
I swear this is getting outta hand
As a civilization, we are receding on a daily basis...
Wow......just, wow.

Jim Jackson said:
As a civilization, we are receding on a daily basis...

You do realize, of course, that you set yourself up for a great hairline joke, right?
Okay, this is kinda crossing the line here.

I can understand wanting to prevent abortions. I'm all for that. But here's a possibility - by denying birth control medication, pharmacists could force an unwanted pregnancy onto someone, which could lead to an abortion, or to someone being stuck with a kid that the mother might not be able to take care of properly, or even afford (it used to cost $100,000 to raise a kid to the age of 18. I'm sure that number's gone up).

Are druggists covered by the Hippocratic Oath? Because if they are, I think this can be seen as a violation of "do no harm" in some respect.

Wednesday said:

Jim Jackson said:
As a civilization, we are receding on a daily basis...

You do realize, of course, that you set yourself up for a great hairline joke, right?

What about my hairline?
Oh nothing. It's nicely tucked away .
I don't agree with at all with the morning after pill. It's so wrong to kill a baby after it's already been fertilized/created! I'm all for other birth control pills. It helped my mom regulate her monthly cycle and kept her from having children until she and my dad could afford to.

Wednesday said:
Oh nothing. It's nicely tucked away .

It had outlived its usefulness...

PrincessElisa said:
I don't agree with at all with the morning after pill. It's so wrong to kill a baby after it's already been fertilized/created! I'm all for other birth control pills. It helped my mom regulate her monthly cycle and kept her from having children until she and my dad could afford to.

I agree. But is this only affecting the morning-after pill, or all borth control pills? The article seemed kinda vague about that.

PrincessElisa said:
I don't agree with at all with the morning after pill. It's so wrong to kill a baby after it's already been fertilized/created! I'm all for other birth control pills. It helped my mom regulate her monthly cycle and kept her from having children until she and my dad could afford to.

The morning after pill does not cause an abortion. It stops the egg from getting fertilized.

Darknight613 said:

PrincessElisa said:
I don't agree with at all with the morning after pill. It's so wrong to kill a baby after it's already been fertilized/created! I'm all for other birth control pills. It helped my mom regulate her monthly cycle and kept her from having children until she and my dad could afford to.

I agree. But is this only affecting the morning-after pill, or all borth control pills? The article seemed kinda vague about that.

The tenor of the article suggested pharmacists playing the Morality Police and imposing their own senses of morality on how they would or would not dispense completely legal pharmaceuticals.

While this may sound shocking...I understand the plight of say the Catholic pharmacist required to dispense pills that violate his/her own personal faith. Perhaps the observant Catholic should not choose pharmacy as a career (as much as an observant Jew should not choose to run a Hoggy's restaurant).
If a pharmacist did not want to distribute birth control pills, that would be fine. It keeps importent medicine from women with hormonal and vaginal problems, but that too is fine. So long as they inform their customers before cutting them off and there is another pharmacy the customers can go to.

On a side note, the fact that the woman missed a pill due to not getting her Rx filled that day is a pet peeve for us at College Pharmacy. It's a problem exaserbated by the fact that we compound perscriptions, but sometimes we don't have one-day turn around (for example when there is a shortage or backorder of a drug necessary for the perscription).
I implore you:
For commercial items, even if you want same-day pickup, please order your refils with at least two days' worth left of your old perscription.
For compounded items, call one business week in advance.

PrincessElisa said:
I don't agree with at all with the morning after pill. It's so wrong to kill a baby after it's already been fertilized/created! I'm all for other birth control pills. It helped my mom regulate her monthly cycle and kept her from having children until she and my dad could afford to.

A fertilized egg is not a baby

Darknight613 said:

PrincessElisa said:
I don't agree with at all with the morning after pill. It's so wrong to kill a baby after it's already been fertilized/created! I'm all for other birth control pills. It helped my mom regulate her monthly cycle and kept her from having children until she and my dad could afford to.

I agree. But is this only affecting the morning-after pill, or all borth control pills? The article seemed kinda vague about that.

doesn't matter, their the esact same this just one has a higher dosage per pill.

winged creature said:

PrincessElisa said:
I don't agree with at all with the morning after pill. It's so wrong to kill a baby after it's already been fertilized/created! I'm all for other birth control pills. It helped my mom regulate her monthly cycle and kept her from having children until she and my dad could afford to.

A fertilized egg is not a baby

The morning after pill prevents the egg from being fertilized. Stop trying to bait her into an abortion agruement.
hey im just telling it as it is from a scientific perspective
I disagree winged Once it's fertilized it is my opinion being the Christian I am that "it" becomes a baby!

And it's alright Rexy As I understood it, the morning after pill is like a mini-abortion before the baby is fully formed. I still think it's wrong anytime after fertilization. It's a human life.
This is just wrong. And now that they are going after birth control, they are directly challenging women's rights. I don't believe a woman has the right to an abortion unless her life is in danger or she was raped, but I do believe a woman has the right to choose when she gets pregnant, or if she gets pregnant.

But, there is more to this than birth control pills. If pharmacists can deny a medication based on their own personal moral code, then what's to stop them from denying other medications they don't agree with? What if they don't like to prescribe oxicoton because it's extremely addictive? That's just one example. I'm sure there are others.

My point is, doctors prescribe drugs for a reason. We can't have pharmacists questioning doctors.
What?! This is America. If a pharmacist wants to not sell a specific drug due to personal preferance, that's fine. The customers have hundreds of other pharmacies to go to.

Pharmacies already limit the drugs they sell. If something only can be purchased in bulk and the customer only wants a couple doses the pharmacy either sends the customer to a different pharmacy that does have the drug or buys it from the other pharmacy themselves and then sells it to the customer.

Pharmacists have doctorates too. They have their doctorates in medication, drug interactions, etc. They shouldn't be forced to do something they believe to be wrong just because 'a doctor prescribed it.' The doctor is not higher in any way to a pharmacist. They are both highly trained in their fields.
I went to a pharmacy to get a prescription and they didn't even carry the medicine I needed. I agree with Ushci that they can sell whatever they want, but if they're going to refuse they should let people know right off the bat.

PrincessElisa said:
I disagree winged Once it's fertilized it is my opinion being the Christian I am that "it" becomes a baby!

And it's alright Rexy As I understood it, the morning after pill is like a mini-abortion before the baby is fully formed. I still think it's wrong anytime after fertilization. It's a human life.

no its not life. lets say rex knocked you up. that fertilized egg couldn't survive outside the womb.

sneaky bunny said:

PrincessElisa said:
I disagree winged Once it's fertilized it is my opinion being the Christian I am that "it" becomes a baby!

And it's alright Rexy As I understood it, the morning after pill is like a mini-abortion before the baby is fully formed. I still think it's wrong anytime after fertilization. It's a human life.

no its not life. lets say rex knocked you up. that fertilized egg couldn't survive outside the womb.

A fish can't survive outside of water, does that mean it's not alive? A baby couldn't survive naked outside in the dead of winter, is it not a life? The fact that you refer to it surviving at all suggests that it's alive.
When are people going to realize that other people have different opinions on when life begins? All I ask is for people to recognize facts and to respect other peoples opinions.

wannabuyamonkey said:

sneaky bunny said:

PrincessElisa said:
I disagree winged Once it's fertilized it is my opinion being the Christian I am that "it" becomes a baby!

And it's alright Rexy As I understood it, the morning after pill is like a mini-abortion before the baby is fully formed. I still think it's wrong anytime after fertilization. It's a human life.

no its not life. lets say rex knocked you up. that fertilized egg couldn't survive outside the womb.

A fish can't survive outside of water, does that mean it's not alive? A baby couldn't survive naked outside in the dead of winter, is it not a life? The fact that you refer to it surviving at all suggests that it's alive.

well a fish is developed, a fertilized egg isn't.

a fertilized egg has no ability in function, its a sack that can't survive
I promised myself that I would not get into any prolonged argument about abortion ever. But I just have to let you know that that's one of the most asinine posts I've seen you make on the subject.

this is bullshit. My ex has to take birth control pills because she has a hormonal problem and can develop cysts in her uterus. We weren't having sex, but she had to have the pill for medical reasons. I remember the first time she discovered the problem, and I was extremely afraid because of all the pain she was in. Should she have to suffer because some asshead pharmacist wants to enforce his/her belief on her? Hell no.
absolutely not

sneaky bunny said:
well a fish is developed, a fertilized egg isn't.

a fertilized egg has no ability in function, its a sack that can't survive

But that's not what you said. You said it wasn't alive.
It may be alive but all it really is, is a sac of cells, scientifically speaking at such an early stage it cannot be considered to be human, it just a cluster of cells, that are not developed. The argument could be made that we are also a sac of cells, but we are developed. If we were to isolate a small portion of our cells and place them on petrie dish would you call that a human being, no you wouldnt even though they are living cells, the same goes for a fertilized egg. That is all.

winged creature said:
It may be alive but all it really is, is a sac of cells, scientifically speaking at such an early stage it cannot be considered to be human, it just a cluster of cells, that are not developed. The argument could be made that we are also a sac of cells, but we are developed. If we were to isolate a small portion of our cells and place them on petrie dish would you call that a human being, no you wouldnt even though they are living cells, the same goes for a fertilized egg. That is all.

So I could kill you right now and call it an abortion?
A "retroactive abortion".

rex said:

winged creature said:
It may be alive but all it really is, is a sac of cells, scientifically speaking at such an early stage it cannot be considered to be human, it just a cluster of cells, that are not developed. The argument could be made that we are also a sac of cells, but we are developed. If we were to isolate a small portion of our cells and place them on petrie dish would you call that a human being, no you wouldnt even though they are living cells, the same goes for a fertilized egg. That is all.

So I could kill you right now and call it an abortion?

Im developed i have the abilility to reason, i feel pain, i have emotion, to kill me you'd kill a developed organism. While merely a fertilized egg thats just 2 cells that have been fused. Killing a fertilized egg is liking killing a small amount of cells on my body. So if u really want to equate a developed organism with 2 cells, thats really up to you.
And thats how some people feel about abortion. They think you are killing a feeling and thinking person.
yes but 2 cells cant think or feel. but they are entitled to believe what they want im just expressing my opinion
but it has no emotion, no thought and can't function and its not developed
But it is developing. It will eventually be a living breathing thinking person.
key word it will be, but at that stage it isnt

sneaky bunny said:
but it has no emotion, no thought and can't function and its not developed

So you're telling me that people with disabilities which result in their brain not fully developed as an adult, means they're not alive? They're not human? According to what you just said, thats true.

Also, if remember correctly, the heart is the first organ formed. I hate to break this to you, but it's been proven that life begins at coneption.
This is the only problem: refusing to transfer a woman's prescription for birth-control pills to another druggist or to give the slip back to her.

"Their job is not to regulate what people take or do. It's just to fill the prescription that was ordered by my physician." Actually, their job partially IS to regulate wjat people take. Otherwise they can get sued and have their liscance revoked. There are people who claim to be doctors or are shady doctors who prescribe controlled substances and other drugs. It's not just the Pharmacist's job to recognise and stop these occurances but also to ensure the doctor doesn't perscribe medications which would have negitive interactions with other medications. Rest assured, pharmacists know more about medications then physicians do. And they go to just about as much school. Their job is not to "just ... fill the prescription that was ordered by my physician." THAT is mostly what pharmacy technicians do (we do more, but not too much).

A pharmacist has the right to refuse to sell a product they find morally reprehensable, just like any other customer-oriented service has the right to refuse service. If the pharmacist refuses, there are two courses of action:
1. the customer takes their business elsewhere
2. if the pharmacist is not self-employed, their employer may chose to terminate their employment contract. Brauer was fired in 1996 after she refused to refill a prescription for birth-control pills at a Kmart in the Cincinnati suburb of Delhi Township.

Batwoman said:

sneaky bunny said:
but it has no emotion, no thought and can't function and its not developed

So you're telling me that people with disabilities which result in their brain not fully developed as an adult, means they're not alive? They're not human? According to what you just said, thats true.

Also, if remember correctly, the heart is the first organ formed. I hate to break this to you, but it's been proven that life begins at coneption.

Regardless, you will never convince anyone of something held in personable belief and only observed from the outside. Until we can crawl up a uterus and say, "Hey! Zygote! You alive?" can we determine the assheadedness of peo- nevermind, that's mean and childish. You cannot force someone to share your beliefs.
um, I never said Christians were the ones to prove that life begins at coneption. Scitentists have proven it, just don't remember where I saw/read that though, course it's been ages since I've heard that.

Uschi said: Regardless, you will never convince anyone of something held in personable belief and only observed from the outside. Until we can crawl up a uterus and say, "Hey! Zygote! You alive?" can we determine the assheadedness of peo- nevermind, that's mean and childish. You cannot force someone to share your beliefs.

Wait a minute. Are you trying to tell me that because I've never had an abortion that I can't speak on this subject pro or con? That is the STUPIDEST thing I have ever heard.

No, I've never had an abortion, nor have I ever been pregnant, but that doesn't mean I don't have an opnion on the matter.

As for reasons for being pro life, there are plenty of people who feel abortion is murder regardless of religion.

Batwoman said:

sneaky bunny said:
but it has no emotion, no thought and can't function and its not developed

So you're telling me that people with disabilities which result in their brain not fully developed as an adult, means they're not alive? They're not human? According to what you just said, thats true.

Also, if remember correctly, the heart is the first organ formed. I hate to break this to you, but it's been proven that life begins at coneption.

no that's not what i said. again, the egg its a undeveloped sack of cells that can't function and has no feeling or emotion. i didn't say a mental disabled person is uncapable of emotion or feeling, their perfectly cpable of both and their developed living organism.

well can you proven to me that the sack of cells which your calling life is developed, can functio, show emotion and can survive outsie the womb?
Following are some excerpts from the book, approved by Planned Parenthood and SIECUS four years before the legalization of abortion:

"... at least one [sperm] will reach the egg, fertilize it, and conception will take place. A new life will begin." (page 15)

"... the egg which, if fertilized, gives rise to a new life." (page 3)

"From fertilization to delivery, mother and child are as one for approximately 266 days. At the end of the period the mother delivers the infant into the world ..." (page 3)

"However small it may be, the egg is about two thousand times as large as the sperm that must fertilize it. ...it carries the food the growing embryo will use during the first few days of its life." (page 26)

"The inherited characteristics of the baby to be born ... are determined by material within the egg and sperm ... each mature egg contains genetic material carrying the inheritable characteristics of the mother ... the child receives inherited characteristics from both parents." (page 50)

no that's not what i said. again, the egg its a undeveloped sack of cells that can't function and has no feeling or emotion. i didn't say a mental disabled person is uncapable of emotion or feeling, their perfectly cpable of both and their developed living organism.

well can you proven to me that the sack of cells which your calling life is developed, can functio, show emotion and can survive outsie the womb?

This is an old and tired argument. People with dimished mental capacity can't function without the help of others. Same goes for new borns, babies, children in general.

ANd don't think that just because you don't hear them, babies inside the womb don't feel pain, don't scream when they're being killed. After all, a mother gets heartburn when the baby she's carrying has the hiccups. People can feel when a baby kicks inside the womb. Babies inside the womb react to outside things. JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T SEE OR HEAR THEM DOESN'T MEAN THEIR NOT LIVING BREATHING HUMAN BEINGS!
but see, your crossing the line from fertal egg to fetus.

children babies and the handicapped have the ability to do things that even if they are minimual, THEIR DEVELOPED CELLS.
So are fertilized eggs and fetuses, maybe not fully developed, but their STILL developed.

Batwoman said:

Uschi said: Regardless, you will never convince anyone of something held in personable belief and only observed from the outside. Until we can crawl up a uterus and say, "Hey! Zygote! You alive?" can we determine the assheadedness of peo- nevermind, that's mean and childish. You cannot force someone to share your beliefs.

Wait a minute. Are you trying to tell me that because I've never had an abortion that I can't speak on this subject pro or con? That is the STUPIDEST thing I have ever heard.

Uh, no. That would be very stupid. Even moreso than even I can attain.

I'm saying you can argue when life starts to the end of the earth and not convince someone who believes differently than you. Life is mysterious. Are fire and viruses alive? Who knows. Are fertilized eggs? I think so, but who really KNOWS?
Fires walk the razor's edge of your papercut mistresses.

They live I tell you!
and how exactly is a bag of chemicals developed? and how does that bag of chemicals have feeling or emotion?
Way to go off topic people.

I could've sworn this was about Pharmacists and dispensing Birth Control Pills . . . not about when "life" begins.

Bianca said:
Way to go off topic people.

I could've sworn this was about Pharmacists and dispensing Birth Control Pills . . . not about when "life" begins.

Thread drift...
I was in error. Uschi is right. The problem is that the pharmicist refused to return the script or transfer the script to another pharmacy. While the pharmacist's own moral code may prevent him/herself from filling a script, we are not to judge others. As long as birth control pills are legal (and they should be), the pharmacists has an obligation to transfer or return the script. If the pharmacist has a problem with the law, then there are other issues here.
Let me bottom line it:

I think the owner of a pharmacy has the right to not seel any product he or she is personally against.

I think the customer has a right to take his or her business elsewhere.

I think the pharmacist had damn well better return the script if he or she won't fill it.

the G-man said:
Let me bottom line it:

I think the owner of a pharmacy has the right to not seel any product he or she is personally against.

I think the customer has a right to take his or her business elsewhere.

I think the pharmacist had damn well better return the script if he or she won't fill it.


I agree with G-man. Elizabeth, I'm comning to meet you...

Batwoman said:

sneaky bunny said:
but it has no emotion, no thought and can't function and its not developed

So you're telling me that people with disabilities which result in their brain not fully developed as an adult, means they're not alive? They're not human? According to what you just said, thats true.

Also, if remember correctly, the heart is the first organ formed. I hate to break this to you, but it's been proven that life begins at coneption.

ok now ur just sounding stupid, comparing a cell to a partially developed, though they are partially developed they can feel pain and they do have a certain amount of brain capacity, 2 cells do not. Cells are just protein and nucleic acid, they are not developed like humans, you cannot compare the 2. The next thing your gonna say is that masterbating is killing humans, since the cell sperm cell is "developed"
madness i say madness!
Dude, that post sitting out next to your avatar is just too damn creepy.

Anyways, I think Uschi has said it best here. The pharmacists are wrong when they won't give back scripts or recommend another pharmacy. Not for refusing to fill a script. Pharmacists don't just hand you bottle with fucking pills in them. They have a responsibility to their clients as well. I've known a lot of pharmacists who have refused to fill prescriptions because they realized that the drufs were either dangerous to a particular client's health due to preexisting conditions or because the drug whose company gave the doctor a nice trip to Cancun and did nothing to treat an ailment. They should be allowed to act on their own morals as long as they don't prevent someone from getting the script filled elsewhere. They hand out a shitload more than just birth control pills, after all.

thedoctor said:
Dude, that post sitting out next to your avatar is just too damn creepy.

Not coming over, then?

No clue who the black dude is.
It's Dr. Quinn.
Oh. Well. There you are.

Isn't Dr. Quinn a medicine WOMAN???

I know, I know.
*claps for Joe* Hey you even know the name of a girly series :P Are you also a fan of LMN? My dad calls it the "men hater's channel ;P" Not always but just mosta the time.

Uschi said:
This is the only problem: refusing to transfer a woman's prescription for birth-control pills to another druggist or to give the slip back to her.

"Their job is not to regulate what people take or do. It's just to fill the prescription that was ordered by my physician." Actually, their job partially IS to regulate wjat people take. Otherwise they can get sued and have their liscance revoked. There are people who claim to be doctors or are shady doctors who prescribe controlled substances and other drugs. It's not just the Pharmacist's job to recognise and stop these occurances but also to ensure the doctor doesn't perscribe medications which would have negitive interactions with other medications. Rest assured, pharmacists know more about medications then physicians do. And they go to just about as much school. Their job is not to "just ... fill the prescription that was ordered by my physician." THAT is mostly what pharmacy technicians do (we do more, but not too much).

A pharmacist has the right to refuse to sell a product they find morally reprehensable, just like any other customer-oriented service has the right to refuse service. If the pharmacist refuses, there are two courses of action:
1. the customer takes their business elsewhere
2. if the pharmacist is not self-employed, their employer may chose to terminate their employment contract. Brauer was fired in 1996 after she refused to refill a prescription for birth-control pills at a Kmart in the Cincinnati suburb of Delhi Township.

very good. i approve.

the issue i have is that birth control pills aren't always used as contraception. my ex-wif used to use birth control pills to regulate her cycle (without them she had her period once every two weeks...and that sucked) and missing a day would have been disastrous.

i can understand this pharmacist's dilemna, but she should have given people warning (a month at least), as Uschi said.

Joe Mama said:

Love Men Naked?

Love Men Now?

Laying Men Nightly?
Lifetime Movie Network sillies :P

sneaky bunny said:

Says the one involved in a debate about abortion in this very thread....
i just don't wanna know bout JJ's swingers group.

Jim Jackson said:

Oh...LIFETIME! Gotcha...

No, I'm more of a Food Network guy. Iron Chef is one of my top ten favorite shows. Rachael Ray is too cute not to be my wife. "Good Eats" is fascinating TV. Emeril...well, I have a love/hate relationship with Emeril: local boy makes good, but why is a New Orleans chef from Fall River Massachusetts trying to be all New York? Good show though.

Upon reading this post, it's clear to me that my gal uses birth control for TWO reasons:

1) To regulate her period and a hormonal imbalance that causes ovarian cysts, among other things

2) To ensure that my lame genes don't get passed on

Joe Mama said:
Upon reading this post, it's clear to me that my gal uses birth control for TWO reasons:

1) To regulate her period and a hormonal imbalance that causes ovarian cysts, among other things

Which is why I have a problem with what this pharmacist did. I don't think she took that into account, and she should know that better than anyone.


Joe Mama said:

2) To ensure that my lame genes don't get passed on

Okay, everyone, we can all breathe easy now .

Joe Mama said:
No, I'm more of a Food Network guy. Iron Chef is one of my top ten favorite shows. Rachael Ray is too cute not to be my wife. "Good Eats" is fascinating TV. Emeril...well, I have a love/hate relationship with Emeril: local boy makes good, but why is a New Orleans chef from Fall River Massachusetts trying to be all New York? Good show though.

right on!

1) To regulate her period and a hormonal imbalance that causes ovarian cysts, among other things

....yeah, had one, those kill. I'm alos surprised that wasn't taken into consideration.

2) To ensure that my lame genes don't get passed on

just the thought scares me

Wednesday said:
the issue i have is that birth control pills aren't always used as contraception. my ex-wif used to use birth control pills to regulate her cycle (without them she had her period once every two weeks...and that sucked) and missing a day would have been disastrous.

i can understand this pharmacist's dilemna, but she should have given people warning (a month at least), as Uschi said.

I mentioned that previously. One of my sisters has a condition like that. Ovarian cysts and something else. She had to take birth control pills for years (then got preggers and the problems are clearing! woo!).

Still, it is likely the diagnosis was on the Rx. Sometimes the docs even request the diagnosis on the product label (always for control subst.)

Don't knock pharmacutical knowledge. They are very very smart people. And their job is SO much more that just filling perscription requests from little bottles. Even in non compounding pharmacies (ie Walgreens, etc.).

The RPhD in question should indeed be persecuted for violating that customer's rights. A pharmacist has no right to confiscate a perscription that is not obviously a fraudulent Rx.

Uschi said:
I'm saying you can argue when life starts to the end of the earth and not convince someone who believes differently than you. Life is mysterious. Are fire and viruses alive? Who knows. Are fertilized eggs? I think so, but who really KNOWS?

Now this is the kinda talk that makes me wanna marry you.

Seriously, that post best illustrates why I'm totally against abortion. The fact that we don't really know for sure whether or not the tissue is non-living (and yet we still perform abortions anyway) proves that abortion is murder even if, in the end, it's not living. Because the fact of the matter is we're willing to take that risk--The risk that we're killing children.

    The government is considering allowing over-the-counter sales of the morning-after pill to women age 18 and older.

    The surprise move yesterday revives efforts to widen access to the emergency contraceptive almost a year after it was thought doomed.

    The Food and Drug Administration notified manufacturer Barr Pharmaceuticals Inc. that it wanted to meet within seven days to iron out new steps the company must take in its three-year battle to sell the pill, called Plan B, without a prescription to at least some women.

    The FDA said a final decision could be reached within weeks, if talks with Barr go well.

    The announcement came just 24 hours before President Bush's nominee to lead the regulatory agency, Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach, was scheduled to appear before a Senate committee, where he was expected to face grilling on why the morning-after pill had apparently gone into bureaucratic limbo.

    The pill is a high dose of regular birth control that, taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex, can lower the risk of pregnancy by up to 89 percent.

    Advocates and doctors groups say easier access to a pill now available by prescription only could halve the nation's 3 million annual unintended pregnancies, and FDA's own scientists say the pills are safe.

    In December 2003, the agency's independent scientific advisers overwhelmingly backed nonprescription sales for all ages.

    But the FDA rejected that recommendation, citing concern about young teens' use of the pills without a doctor's guidance. Barr reapplied, asking that women 16 and older be allowed to buy Plan B without a prescription and setting up a program for pharmacists to enforce the age rule, just as they now enforce age restrictions on cigarette sales. The FDA last August postponed a decision indefinitely, but yesterday reversed itself, citing overwhelming positive public comments.
The Washington Times

    The manufacturer of the "morning-after" pill, along with some women's groups, Democratic lawmakers and medical organizations say the government's decision to allow over-the-counter sales of the drug to those 18 and older is only a partial victory and that they will push for unrestricted access for younger girls as well.

    The 60,000-member American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) called the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) ruling Thursday allowing adults to buy the pill, called Plan B, without a prescription "an important first step" that "only goes halfway."

    "Emergency contraception will remain out of reach for sexually active teens 17 and younger because they will still be required to obtain a prescription for the medication," AAP said.

    The FDA said Barr Pharmaceuticals showed that Plan B is safe and effective when used by women 18 and older, but data on whether the pill is safe in 17-year-olds who are not under doctor's supervision is not definitive. FDA officials said their decision to restrict over-the-counter sales to those 18 and older was largely a "practical" one based on the fact that 18 is commonly associated with maturity.

    A number of Democratic women in Congress, including Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Patty Murray of Washington and Reps. Carolyn B. Maloney and Louise M. Slaughter of New York, have said the FDA needs to re-examine the age restrictions.

This is an example of the problem I have with much of the pro-choice movement, even though I lean pro-choice in many areas.

They are never willing to compromise or agree to any restrictions on abortion or contraceptives, even though we recognize the legitimacy of government regulation of other medical procedures or drugs.

Abortions are a medical procedure. The morning after pill is a contraceptive that is also a drug.

There are many, many, medical procedures or substances that we prevent minors from having without parental consent. Most people, most of the time, recognize the sense of having parental consent for medical treatment. However, as soon as--and only when--that medical treatment is abortion, the concept of "parental consent" goes out the window.
That's cockgay!!!