Posted By: Wonder Boy Welcome to the Space Kingdom of Asgardia - 2018-06-24 6:43 AM

I just saw a lady "representing" Asgardia on Jesse Waters.



Asgardia, also known as the Space Kingdom of Asgardia, is a proposed nation in outer space. They have adopted a constitution and intend to access outer space free of the control of existing nations. They are in the process of electing a 150-member parliament and they plan to seek recognition as a nation state. Their first satellite, named Asgardia-1, was launched into space on 12 November 2017.

Igor Ashurbeyli, the founder of the Aerospace International Research Center, proposed the establishment of Asgardia on 12 October 2016. The "Constitution of the Space Kingdom of Asgardia" was adopted on 18 June 2017 and it became effective on 9 September 2017.[3] Asgardia's administrative center is located in Vienna, Austria.[4]

The Cygnus spacecraft that carried Asgardia-1 into space released Asgardia-1 and two other satellites on 6 December 2017. The Space Kingdom of Asgardia has claimed that it is now "the first nation to have all of its territory in space." Legal scholars doubt that Asgardia-1 can be regarded as a sovereign territory and Asgardia has not yet attained the goal of being recognized as a nation state.[5]