Posted By: the G-man Obama Voters in Harlem: Howard Stern Show - 2008-10-11 12:31 AM
Howard Stern sent "Sal" out into Harlem to see how people there were going to vote and why.

When the three people featured answered Barack Obama, Sal asked why not John McCain. Then Sal took McCain's policies, attributed them to Obama. Listen to what happens:

Requires Quicktime.

My favorite are the people who say they like Obama having picked Sarah Palin for VP.
Posted By: PJP Re: Obama Voters in Harlem: Howard Stern Show - 2008-10-11 3:44 AM
Quicktime is a conspiracy!
Heh, this is kinda like the time The Yes Men got people to sign outrageous petitions by claiming they supported Bush.

...um...mcain just...just doesn't...sound um...very smart..and ...um...he doesn't sound ...um...like he knows...what he's talking...um...about.
Posted By: iggy Re: Obama Voters in Harlem: Howard Stern Show - 2008-10-12 10:11 AM
Yet another reason why my faith in democracy dies a little each day.
Posted By: rex Re: Obama Voters in Harlem: Howard Stern Show - 2008-10-12 10:21 AM
That's funny since every time I read one of your posts I lose hope in humanity.
Posted By: iggy Re: Obama Voters in Harlem: Howard Stern Show - 2008-10-13 9:03 AM
That's all right, Sockfucker. Humanity lost its faith in you a long time ago.