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Almost 90 minutes later, CNN still hasn't updated their electoral board, still showing as:


They updated Hillary's total to 215, but still haven't updated Trump's total to 254 that Fox announced long ago. Pretty clearly saying the candidate they want isn't winning.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Hey, has anyone heard from MEM?


Legitimately I'm mildly concerned for the guy. I know he was really invested in this.


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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

On what site, Pariah?

Hold tight, driving home.

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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Hey, has anyone heard from MEM?


Legitimately I'm mildly concerned for the guy. I know he was really invested in this.

I'm sorry, I misread your meaning.

I like M E M too, for all our political bickering. If we were in the same town, I'd buy him a beer. I know quite a few liberals I discuss politics with locally, and somehow it's less heated in person. I wish him well too.

I hope he's pleasantly surprised to find Trump is not as bad as he anticipated he would be. And I hope Trump turns out to be a good president. We've needed one for a long time, arguably since G H W Bush or Reagan.

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I'm more curious about G-man right now.

Do I smell disappointment wafting from your direction, G?

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I heard Canada's immigration website just crashed.

We have a spare room, if anyone wants to move to the Philippines. Bring $$$

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My SnagIt powers aren't at their full potency at the moment, Dave. So here's a link to the Liberal Reactions on Twitter:

Breitbart is cherry-picking some of the choice ones on their site.

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CNN finally updated their electoral map to show Trump matching AP's chart an hour ago, with 244 electoral votes. Almost 2 hours later.

Again: no hesitation updating Hillary's electoral additions.

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 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I heard Canada's immigration website just crashed.

We have a spare room, if anyone wants to move to the Philippines. Bring $$$


'Bye Alec!
'Bye Rosie!

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah
My SnagIt powers aren't at their full potency at the moment, Dave. So here's a link to the Liberal Reactions on Twitter:

Breitbart is cherry-picking some of the choice ones on their site.

From there:

‏@imsuzanne @HillaryClinton
He is such a hideous mistake. To avoid leaving the USA we can go to LA and just stay stoned for 4 years. I'm so Ashamed.

9:38 PM - 8 Nov 2016

Your prescribed medical marijuana at work!

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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
That's exactly what my wife told me. The media and DNC was so sure they could just make black voters forget how they fucked Bernie over. Kind of a racist assumption if you ask me.

Honestly, I don't think that was much of a factor. I have no doubt that the MSM will try and make that a factor, butI have doubts it will stick--especially since Podesta's emails show evidence that he was controlled opposition all along.

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AP now reports Trump picking up Pennsylvania's 20 electoral votes, rising from 244 electoral votes to 264. It's getting very close.

Beyond that, Trump still has Wisconsin (10), Michigan (16), Arizona (11) and Alaska (3) in his favor by good margins. All but called.

New Hampshire has turned, and is currently about 3,700 votes in Hillary's camp (88% reporting). So close!

Just waiting for that concession speech.

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Even if he loses WI and MI (which he probably won't at this point), AZ and AK are in the bag. He's won.

I suspect that Hillary and friends are going to either a) attempt to flee the country or b) have Trump assassinated and start the next revolution.

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Podesta came out on stage a few minutes ago, and said the Hillary Clinton campaign won't concede tonight, and will make a concession tomorrow.

Is that unprecedentedly bad sportsmanship?
I can't remember fully what Gore did in 2000. As I recall, he did concede, and then he un-conceded later, and sued for multiple re-counts in an attempt to manipulate the result through selective re-count criteria, until he could have gotten the result he wanted. Throwing the stock market into chaos for about 6 weeks.

Karl Rove said it's better this way. Trump can polish his victory speech, and more people will be watching in the morning, than would be watching in the middle of the night.

But that's just good fortune, in spite of the Hillary camp's evasion of reality and spiteful refusal to concede.

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She didn't account for this. Plus she's hopping mad right at this moment, make no mistake. And I'd be willing to bet her Parkinson's is acting up.

She can't handle it right now. Either she'd break down or just fucking lose her mind in a temper tantrum.

In the mean time...SALT!

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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Hey, has anyone heard from MEM?


Legitimately I'm mildly concerned for the guy. I know he was really invested in this.

Yeah, he's prolly committed suicide by now.

After all the braggadocio, he has now officially made a fool of himself.

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The AP is now showing Trump to have crossed the electoral victory line and reached 276, with obviously more states to officially call later.

Fox News is also, as I type this, announcing the same. That Trump is now the 45th president of the United States.
They list Pennsylvania as the state that took Trump over the electoral line to victory.

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Brett Baier also said that despite no public concession, Hillary Clinton has already made a phone call to Donald Trump, conceding.

A surprise.

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And the winner is!


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Trump and Pence are on stage now for their victory speech.

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I am savoring this quite a bit.

Although, it's gonna be dangerous going outside, make no mistake.

You thought Hillary supporters were violent before? Watch what after tonight!

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah
I suspect that Hillary and friends are going to either a) attempt to flee the country or b) have Trump assassinated and start the next revolution.

It was my dream early on that Hillary Clinton would be the first presidential candidate to flee the country to avoid prosecution. The shield obstructing her prosecution, Loretta Lynch and James Comey, will very soon no longer be there to prevent her from receiving the proportionate justice unleashed on Generals Petraeus and Cartwright. I hope this is a turn away from lawlessness, and a return to the rule of law, that ceased to exist in the Obama years.

Where federal agencies will no longer be used as a weapon to attack political opponents, as the IRS, FBI, OSHA, EPA and other agencies were under Obama's presidency.

"We're going to punish our enemies and reward our friends."
--Barack Obama

Man, did that ever turn out to be true. The partisan divider in chief.

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah
I am savoring this quite a bit.

Although, it's gonna be dangerous going outside, make no mistake.

You thought Hillary supporters were violent before? Watch what after tonight!

There's a lot to savor!

Really, you saw my above comments from a day ago. I think for millions of us, we desperately wanted Trump to win, but didn't think he could overcome the Tsunami of money and corruption from Hillary, Obama, the DNC, and the 96% Hillary donor liberal media, or overcome the Cultural Marxists and globalists in the Shadow Party behind them feuling that tsunami.

This is my wildest hope fulfilled. Outnumbered and outfunded, Trump pulled it off. Perhaps the hardest part, now all he has to do is follow through and keep his promises.

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A lot of credit goes to Trump. He was smart. But the memers--or "thought leaders" as CTR's David Brock refers to them--that pushed him to victory played a bigger part in this. They were also largely behind Brexit. Information and counter-intelligence fought by cyber guerilla fighters are to thank for this turn out.

I can't remember if it was Politico or someone else that wrote an articles about how they lamented memes since they're ultimately what gave him his power. And they're right. Trump was smart enough to ride this power because he knew that collective consciousness wasn't a fairy tale. If you look back he used multiple memes created by /pol/ to enhance his outsider image.

I was going to start a whole thread on the topic, but I've been so busy I didn't get around to it. Suffice it to say however, Trump's victory is the result of a war fought between two cults. One is the cult that Hillary belongs to that she fostered among her closest associates (she didn't found it mind you, but she adopted it and made it her own) and the other is the one that was growing within the deepest depths of the internet who saw what was going on and were sick to death of it. It's surprisingly young, and they turned out to be so influential that the FBI and other various alphabet soup organizations were tasked with watching and containing them. In the process however, they actually redpilled the very people that were charged with their surveillance. And so Pieczenik's so called "counter coup" was given form in the guise of these rogue agents that hacked Hillary's server along with the internet dwellers who watched as their civilization and culture has slowly been degraded and destroyed, and decided to employ the same tactics used against them (us) for the past two centuries to undo the damage.

Trump and his accomplishment is both notable and remarkable, but it's not the whole story.

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I wonder if many who voted for Trump were unwaveringly for him a month ago, before Hillary unleashed Alicia Machado, the recorded bus conversation from 11 years ago, and the 11 or so women who alleged Trump groped them.

I was unwavering through all that in my support (coinciding as it did, conspicuously, with the start of the WikiLeaks e-mail dumps). And I suspect now that millions of others were as well, and that we were bamboozled into despairing because of rigged polls that indicated otherwise.

The liberal media and the liberal pollsters have a lot to answer for, as they were way off the mark, and I think purposely, deceived the the public into accepting the inevitability of a Hillary Clinton presidency.
Probably only Fox, MRC and a few other conservative media sources will even mention this clear media failure (at best) and partisan media deception (more likely).

 Originally Posted By: Pariah

If you look back he used multiple memes created by /pol/ to enhance his outsider image.

"/pol/" ?

/pol/, the "politically incorrect" board on 4chan and 8chan

Oh. OK.

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You're probably skeptical. Understandable. But trust me, the chan culture has been a REALLY big deal.

But yeah the mainstream were off--and they knew it. But they couldn't afford to be truthful since it would have boosted Trump's supporters morale.

Along with Hillary Clinton and her disgusting henchmen and her odious organization, multiple media outlets are implicated in her dirty dealings--CNN being one of them. As I posted it in the other thread, the NYPD found evidence against CNN and ABC, among others, in Clinton's criminal dealings. They have just as much as stake in this as she does.

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I just looked at the above AP link again, to see what the final result was

It's rather odd that there are multiple states that clearly went for Trump that are not added into the final total.

ALASKA (53% Trump vs 38% Clinton, 76% of precincts reporting, is there any likelihood Hillary could win with that margin, even with the 24% uncounted ?)

ARIZONA (50% Trump, vs. 45% Clinton, 98% of precincts reporting, again, no logical reason it is not called for Trump)

MICHIGAN (48% Trump, vs 47% Hillary, 99% of precincts reporting, again no logical reason it is not called for Trump)

NEW HAMPSHIRE 47% Trump (326,286), vs 47% Clinton (325,979), 93% of precincts reporting, a difference of 307 votes at this point! That's the only one I see as contestable.

On the other side...

MINNESOTA is a Hillary Clinton victory, 47% Clinton (1,353,017), vs. 45% Trump (1,316,536), a difference of 36,481 votes at this point, which is still a large margin, with 99% of precincts reporting, again, why is this one not called?

It consistently seems the networks are quick to call states for Hillary, and ridiculously slow to call them for Trump.
And really, slow to call states in any election for Republicans, since at least the 2000 Bush/Gore election.

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I don't think anyone cares anymore--aside from the winners (us) that want to rub it in.

I kept refreshing the count status for Michigan for hours before I finally got tired of it. I know he's gonna win it, so I don't care.

He has over 300 EC votes as wells as the popular vote. The stragglers will be forced to acknowledge the truth later today.

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And it begins...

CNN's pundits were saying a few minutes ago that Trump won by using "fear" to rally the public to his side. Invoking FDR who entered office saying "There is nothing to fear but fear itself", and contrasting that with Trump who they allege is "nothing but fear."

David Gregory is continuing that narrative after the break.

And this hit-piece on


SINGAPORE, Nov 9 (Reuters) - Investors should brace for a further slump in global stock markets, the U.S. dollar and most commodities if Republican candidate Donald Trump becomes the next U.S. president, as appeared increasingly likely on Wednesday.

Markets fear a Trump victory could trigger global economic and political mayhem, creating massive uncertainty for investors who had been counting on a win by Democrat Hillary Clinton, whose policies were seen as more staid but predictable.
"If current market moves hold or go further, there is likely to be quite a bit of de-leveraging and forced selling tomorrow," Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic adviser at Allianz, said as global markets skidded.

Trump has threatened to rip up major trade agreements and impose barriers in the United States on imports from countries such as Mexico and China, which could reduce trade flows and harm already sluggish global growth.
Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at BMO Private Bank in Chicago, forecast U.S. stocks could drop as much as 10 percent over the next 10 sessions if Trump is elected to the most powerful office in the world.

"Investors don't know what he (Trump) is going to do; the policies he's laid out have been vague and his demeanor is capricious.
"Foreign markets, particularly emerging markets, would take most of the brunt. These are markets that rely more on selling to us than us selling to them."

Market turmoil could also prevent the U.S. Federal Reserve from raising interest rates as expected in December.
As the chance of a Trump upset grew, global markets plunged, with some losses eclipsing the carnage seen after Britain's shock vote to leave the European Union in late June.

Whatever the outcome, this is a horribly angry electorate," said Daniel Alpert, managing partner at Westwood Capital LLC in New York.
"The markets will tank and then, those around Trump who have reasonable minds will script him with some pablum for the markets and calm them.

"But that is not the issue. The issue is that he cannot fulfill the goals of those who are in his crazy inner circle and, at the same time, truly address the interests of those who have risen up against the Washington consensus."
Trump was leading Democrat Hillary Clinton in the Electoral College by a tally of 244-209 as of 0440 GMT, with some key swing states still too close to call. A tally of 270 is needed to win.

The dollar, the Mexican peso and crude oil all plunged as Trump gained ground, with U.S. stock futures tumbling nearly 5 percent, likely wiping trillions of dollars of value off global financial markets, while traditional safe havens such as sovereign bonds, the Japanese yen and gold all rallied.
Emerging markets such as Mexico and companies related to them such as large U.S. stocks with global exposure are likely to bear the brunt of panic selling, investors forecast.

The MSCI Emerging Markets index plummeted 3.1 percent, its biggest one-day drop since the June 24 Brexit shock.
The Mexican peso is seen the bellwether for Trump's chances of a victory as his policies are damaging to Mexico's export-heavy economy. It plunged more than 13 percent to a record low as early projections put the maverick candidate with no political experience ahead.

"We'd probably see a selloff in riskier assets, in particular emerging markets assets, particularly the Mexican peso," said Omer Esiner, chief market analyst at Commonwealth Foreign Exchange in Washington, D.C.
"We're seeing that play out right now and I suspect if you see a Trump win we'd be seeing a continuation of something like that."

Trump repairing the bleeding wound, and reigning in deficit increases, negotiating better trade deals to stabilize the U.S. economy, lowering taxes to stimulate private sector businesses and job growth, is "mayhem".
No doubt continuing to steer the car over the cliff would be more "stable".

This is just spitefully undermining Trump for winning.
Exactly what the media did to George W. Bush in the months from election day until 9-11-2001. The only reason the media relented was because they would have looked like the assholes they are if they continued to attack the President in a time of national crisis amid the worst attack since Pearl Harbor. They waited 6 months, and then resumed their attacks on Bush.

It sounds to me like a good time to buy stocks at lower prices, that will inevitably rise significantly when all this silliness calms down.

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Trump's best shot right now is to call them out on it before it happens.

He has the people's ear. They will listen. And they will blame them, not him, for the ensuing economic disasters.

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Berkley cunts have shut down the freeway.

Yes. It has begun.

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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Hey, has anyone heard from MEM?

I watched a partner of 24 years die of cancer a couple of years ago. A Trump win is a small thing for me. So I'm fine, feel sad for the country though. I fear many of those that voted for Trump are going to get hurt the most in what comes.

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A Trump win is a small thing for me. So I'm fine, feel sad for the country though. I fear many of those that voted for Trump are going to get hurt the most in what comes.

As I said to a long time ago, I suspect a President Trump will end up being a lot more moderate than you think and so, yes, I suspect you are right that some of his supporters will be disappointed.

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I'm sure disappointment will be there too but when I say hurt I mean poorer with less opportunities to be clear.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I'm sure disappointment will be there too but when I say hurt I mean poorer with less opportunities to be clear.

Considering a number of Trump's economic policies are actually fairly left-leaning (trade being a good example), that's an interesting prediction coming from you.

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No but I'm not going to waste time arguing your spin. I'll grant you that spending will open up and tax cuts for the wealthy will be ushered in. None of it paid for. Remember where we are because I think we're in for a slide with what comes.

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Hillary Clinton failed to win over black, Hispanic and female voters - the charts that show why she lost the presidential election: By comparing Clinton's performance to Obama's in 2012 it is easy to see that she failed to appeal to a number of key voter groups. Groups that it was predicted she would have more support from.

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Looks like she'll win the popular vote. That of course isn't the electoral college. In other news Russia is very happy with Trump

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Looks like she'll win the popular vote.

Ostentatiously, yes.

Still, I theorized that the level of turnout would be enough to override the fraud and he'd get the popular. I was wrong. So I'll eat that shit sandwich.

We all know however, that if they audit the vote--and I hope the do--there'll be, at least, well over 1.6 million fraudulent votes. And it goes without saying that those votes will all be owned by Clinton.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Looks like she'll win the popular vote. That of course isn't the electoral college. In other news Russia is very happy with Trump

What's interesting to me is that for a while leading up to yesterday, some people were predicting the opposite, namely, that Hillary would lose the popular vote and win the EC and a some conservatives were bemoaning the electoral college.

Just goes to show both sides can be...elastic...with their constitutional principles

And, while I will forever detest Hillary, I will give her some credit for not pulling an Algore and for conceding.

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