay Area radio station that broadcasts her show. Spocko posted audio clips of some of their most inflammatory remarks on his weblog and highlighted these examples in letters to various KSFO advertisers. Media Matters for America has also posted several examples of Morgan's rhetoric, and included Morgan in a petition against "hate merchants" on the airwaves that has garnered more than 33,000 signatures to date.

Media Matters
You can take action at the above link.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal? - 2007-01-13 6:51 PM

Matter-eater Man said:
Media Matters

Desperate again, huh?

Or did Soros start to feel left out because you were being exclusive to RAW story these days?
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Tucker Carlson gone wild! - 2007-01-14 4:00 AM

A Clerk's Blog Spells Trouble

It all started with a simple video rental. Who knows where it will end?

Potomac Video store clerk Charles Williamson, 28, posted a message on his blog, Freelance Genius, Dec. 23 that described how he set up a movie rental account for MSNBC host Tucker Carlson at the MacArthur Boulevard store the day before.

"I could tell you what he and his ridiculously wasped-out female companion (wife?) rented if you really want to know," he wrote. "I won't tell you where he lives, though. That would be wrong and stupid." Williamson also joked that he wouldn't send 10,000 copies of Jon Stewart's best-selling political satire, "America (The Book)," to Carlson's home; Stewart ridiculed Carlson on "Crossfire" before the 2004 election.

A week later, Williamson had forgotten all about it, he told us yesterday. That is, until Carlson, 37, reappeared at the video store and, said Williamson, "got pretty aggressive." According to Williamson, Carlson confronted him about the blog and said he viewed the post as a threat to him and his wife. "He said, 'If you keep this [expletive] up, I will [expletive] destroy you,' " Williamson recalled.

Williamson said he agreed to remove the blog post and did so later that night: "All I remember thinking was I was worried about what this guy was going to do." He consulted a lawyer friend and was told he had probably not broken any laws. "What I said was pretty juvenile, I'll admit," he said.

In a phone interview Thursday, Carlson acknowledged that he approached Williamson in the store and said he was "very aggressive" because he wanted the post removed: "I don't like to call the police or call his boss. . . . I'm a libertarian. I'm not into that."

On Monday, Williamson said, his Potomac Video manager called and fired him. Williamson said he was told the company was threatened with legal action "and the owner doesn't like that." He re-posted the original Carlson item later that day. Williamson said he later learned that a man who identified himself as a lawyer for Carlson had been in the store and asked Potomac Video employees questions about him.

Posted By: King Snarf Re: Tucker Carlson gone wild! - 2007-01-14 4:14 AM
Tucker needs to listen that bowtie, sounds like.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Tucker Carlson gone wild! - 2007-01-14 6:38 AM

King Snarf said:
Tucker needs to listen that bowtie, sounds like.

Posted By: King Snarf Re: Tucker Carlson gone wild! - 2007-01-14 6:41 AM
Dude, I've been hopped up on all kinds of cold medicines for the past four days. Bear with me.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Tucker Carlson gone wild! - 2007-01-14 7:38 AM
You'll fit right in with the coherence of most of the threads in here!
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Tucker Carlson gone wild! - 2007-01-14 7:44 AM

Captain Sammitch said:
You'll fit right in with the coherence of most of the threads in here!


Captain Sammitch meant:
Wednesday is black and speaks in ghetto, I do not like him or his race of people. I also hate all ethnic groups. I am Sammitch, a racist.

Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Tucker Carlson gone wild! - 2007-01-14 6:41 PM
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2007-01-25 10:16 PM
Very interesting comments today from CBS News business correspondent Anthony Mason about the limited prism through which most journalists view big business in America:

    I think too often the business beat is "what are gas prices today?" and "who did those evil corporations fire?" or "what bad CEO is making too much money?" and business is almost viewed as the big bad boogeyman that's not doing enough.

    But the fact of the matter is, business is kind the fundamental underlying structure of society that makes it go, and you need to kind of look at it that way.

    there is certainly a lack of understanding...there might have been an institutional bias.

    I think a lot of people who come into journalism didn’t know much about business, and weren’t that interested.

    And I think that’s part of the problem – most of us are on the employee side of things, and not on the employer side. And there’s another side to it.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2007-01-31 3:12 AM
New York Times public editor Byron Calame has publicly admonished the Times’ chief military correspondent, Michael Gordon, for saying he thinks the US can win in Iraq.
Posted By: the G-man MSNBC: Press is 'Liberal' - 2007-06-21 8:19 PM
MSNBC and some other news outlets are reporting that journalists donate to democrats over republicans by a nine-to-one margin:

  • MSNBC.com identified 144 journalists who made political contributions from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign, according to the public records of the Federal Election Commission. Most of the newsroom checkbooks leaned to the left: 125 journalists gave to Democrats and liberal causes. Only 17 gave to Republicans. Two gave to both parties.

Not a terribly surprising story, given the obvious leftward tilt of the media's news reporting over the years. However, it is a bit more suprising to read some of the specifics of who donates, especially when the donations are violative of their employers' policies:

  • Randy Cohen...writes the syndicated column "The Ethicist" for The New York Times. The former comedy writer gave $585 to MoveOn.org in 2004 when it was organizing get-out-the-vote efforts to defeat Bush.

It turns out that "the Ethicist" isn't very ethical. The Times prohibits its reporters from making political donations:

  • some major newspapers and TV networks ...prohibit all political activity aside from voting no matter whether the journalist covers baseball or proofreads the obituaries. The Times in 2003 banned all donations

Also surprising to some may be the democrat donors who work at Fox News:

  • Codie Brooks, of Brit Hume's "Special Report," gave $2,600 last year to the Senate campaign of Harold Ford Jr., the Memphis Democrat. She said she raised much of the money from friends. "A lot of Fox employees have contributed to Democratic candidates," she said. "I know I'm not the only one."

Some of the journalists tried to defend the donation by saying the cash contributions were part of a process of openess and accountability:

  • One of the recurring themes in the responses is that it's better for journalists to be transparent about their beliefs, and that editors who insist on manufacturing an appearance of impartiality are being deceptive to a public that already knows journalists aren't without biases.

In principle, as I've stated before, that's not a bad idea. Unfortunately, as the article itself notes, the reporters aren't being transparent and, in fact, often go to great lengths to hide their donations:

  • Apparently none of the journalists disclosed the donations to readers, viewers or listeners. Few told their bosses, either.

According to the article, one reporter claimed his donations to John Kerry were irrelevant because he didn't cover U.S. news. He defined U.S. news so it excluded the U.S. war in Iraq. Another claimed that a donation was her husband's until confronted with the documents. A third claimed her father, not her, made the donation to a candidate, even though her "facebook" page showed her endorsing that candidate.

In short, the reporters aren't just biased, they are liars.

No wonder distrust of the media remains at an all time high.
you ever wonder why thre people who have to watch politics for a living and analyze everything that's done happen to decide that the dems are worth supporting?
or is this some liberal conspiracy for you? like wonderboy and black people theories?
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC: Press is 'Liberal' - 2007-06-21 9:20 PM
There's little, if any, support in the article for your idea that these people were reporters who became democrats.

In fact, if you read the whole article, one of the defenses that many of the reporters try to advance is that they don't cover politics and, therefore, their existing biases aren't tied to their work.
The article also noted that the Press has toughened up their rules in response to the conservative outcry. Now if you cover sports you can't donate to a political party because their bosses are afraid of being labelled as biased. I think it's dumb because their going to be labelled as biased reguardless unless their "fair" like FOX.
The loss of the popular vote while still winning the presidency.
His many vacation days.
Pre-9/11 bungling.
Appointing cronies.
Massive and embarrassing failures in Iraq that have turned the world from supportive to practically fearing we're turning into Nazi Germany.
Plame leak coming from his White House.
Using religion as a wedge.
The controversial nature of the patriot act.
The many criminal scandals involving his people.
Appointed cronies like Michael Brown.
Changing our surplus into a record deficit.
Ignoring the will of the people on Iraq.
Many many more issues and scandals.

Do you ever think that maybe the press goes after Bush or seems tough on Bush because there is a lot of stink coming from his administration? Or that they gave him a pass after 9/11 and he used that to get us into Iraq and now the press is being tough to make up for their failures?
Where was this "liberal bias" when Clinton was in office? I remember the media milking every problem he had, every investigation that ultimately went nowhere, they still milked it. If there was such a bias, they would've twisted it instead of focusing on all the details.
Fox News is the only network that shows a true bias. They attack critics of Bush and lob softballs at his staff, they use weasel words and those cute little questions at the bottom of the screen to spread the GOP playbook, and they do it shamelessly. Fox does speculative stories about how terrorists will bomb us the second the democrats win, or how John Kerry being elected may cause the stock market to crash. That is bias at work, not the reporter who asked Bush a tough question about a war happens to vote democratic.
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

...Fox News is the only network that shows a true bias....

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

.... donors who work at Fox News: Codie Brooks, of Brit Hume's "Special Report," gave $2,600 last year to the Senate campaign of Harold Ford Jr., the Memphis Democrat. She said she raised much of the money from friends. "A lot of Fox employees have contributed to Democratic candidates," she said. "I know I'm not the only one."....

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

...Fox News is the only network that shows a true bias....

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

.... donors who work at Fox News: Codie Brooks, of Brit Hume's "Special Report," gave $2,600 last year to the Senate campaign of Harold Ford Jr., the Memphis Democrat. She said she raised much of the money from friends. "A lot of Fox employees have contributed to Democratic candidates," she said. "I know I'm not the only one."....

So? I actually said that contributions don't necessarily mean anything about how they work. Fox news is incredibly bias.
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

...Fox News is the only network that shows a true bias....

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

.... donors who work at Fox News: Codie Brooks, of Brit Hume's "Special Report," gave $2,600 last year to the Senate campaign of Harold Ford Jr., the Memphis Democrat. She said she raised much of the money from friends. "A lot of Fox employees have contributed to Democratic candidates," she said. "I know I'm not the only one."....

So? I actually said that contributions don't necessarily mean anything about how they work. Fox news is incredibly bias.

As opposed to any other televised news outlet?
I already wrote my view on that out, but G-man cuts a quote and you respond to his cuts. Just making the debate run around in circles until the original point is lost. \:rollseyes
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC: Press is 'Liberal' - 2007-06-22 7:18 PM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
you ever wonder why thre people who have to watch politics for a living and analyze everything that's done happen to decide that the dems are worth supporting?
or is this some liberal conspiracy for you? like wonderboy and black people theories?

One thing I forgot to mention in response to this point. Waay back at the beginning of the thread, I already addressed this issue when I noted:

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
...a number studies have found that journalism students skew liberal. In other words, they were liberal before they began working as reporters...
people who look at the facts and don't like Bush have a liberal bias?

jeez, the problem is the word bias. you assume that if someone is liberal they will twist everything to fit their world view. that's ridiculous. as i said the "liberal media" covered Clinton with gusto, they like scandals because they equal money.
A lot of people find Bush troubling because there is a lot of death surrounding him.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man A Tale of Two Studies - 2007-06-23 3:37 AM
Fri, Jun 22, 2007 6:55pm ESTSend to a friend Print Version
"Media Matters"; by Jamison Foser
A Tale of Two Studies
Two new studies released this week examine the news media, in quite different ways and with vastly different efficacy. The Center for American Progress and Free Press teamed up to release The Structural Imbalance of Political Talk Radio, and MSNBC posted a report about political contributions made by journalists.
Conservative media critics, eager as always to discuss what is in the hearts and minds of journalists rather than what is actually in newspapers and on television, have seized on MSNBC's list of 144 journalists who "made campaign contributions from 2004 through the first quarter of 2007."
Matt Drudge hyped the article with his lead headline: "THE GREAT DIVIDE: REPORTERS GIVE DEMS MONEY OVER REPUBLICANS 9 TO 1!" On Fox & Friends, hosts Steve Doocy and Gretchen Carlson agreed that the study shows a "media bias in the country" and that it also showed there isn't one at Fox News:
DOOCY: And so what it comes down to ultimately is, you think there's a media bias in the country? Just look at the statistics from the FEC itself. And people -- reporters gave to Democrats nine times more often than the reporters would give to the GOP.
CARLSON: Yeah, but you know what I got out of the story, Steve? Was that actually coming home right here to Fox News Channel, I liked the fact that they did this report and showed that people who work here at Fox gave to Democrats. Because so often, we are accused of only being a Republican or conservative news channel.
DOOCY: It just goes to show you.
CARLSON: Fair and balanced.
DOOCY: Absolutely. Fair and balanced.
Any study that Fox News uses to demonstrate that it is "fair and balanced" probably has a flaw or two.
For starters, MSNBC found fewer than 150 journalists who have made political contributions. There were more than 116,000 working journalists in America as of 2002. The 144 who made contributions not only constitute a tiny fraction of American journalists, they cannot be considered a representative sample of the whole. Indeed, we know that they are un-representative of all journalists: They made reported campaign contributions, and their colleagues did not.
Furthermore, 144 journalists may be a tiny number, but it is also a grossly inflated one. As Matthew Yglesias noted:
This effort at ginning up controversy by revealing political contributions made by employees of media organizations seems fundamentally misguided. For one thing, no effort is being made to see if the people named have any ability to impact coverage of national politics. They have, for example, a former copy editor here at The Atlantic on their list, but what nefarious influence is she supposed to have had on the magazine's coverage?
Indeed, if you look at MSNBC's list, you won't find Tim Russert or Bob Woodward or Maureen Dowd. You won't see many contributions from reporters for CNN or The New York Times or The Washington Post or ABC News. But you will find sports copy editors for the New Hampshire Union Leader and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, a sports statistician for The Boston Globe, sports columnists for the South Florida Sun-Sentinel and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, and a sports editor for the San Jose Mercury News. Who dares even to imagine the liberal claptrap that must seep into coverage of the Fort Worth Flyers basketball games?
Yglesias also noted that, while Democrats may have enjoyed the occasional $250 contribution from a few copy editors, the media sector funnels far more money to Republicans via PACs:
I can tell you that in 2006, GE's PAC gave $807,282 to Republicans and just $474,118 to Democrats. In 2004 there was a similar division of funds, in 2002 "only" 60 percent of it went to the GOP. Indeed, as you can see here essentially every PAC in the media sector backed the GOP over the Democrats.
But the real problem with drawing conclusions about the media based on MSNBC's list is that it tells us next to nothing about the content of the news we read and watch and listen to.
Even if you believe that a contribution from a sports copy editor to a congressional candidate proves that more journalists are liberals than conservatives, it doesn't follow that news reports reflect a liberal bias. Indeed, as longtime journalist and Building Red America author Tom Edsall has explained, decades of attacks from conservatives have had the effect of turning even journalists who may personally be liberals into "unwilling, and often unknowing" conduits for conservative misinformation:
The conservative movement has been very effective attacking the media (broadcast and print) for its liberal biases. The refusal of the media to disclose and discuss the ideological leanings of reporters and editors, and the broader claim of objectivity, has made the press overly anxious, and inclined to lean over backwards not to offend critics from the right. In many respects, the campaign against the media has been more than a victory: it has turned the press into an unwilling, and often unknowing, ally of the right.

Media Matters
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC: Press is 'Liberal' - 2007-06-23 3:39 AM
We ripped that biased Media Matters study apart earlier, Chris.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Who gets the really big money? - 2007-06-23 4:01 AM
Reguardless of your opinion, MM makes some good points. Once again we have conservatives making claims that are not based on any actual press content but instead it's how a tiny fraction of 1 percent donated money.

Yglesias also noted that, while Democrats may have enjoyed the occasional $250 contribution from a few copy editors, the media sector funnels far more money to Republicans via PACs:
I can tell you that in 2006, GE's PAC gave $807,282 to Republicans and just $474,118 to Democrats. In 2004 there was a similar division of funds, in 2002 "only" 60 percent of it went to the GOP. Indeed, as you can see here essentially every PAC in the media sector backed the GOP over the Democrats.

That's some major money & some major bias!
Posted By: the G-man Press is liberal - 2007-06-23 4:13 AM
That MSNBC NEWS report must have you really spooked if you're resorting to posting Media Matters EDITORIALS again.

In any event, before you go too far with the canard that the big money from the media goes to republicans you might want to recall or reread earlier posts about how, for example, the heads of CBS/Viacom, ABC and CNN, just to name three, are all lefties.
And you might want to reread the part where I pointed out that just because someone is a liberal doesn't mean they'll lie or distort the truth to show some bias. But fox news is in bed with bush, has close ties with bush, and is very easy going on the president while attacking any critics.
Posted By: Pariah Re: G-man on the rag...again - 2007-06-23 5:50 AM
Actually, Fox doesn't really like Bush right now.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2007-06-23 3:40 PM
Ray keeps trying to turn the conversation back to Fox because he has no answer for the point of how many in the media are democrats.

But even his Fox argument is flawed.

On one hand, Ray says that Fox must be biased because "its in bed with Bush." On the other than, when faced with proof that 90 percent of all reporters are democrats (and, therefore, ideologically "in bed" with that party) he claims that doesn't mean they won't be objective. He's contradicting himself based on the party affiliation of the reporter(s) in question.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is liberal - 2007-06-23 4:14 PM
Perhaps you've talked about this but how do you feel about FOX G-man? Is that the network that gets it right or does that too also have a liberal bias?

What was the proof that 90% of all reporters are democrats?
Posted By: PJP Re: Press is liberal - 2007-06-23 4:27 PM
No matter what any liberal can ever say they have to at the very least acknowledge that Fox changed the way news is reported. I think it was for the better. Before Fox you would have a guest come in GOP or Dem and spin the interview any way they wanted with alot of bullshit.....Fox started having one person from each party/point of view to discuss/spin any way they wanted and let the viewers decide.....Fair and Balanced.

Since then almost every news program has adopted the same format.

The past year or so I have found myself gravitating back to CNN...not because of any bias...but they are simply reporting the news a little more fairly now and I like their anchors better. (kiran chetry switched to CNN so did I, plus Juliet Huddy left) MSNBC is more or less the same thing too now.......I'm not talking about guys like O'reilly Olberman or Blitzer or Hume.....they all have different types of shows and don't hide which way they lean. But more or less Fox made news reporting better for everyone.
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC: Press is 'Liberal' - 2007-06-23 11:53 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man

Randy Cohen...writes the syndicated column "The Ethicist" for The New York Times. The former comedy writer gave $585 to MoveOn.org in 2004 when it was organizing get-out-the-vote efforts to defeat Bush.
It turns out that "the Ethicist" isn't very ethical. The Times prohibits its reporters from making political donations


A newspaper in Washington state announced yesterday it was dumping the "The Ethicist" column of New York Times writer Randy Cohen after he was fingered for forking over campaign cash to the liberal MoveOn.org.

The Spokane Spokesman-Review had planned to start running Cohen's nationally syndicated column today but instead spiked his prose from its pages after learning of the payout.

"It would by hypocritical of us to run an ethics column by a journalist in violation of our own ethics policy," editor Steven Smith wrote online.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2007-08-11 5:33 PM
Novak's advice for conservative journalists

  • The veteran conservative journalist Robert Novak was on the Diane Rehm Show on Monday. He was talking about his 50 years in journalism, and talked about how liberal the profession is. He said that conservatives don't want to go into journalism, but for those who do:

    The advice I give them is to go into the closet. Don’t tell anybody you’re a conservative, because you’re not going to get the job, and you’re not going to get the advance.

    That's smart advice, I think. It is hard to convey how unfriendly, even at times hostile, American newsrooms are to conservatives, especially religious conservatives. I know a person who works at the very top of American broadcast journalism, who is literally afraid that her colleagues will find out that she's an Evangelical Christian, for fear of what this will do to her career. There are so few conservatives working in daily journalism that it's easy for stereotypes to be taken as fact by journalists. The thing that's striking to me, coming to the end of my second decade as a professional journalist, is not that the media are liberal, but that so many journalists have no idea how liberal they are. That is, they take their own political and cultural views as normative, because most of the people they know share those beliefs.

    I don't suppose I will ever understand how journalism executives will make such a fetish of "diversity" in hiring, but make no apparent effort to reach out to graduates of religious colleges, or other places where they might actually find people whose beliefs are consonant with a rather large segment of the public whose views are grossly underrepresented in newsrooms. As a purely business strategy, this makes no sense. Nor does it make sense for a publication that wants to report on the community as it actually is, in all its contradictions and complexities, as opposed to the community that one's ideology directs one to see.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is liberal - 2007-08-11 7:43 PM
I think it's funny that a guy like Novak who made lots of money being a conservative press person is acting like it hurt his career. It clearly didn't. I use to like Novak but now he just seems like a whiner. That is as attractive as when a liberal whines & mopes about unfairness btw.

There are conservatives in the media that I actually like that offer a perspective but they get overshadowed by those who are really less about conservatism & more about political propaganda. The media would do better looking for true balance than giving that crowd so much airtime IMHO.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2007-08-11 8:39 PM
That's not a completely invalid point about Novak's success.

However, Novak did begin his career many years ago, when it seemed as if the mainstream press was not so uniformly liberal. I took his comments to be directed at the younger people just breaking in, not the guy with 40-50 years of journalism under his belt.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is liberal - 2007-08-11 8:52 PM
Which way would you say the press has been moving towards since the 60's & 70's, more conservatism or more liberal? Novak & others seem to be ignoring that things have changed.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2007-08-11 9:50 PM
I think the traditional news outlets (NY Times, the big three networks, etc.) have moved to the left.

In turn, that leftward migration allowed the rise of non-traditional outlets for conservative opinion (e.g., talk radio, the internet).

However, as noted ad nauseaum in this thread and elsewhere, the media itself seems to label only one side of that dichotomy. Conservatives are labeled "Right Wing" and sent to the talk radio/cable TV ghetto, while liberals are allowed to wear the mantle of "mainstream" or "objective" and allowed to host the network news.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is liberal - 2007-08-11 11:34 PM
I really dissagree that the media has moved left especially since the 70's. For those of us who are older it would be interesting to see what others think. This was before FOX & when the Fairness Doctrine was in effect. Conservatives have been busy over the decades!

The labelling you refer to is done by the folks themselves who are quite proud to be conservative & it makes them money. (guess that makes them the drug dealers & ho's of the "conservative ghetto") If there are any that you feel are really mainstream, who exactly?
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is liberal - 2007-08-12 12:50 PM
Fox News and conservative talk radio are a direct result of liberal hegemony over the news media. Conservatives' alternate-media struggle to challenge liberals reporting only the liberal side of issues. Where conservatives were not able to give any counter-point rebuttal to liberal advocacy in the news media.

Again, refer to Bernard Goldberg's book, Bias, where a 30-year veteran of CBS news deconstructs how the news is slanted to a liberal perspective.

Goldberg points to the Reagan era as the point where the liberal media took a sharp left toward slanting the news.
One of several examples he cites is "homelessness" and how it was reported as a major crisis that was getting increasingly worse during the Reagan and Bush years. But suddenly when Clinton was in office, while there was no government action or decline in homelessness, the media ceased reporting it. How did Clinton stop the homeless crisis? He got elected.

The labelling of "conservative" and "right-wing" is by reporters, and not by conservatives themselves. And Goldberg points out that, on Sunday-morning talk shows and the broadcast evening news, that radical left wing liberals are not proportionately labelled, and that's largely because liberals reporting the news agree with the liberal radicals quoted.
To liberal reporters, including Dan Rather, these radical liberal views are "mainstream" or "middle of the road" whereas their perception of more conservative notions is that they are radical, and thus have to be clearly labelled as not mainstream.

I noticed a sharp uptick of liberal partisanship during the 1992 presidential campaign coverage, especially contrasting the Democrat and Republican conventions. Reporters glowed with enthusiasm in their reports of Clinton, Gore and the Democrat convention.
Conversely, they sneered at the Republican 1992 convention as boring, and tried to portray it as uninteresting and just repeating of old ideas, and often would have lengthy comments by reporters while key Republicans were giving speeches, and I would think: Get out of the way and shut up, let me hear him speak, so I can hear him and evaluate for myself what he is saying!

I felt the media helped Clinton get elected (with only 43% of the vote, I might add). If you saw Bush Sr live giving a campaign speech on CNN, his campaign arguments were persuasive and logical.
If you heard it soundbyted on the 6 o'clock news, Bush was defensive and repeating tired canned arguments.

And I think since November 2000, the liberal press has been more partisan than ever. Even before 9-11, the press portrayed Bush as an idiot, and portrayed his presidency as failed before he had a chance to enact anything.
As I said elsewhere, Ann Coulter's book Slander goes into how the media called Florida for Gore prematurely, and how that is estimated(comparing Republican voter turnout to the 1992 and 1996 elections) to have cost Bush a decisive 35,000 votes, that would have eliminated any question of Bush's winning Florida in 2000.
Coulter also tabulates how quickly states were called for Gore with a fraction of the votes counted, and how much more hesitantly any state was called for Bush, across all the liberal-dominated networks.

The liberal bias of the media was certainly made evident by several 60 Minutes stories in 2003 and 2004, where the author of every book critical of the Bush administration was given an infomercial on their program (Richard Clarke, Bob Woodward, Michael Moore...) where there was absolutely no challenge or counter-argument given of these authors' ideas, in anything resembling a balanced investigation of their allegations.
In the earliest ones, CBS neglected to even point out that the books were published by a subsidiary of CBS. Thanks to bloggers, they gave brief acknowledgement to this fact with the later books presented on their program.

And the ultimate example of partisan liberal bias, CBS/60-Minutes' forged letter expose about Bush's military service in October 2004, such an embarrassment that it finally cost Dan Rather his position as CBS news anchor.

It is only the appearance of seeming unpatriotic and looking like treasonous partisan assholes that the liberal media make the slightest effort to even appear to be objective.

Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is liberal - 2007-08-13 2:38 AM
Reagan & Bush gutted HUD & a couple of other programs in their first year that resulted in the number of homeless doubling. I see it a case of the cuts pleasing many conservatives but they of course didn't want what followed reported.

I totally don't agree that conservatives have lost ground since the 60's & 70's in the media. I would say it's just the opposite & that they've been busy building not only their own private clubs where balance isn't welcome but have also worked in being more effective using the mainstream media. All the while yelling charges of bias in an effort to bully the press.
Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man Re: Press is liberal - 2007-08-14 2:18 PM
Slander is a vulgar book. I've read the bulk of it (until I felt ill). It's full of hatred and ad hominem attacks. Every single point goes to how evil liberals are and if we just embraced the republicans then it would all be ok. There is not a single page of the book that doesn't spew anger.
Contrast that with Al Franken. His books are obviously bias towards his view, but his attacks are done with more a sense of mirth and satire rather than flat out insults. He also doesn't make the simplistic "black/white" assumptions Coulter does.
Now I dare Wonderboy to respond without calling me liberal or assuming that my post is part of a liberal hive mind.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is liberal - 2007-08-15 11:58 PM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
Slander is a vulgar book. I've read the bulk of it (until I felt ill). It's full of hatred and ad hominem attacks. Every single point goes to how evil liberals are and if we just embraced the republicans then it would all be ok. There is not a single page of the book that doesn't spew anger.
Contrast that with Al Franken. His books are obviously bias towards his view, but his attacks are done with more a sense of mirth and satire rather than flat out insults. He also doesn't make the simplistic "black/white" assumptions Coulter does.
Now I dare Wonderboy to respond without calling me liberal or assuming that my post is part of a liberal hive mind.

Considering the level of hatred, profanity, ad-hominem attacks and insults that you post on pretty much a daily basis here on RKMB, I find it laughably ironic that you would use the word vulgar to describe anyone else's writings.

I think I answered the rest of your remarks about Coulter in a previous post:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
  • Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said:
    Anne Coulter is a cunt. I [spent] about 20 minutes skimming Slander in a bookstore a few years ago. It's poorly written and no matter what page I turned to it just offered her opinions dressed as facts. It was like reading a Wonder Boy post. "Liberals are stupid here's why" "liberals lie", "liberals don't get it."
    She doesn't actually deal with issues, she just attacks the left for the sake of attacking them. Compare it to Al Franken's books which will attack a person for their actions and words. And her stuff has been shown to be poorly researched with a lot of lies. Check the endnotes on her books, there she fulfills the legal technicalities to avoid lawsuits but basically admits to misleading statements in the main text.

A liberal partisan who skimmed the chapter titles and didn't actually read the book would see it that way.

Certainly, I'd have to agree, she makes a number of sweeping anti-liberal partisan remarks that I don't take to be factual.
And as has been pointed out across at least two previous Ann Coulter topics, her more hyperbolic rhetoric often makes it easy for her more serious points to be dismissed by the left.
But these showy tactics also get her noticed, to some degree it's playful banter, and if she were such a poor writer, she wouldn't have an unbroken chain of five top-ten bestsellers.

For example, she reports how in the 2000 Bush/Gore election, using detailed statistics, how the liberal-partisan networks were quicker to call states for Gore than they were for Bush, with only a tiny fraction of the votes counted.
In particular, how Florida was falsely called for Gore prematurely, and that supressed Republican voter turnout by an estimated 35,000 votes (based on voter statistics from the two previous presidential elections in Florida).
And how these "stolen" votes by a partisan media would have decisively given Florida's electoral votes to Bush, beyond any possible dispute margin.
How Gore tried to suppress military absentee ballots int he re-counts, and other manipulations.
Not simply opinion.
Coulter makes her views with extensive statistical facts.

Coulter also compares conservative Phyllis Schlafly, and her lifetime acheivements, her scholarly works, and how she almost singlehandedly annihilated the Equal Rights Amendment, through her research, public speaking and other scholarly work.
And yet despite her achievements, has been snubbed and ignored by liberal reporters, liberal academics, and liberal feminists.
Coulter details in contrast Schlafly's achievements, as compared to the darling of liberal feminism, Gloria Steinem, who far from acheiving personal success, has been a financial and commercial failure, propped up by money from wealthy men she's had sexual relationships with, who make her appear far more successful than she truly is, and far from a model of female independence, is a kept woman. Unlike Schlafly.
Yet Schlafly is reviled by liberals, and shunned by liberal reporters and liberal publishers, while Steinem is exalted.

Coulter also details the biases of the liberal book-publishing industry, and demonstrates --again, through 40 years of extensive book-sales statistics-- that despite how conservative books statistically sell better than liberal works, they are spurned by the liberal book-publishing industry, who instead take great losses to publish the works of their pet liberal causes.
Smaller, less mainstream publishers distribute conservative works, and reap enormous profits.
Despite 4 decades of conservative book sales statistics, that show the wisdom of at least publishing a somewhat proportionate percentage of conservative works.

These are just three examples from Coulter's book Slander. That you choose to dismiss and ignore.

And how comedic that you would hold up Al Franken as a contrasting masterwork of "öbjectivity"and "research"! Whose only books I've heard of are Rush Limbaugh is a big fat ugly etc., etc. and Lying liars and the lies they tell or somesuch. Both have a sneering infantile namecalling nyah-nyah-nyah quality.
Coulter may indulge in partisan remarks at many points, but at least she has some extensive facts beyond angry insults to back up her partisan stance.

Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2007-08-16 4:10 PM
Reason magazine:

  • There's a new tool that lets you see the sources for anonymous edits made on Wikipedia. Naturally, hilarity ensues. The best one so far is an edit to the "George W. Bush" page originating from the ever-impartial New York Times:

Nope. No bias there. No siree, Bob.
Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man Re: Press is liberal - 2007-08-16 5:04 PM
wow. G-man you keep reaching. What matters is what goes on the air, what gets printed.
Fox News gives Bush and friends on air blow jobs daily. From what I've seen the regular press likes going after scandal. If they were so liberal than they wouldn't have had 24 hour coverage of Clinton during the impeachment. And they wouldn't have given it as much coverage (actually more) than they give the numerous legitimate scandals Bush has.
Maybe instead of bitching that the press is liberal for doing stories on Bush and his fucked up job as president you should be bitching that the president from your party is doing such a fucked up job. Or you should be glad that there is someone keeping some semblance of honesty in government by going after everything.
If it was all Fox News flag waving and softball interviews where would we be?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2007-08-17 8:42 PM
Editor & Publisher, trade journal of the journalism trade, reports on what Seattle Times executive editor Dave Boardman calls "an awkward moment" at a news meeting:

  • What happened? According to Boardman in the latest email installment of what he calls "Dave's Raves" it was this: "When word came in of Karl Rove's resignation, several people in the meeting started cheering. That sort of expression is simply not appropriate for a newsroom. . . . As we head into a major political year, now's a good time to remember: Please keep your personal politics to yourself."

Boardman himself then sent another "Dave's Rave," which E&P reprints in full. Here's an excerpt:

  • I ask you all to leave your personal politics at the front door for one simple reason: A good newsroom is a sacred and magical place in which we can and should test every assumption, challenge each other's thinking, ask the fundamental questions those in power hope we will overlook.

    If we wore our politics on our sleeves in here, I have no doubt that in this and in most other mainstream newsrooms in America, the majority of those sleeves would be of the same color: blue. Survey after survey over the years have demonstrated that most of the people who go into this business tend to vote Democratic, at least in national elections. That is not particularly surprising, given how people make career decisions and that social service and activism is a primary driver for many journalists.
America’s “leading news magazine” has apparently dropped its only two conservative-leaning columnists, Charles Krauthammer and William Kristol.
  • Asked by The New York Observer if he would have preferred to stay with the magazine, Krauthammer, a Pulitzer Prize winning columnist for The Washington Post, replied that he didn’t have a choice. “It’s a hypothetical that didn’t arise,” he said.
Posted By: The Pun-isher Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2007-12-30 6:48 PM
The (NY) Times, they are a changin'
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2007-12-30 7:55 PM
 Originally Posted By: The Pun-isher

Guess they felt the need for a loud conservative but couldn't they have found one with a better track record? When was the last time Kristol was right about anything?
 Originally Posted By: Halo, Slayer of Conservatives
Point is the anchors/journalist are far bigger sycophants and assholes then any news station. Especially when it comes to the left. Try and tell me otherwise, with my new YouTube powers I'll quickly prove you wrong.

With all due respect, the fact that you can pull a clip, or several, from YouTube proves nothing.

All that shows is that someone was able to take an isolated clip from a show, regardless of context, and post it to an internet provider. It doesn't address whether the clip is representative of the show, or the network. It doesn't address whether the clips posted to YouTube are a fair sampling of the entire network's output.

It's, at best, anecdotal evidence, and certainly doesn't compare to the studies, such as those cited above, that were actually carried out in a more scientific method which do, in fact, tend to show an overall leftward tilt to the US media.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Halo, Slayer of Conservatives
Point is the anchors/journalist are far bigger sycophants and assholes then any news station. Especially when it comes to the left. Try and tell me otherwise, with my new YouTube powers I'll quickly prove you wrong.

With all due respect, the fact that you can pull a clip, or several, from YouTube proves nothing.

All that shows is that someone was able to take an isolated clip from a show, regardless of context, and post it to an internet provider. It doesn't address whether the clip is representative of the show, or the network. It doesn't address whether the clips posted to YouTube are a fair sampling of the entire network's output.

It's, at best, anecdotal evidence, and certainly doesn't compare to the studies, such as those cited above, that were actually carried out in a more scientific method which do, in fact, tend to show an overall leftward tilt to the US media.

True, it's not absolute. But let's not kid ourselves. Just about everything we use as "evidence" is subject to being doctored or flat out wrong. Including the links and quotes you post.
So what are you saying? That you know your sources are inaccurate, or potentially inaccurate, but you use them anyway because you think someone else is doing the same thing?

Furthermore, your comparison isn't really valid. I pointed out how a YouTube clip, even if accurate, is not necessarily a representative sampling for the purposes of making the kind of determination you want to make. You didn't address that.

The bottom line is that you wanted to use an invalid methodology to prove a point.
So what are you saying? That you know your sources are inaccurate, or potentially inaccurate, but you use them anyway because you think someone else is doing the same thing?

No, what I'm saying is nothing is absolute. I would never post a Youtube video in defense of a point if I thought that video was false.

Furthermore, your comparison isn't really valid. I pointed out how a YouTube clip, even if accurate, is not necessarily a representative sampling for the purposes of making the kind of determination you want to make. You didn't address that.

So your saying a video of somebody saying something can never be accurate? I didn't address it cause I have no idea what you are talking about. I'm saying that anything can be doctored or flat out false. The problem with facts is that they're only as good as the source or the people stating them.

I mean "with all do respect" here you are completely fucking up what I said in my last post, purposely or not.

The bottom line is that you wanted to use an invalid methodology to prove a point.

I don't see how it's an invalid methodology? In court they allow video's and recordings, why should it be any less valid here. I realize there are all sorts of experts to decide if those things are valid in court but...none of us are experts here and even we are there are no way of establishing expertise. IE, I don't know that your info is anymore valid then what I post from Youtube. It's no hard to type a bunch of shit up. In fact, it's probaly easier then doctoring a video.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Liberal Press - 2008-03-01 7:48 PM
the Rasmussen polling firm
  • Just 24% of American voters have a favorable opinion of the New York Times. Forty-four percent (44%) have an unfavorable opinion and 31% are not sure. The paper's ratings are much like a candidate's and divide sharply along partisan and ideological lines.

    By a 50% to 18% margin, liberal voters have a favorable opinion of the paper. By a 69% to 9% [sic], conservative voters offer an unfavorable view. The newspaper earns favorable reviews from 44% of Democrats, 9% of Republicans, and 17% of those not affiliated with either major political story.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2008-11-06 4:44 PM
Historian David Greenberg, over at Slate Magazine, argues that the media protected Obama:
  • Throughout the year, Obama was often spared the task of defending himself because others with prominent media platforms did it for him. As the campaign progressed, a whole slate of possible criticisms—including legitimate concerns about his record or his foreign-policy chops—were deemed, as if by cultural consensus, beyond the pale. Indeed, it's worth recalling that October's hyperbolic claims about McCain's negativity echo similar (and similarly unfounded) claims about Clinton's campaigning back in the spring. Does Obama somehow invite historically unprecedented negativity? Or are his enthusiasts just unusually quick to perceive it? In any event, Obama benefited more from labeling his rivals as uniquely sleazy than he suffered from whatever sleaziness they displayed.

Speaking of media protectiveness, notice that Greenberg saved his defense of McCain (and criticism of the press handling of Obama) for after the election?
Posted By: the G-man Press is Liberal - 2008-12-17 10:23 PM
Who Else in the Press Is Hoping to Be Hired by the Obama Administration?
  • Jay Carney, editor at Time magazine, is leaving the publication to become Vice President-elect Joe Biden's director of communications

    Job offers don't come together overnight, and for obvious reasons, the hiring process and job interviews are usually confidential. But this means that now we have two examples where members of the press were "covering" the Obama campaign while at the same time angling for a job with them. Not exactly an ideal circumstance for criticism, fairness or objectivity.

    Did these reporters'/editors' superiors know they were interviewing for staff jobs? Don't they have an obligation to disclose that to their editors? And shouldn't readers know if a reporter has that potential conflict of interest?

    we don't know if this is the only member of the media who interviewed for a position with Obama or Biden, and whether anyone else is interviewing with his campaign, or other campaigns. Who else in the press has been hoping to be hired by the Obama administration?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press is Liberal - 2008-12-17 11:38 PM
From the looks of the campaign coverage they were all interviewing for a job.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2008-12-17 11:58 PM
Posted By: the G-man ABC News Producer Married to Obama Official - 2009-03-05 8:35 PM
Husband of Obama UN Ambassador Is ‘This Week’ Producer:
  • “The executive producer of a top Sunday show is married to a top Obama official? Shouldn’t this be disclosed on air, at least when they are discussing foreign policy?”
hope and change!
Posted By: the G-man AP Moves Further Left - 2009-06-14 2:56 AM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
you dont think the honeymoon is over?

 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh

Not at the Associated Press. According to an editorial in the Wall St Journal:
  • After spending the Bush years as a voice of opposition, American journalists have by and large turned on a dime and become cheerleaders for the man in power.

    A case in point is the Associated Press, perhaps the nation's premier "straight news" outfit. During the Bush years, the AP introduced a new reportorial idiom called "accountability journalism," whose goal is "to report whether government officials are doing the job for which they were elected and keeping the promises they make." Turns out they weren't.

    But the AP's new idiom, which we hereby name "pliability journalism," aims to show that everything is completely different from the bad old days of a week ago and before.

The whole editorial is rather long but the upshot is that the Associated Press is editorializing in its various "news" stories about how Obama "Breaks From Bush, Avoids Divisive Stands," creates "an opening for improved relations after eight combative years under President George W. Bush" and even that "Obama's comfortable demeanor at the table...bodes well for the nation's food policy. While former President George W. Bush rarely visited restaurants and didn't often talk about what he ate, Obama dines out frequently and enjoys exploring different foods."

The New York Times reports that the Associated Press will distribute stories from four leftist nonprofits in addition to its own liberal reporting:
  • Starting on July 1, the A.P. will deliver work by the Center for Public Integrity, the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University (cranks out many of the FMSM journalists), the Center for Investigative Reporting, and ProPublica to the 1,500 American newspapers that are A.P. members, which will be free to publish the material.

    The A.P. called the arrangement a six-month experiment that could later be broadened to include other investigative nonprofits, and to serve its nonmember clients, which include broadcast and Internet outlets.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: AP Moves Further Left - 2009-06-14 4:37 AM
they must be positioning for a UAW scale bailout......

On the night of June 24, the media and government become one, when ABC turns its programming over to President Obama and White House officials to push government run health care -- a move that has ignited an ethical firestorm!

Highlights on the agenda:

ABCNEWS anchor Charlie Gibson will deliver WORLD NEWS from the Blue Room of the White House.

The network plans a primetime special -- 'Prescription for America' -- originating from the East Room, exclude opposing voices on the debate.

The Director of Communications at the White House Office of Health Reform is Linda Douglass, who worked as a reporter for ABC News from 1998-2006.

Late Monday night, Republican National Committee Chief of Staff Ken McKay fired off a complaint to the head of ABCNEWS:

Dear Mr. Westin:

As the national debate on health care reform intensifies, I am deeply concerned and disappointed with ABC's astonishing decision to exclude opposing voices on this critical issue on June 24, 2009. Next Wednesday, ABC News will air a primetime health care reform �town hall� at the White House with President Barack Obama. In addition, according to an ABC News report, GOOD MORNING AMERICA, WORLD NEWS, NIGHTLINE and ABC�s web news �will all feature special programming on the president�s health care agenda.� This does not include the promotion, over the next 9 days, the president�s health care agenda will receive on ABC News programming.

Today, the Republican National Committee requested an opportunity to add our Party's views to those of the President's to ensure that all sides of the health care reform debate are presented. Our request was rejected. I believe that the President should have the ability to speak directly to the America people. However, I find it outrageous that ABC would prohibit our Party's opposing thoughts and ideas from this national debate, which affects millions of ABC viewers.

In the absence of opposition, I am concerned this event will become a glorified infomercial to promote the Democrat agenda. If that is the case, this primetime infomercial should be paid for out of the DNC coffers. President Obama does not hold a monopoly on health care reform ideas or on free airtime. The President has stated time and time again that he wants a bipartisan debate. Therefore, the Republican Party should be included in this primetime event, or the DNC should pay for your airtime.

Ken McKay
Republican National Committee
Chief of Staff


ABCNEWS Senior Vice President Kerry Smith on Tuesday responded to the RNC complaint, saying it contained 'false premises':

"ABCNEWS prides itself on covering all sides of important issues and asking direct questions of all newsmakers -- of all political persuasions -- even when others have taken a more partisan approach and even in the face of criticism from extremes on both ends of the political spectrum. ABCNEWS is looking for the most thoughtful and diverse voices on this issue.

"ABCNEWS alone will select those who will be in the audience asking questions of the president. Like any programs we broadcast, ABC News will have complete editorial control. To suggest otherwise is quite unfair to both our journalists and our audience."
Goebbels would be proud.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
Goebbels would be proud.

That's a nutty statement.
Not really. Without firing a shot, we have a president who, for all intents and purposes, has a "free press" that acts as a branch of his administration.

Even if you accept ABC's "spin" of the event, you still have a major network providing, in essence, a free block of airtime and refusing to air the opposing viewpoint (contrast this with, for example, the fact that networks used to air the opposition response to major presidential speeches such as the state of the union).
NBC is going to be pissed that ABC is trying to move in on their man like that.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
Not really. Without firing a shot, we have a president who, for all intents and purposes, has a "free press" that acts as a branch of his administration.

Even if you accept ABC's "spin" of the event, you still have a major network providing, in essence, a free block of airtime and refusing to air the opposing viewpoint (contrast this with, for example, the fact that networks used to air the opposition response to major presidential speeches such as the state of the union).

It was a nutty statement. ABC is free to do what it pleases, that wouldn't have happened in Nazi Germany.
Associated Press:
  • ABC News is crying foul over a report that says "World News" most likely had its smallest audience ever.

    The network has asked Nielsen Media Research to investigate. The company initially reported that a little more than 4 million people watched "World News" last Friday, the first night of the digital switch over.

    Usually, more than 7 million watch the ABC broadcast on Fridays. ABC says a drop-off from the average could have been expected, especially given the slow summer season, but a disappearance of 3 million people didn't make any sense.

    Nielsen Media Research says it is looking into the case.

First they move into the White House and then they want to lean on the ratings-agencies.

But they're not acting like a "state run" media.

New ABC News Theme Song Revealed:
  • exclusive preview of ABC's just-completed news theme song, scheduled to debut during the June 24th broadcast:

Goebbels Media Part Deux: ABC News is refusing paid ads for its health care program at the White House. Conservatives for Patients Rights (CPR) inquired about purchasing ad time and was willing to do so. As of now, ABC is not accepting paid advertising, thus they're refusing even a paid-for alternative viewpoint.
Wow turning down money for advertising, what exactly is their business model? Maybe they have some stimulus money coming their way.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Major Papers Expunge Obama’s Comment - 2009-06-18 2:40 PM

President Barack Obama told the American Medical Association yesterday that he believes single-payer health care systems have worked "pretty well" in some countries, but no major U.S. newspaper available in the Nexis database reported the president's comment in their news stories about the speech.

However, three of the nation’s most prestigious newspapers—the Washington Post, the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times—did publish quotes from the president’s speech that artfully took language from both immediately before and after the president’s statement that single-payer systems work.

"I’ll be honest," Obama said in his speech to the AMA, "there are countries where a single-payer system works pretty well."

A search of the the terms "Obama," "single-payer," and "pretty well" in the "Major Newspapers" file of Nexis turned up no hits as of 3:00 PM on Tuesday, June 16.

The full context of the president’s comment about the efficacy of single-payer health-care plans is available in the official transcript of the speech posted on the White House website.

One paragraph of the White House transcript reads as follows:

“Let me also say that—let me also address a illegitimate concern that’s being put forward by those who are claiming a public option is somehow a Trojan Horse for a single-payer system. I’ll be honest; there are countries where a single-payer system works pretty well. But I believe—and I’ve taken some flak from members of my own party for this belief—that it’s important for our efforts to build on our traditions here in the United States. So when you hear the naysayers claim that I’m trying to bring about government-run health care, know this: They’re not telling the truth.”

The president’s statement that “I’ll be honest; there are countries where a single-payer system works pretty well” did appear in transcripts of the speech available on Nexis database, but not in articles in major newspapers. For example, it was transcribed in a CNN newscast that carried the president's speech live, and also on MSNBC's "The Ed Show" which used that portion of the president's speech as a soundbite.

But in the stories about the speech in the Washington Post, New York Times and Los Angeles Times, words from both before and after the president’s statement about a single-payer system working pretty well appeared, while the statement itself did not. (These stories were also searchable and available on the Nexis "Major Newspapers" database.)

The Post reported on Obama’s speech to the AMA in a page 2 story. The story quoted the passage in the speech that included Obama’s claim that single-payer systems have worked well in some countries, but excised the sentence where he said it, using ellipses to mark its removal.

The relevant paragraph of the Post story reads as follows:

“In his speech, Obama said, ‘Let me also address an illegitimate concern that’s being put forward by those who are claiming that a public option is somehow a Trojan horse for a single-payer system. … When you hear the naysayers claim that I’m trying to bring about government-run health care, know this: They’re not telling the truth.”

The New York Times reported on Obama’s speech to the AMA in a front page story. The story quoted broken phrases taken from before and after Obama’s claim that single-payer health care systems have worked well. But the story did not report what Obama said about single-payer systems working.

The relevant paragraph of the Times story reads as follows:

“‘The public option is not your enemy,’ Mr. Obama said. ‘It is your friend, I believe.’ Saying it would ‘keep insurance companies honest,’ the president dismissed as ‘illegitimate’ the claims of critics that a public insurance option amounts to ‘Trojan horse for a single-payer system’ run by the government.”

The Los Angeles Times reported on Obama’s speech to the AMA in a page 14 story.

The Times quoted from the same passage in the speech in which Obama expressed his view that single-payer health care systems have worked in some countries, but expunged the sentence in which he actually said it.

The relevant paragraph of the Times’s story reads as follows:

“‘Let me also address an illegitimate concern that’s being put forward by those who are claiming that a public option is somehow a Trojan horse for a single-payer system,’ Obama said. ‘But I believe, and I’ve taken some flak from members of my own party for this belief, that it’s important for our reform efforts to build on our traditions here in the United States.”

Here the Los Angeles Times broke up Obama’s actual quotation immediately before he said “I’ll be honest; there are countries where a single-payer system works pretty well” and resumed the quotation immediately after he had said these words.

Apparently, the editors of the Washington Post, New York Times and Los Angeles Times did not think their readers would be interested in knowing that President Obama believes “there are countries where a single-payer system works pretty well.”
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2009-06-18 4:26 PM
When Are Gay Rights Groups 'Far-Left'? When They Criticize Obama

During the Bush administration, do you recall the MSM ever describing a gay rights group such as the Human Rights Campaign as "far-left"? Neither do I. To the contrary, such organizations were sympathetically portrayed as proponents of mainstream values.

But let such groups criticize Pres. Obama and—what do you know?—the MSM suddenly decides they're "far-left."

That's Joe Solomnese, head of the Human Rights Campaign, in the screencap, branded as far-left by the Early Show this morning.

Solmonese appeared as part of a segment this morning on the way that gay rights groups in general are disappointed with Pres. Obama for not doing more on behalf of their agenda. Isn't that convenient? By positioning them as "far-left," CBS places PBO in the middle, the victim of their attacks.

Double-standard, anyone?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab ABC = Always Biased Coverage? - 2009-06-18 5:14 PM

It should come as little surprise that the once venerable ABC News has announced it would broadcast an upcoming edition of its “World News” from the White House’s Blue Room, followed by a national town hall meeting on healthcare held in the East Room and presided over by President Barack Obama.

It’s a ratings stunt, easily explained by the fact that the network needs them so badly. Tuesday’s Nielsen ratings – which the network disputes – show that ABC’s evening news broadcast is attracting its smallest audience in decades.

More than that, however, it’s politics in the media at its worst. By turning the network over to Obama to pitch the American people on his healthcare reform plan, ABC has joined the lobbying arm of the White House and the Democratic Party. The presentation that will be made to the American people will not be, to borrow a phrase, “fair and balanced.” Instead, it will include no viewpoint other than Obama’s, despite ABC’s promise that the network – and the network “alone will select those who will be in the audience asking questions of the president,” said ABC News Senior Vice President Kerry Smith.

That the network has chosen to throw in with the president on healthcare reform is little surprise. The director of communications at the White House Office of Health Reform is former ABC News reporter Linda Douglass, who left the network to join Obama’s campaign. And it doesn’t take too much creativity to imagine that she probably helped broker a deal between her new boss and her old.

Leaving that aside, however, the Republican and conservative response to the announced programming was, as is typical, to whine that they were not being included. Begging for scraps from the monarch’s table is the wrong strategy.

The right strategy is to come up with ideas of their own, like buying television ads that would appear throughout the day laying out the case for the patient-based approach to healthcare reform and why it is superior to the government-run approach. Of course this would depend on ABC’s willingness to put the ads on the air, something it told the group Conservatives for Patients’ Rights it would not do Wednesday afternoon after it asked to buy time just before the town meeting went on the air.

The right strategy has the proponents of the patient-centered approach to healthcare committing to holding a televised town meeting of their own, where attendance is not governed by the need to be cleared into the White House by the Secret Service.

It’s all well and good to point out that ABC Chief Washington Correspondent George Stephanopoulos is a former Clinton White House aide who helped craft major policy initiatives like HillaryCare. And that “World News” anchor Charlie Gibson helped torpedo Sarah Palin during the 2008 presidential election by asking her questions he himself could not answer and whose terms he could not define; but neither fact, while true, helps define the positions in the debate over healthcare reform.

The important thing is to be part of the debate, not whine about being excluded.
Have they announced Kimmel's cancellation yet?
He's prolly just trying to goad Sarah Silverman into some hate sex.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab ABC employees donated heavily to Obama - 2009-06-20 6:04 PM

As indignation turned to outrage Thursday among critics of an ABC News prime-time special on President Obama's health care policy, The Washington Times has learned that ABC employees gave 80 times as much money to Mr. Obama's 2008 campaign for president than to his rival's.

According to an analysis of campaign donations by the Center for Responsive Politics, conducted at The Times' request, ABC employees in several divisions donated $124,421 to the Obama campaign, compared with $1,550 to the presidential campaign of Sen. John McCain.

The 60-minute ABC program, to air live from the White House on Wednesday, is sparking hardball politics in other ways. Grass-roots boycotts, Republican outcry and a study citing media bias are all part of the mix.

A study released Thursday by the Business & Media Institute (BMI) found that since Inauguration Day, ABC has aired news stories with positive reviews of Mr. Obama's health care policy 55 times, compared with 18 times when the network highlighted negative reviews.

Citing Census Bureau figures, the BMI analyses also accused ABC of "exaggerating the breadth of the uninsured problem," saying the network's claim that up to 50 million Americans are uninsured is false.

"ABC is in bed with their source, so to speak. ABC is supposed to be a news organization, not a producer of infomercials for national health care. And I wonder what they would have done if the Bush administration had asked for positive programming to support the war on terror or Social Security initiatives," said Dan Gainor, BMI vice president of business and culture.

Longtime Democratic strategist Tad Devine, however, said he detected the vast right-wing conspiracy of the last Democratic administration, and warned Republicans that complaining could backfire.

"It's the same old, same old from Republicans. People who run political parties have a responsibility to get their side of the story out, and they're attacking ABC to do that. ABC is the vehicle," said Mr. Devine, whose Democratic roots go back to the presidential ticket of Jimmy Carter and Walter F. Mondale.

"Republicans think they must undercut news organizations who give President Obama favorable coverage - or they will lose elections. They're going to go after anyone who gives Obama a showcase," Mr. Devine said. "But it could backfire. If the GOP keeps this up, everyone will tune into that ABC special on Wednesday."

An informal online poll at the New York Daily News on Thursday found that 75 percent of the respondents did not "trust" ABC to provide even-handed coverage. And conservative bloggers have been intensely critical of ABC in recent days.

"I'm not watching ABC entertainment, and I'm not watching their news programming either," said New York-based Karen Dougherty, who writes LonelyConservative.com, one of many blogs issuing a call for boycotts of ABC and its advertisers.

The broadcast, they say, is tantamount to an infomercial for the administration, made worse by the fact that ABC also will broadcast "World News Tonight" from the White House on Wednesday.

"It's not enough to say that ABC is exercising terrible journalistic judgment. The American public has to let ABC know that these decisions matter. As a believer in the marketplace, I think that an advertiser boycott is the way to deal with this unseemly display of media partisanship. After all, every American has a voice in the marketplace," said Sunny Berman of Bookwormroom.com, another conservative blog based in California.

An ABC executive responded to criticisms with the following:

"We welcome feedback from an audience in whatever form it might take. The top and bottom line is that we intend to produce a fair, probing and thoughtful discussion about a vitally important issue," said Jeffrey Schneider, senior vice president of ABC News communications.

The Republican National Committee disagrees.

Denied a chance to question Mr. Obama on his policy or buy advertising time on the program, Republicans said ABC denied them equal time for the town-hall-style event, accusing the network of turning over "its entire programming over to President Obama and his big-government agenda," RNC Chairman Michael S. Steele said in the organization's second public letter to the network in 48 hours.

ABC's Mr. Schneider called the Steele letter "a little sad. But that's how it all goes down. First you leak a letter from the RNC chief of staff to the press - all based on false premises - then the chairman writes something and riles everybody up. Then you ask for money. That's politics 101."
Longtime Democratic strategist Tad Devine, however, said he detected the vast right-wing conspiracy of the last Democratic administration, and warned Republicans that complaining could backfire.

"It's the same old, same old from Republicans. People who run political parties have a responsibility to get their side of the story out, and they're attacking ABC to do that. ABC is the vehicle," said Mr. Devine, whose Democratic roots go back to the presidential ticket of Jimmy Carter and Walter F. Mondale.

"Republicans think they must undercut news organizations who give President Obama favorable coverage - or they will lose elections. They're going to go after anyone who gives Obama a showcase," Mr. Devine said. "But it could backfire. If the GOP keeps this up, everyone will tune into that ABC special on Wednesday."

At least he is admitting its a Dem infomercial I suppose.
Matter-eater Man argumentative User Fair Play!
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Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: ABC News:Press is Liberal
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2009-06-23 3:57 PM
Smith's 'Truth To Power' To Obama: What's Up With Bo?
  • Pres. Obama told Harry Smith that "I would not want just a calm, passive dog. I want a dog with a little bit of spirit." Maybe so when picking a family pet. But when it comes to the media, PBO apparently prefers a lapdog. Witness Smith's tail-between-the-legs performance that won him a huge smile from the prez.

    Over the course of two days, the Early Show aired clips of Smith's recent interview of the PBO. Toward the end of today's segment, Smith says: "People in the mainstream media have been accused of being afraid to speak truth to power. I've got some truth to power for you."

    Was Smith building to a hard-hitting question on, say, PBO's firing of the inspector general who was too diligent in his duty of discovering corruption in the AmeriCorps, PBO's pet project? Of course not. In a pathetic display of precisely the kind of MSM wimp-out Smith had described, Smith asked the president a question about . . . his dog.

It may seem unseemly, given the apparent bloodshed in Iran today, to dwell on fallout among the media and bloggers about the Obama administration’s selective process for taking questions at a presidential news conference.

But within the bubble of the Beltway, and along the sprawling information dashboards on the Web, a tangential issue to news coverage of the Iranian situation has been stirring a lot of discussion, stemming from the circumstances surrounding President Obama’s decision at yesterday’s news conference to call on Nico Pitney of the Huffington Post.

As background for those not following this media-centric debate, Mr. Pitney has been live-blogging the fallout from the Iranian elections, sifting through Twitter feeds and other available observations and reports for news about the situation for several days. As our own staff knows at The Times, this has been an arduous task, partly because some reality is ungettable, some reports are questionable and others are downright fictitious. But in a censored-world like that in Iran, the Internet, with all its access through sometimes circuitous routes, has empowered citizens on the ground and offered new, inventive avenues for getting information out to the world.

The latter touch-base seems to have been the motivation for the Obama communications staff to select Mr. Pitney as someone who could offer up a question solicited from Iranians to pose to President Obama on Tuesday. As reporter heads swiveled in the Brady briefing room, Mr. Obama called out to Mr. Pitney and asked: “I know that there may actually be questions from people in Iran who are communicating through the Internet,” the president said. “Do you have a question?”

“That’s right,” Mr. Pitney answered, standing along the sidelines, with access through a temporary White House pass. “I wanted to use this opportunity to ask you a question directly from an Iranian.”

But this was not a spontaneous exchange. Although Mr. Pitney and the administration have asserted in the intervening hours that neither knew the question to be posed — which means, in effect, the president’s response couldn’t have been rehearsed — Mr. Pitney was alerted by the administration that he might be called upon the night before.

So the perhaps noble mission of the Obama administration to address a genuine Iranian has gone awry — for reasons we’ll now explore through several accounts and assessments by White House correspondents and netroots activists who are feuding online over the news conference Q&A process and this particular example of an extremely selective — and calculated — decision. (And by the way, Mr. Obama really didn’t answer the posed question.)

How does the Obama administration choose which reporters to call on during a live presidential news conference> And are the rules — or at least the traditions — changing? It’s quite fascinating, actually, and even a bit amusing at this juncture, given the takes of various high-profile players, who have been engaged in a schoolyard game of nyah-nyah. We’ll get to that soon.

At today’s White House briefing, Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, was hammered by the White House press corps in the aftermath. He insisted that Mr. Pitney wasn’t a “planted questioner”, despite that fact that the HuffPo blogger had gotten a rare heads-up the night before that he might be called upon.

That’s the core issue, which has gotten lost in the gaming and bashing of an elite White House press corps, and i criticism of Mr. Pitney’s role, although we wouldn’t go so far as Matt Cooper has done at The Atlantic.com to call it the “crucifixion” of Nico Pitney.

My colleague, Jeff Zeleny, who was at the briefing today as well as at yesterday’s news conference, told me when I asked about the kind of night-before heads-up from the administration like that afforded Mr. Pitney: “That never happens. I’ve never been notified in advance of a question. In some cases – like when the Detroit News was asked at the prime-time one – she got like 10 minutes heads up.”

Early on, Mark Knoller of CBS News, who chronicles all big and small data about White House happenings, sent out his own alarm at the departure from routine through his Twitter feed, and then a post at his employer’s site, titled: “Obama to HuffPo Blogger: Tee One Up for Me.”

At the briefing today, from the transcript:

Q: Is this going to become a regular feature of President Obama’s news conferences, that you all are going to bring people in here that you select to ask questions?

Mr. Gibbs: Well, let’s understand. Let’s be clear, Peter. I think you understand this. So, but I’ll repeat it for your benefit.

There was no guarantee that a question — the questioner would be picked. There was no idea of what the exact question would be. I’ll let you down easily. A number of questions that we went through in prep you all asked. Iran dominated the news conference not surprisingly.

But Peter, I think it was important, and the president thought it was important, to take a question using the very same methods again that many of you all are using, to report information on the ground. I don’t have — I won’t make any apologies for that.

The “Peter” asking the questions was Peter Maier from CBS radio. Through persistent questioning at the briefing, Mr. Gibbs insisted the question wasn’t planted. And when someone posited that this picking and planting was akin to what occurred during the campaign of Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2008 primary cycle, with planted questioners at her town-hall sessions, Mr. Gibbs went into a “no, no, no, no” rebuttal.

For his part, Mr. Pitney has taken to the airwaves all over the place today. From a C-Span interview to CNN this afternoon, he has asserted that the administration had no clue what question he would ask.

His ultimate employer, Arianna Huffington, posted a bit of a defensive defense about coverage of Mr. Pitney’s cameo at the news conference. Her headline kind of captures a bit of the angst and the back-and-forth: “Media Playground: Obama Calls on HuffPost, Michael Calderone Pouts, Ben Smith Calls Us Names, Dana Milbank Gets His Facts All Wrong.”

Mr. Milbank offered a sendup in his sketch at The Washington Post: “The use of planted questioners is a no-no at presidential news conferences, because it sends a message to the world — Iran included — that the American press isn’t as free as advertised. But yesterday wasn’t so much a news conference as it was a taping of a new daytime drama, “The Obama Show.” Missed yesterday’s show? Don’t worry: On Wednesday, ABC News will be broadcasting “Good Morning America” from the South Lawn (guest stars: the president and first lady), “World News Tonight” from the Blue Room, and a prime-time feature with Obama from the East Room. ”

Along the Interwebs, netroots activists are heralding Mr. Pitney’s role as yet another example of breaking through that tired old MSM elitist routine. They constantly deride what they consider the clubby atmosphere inside the briefing rooms at a presidential news conference, where citizens’ questions seem to them to be excluded. (Never mind that many of the questions asked reflect the public’s pressing issues of the day, like health care reform that did indeed command serious attention from the president yesterday.)

At The Nation, Ari Melber, tried to make the Pitney issue a milestone for citizen-journalists given access to that sacrosanct place amid the White House press corps.

The problem is not just that Mr. Pitney, for just one day, was afforded a cherished seat in the room or given an airing for his question. And no one is diminishing his work that has drawn accolades for his devoted attention to an issue. Rather, the criticism is that he was cherry-picked, with a call-upon hours and hours beforehand, and handed a status that no one among the so-called elite of the press corps receives on any given day.

While that may indeed be a thorn in the feet of the corps who toil daily, the perception of a favored one who got exceptionally advance notice may send signals — far and wide — as to what lengths the administration will go to stage and control the message the president wants to send.

That is what has gotten lost in all the old vs. new media antagonisms. It’s not about Mr. Pitney’s work or for that matter, the question he asked. It’s about how the administration finagled the position in which he became an actor for the president’s agenda.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Stay Tuned for More of 'The Obama Show' - 2009-06-25 3:12 AM

In his first daytime news conference yesterday, President Obama preempted "All My Children," "Days of Our Lives" and "The Young and the Restless." But the soap viewers shouldn't have been disappointed: The president had arranged some prepackaged entertainment for them.

After the obligatory first question from the Associated Press, Obama treated the overflowing White House briefing room to a surprise. "I know Nico Pitney is here from the Huffington Post," he announced.

Obama knew this because White House aides had called Pitney the day before to invite him, and they had escorted him into the room. They told him the president was likely to call on him, with the understanding that he would ask a question about Iran that had been submitted online by an Iranian. "I know that there may actually be questions from people in Iran who are communicating through the Internet," Obama went on. "Do you have a question?"

Pitney recognized his prompt. "That's right," he said, standing in the aisle and wearing a temporary White House press pass. "I wanted to use this opportunity to ask you a question directly from an Iranian."

Pitney asked his arranged question. Reporters looked at one another in amazement at the stagecraft they were witnessing. White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel grinned at the surprised TV correspondents in the first row.

The use of planted questioners is a no-no at presidential news conferences, because it sends a message to the world -- Iran included -- that the American press isn't as free as advertised. But yesterday wasn't so much a news conference as it was a taping of a new daytime drama, "The Obama Show." Missed yesterday's show? Don't worry: On Wednesday, ABC News will be broadcasting "Good Morning America" from the South Lawn (guest stars: the president and first lady), "World News Tonight" from the Blue Room, and a prime-time feature with Obama from the East Room.

"The Obama Show" was the hottest ticket in town yesterday. Forty-five minutes before the start, there were no fewer than 107 people crammed into the narrow aisles, in addition to those in the room's 42 seats. Japanese and Italian could be heard coming from the tangle of elbows, cameras and compressed bodies: "You've got to move! . . . Oh, God, don't step on my foot!" Some had come just for a glimpse of celebrity. And they wanted to know all about him. "As a former smoker, I understand the frustration and the fear that comes with quitting," McClatchy News's Margaret Talev empathized with the president before asking him how much he smokes.

Obama indulged the question from the studio audience. "I would say that I am 95 percent cured. But there are times where I mess up," he confessed. "Like folks who go to AA, you know, once you've gone down this path, then, you know, it's something you continually struggle with."

This is Barack Obama, and these are the Days of Our Lives.

As if to compensate for the prepackaged Huffington Post question, Obama went quickly to Fox News for a predictably hostile question from Major Garrett. "In your opening remarks, sir, you said about Iran that you were appalled and outraged," Garrett said. "What took you so long?

"I don't think that's accurate," Obama volleyed testily, calling his toughening statements on Iran "entirely consistent."

The host of "The Obama Show" dispatched with similar ease a challenge from CBS's Chip Reid, asking whether his hardening line on Iran was inspired by John McCain. "What do you think?" Obama replied with a big grin. That brought the house down. And the studio audience laughed again when ABC's Jake Tapper tried to get Obama to answer another reporter's question that he had dodged. "Are you the ombudsman for the White House press corps?" the president cracked.

The laughter had barely subsided when the host made another joke about Tapper's reference to Obama's "Spock-like language about the logic of the health-care plan."

"The reference to Spock, is that a crack on my ears?" the president asked.

But yesterday's daytime drama belonged primarily to Pitney, of the Huffington Post Web site. During the eight years of the Bush administration, liberal outlets such as the Huffington Post often accused the White House of planting questioners in news conferences to ask preplanned questions. But here was Obama fielding a preplanned question asked by a planted questioner -- from the Huffington Post.

Pitney said the White House, though not aware of the question's wording, asked him to come up with a question about Iran proposed by an Iranian. And, as it turned out, he was not the only prearranged questioner at yesterday's show. Later, Obama passed over the usual suspects to call on Macarena Vidal of the Spanish-language EFE news agency. The White House called Vidal in advance to see whether she was coming and arranged for her to sit in a seat usually assigned to a financial trade publication. She asked about Chile and Colombia.

A couple of more questions and Obama called it a day. "Mr. President!" yelled Mike Allen of Politico. "May I ask about Afghanistan? No questions about Iraq or Afghanistan?"

Sorry: Those weren't prearranged.


Sorry I didn't get to this until two days later, but I figured someone else would have written about this by now. Since no one did, for those of you that are curious, Obama's super special, ultra spectacular healthcare infomercial was a dud in the ratings last Wednesday night.

ABC's Barackspactacular Healthcare Extravaganza (I think that was the official name of the show, wasn't it?) went up against the NBC premiere of "The Philanthropist," widely panned as disappointing, and a repeat of "CSI: NY" on CBS, widely seen as already once widely seen. Unfortunately for ABC, its prop"O"ganda special got a dismal 1.2 rating to the 2.0 and 1.8 ratings respectively for the entertainment competition.

Apparently the TV show where he's president but plays a doctor on TV didn't go over well. The "Super-dooper, Obamalicious, Doctor Spock medicine woman show" was only able to cajole 4.703 million viewers into watching while NBC picked up 7.414 and CBS got 7.393 in the ten O'Clock hour. Remembering that we have 300 million citizens and healthcare is supposed to be the biggest emergency in history, well, that is a paltry number of viewers that Doc Barack got.

Earlier in the day, during the 8PM hour, ABC itself got 7.715 million viewers for "I'm a Celebrity... Get me Out of Here!" Sadly, ABC's 10PM sequel show guest starring the president, "I'm a Sellout... Get me Some Knee Pads," wasn't so well received.

Imagine: nearly double the amount of people that watched the healthcare special would rather have watched a repeat of "CSI:NY."

Ouch. I think OJ got more viewers for his slow motion police chase in the White Bronco.

Meanwhile, that same hour, the Cable newsers seem to have kept their regular audiences:

10 PM P2+ (25-54) (35-64) On the Record with Greta—1,655,000 viewers (472,000) (740,000) Anderson Cooper 360—1,016,000 viewers (271,000) (421,000) Countdown with K. Olbermann—749,000 viewers (275,000) (364,000) Nancy Grace –587,000 viewers (231,000) (324,000)

These numbers are not appreciably different than normal, really. One might think that people so into the news that they regularly watch any particular cable news show would switch over to see "President McDreamy: MD," but it doesn't look like too many loyal cable watchers were much interested.

But, not to worry, folks. ABC won't let anything as silly as ratings or disinterest from its viewers deter it from giving The One as much air time as he desires. I am pretty sure that Obama is working up a nice ventriloquist act with a dummy that looks just like Joe Biden for next week's episode. And Michelle and the girls have a great dance number they are working up. I hear Rahm Emanuel has a flashy baton and tap dance routine he used to do in college to show us, as well -- though friends are trying to get him to ditch the sequined leotards.

Sadly, I hear through the grapevine that Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs had his stand up routine axed from the show. Apparently Obama said that Gibbs gets enough TV time doing his standup elsewhere and cut the poor guy. No respect, ya know? Tattlers also tell us that Nancy Pelosi was told that her gothic horror retrospective was not going to fly. Even ABC has some limits.

Anyway, who needs ratings when we have all of this going for us? I for one will be glued to my TV set for the next episode of "ABC's Sellout Theater" starring Barack Obama as George Clooney.

**I make no claim that my sources for upcoming Barackspactaculars are accurate.**
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Obama presses the press into service - 2009-06-27 5:51 PM

A time-honored joke in America's newsrooms involves the reporter who has the ideal quote to put in his story. It's perfectly paced. It's punchy. It's the one-sentence statement that says it all.

His only problem is that no one he has talked to has said it.

So, the joke goes, the reporter calls a source and in the course of the conversation says, "So, would you say, as good a man as Mr. Jones is, he just isn't the woman for the job?"

And when the person at the other end of the line says, "Yes, I would," the reporter says, "Great. Then go ahead and say that -- exactly that."

I can't say I've ever heard the joke told the other way, with the interviewee putting words in the reporter's mouth, because most of the notebook-toting watchdogs I've known would find it insulting rather than funny.

Why, that would be like the White House calling a friendly media type and suggesting that he ask a certain question at the next day's presidential press conference.

Oh, wait. That happened this week.

The second question of President Barack Obama's Tuesday press conference involved just such choreography.

"I know Nico Pitney is here from the Huffington Post," Obama said as he scanned the room.

He could have said, "I know that, because we made darned sure he was going to be here," but he didn't, the old smoothie.

What Obama did go on to say to Pitney was this: "Nico, I know that you and all across the Internet, we've been seeing a lot of reports coming out of Iran. I know that there may actually be questions from people in Iran who are communicating through the Internet. Do you have a question?"

He could have said, "Do you have the question? The one we told you this morning to be ready to ask? Because I'm just itching to answer it." That would have put Pitney in an awkward position, though, so Obama didn't go into detail.

Pitney, play-acting right along, did his part, beginning, "I wanted to use this opportunity to ask you a question directly from an Iranian."

He could have said, "I wanted to use this opportunity to ask you a question directly from an Iranian, because that's what you asked me to do and because I really, really want you to like me." But he had more sense than that.

The question -- not that it matters terribly -- was this: "Under which conditions would you accept the election of Ahmadinejad, and if you do accept it without any significant changes in the conditions there, isn't that a betrayal of the -- of what the demonstrators there are working towards?"

Obama could have said, "Yes, we're going to accept the election of Ahmadinejad, and yes, that's a betrayal of the demonstrators," because that's what will prove to be the truth.

Since, with this administration, there's never any rush to get to the truth, he blathered on instead about how it's up to the Iranian people to decide who will be their leaders -- which will be news to the mullahs who actually pick the leaders -- and about how it's not too late for the Iranian government to play nice.

So that's that. Everyone feel better?


The oddities that attended Pitney's question -- that it was the second one of the news conference, that it came from a media fringe player, that just before the event began Pitney was ushered into a far more prominent place in the room than his status deserved, that the exchange with Obama so clearly smacked of a setup -- did not go unnoticed.

Dana Milbank of the Washington Post wrote: "Reporters looked at one another in amazement at the stagecraft they were witnessing. White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel grinned at the surprised TV correspondents in the first row."


Sunday, we get a New York Times piece suggesting that some trumped up "Obama effect" sparked the Iranian protests. Tuesday, we get the Huffington Post eagerly doing the White House's bidding. Wednesday, we get ABC's Obamacare infomercial, broadcast from the East Room.

There's an Obama effect, all right. But it's not playing out in Iran. It's right here, among America's lovesick media, and it may actually be intensifying.
 Originally Posted By: rex
...I don't want a mod that will copy and paste.

Posted By: rex Re: Obama presses the press into service - 2009-06-27 7:21 PM
What are you going on about now? Are you fucking stoned again?
 Originally Posted By: rex
What are you going on about now? Are you fucking stoned again?

I was just helping you out since I know how you feel about "cut and paste" posts ;\)
Posted By: rex Re: Obama presses the press into service - 2009-06-27 7:33 PM
Yes helmet, I don't like them. Thanks for bringing that up. I'm sure everyone else with brain aids forgot it as well.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Obama presses the press into service - 2009-06-28 11:39 PM
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Obama presses the press into service - 2009-06-28 11:41 PM
you'll have to excuse MEM rex, liberals and conservatives feel the need to agree on everything, they dont understand moderates who dont kiss each others asses or agree on everything.
Posted By: rex Re: Obama presses the press into service - 2009-06-29 12:00 AM
I completely agree with you.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Obama presses the press into service - 2009-06-29 12:04 AM
Me too.
And now we know it is possible for both of you to hump each other's leg simultanously.
Posted By: rex Re: Obama presses the press into service - 2009-06-29 2:24 AM
And we know you miss sarcasm when its staring you right in the face.
 Originally Posted By: rex
And we know you miss sarcasm when its staring you right in the face.

You're still humping his leg aren't ya?

Rexy you never have to worry that I take you seriously. I'm gay and naturally love the good theatre you boys put on.
even the liberal media is starting to eat their meal ticket:


Self-described libertarian pundit Bill Maher ripped Barak Obama during a lengthy monologue on his HBO program Friday night, accusing the president of being obsessed with appearing on TV and failing to come through on pre-election promises.

"This is not what I voted for," Maher said. “I don’t want my president to be a TV star.”

Maher criticized Obama's constant television coverage ("I get it: you love being on TV") and said the president should focus on fixing the nation's problems instead.

"You don't have to be on television every minute of every day -- you're the president, not a rerun of 'Law & Order,'" Maher said. “TV stars are too worried bout being popular and too concerned about being renewed."

Maher continued: "You're skinny and in a hurry and in love with a nice lady -- but so is Lindsay Lohan. And just like Lindsay, we see your name in the paper a lot but we're kind of wondering when you’re actually going to do something.”

Maher added that Obama's presidential rival John McCain was right to say Obama acted like a celebrity and, amazingly for Maher, the comedian suggested Obama needs to act more like his predecessor.

“I never thought I’d say this, what [Obama] needs in his personality is a little George Bush.”
Posted By: rex Re: Bill Maher: Obama obsessed with being on TV - 2009-06-30 3:47 AM
Because he showed absolutely no signs of being an attention whore before the election? maher is just bitching at the president because all he knows how to do is bitch.
i dont think Obama has destroyed America enough to his liking.....
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Helen Thomas turns on Obama - 2009-07-02 1:09 AM
it's been a rough week for Obama, uber liberal Helen Thomas even attacks Obama's lack of openness and prepackaged Town Hall meetings:
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Press Obama's Business Agent - 2009-07-02 7:45 PM

For $25,000 to $250,000, The Washington Post has offered lobbyists and association executives off-the-record, nonconfrontational access to "those powerful few": Obama administration officials, members of Congress, and — at first — even the paper’s own reporters and editors.

The astonishing offer was detailed in a flier circulated Wednesday to a health care lobbyist, who provided it to a reporter because the lobbyist said he felt it was a conflict for the paper to charge for access to, as the flier says, its “health care reporting and editorial staff."

With the newsroom in an uproar after POLITICO reported the solicitation, Executive Editor Marcus Brauchli said this morning that he was "appalled" by the plan and said the newsroom will not participate.

"It suggests that access to Washington Post journalists was available for purchase," Brauchli told The Post’s media reporter, Howard Kurtz. The proposal "promises we would suspend our usual skeptical questioning because it appears to offer, in exchange for sponsorships, the good name of The Washington Post."

Earlier this morning, Brauchili said in a staffwide e-mail that the newsroom would not participate in the first of the planned events — a dinner scheduled July 21 at the home of Publisher and Chief Executive Officer Katharine Weymouth. Brauchli,was named on the flier as one of the "Hosts and Discussion Leaders."

The offer — which essentially turns a news organization into a facilitator for private lobbyist-official encounters — was a new sign of the lengths to which news organizations will go to find revenue at a time when most newspapers are struggling for survival.

And it's a turn of the times that a lobbyist is scolding The Washington Post for its ethical practices.

"Underwriting Opportunity: An evening with the right people can alter the debate," says the one-page flier. "Underwrite and participate in this intimate and exclusive Washington Post Salon, an off-the-record dinner and discussion at the home of CEO and Publisher Katharine Weymouth. ... Bring your organization’s CEO or executive director literally to the table. Interact with key Obama administration and congressional leaders."

Kris Coratti, communications director of Washington Post Media, a division of The Washington Post Company, said: "The flier circulated this morning came out of a business division for conferences and events, and the newsroom was unaware of such communication. It went out before it was properly vetted, and this draft does not represent what the company’s vision for these dinners are, which is meant to be an independent, policy-oriented event for newsmakers.

"As written, the newsroom could not participate in an event like this. We do believe there is an opportunity to have a conferences and events business, and that The Post should be leading these conversations in Washington, big or small, while maintaining journalistic integrity. The newsroom will participate where appropriate."

In his e-mail to the newsroom, labeled "Newsroom Independence," Brauchli wrote: "Colleagues, A flyer was distributed this week offering an 'underwriting opportunity' for a dinner on health-care reform, in which the news department had been asked to participate. The language in the flyer and the description of the event preclude our participation.

"We will not participate in events where promises are made that in exchange for money The Post will offer access to newsroom personnel or will refrain from confrontational questioning. Our independence from advertisers or sponsors is inviolable. There is a long tradition of news organizations hosting conferences and events, and we believe The Post, including the newsroom, can do these things in ways that are consistent with our values."

The flier says: “Spirited? Yes. Confrontational? No. The relaxed setting in the home of Katharine Weymouth assures it. What is guaranteed is a collegial evening, with Obama administration officials, Congress members, business leaders, advocacy leaders and other select minds typically on the guest list of 20 or less. …

“Offered at $25,000 per sponsor, per Salon. Maximum of two sponsors per Salon. Underwriters’ CEO or Executive Director participates in the discussion. Underwriters appreciatively acknowledged in printed invitations and at the dinner. Annual series sponsorship of 11 Salons offered at $250,000 … Hosts and Discussion Leaders ... Health-care reporting and editorial staff members of The Washington Post ... An exclusive opportunity to participate in the health-care reform debate among the select few who will actually get it done. ... A Washington Post Salon ... July 21, 2009 6:30 p.m. ...

"Washington Post Salons are extensions of The Washington Post brand of journalistic inquiry into the issues, a unique opportunity for stakeholders to hear and be heard," the flier says. "At the core is a critical topic of our day. Dinner and a volley of ideas unfold in an evening of intelligent, news-driven and off-the-record conversation. ... By bringing together those powerful few in business and policy-making who are forwarding, legislating and reporting on the issues, Washington Post Salons give life to the debate. Be at this nexus of business and policy with your underwriting of Washington Post Salons."

The first "Salon" is titled "Health-Care Reform: Better or Worse for Americans? The reform and funding debate."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0709/24441.html#ixzz0K7bCjHHU&C
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press Obama's Business Agent - 2009-07-02 7:46 PM
If the editor in chief is given Obama officials to raise money for her paper, whats the chances she will allow criticism and investigations of the Administration?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press Obama's Business Agent - 2009-07-02 7:51 PM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
If the editor in chief is given Obama officials to raise money for her paper, whats the chances she will allow criticism and investigations of the Administration?

Having been caught, the Post is already backtracking:
  • At 8.04am, Politico's Mike Allen publishes an article: "For $25,000 to $250,000, The Washington Post is offering lobbyists and association executives off-the-record, nonconfrontational access to "those powerful few" -- Obama administration officials, members of Congress, and the paper's own reporters and editors."

    At 10.33am, Washington Post editor Marcus Brauchli sends out an email:

    A flyer was distributed this week offering an "underwriting opportunity" for a dinner on health-care reform, in which the news department had been asked to participate.

    The language in the flyer and the description of the event preclude our participation.

    We will not participate in events where promises are made that in exchange for money The Post will offer access to newsroom personnel or will refrain from confrontational questioning. Our independence from advertisers or sponsors is inviolable.

    There is a long tradition of news organizations hosting conferences and events, and we believe The Post, including the newsroom, can do these things in ways that are consistent with our values.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press Obama's Business Agent - 2009-07-02 7:56 PM
they dont seem to understand that it doesnt matter if the reporters dont attend. if the Obama admin is gunna loan out officials to do fund raising for newspapers there content is tainted whether the reporters are their or not.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Press Obama's Business Agent - 2009-07-02 9:03 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
At 10.33am, Washington Post editor Marcus Brauchli sends out an email:

A flyer was distributed this week offering an "underwriting opportunity" for a dinner on health-care reform, in which the news department had been asked to participate.

The language in the flyer and the description of the event preclude our participation.

We will not participate in events where promises are made that in exchange for money The Post will offer access to newsroom personnel or will refrain from confrontational questioning. Our independence from advertisers or sponsors is inviolable.

There is a long tradition of news organizations hosting conferences and events, and we believe The Post, including the newsroom, can do these things in ways that are consistent with our values.


Donnie, were you reading the Dude's post? That was already in there.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press Obama's Business Agent - 2009-07-02 11:03 PM
Say what you will about the tenets of national socialism, dude, at least it's an ethos.

Annandale, Va. (AP) - President Barack Obama wanted to put a human face on his plans to overhaul health care, and a Virginia supporter did just that Wednesday.

Fighting back tears, Debby Smith, 53, told Obama of her kidney cancer and her inability to obtain health insurance or hold a job. The president hugged her -- she's a volunteer for his political operation -- and called her "exhibit A" in an unsustainable system that is too expensive and complex for millions of Americans.

"We are going to try to find ways to help you immediately," he told Smith as hundreds looked on at a community college forum -- and countless others watched on television. But the nation's long-term needs require a greater emphasis on preventive care and "cost-effective care," he said.

Smith, of Appalachia, Va., is a volunteer for Organizing for America, Obama's political operation within the Democratic National Committee. She obtained her ticket through the White House.

The health care changes that Obama called for Wednesday would reshape the nation's medical landscape. He says he wants to cover nearly 50 million uninsured Americans, to persuade doctors to stress quality over quantity of care, to squeeze billions of dollars from spending.

But details on exactly how to do those things were generally lacking in his hour-long town hall forum before a friendly, hand-picked audience in a Washington suburb. The lingering questions underscore the tough negotiations awaiting Congress, the administration and dozens of special interest groups in the coming months. Lawmakers will return to debating the issue when they return from a one-week recess on Monday.

Some of Obama's questioners Wednesday were from friendly sources, including a member of the Service Employees International Union and a member of Health Care for America Now, which organized a Capitol Hill rally last week calling for an overhaul. White House aides selected other questions submitted by people on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

Republicans said the event was a political sham designed to help Obama, not to inform the public.

"Americans are already skeptical about the cost and adverse impact of the president's health care plans," Republican National Committee spokesman Trevor Francis said. "Stacking the audience and preselecting questions may make for a good TV, but it's the wrong way to engage in a meaningful discussion about reforming health care."

Obama made no new proposals at the sometimes emotional event. But he vigorously defended his plans while fielding seven questions from the live audience at the forum and on the Internet.

The president would bar insurance companies from turning down applicants because of their "pre-existing conditions." He would establish health care exchanges that would spread the costs of treating patients such as Smith over a large number of people.

Obama called for shifting huge sums of money from current health care spending to new goals. About two-thirds of the overall new costs "will come from reallocating money that is already being spent in the health care system but isn't being spent wisely," he said.

He restated his pledge to cut $177 billion over the next decade from Medicare Advantage insurance plans. And he noted that doctors, hospitals, corporations and others have promised to decrease the annual rate of spending growth by 1.5 percent, or $2 trillion over 10 years.

Such savings are not guaranteed, however, and many Republican lawmakers say Obama's plans will prove too costly.

"The biggest thing we can do to hold down costs is to change the incentives of a health care system that automatically equates expensive care with better care," the president said. He said the formula system drives up costs "but doesn't make you better."

Obama did not make specific recommendations for changing the incentive formulas.

One questioner said limits on awards from medical malpractice lawsuits would bring down health care costs.

Obama replied, "I don't like the idea of an artificial cap" on such awards for a patient's injuries. He also said there was little evidence that various states' efforts to limit such awards have uniformly brought down costs.

Obama said, however, that he is working with the American Medical Association to explore ways to reduce liability for doctors and hospitals "when they've done nothing wrong." He offered no specifics for a problem that has vexed the medical and legal industries for decades.

The president repeatedly said the current health care system is not acceptable and must be overhauled this year. He urged the audience, which included people following on Facebook and YouTube, to reject critics who say his plans are too costly or a step toward socialized medicine.

Obama said a government-run "single-payer" health care system works well in some countries. But it is not appropriate in the United States, he said, because so many people get insurance through their employers working with private companies.

Still, he again called for a government-run "public option" to compete with private insurers, a plan that many Republicans oppose.

Following a testy exchange during Wednesday’s briefing with White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas told CNSNews.com that not even Richard Nixon tried to control the press the way President Obama is trying to control the press.

“Nixon didn’t try to do that,” Thomas said. “They couldn’t control (the media). They didn’t try.

“What the hell do they think we are, puppets?” Thomas said. “They’re supposed to stay out of our business. They are our public servants. We pay them.”

Thomas said she was especially concerned about the arrangement between the Obama Administration and a writer from the liberal Huffington Post Web site. The writer was invited by the White House to President Obama’s press conference last week on the understanding that he would ask Obama a question about Iran from among questions that had been sent to him by people in Iran.

“When you call the reporter the night before you know damn well what they are going to ask to control you,” Thomas said.

“I’m not saying there has never been managed news before, but this is carried to fare-thee-well--for the town halls, for the press conferences,” she said. “It’s blatant. They don’t give a damn if you know it or not. They ought to be hanging their heads in shame.”

During today’s briefing, Thomas interrupted a back-and-forth between Gibbs and Chip Reid, the White House correspondent for CBS News, when Reid was questioning Gibbs about who was going to decide what questions would be asked of President Obama in a townhall meeting that was scheduled to take place in Annandale, Va., today.

Gibbs then had an exchange involving Reid and Thomas that went as follows:

Gibbs: “… But, again, let's--How about we do this? I promise we will interrupt the AP's tradition of asking the first question. I will let you [Chip Reid] ask me a question tomorrow as to whether you thought the questions at the town hall meeting that the President conducted in Annandale—“

Chip Reid: “I'm perfectly happy to—”

Helen Thomas: “That's not his point. The point is the control--”

Reid: “Exactly.”

Thomas: “We have never had that in the White House. And we have had some, but not-- This White House.”

Gibbs: “Yes, I was going to say, I'll let you amend her question.”

Thomas: “I'm amazed. I'm amazed at you people who call for openness and transparency and—”

Gibbs: “Helen, you haven't even heard the questions.”

Reid: “It doesn't matter. It's the process.”

Thomas: “You have left open—”

Reid: “Even if there's a tough question, it's a question coming from somebody who was invited or was screened, or the question was screened.”

Thomas: “It's shocking. It's really shocking.”

Gibbs: “Chip, let's have this discussion at the conclusion of the town hall meeting. How about that?”

Reid: “Okay.”

Gibbs: “I think—“

Thomas: “No, no, no, we're having it now--”

Gibbs: “Well, I'd be happy to have it now.”

Thomas: “It's a pattern.”

Gibbs: “Which question did you object to at the town hall meeting, Helen?”

Thomas: “It's a pattern. It isn't the question—”

Gibbs: “What's a pattern?”

Thomas: “It's a pattern of controlling the press.”

Gibbs: “How so? Is there any evidence currently going on that I'm controlling the press--poorly, I might add.”

Thomas: “Your formal engagements are pre-packaged.”

Gibbs: “How so?”

Reid: “Well, and controlling the public—”

Thomas: “How so? By calling reporters the night before to tell them they're going to be called on. That is shocking.”

Gibbs: “We had this discussion ad nauseam and—”

Thomas: “Of course you would, because you don't have any answers.”

Gibbs: “Well, because I didn't know you were going to ask a question, Helen.
Go ahead.”

Thomas: “Well, you should have.”

Reporter: Thank you for your support.

Gibbs: “That's good. Have you e-mailed your question today?”

Thomas: “I don't have to e-mail it. I can tell you right now what I want to ask.”

Gibbs: “I don't doubt that at all, Helen. I don't doubt that at all.”

Thomas, 89, has covered the White House during every presidency since John F. Kennedy’s.
Posted By: the G-man Press is Liberal - 2009-07-07 2:32 PM
TV and Obama: mutual love affair
Posted By: the G-man Ben Stein Fired for Criticizing Obama - 2009-08-10 4:43 PM
Expelled From the New York Times: By Ben Stein
  • About five or six years ago, roughly, I was solicited to write a column every two weeks for the Sunday New York Times Business Section.

    The column went well. I got lots of excellent fan mail and fine feedback from my editors, who, however, kept changing....

    I started criticizing Mr. Obama quite sharply over his policies and practices. I had tried to do this before over the firing of Rick Wagoner from the Chairmanship of GM. My column had questioned whether there was a legal basis for the firing by the government, what law allowed or authorized the federal government to fire the head of what was then a private company, and just where the Obama administration thought their limits were, if anywhere. This column was flat out nixed by my editors at the Times because in their opinion Mr. Obama inherently had such powers.

    They did let me run a piece querying what I thought was a certain lack of focus in Mr. Obama's world but that was it, and then came another issue.

    I had done a commercial for an Internet aggregating company called FreeScore. This commercial offered people a week of free access to their credit scores and then required them to pay for further such access.

    This commercial was red meat for the Ben Stein haters left over from the Expelled days. They bombarded the Times with letters. They confused (or some of them seemingly confused ) FreeScore with other companies that did not have FreeScore's unblemished record with consumer protection agencies. (FreeScore has a perfect record.) They demanded of the high pooh-bahs at the Times that they fire me because of what they called a conflict of interest.

    Of course, there was no conflict of interest. I had never written one word in the Times or anywhere else about getting credit scores on line. Not a word.

    But somehow, these people bamboozled some of the high pooh-bahs at the Times into thinking there was a conflict of interest. In an e-mail sent to me by a person I had never met nor even heard of, I was fired. I called the editor and explained the situation. He said the problem was "the appearance" of conflict of interest. I asked how that could be when I never wrote about the subject at all. He said the real problem was that FreeScore was a major financial company and I wrote about finance. But, as I told him, FreeScore was a small Internet aggregator, not a bank or insurer.

    Never mind. I was history. "You should have consulted us," was the basic line.

    Of course, there was not one word of complaint when I did commercials for immense public companies. By a total coincidence, I was tossed overboard immediately after my column attacking Obama. (You can attack Obama from the left at the Times but not from the right.)

    The whole subject reminds me of a conversation Bob Dylan had long ago with a reporter who asked him what he thought about how much criticism he was getting for going from acoustic to electric guitar. "There are a lot of people who have knives and forks," he said, "and they have nothing on their plates, so they have to cut something."
Maybe they did can that waste over the tv commercial.

Also those other immensely public companies are like Baush%lauhm(sp?) for Visine or whatever.

I find it hard to believe the New York Times hired Stein without knowing his politics.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Ben Stein Fired for Criticizing Obama - 2009-08-10 6:02 PM
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53

I find it hard to believe the New York Times hired Stein without knowing his politics.

I find it equally hard to believe they hired him without realizing that he does TV commercials. In fact, as he notes in the full version of the piece, there was at least one incident with Times staffers found out the was doing a commercial with Shaq and (rather than reprimand him) asked him to bring them back souveneirs and autographs.
What was the product?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Ben Stein Fired for Criticizing Obama - 2009-08-10 6:26 PM
He doesn't say but I'm guessing Comcast, given the Shaq reference:

I suppose one could try and draw a distinction between the two commercials but it's one hell of a thin one.

In the Comcast commericial Stein identifies himself as an economist and says he's there to talk about finances and being smart with money. Comcast is a large telecommunications company and, presumably, as likely a topic for a column on business as the company that Stein did the ad for that ostensibly got him fired.

Furthermore, Stein's firing seems all the more peculiar when you consider the case of Paul Krugman. Krugman was an Enron advisor and consultant who later, and unlike Stein, went on to write about that company in his Times column. Krugman is still at the Times despite covering a company he used to work for.

Of course, Krugman is an vocal liberal.

Wow, are Comcast and the New York Times owned by the same people?

If not, that is way more of a conflict.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Ben Stein Fired for Criticizing Obama - 2009-08-10 6:47 PM
Comcast and the Times are not owned by the same company. I think Time Warner owns Comcast, in fact.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Washington Post Freudian Slip - 2009-08-16 4:11 PM

Washington Post editor Jonathon Capehartwas on MSNBC yesterday morning and made a freudian slip about the mainstream press alliance with the Obamanauts, "You know, there are legitimate concerns out there about health insurance reform or health care reform or however we're calling it today. But a lot of this rhetoric: death panels, pulling the plug on grandma, I think is sort of lowering the debate. And we've got two problems here. We, I should say the administration or Democrats have two problems. "

 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
Maybe they did can that waste over the tv commercial.

Also those other immensely public companies are like Baush%lauhm(sp?) for Visine or whatever.

I find it hard to believe the New York Times hired Stein without knowing his politics.

The problem was his questioning of the One. you are allowed to criticize the administration but no one is allowed to criticize him directly. take a look around anyone questioning Obama directly is referred to as a racist and an extremist(even MEM calls critics fringe), now to us it seems silly but in the world of newspapers this is no different than having a legitimate extremist writing for them.
Posted By: iggy Re: Ben Stein Fired for Criticizing Obama - 2009-08-16 10:03 PM
Memo to Rupert:

Spite them. Hire Stein.

Can you celebrate the Obama presidency at NBC?

Yes you can.

If you're a fan of all things Obama, NBC Universal's online store has no fewer than 29 options for your buying pleasure -- from a shirt with the president's picture proclaiming "YES WE DID"...to both of his books...to a special inauguration DVD...to a refrigerator magnet of the first couple.

And don't forget the Barack Obama Action Figure -- yours for $15, plus tax.

You can buy them online -- or at NBC Universal's retail store in New York.

Some analysts say it's good business, that NBC is simply offering what people want to buy. They point out that the adult version of the “YES WE DID” shirt ($25) was so popular, it sold out on the Web site.

But others note that there is no merchandise available that shows support for the other side of the political aisle. And they question whether the political bent of the items on sale are healthy for a corporation that operates an impartial news outlet.

Some of NBC’s item descriptions would seem to support that notion: "Bring reform to your refrigerator. Or at least keep company with the President while you're at work, with the Barack Obama Magnet," one item description reads.

"From Yes We Can to Yes We Did! Celebrate Barack Obama's historic victory with the new 'Yes We Did' Unisex T-Shirt," reads another.

But if your favorite color in the red, white and blue just happens to be red, you're out of luck.

There are no t-shirts or refrigerator magnets for George and Laura Bush, and NBC did not say whether it ever sold Bush items after his victory in 2000.

The CBS and ABC online stores sell books about the president, but no merchandise. Fox and CNN do not sell books or gear.

Some journalism ethics scholars said NBC Universal's focus on Obama merchandise was unseemly for a media outlet.

"The NBC Universal Store stands out for the amount of pro-Obama trinkets and gadgets and promotional material it sells. Its nearest competitor is CBS, which has a dozen items...books and the 60 Minutes interview with Obama,” DePaul University journalism professor Bruce Evensen said.

"The [NBC] site seems like a campaign stop for those following their messiah...The appearance that NBC isn't reporting the news with fairness, balance and impartiality -- but is instead cheerleading -- is apparent," he said.

But others said the sale of Obama items appeared to be nothing more than a smart business decision.

"I think it indicates that NBC thinks it can make money from selling Obama items but not from McCain or Bush items," said Eric Alterman, author of the book, "What Liberal Media?" and an English and journalism professor at Brooklyn College in New York.

Joe Luppino-Esposito, a conservative blogger who spotted the shirts for sale, agreed that selling only Obama gear could be a good business decision, but he said that it reflected network bias nonetheless.

"It's definitely possible that it's a business decision, but I think that a news organization should always be careful in selling products that aren't so blatant in showing a bias," he said.

Jane Kirtley, executive director of the University of Minnesota’s Silha Center for Media Ethics and Law, said, "I would agree that it is problematic when you have an entity that has a news division to appear to be taking a partisan line. When you're selling memorabilia that supports anybody who prevailed in an election, you run the risk of being labeled as having a partisan affiliation."

"To me, whatever money they're making off of this, it's not worth it. It undermines any attempt to represent itself as a nonpartisan entity," she said.

But Alterman said the idea that the Obama merchandise reflects on the reporting at NBC and MSNBC was "almost comically stupid."

"Do these conservatives think that the person making the decision of what items to sell in the NBC gift shops is the person giving orders about how to slant the politics of NBC news?" he asked.

"What about the choice of beverage sales in the cafeteria?"

Liberal media watch groups Media Matters and Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting declined to comment on the issue.
well this does ease my concerns that NBC is run by left wing whackos, I guess their bias is just greed based.
Google 42 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: ABC News:Press is Liberal
Posted By: rex Re: Obama Merchandise a Big Seller at NBC Store - 2009-08-18 2:24 AM
This is the same as the people that sold 9-11 books. they're making money off of tragedy.
Posted By: the G-man Re: NBC: the Obama Network - 2009-08-18 4:47 AM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
well this does ease my concerns that NBC is run by left wing whackos, I guess their bias is just greed based.

NBC is owned by GE. GE is headed by Jeffrey Immelt. In the 8 years that he's been in charge, their stock has dropped an astounding 75%, yet not only is his job not in jeopardy, he's been tagged to be one of Obama's economic advisers.

  • Labeled “climate revenues” and totaling $646 billion over eight years, this line item in Obama’s budget has inspired confidence in GE Chief Executive Officer Jeff Immelt. As Immelt put it in a letter this week, he believes that the Obama administration will be a profitable “financier” and “key partner.”

Basically, GE stands to make millions, if not billions off of Obama's "green" policies.
"Do these conservatives think that the person making the decision of what items to sell in the NBC gift shops is the person giving orders about how to slant the politics of NBC news?" he asked.

Why do they have to be conservatives to disapprove?
Posted By: iggy Re: Obama Merchandise a Big Seller at NBC Store - 2009-08-18 9:04 PM
Oh, so Chuck Todd doesn't necessarily want to suck the Obamacock, Jeff Immelt makes him to try and better his bottom line. But, seriously, I think Todd likes it anyway.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab NBC Push Polling For ObamaCare - 2009-08-23 6:52 PM

Push Poll: technique in which an individual or organization attempts to influence or alter the view of respondents under the guise of conducting a poll.

By that definition, it sure seems that NBC is push polling on behalf of ObamaCare. On this morning's Today, NBC News Political Director and Chief White House Correspondent Chuck Todd reported on a new NBC poll that reflected the fact that, according to him, many Americans continue to believe "the myths" about ObamaCare. But Todd reported that the NBC pollsters also gave people "the facts" about ObamaCare. And after hearing those "facts," a majority supported the plan. Sounds like classic push polling.

And what were those "myths" that NBC supposedly busted? That ObamaCare:

Will give the government the power to cut off care for elderly.

Given that PBO questioned the wisdom of giving his own grandmother a hip replacement, why shouldn't Americans wonder about how the elderly will be treated?

Will pay for abortions.

Our sister organization CNSNews.com has reported that "Democrats in both the House and the Senate want abortion be included as a health benefit in both government and private insurance plans."

Will provide health insurance to illegal immigrants.

Given the restrictions Dems across the country have placed on immigration enforcement, does anyone seriously doubt that many illegals will sneak into ObamaCare?

By its push polling, NBC is not simply reporting the news—it is blatantly attempting to shape public opinion.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: NBC Push Polling For ObamaCare - 2009-08-23 6:53 PM
the push poll:

Posted By: the G-man Re: NBC Push Polling For ObamaCare - 2009-08-23 6:58 PM
NBC's next push poll will probably be to convinece people that the Death Book never actually existed.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Obama presses the press into service - 2009-08-23 11:30 PM
MSN 32 minutes 31 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: ABC News:Press is Liberal
Posted By: the G-man Re: Obama presses the press into service - 2009-08-23 11:42 PM
Damn. They're going to take my joke, steal it, and do it for real.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Obama presses the press into service - 2009-08-23 11:54 PM
Tonight On MSNBC: Hate Speech At The RKMBS
Posted By: the G-man Networks refuse anti-Obamacare ad - 2009-08-27 11:21 PM
Anti-'Obamacare' Ad Rejected by NBC, ABC: Refusal by networks to run national ad critical of president's health care reform plan is raising questions from the group behind the spot
Posted By: the G-man Re:Press is Liberal - 2009-09-16 5:38 AM
ABC's Gibson: ACORN Story One to 'Leave to Cables'

The Story So Good ... It's Ignored?
Posted By: PJP Re:Press is Liberal - 2009-09-16 6:01 AM
Gibson is a piece of shit
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re:Press is Liberal - 2009-09-16 6:03 AM
 Originally Posted By: PJP
Gibson is a piece of shit
Posted By: iggy Re:Press is Liberal - 2009-09-16 10:49 PM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: PJP
Gibson is a piece of shit
Posted By: the G-man CNN fires Dobbs to Placate Obama? - 2009-11-18 1:46 AM
Lou says network didn't want to offend president:
  • Lou Dobbs said yesterday CNN was eager to show him the door because its top execs didn't want to offend President Obama.

    Dobbs made the claim last night on Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor," saying he took on President George W. Bush's immigration policy with equal force but didn't draw any CNN flak then.

    "I discern more of a difference between then, which was under the Bush administration when I was criticizing, and now, when it is the Obama administration -- and an entirely different tone was taken," said Dobbs.

    He claims both Bush and Obama are soft on illegal immigration
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: CNN fires Dobbs to Placate Obama? - 2009-11-18 4:13 AM
He must be racist.
Posted By: the G-man Re: press is liberal - 2009-11-18 5:32 PM
AP Digs for Dirt in Palin's Book: News wire assigns 11 reporters to fact-check former governor's book, but didn't fact-check Obama's books.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: press is liberal - 2009-11-22 4:44 PM
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Press - 2009-11-22 5:20 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
AP Digs for Dirt in Palin's Book: News wire assigns 11 reporters to fact-check former governor's book, but didn't fact-check Obama's books.

Nobody knew or thought he was going to be running for the top office when those came out. Those books were looked at when he became a presidential candidate and were discussed.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 5:55 PM
The AP put two reporters on the Health Care bill Pelosi pushed through. Is your contention the AP did not know that this bill is important? 11 fact checkers for a book, and 2 for a bill that concerns 1/3 of our economy.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Press - 2009-11-22 6:07 PM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
The AP put two reporters on the Health Care bill Pelosi pushed through. Is your contention the AP did not know that this bill is important? 11 fact checkers for a book, and 2 for a bill that concerns 1/3 of our economy.

They used 11 fact checkers to go through Palin's book quicker not because it was more important. Much more time and resources are actually being spent on the health care bill. The two reporters are still on the bill while the fact checkers that spent maybe a couple of hours on Palin's book are not still on Palin.
Posted By: iggy Re: Press - 2009-11-22 6:14 PM
Sorry, MEM, but I gotta roll with the them on this one. It isn't that I'm a huge Palin mark or anything, but the fact that they put 11 people on the job to fact check a book by PALIN!!!

I'm fairly sure it is full of enough lies, distortions and contradictions that all it would really take is two guys--tops--and search engine.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 6:17 PM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
The AP put two reporters on the Health Care bill Pelosi pushed through. Is your contention the AP did not know that this bill is important? 11 fact checkers for a book, and 2 for a bill that concerns 1/3 of our economy.

They used 11 fact checkers to go through Palin's book quicker not because it was more important. Much more time and resources are actually being spent on the health care bill. The two reporters are still on the bill while the fact checkers that spent maybe a couple of hours on Palin's book are not still on Palin.

Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-22 6:28 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Sorry, MEM, but I gotta roll with the them on this one. It isn't that I'm a huge Palin mark or anything, but the fact that they put 11 people on the job to fact check a book by PALIN!!!

I'm fairly sure it is full of enough lies, distortions and contradictions that all it would really take is two guys--tops--and search engine.

Palin's a hot topic and they put some resources into her book to fact check it quickly but comparing the short term allocations to long term ones is deceptive. It's ignoring the actual number of man hours put into each. The 2 reporters assigned to the health care bill will still be covering it while the 11 fact checkers were on that for how long? Probably less than a day.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 6:51 PM
MEM your being contradictory. first you say there were 11 fact checkers on Palin's book and none on Husseins because he wasnt considered a future candidate, so there was a need for 11 reporters assigned to Palin's book.

In the case of the healthcare bill you say there are 2 reporters but there is no hurry.

The fact is there was less than 3 days from the time Pelosi submitted the bill to the time the vote was taken. If Palin is running for President there is 3 years from publishing her book till she runs. Wouldn't it be more journalistically responsible to put 11 reporters on fleshing out the details of a bill this important before the vote, and 2 reporters however long they needed to fact check a book?

Which is more urgent in your mind, finding out details of legislation that impacts your life before it's voted on, or finding out details of a politicians book quickly?

Try to answer honestly, but if you can't it's ok.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 7:00 PM
Matter-eater Man argumentative User Fair Play!
7500+ posts 1 minute 32 seconds ago Reading a post
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Thread: ABC News:Press is Liberal
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 7:01 PM
Matter-eater Man argumentative User Fair Play!
7500+ posts 4 seconds ago Viewing a list of posts
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Come back when you get the official Media Matters spin on this.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 7:05 PM
Anonymous 2 minutes 57 seconds ago Reading a post
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Thread: ABC News:Press is Liberal

login and let us know what you think
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 8:06 PM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber

Which is more urgent in your mind, finding out details of legislation that impacts your life before it's voted on, or finding out details of a politicians book quickly?

It depends. Is the politician republican or democrat? What has Soros told me to think?
Nambla Zick
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 8:07 PM
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 8:10 PM
Anonymous 1 minute 44 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: ABC News:Press is Liberal
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 8:23 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
Guess how many kids I fucked today.

You're trash.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 8:28 PM
so you can't answer my question, but you can make pedophilia insults? you're a work.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 8:30 PM
 Originally Posted By: Nambla Zick
Guess how many kids I fucked today.


Dude, get help.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Press - 2009-11-22 8:31 PM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
MEM your being contradictory. first you say there were 11 fact checkers on Palin's book and none on Husseins because he wasnt considered a future candidate, so there was a need for 11 reporters assigned to Palin's book.

In the case of the healthcare bill you say there are 2 reporters but there is no hurry.

You're making a false comparison though. And actually there are probably more than just 2 reporters from the AP covering health care reform. I was going by what you said but what is the 2 reporter number being based on?
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-22 8:32 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
Guess how many kids I fucked today.

You are garbage.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 8:33 PM
 Originally Posted By: Chris Zick
Guess how many kids I fucked today.

I hope the number is zero
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-22 8:35 PM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
Guess how many kids I fucked today.

You are garbage.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2009-11-22 8:36 PM
Nambla Zick. Broken. Again.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-22 8:37 PM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
Guess how many kids I fucked today.

You are garbage.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press - 2009-11-22 8:37 PM
So a non answer it is.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Press - 2009-11-22 8:37 PM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 8:44 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Nambla Zick


\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:\:lol\:
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Fact-Check This, Associated Press! - 2009-11-22 8:44 PM

"I think Obama's in a league with TR," observes historian and presidential biographer Douglas Brinkley. "He created his political reputation through the written word."

To be sure, no one has ever accused Sarah Palin, a defeated vice presidential candidate, of creating her reputation thusly. One has to wonder, then, why her book, Going Rogue, would merit a fact-check by no fewer than eleven Associated Press reporters when neither the AP nor any other mainstream outlet has spent a moment vetting the books of the "author in chief," as President Barack Obama was anointed in a November GQ article, "Barack Obama's Work in Progress" by Tom Draper.

In an observant piece called the Road to Bali, blogger Tom Maguire addresses the implicit media balance. He does so by calling attention to just one relevant question that the media might have profitably asked our president: did you take new bride Michelle to Bali with you in 1993?

In the course of asking that question, not terribly significant in and of itself, Maguire sheds light on a more substantive question: why have the media paid so little attention to how Barack Obama came to write the book that would make his reputation -- his acclaimed 1995 memoir, Dreams From My Father?

As source, Maguire turns to Draper, who has spent time with Michelle and Barack and written the most detailed account to date of the genesis of Dreams. Blinded by Obama's light, however, Draper fails to see the gaping holes in his own storyline.

As Draper tells it, a February 1990 New York Times article telling how Harvard has elected Obama president of the Harvard Law Review attracted the attention of a young agent named Jane Dystel. Draper implies that Obama's "irresistible" writing skills netted him the position, which is not at all true.

In fact, the election was a popularity contest held in racially charged environment. The culturally ambiguous Obama won on his race-healing talents, not his literary ones. He would contribute only one leaden, unsigned case note to the HLR and has not written another legal article since.

According to Draper, on November 28, 1990, Poseidon Press, a Simon & Schuster imprint, issued "a six-figure contract" to Obama for a book tentatively titled Journeys in Black and White. In his recent book, Barack and Michelle: Portrait of An American Marriage, Christopher Andersen specifies the amount at $150,000.

In the hope of recruiting Obama, the University of Chicago Law School offered him an office to use for finishing the book, and there he spent 1991 and 1992. Nearly two years passed, and Obama could not produce. Draper quotes an Obama confession to confidante Valerie Jarrett in 1992: "I just can't get it down on paper. ... I'd much rather hang out with Michelle than focus on this."

Although Draper would never say so, this represented a failure of character as much as it did a failure of talent. Obama had pocketed $75,000 of that advance in exchange for the promise of a manuscript by June 15, 1992. He had more than eighteen months to complete a memoir, the easiest of all genres. It required minimal research, no footnotes, and a narrative that needed not be factual as long as it was plausible.

As a point of comparison, I was offered a contract in April 2005 to write a memoir with a deadline of September 1, 2005. In other words, I had four months to do what Obama could not do in eighteen. To complicate matters, my memoir was to be a story about growing up in the age of Muhammad Ali. So in addition to writing, I read roughly 30-40 books on boxing and related subjects during that period and watched scores of fight films and documentaries.

I set as a goal a thousand words a day, and I made the September 1 deadline. It would have helped a lot if I had ever learned to type, but to me, missing the deadline was unthinkable if for no other reason than that I, like Obama, had signed a contract and accepted an advance. Although Sucker Punch was my fourth published book, I can assure you that my advance was considerably less than that of the untested Obama.

In any case, the June 15, 1992 deadline came and went without a manuscript from Obama. As Draper blithely notes, Obama had other things on his mind, namely his impending October 3rd marriage to Michelle. On October 20, 1992, according to Draper, Poseidon terminated Obama's contract.

Andersen adds a detail that mythmaker Draper chooses to omit. Obama feared that Simon & Schuster would demand the $75,000 already advanced. Writes Andersen, "But when Barack informed them that he had spent the money -- and that he and his wife were still chipping away at their massive student loan debt -- the publisher agreed not to press the issue." In other words, Obama asked for and received an undeserved bailout. A pattern was developing here.

The tenacious agent Jane Dystel managed to find another publisher, Times Books, and secured a smaller advance of $40,000. Draper tells us that Obama used the advance "to fulfill his outstanding financial obligation to Poseidon." Andersen's take sounds more credible.

"Now he's got to produce," writes Draper. "But how?" Although the sanctuary at the University of Chicago and a previous retreat to a friend's Wisconsin farm had done no good, Obama hit upon the idea of going to Bali to unblock. (For Sucker Punch, I went to my cabin on Lake Erie).

As blogger Maguire notes, the pre-election myth, advanced by the New York Times and others, is that Michelle accompanied him. Wrote the Times on May 18, 2008, Obama "eventually retreated to Bali for several months with his wife, Michelle."

A more recent and less romantic version, advanced by Draper and by the Times as well, is that Obama went by himself. "For a month," writes Draper, "he is a lone figure pacing on the white sand and hammering on his laptop."

Andersen describes the Obamas as "drowning in debt" during this period. How either Barack or Michelle could have afforded to go to Bali during this period, for one month or three, remains something of a mystery. Mysterious too is how the media could leave unresolved such glaring contradictions in the biography of the world's most famous man.

Maguire highlights still another hole in the Draper narrative. Incredibly, in a 5,000-word article on Obama's development as a writer, Draper says nothing about what happened between early 1993, when Obama returned from Bali, to June 1995, when Dreams was published. Draper leaves the impression that the month-long Bali high was just what Obama needed to fire his synapses.

Andersen is much more credible here. As he tells it, Bali proved no more helpful than any other retreat. At Michelle's urging, the "hopelessly blocked" Obama finally turned to "friend and Hyde Park neighbor" Bill Ayers to help him.

Andersen's details are specific. The Obamas were convinced of "Ayers's proven abilities as a writer." Barack particularly liked the novelistic style of To Teach, a 1993 book by Ayers. The key sentence in Andersen's account is this: "[The Obama family] oral histories, along with his partial manuscript and a trunkload of notes were given to Ayers."

Adds Andersen, "Thanks to help from veteran writer Ayers, Barack would be able to submit a manuscript to his editors at Times Books." Based on my own research, I would argue that Ayers actually wrote the book's best sections. Obama's previous published efforts show not a wisp of the skill on display in Dreams. Not surprisingly, Draper overlooks those early efforts.

With his man-crush trumping his critical insights, Draper chooses not to relate the fate of plucky agent Dystel. That story was hard to miss. The proudly liberal but seriously disgusted publisher Peter Osnos went public three years ago. According to Osnos, Obama dumped his devoted long-time agent after Dreams took off and then signed a seven-figure deal with Crown, using only a by-the-hour attorney.

Obama pulled off the deal after his 2004 election to the U.S. Senate but before being sworn in as Senator, thus avoiding the disclosure and reporting requirements applicable to members of Congress. Osnos publicly scolded Obama for his "ruthlessness" and "his questionable judgment about using public service as a personal payday."

But that was in 2006, when Obama was a mere mortal. Today, Obama is a literary god, however false, and challenging the gods is apparently above the AP's pay grade.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-22 8:47 PM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
Guess how many kids I fucked today.

You are garbage.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Press - 2009-11-22 8:51 PM
yep. broken.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal. - 2009-11-22 9:04 PM
 Originally Posted By: Nambla Zick


 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
yep. broken.

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press is liberal. - 2009-11-22 9:06 PM
Matter-eater Man argumentative User Fair Play!
7500+ posts 29 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: ABC News:Press is Liberal
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press is liberal. - 2009-11-22 9:06 PM
that just happened.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-22 9:07 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
Guess how many kids I fucked today.

You are garbage.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal. - 2009-11-22 9:12 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
 Originally Posted By: Nambla Zick


 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
yep. broken.

Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-22 9:17 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
Guess how many kids I fucked today.

You are garbage.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal. - 2009-11-22 9:19 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
 Originally Posted By: Nambla Zick


 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
yep. broken.

Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-22 9:21 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
Guess how many kids I fucked today.

You are garbage.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press is liberal. - 2009-11-22 9:21 PM
Matter-eater Man argumentative User Fair Play!
7500+ posts 5 seconds ago Making a new reply
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Re: Press is liberal.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal. - 2009-11-22 9:22 PM
Zick's so broken that not ever government run health-care is going to put him back together this time. \:lol\:
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is liberal. - 2009-11-22 9:28 PM
You're the one who started the garbage attack G-man instead of focussing on the topic and a discussion based on merit.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal. - 2009-11-22 9:55 PM
Zick, pointing out that you have differing standards when it comes to politicans of different parties and that you seem incapable of expressing a coherent thought that you didn't cut and paste from a Soros-backed website is hardly a garbage attack.

But you already knew that. You just wanted to whine and try and change the subject because you can't justify (on any level) the idea that a major news organization would put eleven reporters on attacking Palin and only two on one of the most significant pieces of legislation since the New Deal.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-22 10:02 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man fucker of children
Zick, pointing out that you have differing standards when it comes to politicans of different parties and that you seem incapable of expressing a coherent thought that you didn't cut and paste from a Soros-backed website is hardly a garbage attack.

But you already knew that. You just wanted to whine and try and change the subject because you can't justify (on any level) the idea that a major news organization would put eleven reporters on attacking Palin and only two on one of the most significant pieces of legislation since the New Deal.

The usual GOP talking points you regurgitate wasn't what I was referring to as a garbage attack. And I think there are actually more than 2 reporters from the AP covering health care reform. That was something Basams said but I asked where he came up with that number. Maybe he just made it up?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 10:05 PM
Zick, the thread says what it says. We can all read the post that broke you (this time).
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-22 10:10 PM
Still wondering what basams based his 2 reporters stat on?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 10:17 PM
 Originally Posted By: Nambla Zick
Still wondering what basams based his 2 reporters stat on?

Associated Press: Senate, House Democratic health bills compared By ERICA WERNER and RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR (AP)

Two reporters listed. Unlike the eleven listed on the Palin "fact check".

In addition, please note the following (under "Accountability Journalism") from the Wall St. Journal: On a per-page basis, that is, the AP devoted 52 times as much manpower to the memoir of a former Republican officeholder as to a piece of legislation that will cost trillions of dollars and an untold number of lives. That's what they call accountability journalism.
  • Number of AP reporters assigned to story:
    • ObamaCare bills: 2
    • Palin book: 11

    Number of pages in document being covered:
    • ObamaCare bills: 4,064
    • Palin book: 432

    Number of pages per AP reporter:
    • ObamaCare bill: 2,032
    • Palin book: 39.3

Seems pretty clear to me...and anyone else not getting all their thinking from Media Matters.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 10:28 PM
it just takes a little research MEM, dont rely on Media Matters for all your thoughts.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-22 10:35 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man fucker of children
 Originally Posted By: MEM
Still wondering what basams based his 2 reporters stat on?

Associated Press: Senate, House Democratic health bills compared By ERICA WERNER and RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR (AP)

Two reporters listed. Unlike the eleven listed on the Palin "fact check".

In addition, please note the following (under "Accountability Journalism") from the Wall St. Journal: On a per-page basis, that is, the AP devoted 52 times as much manpower to the memoir of a former Republican officeholder as to a piece of legislation that will cost trillions of dollars and an untold number of lives. That's what they call accountability journalism.
  • Number of AP reporters assigned to story:
    • ObamaCare bills: 2
    • Palin book: 11

    Number of pages in document being covered:
    • ObamaCare bills: 4,064
    • Palin book: 432

    Number of pages per AP reporter:
    • ObamaCare bill: 2,032
    • Palin book: 39.3

Seems pretty clear to me...and anyone else not getting all their thinking from Media Matters.

So it's comparing two stories but the AP has done and will do more reporting on the health care reform with more than just the two reporters listed on the one that you and basams seem to think is the only article by the AP on the bills.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press - 2009-11-22 10:36 PM
So now your going back to your failed time argument. There is 3 years to expose any supposed inaccuracies in Palin's book before she runs, there was a 3 day window to flesh out details of the bill. Which do you think was the better use of resources?
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-22 10:44 PM
"...any supposed inaccuracies..."

You are such a partisan basams.

Health care reform is hardly a done deal so your 3 day window logic is nonsense.
Posted By: rex Re: Press - 2009-11-22 10:46 PM

1. an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or cause, esp. a person who shows a biased, emotional allegiance.

The same can be said about you mem.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 10:51 PM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man fucker of children
 Originally Posted By: MEM
Still wondering what basams based his 2 reporters stat on?

Associated Press: Senate, House Democratic health bills compared By ERICA WERNER and RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR (AP)

Two reporters listed. Unlike the eleven listed on the Palin "fact check".

In addition, please note the following (under "Accountability Journalism") from the Wall St. Journal: On a per-page basis, that is, the AP devoted 52 times as much manpower to the memoir of a former Republican officeholder as to a piece of legislation that will cost trillions of dollars and an untold number of lives. That's what they call accountability journalism.
  • Number of AP reporters assigned to story:
    • ObamaCare bills: 2
    • Palin book: 11

    Number of pages in document being covered:
    • ObamaCare bills: 4,064
    • Palin book: 432

    Number of pages per AP reporter:
    • ObamaCare bill: 2,032
    • Palin book: 39.3

Seems pretty clear to me...and anyone else not getting all their thinking from Media Matters.

So it's comparing two stories but the AP has done and will do more reporting on the health care reform with more than just the two reporters listed on the one that you and basams seem to think is the only article by the AP on the bills.

So the press is supposed to cover legislation more extensively after a major vote and not before?

If you really feel that way you have some weird priorities, Zick

Furthermore, neither you (Nambla Zick) or the AP can predict with certainty when a bill will pass. With that in mind, the idea that a chatty tell-all book about last year's campaign is a priority over major legislation becomes even more nonsensical.

Finally, a search of the past seven days of the AP's archive shows 51 additional stories that mention Palin. So, clearly, the AP isn't done covering her either. This further weakens your argument.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-22 10:59 PM
 Originally Posted By: rex

1. an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or cause, esp. a person who shows a biased, emotional allegiance.

The same can be said about you mem.

Yes it would, so you agree that basams is a partisan?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2009-11-22 11:02 PM
I see that Zick is trying to change the subject again.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-22 11:04 PM
I replied to Rex's post.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 11:09 PM
Zick is still trying to change the subject.

He can't refute what BSAMS wrote or the news reports that show the AP put more reporters on Palin than on the healthcare bill. So he called BSAMS a partisan and is now trying to pretend that rex is the one who brought up who is or isn't a partisan.

In addition, Zick has never felt forced to respond to all of rex's posts in the past. So why would he pretend he is now?

Clearly, he's on the ropes and back to one of his longstanding tricks, namely, changing the subject and hoping people will forget what was written already on the topic.
Posted By: rex Re: Press - 2009-11-22 11:18 PM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: rex

1. an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or cause, esp. a person who shows a biased, emotional allegiance.

The same can be said about you mem.

Yes it would, so you agree that basams is a partisan?

Why do you keep bringing up other people? Are you really that afraid of a little self reflection? Are you really that terrified of yourself?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 11:36 PM
Do you really expect an honest answer?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 11:37 PM
Nambla Zick crying User Media Matters!
7500+ posts 11/22/09 03:33 PM Making a new reply
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Re: Press is liberal
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-22 11:38 PM
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: rex

1. an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or cause, esp. a person who shows a biased, emotional allegiance.

The same can be said about you mem.

Yes it would, so you agree that basams is a partisan?

Why do you keep bringing up other people? Are you really that afraid of a little self reflection? Are you really that terrified of yourself?

I'm not the one running away from the definition you posted. You however seem to be partisan for basams ;\)
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-22 11:40 PM
Stop flirting with rex, Zick, and stay on topic.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-22 11:44 PM
G-man wants you to stay on his talking points Rex.
Posted By: rex Re: Press - 2009-11-22 11:45 PM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: rex

1. an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or cause, esp. a person who shows a biased, emotional allegiance.

The same can be said about you mem.

Yes it would, so you agree that basams is a partisan?

Why do you keep bringing up other people? Are you really that afraid of a little self reflection? Are you really that terrified of yourself?

I'm not the one running away from the definition you posted. You however seem to be partisan for basams ;\)

Yes you are. You are running away from yourself every time you deflect your retardation onto someone else.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-22 11:52 PM
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: rex

1. an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or cause, esp. a person who shows a biased, emotional allegiance.

The same can be said about you mem.

Yes it would, so you agree that basams is a partisan?

Why do you keep bringing up other people? Are you really that afraid of a little self reflection? Are you really that terrified of yourself?

I'm not the one running away from the definition you posted. You however seem to be partisan for basams ;\)

Yes you are. You are running away from yourself every time you deflect your retardation onto someone else.

Nope. You posted a definition and I recognized that it applied to me. I of course also recognized that it also applied to basams and that it's something you can't discuss.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2009-11-22 11:56 PM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
G-man wants you to stay on his talking points Rex.

No, I am observing that you are trying to change the subject because you know you've lost.

You're whining about BSAMS being partisan because you hope we'll forget that the Associated Press put more than five times the number of reporters on Palin's book than it did on the healthcare bill.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-23 12:07 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
G-man wants you to stay on his talking points Rex.

No, I am observing that you are trying to change the subject because you know you've lost.

You're whining about BSAMS being partisan because you hope we'll forget that the Associated Press put more than five times the number of reporters on Palin's book than it did on the healthcare bill.

It's a Palin talking point that pretends one story by the AP about the health care bills equals one story about her book. I think most people understand that the AP probably has more resources invested in the health care bills on a regular basis than a short term time investment it used for the Palin book. It's a classic dodge by Palin herself to distract from her actual mistakes she made in the book. She seems to be good at that as well as blaming others and quitting.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2009-11-23 12:08 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
G-man wants you to stay on his talking points Rex.

No, I am observing that you are trying to change the subject because you know you've lost.

You're whining about BSAMS being partisan because you hope we'll forget that the Associated Press put more than five times the number of reporters on Palin's book than it did on the healthcare bill.

Furthermore, even if BSAMS is partisan that doesn't change what AP did or what it says about their biases.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-23 12:10 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
G-man wants you to stay on his talking points Rex.

No, I am observing that you are trying to change the subject because you know you've lost.

You're whining about BSAMS being partisan because you hope we'll forget that the Associated Press put more than five times the number of reporters on Palin's book than it did on the healthcare bill.

It's a Palin talking point that pretends one story by the AP about the health care bills equals one story about her book. I think most people understand that the AP probably has more resources invested in the health care bills on a regular basis than a short term time investment it used for the Palin book. It's a classic dodge by Palin herself to distract from her actual mistakes she made in the book. She seems to be good at that as well as blaming others and quitting.

furthermore her worshippers seem to also be good at running with her talking point.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-23 12:14 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
Furthermore, even if BSAMS is partisan ...

He is according to Rex's definition. Does anyone have a problem with the definition?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-23 12:15 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
Furthermore, even if BSAMS is partisan ...

He is according to Rex's definition. Does anyone have a problem with the definition?

As noted above, the question of BSAMS alleged biases is irrelevant to a discussion of bias at the AP. Therefore, you are trying to change the subject.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

It's a Palin talking point that pretends one story by the AP about the health care bills equals one story about her book. I think most people understand that the AP probably has more resources invested in the health care bills on a regular basis than a short term time investment it used for the Palin book. It's a classic dodge by Palin herself to distract from her actual mistakes she made in the book. She seems to be good at that as well as blaming others and quitting.

As I wrote over an hour ago:

 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
... a search of the past seven days of the AP's archive shows 51 additional stories that mention Palin. So, clearly, the AP isn't done covering her either.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh

Furthermore, neither you ... or the AP can predict with certainty when a bill will pass. With that in mind, the idea that a chatty tell-all book about last year's campaign is a priority over major legislation becomes even more nonsensical.

In addition, I note that the AP laid off staff last week. This means that their resources will be more, not less, stressed in the coming weeks and months. With diminishing staff comes diminishing ability to cover healthcare. Accordingly, the decision to devote so much of their (shrinking) staff's time to a biography over policy at this point in time would seem to demonstrate that their priorities lie less in good government and more in attacking politicians they disapprove of.

Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-23 12:25 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

It's a Palin talking point that pretends one story by the AP about the health care bills equals one story about her book. I think most people understand that the AP probably has more resources invested in the health care bills on a regular basis than a short term time investment it used for the Palin book. It's a classic dodge by Palin herself to distract from her actual mistakes she made in the book. She seems to be good at that as well as blaming others and quitting.

As I wrote over an hour ago:

 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
... a search of the past seven days of the AP's archive shows 51 additional stories that mention Palin. So, clearly, the AP isn't done covering her either.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh

Furthermore, neither you ... or the AP can predict with certainty when a bill will pass. With that in mind, the idea that a chatty tell-all book about last year's campaign is a priority over major legislation becomes even more nonsensical.

In addition, I note that the AP laid off staff last week. This means that their resources will be more, not less, stressed in the coming weeks and months. With diminishing staff comes diminishing ability to cover healthcare. Accordingly, the decision to devote so much of their (shrinking) staff's time to a biography over policy at this point in time would seem to demonstrate that their priorities lie less in good government and more in attacking politicians they disapprove of.

It doesn't though. Just because the AP mentions Palin in other stories isn't evidence that they are employing more resources on her. The 11 were just used for a short time, some minimally involved according to the AP. Palin and you can cry foul but it's a dodge from reallity.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-23 12:29 AM
You have tried to convince that the AP spending more time on Palin's book than on health care last week was excusable because of timing of events and because AP would make up the difference later.

I have demonstrated that the evidence does not support your argument. They are still covering her (and her book) and, further, they have now laid off staff that might have been used on healthcare coverage.

As such, the record clearly shows you're the one trying to "dodge..reality."
Posted By: rex Re: Press - 2009-11-23 2:11 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: rex

1. an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or cause, esp. a person who shows a biased, emotional allegiance.

The same can be said about you mem.

Yes it would, so you agree that basams is a partisan?

Why do you keep bringing up other people? Are you really that afraid of a little self reflection? Are you really that terrified of yourself?

I'm not the one running away from the definition you posted. You however seem to be partisan for basams ;\)

Yes you are. You are running away from yourself every time you deflect your retardation onto someone else.

Nope. You posted a definition and I recognized that it applied to me. I of course also recognized that it also applied to basams and that it's something you can't discuss.

That's what I'm talking about, dimwit. Why are you obsessed with bsams?
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-23 2:23 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: rex

1. an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or cause, esp. a person who shows a biased, emotional allegiance.

The same can be said about you mem.

Yes it would, so you agree that basams is a partisan?

Why do you keep bringing up other people? Are you really that afraid of a little self reflection? Are you really that terrified of yourself?

I'm not the one running away from the definition you posted. You however seem to be partisan for basams ;\)

Yes you are. You are running away from yourself every time you deflect your retardation onto someone else.

Nope. You posted a definition and I recognized that it applied to me. I of course also recognized that it also applied to basams and that it's something you can't discuss.

That's what I'm talking about, dimwit. Why are you obsessed with bsams?

I'm not. I don't even bother reading much of his partisan stuff actually. You're the one who keeps coming back to be his bitch.
Posted By: rex Re: Press - 2009-11-23 2:46 AM
Just go join the insurgency already. They want tards like you there. They're the hive mind you've been looking for.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-23 2:51 AM

Scripps Howard News Service
: Anti-Palin Bias Grips Media
  • So some people asked the AP a question itself ― had it devoted so many people to search out possible error in the autobiographies of other political figures, such as Barack Obama. It did not answer. I've got a guess the answer is ``no," for my impression is that there is not much even-handedness in fact checking among the media outlets I scan. Vice President Joseph Biden's constant flubs seemed to me to get far less attention during the 2008 campaign than Palin's, and when Obama gave a speech to Congress containing a half-dozen big-time errors, I do not recall an AP story telling me his propaganda show on health care had become no truer over time.

I went over to Media Matters and not even Soros is trying to claim the 11 vs 2 reporter story is false. No wonder Zick is flailing on this issue.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-23 2:58 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
Just go join the insurgency already. They want tards like you there. They're the hive mind you've been looking for.

You really can't stop being a bitch can you?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-23 3:01 AM
You're the one who keeps coming back to discuss it with him. Seems like you're being his bitch.

Any chance you'll get back on topic now?
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-23 3:11 AM
Try to stay on topic G-man.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-23 3:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Try to stay on topic G-man.

Nambla Zick. Still Broken. As noted before:

 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh

I went over to Media Matters and not even Soros is trying to claim the 11 vs 2 reporter story is false.

Posted By: rex Re: Press - 2009-11-23 3:32 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: rex
Just go join the insurgency already. They want tards like you there. They're the hive mind you've been looking for.

You really can't stop being a bitch can you?

I see you've started that self reflection thing I mentioned.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-23 3:36 AM
In a way, rex, you are being his bitch. He doesn't want to talk about the topic (the press) and so he's sucking you in to this whole "I'm not a bitch, you are" side topic.

And you're falling for it. He's doing to you what you do to WB.
Posted By: rex Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-23 4:15 AM
Do I give a fuck what you say? You're just as bad as he is. You're both political extremists that lack the ability to think for yourselves.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-23 4:40 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
Do I give a fuck what you say? You're just as bad as he is. You're both political extremists that lack the ability to think for yourselves.

Just being bitchy isn't really showing an ability to think for yourself Rex. There rarely is a post of yours that isn't anything beyond you complaining about another poster.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-23 4:48 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
Do I give a fuck what you say? You're just as bad as he is. You're both political extremists that lack the ability to think for yourselves.

So what's your take on the topic? Not on Zick, BSAMS or me. On the topic.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-23 4:54 AM
yeah rex!
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-23 4:55 AM
Seriously, rex, what is your take on the topic?
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-23 4:56 AM
Yeah, seriously rex!
Posted By: rex Re: Press - 2009-11-23 4:59 AM
You just both proved my point from the other thread.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-23 5:00 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
 Originally Posted By: rex
Do I give a fuck what you say? You're just as bad as he is. You're both political extremists that lack the ability to think for yourselves.

So what's your take on the topic? Not on Zick, BSAMS or me. On the topic.

Still waiting.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press - 2009-11-23 5:02 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Yeah, seriously rex!
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Press - 2009-11-23 6:05 AM
reax doesn't really care. he does it for the lulz and nine times out of ten one or both of you will take the bait.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2009-11-23 6:10 AM
You could be right. But other times, rex acts like he genuinely cares about a topic. In fact, he used to be a pretty interesting guy to exchange ideas with (about four or five years ago, admittedly). Therefore, sometimes I try to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is Liberal - 2009-11-23 6:14 AM
People change G-man, you used to be less of an evil partisan whore not that long ago. Now I think I'm the only left leaning person here who will even bother with trying to discuss a topic with you.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2009-11-23 6:21 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
evil partisan whore


Okay, that was genuinely funny.
Posted By: The AFLAC Duck Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-23 6:22 AM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
Anonymous 1 minute 44 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: ABC News:Press is Liberal

Posted By: The AFLAC Duck Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-23 6:22 AM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
Anonymous 2 minutes 57 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: ABC News:Press is Liberal

login and let us know what you think

Posted By: The AFLAC Duck Re: Press is liberal. - 2009-11-23 6:34 AM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
Matter-eater Man argumentative User Fair Play!
7500+ posts 5 seconds ago Making a new reply
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Re: Press is liberal.

Posted By: The AFLAC Duck Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-23 6:37 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
Nambla Zick crying User Media Matters!
7500+ posts 11/22/09 03:33 PM Making a new reply
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Re: Press is liberal

Posted By: The AFLAC Duck Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-23 6:39 AM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
Matter-eater Man argumentative User Fair Play!
7500+ posts 1 minute 32 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: ABC News:Press is Liberal

Posted By: The AFLAC Duck Re: Press is liberal. - 2009-11-23 6:43 AM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
Matter-eater Man argumentative User Fair Play!
7500+ posts 29 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: ABC News:Press is Liberal

Posted By: The AFLAC Duck Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-23 6:44 AM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
Matter-eater Man argumentative User Fair Play!
7500+ posts 4 seconds ago Viewing a list of posts
Forum: Politics and Current Events

Come back when you get the official Media Matters spin on this.

Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-23 4:48 PM
Weekly Standard
  • With the release of hundreds of emails by advocates of global warming showing obvious and entirely inappropriate collusion by the authors -- including attempts to suppress dissent, to punish journals that publish peer-reviewed studies casting doubt on global warming, and to manipulate data to bolster their own arguments -- even the New York Times is forced to concede that "the documents will undoubtedly raise questions about the quality of research on some specific questions and the actions of some scientists."

    But apparently the paper... is taking a pass on publishing any of the documents and emails that are now circulating:
    The documents appear to have been acquired illegally and contain all manner of private information and statements that were never intended for the public eye, so they won’t be posted here.

    This is the position of the New York Times when given the chance to publish sensitive information that might hinder the liberal agenda. Of course, when the choice is between publishing classified information that might endanger the lives of U.S. troops in the field or intelligence programs vital to national security, that information is published without hesitation by the nation's paper of record. But in this case -- the documents were "never intended for the public eye," so the New York Times will take a pass.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Press is liberal - 2009-11-23 4:56 PM
I noticed the local papers lead story today was how much worse global warming has advanced in the past decade. They have to serve their masters.
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2009-11-26 3:12 AM
ABC announces Oprah-Obama Christmas special: The network has announced "Christmas at the White House: An Oprah Primetime Special," which includes an interview with the president, a conversation with the First Couple and tour of the White House. The special will also go behind-the-scenes as staffers prepare the White House for the holiday season.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2009-11-26 6:04 AM
How far behind the scenes will they go? Will we see the bathroom and an up close of the Constitution toilet paper?

“I am very sorry to report that the the rest of the databases seems to be in nearly as poor as state as Australia was … Aarrggghhh! There truly is no end in sight … We can have a proper result, but only by including a load of garbage!”

A load of garbage is exactly right.

That quote is from leaked e-mails written by some the world’s leading climate scientists — the Globaloney hoaxsters who cooked the data, stifled dissent and manipulated the facts to support their shrill Chicken Little fire alarms about the end of the world.

So why would otherwise respected scientists risk everything to perpetrate such dishonesty? Two reasons I can think of:

1. They are ideologues who will do anything in the name of their misguided cause, even if it means personal risk. It’s similar to the way the Obama administration has shot itself in the foot politically to put terrorists on trial in New York City: almost suicidal stupidity, motivated by self-righteous zealotry. Ditto for the keepers of the global warming mythology. The e-mails show just how warped they were. Some show a creepy glee over the death of one of their critics; others show how they tried to destroy evidence of their fraud and muzzle and discredit scientists who questioned their rigged data. Yet others show how one researcher spent three years trying to reconcile their reports with reality and finally quit in disgust because he was unable to find any consistent and reliable thread of reality. It takes a certifiable ideologue to distort the truth that way.

2. Money. A column in the Wall Street Journal today calls attention to the billions in grants that have been awarded to climate scientists to “prove” global warming and spread the panic.

From Bret Stephens column, “Climategate: Follow the money”:

“Why did the money pour in so quickly? Because the climate alarm kept ringing so loudly: The louder the alarm, the greater the sums. And who better to ring it that Mr. (Phil) Jones, one of its likeliest beneficiaries.”

Jones is the director of the Climate Research Unit in England where the e-mails were leaked, and was author of many of the incimrinating messages. He and others now claim the messages were “taken out of context” — the modern “last refuge of a scoundrel who has been quoted accurately.” The fact is, the context is all too extensive. Thousands of e-mails are a smoking cannon, complete with the fingerprints of Al Gore’s “End is Near” acolytes.

But here’s the puzzling part: How is it that a bigger fraud than Hitler’s diaries has been completely missed by most of the media? You will look in vain to find honest reporting about it in most newspapers or on the TV network news. They are heavily invested in the stock of global warming — with decades of hyperventilating headlines. They cannot admit the theory is bankrupt, and that annual reports by the UN and the climate “researchers” have been rigged like Bernie Madoff’s portfolio.

So I give the media this week’s Sgt Schultz “I See Nothing” Award.

For the truth, check out another column in today’s WSJ: “The Climate Science Isn’t Settled,” by MIT professor of meteorology Richard Lindzen, a longtime critic of global warming. Among other things, he says that “confident predictions of catastrophe are unwarranted” and “at this point there is no basis for alarm.”

He calls the globaloney stew of overcooked data “the grossest of bait-and-switch scams.” And he backs it up with real science.

You can find that kind of criticism on the op-ed page of the editorially conservative Wall Street Journal — but practically nowhere else besides talk radio and Fox News.

And they wonder why circulation and ratings for the liberal media are in steep decline. Maybe they can blame it on global warming?
 Originally Posted By: the center-left media

BASAMS The Plumber annoyed Moderator Just when they think they know all the answers, I change the questions.
15000+ posts 18 minutes 11 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: ABC News:Press is Liberal
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2009-12-02 7:37 AM
You forgot to switch to your Aflac Duck alt.
Posted By: the G-man Another AP "fact check" - 2009-12-02 6:07 PM
As we all know, the AP put 11 fact checkers on Palin's autobiography but only two on Obama's healthcare plan.

Nambla Zick rationalized this by claiming it was a timing issue, to wit, that there was limited time to get the story out and it was a hot topic:

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

Palin's a hot topic and they put some resources into her book to fact check it quickly but comparing the short term allocations to long term ones is deceptive. It's ignoring the actual number of man hours put into each. The 2 reporters assigned to the health care bill will still be covering it while the 11 fact checkers were on that for how long? Probably less than a day.


Last night, as we all know, the President gave a "major speech" on the Afghanistan war, the lead-up to which dominated the news for several days.

The very next day, the AP did one of their "fact check" pieces on the speech.

Guess how many reporters they assigned to the "hot topic."

Eleven? Ten? Nine?

Nope. two, just like their healthcare story.

 Originally Posted By: Nambla Zick


WTF? Do these liberal nutjobs forget they are speaking in public and not amongst their snobbish elite? West Point is the "enemy camp"? Of course it isn;t surprising as liberals consider Iran and Hamas as victims.
Posted By: the G-man Re: the liberal press - 2009-12-03 12:46 AM
Fox news once used stock footage. That's worse than calling US soldiers "enemies" of the president.
Nambla Zick
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: the liberal press - 2009-12-03 5:28 AM
Bsh called Al-Qaida the enemy back in '02, so why the fuss over this?
 Originally Posted By: rex
BASAMS The Plumber annoyed Moderator Just when they think they know all the answers, I change the questions.
15000+ posts 18 minutes 11 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: ABC News:Press is Liberal

Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is liberal - 2009-12-08 11:32 PM
Another AP "fact check" on Obama.

This time they didn't assign only two reporters (as opposed to the eleven assigned to Palin's book). They assigned....three.

At this rate, fact-checker parity should be achieved in, I dunno, January 2013.
Associated Press:
  • A longtime newspaper reporter says he was unjustly fired after writing a personal e-mail to gay marriage supporters rebuking their tactics.

    The Portland Newspaper Guild has filed a grievance on behalf of 58-year-old Larry Grard, who says he was fired Nov. 10 from the Morning Sentinel in Waterville.

    Grard sent an e-mail to the Human Rights Campaign the day after Maine voters repealed a law that would have allowed gay couples to wed.

    Grard said he was offended that the organization claimed gay marriage opponents used hate and said it was supporters who were being hateful. A worker who saw the e-mail complained to the paper.
Posted By: the G-man Media Double Standards - 2010-01-19 8:26 PM
Dems and Double Standards:
  • how different the world would look if Martha Coakley were a Republican! As it is, she gets the sort of gentle rebukes the press reserves for Democrats. Her campaign was too “lackadaisical,” we are told. She was “overconfident,” and too “buttoned down.”

    Reading and watching the MSM, you wouldn’t know that Coakley is a walking minefield. There is now, and there has always been, a completely different set of rules for Republicans.

    If a Republican candidate in such a high-profile contest put out campaign literature that misspelled the name of her state, it would be worth, let’s see, mentions on every Sunday gabfest and two, maybe three, jokes on the late-night shows. Dan Quayle’s misspelling is the stuff of legend. Coakley’s? Not so much.

    When Coakley was challenged in an October debate about her lack of foreign-policy credentials, she parried: “I have a sister who lives overseas, and she’s been in England and now lives in the Middle East.” Hmm. Just a few months ago, Sarah Palin said something similar, and the smart set has not yet finished laughing. Palin didn’t say, “I can see Russia from my house!” But the Tina Fey parody has replaced the less amusing truth. Saturday Night Live can be brilliant. But if Palin’s comment was worthy of such mockery, wasn’t Coakley’s equally so? Just asking.

    The woman who would like to sit in the U.S. Senate announced last week that there are no longer any terrorists in Afghanistan. Not since Joe Biden boasted (during the VP debate) that he had chased Hezbollah from Lebanon have we heard such a loony claim. Where are the titters?

    The Democrats style themselves the party of the little guy. They’re for the people rather than the “special interests.” Just ask them. Yet Martha Coakley sneered at the idea of shaking voters’ hands “in the cold,” and chose to spend a critical night just seven days before the election in Washington, D.C., at a high-roller fundraiser sponsored by drug and insurance companies. The host committee included Pfizer, Merck, Amgen, Sanofi-Aventis, Eli Lilly, Novartis, AstraZeneca, and others. Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Cigna, Humana, HealthSouth, and United Health were all sipping white wine with Coakley.

    When the president stumped for Coakley in Massachusetts on Sunday, he praised her humble ambitions: “She became a lawyer not to cash in but to give working people a fair shake. She became a lawyer to fight for working families like the one she grew up in.” Oh yes, and “she went after big insurance companies that misled people.”

    Members of the Fourth Estate always claim that hypocrisy is what they cannot stand. They are, they say, utterly nonpartisan scourges of that least forgivable political sin. Accordingly, they explain, if a Republican “family values” candidate is caught in a sexual indiscretion, he’s fair game (even if he never mentioned family values). But when Obama broke his solemn promise to abide by campaign-finance limits, and Coakley passed the hat for insurance-company cash, well, how about those Yankees?

    Speaking of sports teams, Coakley is fortunate to be a Democrat, and therefore ipso facto a woman of the people, because she’s a little rusty on her Massachusetts sports knowledge. Asked on a radio program about Curt Schilling’s support for her opponent, Coakley said, “And another Yankee fan!” The incredulous interviewer could only stammer, “Curt Schilling? The Red Sox great pitcher of the bloody sock?” Now it was Coakley’s turn to stammer, “Oh, am I wrong about that?”

    She won’t get hammered for it. She’s a Democrat.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Media Double Standards - 2010-01-19 8:28 PM

Olbermann channeling whomod.

Remember when Limbaugh was deemed to divisive for the NFL, but this clown broadcasts for NBC on Sunday night football.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Media Double Standards - 2010-01-19 8:36 PM
To be fair, it was always whomod channeling Olbermann, not the other way around.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Media Double Standards - 2010-01-21 6:29 AM
"Fair and Balanced" Defined
  • Fox News ran the speeches of Martha Coakley and Scott Brown, each in its entirety. CNN and MSNBC? Not so much.

    When Martha Coakley (D) took the podium to concede the election, all three channels aired most or all of the eight-minute speech.

    However, Republican Scott Brown's address was cut short on CNN after just seven minutes. On MSNBC Keith Olbermann cut Brown's mic and instead attacked the Republican candidate, talked about "teabaggers", and ran commercials. CNN only ran 26% of Brown's speech, while MSNBC aired 37%.
AUDIO: Chicago Chicago Affiliate Won’t Cover GOP Senate Candidate if He Continues to Hammer Dem Opponent on Bank Scandal

The Illinois Senate race is shaping up to be a high-profile and influential campaign that will have national implications. Not only because Illinois is the most populated state in the mid-west, but also because the seat up for grabs is President Obama’s former seat. If Republican candidate Rep. Mark Kirk, were to win the seat it would be seen as an enormous PR loss for the White House.

The Democratic nominee, Alexi Giannoulias has been under fire because of the failiure of Broadway Bank and his direct connection to it. Believe it or not, there are suspicions of corruption, incompetence and graft with regard to a Democrat in Chicago. Go figure!

Obviously, this is such a damaging story for Giannoulias that Rep. Kirk has been able to gain some serious traction in the race by continuing to focus on the issue. That’s what a politician does when engaged in a tough campaign (Sen. John McCain’s Presidential campaign notwithstanding).

Now we have the spectacle of one of the major local stations in Chicago threatening not to cover the campaign if the Republican continues to discuss the most damaging aspect of his opponent’s record. Is this the role of an FCC licensed station, entrusted with the role of serving the public interest in relation to a free-flow of information for the citizenry? Maybe in Chicago it is.

REPORTER: Channel 2’s made a decision. We’re really not going to cover the Senate race, if it’s consistently only in your terms, is about Broadway Bank. The bank’s been taken over by the government, Alexi’s been pilloried. Tell me, what is your campaign going forward? What are the issues you are going to tell the voters why they should vote for you?

Hear the entire segment from Chicago’s WLS-AM 890 Don Wade and Roma Show.
It is no wonder the traditional news media is going broke. People come to them for information not one sided Progressive talking points.
AP Humanizes Times Square Terror Suspect, Cites 'Unraveled' Life

John Christoffersen's article for the Associated Press on Tuesday night highlighted the life woes of Faisal Shahzad, the suspect in the failed Times Square bombing plot, citing how "his life seemed to unravel." Christoffersen also noted Shazad's "outspokenness about [former] President George W. Bush and the Iraq war."

The AP writer's article, titled "Times Square bombing suspect's life had unraveled [1]," first detailed the suspect's past "enviable life:" how he had become a U.S. citizen, his wealthy Pakistani family, his MBA, his "well-educated wife and two kids" and the house he owned "in a middle-class Connecticut suburb." Christoffersen then continued with the recent difficulties he faced : "In the past couple of years, though, his life seemed to unravel: He left a job at a global marketing firm he'd held for three years, lost his home to foreclosure and moved into an apartment in an impoverished neighborhood in Bridgeport. And last weekend, authorities say, he drove an SUV loaded with explosives into Times Square intent on blowing it up."

The writer seems to imply that these downturns lead directly to his alleged terror attack. While Christoffersen did mention how Shahzad "admitted getting explosives training in his native Pakistan" and how "[a]uthorities say Shahzad returned to Pakistan then came back to the United States," these were mentioned only in passing, compared to the 23 paragraphs dedicated to additional details on the suspect and his family's history, including his dislike for the former president:

Shahzad's behavior sometimes seemed odd to his neighbors, and he surprised a real estate broker he hardly knew with his outspokenness about President George W. Bush and the Iraq war.

"He mentioned that he didn't like Bush policies in Iraq," said Igor Djuric, who represented Shahzad in 2004 when he was buying a home....

Shahzad, 30, is the son of a former top Pakistani air force officer, according to Kifyat Ali, a cousin of Shahzad's father. He came to the United States in late 1998 on a student visa, according to an official who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the investigation into Saturday's failed car bombing.

He took classes at the now-defunct Southeastern University in Washington, D.C., then enrolled at the University of Bridgeport, where he received a bachelor's degree in computer applications and information systems in 2000.

"He was personable, a nice guy, but unremarkable," said William Greenspan, adviser for undergraduate business students at the University of Bridgeport. "He would just come in and take the course as needed so he could graduate in a timely manner."...

In 2004, he and his wife, Huma Mian, bought a newly built home for $273,000 at the height of the market in Shelton, a Fairfield County town that in recent years has attracted companies relocating to Connecticut's Gold Coast.

Like her husband, Mian was well educated. She graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2004 with a bachelor of science in business with an emphasis in accounting, the school said.

On her profile on the social networking site Orkut, she described herself as "not political" and said she spoke English, Pashto, Urdu and French. She listed her passions as "fashion, shoes, bags, shopping!! And of course, Faisal."...

Last year, the couple abandoned the home.

Neighbor Davon Reid and his girlfriend, Heatherlee Tyler, said they were puzzled that the couple moved out abruptly and left behind a mess of food, broken dishes and baby formula in the cabinets....He [Reid] said Shahzad was generally friendly but had some quirky habits, including jogging at night while wearing dark clothing.

Shahzad worked from mid-2006 to May 2009 as a junior financial analyst for the Affinion Group, a marketing firm in Norwalk. Company spokesman Michael Bush said Shahzad held a lower-level position dealing with the company's budget and projected income and left on good terms.

Still, Shahzad defaulted on a $200,000 mortgage on his Shelton home, and the property is in foreclosure, court records show. Shahzad took out the mortgage on the property in 2004, and he co-owned the home with Mian.

At the end of the article, the AP writer went so far to describe the tender messages an unidentified person once sent the suspect, which were found by The Connecticut Post and The New York Times outside his now foreclosed home: "The newspaper also found greeting cards, including one in which someone named Fayeza addressed him as 'sweetest Faisal.' 'Wish you happiness and joy now and always,' the card said. 'Praying for your bright future.'"

Earlier in the day on Tuesday, CNN's Jim Acosta also expressed sympathy for Shahzad [1]after a former neighbor described the foreclosure: "One would have to imagine that that brought a lot of pressure and a lot of heartache on that family."
This poor tortured soul. Had we known sooner that he had quit his job which led to him losing his home, or that he didn't like the Gulf War I am sure none of us would have rushed to judgment on him. He is obvious in a lot of internal pain.

I wonder if he was ridiculed in Pakistan. As far as I can tell the article makes no mention of him being Muslim. Non Muslims are given a tough way to go in Pakistan. I am sure if he was a Muslim militant the AP would have mentioned it.
Let’s help HuffPo and the Associated Press find a motive for Faisal Shahzad’s actions
Newsweek as Obamaweek; Might It Help Explain Their Downfall?

News today that the Washington Post Company has put the money-losing Newsweek up for sale reminded me of how during the last presidential campaign the “news” weekly repeatedly showcased their favorite candidate, Barack Obama, on the cover.

Might such obvious blatant liberal advocacy, which anyone could see in the grocery store checkout line, help explain its decline in fortunes – in credibility followed by finances?

By July of 2008, the Weekly Standard had dubbed the magazine “ObamaWeek” in creating this graphic of six covers which had already featured Obama's image:

Posted By: the G-man 'Call Them Racists' - 2010-07-20 6:03 PM
Documents show media plotting to kill stories about Rev. Jeremiah Wright
  • at several points during the 2008 presidential campaign a group of liberal journalists took radical steps to protect their favored candidate. Employees of news organizations including Time, Politico, the Huffington Post, the Baltimore Sun, the Guardian, Salon and the New Republic participated in outpourings of anger over how Obama had been treated in the media, and in some cases plotted to fix the damage.

    In one instance, Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent urged his colleagues to deflect attention from Obama’s relationship with Wright by changing the subject. Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Ackerman wrote, “Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: 'Call Them Racists' - 2010-07-21 10:59 AM
The comments they made freely online are just amazing. This from reporters who belong to some very mainstream media outlets.

  • Journo-list group of 400 Journalists Plotted to Protect Candidate Obama From Jeremiah Wright Scandal
    Published July 20, 2010

    A group of liberal journalists in 2008 sought to sweep under the rug the Rev. Jeremiah Wright scandal that threatened to derail then-Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign, according to documents obtained by The Daily Caller, an online publication founded by Tucker Carlson, a conservative contributor for Fox News.

    The documents offer evidence to conservative critics who have long held that the mainstream media were in the tank for Obama, and bolsters the argument that reporters with major news outlets are biased in their coverage.

    Journalists working for Time, Politico, the Huffington Post, the Baltimore Sun, the Guardian, Salon and the New Republic expressed outrage over the tough questioning Obama received from ABC anchors Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos at a debate and some of them plotted to protect Obama from the swirling controversy, according to the Daily Caller.

    Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent pressed his fellow journalists to deflect attention from Obama's relationship with Wright by shifting topics to one of Obama's conservative critics, the Daily Caller reported.

    "Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares – and call them racists," Ackerman wrote.

    Michael Tomasky, a writer for the Guardian, urged his fellow members of Journolist, a private listserv comprised of several hundred liberal journalists, to do "what we can to kill ABC and this idiocy in whatever venues we have."

    "This isn't about defending Obama," he wrote. "This is about how the [mainstream media] kills any chance of discourse that actually serves the people."

    The Journolist members went as far as issuing a statement – one that was shaped with the help of Jared Bernstein who went on to become Vice President Biden's top economist -- calling the debate "a revolting descent into tabloid journalism and a gross disservice to Americans concerned about the great issues facing the nation and the world."

    Journolist was shut down last month after leaks exposing member Dave Wiegel's scornful remarks of conservatives led to his resignation at the Washington Post as a blogger covering the conservative movement.

    Click here to read the full article.

That they expressed bias in favor of Obama didn't surprise me. That they openly conspired to suppress negative coverage of Obama, while launching a slander campaign on Republicans, just to deceitfully fly cover for their damaged candidate, was a surprise and a major revelation.

It was a point in the Democrat primary where Hilary Clinton could have gained the lead, and they might very well have tampered with the election enough to prevent what would naturally have occurred.

Even the liberal Salon.com, named in the article, while making snippy defiant remarks, doesn't even try to deny the facts revealed.

I was mostly disappointed with how little National Review and Breitbart's site had to say on the subject.

But the liberal media's coverage was pretty much zero. What a shock.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: 'Call Them Racists' - 2010-07-21 3:07 PM
The Salon article actually does debunk the story. The conservative piece really makes it sound like it was some conspiracy when it wasn't. Some liberals ended up writing an open letter that was published in the Nation a while back. Other liberals didn't agree with them.

1) Although the Caller claims that "employees of news organizations including Time, Politico, the Huffington Post, the Baltimore Sun, the Guardian, Salon and the New Republic participated in outpourings of anger over how Obama had been treated in the media, and in some cases plotted to fix the damage" (emphasis mine), it only quotes a handful of people, and none of them are employed at anything other than liberal publications. (Thomas Schaller, credited with the idea for the open letter, is an author, a University of Maryland professor and an Op-Ed writer at the Baltimore Sun who periodically contributes to Salon, and more recently, 538.com.) The two people who come off as the most combative Obama zealots are Chris Hayes, who works at the Nation, and Spencer Ackerman, employed by the Washington Independent, both progressive publications. I assume if there had been any evidence that a mainstream media news reporter had colluded in the Journolist "plot" to defend Obama, he or she would have been outed immediately by the Caller. My sources say there weren't any.


Some conservatives are trying to dishonestly attack the mainstream press with this despite there not being any of those reporters involved.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: 'Call Them Racists' - 2010-07-22 2:47 AM
M E M, how can you possibly look at a conspiracy by multiple reporters to not cover the Jeremiah Wright story as anything other than an attempt to get Obama elected and spin the news in Obama's favor?
How much influence they had is not the issue. (And how much influence many other like-minded liberal reporters nationwide had, who weren't part of the Journo-list discussions but clearly were ideologically one with these Soviet-worthy slander propagandists.)

Successful or not (and I think they were successful in pushing Obama over the top by a narrow margin) their intent to circumnavigate the facts, and outright slander Karl Rove, Fred Barnes or others to sell Obama to the public, is clear.

They put their ideological bias ahead of anything resembling objective reporting (i.e. Obama Ministry of Truth reporting), and openly discussed slandering Karl Rove and other republicans, to deceitfully create a diversion to distract from the marxist racism of The Annointed One they conspired to fly cover for.

What you see as a "debunk" I see as badly attempted spin when they clearly have their hands in the cookie jar.
Posted By: the G-man Re: 'Call Them Racists' - 2010-07-22 3:37 AM
Under Salon logic, when a defendant pleads "not guilty" before trial he or she has "debunked" the charges and further court action is unnecessary.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: 'Call Them Racists' - 2010-07-22 5:02 PM

The second shoe drops on the Journo-list media conspiracy...

    By Jonathan Strong - The Daily Caller
    | Published: 3:09 AM 07/22/2010 | Updated: 8:32 AM 07/22/2010

    In the hours after Sen. John McCain announced his choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his running mate in the last presidential race, members of an online forum called Journolist struggled to make sense of the pick. Many of them were liberal reporters, and in some cases their comments reflected a journalist’s instinct to figure out the meaning of a story.

    But in many other exchanges, the Journolisters clearly had another, more partisan goal in mind: to formulate the most effective talking points in order to defeat Palin and McCain and help elect Barack Obama president. The tone was more campaign headquarters than newsroom.

    The conversation began with a debate over how best to attack Sarah Palin. “Honestly, this pick reeks of desperation,” wrote Michael Cohen of the New America Foundation in the minutes after the news became public. “How can anyone logically argue that Sarah Pallin [sic], a one-term governor of Alaska, is qualified to be President of the United States? Train wreck, thy name is Sarah Pallin.”

    Not a wise argument, responded Jonathan Stein, a reporter for Mother Jones. If McCain were asked about Palin’s inexperience, he could simply point to then candidate Barack Obama’s similarly thin resume. “Q: Sen. McCain, given Gov. Palin’s paltry experience, how is she qualified to be commander in chief?,” Stein asked hypothetically. “A: Well, she has much experience as the Democratic nominee.”

    “What a joke,” added Jeffrey Toobin of the New Yorker. “I always thought that some part of McCain doesn’t want to be president, and this choice proves my point. Welcome back, Admiral Stockdale.”

    Daniel Levy of the Century Foundation noted that Obama’s “non-official campaign” would need to work hard to discredit Palin. “This seems to me like an occasion when the non-official campaign has a big role to play in defining Palin, shaping the terms of the conversation and saying things that the official [Obama] campaign shouldn’t say – very hard-hitting stuff, including some of the things that people have been noting here – scare people about having this woefully inexperienced, no foreign policy/national security/right-wing christia wing-nut a heartbeat away …… bang away at McCain’s age making this unusually significant …. I think people should be replicating some of the not-so-pleasant viral email campaigns that were used against [Obama].”

    Ryan Donmoyer, a reporter for Bloomberg News who was covering the campaign, sent a quick thought that Palin’s choice not to have an abortion when she unexpectedly became pregnant at age 44 would likely boost her image because it was a heartwarming story.

    “Her decision to keep the Down’s baby is going to be a hugely emotional story that appeals to a vast swath of America, I think,” Donmoyer wrote.

    Politico reporter Ben Adler, now an editor at Newsweek, replied, “but doesn’t leaving sad baby without its mother while she campaigns weaken that family values argument? Or will everyone be too afraid to make that point?”

    Read more: dailycaller.com

Once again, rather than report the news, these journolisters acted as an auxiliary of the Obama Ministry of Truth, and actively mapped out a slander campaign for the Democrats.
Posted By: the G-man Re: When McCain Picked Palin... - 2010-07-22 6:43 PM
Yeah, it's astonishing how brazen they were.

Until these emails started surfacing, while it was obvious that most reporters were liberals I didn't they were was really some sort of "conspiracy" to screw over Republicans and support Democrats. I just figured that most journalists simply weren't aware of their own biases and tended to unintentionally insert opinion into the news.

But this makes it clear, sadly, that there is and was a concerted effort to promote one side over another.

Scary. The independent press is no longer that. It's just a house organ for a single political party.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Obama presses the press into service - 2011-10-06 8:44 AM
Wonder Boy content User rex's personal obsession
7500+ posts 3 minutes 33 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: ABC News:Press is Liberal

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
SEE?! The thread title SAYS ABC News is Liberal! SEE?!!!

iggy annoyed User Promethean Lapdog
4000+ posts 0 seconds ago Checking who's online
Prometheus cool Moderator Since 1999
15000+ posts 3 seconds ago Checking who's online
Wonder Boy content User rex's personal obsession
7500+ posts 53 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: ABC News:Press is Liberal
Pariah nerdy User The conscience of the rkmbs!
15000+ posts 4 minutes 32 seconds ago Checking who's online

One of these kids is doing his own thing....
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: press is liberal - 2011-10-06 8:54 AM
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab

Just for you, Pro...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: press is liberal - 2011-10-06 8:55 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab

Okay, honestly, that is pretty damn funny. \:lol\:
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: press is liberal - 2011-10-06 7:32 PM
I just watched a live press conference by Obama (Thursday, Oct 6th, 11AM-noon), where Obama, infuriatingly, just blames all his own failures on the Republicans.

Asked by a reporter about the frustration of Americans about the lack of improvement in the stalled economy, Obama bemoans the "cynicism" of Republicans who for "partisan reasons" not passing Obama's "jobs bill" (which is actually another stimulus bill, deceptively renamed a "jobs bill" by focus-group-selected wording, but a rose by any other name...)
The media --of course!-- doesn't call Obama on the fact that Obama's first 847 billion in jobs spending wasn't used to create the "shovel ready" jobs, and that he cynically joked about this at a previous press conference. And also let Obama off the hook and DIDN'T ask: why should we believe you now?
And also didn't bother to mention that, far from being unpassable along partisan lines, a majority of Democrats in congress will not vote for Obama's "jobs bill" either.

Obama was also softballed a question about the "Occupy Wall Street" protests, and asked Obama's opinion about the frustration of people nationwide about the excesses of Wall Street.
The reporter DIDN'T ask or follow up that Wall Street was the biggest financial backer of Obama's 2008 campaign, or that GE, Pfizer and other corporate giants have benefitted under Obama like under no other administration in history. (For an extensive documentation of this incestuous corporate feeding frenzy under both the Obama and W. Bush presidencies, read OBAMANOMICS by Timothy Carney).

It makes me ill the way the press consistently enables Obama's cynicism and deceit by tossing these kind of softball questions with no accountability to the true facts.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: press is liberal - 2011-10-06 9:14 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I just watched a live press conference by Obama (Thursday, Oct 6th, 11AM-noon), where Obama, infuriatingly, acts like he's the President of the United States. Who does that colored man think he is, huh?!! NAZI! Hank Williams Jr. told me to say that after FOXGretchen told us not to listen to ANY other celebrities, except for the ones they show! Sieg Heil!

\:lol\: We know, we know...
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: press is liberal (Pro busted again...) - 2011-10-07 7:29 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy (as slanderously paraphrased by Pro)
I just watched a live press conference by Obama (Thursday, Oct 6th, 11AM-noon), where Obama, infuriatingly, acts like he's the President of the United States. Who does that colored man think he is, huh?!! NAZI! Hank Williams Jr. told me to say that after FOXGretchen told us not to listen to ANY other celebrities, except for the ones they show! Sieg Heil!

\:lol\: We know, we know...

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus, 4-22-2011
Posted By: Prometheus Re: press is liberal (Pro busted again...) - 2011-10-07 7:33 AM
You really shouldn't keep reminding people of how racist you are. It's offensive, David...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: press is liberal - 2011-10-07 7:33 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I just watched a live press conference by Obama (Thursday, Oct 6th, 11AM-noon), where Obama, infuriatingly, acts like he's the President of the United States. Who does that colored man think he is, huh?!! NAZI! Hank Williams Jr. told me to say that after FOXGretchen told us not to listen to ANY other celebrities, except for the ones they show! Sieg Heil!

\:lol\: We know, we know...
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: press is liberal (Pro busted again...) - 2011-10-07 7:43 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
You really shouldn't keep reminding people of how racist you are. It's offensive, David...

All I did was expose YOUR racism.

That you slanderously projected on me.
But the thoughts are clearly yours.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus, 4-22-2011
Posted By: Prometheus Re: press is liberal (Pro busted again...) - 2011-10-07 10:10 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
You really shouldn't keep reminding people of how racist you are. It's offensive, David...
Posted By: the G-man Re: press is liberal - 2011-11-28 6:36 AM
Chris Matthews: National Media ‘Leans A Little To The Left’
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: press is liberal - 2011-11-28 6:42 AM
Since we both can agree that Mathews is full of shit, why would this be different? The media is corporate owned.
Posted By: the G-man Re: press is liberal - 2011-11-28 6:57 AM
When a criminal confesses, just because he's a criminal doesn't mean you don't believe the confession. Same thing here.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: press is liberal - 2011-11-28 7:14 AM
Kind of like how FAUXNews shills for the Right?

Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-28 7:15 AM
I think it's just one of his many stupid opinions. The media is corporate owned. Isn't it just a bit naive to believe that ownership doesn't affect content?
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-28 7:19 AM
the owner's priorities will always have some sort of power over the content/output of a company.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-28 7:20 AM
but then again, sometimes the owner's priorities is to appear unbiased, or for the people, or to be seen as saints - because it's good for the company's reputation/marketability.
Who writes your posts?
Posted By: rex Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-28 8:59 AM
This post was brought to you by the evil overlords at mcdonalds.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-28 9:32 AM
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
Who writes your posts?

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-28 9:58 AM

NYT's Occupy Wall Street Reporter-Supporter Lennard Proudly Throws Objectivity Overboard

By Clay Waters
November 15, 2011

Former New York Times freelance reporter Natasha Lennard, who contributed to the paper’s reporting on Occupy Wall Street, then participated in a left-wing panel discussion of OWS tactics with protest participants and supporters, broke the chains of "objectivity" for good in a rather refreshing article posted Tuesday morning at left-wing Salon Magazine: “Why I quit the mainstream media – Journalism must break the chains of objectivity and report truth -- and the Occupy movement led me to do just that.” (Lennard has previously contributed to Salon.) She agreed with the "right-wing firebrands" who said "I have no place in the mainstream media."

  • I was in complete agreement when, last month, the triumvirate of right-wing firebrands Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Andrew Breitbart all condemned me for being more than just a journalist. They are correct, and I agree with every pundit who argues that I have no place in the mainstream media.

    On Oct. 14, I appeared on a panel at the radical, feminist Blue Stockings bookstore in New York’s Lower East Side. Hosted by Jacobin Magazine, the discussion addressed left-wing politics and strategy. During the event, I criticized old-left styles of organizing and praised -- with some ardor -- the experimental nature of Occupy Wall Street. I also dropped “F-bombs” in abundance.

    Stumbling out of the bookstore onto Allen Street after the debate, I hugged an old friend, who has been heavily committed to Occupy activities in New York. “I think I just watched you lose your job,” he said.

    “I know,” I replied, with a smile.

Indeed, a video of her appearance was picked up by Big Government, “and the fallout led to the Times publicly stating that they had 'no plans' to use me for future OWS coverage.”

Lennard was far more defensive about the talk after it was first revealed. She responded with defensive posts on her Twitter account like this: “Not only am i not on NYT payroll; have only freelanced sporadically. And a debate in a bookshop is not an organizing mtg”

After announcing “it is also with some pride that I have stopped writing for publications that aim for journalistic objectivity,” Lennard made points on media objectivity that conservative media watchdogs could agree with.

  • Similarly, if the mainstream media prides itself on reporting the facts, I have found too many problems with what does or does not get to be a fact -- or what rises to the level of a fact they believe to be worth reporting -- to be part of such a machine. Going forward, I want to take responsibility for my voice and the facts that I choose and relay. I want them to instigate change.

Lennard let her far-left light shine in the last paragraph (I bleeped out her trademark vulgarity):

  • Breitbart, Beck and friends are correct in saying I’m more than just a journalist. They are wrong in saying I’m an activist – that means something specific, in my mind. But if by “more” they mean I am a journalist in agreement with those across the country who think “F*** this s***” when it comes to a system upholding inequality and alienation for all but a few, then they are right. This -- and my proclivity for dropping “F-bombs,” once again -- is the reason the mainstream media and I have parted ways.


Clay Waters is the director of Times Watch, an MRC project tracking the New York Times.
Posted By: the G-man Re: press is liberal - 2011-11-28 4:27 PM
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
the owner's priorities will always have some sort of power over the content/output of a company.

And a fair number of corporate heads are actually center-left, including the guys at CBS, CNN, NBC and ABC
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Kind of like how FAUXNews shills for the Right?

Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-28 7:11 PM
 Originally Posted By: rex
This post was brought to you by the evil overlords at mcdonalds.

I for one welcome our new cholesterol-riddled overlords!
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Kind of like how FAUXNews shills for the Right?

Posted By: the G-man Re: press is liberal - 2011-11-28 7:42 PM
\:lol\: Except Pro only wishes he had that much hair.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Kind of like how FAUXNews shills for the Right?

Posted By: MisterJLA Re: press is liberal - 2011-11-28 10:00 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
When a G. Gordon Liddy confesses, just because he's G. Gordon Liddy doesn't mean you don't believe the confession. Same thing here. Uh....
Posted By: Prometheus Re: press is liberal - 2011-11-28 10:54 PM
\:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: Doc.Mid-Nite Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-28 11:06 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: rex
This post was brought to you by the evil overlords at mcdonalds.

I for one welcome our new cholesterol-riddled overlords!

That's only because you like cholesterol-riddled fat chicks (they're greasy enough for you to "sammitch" yourself in between)

BTW, what ever happened to Chewy? I miss that walrus. \:\(
Posted By: Prometheus Re: press is liberal - 2011-11-29 12:32 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
When a G. Gordon Liddy confesses, just because he's G. Gordon Liddy doesn't mean you don't believe the confession. Same thing here. Uh....
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-29 12:32 AM
 Originally Posted By: Doc.Mid-Nite
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: rex
This post was brought to you by the evil overlords at mcdonalds.

I for one welcome our new cholesterol-riddled overlords!

That's only because you like cholesterol-riddled fat chicks (they're greasy enough for you to "sammitch" yourself in between)

BTW, what ever happened to Chewy? I miss that walrus. \:\(

He (didn't) come back for a little while and then vanished, taking our hopes and dreams with him.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-29 12:35 AM
 Originally Posted By: Doc.Mid-Nite
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: rex
This post was brought to you by the evil overlords at mcdonalds.

I for one welcome our new cholesterol-riddled overlords!

That's only because you like cholesterol-riddled fat chicks (they're greasy enough for you to "sammitch" yourself in between)


BTW, what ever happened to Chewy? I miss that walrus. \:\(

He's on Twitter all the time. He still peeks in, but I don't think has any interest in posting a lot...
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: rex
This post was brought to you by the evil overlords at mcdonalds.

I for one welcome our new cholesterol-riddled overlords!

Joe mama would be our new boss.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Doc.Mid-Nite
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: rex
This post was brought to you by the evil overlords at mcdonalds.

I for one welcome our new cholesterol-riddled overlords!

That's only because you like cholesterol-riddled fat chicks (they're greasy enough for you to "sammitch" yourself in between)


BTW, what ever happened to Chewy? I miss that walrus. \:\(

He's on Twitter all the time. He still peeks in, but I don't think has any interest in posting a lot...

He doesn't fit in here. He's like mature and has adult social skills or something. He also gets laid on a regular basis. I think he's been poking Meeko or Mocha. ;\)
Posted By: Prometheus Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-29 3:36 AM
He's poking Meeko and Mocha at the same time while Sammitch watches!
Posted By: iggy Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-29 7:35 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-29 7:58 AM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-29 10:07 AM
 Originally Posted By: icky
 Originally Posted By: Probaldeus

He's poking Meeko and Mocha at the same time while Sammitch watches.In the same room Pro is handcuffed to a wall and Iggy and SoM take turns spanking Pro!
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-29 10:40 AM
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
 Originally Posted By: icky
 Originally Posted By: Probaldeus

Iggy and SoM take turns spanking Pro!

This is true.
Posted By: iggy Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-29 10:44 AM
Posted By: Prometheus Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-29 5:29 PM
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-30 10:29 AM



November 13, 2011

It is not exactly a state secret that the news media tend to lavish more coverage on perceived front-runners in presidential campaigns.

But CBS News’s political director, John Dickerson, made the mistake of saying basically that in an e-mail and accidentally sending it to the campaign of Representative Michele Bachmann.

In a slip of the finger that quickly ignited a furor among Mrs. Bachmann’s supporters, Mr. Dickerson e-mailed his colleagues that he would prefer to “get someone else” other than the Minnesota congresswoman for an online show after the CBS News/National Journal debate on Saturday night. The e-mail said that Mrs. Bachmann was “not going to get many questions” in the debate and that “she’s nearly off the charts” — an apparent reference to her low standing in many polls.

The problem was that Mrs. Bachmann’s communications director was copied in on the e-mail, and Mr. Dickerson hit “reply to all.” Oops.

The incident highlighted the tricky calculus media organizations must engage in when deciding which candidates to pay attention to, and which not, as they factor in criteria like standing in the polls, fund-raising and more nebulous things like momentum.

Aides to Mrs. Bachmann, who is polling in the single digits, seized on the e-mail as evidence of liberal bias by CBS News and used the episode to rally its supporters against a favorite Republican foe: the mainstream media.

“Last night, as Michele prepared her plans to debate on CBS, we received concrete evidence confirming what every conservative already knows — the liberal mainstream media elites are manipulating the Republican debates by purposely suppressing our conservative message,” Keith Nahigian, Mrs. Bachmann’s campaign manager, wrote in an e-mail to supporters.

The campaign also urged people to contact CBS News and Mr. Dickerson, whom it called a “well known liberal reporter,” through Twitter to vent their outrage. It even provided direct links to the Twitter accounts for both.

The incident was the latest clash between the news media and the Republican presidential candidates, who have attacked the press with renewed vigor and conviction over the course of the campaign.

Herman Cain has accused the media of bias in the reporting of claims of sexual harassment, news that came to light when Politico reported them two weeks ago. One of his advisers even went as far as to claim erroneously that one of the women accusing him had a son who wrote for the Web site.

Newt Gingrich has all but made media bashing a pillar of his campaign platform. He often uses the debates as opportunities to chide the press on its own turf. He has called out Fox’s Chris Wallace for asking “gotcha questions,” and accused news channels of using the debates to pit Republicans against one another. In a debate last week in Michigan, he criticized one query on health care from a moderator as “an absurd question,” a line that drew laughter from the audience. And on Saturday he flatly refused to answer one question posed by Major Garrett of National Journal.

Even when Mrs. Bachmann was riding high in the polls, her relationship with the press was strained, in particular over coverage of the Christian counseling practice of her husband, Marcus.

Mrs. Bachmann has gone from being a media fascination after winning the Ames, Iowa, straw poll this summer — she was featured in cover stories in The New Yorker and Newsweek, and frequently appeared on Sunday morning talk shows — to being largely an afterthought. A review of hundreds of election news stories from Oct. 3 to Nov. 6 by the Project for Excellence in Journalism found that Mrs. Bachmann figured prominently in just 13 items.

The review found that Mr. Cain received the most press attention, with at least 297 stories in which he was a dominant subject; Gov. Rick Perry of Texas was second with 150 stories; Mitt Romney was third with 148. Representative Ron Paul of Texas and Mr. Gingrich trailed Mrs. Bachmann with eight and five stories.

Mrs. Bachmann might take some solace in the fact that the review found no stories in which Rick Santorum or Jon M. Huntsman Jr. were a dominant subject.

Mr. Paul’s campaign has also frequently complained that the press all but ignores him, despite his polling near the top of the Republican field in some Iowa surveys. Jesse Benton, Mr. Paul’s campaign manager, said Sunday that Mr. Dickerson’s e-mail had put into writing what he hears from media outlets on a regular basis.

“I wasn’t surprised at all,” he said. “We get that kind of stuff all the time.”

In the debate on Saturday night, which preliminary ratings show drew 5.3 million viewers, Mrs. Bachmann was not asked a question until 15 minutes into the hourlong broadcast. CBS asked the questions in order of each candidate’s standing in recent polls.

But her campaign also complained that she got relatively little time to talk compared with candidates like Mr. Romney and Mr. Perry, and they pointed to Mr. Dickerson’s statement in his e-mail that the congresswoman would not be asked many questions as an example of bias against her.

The campaign said it received the e-mail on Thursday and released it only after she got what it believed was an unfair shake in the debate.

In the e-mail, after a colleague wrote to Mr. Dickerson to inform him that Mrs. Bachmann’s staff could make her available to appear on the post-debate program, he wrote back, “Okay let’s keep it loose though since she’s not going to get many questions and she’s nearly off the charts in the hopes that we can get someone else.”

In his mind, Mr. Dickerson said, the mistake was in being honest.

“This was the classic Washington gaffe,” he said. “I said what was true. But instead of saying it out loud, I hit reply to all.”

Well, at least now everyone believes they are on an even playing ground. Now we know, without a doubt, that CBS & MSNBC are Liberal, and FAUXNews is Conservative. Agreed?

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Kind of like how FAUXNews shills for the Right?

Posted By: iggy Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-30 10:22 PM
Wondy, I don't think that really proves how liberal the press is. What I think it proves is that the media takes it upon themselves to pick the winners and losers. None of the other candidates will get any traction if they are ignored for being at the bottom of the polls. It has been and always will be Romney and whoever is hot at the time getting all the debate time because that is how they want it. Our "unbiased" media and corrupt political system have already picked who they are going to lead us to put on the ballot in 2012.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: press is corporate owned - 2011-11-30 10:28 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Wondy, I don't think that really proves how liberal the press is. What I think it proves is that the media takes it upon themselves to pick the winners and losers. None of the other candidates will get any traction if they are ignored for being at the bottom of the polls. It has been and always will be Romney and whoever is hot at the time getting all the debate time because that is how they want it. Our "unbiased" media and corrupt political system have already picked who they are going to lead us to put on the ballot in 2012.

Seriously, I agree with this. No doubt the media is sincerely biased (MSNBC/CBS=Liberal Bias, FAUXNews=Conservative Bias). But, in the end, they're just there to distract us from the Corporations placing who they want in office...
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: press is corporate owned - 2012-01-23 5:07 PM

The part taped and not broadcast is so much more incriminating than what CNN aired. Although both are very self-incriminating. This reporter is telling these people what they believe, and using her own opinion as the story, rather than listening to anything they are saying.

A sharp contrast to the glowing coverage of the Occupy Wall Street coverage, where reporters are glowingly acting as spokespersons for OWS, giving it a more articulate and informed voice than it truly has, creating the story the way they want it to be, rather than reporting the guys pooping on police cars and so forth.

Posted By: Prometheus All Press is Corporate Owned - 2012-01-23 8:14 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: MrJSA
 Originally Posted By: iggy



I believe I made a case for the media's double-standard and bias.

 Originally Posted By: MrJSA
I believe you believe that

Open mic captures press coordinating questions for Romney: “no matter who he calls on we’re covered”
I don't think this qualifies as proof the press is liberal. It proves they are willing to work together to see that a particular question is answered. But, it does not prove bias.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
I don't think this qualifies as proof the press is liberal. It proves they are willing to work together to see that a particular question is answered. But, it does not prove bias.

Find me an example of the same news organizations doing this to Obama and I'll be happy to consider it.
how can he find an example of an open mic mistake?
My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.
 Originally Posted By: MrJSA
how can he find an example of an open mic mistake?

Feel free to not confine the examples to open mic mistakes.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
I don't think this qualifies as proof the press is liberal. It proves they are willing to work together to see that a particular question is answered. But, it does not prove bias.

A question they would never raise, let alone press an answer for, if it were Barack Obama, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, or any Democrat who was challenging a Republican president.

Other examples:

  • George W.'s golf-time as president(massive media outrage), vs. Obama's far greater golf-time as president(virtually no coverage)

    Bush's Jan 2005 re-inauration that cost 40 million (that the liberal media endlessly blasted as a heartless out-of-touch Republican extravagance while our soldiers were dying in Iraq and Afghanistan) vs. Obama's Jan 2009 inauguration that cost 160 million (without the slightest ripple of criticism from the Obama-adoring media).

    The endless years of media outrage that Bush's 2003 invasion of Iraq was an "illegal war" (despite that Bush went before the Senate and got the approval of congress, including virtually every Democrat) vs. the actual illegal war in Libya, where Obama at no time sought constitutional process or Senate approval, and the liberal media voiced absolutely no objection.

    The allegations of sexual harassment against Herman Cain from 2 women of highly questionable character and financial problems, with a history of accusing other men of sexual harassment, but lacking any evidence whatsoever that the media eagerly sold as absolutely true... vs. the quantifiably less reported allegations of Rep Anthony Weiner, who e-mailed photos of his penis to women nationwide, who was absolutely proven guilty beyond any doubt. But the media overwhelmingly reported mere allegations against a Republican, and gave far less reportage to absolutely proven allegations against Weiner.

There are many other examples. Bernard Goldberg cites many in his book, BIAS.

Liberal bias against Republicans is proven, not speculative.
I'm feeling kinda Gutfeldy this morning.

Here's another clip of him mocking the shameless bias of the liberal media:

Media Matters reports "white people showing up with guns" to protest an Obama appearance. The only problem is, MSNBC edited the footage to crop out of the video footage that the guy who showed up with a gun was actually black.

"Why did MSNBC go way out of its way to obliterate the race of [a black guy on video at a Tea Party protest packing a gun named] Chris? Because it didn't fit the story MSNBC wanted to tell. That to disagree with Obama, you must be a white crazy person with guns. Even if you're black."
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2012-09-30 9:47 PM
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is Liberal - 2012-09-30 11:08 PM

Having a free press does seem to be a problem for the GOP.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2012-10-01 12:45 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

Having a free press does seem to be a problem for the GOP.

Interesting. You didn't say they weren't biased. In fact, you conceded they were against the GOP. I guess the cartoon is true and no one's hiding that the press is in the tank for the regime.
Anybody who's watched FOX news or reads the Wallstreet Journal's editorial pages knows the media can be biased.

But I was talking about a free press being a problem for the GOP.
Saying 'Fox News is biased on the right" in no way disproves bias in all the other news sites. So we're still looking at you admitting the rest of the news media is liberal.
No. That's you saying I said that.

A free press doesn't equate to a liberal bias. Considering I already pointed out some examples of media that's conservatively biased the generalization that the media is liberally biased is patently untrue.
It's undeniable the news media is liberal-partisan.

You can read the statistics of how news reporters overwhelmingly identify themselves as "liberal" or "very liberal" by a ratio of 80% in poll after poll.
BIAS by Bernard Goldberg is one source that cites these polls, and has bibliography that lists many others.

If media coverage of the 2008 and 2012 elections alone were not evidence enough.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Bernard Goldberg

he doesnt have high opinions of conservative journalists

"Either they’re geniuses or they’re certifiably nuts.”
I don't even think Goldberg is a conservative. He's an old school centrist journalist who doesn't like the way the "mainstream" press stopped being objective. That's what makes most of his critiques so damning to the left.
he seems pretty fair enough from what i have read. he hates on fox news too. wish he would take dyke maddow down. that cunt is annoying.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Press is Liberal - 2012-10-12 6:14 AM
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2012-10-12 9:14 AM
Further evidence: Martha Raddatz moderating the Vice-Presidential debate tonight.

She rarely missed an opportunity to pull the reins on Ryan, when Ryan was ever-so-politely tearing Biden's head off with the facts. At several points Raddatz and Biden were both at once shouting at Ryan.

So much for impartial moderating.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2012-11-07 6:01 AM
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2012-11-07 5:10 PM
Investor's Business Daily: 5 Big Stories The Media Will 'Discover' After The Election

  • The economy really does stink.
    • Massive debt and entitlement crises loom.
    • ObamaCare isn't what it was cracked up to be.
    • Obama's deficit-cutting plan won't work.
    • Questions about Benghazi still demand answers.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2013-03-12 11:36 PM
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is Liberal - 2013-03-13 5:27 AM
Is a conservative from a fake university supposed to mean something?
Posted By: Pariah Re: Press is Liberal - 2013-03-13 6:47 AM
I have a feeling it wouldn't matter what university he's from. You'd still disregard him either way.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is Liberal - 2013-03-13 2:51 PM
Considering the "facts" he recites is just propaganda anyway, you would be correct. It's just extra points for trying to trick people into thinking it's from a university.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2013-03-13 9:49 PM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Is a conservative from a fake university supposed to mean something?

Tim Groseclose is a real professor at a real university (UCLA), that I've quoted on a number of occasions.
He wrote a book about 2 years ago titled LEFT TURN, about the bias of the media, that he quantifiably measures.
As I recall, this is a collaborative video with Dennis Prager. Called American Conservative University

Groseclose joked when he appeared on O'Reilly about his book that he made sure he had tenure before he released a book so critical of the media and academic world.

On a recent program, O'Reilly interviewed a student/editor at Harvard school newspaper and made the kid look like an idiot for his criticism of O'Reilly in print, and how little the kid knew about what he wrote.
Asked how many conservatives were on staff in Harvard's political science dept, the kid had no idea. O'Reilly enlightened him that there were 0 conservatives, and 25 liberals, and that O'Reilly's own criticism of Harvard had been its loss of diversity of opinion.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2013-03-13 9:51 PM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Considering the "facts" he recites is just propaganda anyway, you would be correct. It's just extra points for trying to trick people into thinking it's from a university.

Which you reflexively assume without ever examining Prof. Groseclose's facts.

I don't know how you can just assume with no examination that what he cites is "propaganda" when he clearly cites statistical fact.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2013-03-13 10:15 PM
I've noticed consistently, M E M, that your tactic is to attack the reputation and character of opinions you don't like, rather than address the actual issue.
As is the deceitful tendency of the Left.

There was nothing in that video or the article I linked that Groseclose didn't back up with facts.

He cited facts and quoted statements by Van Jones of his unapologetic communism, that the media selectively ignored. When Glenn Beck and the conservative media circumnavigated the mainstream press and exposed it, Van Jones was fired (but still works in unison externally for the Obama White House).

Groseclose pointed out the facts of the Bush tax cuts (incomes less than 30,000 got a 17.3% cut; incomes 30,000 to 100,000 got a 13% cut, and incomes greater than 100,000 got an 11.7% cut) proving that "the rich" DIDN'T get the greatest tax cut, as was widely reported (propagandized) by the liberal mainstream media.

You consistently counter-attack rather than answer for the blatant holes in your own propaganda.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is Liberal - 2013-03-14 2:42 PM
So you attack me for saying Prager University isn't a real university, but that still doesn't make it a real university WB. And when facts about media bias have so much conficting data, is it really a fact? It looks like this guy is cherry picking studies to suit his own bias and ignoring what doesn't fit.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Press is Liberal - 2013-03-14 5:49 PM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It looks like this guy is cherry picking studies to suit his own bias and ignoring what doesn't fit.

I hate when people beat me to stuff too.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2013-06-30 2:08 AM

Alec Baldwin uses homophobic epithet in angry tweet at reporter

I wonder how much more exposure this would get if a Republican or Tea Party member had said it.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2013-08-28 4:59 AM



How is it that liberals keep getting tripped up by the Alger Hiss Soviet spy case over 75 years after it happened? MSNBC host Karen Finney raised eyebrows yesterday when she hung up on conservative talk-show host Hugh Hewitt after she turned down several chances he offered to acknowledge that the late Alger Hiss was a Communist. He barely got to the point of discussing if Hiss was a spy for the Soviet Union.

Finney, a former head of communications for the Democratic National Committee and a former press secretary for Hillary Clinton, was invited on Hewitt’s show to discuss her statement that Senator Ted Cruz’s attacks on Obamacare are reminiscent of the “fear stoking” of Joe McCarthy, who she said “also wanted to take his country back. Then, it was from the Communists, who had supposedly infiltrated it.” She said that while Cruz was focused on a different issue his “rhetoric sounds eerily the same” as McCarthy’s.

This prompted Hewitt to test Finney’s attitudes on and knowledge of the Cold War. Here is some of Politico’s blow-by-blow account.

  • Hewitt kicked off his interview with Finney by asking, “Did any communists infiltrate the United States government?”

    “I think if we go back to the McCarthy hearings, it’s pretty clear that he created a culture of paranoia and fear that people later recognized, they sort of bought into it and then recognized that it was absolutely misplaced,” Finney told Hewitt. “That’s the point.”

    “But Karen, did any communists infiltrate our government?” Hewitt asked.

    Finney asked Hewitt to “go ahead and name them,” and Hewitt replied, “Can you? I’m trying to figure out if you know if any of them did.”

    Finney likened his question to the same concept as “Michele Bachmann accusing my friend Huma Abedin of being in the Muslim Brotherhood because somebody she may have known, who may have known, may have known somebody.”

    Hewitt, meanwhile, said the two statements weren’t at all alike, and it was “just a historical question” he was asking. The radio host then first posed the question he would repeatedly ask Finney during the five-minute interview.

    “Was Alger Hiss a communist?” he asked.

    Finney responded, “I understand where you’re going with this, and I get why you want to do this, but again, I think that’s distracting from the point I was trying to make.”

Hewitt tried for several more minutes to engage Finney on the issue. “This is astonishing. You can’t bring yourself to say that Alger Hiss was a Communist spy,” he concluded. He then posed it one more time, whereupon Finney hung up on him. “She can’t deal with that question. I am flabbergasted, I am astonished,” Hewitt concluded. “She has a show on MSNBC called ‘Disrupt’ and she can’t handle a little tiny question about Alger Hiss.”

Finney insisted later that “I answered — Hewitt was interested in a shout fest not an honest conversation.”

What is astonishing is that some liberals still can’t have an honest conversation about Alger Hiss, a top State Department official who accompanied FDR to the Yalta Summit in 1945 and was instrumental in the creation of the United Nations. I don’t believe Finney, a savvy operator, didn’t know who he was. Instead, as former Washington Post editor Susan Jacoby wrote in her book on Alger Hiss, the case “strikes chords located along ideological fault lines” to this day.

Back in 1996, the Hiss case forced President Clinton to withdraw his candidate to become the country’s top spymaster at the CIA. Tony Lake, who then directed the National Security Council, told NBC News that the evidence against Alger Hiss was “inconclusive.” His office then refused to make any other comment on the issue.

After a firestorm of protest in which such liberal notables as Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan said it was clear Hiss had been guilty, Lake’s nomination for CIA director was withdrawn. Even a liberal observer such as Chris Matthews (now with MSNBC) said it was astonishing that anyone would take the view that Hiss, who was convicted on two counts of perjury because the statute of limitation on espionage had expired, could be viewed as anything less than guilty. Matthews points out that John F. Kennedy, then a young congressman, was convinced of Hiss’s guilt. “This is not a case of liberal vs. conservative,” Matthews concluded. “It is a matter of clearing up Tony Lake’s sense of history.”

Apparently, we still have to clear up the historical perspective that some of today’s liberals have about the Cold War and the seeming inability some of them have to acknowledge that there were Communists in government back then — and that that fact is distinct from Joe McCarthy’s endlessly cited excesses.

Further proof that liberal journalists are far to the Left of the people they report to.

And that marxism/anti-Americanism runs deep not only in the Obama White House, but in Hillary Clinton's inner circle as well.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2013-08-28 3:15 PM
So McCarthy and his tactics were/are ok because of Hiss?
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2013-08-29 1:43 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
So McCarthy and his tactics were/are ok because of Hiss?

As I've said repeatedly, when the Soviet Union collapsed and the Russians made public their Cold War secret documents, it turned out that McCarthy was right, and there really were Soviet spies everywhere.

As I've pointed out with names like William Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis and Valerie Jarrett, they personally or members of their families, or both, were part of Soviet-funded communist front groups.

You can't just sweep all that under the rug by invoking "McCarthy".
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2013-08-29 2:00 AM

McCarthyism: The Rosetta Stone of Liberal Lies


By Ann Coulter

When I wrote a ferocious defense of Sen. Joe McCarthy in Treason: Liberal Treachery From the Cold War to the War on Terrorism, liberals chose not to argue with me. Instead they posted a scrolling series of reasons not to read my book, such as that I wear short skirts, date boys, and that Treason was not a scholarly tome.

After printing rabidly venomous accounts of McCarthy for half a century based on zero research, liberals would only accept research presenting an alternative view of McCarthy that included, as the Los Angeles Times put it, at least the "pretense of scholarly throat-clearing and objectivity."

This week, they got it. The great M. Stanton Evans has finally released Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America’s Enemies. Based on a lifetime’s work, including nearly a decade of thoroughgoing research, stores of original research and never-before-seen government files, this 672-page book ends the argument on Joe McCarthy. Look for it hidden behind stacks of Bill Clinton’s latest self-serving book at a bookstore near you.

Evans’ book is such a tour de force that liberals are already preparing a "yesterday’s news" defense — as if they had long ago admitted the truth about McCarthy. Yes, and they fought shoulder to shoulder with Ronald Reagan to bring down the Evil Empire. Thus, Publishers Weekly preposterously claims that "the history Evans relates is already largely known, if not fully accepted." Somebody better tell George Clooney.

The McCarthy period is the Rosetta stone of all liberal lies. It is the textbook on how they rewrite history — the sound chamber of liberal denunciations, their phony victimhood as they demean and oppress their enemies, their false imputation of dishonesty to their opponents, their legalization of every policy dispute, their ability to engage in lock-step shouting campaigns, and the black motives concealed by their endless cacophony.

The true story of Joe McCarthy, told in meticulous, irrefutable detail in Blacklisted by History, is that from 1938 to 1946, the Democratic Party acquiesced in a monstrous conspiracy being run through the State Department, the military establishment, and even the White House to advance the Soviet cause within the U.S. government.

In the face of the Democrats’ absolute refusal to admit to their fecklessness, fatuity and recklessness in allowing known Soviet spies to penetrate the deepest levels of government, McCarthy demanded an accounting.

Even if one concedes to on-the-one-hand-on-the-other-hand whiners like Ronald Radosh that Truman’s Secretary of State Dean Acheson didn’t like communism, his record is what it was. And that record was to treat Soviet spies like members of the Hasty Pudding Club.

Rather than own up to their moral blindness to Soviet espionage, Democrats fired up the liberal slander machine, which would be deployed again and again over the next half century to the present day. In hiding their own perfidy, liberals were guilty of every sin they lyingly imputed to McCarthy. There were no "McCarthyites" until liberals came along.

Blacklisted by History proves that every conventional belief about McCarthy is wrong, including:

– That he lied about his war service: He was a tailgunner in World War II;

– That he was a drunk: He would generally nurse a single drink all night;

– That he made the whole thing up: He produced loads of Soviet spies in government jobs;

– That he just did it for political gain: He understood perfectly the godless evil of communism.

Ironically, for all of their love of conspiracy theories — the rigging of the 2000 election, vote suppression in Ohio in 2004, 9/11 being an inside job, oil companies covering up miracle technology that would allow cars to run on dirt, Britney Spears’ career, etc., etc. — when presented with an actual conspiracy of Soviet spies infiltrating the U.S. government, they laughed it off like world-weary skeptics and dedicated themselves to slandering Joe McCarthy.

Then as now, liberals protect themselves from detection with wild calumnies against anybody who opposes them. They have no interest in — or aptitude for — persuasion. Their goal is to anathematize their enemies. Blacklisted by History removes the curse from one of the greatest patriots in American history.
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2013-08-29 2:29 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
So McCarthy and his tactics were/are ok because of Hiss?

If the journalist had answered like you did acknowledging that Hiss was a communist but arguing that Hiss and others like him did not justify McCarthy's tactics, it would have been a valid point. Instead the journalist couldn't even acknowledge an historical fact. It makes him look ideological.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2013-08-29 2:55 PM
But Finney did state this...
"Obviously, spying on this country and betraying this country is absolutely wrong. Of course it is." So she wasn't endorsing Hiss's activities.

Did Hewitt offer anything negative towards McCarthy's tactics however? It looks like he doesn't and than we have WB to be fully endorsing McCarthy and his tactics. Is this a conservative value? I just figured both sides recognized his tactics were wrong but now there appears to be a defense for it.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2013-09-22 2:56 AM
Just the latest example:

Chuck Todd Targeted By Petition For Comments About Obamacare And The Media

NBC's Chuck Todd just can't escape the backlash over a stray comment he made about the media earlier in the week.

The background, briefly: Todd was speaking with former governor Ed Rendell about Obamacare on Wednesday's "Morning Joe." Rendell said that the White House had not sold the program successfully, and that most Americans opposed to Obamacare had probably been given incorrect information about it.

Todd replied that, "more importantly," that incorrect information "would be stuff that Republicans have successfully messaged against it." He continued, "They don't repeat the other stuff because they haven't even heard the Democratic message."

Then came the fateful words:

"What I always love is people say, 'Well, it's you folks' fault in the media.' No! It's the President of the United States' fault for not selling it."

That quote led to articles with headlines like "Chuck Todd: It's Not Media's Job To Correct GOP's Obamacare Falsehoods," and "MSNBC's Chuck Todd Explains Media Don't Need To Show You No Stinking Facts On Obamacare," and "Inform the Public? Not My Job, Says Chuck Todd."


It's the liberal media's job to fly air-cover for a Democrat president, and reinforce the Annointed One's propaganda. And any support for the Republicans is just because "Americans opposed to Obamacare had probably been given incorrect information about it."

Because, y'know, the Republicans can't possibly be right about anything, and its the liberal media's function to discredit them and support whatever Obama (or any Democrat) is selling.
Despite that Obamacare is a stillborn disaster, and the Republicans are demonstrably right, to the point that many DEMOCRATS are not supporting Obamacare.

Stalin would be proud.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2013-10-15 9:12 AM


by Rich Noyes

On Monday morning, Time/MSNBC political analyst Mark Halperin explained an obvious political reality to his fellow Morning Joe panelists: “The White House does not have much incentive” to negotiate on the government shutdown, because Democrats expect the liberal news media to hand them a public relations victory. As Halperin put it: “The press is largely sympathetic to their arguments that it’s the House Republicans’ fault.”

In fact, as a new Media Research Center analysis of broadcast network evening news coverage shows, ABC, CBS and NBC spent the two weeks prior to the shutdown almost universally pinning the blame on congressional Republicans, especially conservative/Tea Party House Republicans. By the time the shutdown actually took place on October 1, news audiences had been repeatedly instructed to think about it as a GOP-generated crisis.

From September 17 through September 30, the Big Three evening newscasts ran a total of 39 stories about the possibility of a government shutdown. Our MRC analysts found that a majority of those stories (21) were framed around the idea of Republicans triggering the crisis, compared to four that blamed both sides and absolutely none that put the onus on Democrats’ failure to negotiate. (The remaining 14 stories did not include discussion of blame.)

As explained by network news correspondents, the responsibility for the deadlock lies with Republicans for failing to put aside their opposition to ObamaCare. Talking about the initial House Republican decision to seek defunding of the health care law, CBS Evening News correspondent Nancy Cordes on September 18 said “Speaker Boehner was forced into the risky strategy by his right flank...[a strategy] one Senate Republican described to us today as suicide.”

Two days later, NBC’s Brian Williams argued that “the wheels were set in motion” toward a potential shutdown after “Republicans in the House passed a bill that would keep the government going while killing ObamaCare.” A week later, on the September 27 Nightly News, NBC’s David Gregory zeroed in on “a relatively small group of legislators, you have Tea Party conservatives in the House who don’t want to give up on this ObamaCare defunding fight.”

By Sunday, September 29, after Harry Reid’s Senate had killed the proposal to cut off ObamaCare funding, the networks characterized the much-milder demand for a one-year delay as too radical to consider. According to NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell that night, “Tea Party conservatives held to their risky demand,” while on CBS, Nancy Cordes argued that “House Speaker John Boehner had hoped to dial back this fight, but was urged to press on by conservative Tea Party members.”

The next night, after Republicans had retreated to an even-milder proposal to delay just the individual mandate (the President himself, in July, had ordered such a delay for the mandate on businesses), ABC’s Diane Sawyer presented Obama’s characterization of the situation as reality: “The President expressed outrage that one faction in one House of Congress is ready to bring the entire federal government to a halt.”

But Sawyer’s hyperbole about “the entire federal government” coming to a halt was contradicted by her own correspondent, Jonathan Karl, a few minutes later: “Not everything gets shut down. Troops will continue to get paid, Social Security checks will continue to go out.”

Meanwhile, on that night’s CBS Evening News, Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer framed it as a crisis caused by “ultra-conservatives.” According to Schieffer, the question was “will the moderate and more establishment Republicans continue to go along with the ultra-conservatives?...We’re headed to a shutdown unless the moderates in the House revolt.”

As for the rare story that blamed both sides, ABC’s Karl on the September 26 World News juxtaposed Republicans’ “laundry list of demands” with a White House that “has decided not to try” to strike a deal. “Instead of negotiating, they are name calling,” Karl reported. “Today, one of the President’s top aides said of Republicans, quote, ‘What we’re not for is negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest.’”

In a White House briefing on Monday, CNN’s Jim Acosta actually confronted spokesman Jay Carney about the tactic of seeming to “taunt Republicans” rather than exploring the potential for a constructive dialogue.

Acosta told Carney: “In the last couple of weeks, Democrats, including the President, have
— and he has not used all of these words, but I’ll throw out some of them that have been used — have referred to Republicans as ‘arsonists,’ ‘anarchists,’ ‘extortionists,’ ‘blackmailers,’ ‘hostage-takers.’...It almost sounds as if this White House is trying to taunt Republicans into shutting the government down.”

If Democratic congressmen, or a Democratic Speaker of the House, pursuing a liberal policy objective, was subjected to similar ridicule or insults from a Republican President or a Republican Senate Majority Leader, you can bet that the networks would have made such language the centerpiece of their coverage.

Instead, the media have chosen to foist all of the blame on conservatives for sticking to their promise to oppose ObamaCare.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2013-12-06 8:34 AM

No — I am not calling the Secret Service incompetent. In fact, I’m pointing the finger of blame in an entirely different direction. I’m quite sure that the Secret Service always dutifully investigates any threat to the president of which it becomes aware. But that’s the key right there: of which it becomes aware. The Secret Service has only a limited budget and a limited number of investigators, and so can’t be present to witness every potential threat as it appears. Often, the Secret Service is only alerted to a possible threat by reports in the media. And the media is the weak link.

I contend that the media is aggressively reporting on, highlighting and pursuing any and all possible threats to President Obama — and even hints of threats — but they purposely glossed over, ignored or failed to report similar threats to President Bush. Why? I believe it is part of an ideological bias: most mainstream networks and newspapers tried their best during the Bush administration to portray the anti-war movement as mainstream and moderate; whereas now they are trying to portray the anti-tax and anti-health-care-bill protesters as extremists and as fringe kooks. To achieve these goals, they essentially suppressed any mentions of the violent signage (including threats to Bush) at anti-war rallies, but have highlighted anything that could even conceivably be construed as a threat at anti-Obama events.

I believe this partly accounts for the 400% increase in reported threats against Obama over those against President Bush. Part of that reported increase in investigated threats is undoubtedly due to an increase in actual threats; but part of it is almost certainly due to an increase in threats which get reported by the media and are therefore brought to the Secret Service’s attention.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2013-12-06 8:58 AM
A graphic reminder, from just a few months back:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy, 2-18-2013
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
...How long before married people answer the dictators thus: Regardless of law, marriage has only one definition, and any government that attempts to change it is my mortal enemy. I will act to destroy that government and bring it down, so it can be replaced with a government that will respect and support marriage, and help me raise my children in a society where they will expect to marry in their turn.


I wonder if DC comics is aware that Card has threatened to destroy the government over gay marriage?

I didn't see anything in Card's statement about guns, bombs, or violent revolution of any kind. He simply said he will oppose in every way he can an immoral government that imposes unfair laws and intrudes on the rights of its citizens. Like Walesa. Like Gandhi.

But again reminding you of your convoluted double-standard, M E M...

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
So Orson Scott Card's free-speech views, expressed somewhere outside the comics medium, are unacceptable... but fantasies about violently killing President George W. Bush, and spraying his bood and brains all over the walls of the Oval Office --while he was still a sitting president-- are perfectly fine?

Not to mention, comics stories that favorably endorse and promote the gay lifestyle are equally offensive to the rest of us, as Card's personal opinions of gays are to a few intolerant liberals. I would venture to guess that to most of the public, a story that promotes homosexuality is more offensive than a story that condemns homosexuality.

Score another one for the "tolerant" voice of liberalism.

...you don't seem to have the slightest problem with the most blatant calls for violent action, or the most graphic editorial glee in the notion of killing, a CONSERVATIVE/REPUBLICAN government.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2014-03-12 12:06 AM


March 10, 2014

CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson has reached an agreement to resign from CBS News ahead of contract, bringing an end to months of hard-fought negotiations, sources familiar with her departure told POLITICO on Monday.

Attkisson, who has been with CBS News for two decades, had grown frustrated with what she saw as the network’s liberal bias, an outsize influence by the network’s corporate partners and a lack of dedication to investigative reporting, several sources said. She increasingly felt that her work was no longer supported and that it was a struggle to get her reporting on air.

At the same time, Attkisson’s reporting on the Obama administration, which some staffers characterized as agenda-driven, had led network executives to doubt the impartiality of her reporting. She is currently at work on a book — tentatively titled “Stonewalled: One Reporter’s Fight for Truth in Obama’s Washington” — that addresses the challenges of reporting critically on the administration.

(more at link)

I love the way the character assassins at Politico felt a need to slander the reputation of a highly awarded investigative reporter, who has broken scandals on both Democrat and Republican administrations.

The part about "which some staffers characterized as agenda-driven, had led network executives to doubt the impartiality of her reporting" means CBS desperately coming up with a counter-narrative to CBS' Obama-cock-slurping editorial leadership not wanting to air stories that are objectively critical of the Annointed One.
Stories they would eagerly report if they were critical of a Republican president or administration.

And Politico being perfectly happy to front the slander.

Attkisson still recognizes that her job is to objectively report the news, regardless of which party is in power, and apparently hasn't gotten the Obama Newspeak memo that everyone else at CBS has. A message now loud and clear to any reporters staying at CBS.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2014-03-12 12:32 AM
From HotAir:

Fast & Furious, Benghazi, Solyndra, the ObamaCare rollout — [Attkisson]’s spent the last five years digging into all of them. In a different world, she would have been promoted to “60 Minutes”; as it is, per Politico, she spent months negotiating an early end to her contract with CBS. The bit above about her being frustrated with liberal bias rings true, too. She’s been complaining about that, albeit in more oblique terms, for a long time now.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2014-03-27 4:52 PM

Yes, we are biased on religion and politics, admit BBC executives


BBC executives have been forced to admit what critics have known for years - that the corporation is institutionally biased.

The revelation came after details of an 'impartiality' summit called by its chairman, Michael Grade, were leaked.

Senior figures admitted that the BBC is guilty of promoting Left-wing views and an anti-Christian sentiment.

They also said that as an organisation it was disproportionately over-represented by gays and ethnic minorities.

It was also suggested that the Beeb is guilty of political correctness, the overt promotion of multiculturalism and of being anti-American and against the countryside.

During the meeting, hosted by Sue Lawley, executives admitted they would happily broadcast the image of a Bible being thrown away - but would not do the same for the Koran.

Muslim leaders later condemned this approach.

Ishmail Farhat of the Muslim Association of Britain said: "We don't support this kind of action or abuse. If they are respecting all religions - then they should treat all religions the same."

The BBC executives also agreed that the BBC should broadcast an interview with Osama Bin Laden, despite the offence it would cause.

Even one of the BBC's most senior journalists, political pundit Andrew Marr admitted that the corporation was unrepresentative of British society.

He said: "The BBC is not impartial or neutral. It's a publicly-funded, urban organisation with an abnormally large number of young people, ethnic minorities and gay people.

"It has a liberal bias not so much a party-political bias. It is better expressed as a cultural liberal bias."

BBC 'diversity tsar' Mary Fitzpatrick claimed women newsreaders should be allowed to wear what they liked on air and went on to say this should include a Muslim veil.

She spoke out after criticism was raised of TV newsreader Fiona Bruce wearing a necklace with a cross on it.

'We may have gone too far in the direction of political correctness'

The BBC's Washington correspondent Justin Webb also accused his own employers of being anti-American saying they treated it with scorn and derision and "no moral weight".

He revealed that he had got deputy director general Mark Byford to secretly help him to "correct" it in his reports.

Business presenter Jeff Randall said he complained to a senior executive at the BBC about the corporation's pro-multiculturalism stance.

He claimed he was told: "The BBC is not neutral in multiculturalism, it believes in it and it promotes it."

He told how he once wore Union Jack cufflinks to work and was rebuked with: "You can't do that, that's like the National Front!"

One senior BBC executive admitted that the summit had opened people's eyes to how biased the BBC had become.

He admitted: "There was a widespread acknowledgement that we may have gone too far in the direction of political correctness.

"Unfortunately, much of it is so deeply embedded in the BBC's culture, that it is very hard to change it."

The BBC is believed to be taking a more critical look at itself because it fears if it does not, its regulation could be removed from its board of governors and handed over to the independent regulator Ofcom.

Is anyone surprised by this?
When the obvious becomes obvious, admit it, I guess.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2014-03-28 6:35 AM
I wonder what the executives think are a correct number of gays and minorities?
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2014-05-10 9:15 PM

Rep. Wasserman Schultz Tells Four Lies in One Sentence, WashPost Gives Her Just Two Pinocchios

"When 99 percent of women used birth control in their lifetime and 60 percent use it for something other than family planning, it's outrageous and I think the Supreme Court will suggest that their case is ridiculous." - Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz on MSNBC's The Ed Show, March 25

Debbie Wasserman Schultz may have gotten two Pinocchios from Washington Post "Fact Checker" Glenn Kessler Monday for that statement above, but she got off easy.

The 60 percent number is a big lie. The real number is 14 percent.

The 60 percent lie wasn't even the first lie of the sentence. 99 percent of all women do not use birth control in their lifetime. In fact, by age 44, only 86.8 percent of women have ever had vaginal intercourse, even once.

Wasserman Schultz's two lies were meant to support a third lie. It doesn't matter to the HHS contraception mandate debate how many women use "the pill" to regulate hormones or for some other medical purpose other than birth control, because the minute the pill is used for something other than birth control, it falls outside the contraception mandate. And since it falls outside the contraception mandate part of ObamaCare, it doesn't matter what happens to that particular mandate in the courts for those who simply want coverage for a drug to regulate hormones, or for some other necessary medical purpose.

Wasserman Schultz wanted the audience to believe a fourth lie. Wasserman Schultz wanted viewers to believe some people (religious conservatives, of course) are trying to block women's access to routine health care. But nobody is. Even the Catholic Church, which famously objects to artificial birth control, does not object to women taking the pill for non-birth control purposes, and does not object to insurance policies covering the pill for non-contraceptive reasons.

It strains credibility to think Wasserman Schultz is, after years of debate in this topic, unaware that the vast majority of women who take the pill use it for birth control. It is very unlikely she truly believes 99 percent of all women use birth control at some time in their lives (are the lesbians using it too, or doesn't Wasserman Schultz believe in the existence of lesbians? How about the devout Catholics? Women who like children? Women who marry late or never? Women who know they can't get pregnant? And so forth.). And Wasserman Schultz has to know that a drug prescribed for something other than birth control does not fall under a birth control regulation, and two minutes on Google would show her that the Catholic Church does not object to the pill, or insurance coverage for same, for non-birth control purposes.

Kessler's Pinocchios grading scale grades two Pinocchios for "significant omissions and/or exaggerations." Kessler said Wasserman Schultz's ten words ("60 percent use it for something other than family planning") qualified as such.

I say Wasserman Schultz should be graded on her entire sentence: four lies. A "whopper" - four Pinocchios.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/amy-ridenou...p#ixzz31L0kUG3r

The "neutral/objective" fact-checkers.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2014-05-10 9:36 PM

I've asked this before: Who factchecks the factcheckers (who hide behind an illusion of detached neutrality)?

Factcheck.org -- A Fraudulent "Fact Check" Site Funded By Biased Political Group

If you wanted to use a devious method to deceive people who are trying to differentiate between truth and lies on the Internet how would you do it? If you were extremely devious and had no conscience, you might set up a Web site with some official and unbiased sounding name that claims to be the encyclopedia of truth to be used as a tool for anyone who has the same biased view and wants to make believe to "back it up" with what they would like you to think is "indisputable fact."

That is exactly what Web sites like factcheck.org are. They are biased, politically motivated propaganda Web sites, manned and funded by biased political organizations who set up the sites for the sole purpose of deviously "backing up" the political arguments of those who hold the same views that they do. It's kind of like you have a friend who is in on your lie, and you use him to back up your story and don't tell anyone else he is your friend.

Just because they use a name that implies unbiased assessments, doesn't mean that they provide them. You can call your Web site anything you want. I can set up a web site called thetruth.org or realfacts.com or stopthelies.org and post any kind of biased political propaganda I want on it. The name means nothing. And in the case of sites like factcheck.org, the name is intentionally misleading and deceptive. But it isn't the only so called "fact check" site that is a fraud. There are others.

Think about it. Would you rely on any particular Web site to get the "truth?" Anyone honest would tell you that you should NOT rely solely on them to get your facts. You should get them by considering many different and sources, with different points of view and opinions and arrive at what you believe to be the truth by using your own God given senses. Only con artists purport to be the de facto source of truth.

If you look behind the scenes at these phony "fact check" sites, you find that they are funded by organizations with political biases. You must always ask yourself. Who is writing about this so-called "truth." Who funds the site and pays their expenses. What are the origins and history of the funders and who are they associated with. In the case of factcheck.org they receive their funding from the liberal Annenberg Foundation.

The Annenberg Foundation was originally founded by Walter J. Annenberg, a conservative who supported Ronald Reagan. However, when Walter Annenberg died, his family took over the management of the foundation and it took a turn to the far left and has ties to radical left individuals such as Bill Ayers and his friend and fellow left wing radical colleague Barack Obama. How is factcheck.org associated with these people:

To start, Ayers was the key founder of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which was a Chicago public school reform project from 1995 to 2001. Upon its start in 1995, Obama was appointed Board Chairman and President of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Geesh, that alone connects all three. Well, it branches out even more from there.

Ayers co-chaired the organization’s Collaborative, which set the education policies of the Challenge. Oddly enough, Obama was the one who was authorized to delegate to the Collaborative in regards to its programs and projects.
In addition to that, Obama often times had to seek advice and assistance from the Ayer’s led Collaborative in regards to the programmatic aspects of grant proposals. Ayers even sat on the same board as Obama as an “ex officio member”. They both also sat together on the board of the CAC’s Governance Committee. Obama and Ayers were two parts of a group of four who were instructed to draft the bylaws that would govern the CAC. Keep in mind that the “A” in CAC is for Annenberg, the owners of FactCheck.org. The funding for Ayer’s projects and those of his cronies was approved by Board Chair, Barack Obama.


Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2014-05-11 1:46 AM
Most of the good factchecks I've seen source their stuff in a way you can check and determine yourself how non-biased it is. Do they leave something out or exaggerate? Is the subject a matter of being a fact or an opinion? Or something in-between?
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2014-07-01 4:41 AM


Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2014-07-09 6:48 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is Liberal - 2014-07-09 6:56 AM
Awww the 1% can't buy all the media to promote it's self serving agenda.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Press is Liberal - 2014-07-09 7:34 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Awww the 1% can't buy all the media to promote it's self serving agenda.

Uh....They can and they already have.

Or are you stupid enough to believe that the portion of wealthy Americans in the US consists solely of Republicans.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2014-09-20 12:49 PM

MRC Study: TV Buries the Bad News on Obama’s Collapsing Polls

It’s no secret that television news has long been addicted to public opinion polls; decades ago, all three broadcast networks decided to partner with an influential newspaper (ABC News with the Washington Post; CBS News with the New York Times; and NBC News with the Wall Street Journal) to sponsor their own regular surveys for use in their political coverage. That’s why it’s so extraordinary that polling news has practically vanished from the Big Three evening newscasts in 2014 as President Obama’s approval ratings have tumbled and the public opposes [the White House's] defining administration policies like ObamaCare.

Just last Thursday, for example, Gallup found Obama’s approval rating at a record low of 38 percent, yet none of the three broadcast networks bothered to mention this on their evening or morning newscasts.
Such coverage is in stunning contrast to how those same newscasts relentlessly emphasized polls showing bad news for George W. Bush during the same phase of his presidency. Media Research Center analysts reviewed every reference on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts to public opinion polls from January 1 through August 31, 2014, and from the same time period in 2006. Eight years ago, the networks aired 124 evening news reports which cited public opinion polls about either President Bush’s overall approval rating or his handling of specific policies. In 2014, those same broadcasts produced only nine reports which mentioned public opinion surveys related to President Obama.

In Bush’s case, the networks routinely highlighted his falling approval ratings to illustrate his political weakness, and regularly cited polling data showing public disapproval of policies such as the Iraq war.
This year, even as President Obama has suffered his own political meltdown, the networks have spared him from such coverage.

This year, the three broadcast networks have conducted 15 polls asking people to rate Barack Obama’s performance as President; 13 of those showed at least 50% of the public now disapproving of how Obama is handling his job. Yet the Big Three evening newscasts have essentially ignored their own polls, plus the dozens of others conducted by news organizations and universities that are commonly cited in routine political coverage. So far this year, there have been only two citations on an evening newscast of President Obama’s national job approval rating.

“Obama has the lowest average approval rating of any President after five years in office,” correspondent Jon Karl announced on the January 28 edition of ABC’s World News.
Seven months later on the August 31 edition of the CBS Evening News — a Sunday evening on a holiday weekend — political director John Dickerson opined that Democrats are facing a tough midterm election because the President’s “approval rating is just above 40%.”

For its part, the NBC Nightly News has failed to report Obama’s overall approval rating during the first eight months of 2014, despite having conducted five nationwide polls on the subject. (While not discussions of Obama’s approval rating, on the January 26 edition of ABC’s World News, anchor David Muir noted a poll showing “just 37% believe the President has the ability to make the right decisions for the country.”
A month later, CBS’s Scott Pelley told viewers that his network’s latest poll found “59% say they’re disappointed” with Obama’s presidency.”)

[more at link]

That's pretty amazing, the networks pay for polls, and then don't publish the results of their own polls, when it doesn't favor the Democrats!

The contrasting firestorm of media condemnation of Bush in 2006-2008 during the troop surge, vs. the media silence during Obama's plummet in the polls, is quite remarkable.
Gee, you'd almost think... they were biased or something!

I again strongly believe that while Bush and Obama's numbers are about equal for this point in their respective presidencies, it has to be considered that Bush's numbers were with the media vitriolically and unrelentingly ATTACKING HIM, and Obama having the same numbers despite the media unrelentingly PROTECTING him!

Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2014-09-21 5:14 PM
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2014-10-07 7:58 PM

There might actually be greater symbolism than the artist intended in that last one.
It has the "Lapdog media" driving the car, while Obama is asleep in the passenger seat, as the car (and the country) goes over the cliff.

Manifesting that while Obama doesn't care, and is essentially asleep, the media still shape the narrative for Obama, continuing to give Obama their support, all the way down to the cliff bottom.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2014-10-07 8:00 PM

The narrative both the Democrats and the liberal media have been selling to the public for at least 10 years, deconstructed:

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2015-01-17 11:16 AM

Andrew Klavan often appears on Mediabuzz on Sundays with Howard Kurtz.

He hits on several issues we've hit on here before.

1) the liberal bias of the news media
2) the liberal bias/indoctrination in our schools and universities
3) the liberal bias in movies and television entertainment
4) reporters have learned to lie about their liberal bias and now more often answer polls as "independent". But their political donations reveal them as 88% liberal despite their best efforts to project otherwise

5) conservatives volunteer more and are more financially generous than liberals (despite being portrayed by all the above media as heartless and selfish)
6) conservatives are smarter and more open to opposing views than liberals.

One that didn't fully occur to me before is that conservatives are more liberal, in terms of free speech, free thought and freedom from government regulation and censorship.
At some point in the last 70 years or so, Democrats successfully marketed that actual freedom isn't liberal, and that their brand of re-packaged Marxism is.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2015-03-01 12:55 AM
Man, how did I miss this when it happened?

Probably because, as they say in the clip, it only would have been news/racist/an outrage/whatever, if a conservative had said it. But since it was MSNBC anchor Contessa Brewer, it's like it never even happened.

Sharpton, Jackson, whatever.
If it was Fox News who made the error, the collective media would make a big deal about it, alleging Fox reporters to be racists who think all blacks look alike.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2015-03-01 1:12 AM

Another far greater error by MSNBC anchor Contessa Brewer, where she bemoans a white racist Tea Party member with a gun at Glenn Beck's "rally to restore honor" in Washington DC (the 3rd largest protest in Washington's history).
But with selective editing zooming in on the gun, it hid that the "white racist" gun owner was actually black!

I miss Gutfeld's "Gregalogue" on Redeye. Great commentary, scathing as well as very funny.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Press is Liberal - 2016-08-25 11:55 PM
Media looks inward, deems slanted Trump coverage warranted:
  • Donald Trump’s claim that the “crooked media” has it in for him has prompted much soul-searching with the Fourth Estate, and its conclusion appears to be that he's right -- and that's just fine with some news organizations.

    “I’m not running against Crooked Hillary,” Trump told a crowd in Fairfield, Conn., last week. “I’m running against the crooked media.”

    Lately some, including The New York Times, Vox and Bill Moyers’ website, have not only owned up to Trump's accusation, they've embraced it.

    “If you deplore media cowardice, you might think this is a good thing, not because Trump is a mortal danger to this country, although he is, but because it means the press is doing its job,” Neil Gabler wrote on the journalism website of Moyers, the longtime PBS newsman who cut his teeth as a spokesman for Democratic President Lyndon Johnson. “Call it partisan bias if you like. I call it journalism.”

    Ezra Klein, the Vox writer who as a Washington Post staffer organized a secret society of left-wing reporters dubbed “JournoList” that was shut down after it was exposed in 2010, acknowledged that the press is not giving Trump traditional treatment.

    “The media has felt increasingly free to cover Trump as an alien, dangerous, and dishonest phenomenon,” Klein wrote last week.

    New York Times’ media critic Jim Rutenberg wrote that journalists who personally oppose Trump had an obligation to “throw out the textbook” when it came to coverage of The Donald.

    “If you’re a working journalist and you believe that Donald J. Trump is a demagogue playing to the nation’s worst racist and nationalistic tendencies, that he cozies up to anti-American dictators and that he would be dangerous with control of the United States nuclear codes, how the heck are you supposed to cover him?” Rutenberg wondered in a front-page article earlier this month.

    When it comes to covering Trump, it’s only fair to be unfair, according to The Atlantic.

    “All things considered, the press has responded defensibly to the unusual challenges of covering a brazen, habitual liar,” Conor Friedersdorf wrote in a recent column titled, “The Exaggerated Claims of Media Bias Against Donald Trump.”
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2016-08-30 1:40 PM
Has anyone else noticed that EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE since Gerald Ford has been portrayed as a dangerous choice who would get us into a war?
That every Republican candidate since Reagan has been portrayed as an entitled out-of-touch blue blood who doesn't have the experience and understanding of the issues of the American people to lead them.

That every Republican since Gerald Ford has been portrayed as an imaginationless simpleton (and in contrast Dukakis, Bill Clinton, Gore, Kerry and Obama are portrayed as brilliant scholarly visionaries far superior to their Republican opposition, and in the cases of Gore and Kerry, were later proven to be lower academic achievers than even George W. Bush.)

So... when the liberal pundits try to sell us that Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit for office, rich and out of touch with the people, a warmonger who is dangerous to be holding the nuclear button, a bigot and a simpleton (a simpleton who has accumulated personal wealth of 4 billion dollars!) the media's portrayal of Trump really can't be believed. Trump is not exceptionally dangerous and unqualified, the media has proven for roughly 45 years that ANY Republican will get the same treatment.

Posted By: the G-man Hillary's Aleppo Moment - 2016-10-24 10:40 PM
Gary Johnson Says 'Glaring Double Standard' Kept Hillary Clinton’s Mosul 'Mistake' From Being an Aleppo Moment:

  • Hillary Clinton gave a disputable description of the location of Mosul, the largest city held by the Islamic State group, during Wednesday’s final major-party presidential debate, but pundits and the press did not pounce.

    In contrast to the intense news coverage of Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson’s moment of confusion about Aleppo, Syria, during an MSNBC interview last month, Clinton’s arguable misstatement about the major Iraqi city attracted just a handful of tweets.

    “What's really important here is to understand all the interplay. Mosul is a Sunni city. Mosul is on the border of Syria,” the Democratic nominee told a domestic audience of about 70 million during the debate made memorable by bitter barbs and insults.

    Mosul is not directly on the border with Syria, which is about 100 miles to the west or 75 miles northwest to the nearest border crossing. Ireland is closer to Wales. Montreal is nearer to New York state and Damascus, Syria’s capital, is closer to Israel – either its de facto or internationally recognized borders.

    “The obvious response is there is a very hypocritical double standard here,” Johnson tells U.S. News. “If anyone ought to know geographic locations, it’s Hillary.”
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Hillary's Aleppo Moment - 2016-10-25 4:49 AM

If Hillary, confused, comes to RKMB looking for answers...

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2018-04-14 9:08 PM

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2018-05-18 8:42 AM

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2018-05-18 8:50 AM

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2018-06-11 11:42 PM

I thought President Trump did a spectacular job of drawing attention to the unprecedented liberal media bias against him at the end of last year, by (click-bait style) producing a "top 10" list of the most biased media stories about him in 2017.


That drew attention and retrospect to the spectacular failures of the liberal media, in their rabid zeal to smear Trump.

And those are only 10 examples! (11, actually). Plus a list of his accomplishements that went largely uncovered.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2018-06-11 11:47 PM

Kind of a one-two punch against the media, with this Harvard Study that showed CNN and multiple other outlets had over 90% negative coverage of Trump.


That study gets a bit more attention coming from a hub of liberalism like Harvard.

Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is Liberal - 2018-06-12 2:47 AM
I guess it would bother me if a democratic president railed against our free and independent press like Spanky does while he lies. And equating fake with negative news you don't like isn't a principled stance. Sad to see bad behavior like our president's constant dishonesty get cheered on by some.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2018-06-12 5:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I guess it would bother me if a democratic president railed against our free and independent press like Spanky does while he lies. And equating fake with negative news you don't like isn't a principled stance. Sad to see bad behavior like our president's constant dishonesty get cheered on by some.

I guess you forgot how Obama attempted to ban Fox News from the White House press conferences early in his term (until other news agencies objected and surprisingly sided with Fox News).

And how the Obama administration pushed for the arrest of Fox News reporter James Rosen and another reporter.

And how even reporters from the New York Times and Washington Post (definitely not Republicans) who had dealt with multiple administrations of both parties for 30 to 40 years, described the Obama administration as the most "control freak" administration they had ever dealt with, in their authoritarian lockdown and tracking of leakers like no previous administration.

So authoritarian, they used illegal FISA warrants gotten on falsified evidence to spy on the Trump campaign and administration.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is Liberal - 2018-06-12 6:06 AM
I didn't forget about Obama vs FOX. There is actually a thread when it happened and unlike yourself with the orange turd I was critical of it. Likewise other news organizations also backed fox. Maybe you should reread it and see how far you've lowered the bar for Spanky. I don't have time for unproven partisan accusations. I'm sure if there was actually a case to be made there actually would be made legally outside of Hannity world. Even with corrupt trump in power they can't do it.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2018-06-12 10:53 PM

Feel free to show me where, in 27 pages of the topic throughout Obama's presidency, you objected to the Obama administration's going after Fox and reporters investigating them, and even intimidating pollsters Obama didn't like.

Or anywhere in this topic, for that matter.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2018-06-12 11:31 PM



In September 2009, the Obama administration engaged in a verbal conflict with Fox News Channel. On September 20, President Barack Obama appeared on all major news programs except Fox News, a snub partially in response to remarks about him by commentators Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, and Fox coverage of Obama's health-care proposal.[191][192]

In late September 2009, Obama senior advisor David Axelrod and Roger Ailes met in secret to attempt to smooth out tensions between the two camps. Two weeks later, chief of staff Rahm Emanuel referred to FNC as "not a news network" and communications director Anita Dunn said "Fox News often operates as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party".[193][194] Obama observed, "If media is operating basically as a talk radio format, then that's one thing, and if it's operating as a news outlet, then that's another".[195] White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel said it was important "to not have the CNNs and the others in the world basically be led in following Fox".[196]

Within days, it was reported that Fox had been excluded from an interview with administration official Ken Feinberg, with bureau chiefs from the White House press pool (ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN) coming to Fox's defense.[197] A bureau chief said, "If any member had been excluded it would have been the same thing, it has nothing to do with Fox or the White House or the substance of the issues".[198] Shortly after the story broke, the White House admitted to a low-level mistake, saying Fox had not made a specific request to interview Feinberg. Fox White House correspondent Major Garrett said he had not made a specific request, but had a "standing request from me as senior White House correspondent on Fox to interview any newsmaker at the Treasury at any given time news is being made".[199]

On November 8, 2009, the Los Angeles Times reported an unnamed Democratic consultant was warned by the White House not to appear on Fox News again. According to the article, Anita Dunn claimed in an e-mail to have checked with colleagues who "deal with TV issues" and had been told nobody was instructed to avoid Fox. Patrick Caddell, a Fox News contributor and former pollster for President Jimmy Carter, said he had spoken with other Democratic consultants who had received similar warnings from the White House.[200]

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2018-06-12 11:46 PM

Washington, DC — July 14, 2011

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has uncovered documents from the Obama Department of Treasury showing that the Obama administration, contrary to its repeated denials, attempted to exclude the Fox News Channel (FNC) from a round of interviews with Treasury’s “Executive Pay Czar” Kenneth Feinberg. The documents, which include email exchanges within the Department of the Treasury and between Treasury and White House staff, also provide colorful evidence of an anti-Fox News bias within the Obama White House.

The documents, obtained last week by Judicial Watch pursuant to an October, 28, 2009, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, concern a series of interviews with Feinberg, who served as the Special Master for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) Executive Compensation, on October 22, 2009, organized by the Treasury Department. According to press reports, the Fox News Channel was specifically excluded from joining the pool of reporters which precipitated a backlash among the networks and a reversal by the Obama Treasury Department.

According to The New York Times: “Fox’s television news competitors refused to go along with a Treasury Department effort on Thursday [October 22, 2009] to exclude Fox from a round of interviews with the executive-pay czar Kenneth R. Feinberg that was to be conducted with a ‘pool’ camera crew…”.
Fox News Channel’s James Rosen reported this backlash forced the Obama administration to reconsider its position on the matter: “The Washington bureau chiefs of the five TV news network consulted and decided that none of them would interview Feinberg unless Fox was included, and the administration relented…,” reported Rosen. Ultimately, after other media representatives objected, Fox News Channel was allowed to participate in the interviews.

…[details at link]

As I pointed out at the time, the other news agencies refused to go along with the exclusion of Fox News, because if that were allowed to happen, the Obama administration would have used the same tactics to force other more liberal news agencies to likewise be compliant to Obama administration wishes, forced to give favorable coverage, or similarly be excluded like Fox News.

Paraphrasing Pastor Martin Neimoller:
"First they came for Fox News..."

The collective mainstream media saw where this was going, and didn't go along with it.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2018-06-13 11:35 PM
Okaay, you answered my question from the Press is liberal topic....

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Feel free to show me where, in 27 pages of the topic throughout Obama's presidency, you objected to the Obama administration's going after Fox and reporters investigating them, and even intimidating pollsters Obama didn't like.

Or anywhere in this topic, for that matter.

...in the Free Speech in the era of Obama topic. So way back (2014), you did condemn the Obama attempt to shut out Fox News. I commend you on that occasion taking a stand against the bad judgement your own party, and your siding instead in favor of free speech.

Do you take the same stand against Obama/Democrat authoritarianism, in using illegal FISA warrants to weaponize law enforcement against Republicans to spy on the Trump campaign? And to simultaneously corrupt the system by handing out immunity to Hillary operatives like candy, to avoid prosecution of Hillary Clinton, while weaponizing FBI/DOJ on manufactured charges against Trump?
While that is a federal power issue, the fact that the press, rather than reporting on that, is flying cover for the abuses of the Democrats (unlike during Watergate), makes it once again a free speech/free press issue.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2019-03-29 2:29 PM
I guess that's a no.

In a current example, the Mueller investigation completed their investigation, and Mueller submitted his report to attorney general Barr for review a week ago on Friday, March 22.

Tucker Carlson summed it up well:

Tucker Carlson, 3-27-2019, Wednesday

The media have had a week now to get past the first rumors or bad impulses and actually report the news. But instead they have fallen into line with their Democrat masters, avoided the truth, and just pivoted on Pelosi's orders to the latest Democrat talking-points-false-narrative the collective broadcast liberal media subject to a healthcare narrative.

Carlson rightly points out that the CNN, MASNBC, New York Times, Washington Post and the other collective liberal media have all followed the same marching orders and deflected from the truth. And in doing so have proven themselves to be a propaganda machine and a super-PAC for the Democrat party, and abandoned all pretense of being objective news sources.
Even when it has caused them a precipitous drop of 50% of their audience.

And as Carlson cites, this is one of several rare glimpses of the liberal-narrative sausage being made behind the scenes.
Just as in the previous examples of Journo-List, and in the Wikileaks exposure in July 2016 of internal DNC communications with journalists. Where reporters were coordinating to help the DNC win the election, asking permission to run or not run stories to benefit Hillary. Brainstorming ideas of how to slander and bring down the Republicans and Berni Sanders in the eager service of their bitch queen.

If they were human beings with ethics and not unholy things of the darkness, they would feel shame, or at least the slightest embarassment, the slightest need to at least appear ethical. But no. They are what they are.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2019-03-30 5:32 PM

Tucker Carlson gave another example last night of the liberal media orchestrating a pro-DNC/anti-Trump message, in this case holding and postponing a story to benefit the Democrats politically.

Tucker Carlson, 3-29-2019, Friday

This example with the Yashar Ali, a freelance reporter, who was pressured by NBC executive Dafna Linzer to delay and hold a story so the Democrat political leaders could be contacted and coordinate before the story would be released. And Linzer essentially, outraged and annoyed, saying "What's the big deal, we do this all the time!" Manifesting this is not an isolated case. The isolated case is any reporter (Yashar Ali) resisting this DNC/liberal media conspiracy.
And it makes clear something that hadn't been visible before that reporters like Yashar Ali who cooperate in this might not be part of a willing conspiracy, but cooperate with the conspiratorss because to do otherwise would result in the destruction of their journalism careers.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2019-04-30 10:27 AM

Tucker Carlson, 4-29-2019, Monday

Carlson's opening editorial on the White House Correspondents' dinner (which President Trump rightly snubbed for the third year in a row) is a perfect example of the bias, lack of integrity and hypocrisy of the liberal news media, as they use the event to congratulate themselves for being the Great Defenders Of Free Speech, even as they suppress free speech outside of their own liberal bubble of free speech, in the Newspeak propaganda they produce.

They congratulate themselves (at the dinner) as whistleblowers, even as they destroy whistleblowers that expose their own lack of integrity. They bash Trump as the great threat to free speech, ignoring that Trump beyond some off the cuff remarks has never used his presidential power to suppress the media, ignoring the many ways that Barack Obama ACTUALLY DID use his presidential power to attack the media.

And the examples Carlson gives are abundant.
The news media have become the defenders of tyranny and deception of the DNC and the corporate/globalist machine that runs it, not of truth.

Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is Liberal - 2019-04-30 2:33 PM
30 seconds of googling...

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2019-04-30 8:08 PM

What's your point M E M?
Or is it just the usual obfuscation to deflect from the facts incriminating your party and their incestuous relationship with the liberal media?
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is Liberal - 2019-05-01 4:01 AM
The article talks about Trump seizing a reporter's phone logs and records. You've been trying to argue that Trump's lies and attacks on the media were different because Trump didn't do things like seize reporter's records.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2019-05-01 1:41 PM

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
30 seconds of googling...


 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
The article talks about Trump seizing a reporter's phone logs and records. You've been trying to argue that Trump's lies and attacks on the media were different because Trump didn't do things like seize reporter's records.

Good God, you completely distort what that was about, to make it conform to your Democrat propaganda anti-Trump talking points.

The guy who was arrested was the Senate Intelligence Committee's security director who violated his trust, was involved in crimes and will be going to jail. I remember this story when it came out, there is no question of his guilt. And it wasn't just talking to a reporter, he was having a sexual affair with her, way beyond just news-gathering.
The records legally subpoenaed were tangentially related to prosecuting the Senate security director, *not* jailing or prosecuting a reporter.

And it's ironic because:

[Senate security director James A. Wolfe’s arrest] case led to the first known instance of the Justice Department going after a reporter’s data under President Trump. The seizure was disclosed in a letter to the Times reporter, Ali Watkins, who had been in a three-year relationship with Mr. Wolfe. The seizure suggested that prosecutors under the Trump administration will continue the aggressive tactics employed under President Barack Obama.

So in no uncertain terms (and I've heard of no other cases I can recall of Trump's DOJ going after a reporters's records) even this (liberal media) New York Times piece is saying if Trump went down this path repeatedly, he would approach the egregious suppression of freedom of the press that went on under Obama.

A hilarious reach on your part.

It is legal to go after the leaker, even though the reporter can legally report anything that is leaked. To my knowledge, the only exception to that is if the reporter is actively involved in helping steal top secret or government documents. Such as Julian Assange allegedly helping Bradley Manning hack the passwords to get secured government computer files. But if Manning had already hacked them and given the already unsecured documents to Assange/Wikileaks, then Assange could not be prosecuted.

In the case of the Senate intelligence security director, he was (by encrypted message) disclosing to multiple reporters secret information before it was unsecured, and therefore doing the exact opposite of what he was paid to do as security director.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2019-06-05 8:56 PM

Another example of the media completely twisting the facts in writing a story about Trump:


So basically, a reporter for the British Sun tabloid asks Trump about comments Meghan Markle made, that Trump was even aware Markle had said. So the reporter told Trump what Marle said about Trump, that she's move to Canada (in 2016) if he were elected, and after moved to the U.K. and became a princess. And Trump taking the reorter's word for it, said he didn't know she was nasty toward him like that.

The reporter, removing all context that she completely set up the context and then hid that context, asked a loaded question, then Trump had only responded on the reporter's account of what Markle said, reported it as: "Trump Calls the Princess Nasty.".

A small story, but reflective of how the media consistently distorts the facts to attack Trump.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2019-07-03 9:23 AM

UGLY: CBS, NBC, MSNBC, NYT Ignore Antifa Violence, Beating of Andy Ngo


By Curtis Houck, July 1, 2019

In an update to the coverage totals posted by NewsBusters’s Nick Fondacaro here and here, the flagship major broadcast networks CBS and NBC still have yet to acknowledge the Antifa violence committed on Saturday in Portland, Oregon, which included the brutal beating and milkshaking of Quillette’s Andy Ngo, which left him badly injured with a brain bleed.

Along with CBS and NBC, MSNBC and The New York Times have joined them in the refusal to denounce this legitimate, actual attack (sorry not sorry, Jim Acosta) on a journalist for simply doing their job. And since Sunday’s Good Morning America, ABC had not offered an update.

In contrast to MSNBC, fellow liberal cable network CNN had at least offered a decent share of coverage considering their aversion to anything that goes against their preconceived narratives and endorsement of Antifa’s radical, violent actions and beliefs by some at the network.

Since 5:00 a.m. Sunday morning, CNN has spent five minutes and 26 seconds on the violence in Portland. Unfortunately, 47 seconds of that time (spread out over two hours of CNN Newsroom) didn’t note that one of those hurt was, in fact, a journalist (who also happens to be Asian and gay).

Monday’s CNN Right Now devoted a full report to what transpired, including Ngo’s injuries. However, the story was spun with Ngo being dubbed a “conservative blogger” and mentioned alongside “far-right,” white nationalist groups like the Proud Boys.

So, yes, folks, CNN played the “both sides” card.

When it came to describing Antifa, here was how Sidner described them :

  • Look, you had a couple of different groups that came into Portland to protest, to share their message, far-right groups, to spread their message to the masses, whoever would listen to them, and they often gather at different squares and that's exactly what happened here, but often, as is normal in Portland, there is always a huge reaction to that. Sometimes far bigger than the far-right groups and, in this case the same, who have gathered. The Antifa — anti-fascists, if you will, came out for sure and we should, you know, sort of be clear that there are a lot of different people that were out there who may not consider themselves a member of the anti-fascist group, but there are certainly a group called Rose City Antifa, who was out there[.]

Sidner showed pictures and video of Antifa attacking Ngo and pictures from his trip to the emergency room with some injuries sustained from being “getting hit with what looked like a milkshake, but police were very clear in saying, look, it appears that there was some sort of quick-drying cement that was mixed into that so-called milkshake.”

To Sidner’s credit, she then denounced Antifa and ruled that cities like Berkeley, California, and Portland, Oregon need to have “a serious conversation” because of “have groups like this who are there in — to be militant and to violently oppose people from the right.”

“[ B]ut then you see the violence unleashed on this conservative blogger and it's unacceptable behavior. Even if you don't like the ideals, the whole point is that you're allowed to have free speech in this country and I think that's a conversation that America needs to — needs to have, especially in cities like Portland, where this happens quite often,” she added, before spending the rest of the segment ruling harping on the Proud Boys and other far-right groups.

Going to the major newspapers, The Times was silent in the MRC’s Washington Edition copies (for Sunday and Monday). The Washington Post wasn’t much better, providing a partial Associated Press wire story on A3 in Sunday’s print edition. The total word count? A scant 239 words accompanied by the headline “Opposing groups clash in downtown Portland.”

USA Today’s first print edition since Ngo’s attack came on Monday and, like CNN, they did more than a few seconds on it. Reporter John Bacon had a 350-word dispatch on 2A that, also like CNN, had a similar spin with the print headline “Right- and left-wingers battle in Oregon” (altered slightly for the online one here).

Here’s an excerpt:
  • Oregon's largest city was calm and quiet Sunday after a day of chaotic, competing protests that clogged Portland streets, crippled public transit and left at least eight people injured.

    Police in riot gear broke up the demonstrations as clashes developed among law enforcers, anti-fascist "antifa" protesters and right-wing groups. Three people were charged with crimes ranging from assault on a police officer to harassment, police said.


    Andy Ngo, an editor with the conservative website "Quillette," tweeted photos of cuts and bruises on his face. He said on Twitter he was hit multiple times with fists and weapons.

    "Attacked by antifa. Bleeding," he tweeted. "They stole my camera equipment. No police until after. waiting for ambulance. If you have evidence of attack please help."

    Protesters also clashed with police, throwing water bottles and eggs at officers, and three were among those injured.

    Police had reports of protesters throwing "milkshakes" – with a substance mixed in that was similar to a quick-drying cement.

I'd also point out the media similarly focused on "right wing racist violence" in Charlottesville 2 years ago, while ignoring the antifa who outnumbered the white supremacists more than tenfold (Antifa in the thousands, white supremacists maybe 200 to 300) and were (as I ctied at the time with youtube videos of Antifa) constantly attacking white supremacists and provoking violence, where otherwise the supremacists would have just peacefully marched. And that the majority of conservative demonstrators (about 2,000) were not white supremacists, just retired police and military protesting only for preservation of the Robert E. Lee statue, who actually aasked the 200-300 white supremacists to leave. But all were portrayed by the liberal media as "white supremacists".

Over and over, the liberal media are eager to over-report alleged incidents of "right wing violence". And even in the case of Tea Party protests that were 100% peaceful, portrayed them as "threatening". Despite that the attacks were by Leftists on Tea Party members! In one case, a white union thug beat up a black Tea Party member and it went unreported. Whereas if it were reversed and had been a white conservative attacking a black liberal, it would have been national news with maximum coverage of "dangerous right wing racists attack black protestor."

The same thing here. When a gay conservative is attacked, and even hospitalized with brain damage from the attack, the liberal media absolutely refuses to report it. Because it doesn't fit the liberal narrative they want to sell to the public of a "growing threat of dangerous right wing violence". Despite that the attacks are overwhelmingly by the LEFT wing.

Just a reminder which side the real violence is on:


Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2019-07-03 9:51 AM



Now that's the narrative the liberal media is trying to sell!
And when you do a google search for Antifa violence, these are the only kind of articles you'll see. Liberal narrative,that carefully avoids facts they don't want to report. Such as attacks by Antifa. And by PETA and leftist environmentalist groups. And other Leftists on college campuses, at booksignings and lectures of conservative leaders and authors.

The centerpiece of this article is James Fields who was just convicted for the death of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, VA. Who was not part of any organized attempt at violence, and reading the link, you can easily see he had personal problems, not related to right wing violence.

This part in particular struck me:

Fields backed up at a high speed for several blocks, and then turned left and sped off down Market Street.[20][26] A Virginia State Police Bell 407 helicopter, that crashed about three hours later, was following the car and relaying its route to ground units.[20][21] A deputy stopped and arrested Fields on Monticello Avenue, about a mile from the attack.[20][27] The deputy waited for the police to arrive, and detective Steven Young came from the police department. According to Young, Fields kept apologizing and asked if anyone was injured. When Young told him that a person had died, Fields appeared shocked and started to cry.[20][21][28] Young said that the Dodge had holes in the rear window—made by counter-protesters after the initial impact[27][29]—and heavy front-end damage; Young said that the car was "splattered" with blood and flesh. A pair of blue sunglasses was stuck in the spoiler on the car's trunk

That seems rather spontaneous, with a considerable remorse and regret for the act, to be labelled "right wing hate". Fields also has a family history of psychological problems and violence that date back to his parents and grandparents, as made clear in the above link.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2019-07-03 10:19 AM


by David Harsanyi

Washington Post "analysis" of domestic terrorism argues that attacks from white supremacists and other "far-right attackers" have been on the rise since Barack Obama's presidency and "surged since President Trump took office." It's a familiar storyline meant to assure liberals that yes, Trump-motivated right-wing terrorists are running wild. There are, however, a few problems with this proposition.

For one thing, even if we accept the numbers the Post offers, the use of the word "surge" -- meaning a sudden, powerful forward or upward movement -- strains credibility. There's no evidence of a "surge," either in historical context or as a matter of ideological preference.

That is to say, we have good reason not to accept the numbers. According to The Washington Post, which relies on Global Terrorism Database data, there were zero acts of right-wing terrorism in the entire nation in 2002. Since then, we have seen a "surge," to 36 in a nation of 325-plus million people in 2017. Among those acts, there were 11 fatalities.

In other words, fewer homicides were committed by political terrorists of any stripe in the United States in 2017 than were committed by undocumented immigrants in the state of Texas alone -- which, I am assured, is an incredibly low number that shouldn't worry us very much. If one of these "surges" is scaremongering, why not the other?

Then again, even if we use the criteria offered by the GTD, we need to be exceptionally generous to even get to 36 incidents of right-wing violence in 2017. (I could find only 32.)

For example, although the Post acknowledges that the Las Vegas shooter's motivations are still unknown, the GTD had no problem categorizing the murderer of 58 people as an "anti-government extremist." And it takes these sorts of assumptions to get in the vicinity of a "surge" in right-wing terrorism.

Of the 32 incidents I was able to find, 12 featured perpetrators who were merely "suspected" of being right-wing terrorists. Some of these incidents could have been the work of one person, as in the pellet gun shootings of Muslims in New York. In other incidents, we are asked to treat patently insane people as if they had coherent political agendas.

Still other events are even more opaque. In San Juan, Puerto Rico -- apparently a hotbed of white supremacy -- an incendiary device was thrown into a gay nightclub. No one was injured, thank goodness. Also, no one was caught, and no one claimed responsibility for the act. Yet the episode doesn't even earn a "suspected" designation from GTD.

If the definition of domestic terrorism is muddy at best, the definition of right-wing terrorism is often arbitrary and self-serving.

To help bolster right-wing terrorist stats, for instance, we would have to perfunctorily include every anti-Semitic act. The Washington Post even mentions an Anti-Defamation League study showing "a 57 percent surge in anti-Semitic incidents in 2017."

If anything, the ADL study should be cautionary, as it demonstrates how difficult it is to not only quantify these incidents but also categorize them ideologically. The ADL's faulty data were self-reported, for instance, and most of the "surge" can be attributed to a single Jewish teen in Israel calling in a number of bomb threats to Jewish centers.

In the real world, a Jewish American is probably likelier to encounter anti-Semitism at a college campus than anywhere else.

Then there is the matter of inconsistently defining terrorism. If throwing a rock through the window of an Islamic center is an act of right-wing terrorism, why isn't it an act of left-wing terrorism for anti-capitalists to throw rocks through the window of a business in Oregon? Surely, both fall under the description of terror, which the GTD defines as "the threatened or actual use of illegal force and violence by a non-state actor seeking to attain a political, economic, religious or social goal through fear, coercion, or intimidation." As far as I can tell, only one of these genres actually makes the cut for the GTD.

This is what happens when reporters work backward from a predetermined premise.

You'll notice, as well, that these analyses typically begin in 2002, seeing as the 2,977 Americans murdered on 9/11 are inconvenient to the white-supremacy-is-more-dangerous-than-radical-Islam narrative. The reason we don't have a real-life "surge" of attacks by Islamic extremists since 2001, incidentally, is that the United States has spent billions yearly to stop it.

Of course, political violence isn't the monopoly of any one group. Although there have been flare-ups of leftist violence in the 1900s and the 1960s and '70s, for the most part, this kind of violence is still rare. That could change. And none of this is to say horrible events aren't happening. Nor is it to say that haters don't exist. But exaggerating the problem for political reasons doesn't help anyone. Covering your partisan work with a bogus veneer of scientific analysis doesn't make it any more useful.

Some perspective, from outside the bubble of liberal media narrative. That Washington Post article referred to seems to have been scrubbed from their site.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2020-01-17 10:43 PM

Tucker vs WaPo's Erik Wemple

Tucker Carlson fried this guy like bacon into some nice crispy strips. Wemple targeting Fox News for exposure 21 times more than CNN and MSNBC for alleged misrepresentation, while simultaneously ignoring deceitful practices by the Washington Post's own editors and reporters, taking paid Russian propaganda and running it in their paper as if it were news instead of the paid advertising it truly is. While accusing the Trump administration, Fox and other news agencies of Russia collusion.

Since this interview, Tucker Carlson has a weekly media trivia quiz between two Fox contributors, and as a prize the winner gets a mug with Wemple's confused face-photo from this interview. An example of how guys like Wemple shave the news, and then indignantly act offended that they are exposed for how they shave the news. A perfect example of your 93% anti-Trump liberal media unashamedly on display.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2020-01-17 10:45 PM

WAPO Wemple's Very Strange Fixation on Tucker Carlson

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2020-01-21 2:41 PM

Tucker Carlson vs. New York Times' public editor -Dec 3 2016

Just a few weeks after Trump's election in 2016, Tucker Carlson discussed with the New York Times' public editor the bias of her paper on full display. On the factual evidence of her paper's malicious spin of Trump's election, as compared to that of the Wall Street Journal and other papers.
And as evidenced by the ultra-partisan social media posts of New York Times reporters. Not New York Times columnists or opinion writers, but the blatantly skewed opinion of hard news reporters who write with a veil of neutral objectivity that their online posts clearly betray.

She feigns a level of embarassment, but still denies much of the obvious that is factually beyond dispute. I frankly think under the circumstances Carlson was kind, and let her off easy.

More recently, the New York Times' latest display of skewed bias was yesterday when its opinion page recommended both Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar as their endorsements for the 2020 presidential election. Anyone but Trump, who has overseen the best economy and trade deals in over 50 years, right?
But more than that, they just absolutely refused to endorse Joseph Biden or Bernie Sanders or any other male candidate, unwilling to endorse white males, despite they are the front runners. They just went for the most "woke" politically correct choices they could pick.
Also noteworthy that the New York Times hasn't recommended a Republican candidate for president since Eisenhower. Approaching a century. No bias, none at all.

Or the weirdness that they recommended two candidates for president. Both Democrats, of course!

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2020-01-23 5:38 PM

Tucker Carlson confronts Newsweek bias


Similar to Washington Post reporter Erik Wemple above, this guy dodges and weaves and tries to change the subject, and in 9 minutes never answers a simple yest or no question. Because the answer is no, what he stated in his column isn't true about Trump, and he doesn't want to go on the record so it can be pinned down later that he lied.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2020-01-23 6:06 PM
Tucker Carlson vs. New York Times

The New York Times and the Washington Post, and less so than 20 years ago Newsweek, are the journalism standard by which the rest of the media basically copy and follow, in both style and content. Do any of these three hard-news writers give the impression of being fair, honest and unbiased arbiters of "truth" that any of us should have trust in for objective news?

In my last 3 posts, these are the jerks who are the polar opposite of "objective", and yet these three and the papers they represent are the standard the rest of the media follows. Orwellian "objective" news!
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2020-02-06 8:01 AM

How does Donald (Trump) compare to Ronald (Reagan)? - BBC Newsnight

From Jan 19, 2017. These BBC and British media jerks would fit right in at CNN or MSNBC. They hated Reagan, they hate Trump. And the State Department Bureaucrats are pretty typical of the Democrat/Left leaning zealots we saw interviewed in the Ukraine-whistleblower hearings.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2020-02-16 12:26 PM

NBC's Chuck Todd declares war on Fox News, conservatives - Sept 4, 2018

The first point is the complete lack of objectivity of Chuck Todd and NBC/MSNBC, and their far-from-neutral declaration of total war not only on Trump and Republicans, but total war on Fox News as well. I mostly watch MSNBC, NBC and CNN at this point for laughs these days, they've completely given up on journalism and objective news, and are proven wrong and to have jumped the gun and not checked their facts almost daily.

And Trump has proven himself a consistent expert on helping partisan Trump-deranged networks and anchors destroy themselves, making them jump at the bait, like cats manipulated to chase the red dot of a laser-pointer.

The latest example I can think of was Trump saying Mike Bloomberg asked for a box to stand on for the debates. Pundits at all the networks freaked out attacking Trump for belittling Bloomberg, while completely bypassing any attempt to be actual journalists and explore if the box-request by Bloomberg was even true!

Similarly, the liberal media in 2015-2016 gave maximum coverage to Trump in the primaries, helping to make Trump the primary winner. The media did this to help Hillary win, thinking Trump would be the most gaffe-prone and easiest for Hillary to beat, and thus helped Trump edge out the other Republican-primary candidates. That obviously blew up in the liberal media's faces, as by helping Trump win the primaries, they helped the only Republican win who could beat Hillary in the general election.

Thanks, liberal media!

The second great point is about what the liberal media and Democrats like to term "wedge issues", alleging Republicans deceive the public with in order to win elections. But as Igraham points out, Democrats use that term to describe legitimate issues like law enforcement, border security, illegal immigration, healthcare, deporting illegal immigrants, the economy and Jobs. These only are spun by the media to be "wedge issues" when public opinion supports the Republicans instead of the Democrats.

The Willie Horton ads are held up by the liberal media as one of the worst offending issue-ads-campaigns used by Republicans. But nothing in those ads can be identified as distorted or innacurate.
Governor Michael Dukakis let a convicted violent criminal out on furlough, and during that release period, Horton murdered a girl, when he should never have been let out of jail. The ads with precise example perfectly outline Democrats' (and Dukakis' in particular) weakness on crime, and their callous disregard for law-abiding taxpayers' safety in the advancement of "compassionate" liberal approaches toward violent crime, law enforcement, and liberal social engineering. The Horton ad perfectly made that point.

Trump should do a dozen ads like that before November 2020, with specific examples of people killed by Democrat policy on illegal immigrants released, and the grief of their surviving families, precisely because of Democrat policies in sanctuary cities getting people killed. The ad campaaign could be organized to target region-specific examples from cities and regions all over the United States.
And a second dozen region-specific ads of the thousands of nonviolent blacks Trump has released from jail and given a second chance at life. People Democrats let rot in prison for decades, while propagandizing they care more than Republicans about minorities, while doing nothing in all that time to help minorities.

These are not "wedge issues". As Ingraham rightly clarifies, they are viscerally felt issues that Americans care about. They are only dismissed as "wedge issues" when public opinion on them turns against the Democrats.

When Democrats wildly speculate that the economy is going to tank under Trump, based on nothing, THAT is a true wedge issue.

When the liberal media propagandizes for three years that Trump is definitely going to be impeached, when the facts (and Fox News) showed all along that was never going to happen, THAT is a true wedge issue.

When the liberal media propagandizes endlessly for weeks, months, years that Trump is a racist, despite that Trump quantifiably has created the best employment ratios, rise in wages, and in home ownership in over 50 years, and in many cases ever for blacks, hispanics, women, young people under 25, and even for released former inmates, THAT is another true wedge issue.
Where the liberal media, as Democrat allies, try to create a false narrative to whip up visceral minority hatred of Trump, in complete misrepresentation of the actual above facts.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2020-02-16 1:22 PM

Tucker Carlson on CNN's bias reportedly exposed

Tucker Carlson giving coverage to a story that Project Veritas broke, catching CNN president Jeff Zucker and others at CNN on-camera in their own words pre-determining the narrative at CNN regardless of the facts, and their clear disdain for Fox News.

A few at CNN express contempt for Zucker's obsession with building an impeachment narrative to the eclipsing of other, and true, stories. But ultimately they stay at CNN and choose to participate in that false narrative.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2020-06-20 11:41 PM


  • •A British group called the Center for Countering Digital Hate is behind the recent push to force tech giants to remove ads from conservative websites such as The Federalist and Breitbart News.

    •The group solicited donations on Tuesday after Google said it would kick The Federalist off of its Google Ads platform. NBC News reported that Google demonetized The Federalist after the outlet contacted them about CCDH’s project.

    •CCDH’s pressure campaign is part of a trend of activist groups pressuring social media giants and other advertisers to distance themselves from conservative media outlets.

by Chuck Ross, investigative reporter, The Daily Caller

The obscure British group that nearly forced Google to drop ads on The Federalist is continuing its efforts to demonetize American conservative media outlets it accuses of publishing inflammatory or racist content.

The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), founded in 2019 by Labour party organizers, put out a call for donations Tuesday after NBC News reported that Google was poised to ban The Federalist and Zero Hedge, a libertarian-leaning website, from making money off of Google Ads.

CCDH’s affiliate, Stop Funding Fake News, claimed on Wednesday that it had pressured Ford, the auto maker, to consider dropping ads on Breitbart News, another conservative website that the British non-profit has accused of publishing racist material.

Google ultimately backed off of its decision to kick The Federalist off of Google Ads, but CCDH appears emboldened nonetheless.

Imran Ahmed, the CEO of CCDH, called Google’s decision the “biggest win ever” for his organization.

CCDH and Stop Funding Fake News have also set their sights on conservative outlets like American Greatness, WND, and the American Thinker. (RELATED: In Scramble Amid Backlash, Google, NBC News Release Contradictory Statements)

CCDH’s efforts follow a trend of activist groups targeting media companies by hitting them at their main sources of revenue: advertising.

The targets of the pressure campaigns have largely been conservative media outlets. Groups similar to CCDH have gone after Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. Fox News host Tucker Carlson (a co-founder of the Daily Caller) has also landed in the activist groups’ crosshairs.

CCDH landed its blow on Zero Hedge and The Federalist with minimal effort, thanks to assistance from NBC News.

On Tuesday, NBC News reported that Google had banned both sites from its Google Ads platform after the outlet presented with information from CCDH. According to NBC, Google took issue with content on both outlets regarding Black Lives Matter and the protests following the police-involved death of George Floyd.

The NBC News article was vague regarding the offensive material. Stop Funding Fake News pointed to a June 3 article at The Federalist entitled “The Media Are Lying To You About Everything, Including The Riots.”

The article, by Federalist political editor John Daniel Davidson, disputed a claim that white supremacist groups were behind much of the violence that occurred during the Floyd protests.

Google initially told NBC News that it had blocked both sites from receiving revenue from Google Ads. But the tech giant back-tracked later, issuing a statement that The Federalist had been given three days to remove its comments section, which the company claimed was the source of the inflammatory content.

Google has not responded to multiple follow-up inquires from The Daily Caller News Foundation. NBC News also did not respond to a request for comment.

The reporter who wrote the NBC piece, Adele-Momoko Fraser, thanked CCDH for their “hard work and collaboration” on the project targeting The Federalist. That prompted criticism from conservatives and some journalists who questioned why a reporter would be working with an organization with the goal of targeting a rival media outlet.

Fraser deleted her tweet and then reposted it. She responded to criticism on Twitter by saying that she obtained the research from CCDH but did not collaborate with the group on the research itself.

While Fraser denied collaborating with CCDH, her article initially said that Google took action against The Federalist “after the NBC News Verification Unit brought the project to its attention.” An updated version of the story does not include that detail.

Sean Davis, the co-founder of The Federalist, blasted NBC News in an interview on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Tuesday, accusing the network of partnering with “a foreign left-wing group in Europe.”

“It’s being done by people who claim to be journalists, who claim to believe in free speech and freedom of expression and it’s not just that somebody came after us and try to de-platform us, the whiny cry-bullies of the left to do this all the time to their enemies, they can’t win arguments so they try and shut them down,” Davis said.

Google’s decision, as vague as it may be, appears to have emboldened CCDH.

“Delighted that @SFFakeNews, working with @NBC_VC and @AMFraserNBC, has successfully persuaded @Google to stop ads appearing on Zero Hedge and The Federalist. @CCDHate’s biggest ever win. https://t.co/ur0E50DwWF”

“— Imran Ahmed (@Imi_Ahmed) June 16, 2020 ”

Stop Funding Fake News renewed its call for Google to take further action against eight other websites it has deemed unfit to run Google Ads.

“3/ There is still much more @Google needs to do.”

“They must #DefundRacism by ending their @GoogleAds funding of these 8 Fake News sites:https://t.co/9QkKUmUlS3”

“— Stop Funding Fake News (@SFFakeNews) June 16, 2020 ”

CCDH claimed success in pressuring Google and sought donations through PayPal.

“With your help we held Google to account on their promise to support #BlackLivesMatter.”

“Now Google Ads will no longer fund racist content on Zero Hedge or The Federalist.”

“We need help to continue this work. Please support us with a donation if you can: https://t.co/n7fUMhKuzC”

“— Center for Countering Digital Hate (@CCDHate) June 16, 2020 ”

On Wednesday, the group claimed that its work has led Ford, the auto maker, to review whether it will continue running ads at Breitbart News.

CCDH targeted Breitbart over a June 5 article that offered tips to survive “the coming era of social justice mob rule.”


“Thanks to activists following up our thread, @Ford are looking into their ad placements on Breitbart.”

“Now is the time when activists can make a real difference: let @Ford @FordUK know that you’d like them to take action to #DefundRacism! https://t.co/NqYpVknXnu pic.twitter.com/QvCBTLlSCA”

“— Stop Funding Fake News (@SFFakeNews) June 17, 2020 ”

CCDH was virtually unknown in the U.S. until the NBC News story.

In the UK, the group has mounted pressure campaigns targeting David Icke, a British conspiracy theorist. CCDH has also sought to force social media companies to remove content they claim promoted misinformation regarding the coronavirus pandemic.

CCDH’s board of directors includes several Labour party organizers and staffers.

Stop Funding Fake News thanked another Labour parliamentarian, Kevin Brennan, for providing its research to Google that was part of the attempt to demonetize The Federalist and Zero Hedge.

“Zero Hedge has made millions pushing dangerous conspiracy theories about #coronavirus & Fake News about #BlackLivesMatter via @GoogleAds.”

“After @KevinBrennanMP put our research to @Google and @NBC_VC approached them, they finally took action. #LiesCostLives #DefundRacism https://t.co/CE9uHMUBGW”

“— Stop Funding Fake News (@SFFakeNews) June 16, 2020 ”

Stop Funding Fake News circulated a clip of Brennan questioning Google’s head of information policy, Derek Slater, on June 4 regarding Google Ads placed on websites that published stories on coronavirus.

It is not clear exactly what role Brennan played in targeting The Federalist and Zero Hedge.

Brennan did not respond to the DCNF’s request for comment about his work with CCDH and Stop Funding Fake News. Slater did not respond to questions about his interactions with Brennan. CCDH also did not immediately respond to a request for comment about its interactions with Brennan and Google.

According to CCDH’s website, its de-platforming campaign is funded by Rachel Riley, the host of the British game show “Countdown.”

Riley commented in on the Google story with a tweet supporting the Stop Spreading Fake News campaign. “If you’re p*ssing off Donald Trump Jr, whilst defunding alt-right websites whose lies seek to cover up for white supremacists stoking violence, you’re probably on the right track,” Riley said in a retweet of Stop Funding Fake News.

“If you’re p*ssing off Donald Trump Jr, whilst defunding alt-right websites whose lies seek to cover up for white supremacists stoking violence, you’re probably on the right track.”

“Keep going @SFFakeNews. ???????????????????? https://t.co/qfjWfKF6rE”

“— Rachel Riley ???? (@RachelRileyRR) June 16, 2020 ”

The unholy alliance between liberal media (NBC News), with rabidly liberal social media tech giants (Google and Facebook), in collaboration with the liberal British Labour Party's CCDH, to target and silence conservative media websites The Federalist and Breitbart, so liberals can silence their political opposition.

Any speech they disagree with is labelled "hate speech" and de-platformed.

But of course, Black Lives Matter and Antifa, that advocate violence, and in BLM's case openly call for racial genocide of whites, no problem, no criticism!
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2020-06-20 11:45 PM

On the same issue, by National Review:



The Left will try to shut down the Federalist, just as it has tried to cancel Tucker Carlson and Rush Limbaugh. We expect that National Review will be targeted in the same way in turn. We have been sounding the alarm about the authoritarianism and illiberalism of the Left for years, and the current nadir is surprising even to us.

Remember this: If they can do it to the Federalist, if they can do it to the New York Times, if they can do it to the University of Chicago, they can do it to you.

Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is Liberal - 2020-06-22 4:34 PM
From what I’ve read Google is unwilling to run ads next to some really despicable content in Comments sections. I’ve made the mistake of sometimes reading some comments after an article and honestly see why that is an issue. I don’t see a right to force another company to supply revenue for that crap and that appears to be the issue. If the Federalist wants to continue to keep its comment section as it was they should ask their scummy commenters to pay for any loss of revenue.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2020-06-22 10:13 PM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
From what I’ve read Google is unwilling to run ads next to some really despicable content in Comments sections. I’ve made the mistake of sometimes reading some comments after an article and honestly see why that is an issue. I don’t see a right to force another company to supply revenue for that crap and that appears to be the issue. If the Federalist wants to continue to keep its comment section as it was they should ask their scummy commenters to pay for any loss of revenue.

The issue is Google's (and other liberal social media's, such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and so forth) who hold conservtive comments to a standard they don't hold liberal comments to. You either have one standard for both sides, or you are targeting the conservative side while giving equally if not more vile commentary by liberals a free pass.

Twitter blocked a post by Donald Trump where he linked video proof of liberal violence, and labelled Trump's comment as "inciting violence" when in truth Trump was just factually citing liberal violence, and certainly not endorsing it.
At that exact same time, Twitter and Facebook left up the accounts of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, who were using their social media accounts to ORGANIZE the violence!
Gee, what's wrong with this picture?

And (myself included) many conservatives with less visibility and political clout are similarly targeted and banned by liberal social media, but don't have the media visibility to hold them accountable and force them to reverse their unfair treatment and give us back our accounts.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is Liberal - 2020-06-22 11:11 PM
Actually I think forcing Google to run ads next to some really really racist stuff is an issue. Free speech shouldn’t include forcing another company to run ads next to material they find objectionable imho. That is what the Federalist is demanding in the post I responded too. Are you good with that?
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2020-06-23 1:03 AM
Again, nothing I don't see on my occasional visits to DailyKos, New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN, or Youtube. Liberals say some really nasty stuff, but the ads don't get taken down or de-monetized. Only when Conservatives say something legitimate is it alleged to be over the line, so as to delete it and prevent it from being heard.

When I was deleted as a user on Youtube for crimes against humanity, I posted a link to Conservapedia's listing for homosexuality, to demonstrate that homosexuality is not a scientific fact, that homosexuality scientifically is not proven to be genetic. That according to a Supreme Court justice during a ruling on secular humanism, homosexuality and atheism are as much a faith-based belief system as Christianity, and that thousands have left homosexuality to lead heterosexual lives, marry, and have children. And that there are multiple scientific studies of homosexuals, mostly by homosexuals, that don't support the official party line that homosexuality is inborn and genetic, or that it is an immutable inborn condition that cannot be changed:

Some social justice warrior either banned me for that, or for my comments about the Arab/Israeli conflict. That billions of dollars have been given over the last 50 years to the Palestinians, with which they should have been able to build a state comparable to Israel. But instead have used all that money to train terrorists and wage war on Israel. That even when Israel pulled out of Southern Lebanon, West Bank and Gaza, those areas were immediately used to launch missiles into Israel, unrelentingly, for years. And that at some point Israel, despite its enormous patience, might be forced for its own protection to turn the West Bank and Gaza into twin smoking craters. Because there is absolutely no reasoning with the Palestinians. And to laay out the evidence of Israel's 70 years of concessions for peace, I linked (on Youtube!) a 30-minute Youtube video by Hal Lindsey titled "The Modern Lie" detailing 70 years of Israeli concessions for peace, and de-constructing the false Palestinian talking points.
Here's a link to another download of the same video, that Youtube has not deleted:

Ironically, the muslim guy I was debating physically threatened me multiple times, but his comments are still there, but my user-name and posts were deleted.
I suspect this was the post that got me deleted as a user by Youtube's social justice warrior content moderators, because the Hal Lindsey video I linked, that had been on Youtube for 11 years at that point, was also deleted at that time.

When you delete one entire political side from a debate, M E M, there is no debate anymore, there is only Bolshevik one-party rule.
If you approve of this policy for social media, you would love living in mainland China.

And as your Bolshevik Democrat brethren know well, it's par for the course to label legitimate non-profane non-hateful speech as "hate speech" and "offensive", not because it is, but just so persuasive conservative arguments can be deleted and prevented from being heard and persuading others.
Case in point with Trump's campaign ad just deleted by Twitter.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is Liberal - 2020-06-23 3:59 AM
I think you give yourself away with the whole “Bolshevik” partisan crap. Likewise Trump having a summit on media platforms that excluded Google and others. Instead it was conservatives like Diamond & Silk. Or trying to change the rules because Twitter had the audacity to start labeling his lies correctly.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is Liberal - 2020-06-23 4:03 AM
YouTubers claim the site systematically demonetizes queer content
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2020-12-09 1:04 PM
[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]
Posted By: the G-man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2020-12-09 1:06 PM
[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Press is Liberal - 2021-01-31 9:11 PM
Originally Posted by Prometheus

That's our Gerald!
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2021-02-01 3:12 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I think you give yourself away with the whole “Bolshevik” partisan crap. Likewise Trump having a summit on media platforms that excluded Google and others. Instead it was conservatives like Diamond & Silk. Or trying to change the rules because Twitter had the audacity to start labeling his lies correctly.

No, it's just accurate.

The tactics your party uses perfectly mirror the propaganda tactics of disinformation, slander, intimidation and violence used by Soviet Russia, Communist China, Castro's Cuba and other communist regimes, that by the oddest coincidence the Clintons, the Obamas and the people who served in their White Houses OPENLY QUOTED WHILE THEY SERVED IN THOSE DEMOCRAT WHITE HOUSES. They praise and quote marxist tyrants affectionately, and openly emulate their authoritarian tactics from their positions of power.

Bill and Hillary Clinton, Anita Dunn, Van Jones, Ron Bloom... I've posted the videos of them quoting and praising Marxists many times.

Bernie Sanders and his acolytes as well. It's not "partisan crap", it's absolute fact. Would you like me to post them again?

And ask the New York Post about whether Twitter has started "labelling lies" correctly.
NO !
Twitter was suppressing accurate information, just so their corrupt Democrat-Bolshevik candidate could win.

Twitter suppresses any conservative speech as "hate speech" or as potentially violent, takes down Trump's account for ridiculous partisan reasons. And then they leave up Iran's Ayatollah denying the existence of concentration camps and the Holocaust, and leading a genocidal call for Israel's annihilation.

Twitter takes down Trump's account for "possibly" inciting violence, while leaving up China's accounts where they openly boast about their policy of putting up to 3 million Uyghurs in Nazi-like concentration camps (i.e., "re-education centers", the same kind of re-education centers that Democrat leaders, New York Times reporters and columnists, Bernie Sanders supporters, and Twitter and Google executives --as recorded on videos by Project Veritas-- openly fantasize about putting Republicans in). Concentration camps where Uyghurs are beaten, used as forced labor, raped, killed and had their organs harvested, and the women are given forced sterilization. And on Twitter, Chinese officials openly boast that they are "liberating" these women, by freeing them from being baby machines. To do forced labor, no doubt. These Chinese accounts are left up, but Trump is "too dangerous" to be allowed to post.

Twitter takes down tens of thousands of conservative accounts, again for "extremist rhetoric" or less specific "violation of user agreement", but allows Antifa and Black Lives Matter to organize their riots and intimidation on their site.

If you cannot see what I'm saying is absolute fact, it is because you are willfully immune to the facts in front of you.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-05 6:20 PM

Sharyl Atkisson, Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-05 6:23 PM

Sharyl Atkisson, why she left CBS News
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-06 12:01 AM
A conservative selling a book telling you what you want to hear. I actually listened to one of your clips so you got me to waste that time I could have been listening to music. She spent a chunk of time on Trump visiting the troops during the holidays (essentially a positive fluff story for Presidents) because a couple of reporters did a negative story about him golfing instead. She avoids anything contradictory to what Trumpers want to hear and avoids context when it messes up that message. When it came to the election she takes a “believe what you want to believe” mantra. She attacks fact checks as fake but there it doesn’t get the scrutiny that she gave a Newsweek reporter for doing a trump golfing story while he was visiting the troops. I wish she had been a capitol police officer on Jan 6th. That’s her and Trump’s special people.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-08 8:04 PM
Originally Posted by M E M
A conservative selling a book telling you what you want to hear. I actually listened to one of your clips so you got me to waste that time I could have been listening to music. She spent a chunk of time on Trump visiting the troops during the holidays (essentially a positive fluff story for Presidents) because a couple of reporters did a negative story about him golfing instead. She avoids anything contradictory to what Trumpers want to hear and avoids context when it messes up that message. When it came to the election she takes a “believe what you want to believe” mantra. She attacks fact checks as fake but there it doesn’t get the scrutiny that she gave a Newsweek reporter for doing a trump golfing story while he was visiting the troops. I wish she had been a capitol police officer on Jan 6th. That’s her and Trump’s special people.

You're such a brainwashed liberal zealot, M E M.

Sharyl Attkisson self-identifies in the video as a left-of-center liberal, if you had even bothered to watch it. And she cites example after example from published articles of how the liberal media distort the news, get it wrong, then edit the story online to cover up that they were wrong, without ever doing a retraction to ADMIT that they were wrong.

And how these liberal media sources ALWAYS err in favor of the Democrats, very deliberately to serve a partisan agenda, rather than to simply objectively report the news.

She cites how in recent years liberal media don't just say Trump or some other Republican said something factually inaccurate, but instead leap at every turn to viciously personalize it and call Trump or whoever "a liar". She states that would have gotten a reporter fired 10 years ago.

You have NYU journalism professors and dishonest network anchors like Lester Holt who now say "the truth is overrated", and are unapologetic about their partisan Newspeak propaganda, where they KNOW they are reporting things that are absolutely false, AND GET CAUGHT REPORTING FALSE INFORMATION OVER AND OVER, but are so invested in destroying Republicans and propping up Democrats that they don't care. Under the guise of "reporting" consistently false information, anonymous and often nonexistent sources, whatever it takes to smear Trump and other Republicans, rather than neutral objectivity and just reporting the facts. As Attkisson says, the formerly clear line between investigative "news" and "editorial" is now non-existent in the mainstream liberal media.

Sharyl Attkisson is not a Republican or a conservative, she makes that clear. And in a dying journalistic standard, she is a reporter who consistently tries to hold truth to power for both sides with the same standard for both, even if it doesn't favor her own liberal views.

In other interviews I've seen of her, she says that she did the same kind of hard investigation of the George W. Bush administration for CBS, and the network loved her for what she dug up about the W. Bush administration. But then when she unpartisanly continued doing the exact same kind of investigation of the Obama administration, she found her stories edited and blunted, or delayed in being broadcast, or not broadcast at all. Until she finally broke her contract and left CBS in 2014. NOT to go to Fox News where she probably would have been welcomed and very well paid, but to less lucrative places where she could do neutral and unbiased reporting.
Likewise John Stossel.
Likewise Ron Kessler.
Likewise Lara Logan.
Likewise Bernard Goldberg.
These are all award winning journalists who left some of the most prestigious positions in broadcast news, who despite that they are liberals (or in John Stossel's case libertarian) they wanted to do objective news that holds leaders of both parties accountable. Despite that they are liberals, they were scorned by network leadership because they revealed in their books and interviews how the sausage is made in network news editorial offices. These reporters were forced as a matter of integrity to leave, because they insisted on being neutral and accurate, and refused to just become a propaganda wing for the Democrats.

Look at Sharyl Attkisson's record!


This is a highly accomplished, highly awarded journalist, who spent to bulk of her 40 year career at CNN and CBS news. You can't badmouth her as a hack or a conservative partisan. That shoe just doesn't fit.
But typical of the Left, you would like to smear and destroy her just because she doesn't conform to your Bolshevik party's talking points. Her integrity is not useful to your party, therefore she has to be cancelled and destroyed.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-09 2:02 AM
Lol, like Coca-cola? She has a right to write her conservative stuff but I also get to judge it WB. It’s pretty apparent she writes opinion stuff that pleases trumpers. I saw a piece she did comparing Trump to Superman after downplaying the virus and having super spreader events. Yeah I get why you like her.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-10 5:49 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Lol, like Coca-cola? She has a right to write her conservative stuff but I also get to judge it WB. It’s pretty apparent she writes opinion stuff that pleases trumpers. I saw a piece she did comparing Trump to Superman after downplaying the virus and having super spreader events. Yeah I get why you like her.

You seem to lack reading comprehension skills, M E M.

Attkisson said very clearly that she is a liberal. She was writing the same type of investigative journalism exposing the W.Bush administration that she was of the Obama administration, but CBS News only liked it when she was making a Republican administration look bad. For an entire hour in the above video, she exposed example after example of blatant deception by the liberal media, for which they never even had the decency to give a retraction. Things that EVEN THE LIBERAL MEDIA would not have done 12 years ago. She's not a Republican, she's an old-school reporter who believes in reporting and exposing the facts, separating opinion from news reporting, and maintaining a standard of objectivity and neutrality, even when it goes against her own liberal views.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-10 6:04 PM
And you completely misrepresented Sharyl Attkisson's column, written while Trump was still recovering from Covid-19 in October 2020


In pretty much a one-liner, she mocked the media calling Trump a "super-spreader", and talked about the science of Trump and millions of other Covid-19 survivors developing an enduring super-immunity, where for months or perhaps far longer they are not subject to re-infection or infecting others, despite the "super-spreader" vitriol narrative aimed at Trump.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-11 2:58 PM
She can call herself whatever she wants. It’s pretty clear she’s a darling among folks like yourself. Looking at her reporting from the Obama years compared to Trump’s says it all. Trump downplayed the pandemic, had super spreader events, got sick and she managed to find the most pro-trump take on it. On the other hand with Obama if she couldn’t find a photo of Obama the night of the Benghazi attacks, that was suspicious. She didn’t see anything suspicious during Trump’s 4 years? And as foreign countries used social media to attack our democracy she questions why now there is fact checks on these platforms.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-11 8:53 PM
And I don’t see where she has anything resembling liberalism in her opinion pieces. Attkinson calls herself independent and the pro-trump broadcaster Sinclair touts her as that but her stuff is all pro conservative and pro Trump that I’ve seen. Is there anything approaching a tough question or scrutiny when it comes to Trump that you can cite by her? All I’ve seen is stuff that follows the conservative media’s narrative. At one point in one of the clips she uses Eric Whimple to back up an assertion about trump visiting the troops during the holidays. He did a piece that pleased conservatives but he’s a liberal. So she uses Whimple to attack the media but also attacks him for the crime of being liberal. The irony here is I see nothing in the last decade of hers that might offend a trumper?
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-13 9:25 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
She can call herself whatever she wants. It’s pretty clear she’s a darling among folks like yourself. Looking at her reporting from the Obama years compared to Trump’s says it all. Trump downplayed the pandemic, had super spreader events, got sick and she managed to find the most pro-trump take on it. On the other hand with Obama if she couldn’t find a photo of Obama the night of the Benghazi attacks, that was suspicious. She didn’t see anything suspicious during Trump’s 4 years? And as foreign countries used social media to attack our democracy she questions why now there is fact checks on these platforms.

I don't see any facts you cite.

She's an objective journalist, she cited objective examples of media bias. I don't see the slightest evidence to back your slander that she's a right-wing partisan.

Attkisson talked about maintaining objectivity and journalistic ethics, regardless of the reporters' own politics. That it is the ONLY way news reporting can be trusted. And she cited, by those objective standards, how blatantly unhinged media reporters in the Trump era have become. How they openly advocate partisan activism over reporting, how an NYU journalism professor in a published editorial openly advocated partisanship and a lack of objectivity by reporters.
How can Attkisson be labelled as having conservative bias, for simply QUOTING liberal media reporters OPENLY STATING their bias ?!?

It's crystal clear here who has a bias, and it's not Sharyl Attkisson.

Similarly over the last 20 years, liberal media reporters like Bernard Goldbeg, Lara Logan and Ron Kessler have said if they did 10 years ago what these liberal reporters now do every day, they would have been fired instantly, by these same liberal media sources, such as the New York Times, Politico, CNN, or Washington Post. Saying in the recent past these sources previously had journalistic ethics, but now no longer do. QUOTED IN THEIR OWN SELF-INCRIMINATING WORDS. For Attkisson to simply quote them saying these things is not bias, and does not make her "right wing".
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-13 9:35 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
And I don’t see where she has anything resembling liberalism in her opinion pieces. Attkinson calls herself independent and the pro-trump broadcaster Sinclair touts her as that but her stuff is all pro conservative and pro Trump that I’ve seen. Is there anything approaching a tough question or scrutiny when it comes to Trump that you can cite by her? All I’ve seen is stuff that follows the conservative media’s narrative. At one point in one of the clips she uses Eric Whimple to back up an assertion about trump visiting the troops during the holidays. He did a piece that pleased conservatives but he’s a liberal. So she uses Whimple to attack the media but also attacks him for the crime of being liberal. The irony here is I see nothing in the last decade of hers that might offend a trumper?

Eric Wemple is an unhinged liberal who writes for the Washington Post. And was thoroughly mocked and humiliated by Tucker Carlson. Tucker Carlson used to have a trivia section on his show, where the winner got an "Eric Whimple mug" with a photo of Whimple with an unhinged facial expression, from a segment of Carlson's show where he interviewed (and humiliated) Wemple, exposing Wemple's bias. There's absolutely nothing Wemple would say that would be favorable about Trump. It was probably a case of Republicans citing that even the unhinged liberal media acknowledged what Trump did visiting the troops.

Tucker vs WaPo's Eric Wemple - Feb 14 2017

Tucker to WaPo's Erik Wemple: Come back on our show - Nov 1 2017
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-18 3:06 PM
You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers
When a network uses this as a legal defense for his bullshit. Given how many people take him as factual though it seems like a false rationale.

And Attkisson was able to use Erik Wemple as an example because the media really isn’t what she alleges. However looking at her body of work in the last 4 years I see her as following a conservative narrative. Attkisson had built a reputation for being able to ask tough questions of whatever administration was in the WH. That isn’t the case anymore from what I’ve seen. She wrote a piece last fall about Trump was going to surely win the election. I don’t see any semi current work that deviates from a narrative that even comes close to upsetting a trump voter.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-19 1:10 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers
When a network uses this as a legal defense for his bullshit. Given how many people take him as factual though it seems like a false rationale.

And Attkisson was able to use Erik Wemple as an example because the media really isn’t what she alleges. However looking at her body of work in the last 4 years I see her as following a conservative narrative. Attkisson had built a reputation for being able to ask tough questions of whatever administration was in the WH. That isn’t the case anymore from what I’ve seen. She wrote a piece last fall about Trump was going to surely win the election. I don’t see any semi current work that deviates from a narrative that even comes close to upsetting a trump voter.

So you're compensating for the fact that you can't prove Sharyl Attkisson a liar or "right-wing", by changing the subject and trying to slander Tucker Carlson (who we weren't even talking about), with a hit piece from left-leaning NPR?

Yeah, that makes sense. rolleyes

You ignore that what you label as Attkisson's "conservative narrative" is he simply subjecting Obama (and now Biden) to the very same scrutiny that she gave to the George W. Bush administration. When she was embarassing the W. Bush administration, CBS loved her reporting. When she continued doing the exact same reporting about the Obama administration, suddeny they stated heavily editing and blunting and/or not airing her stories. I don't see that you've successfully shown any examples of Attkisson demonstrating a "conservative narrative". She has shown herself to be an impartial reporter who is critical of liberals OPENLY SAYING they are out to get Trump and Republicans and abandoning journalistic standards and sources, toward their OPENLY STATED goal of damaging the Republicans and hurting the Democrats.

It's similar to what Bernard Goldberg said in his 2001 book BIAS: Goldberg said that whether news bias is conservative or liberal, it hurts credibility. And he said this in a courageous editorial in the Wall Street Journal (reprinted in his book), that even as a liberal, he held liberals to the same standard. For which he was clearly unwelcome at CBS for the rest of his 30 years until he retired (he had previously been one of the anchors on 60 Minutes), so he was took a risk to push for what was right. Goldberg said that many reporters, including Dan Rather, were far-left and saw their own views as "middle of the road", which gave them an unconscious bias in their coverage. Anything to the slightest bit right of their far-left views they saw as "right wing". I suspect you suffer from the same affliction.

Goldberg said that while some biased coverage is conscious, a lot of it is unconscious. And Goldberg likewise cited many examples. Some of them hilarious. On an island in the Caribbean, they took news footage of the aftermath of a hurricane, where there was mass looting, and all the inhabitants were black. CBS executives were aghast when they saw the video.
"Oh we can't air your story, it's racist, all the people you showed looting are black."
The reporter, agitated, said: "But the entire population of the island is black! THE POLICE are black! I thought our job was to report the news! "
The story aired without video footage, just a graphic behind Dan Rather of the island's flag.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-19 1:49 AM
You brought up Tucker and why is it slander to bring up FOX’s legal defense of him? I can understand why you don’t like the truth but maybe you should want more honesty and integrity from your sources? And yes I see Attkisson is also critical of Biden. I don’t see anything on Trump though other than fluff about how he was surely going to win the election.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-19 2:37 AM
So Tucker Carlson makes a point related to our conversation that I cite, and your response is to go away from the point and go after him personally, with somthing you googled from leftist NPR?

You're trying to go after the man, not the ball, as Australia-Dave used to say here.

And Sharyl Attkisson said in the 50-minute video I posted, that she's left-of-center and voted for Biden. I'm really not getting at the basis of your logic, or based on that, what you're trying to prove. Other than just blanket-attacking anyone you believe to be presenting a conservative opinion.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-19 3:33 AM
FOX’s legal defense it uses for Tucker is embarrassing but it’s still true no matter the source. What does it say that you feel it’s somehow unfair to point out a particular conservative’s bias and flaws when you want to condemn anything non conservativ in the way you are doing? Not very principled or honest.

I’m just looking at her actual reporting WB from the last couple of years. I might be missing it but I don’t see where Attkisson treated the Trump WH anything close to Obama’s or now already Biden’s. She actually goes in an opposite direction and paints Trump in the best possible light. Did you see any reporting that challenged a conservative narrative from her that I missed?
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-19 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
FOX’s legal defense it uses for Tucker is embarrassing but it’s still true no matter the source. What does it say that you feel it’s somehow unfair to point out a particular conservative’s bias and flaws when you want to condemn anything non conservativ in the way you are doing? Not very principled or honest.

I’m just looking at her actual reporting WB from the last couple of years. I might be missing it but I don’t see where Attkisson treated the Trump WH anything close to Obama’s or now already Biden’s. She actually goes in an opposite direction and paints Trump in the best possible light. Did you see any reporting that challenged a conservative narrative from her that I missed?

Tucker Carlson is not a journalist, he is an opinion host. While he presents facts, his program is at its base commentary. he's not in the same category as, say, Sharyl Attkisson or Scott Pelli, or Brett Baier or Lester Holt.

What SPECIFICALLY is it that is such a bug up your ass that NPR alleges about Tucker Carlson and Fox's legal defense of him?
You vaguely express outrage without ever citing something specific you judge outrageous.

I frankly find aspects of Tucker Carlson distateful. While as G-man cites, Carson is actually more conservative than Bill O'Reilly he replaced, Carlson has a prissy smart-alecky elitist New England prep school demeanor that I find offputting, he tends to elevate his voice and get overly emotional and hysterical at times (you may or may not know that he's an heir to the Swanson frozen foods family fortune, so he was born into great wealth, just as Anderson Cooper was born into the Vanderbilt hotels family fortune).
Carlson also has this boyish way of elevating his voice that makes it sound like he's on the defensive, and he also giggles a lot at sometimes inappropriate moments in the conversation, or when he wants to shut people up or go to a commercial. He also has an ass-kissy way of hyperbolically praising his guests way too often ("Oh great point, GREAT point, Ohh that's so smart , so smart !", ad nauseum.) Generally the best part of Tucker Carlson's show is his opening commentary, although he often gets lost in the weeds of trying to show off his own cleverness, talking super fast and bouncing from point to point to show off how much he knows, and getting into snarkiness and parody to the point that I think for some the point might be lost. At points Carlson parodies Democrat/leftist arguments to the point that one could mistake his mocking parody of that POV to be him expressing that point of view himself, rather than making fun of it. I don't watch Carlson every day, I max out on him and sometimes don't watch him for weeks. And then conversely, I find some of his points well made enough that I post Youtube videos of it here.

But all that said, I still have no idea what the bug is up your ass regarding Tucker Carlson. You've failed to give any specifics.

I'm pretty much the same with Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Jesse Waters and Judge Jeanine Pirro. There are times when each makes points well, and other times I find them offputting and annoying.
And where the cockiness of Newsmax hosts mirrors that on FOX, I find them offputting as well (Greg Kelly and Stinchfield. And Chis Salcedo recently has had the best commentary on Newsmax).

And in the recent past, I find One America News to be the most consistently informative and to have the least editorial opinion injected into its stories. I especially like how OAN in its reports quote CNN, The New York Times and other liberal sources in news stories, to show that a year ago or in 2016 or 2012 these liberal media sources were reporting exactly what OAN is reporting, what the liberal networks now portray as baseless "conspiracy theory" by OAN, but that CNN and N Y Times were reporting the exact same sources and facts, till their puppetmasters told them to bury the facts and start reporting a false narrative.
Previously, the mainstream media reported the facts on Dominion machines' vulnerability to election fraud and remote access, or the origins of Covid-19 being deliberately given "enhanced function" virulence to humans in a Wuhan lab (contract research in Wuhan funded by Fauci and the N I H, no less, updated on weekly on Fox's "The Next Revolution" show, 9PM on Sundays), or Hydroxychloroquine being the choice of doctors to treat Covid-19 in over 30 nations worldwide, including by the director of France's CDC who has personally prescribed it to hundreds of patients, a medication FDA approved since 1955, prescribed to millions of Americans for decades, that many nations hand out free to citizens in their countries to protect them from Covid-19.

I just re-watched Sharyl Attkisson's video in my above post. At 41:00 into the video, she talks about the venom of those reporting on Trump, and says "It's a test of our journalistic integrity that we can even report on those we don't like, and still fairly and accurately report on what they're saying." That doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement for Trump on her part, just reporting on him in a fair and balanced way. She is never overtly praising Trump, she is just critical for 42 minutes of bad and opinionated/propagandized reporting, and cites specific examples of objectively provable innaccuracies reported.
And emphasizes that in her question and answer section as well, where as I said, she self-identifies (at 46:00 in the video, comparing herself to Glenn Greenwald) as a "left-leaning reporter". Greenwald, though to the left of my own views, is still a reporter of integrity, who created a news site called The Intercept, and he resigned from the website HE CO-CREATED when editors of that site censored his coverage of the Hunter Biden story.

I frankly don't know how you go from her consistent thesis of powerful "political and corporate interests" spending enormous sums of money to corrupt and shape the narrative, and how you distill out of that Sharyl Attkisson is evil and "right wing". For an entire hour she lays out clear examples of news stories where the mainstream media have a clear agenda to deliberately got the facts wrong, and all she is doing is exposing those innacuracies, and making a stand for "old school" news integrity and accurately reporting the news. Even if you're a left-leaning reporter who doesn't like the guy you're reporting on, you still have a journalistic standard to report accurately what he says and does, not cave in to pressure and conform your facts to a lying narrative. Or editorialize your unbridled hatred of that person into your "news" story.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-19 11:32 PM
You brought Tucker up. You cite him a lot. All the while you bitch and moan about bias. I still don’t see where she applied the same standard to Trump that she applied to Obama. It honestly wasn’t a super deep dive but from what I’ve seen I do understand why you like her. I’m sure she’s making some nice money on the conservative circuit too. I never called her evil. You making shit up like that is dishonest. Please let’s not go there and try to keep at least one toe in the real world.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-20 5:10 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You brought Tucker up. You cite him a lot. All the while you bitch and moan about bias. I still don’t see where she applied the same standard to Trump that she applied to Obama. It honestly wasn’t a super deep dive but from what I’ve seen I do understand why you like her. I’m sure she’s making some nice money on the conservative circuit too. I never called her evil. You making shit up like that is dishonest. Please let’s not go there and try to keep at least one toe in the real world.

I don't "bitch and moan", I cite facts about media bias. For 50 years, in every poll done, media reporters have self-identified consistently at an 80% ratio as either "liberal" or "very liberal".

In another article I cited by a college professor who wrote a book about liberal bias, Tim Groseclose cited that in the 2008 election, 93% of Washington DC based reporters voted for Obama. And cites that 93% is a higher ratio than even the two most dense populations of Democrats in the U.S. (in the Berkeley, California region, and the Boston, Massachusetts region). And these are the people shaping the news and available information to voters nationwide.

Another example is how these same zealously Democrat reporters in 2020 suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story, and the e-mails that showed Biden's huge payoffs to Hunter and "the big guy" Joe Biden from Russia, China and Ukraine, among other nations. The liberal media suppressed that information to help Biden get over the finish line, and polls show about 15% of Democrat voters would not have voted for Biden if they'd known before the election.

Regarding Sharyl Attkisson's reporting, for the billionth time, she said that (working for CBS News) she applied the same award-winning journalistic standard she had investigating the W. Bush administration, when she investigated the Obama administration, but that CBS news directors blunted or didn't air her stories when she was similarly critical of Obama.
And that she (like fellow award-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald) self-identifies as "liberal-leaning". Logically she continues to hold Trump to the same standard, as she did not play partisan politics in her previous decades of award-winning reporting. She spent the bulk of 4 decades at either CNN or CBS News, logically if she was a "right winger" she would have moved to Fox or another more conservative network a long time ago, if she were the partisan you want to allege she is. In a 56-minute video, she simply cities written mainstream media stories and how they were provably inaccurate, and how an NYU journalism professor and cited other well known news writers openly endorsed abandoning long-established journalistic ethics to engage in partisanly aiding the Biden campaign and maliciously attacking Trump to damage him in the election.

You implied that Attkisson was maliciously attacking liberal/Democrat journalists and political figures, while allegedly promoting Trump and a right-wing agenda. It was with a bit of sarcasm and shorthand that I described you saying she was "evil", but that certainly wasn't far off the mark of what you allege. "Evil " or "malicious intent" are pretty synonymous. She has called herself "left-leaning" and I don't see where she has exhibited support of Trump, or to be uncritical of Trump, as I detailed in her own words above. She was only objectively critical of the liberal media and quoting THEIR OWN STATEMENTS of unbridled hatred of Trump, and their clearly stated intent to weaponize their reporting to aid the Democrats, in the examples she clearly quoted.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-20 11:52 AM
I’m just judging her from her work over the Trump administration so you trying to say I called her evil is just flat out not true. From what I’ve seen, she reported on the Trump WH far differently than Obama’s. It’s not even a case of easing up on criticism for Trump. I don’t see virtually any. What I saw from examining some of Attkisson’s reporting as it concerns trump ranged from her letting us know she felt trump probably secured a second term and compared him to Superman when he got Covid after hosting several super spreader events. Again if I missed anything resembling her previous work or her current work now that it’s Biden in the WH please link it and I’ll check it out.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-24 1:00 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I’m just judging her from her work over the Trump administration so you trying to say I called her evil is just flat out not true. From what I’ve seen, she reported on the Trump WH far differently than Obama’s. It’s not even a case of easing up on criticism for Trump. I don’t see virtually any. What I saw from examining some of Attkisson’s reporting as it concerns trump ranged from her letting us know she felt trump probably secured a second term and compared him to Superman when he got Covid after hosting several super spreader events. Again if I missed anything resembling her previous work or her current work now that it’s Biden in the WH please link it and I’ll check it out.

Asked and answered. See above. Your version doesn't even resemble the stated facts.

And I did link the alleged "Trump/Superman" article you mentioned. You were not even close to what she actually said. She gave a one-line joke about "super-immunity" or prolonged immunity to Covid, that Trump may or may not have.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-24 2:04 AM
Where did she ever apply the same standard to the Trump administration? It looks like a solid pass or even advocacy for him from anything I’ve seen from her. Throw me a link to a critical story on Trump by her and I’ll check it out. My guess there isn’t any. You wouldn’t like her if she stepped out of the conservative narrative.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-24 2:45 AM
And the Trump Superman story did put the most positive spin on Trump getting Covid after doing super spreader events. Attkisson from some comments seems to realize it’s a dangerous pandemic so why choose that angle to it? Yeah people that catch Covid develop some antibodies to it. We don’t know how much protection or how long it lasts though. We also know there are people suffering long term effects from Covid too. She left that out though.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-26 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
And the Trump Superman story did put the most positive spin on Trump getting Covid after doing super spreader events. Attkisson from some comments seems to realize it’s a dangerous pandemic so why choose that angle to it? Yeah people that catch Covid develop some antibodies to it. We don’t know how much protection or how long it lasts though. We also know there are people suffering long term effects from Covid too. She left that out though.

You're so full of shit. I linked the entire article. You're a fucking liar.
That is NOT anything close to what Attkisson said.
And I've told you 3 times what it *ACTUALLY* said.

It didn't hero-worship Trump as a Superman, it talked about super-immunity to Covid-19 that Trump and others who survived the virus without vaccination might have, that could last a year or more, even against new Covid strains.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-26 1:09 AM
I think we’re saying the same thing WB. I’m just pointing out Attkisson took a really negative thing with Trump having super spreader events and found a positive angle for it. Again looking at her work during and after Trump I see nothing that would upset a trumper.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-26 1:43 AM
If Attkisson making a one-liner joke about Trump having super-immunity to Covid making him a Superman is the extent of your evidence, then you clearly have no case for that.

Again, Attkisson self-identifies in her 56-minute video as a "left-leaning" journalist. The extent of her defense of Trump is citing the true facts in cases of journalistic malpractice against Trump, not praising his policies. She only points out the parameters of good journalism, and where journalists, even from the former prestigious heights of New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, CNN (a station that while I always considered it liberal, at least had some journalistic standards until the era of Obama and Trump), and the lower hanging fruit at MSNBC, Vox, Yahoo News, and the like, have plummeted to. Where their "news" article look like something from a partisan blog rather than a major news source, with no self restraint calling Trump an infant, a child, a liar, comparing him to Hitler, and so forth in unhinged completely unprofessional language and insults.

I looked at a few of her columns recently, beyond criticizing the media for its standards in general from the example of their Trump coverage, I've never seen her actually praise Trump or his policy.

Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-29 12:43 AM
I see a difference in how she reports between the now last 3 WH. I see virtually nothing that would upset a very biased trumper.. And let’s be honest, there is not much room for disloyalty She sticks to a conservative narrative for an audience that I suspect listens to Tucker Carlson urge his viewers to call the police if they see children in masks and not think he’s goofy.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-04-30 4:42 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I see a difference in how she reports between the now last 3 WH. I see virtually nothing that would upset a very biased trumper.. And let’s be honest, there is not much room for disloyalty She sticks to a conservative narrative for an audience that I suspect listens to Tucker Carlson urge his viewers to call the police if they see children in masks and not think he’s goofy.

You keep parroting that bumper-sticker slogan.

But with nothing to back it up, in the way of facts or evidence.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-02 4:42 AM
I looked at her work WB and if there’s something that looks like it falls outside the conservative narrative please share it. I get why you like her and she has a safe space on a conservative broadcaster though.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-03 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I looked at her work WB and if there’s something that looks like it falls outside the conservative narrative please share it. I get why you like her and she has a safe space on a conservative broadcaster though.

I posted a 60-minute lecture where Sharyl Attkisson picked apart story after story from the mainstream media, citing the factual errors, their unprofessional violation of journalistic ethics, and time after time writers and articles cited when caught saying blatantly false and disproven things, just re-wrote the articles, or completely wiped them from their websites.
That is LITERALLY to the letter what workers at the Ministry of Truth did in Orwell's 1984 novel.

What Orwell wrote as a warning is what the Leftist media now uses as a how-to manual !
They (and you) are utterly without shame.
Posted By: iggy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-03 12:45 AM
::eye roll::

Shut the fuck up, you god awful cock gobbler.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-03 6:23 AM
Originally Posted by iggy
::eye roll::

Shut the fuck up, you god awful cock gobbler.


Tourette's was once regarded as a rare and bizarre syndrome and has popularly been associated with coprolalia (the utterance of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks).
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-04 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I looked at her work WB and if there’s something that looks like it falls outside the conservative narrative please share it. I get why you like her and she has a safe space on a conservative broadcaster though.

I posted a 60-minute lecture where Sharyl Attkisson picked apart story after story from the mainstream media, citing the factual errors, their unprofessional violation of journalistic ethics, and time after time writers and articles cited when caught saying blatantly false and disproven things, just re-wrote the articles, or completely wiped them from their websites.
That is LITERALLY to the letter what workers at the Ministry of Truth did in Orwell's 1984 novel.

What Orwell wrote as a warning is what the Leftist media now uses as a how-to manual !
They (and you) are utterly without shame.

It’s still hard to believe you’ve read that book and truly comprehend it’s meaning. The media is full of individuals and different owners. It’s an important part of democracy. That’s why Trump and you guys hate it. You can’t control it. You have posted only stuff from her that trumpers love that would fit into Trump’s ministry of truth. She treated the Trump WH differently like an advocate. Trump and his cult doesn’t tolerate truly independent reporting.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-04 3:38 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I looked at her work WB and if there’s something that looks like it falls outside the conservative narrative please share it. I get why you like her and she has a safe space on a conservative broadcaster though.

I posted a 60-minute lecture where Sharyl Attkisson picked apart story after story from the mainstream media, citing the factual errors, their unprofessional violation of journalistic ethics, and time after time writers and articles cited when caught saying blatantly false and disproven things, just re-wrote the articles, or completely wiped them from their websites.
That is LITERALLY to the letter what workers at the Ministry of Truth did in Orwell's 1984 novel.

What Orwell wrote as a warning is what the Leftist media now uses as a how-to manual !
They (and you) are utterly without shame.

It’s still hard to believe you’ve read that book and truly comprehend it’s meaning.

It's hard to believe YOU'VE read it, M E M. You cheer on censorship and authoritarianism with astonishing zeal.
You daily repeat whatever your party's Orwellian lying talking points are, no matter how absurd and how PROVEN to be untrue.

Originally Posted by M E M
The media is full of individuals and different owners. It’s an important part of democracy. That’s why Trump and you guys hate it. You can’t control it. You have posted only stuff from her that trumpers love that would fit into Trump’s ministry of truth. She treated the Trump WH differently like an advocate. Trump and his cult doesn’t tolerate truly independent reporting.

That's hilarious. The media is full of something, but those individuals have a remarkable hive-mind in their malicious abuse of power to destroy Trump, and Republicans in general, and really, ANY dissenting conservative thought. And in examples like former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), and Sharyl Attkisson, or former CBS reporter Bernard Goldberg, or former VP candidate and Senator Joseph Lieberman(D-CT). Even within your own party, any dissenting thinker have to be shut down and destroyed. The only "diversity" you and other Democrat/Left types respect is those that agree with you. And you are Hell-bent on destroying the tiny pockets who disagree with you.

I don't have to defend Sharyl Attkisson, she has laid out in great detail with quoted examples the unethical journalistic malpractice the mainstream media is involved in. And I notice the 56-minute Youtube video I linked has been deleted. Probably because you and Leftist Bolsheviks like you deceitfully complained about it till Youtube took it down. And Youtube is run by more Bolsheviks like yourselves, who are eager to use a complaint to take down dissenting views that interfere with their/your lying narrative.
You can't win a debate on journalistic ethics.
Sharyl Attkisson's 56-minute explanation has cited very detailed quoted examples that expose the Democrat/Left-aligned media's blatant lies. So unable to debate her facts, you go the Orwellian route and erase it from history, so you don't HAVE to debate it. And broadly without specifics slander her as "a Republican partisan", despite that she has described herself as "left-leaning", and one in spirit with another acclaimed award-winning liberal journalist Glenn Greenwald. So your side deletes her facts. You airbrush her out of history, in exactly the way Orwell described.

Orwell in 1984 allegorically describes Stalinism, and that is precisely what your vicious party now worships and emulates: Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, the Sandinistas, Hugo Chaves, Che. And I've linked text and video of dozens of Clinton and Obama officials quoting these genocidal Marxists. Bill and Hillary Clinton. Both Obamas. Valerie Jarrett. Bernie Sanders. A O-C and her "squad".
They worship them !
This is what your party leaders worship, and what they are emulating in their own strong-arm tactics. What they are fanatically trying to turn this country into in the last 100 days: An authoritarian marxist utopia, where at great threat no one can disagree with them.
Donald Trump, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, and now Rudy Giuliani are prime examples of that.
As well as anyone who comes forward as a witness against your Bolshevik party, such as standing up as a witness against Nov 2020 election fraud, or the shop owner who exposed the hard-drive e-mails and photos on Hunter Biden's laptop, or who simply wants to verify the legitimacy of the Nov 2020 election with an audit. But that is not allowed, and your side (the unholy alliance of the liberal media, the Democrat Central Committee, and the Big Tech monopolies) will crush anyone who steps out of line. In terms of government (IRS, FBI, DOJ, State Dept, NEA, DHS) , the news media, and now Big Tech, your side has 90% of the power.

But incredibly, despite the crushing abuse of that power, 51% of this country (including 48% of independents and 30% of Democrats) are still is not afraid to say they think the Nov 2020 election was rigged and want an audit of the vote in every state. Your side is terrified, because they CHEATED.
In 2000 and 2004 and 2016, when Democrats demanded a re-count, myself and other Republicans said sure, whatever, go ahead. And I was actually curious if they could prove fraud. GO AHEAD !

But it's telling that your side doesn't allow that same accountability in 2020, and fights and intimidates those who want that accountability, every step of the way. They block conservatives' Twitter and Facebook accounts to prevent them from passing on information to other Republicans. They even shut down the social media accounts of the NEW YORK POST (the nation's second largest newspaper) toward that goal, to prevent N Y POST from informing millions of voters about Hunter Biden's laptop, and the clear pay-to -play of Joe Biden with Ukraine, Russia and China revealed in those e-mails.
As I've said, every audit and re-count of Nov 2020 permitted has shown massive Democrat fraud, in Georgia, in Michigan, in New Hampshire, in Montana, and now Arizona. The Democrat Bolshevik Party is terrified of daylight and the truth. They are sinister creatures that only function well in darkness.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-05 3:15 AM
Freedom of the press is a threat to the true authoritarians WB. Loyalty to Trump vs democracy is really the only value the GOP is ending up with as it eats it’s own that refuse to choose country over a pathetic lying rich guy that had a tv show.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-06 2:06 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Freedom of the press is a threat to the true authoritarians WB. Loyalty to Trump vs democracy is really the only value the GOP is ending up with as it eats it’s own that refuse to choose country over a pathetic lying rich guy that had a tv show.

My side cheers for a free press and objective journalism.

Your side slanders people like Sharyl Attkisson, John Stossel, Lara Logan and John Solomon, award winning journalists who refuse to just be propagandists for the Democrat party's daily lying talking points.
Your side ARE the authoritarians, for which "journalism" for them is just controlled messaging and propaganda, not actual reporting. And the message is consistently hate Trump, hate conservatives, and negatively portray them at every turn no matter what the true facts, to advance their Democrat/Left allies.

The Republican party rejects self-serving deceivers like Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and others because they campaigned on one thing and then betrayed the voters they were elected to represent !
That's not "loyalty to Trump", that's loyalty TO THEMSELVES and their own values defended by Trump. And Trump has been the only Republican leader to keep his promises and truly represent the interests of the people who voted for him. He has kept his promises like no other president since Ronald Reagan. And as I cited previously, arguably (according to Heritage foundation) delivered more of what he promised than even Reagan.

As I said, when I first voted for Trump, I was hesitant. I liked his agenda, but was unsure if he could do what he promised, or if he even had an interest in keeping his promises. But he proved himself, achioeving beyond my wildest dreams, and likewise for at least 74.3 million Americans. That's not blind loyalty or indoctrinated loyalty, that's EARNED loyalty, with his clear achievements.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-08 1:30 AM
Cheney and the others won’t roll with Trump’s big lie and that can’t be tolerated in the GOP. You chose Trump over your country and you’re upset that these people won’t forsake the oath they swore to serve this country. You want Big Brother. You’ve made it crystal clear that you don’t support freedom of the press when you rolled with casting them as the enemy. All for a big fat weak loudmouth that made you feel good about hating your fellow countrymen. That’s all he really gave you besides some of the biggest trade deficits ever.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-08 1:40 AM
Trump sought phone records of Washington Post reporters
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-08 1:42 AM
Biden lifts secrecy of visitor logs cloaked by Trump
Posted By: iggy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-08 1:52 AM
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
It isn't real until it is reported by OANN and the My Pillow dude.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-11 1:06 AM
Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
It isn't real until it is reported by OANN and the My Pillow dude.

I never said that. You once again have to "script" me and make up fake quotes to try and front your lying narrative.

Although OAN and Mike Lindell have presented a lot of facts that no one else wants to report. In spite of themselves, CNN and the other liberal media sometimes actually report the facts.

Originally Posted by WB
Originally Posted by M E M
Freedom of the press is a threat to the true authoritarians WB. Loyalty to Trump vs democracy is really the only value the GOP is ending up with as it eats it’s own that refuse to choose country over a pathetic lying rich guy that had a tv show.

My side cheers for a free press and objective journalism.

Your side slanders people like Sharyl Attkisson, John Stossel, Lara Logan and John Solomon, award winning journalists who refuse to just be propagandists for the Democrat party's daily lying talking points.
Your side ARE the authoritarians, for which "journalism" for them is just controlled messaging and propaganda, not actual reporting. And the message is consistently hate Trump, hate conservatives, and negatively portray them at every turn no matter what the true facts, to advance their Democrat/Left allies.

The Republican party rejects self-serving deceivers like Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and others because they campaigned on one thing and then betrayed the voters they were elected to represent !
That's not "loyalty to Trump", that's loyalty TO THEMSELVES and their own values defended by Trump. And Trump has been the only Republican leader to keep his promises and truly represent the interests of the people who voted for him. He has kept his promises like no other president since Ronald Reagan. And as I cited previously, arguably (according to Heritage foundation) delivered more of what he promised than even Reagan.

As I said, when I first voted for Trump, I was hesitant. I liked his agenda, but was unsure if he could do what he promised, or if he even had an interest in keeping his promises. But he proved himself, achioeving beyond my wildest dreams, and likewise for at least 74.3 million Americans. That's not blind loyalty or indoctrinated loyalty, that's EARNED loyalty, with his clear achievements.



By the way, those last two sources are not OAN or Mike Lindell. And even liberal partisan sources like the Washington Post were forced to report the same story.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-11 1:12 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man


Bloomberg News has already established itself as a wing of Orwell's Ministry of Truth. Their job is not to report the news, it's to sell whatever the Democrat Party's current talking points are.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-11 1:17 AM
So you think because Bloomberg wrote about it that it than means Biden didn’t undo Trump’s secret visitor logs?
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-11 1:40 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man

You seem to have forgotten how the Obama administration tried to exclude Fox News from white house press conferences and completely block them out as "not a legitimate news sourcce. And Judicial Watch subpoenaed their internal White House staff e-mails to show that was EXACTLY what they plotted to do, despite the Obama administration's public denials denials.But their private e-mails revealed told the truth.

And the Obama administration further had reporters arrested, including then-Fox reporter James Rosen, just for breaking unfavorable news about the Obama administration from White House sources who went on the record. Even reporters who covered the White House for 4 decades for the New York Times and Washington Post called the Obama administration the "most control freak" administration they ever dealt with, in terms of monitoring and prosecuting White House employees to prevent leaks and communication with the press. At the very least, describing Obama as the "worst since Nixon".


Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-11 2:26 AM
I remember you bitched a lot about that. Guess you were just being a partisan hypocrite.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-11 3:02 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I remember you bitched a lot about that. Guess you were just being a partisan hypocrite.

I don't see that you've made any lucid point, let alone supporting facts to make a case for it.
Posted By: iggy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-11 3:17 AM
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I remember you bitched a lot about that. Guess you were just being a partisan hypocrite.

I don't see that you've made any lucid point, let alone supporting facts to make a case for it.

That's because you are a fucking partisan moron, asshole.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-11 3:26 AM
Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I remember you bitched a lot about that. Guess you were just being a partisan hypocrite.

I don't see that you've made any lucid point, let alone supporting facts to make a case for it.

That's because you are a fucking partisan moron, asshole.


You're such a piece of garbage, Iggy. You have absolutely nothing to contribute.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-11 3:36 AM

Sharyl Attkisson at Hilllsdale college Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election -56 minutes
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-11 5:40 AM
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man

You seem to have forgotten how the Obama administration tried to exclude Fox News from white house press conferences and completely block them out as "not a legitimate news sourcce. And Judicial Watch subpoenaed their internal White House staff e-mails to show that was EXACTLY what they plotted to do, despite the Obama administration's public denials denials.But their private e-mails revealed told the truth.

And the Obama administration further had reporters arrested, including then-Fox reporter James Rosen, just for breaking unfavorable news about the Obama administration from White House sources who went on the record. Even reporters who covered the White House for 4 decades for the New York Times and Washington Post called the Obama administration the "most control freak" administration they ever dealt with, in terms of monitoring and prosecuting White House employees to prevent leaks and communication with the press. At the very least, describing Obama as the "worst since Nixon".



Sharyl Attkisson University of Floirida, The Rightful Owners of Public Information, Mar 31, 2015

On FOIA requests and disclosure, under the Clinton, W. Bush, and Obama administrations, and the increasing evasiveness of bureaucratic federal officials under administrations of both parties. At 33:45 she cites that reporters of the New York Times, Washington Post and other liberal media were critical of the Obama administration as "the worst yet" and comparable to Soviet Pravda". But that Democrat or Republican, each administration is more difficult to get information from.

Interesting that Attkisson graduated from UF in 1982, and I was at UF at the same time she was, for about a year. She was a junior at the time I was a freshman.

The part about C-SPAN running a tiny Obama interview the Obama administration didn't like, and the vindictive payback C_SPAN got for the rest of Obama's term, and that this was the most resistance the Obama administration got from any media source, is chilling in how subservient all other media were to the Obama administration. From that level of subservience, to how incredibly hostile the collective media were toward the Trump administration.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-05-23 4:21 AM

Just a small sampling of all the news stories the liberal media got wrong in the last 4 years or so:

Gutfeld, on media embracing lying whistleblower - May 21 2021

Rebekah Jones, the Florida Health department employee who accused Gov. DeSantis of forcing her to alter the true number of Covid-19 cases.
Sleazy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti's false allegations, before he proved himself a liar.
Julie Swetnick and now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh's other lying Democrat-zealot accusers.
Jussie Smollett, and his two "white racist" black attackers, who Smollett PAID BY CHECK for the fake attack!
And 4 years of "Russia collusion" media stories, that the FBI, House Democrats, and much of the media knew was false from the start, but propagandized anyway.
Plus Anthony Scaramucci, who got himself fired by Trump, and has vindictively backed every false narrative against Trump ever since.

That's not including all the times the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and many other media groups have been caught red-handed getting it wrong and/or completely fabricating a story with fake sources, and either quietly deleting or altering the story later, rather than making an honest retraction (as cited by Sharyl Attkisson again in her 56 minute video on the decline and "woke"-ification of liberal media as a willing propaganda tool of the Democrat/Left), rather than objective news coverage.

And so many more examples.
The Michael Brown "hands up, don't shoot" narrative.
The "George Zimmerman is a right-wing Tea Party racist" (he was actually an Obama-voting Democrat of Ecuadoran hispanic origin, with Jewish and black racial history who tutored black kids).
The Aurora, Colorado movie theatre shooter was "outed" by CBS as a Tea Party member (it was actually another person's page on Facebook by the same name, much older than the shooter, that any decent journalist would have confirmed before going on-air. )

And the current lying "January 6th INSURRECTION" lying narrative, "the worst attack on the Capitol since the Civil War". Yeah... except y'know, 9-11-2001, or an attack in 1998 where two Capitol police officers were killed inside the capitol by some lone nut shooter, or a larger attack during the Brett Kavanaugh nomination. And except for the fact that, as FBI assistant director of anti-terrorism Jill Sanborn affirmed in Senate hearings, NOT ONE firearm of any kind was confiscated on Jan 6th in or around the Capitol grounds. Pretty hard to have an "armed insurrection" without any arms. No, it was just a riot by a handful of unrepresentative misfits, INCLUDING John Earle Sullivan and his group of BLM/Antifa chaos instigators, who deliberately provoked the ONLY shooting death that day, of Ashli Babbitt., by a Capitol police officer who remains un-named, and un-punished, despite clear excessive force, videotaped by 2 people, from 2 different angles.

But when someone like, say, M EM sources any of these "news" organizations of Trump-hating liberal zealots, who openly say IT'S THEIR JOB to advance the liberal narrative no matter what, I take all the above into consideration.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Press is Liberal - 2021-06-20 12:19 PM


What if, due to an overwhelming liberal bias in network news reporting, people stopped believing the shameless bias of the liberal networks?
What if that liberal bias became so overwhemingly obvious and deceitful, that people largely stopped even listening to it at all?

We are rapidly approaching that point. Apparently 60% already have stopped listening, even liberals.

It’s even worse for CNN when it comes to the crucial 25-54 age group. These customers make significant transactions and are at the peak of their appeal as potential clients. CNN has lost 60% of its audience and is still losing. Viewers, it seems, do not value one-trick ponies as news sources.

“Since President Biden took office, CNN has been losing viewers, with ratings down more than 50% in various categories since Inauguration Day. The liberal network spent years targeting former President Donald Trump, and during his final days in office, during a brief post-election surge, the network flourished. CNN had 2.2 million viewers in the first three weeks of 2021, but that number has dropped to just one million since Biden took office, a 54 percent drop.

“CNN’s problems are even more visible in the main advertising audience of adults aged 25 to 54, with a 60 percent decline. From December 28 to Inauguration Day, it averaged 617,000 demo viewers.

“Neither Anderson Cooper, Chris Cuomo, or Don Lemon, CNN’s liberal primetime hosts, have been able to retain their viewers under the new administration. From Dec. 28 to Inauguration Day, CNN averaged 3.1 million viewers from 8-11 p.m., but just 1.4 million since then, a 55 percent drop. CNN’s primetime schedule lost 63 percent of its audiences in the critical demo over the same time period.”

Joe Conchia of Mediaite says since this was reported, CNN has now lost 80% of their viewers.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Press is Liberal - 2021-06-20 6:04 PM
Personally listening to opinion shows isn’t appealing to me. It may be more of a conservative thing to need news that is biased towards conservatives? Now that Trump is no longer President I can get why there was a ratings drop for CNN though. It was also no surprise to see ratings rise when Trump was President.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-06-21 5:53 PM

Because the Democrat/Left doesn't have any opinion shows?!?
Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid are just a few of the partisan lunatics ranting factless propaganda as if it were actual information.
Opinion news is far from just "a conservative thing". And at least conservative opinion cites verifiable supporting facts.

There is absolutely no separation between opinion and news on CNN and MSNBC, and increasingly on the other networks, including previously highly respected (even by me) PBS!
For a long time my news of choice (as is obvious on these boards in those years) was the PBS News Hour from 1981-2008, until they very obviously became a shameless wing of the Obama campaign, and my watching (at that time in 2008) CNN and Fox and PBS News Hour, consistently demonstrated in 2008 that PBS was selectively omitting stories of anything that negatively impacted the Obama campaign (Rev. Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Obama's cultural marxist history, Obama's plan to "jeopardize U.S. military superiority", Obama's plan to create a cap and trade system under which "energy prices would necessarily skyrocket", Obama endorsing on video racist Professor Derrick "hate whitey" Bell, and others).

A few years later PBS hired the poisonous Jamiche Alcindor, and that just solidified that PBS has become a partisan factless liberal propaganda network to rival CNN, that is now even less serious about objective hard news at this point. Oh, for the days of 2007 and prior !

In the examples I've linked from Fox, where opinion news cites actual facts and expands from that base, I appreciate what is said. Opinion news can be useful in understanding full context and overview of the larger issue, vs. the smaller incremental pieces in daily news.

CNN's ratings plummet as media avoids critical coverage of Biden Judge Jeanine Pirro Saturday, June 19 2021

Judge Jeanine Pirro in her opening commentary can often get on the cocky and scolding side, but this segment demonstrates well that even her show (particularly relevant in contrast to the absolute garbage on CNN and MSNBC) presents the facts before offering commentary.
Pirro here shows clips of Joe Biden's angry defensiveness at multiple press conferences over many months, as a way to deflect criticism and questions that the same (80% liberal) press would NEVER let Trump or any other Republican get away with.

It demonstrates with quoted examples the softballs thrown at Biden and other Democrats, vs. the previous smears based on nothing launched by the same reporters at Trump and other Republicans for four years

Especially on legal issues, I respect Jeanine Pirro, because she has been a prosecutor, a district attorney, and a judge, and actually started the sex crimes division in New York state to further give protection and a voice to the victims of those crimes.
Similarly Laura Ingraham, who despite ostensibly being just "opinion", Ingraham clerked for Clarence Thomas within the U S Supreme Court, and often has on prominent legal scholars like Alan Dershowitz, Whitewater special investigation prosecutors Kenneth Starr and Robert Ray, and several former DOJ and FBI directors and assistant directors. So even if you try to dismiss them as just "opinions", they are among the most informed opinions in the country, about special investigations, Supreme Court nominations, high profile trials and their legal options, and impeachment trials.

Monica Crowley has been away from Fox for a while, and hers is among the most intelligent commentary, that I missed before her return. Again, while she gives opinion, she gives it in context of the larger quantifiable facts, and the liberal media's obvious difference in coverage of Democrats vs. of Republicans, ANY Democrats and ANY Republicans, not just Trump vs. Biden coverage. Although liberal bias and double-standard is becoming increasingly shameless and impossible to ignore.

Joe Concha is likewise a media expert, and cites statistical facts and media ratings numbers, cites polls of both viewers and reporters, and cites specific stories and examples relevant to Biden coverage, and with specific example shows the contrast in liberal media coverage of Democrats vs. Republicans. And of the (overwhelmingly liberal) opinions of news reporters and how they project a lying factless narrative that contradicts the actual facts, to favor the Democrat party. Often with a liberal media narrative that is opposite the actual verifiable facts.

When I watch CNN or MSNBC, their news opinion almost always presents no facts. They begin with a comment that Trump is a baby, or Trump is a child or an infant, with no supporting facts, and then go on into more insults and speculation of how Trump is like Putin or Hitler. Narrative, with no supporting examples or evidence.

Gee, I missed the day where Trump committed genocide on Americans or even on foreign nationals.

It is factually true that Trump avoided another costly foreign war in Iran that his advisors and Democrats tried to push him into, thus saving both American and Iranian lives. Meanwhile that same media, like most of the Democrat/Left, worships Leftist murderers like Lenin, Stalin, Hugo Chavez, Castro, and Mao, and even repeats the Anti-American talking point of the Chinese Communist party.
I could link it, but you can easily Google or DuckDuckgo the articles that show how CNN literally verbatim repeats the talking points about the U.S. from Chinese Communist media. Other articles you can google show that many "respected" liberal media newspapers such as the New York Times, Washington Post, Politico and USA Today, include Chinese paid-for insert sections that are straight-up Chinese propaganda made to appear like actual mainstream print news. That these newspapers are eager to print and receive huge profits for. They appear to be news, but are in fact pure Chinese communist party Anti-American propaganda. Par for the course for the liberal media as well, eager to proselytize the talking points and Marxist/Socialist messaging of the Chinese Communist Party. And these private American print and broadcast media outlets are run by people who worship the authoritarian tactics of many authoritarian communist regimes, and themselves use CCP-style propaganda narrative tactics, intimidating and silencing any dissenting thought. Those are quantifiable and easily sourced facts.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-06-21 11:35 PM
Meh, you seem fine when Trump echoed Russian propaganda. Seems hard to believe you would have any issues with CNN if we were holding you to any type of principle. And yes CNN and other networks have their opinion people shows. Listening to them doesn’t interest me either. I was just pointing out their ratings went up with Trump in office and it’s not a shocker to me that ratings have gone down now that the orange blob is no longer staining the Oval Office. Opinion shows are a bit like junk food. Consuming lots of it isn’t healthy imho.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2021-06-25 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Meh, you seem fine when Trump echoed Russian propaganda. Seems hard to believe you would have any issues with CNN if we were holding you to any type of principle. And yes CNN and other networks have their opinion people shows. Listening to them doesn’t interest me either. I was just pointing out their ratings went up with Trump in office and it’s not a shocker to me that ratings have gone down now that the orange blob is no longer staining the Oval Office. Opinion shows are a bit like junk food. Consuming lots of it isn’t healthy imho.

The evidence over Trump's four years has abundantly PROVEN that Trump did not "collude" with the Russians.
The evidence shows it was James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bill Priestap, Kevin Clinesmith and about 2 dozen other Democrat deep staters in the FBI and DOJ, with the aid of James Clapper (DNI) and John Brennan (CIA) as well as Joe Biden and Barack Obama themselves who conspired to frame Donald Trump, Michael Flynn, George Pappadaoulos, Rick Gates, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, Donald Trump Jr., and others in the Trump administration and election staff.
The Democrat-weaponized FBI and DOJ planted spies and Russian "assets" as bait to trick Trump officials, they falsified evidence for FISA warrants to spy on the Trump administration.

And in truth, it was actually the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC who were TRULY proven guilty of Russia collusion, who paid millions through a web of front groups, through Perkins Coie law firm, who hired Fusion GPS, who hired Christopher Steele, who paid a number of Russian contacts, including Russian intelligence officials, for the (James Comey's own words) "salacious" and "unverifiable" Russia Dossier that was a Clinton-funded hit piece used to slander Trump. Trump hating Democrats, one and all, who directly colluded knowingly with the Russian agents.
Not Trump colluding.
THEM, THE DEMOCRATS colluding. Proven fact.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2022-05-06 12:34 AM

NEW YORK – February 1, 2022 – FOX News Channel (FNC) has accomplished another historic feat, marking its 20th consecutive year as the number one cable news network in total day and primetime, according to Nielsen Media Research. Since January 2002, FNC has remained the most-watched cable news network across both dayparts with total viewers and in the 25-54 demographic. FNC continued its ratings dominance for the month of January and was the only cable news network to show year-over-year growth in total day viewers, while MSNBC and CNN are experiencing massive declines, both shedding nearly three quarters of their audience. FNC continued to grow its audience share, occupying more than half the audience in total day viewers (55%) and the 25-54 demo (56%) and in primetime across both categories (56% P2+ and 56% A25-54). Notably, FNC continues to deliver the largest and most politically diverse audience, attracting more Democrat and Independent viewers in both total day and primetime than CNN and MSNBC.

In commenting on the milestone, FOX News Media CEO Suzanne Scott said, “I am immensely proud of this landmark achievement as it is a testament to the dedicated teams across FOX News Channel, who are the backbone in making us number one for 20 consecutive years with the most loyal and politically diverse audience in cable news.”

In January, FNC notched 95 of the top 100 cable news telecasts for the month, including the top 91 cable news telecasts, meanwhile CNN did not have one telecast in the top 100. FNC delivered 14 of the top 15 cable news programs in overall viewers, along with 15 of the top 16 in the 25-54 and 18-49 demos. Additionally, FNC remained the most-watched network in cable news, sweeping the competition in both total day and primetime viewers, beating CNN and MSNBC combined in both total day and primetime across both categories for six consecutive months. From 8-11 PM/ET, FNC delivered 2.2 million viewers, 338,000 in the 25-54 demo and 206,000 with 18-49. In total day, FNC garnered 1.4 million viewers, 226,000 with the 25-54 demo and 138,000 with the 18-49 demo.

Notably, CNN shed more than 80% of its viewers in total day and primetime demo and plummeted across all categories. Despite numerous breaking news events, CNN was beat by Hallmark, TBS, and HGTV in total day viewers and ranked outside the top 15 in the primetime 25-54 demo. At 9 PM/ET, CNN shuffled programing to replace Cuomo Prime Time, including airings of Democracy in Peril which brought in the least amount of viewers for the timeslot since July 2015. Meanwhile, MSNBC saw lows dating back to 2003 in the total day 25-54 demo and 2015 with primetime 25-54 demo, losing more than 50% year-over-year in all categories. MSNBC’s highest-rated program The Rachel Maddow Show also bottomed out, notching its lowest-rated 25-54 demo since December 2015.

At 5 PM/ET, FNC’s signature roundtable program The Five continued to make history, finishing the month as the highest-rated program in total viewers for the second consecutive month and past three out of four months. Notably, The Five delivered 3,573,000 total viewers, 504,000 in the 25-54 demo and 320,000 in the 18-49 demo, outpacing every program on CNN and MSNBC in all categories. Additionally, The Five beat ABC’s signature series The Bachelor in total viewers. At 8 PM/ET, FNC’s Tucker Carlson Tonight completed the month as the top-rated program in both younger demos, averaging 560,000 viewers with the 25-54 demo as well as 342,000 in the 18-49 category. Tucker Carlson Tonight drew 3,414,000 in total viewers, crushing his primetime competitors across the board. Hannity at 9 PM/ET followed suit, averaging 2,862,000 viewers, 433,000 in the 25-54 demo and 256,000 among adults 18-49. Knocking MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show out of the top five in viewers and outpacing her across the board, The Ingraham Angle garnered 2,225,000 viewers, 376,000 in the 25-54 demo and 219,000 in 18-49 demo for the month of January. Additionally at 6 PM/ET, Special Report with Bret Baier delivered 2,616,000 viewers, 387,000 with the 25-54 demo and 229,000 with the 18-49 demo. FNC delivered six programs that exceeded 2 million viewers for the month. According to Nielsen MRI/Fusion data, Tucker Carlson Tonight ranked as the number one program among Democrats in the 25-54 demo while Carlson, Hannity and The Five placed among the top four cable news programs with Democrats in total viewers.

At 7 PM/ET, FNC’s newly-launched Jesse Watters Primetime debuted with strong ratings out of the gate, ranking in the top three spots in both categories. During launch week, host Jesse Watters drew 3.3 million viewers and 490,000 in the 25-54 demo. Prior to the January 24th launch, FNC presented FOX News Primetime, featuring rotating hosts. For the month of January, FNC’s 7 PM/ET timeslot drew 2,385,000 total viewers and 388,000 in the 25-54 demo.

Greg Gutfeld’s late-night program Gutfeld! finished January as the number-one-rated show in cable television in total viewers at 11 PM/ET, and in the top 10 overall with 1,906,000 viewers, 343,000 with 25-54 demo and 207,000 in 18-49 demo. Gutfeld! outpaced ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live! and NBC’s The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon in total viewers. In addition to surpassing every CNN program in total viewers for the month, Gutfeld! crushed its timeslot competitors, CNN’s Don Lemon Tonight and MSNBC’s The 11th Hour, across the board. Both Lemon and The 11th Hour notched new lows with Lemon delivering its lowest ratings since 2014 and MSNBC’s lowest ever. Since launch, Gutfeld has continued to increase viewership among all categories each month, posting double-digit gains in total viewers (+29%) and in the 25-54 demo (+9%) versus January 2021. At 12 AM/ET, FOX News @ Night with Shannon Bream had an average audience of 978,000 viewers and 214,000 in the 25-54 demo.

From 4-6 AM/ET, FOX & Friends FIRST garnered 518,000 viewers and 101,000 in the 25-54 demo. FNC’s FOX & Friends (weekdays, 6-9 AM/ET) marked its 10th straight month as the top-rated cable news morning show across the board, with 1,329,000 viewers and 222,000 in the demo, easily outpacing CNN’s New Day and MSNBC’s Morning Joe across both categories. Meanwhile, CNN’s sixth relaunch attempt of New Day delivered a meager 357,000 viewers and 59,000 in the coveted 25-54 demo, marking its lowest-rated month ever in the 25-54 demo. In fact, FNC’s FOX & Friends more than tripled New Day in total viewers and in the 25-54 younger demo.

Marking its one year anniversary this month, FNC’s daytime lineup kicked off with a two-hour morning news program, America’s Newsroom with Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino (weekdays, 9-11 AM/ET), notching 1,765,000 viewers and 270,000 in the 25-54 demo. The Faulkner Focus at 11 AM/ET, anchored by Harris Faulkner, scored 1,719,000 viewers and 266,000 in the 25-54 demo, besting CNN and MSNBC across the board. At 12 PM/ET, Outnumbered earned 1,807,000 viewers and 278,000 in the demo. From 1-3 PM/ET, America Reports with John Roberts and Sandra Smith garnered 1,513,000 viewers and 240,000 in the 25-54 demo. At 3 PM/ET, anchor Martha MacCallum’s The Story averaged 1.6 million viewers and 261,000 in the 25-54 demo, while Your World with Neil Cavuto at 4 PM/ET nabbed 1,612,000 viewers and 260,000 in the 25-54. FNC’s daytime lineup topped several offerings across broadcast including America’s Newsroom and Outnumbered beating ABC’s GMA3 (1 PM/ET) and The Faulkner Focus and The Story outpacing CBS’s The Talk (2 PM/ET) in total viewers.

Once again, FNC continued its dominance throughout the weekend, beating CNN and MSNBC combined with both categories during total day and primetime and winning every weekend hour. FNC’s Saturday primetime lineup, swept their respective timeslots and earned the top three highest-rated programs, outpacing all cable news competition in both total viewers and in the demo for the month. FNC’s Watters’ World, formerly hosted by Jesse Watters on Saturdays at 8 PM/ET, earned the number one program in total viewers for the weekend, with 1.8 million viewers and 198,000 in the demo. The 8 PM/ET hour is now helmed by Brian Kilmeade with One Nation and debuted with 1.5 million and 189,000 in the 25-54 demo. Justice with Judge Jeanine (Saturdays at 9 PM/ET) followed as the next most-watched on Saturdays in viewers, with 1.4 million and 174,000 in the demo. The 9 PM/ET hour is now occupied by Unfiltered with Dan Bongino in the new timeslot. Bongino easily trounced CNN and MSNBC across the board, delivering 1.3 million viewers and 190,000 with A25-54. At 10 PM/ET, FNC launched a new program Lawrence Jones Cross Country which also topped the competition, delivering 1.5 million viewers and 239,000 in the 25-54 demo. During the day, FNC’s Cavuto Live (Saturdays at 10 AM/ET) was the top-rated program in the 25-54 demo notching 254,000 viewers and 1.5 million total viewers.

On Sundays, FNC’s Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo (Sundays, 10 AM/ET) continued its dominance as the top-rated program in both categories for the weekend, with 1.7 million viewers and 249,000 in the demo. MediaBuzz, hosted by Howard Kurtz at 11 AM/ET, delivered 1.5 million viewers and the next most-watched program in the 25-54 demo on Sunday, with 201,000, outpacing CNN’s Reliable Sources (759,000 viewers and 114,000 with A25-54) across the board. FNC’s Sunday Night in America with Trey Gowdy (Sundays, 7 PM/ET), trounced every CNN and MSNBC program in total viewers, drawing an audience of 1.2 million viewers and 109,000 in the 25-54 demo. At 8 PM/ET, Life Liberty and Levin earned 1.5 million viewers and 150,000 in the demo, while The Next Revolution with host Steve Hilton (Sundays, 9 PM/ET) secured 1.1 million viewers and 134,000 in the demo. FOX & Friends Weekend (Weekends, 6-10 AM/ET) dominated CNN and MSNBC every hour in both categories for the month, earning 1.3 million viewers and 193,000 in the demo. Additionally, FOX Report with Jon Scott (nearly 1 million viewers; 105,000 A25-54) surpassed the cable news competition in its timeslot.


Total Viewers: The Five (3,573,000), Tucker Carlson Tonight (3,414,000) Hannity (2,862,000), Special Report with Bret Baier (2,616,000), Jesse Watters Primetime/FOX News Primetime (2,385,000)

Adults 25-54: Tucker Carlson Tonight (560,000), The Five (504,000), Hannity (433,000), Jesse Watters Primetime/FOX News Primetime (388,000), Special Report with Bret Baier (387,000)

JANUARY 2022 VS. JANUARY 2021 NIELSEN NUMBERS (seven day week, L+SD):


FNC: 1,414,000 total viewers – up 4% (226,000 in 25-54 – down 7%)

CNN: 493,000 total viewers – down 74% (101,000 in 25-54 – down 81%)

MSNBC: 656,000 total viewers – down 60% (74,000 in 25-54 – down 75%)


FNC: 2,242,000 total viewers – down 12% (338,000 in 25-54 – down 20%)

CNN: 633,000 total viewers – down 77% (140,000 in 25-54 – down 82%)

MSNBC: 1,150,000 total viewers – down 56% (130,000 in 25-54 – down 73%)

FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in basic cable, FNC has been the most watched television news channel for 20 consecutive years. According to Nielsen Media Research, FNC currently attracts more than 50% of the cable news viewing audience. Notably, a 2021 Nielsen/MRI Fusion report showed the network garners the largest independent audience in cable news, while FNC’s primetime hours deliver the second largest liberal audience in cable news. Additionally, a 2021 Brand Keys Customer Loyalty Engagement Index report stated FOX News leads the news industry in both brand loyalty, engagement, and expectations. Owned by FOX Corp, FNC is available in 80 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top 10 programs in the genre.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: ABC News:Press is Liberal - 2022-05-17 2:25 AM

CLARENCE THOMAS ANSWERING MEDIA PUSHING FOR HIM TO RESIGN : "I'll quit when I do my job as badly as you do yours."

A great pushback at media bias. Pushing back at that bias and exposing it, using his national status in the media as a Supreme Court justice.

If the media weren't such partisans, they wourl criticize the fanatical bias demonstrated from the Supreme Court by justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and especially Kitanji Brown Jackson (the last of whom is so beholden to the left she can't even answer a Senator's question to define a woman. And clearly is a rubber stamp vote for the most radical leftist views on gay marriage, transgender issues, and abortion. Regardless of the law, she/they are committed to uphold whatever the Left says, not what the law says.)