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#651662 2006-03-26 4:48 AM
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With an Eye on Politics, Edwards Makes Poverty His Cause

    As he sought the Democratic Party's presidential nomination in 2004 and later as John Kerry's running mate, John Edwards talked about poverty more than any other candidate.

    But when he spoke on the campaign trail about what he referred to as the "two Americas," he told a conference on poverty here this week, "people called it a downer."

    Now Mr. Edwards, a former senator from North Carolina and a presumed contender for his party's 2008 presidential nomination, has made curbing poverty the centerpiece of his work and his political approach.

    This is his true passion, he said in an interview, and he thinks that voters may be more responsive in the coming years, both because the middle class is becoming less secure and because of a shared sense of fairness.

    Mr. Edwards was the organizer and the most assiduous note-taker at the poverty conference, sponsored by the Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity at the University of North Carolina, an organization that he founded and directs.

    The meeting drew more than 200 scholars and leaders of private antipoverty agencies to discuss issues like the problems of the working poor and the effects globalization has on labor.

    The challenge, Mr. Edwards and other speakers said, is not just to devise better ways to fight poverty but to find strategies with broad appeal.

    Some of the scholars offered, if not cheerful data, themes that they said might grab the attention of middle-income Americans. Many of the same economic trends that hurt the poor, the experts said, are also creating "a harsh new world of economic insecurity for middle-class families," in the words of Jacob S. Hacker, a political scientist at Yale.

    Mr. Hacker described a decline in shared safety nets, like health insurance, that leave more families confronting medical crises or job losses without assistance.

    Rising costs for housing, health care and other necessities have affected middle-class families as well as the poor, said Elizabeth Warren, an expert on family bankruptcy and a law professor at Harvard. Even with more mothers now working outside the home, Ms. Warren said, families have more debt, fewer reserves and more volatile incomes than they did a few decades ago.

    Several scholars lamented the racial and class disparities in family assets, including home equity and other savings, a topic that receives less attention than those disparities in income. Income is used to get by, they said, but assets provide a safety net and a means to climb ahead. Helping low-income people buy homes and using tax credits to encourage savings accounts were among the potential answers put forth.

    In interviews, several scholars said they were grateful for the chance to discuss research and issues, though they said they knew that Mr. Edwards was most likely banking ideas for a political campaign.

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John Edwards in August:

    Former Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards gave a stump speech in the Hill District yesterday, saying Wal-Mart, the retail giant, underpays its workers.

    The speech was part of a nationwide tour by a group called Wake Up Wal-Mart, which is demanding that the company provide better pay and more health care for its more than 1 million employees.

John Edwards in November:

    Just like the millions of Americans who turn to their neighborhood Wal-Mart for their holiday shopping needs, Wal-Mart announced today that former Sen. John Edwards is seeking to be one of the first to get a Sony PlayStation3, one of the most coveted holiday gift items this Christmas season.

    Yesterday, a staff person for former Sen. Edwards contacted a Wal-Mart electronics manager in Raleigh, North Carolina to obtain a Sony PlayStation3 on behalf of the Senator's family. Later that night, Sen. Edwards reportedly re-told a homespun story to participants of a United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) union-sponsored call about how his son had chided a fellow student for purchasing shoes at Wal-Mart.

    Wal-Mart welcomes Sen. Edwards to visit his local Wal-Mart store and explore the extensive line of home electronics as well as the Metro7 line shoes for men and boys.

    The Company noted the PlayStation3 is an extremely popular item this Christmas season, and while the rest of America's working families are waiting patiently in line, Senator Edwards wants to cut to the front. While, we cannot guarantee that Sen. Edwards will be among one of the first to obtain a PlayStation3, we are certain Sen. Edwards will be able to find great gifts for everyone on his Christmas list--many at Wal-Mart's "roll-back prices."

the G-man #651664 2006-11-17 11:41 PM
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This might be a good non-story for partisan republicans...except Edwards never asked for somebody to use his name to get a PS3. His wife mentioned wanting one in front of a staff member who mentioned it to a volunteer who then went out to try to get one.

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the G-man #651666 2006-11-18 12:03 AM
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I find it more believable than say a friend of the family arranging a safer slot in the National Guard during Vietnam.

BTW Edwards has been outspoken critic of Walmart, as much as you may want to believe the truthiness of it G-man, why would he solicit the chain he's criticised often?

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In "Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy", Hoover Fellow Peter Schweizer reveals the glaring contradictions between the public stances and real-life behavior of prominent liberals including Michael Moore, Ted Kennedy, Al Franken, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Ralph Nader – among others.

Among the eye-opening revelations of "Do As I Say":

    Filmmaker Michael Moore insists that corporations are evil and claims he doesn't invest in the stock market due to moral principle. But Moore's IRS forms, viewed by Schweizer, show that over the past five years he has owned shares in such corporate giants as Halliburton, Merck, Pfizer, Sunoco, Tenet Healthcare, Ford, General Electric and McDonald's.

    Staunch union supporter Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has received the Cesar Chavez Award from the United Farmworkers Union. But the $25 million Northern California vineyard she and her husband own is a non-union shop.

    Ralph Nader is another liberal who claims that unions are essential to protect worker rights. But when an editor of one of his publications tried to form a union to ameliorate miserable working conditions, the editor was fired and the locks changed on the office door.

    Self-described socialist Noam Chomsky has described the Pentagon as "the most vile institution on the face of the earth" and lashed out against tax havens and trusts that benefit only the rich. But Chomsky has been paid millions of dollars by the Pentagon over the last 40 years, and he used a venerable law firm to set up his irrevocable trust to shield his assets from the IRS.

    Air America radio host Al Franken says conservatives are racist because they lack diversity and oppose affirmative action. But fewer than 1 percent of the people he has hired over the past 15 years have been African-American.

    Ted Kennedy has fought for the estate tax and spoken out against tax shelters. But he has repeatedly benefited from an intricate web of trusts and private foundations that have shielded most of his family's fortune from the IRS.

    Barbra Streisand has talked about the necessity of unions to protect a "living wage." But she prefers to do her filming and postproduction work in Canada, where she can pay less than American union wages.

    Bill and Hillary Clinton have spoken in favor of the estate tax, and in 2000 Bill vetoed a bill seeking to end it. But the Clintons have set up a contract trust that allows them to substantially reduce the amount of inheritance tax their estate will pay when they die.

    Billionaire Bush-basher George Soros says the wealthy should pay higher, more progressive tax rates. But he holds the bulk of his money in tax-free overseas accounts in Curacao, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.

And, of course, a few weeks ago we learned that Mark Foley, who spent a good part of his career railing against homosexuals, was one.

In short, there's no dearth of hypocrisy in politics.

Edwards probably figured having a staffer make the call would help keep anyone from finding out. Oh wellll.....

the G-man #651668 2006-11-18 1:14 PM
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Stupid. He should have got it from another retailer.

Pimping my site, again.

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First Amongst Daves said:
Stupid. He should have got it from another retailer.

That is why I think it was probably a case of an over eager person who tried pleasing their boss. It's not surprising that upon hearing Edwards wife saying they wanted one that somebody would try procure one & win some brownie points. Considering the scrutiny that figures like Edwards faces I doubt he would have ordered someone to go try using his name at Walmart.

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Matter-eater Man said:
Considering the scrutiny that figures like Edwards faces I doubt he would have ordered someone to go try using his name at Walmart.

As noted above, how is this any more unlikely than Mark Foley hitting on male pages while being an overtly anti-gay congressman?

the G-man #651671 2006-11-18 4:13 PM
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the G-man said:

Matter-eater Man said:
Considering the scrutiny that figures like Edwards faces I doubt he would have ordered someone to go try using his name at Walmart.

As noted above, how is this any more unlikely than Mark Foley hitting on male pages while being an overtly anti-gay congressman?

Because he probably would have used another retail chain if he was going to use his name for clout. Foley got away for years with his many trips to "Pagemart" in part because of over eager help from the GOP.

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You're assuming the staff wasn't calling all over to various stores and simply couldn't find one at any other store either. However, according to the news, the game's been sold out at all sorts of stores.

You're also assuming that an Edwards staff member wouldn't be conversant enough with his or her boss's policies to know that calling WalMart was verboten. That seems a rather unlikely, given that staff volunteers are normally volunteers because they support a candidate's positions on issues.

Given that, its more likely that a staffer would only call WalMart on orders from above.

There's also this to consider: Edwards has been attacking Wal-Mart in part upon the theory that it underpays its employees. It only stands to reason that Edwards, believing WalMart employees to be underpaid, would believe them to be unskilled and/or uneducated. Otherwise, why would they work at WalMart?

As such, it stands to reason that Edwards would assume that anyone who answered the phone in the toy department (or wherever) would be an underpaid, unskilled, uneducated, employee. Why wouldn't Edwards figure that a line employee at WalMart, eager to make a sale, wouldn't know of Edwards' anti-WalMart platform and wouldn't know enough to alert management to his apparent hyprocrisy?

If anything, its at least as feasible that Edwards would assume a WalMart employee wouldn't know who he was as it is for you to assume that an Edwards staffer wouldn't know his boss didn't want them shopping there.

the G-man #651673 2006-11-19 12:19 AM
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Reason Magazine:

    the slapstick of the Edwards misstep should not obscure the really big picture, the fatal flaw in his "Two Americas" spiel. Many thousands of Americans evidently have $600 to spend on a video game machine. What's more, this Christmas is expected to usher in the year of the flat-panel. With price points dropping below the $1000 mark, high-end TVs are moving down-market fast with Wal-Mart leading the way.

    Contrary to the Edwards' pitch that labor-hostile companies are leaving American workers destitute, somebody is making some money out there in America. More importantly, they are making it in many, many cases without a union card. This reality will very hard for union-funded Democrats like Edwards to ignore as the 2008 presidential campaign unfolds. Hewing to the union rules, clear evidence of prosperity, like perhaps a shortage of $600 game machines, will have to be swept out of the campaign.

    In any event, maybe the best thing for Wal-Mart to do is stop chortling and go ahead and give John Edwards a PS3 and a couple games. Throw in a flat-panel too. Maybe that way he'll reacquaint himself with American prosperity and abundance and be a better candidate for the experience.

the G-man #651674 2006-11-19 1:07 AM
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You're assuming the staff wasn't calling all over to various stores and simply couldn't find one at any other store either. However, according to the news, the game's been sold out at all sorts of stores.

Actually all we know is that one Edwards person tried getting a game system for Edwards by calling a Walmart. There isn't any evidence of your assumption that he had his staff calling various stores.


You're also assuming that an Edwards staff member wouldn't be conversant enough with his or her boss's policies to know that calling WalMart was verboten. That seems a rather unlikely, given that staff volunteers are normally volunteers because they support a candidate's positions on issues.
Given that, its more likely that a staffer would only call WalMart on orders from above.

That still doesn't make sense. Edwards would have to know such a request for something so in demand wouldn't end with him getting a game thing from Walmart. Whoever took the call would have to bump that decision higher on up the Walmart food chain.

While I'm sure volunteers support Edwards on the issues but would be very surprised if he didn't have a few that shopped at Walmart. It's more likely a young volunteer, over eager to please his boss overstepped.


There's also this to consider: Edwards has been attacking Wal-Mart in part upon the theory that it underpays its employees. It only stands to reason that Edwards, believing WalMart employees to be underpaid, would believe them to be unskilled and/or uneducated. Otherwise, why would they work at WalMart?

As such, it stands to reason that Edwards would assume that anyone who answered the phone in the toy department (or wherever) would be an underpaid, unskilled, uneducated, employee. Why wouldn't Edwards figure that a line employee at WalMart, eager to make a sale, wouldn't know of Edwards' anti-WalMart platform and wouldn't know enough to alert management to his apparent hyprocrisy?

When somebody is underpaid it's because the employer isn't paying their workers what their true value is. You may think Walmart employees are worth less but Edwards hasn't said anything to support such reasoning. He's been fighting for those workers to be paid for their value.

It's also unreasonable to suggest that an employee would be happy to sell such a high demand item. Everyone knows that you could turn around an sell one of these for big bucks. More likely these units were watched like a hawk & well acounted for. Such an unusual sale would need to be cleared further on up the Walmart system.


If anything, its at least as feasible that Edwards would assume a WalMart employee wouldn't know who he was as it is for you to assume that an Edwards staffer wouldn't know his boss didn't want them shopping there.

Since the whole story hinges on Edwards willing to use his name & position to get something, that doesn't make sense.

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Matter-eater Man said:
While I'm sure volunteers support Edwards on the issues but would be very surprised if he didn't have a few that shopped at Walmart. It's more likely a young volunteer, over eager to please his boss overstepped...Since the whole story hinges on Edwards willing to use his name & position to get something, that doesn't make sense.

So, basically, your defense of Edwards boils down to the conceit that its so hard to get good unpaid help these days?

That John Edwards...what a man of the people.

the G-man #651676 2006-11-19 3:30 AM
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the G-man said:...
So, basically, your defense of Edwards boils down to the conceit that its so hard to get good unpaid help these days?

Nope, just repeatedly pointing out the flawed logic in this story of Edwards ordering a volunteer to procure a sold out game system from Walmart, the place he's been an outspoken critic of.

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Again, that's like saying it was "flawed logic" to suspect Mark Foley of being gay when he was an outspoken critic of homosexuality.

People do all sorts of contradictory or hypocritical things when they have sufficient motivation. The usually assume they won't get caught.

That's true of politicians in both parties.

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I would like to point out that purchasing something from Wal-Mart is a tad different than a middle-aged man having hitting on teenaged male pages in an attempt to satisfy his boy-lust.

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Exactly my point.

If a politician would risk his career over something as frowned upon (and potentially illegal) as "hitting on teenaged male pages in an attempt to satisfy his boy-lust" its not that surprising that another politician would take a much lesser risk by shopping at WalMart.

the G-man #651680 2006-11-19 4:58 AM
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As I pointed out though, for Edwards to order one of his guys to call up Walmart to throw the Edwards name at them doesn't make sense. Edwards status as an outspoken Walmart critic wouldn't have gotten him what he wanted.

We're left with Walmart saying one of Edwards people used his name. Edwards says he nor his wife told no one to do that. Unless the volunteer has said otherwise, this allegation really has no evidence to suggest that Edwards is lying. (unlike Rove outing agents secretly to reporters)

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the G-man #651681 2006-11-19 5:05 AM
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the G-man said:
Exactly my point.

If a politician would risk his career over something as frowned upon (and potentially illegal) as "hitting on teenaged male pages in an attempt to satisfy his boy-lust" its not that surprising that another politician would take a much lesser risk by shopping at WalMart.

Foley knew to stay away from the Walmart pages & may have had a bit of GOP help in covering up.

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Matter-eater Man said:
...unlike Rove outing agents secretly to reporters)

You're trying to change the subject to Rove?

Why not just admit you've lost?

Seriously... MEM... its okay to--once in a while--admit that people on "your" side make mistakes.

For example, I'm perfectly comfortable with the fact that Foley was hypocrite, even though he was a Republican. Same with the guys that got caught cozying up to Abramoff.

Really, its not so bad. You don't have to be a blind partisan 24/7, MEM. Once in a while you can put down the talking points.

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so Bush misuses 9/11 and its victims to get us into a terrible war which he mismanaged and has fractured a region and cost hundreds of thousands of lives and billions of dollars, throwing the country deeper in debt. and g-man defends him.
someone uses john edwards' name to get a $400 game console from wal-mart. and g-man calls for his head.

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What is the big deal?!? It's called picking your battles. PS3 is hot this season, EB Games/ Gamestop didn't even recieve enough to cover their preorder reserve customers, let alone walk-in customers; anybody else is going to scour any available retailer, regardless of personal views, to get one. Who knows what exactly caused it, but I don't think less of Edwards; you sometimes have to team up with opponents to get what you want, then you can go back to hating each other. The Republican Congress did this with Bill Clinton and the welfare reform issue in the '90's, after all....

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

the G-man #651685 2006-11-19 1:15 PM
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the G-man said:

Matter-eater Man said:
...unlike Rove outing agents secretly to reporters)

You're trying to change the subject to Rove?

Why not just admit you've lost?

Seriously... MEM... its okay to--once in a while--admit that people on "your" side make mistakes.

For example, I'm perfectly comfortable with the fact that Foley was hypocrite, even though he was a Republican. Same with the guys that got caught cozying up to Abramoff.

Really, its not so bad. You don't have to be a blind partisan 24/7, MEM. Once in a while you can put down the talking points.

Ah so now we've come to the part where you once again declare I'm a blind partisan despite the times I've admitted that people on "my" side make mistakes or that my party isn't perfect.

What you skipped over to make an untrue personal attack (talk about changing the subject) was...


As I pointed out though, for Edwards to order one of his guys to call up Walmart to throw the Edwards name at them doesn't make sense. Edwards status as an outspoken Walmart critic wouldn't have gotten him what he wanted.
We're left with Walmart saying one of Edwards people used his name. Edwards says he nor his wife told no one to do that. Unless the volunteer has said otherwise, this allegation really has no evidence to suggest that Edwards is lying.

Now I'll admit that partisans such as yourself have a nice little story that makes Edwards look bad as long as you don't linger on the details or evidence.

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Matter-eater Man said:
Ah so now we've come to the part where you once again declare I'm a blind partisan despite the times I've admitted that people on "my" side make mistakes or that my party isn't perfect.

Ah, yes, your courageous attack on John Kerry's windsurfing, wasn't it?

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The University of North Carolina hired Edwards to head its new Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity a couple of years ago, but that hasn't impressed the Education Trust, which gave the university a "D" grade on educational opportunities for the poor and minorities.

I guess Edwards has been too busy scouring the Wal-Marts of America for the latest gaming devices to fix the problem.

But maybe all that time he's spending in Iowa will give him some insight on how to do his job.

the G-man #651688 2006-12-19 10:55 PM
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National Review asks: "Could Chris Matthews make his man-crush on John Edwards any more obvious?"

    This week he devoted an entire hour of Hardball to interviewing the former vice-presidential nominee, at one point defending him from his wife by accusing her of busting his balls.

    Today, while discussing 2008 with the's Roger Simon and Washington Post political analyst Chris Cillizza, Edwards came up again when Matthews asked whether a recession would lead Democratic candidates to try a populist message


    SIMON: The [Democratic] Party hates [the populist] message.

    MATTHEWS: You know why? Because the contributors hate it. The people with the money say, "That's us we're talking about."

    CILLIZZA: And Chris, one note: The people with the money includes John Edwards. I mean, this is a multimillionaire trial lawyer making the argument that, you know, "I understand your concerns." He did come up from very little in terms of family wealth, but he is not exactly someone who at this point in his life shares the concern of —

    MATTHEWS: You're getting too analytical, Cillizza. You're getting very analytical. You're going through each one of these resumes like you're taking applications to Harvard here.

Maybe its just me, but I thought reporters and (especially) political commentators were supposed to be analytical, not just blindly fond of candidates.

Maybe Matthews was just concerned that Cillizza was being too hard on Edwards after the ball busting his wife gave him.

the G-man #651689 2006-12-20 12:18 AM
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Mathews also gets gushy whenever McCain is discussed. The line between analysis & opinion gets fuzzy if he likes the candidate.

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I've never thought much of Matthews. Russert, on the other hand, I think is pretty good.

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John Edwards made it official today with his speech in New Orleans announcing his candidacy.

Edwards will probably be able to count on strong union support, and he's polling well in Iowa, where he had a surprisingly strong second place finish in 2004.

But with unemployment at only 4.5 percent, it's hard to see his "two Americas" speech gaining much traction.

Also, the campaign is already a comedy of errors. Not only was there the embarrasing incident of him trying to score a Wii from Wal-Mart the same day he criticized the company, but the timing of his announcment came from yet another "staff mistake":

    Edwards' announcement was made in the wake of President Gerald Ford's death and after his campaign accidentally launched his campaign Web site a day early, then shut it back down.

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Do you have any links to back that up?

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John Edwards has laid out his campaign themes:

    Among them: “Guaranteeing health care for every single American,” “Strengthening our middle class and ending the shame of poverty,” “Leading the fight against global warming,” and “Getting America and the world to break our addiction to oil.”

    He also listed “Providing moral leadership in the world — starting with Iraq, where we should begin drawing down troops, not escalating the war.”

In other news, the war on terror is over, apparently, since it doesn't seem to be one of the top five priorities.

I can hear someone arguing that that isn't a fair criticism - that "ending our addiction to oil" and "providing moral leadership" by drawing down troops are parts of the war on terror. But do those steps really address the threat of al-Qaeda?

Ending oil imports would probably reduce funding for terror groups, but it wouldn't eliminate it.

And I doubt all the "moral leadership" in the world would persuade al-Qaeda. If anything, that kind of "moral leadership" is just another example of "calling for surrender."

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More bad timing from Johnny Reid Edwards.

On This Week yesterday, John Edwards said: “But the genocide, global poverty, the spread of HIV/AIDS, the atrocities that are occurring in northern Uganda, there are a whole range of places that America would have basically universal support if we showed some leadership.”

The same day, the Washington Post reported: "The president has tripled direct humanitarian and development aid to the world's most impoverished continent since taking office and recently vowed to double that increased amount by 2010 — to nearly $9 billion."

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Slate passes around some real estate poop on John Edwards, notorious PlayStation 3 enthusiast and spokesmen for all of us who have been banished to trailer park section of the "Two Americas."

Edwards has just sold his Georgetown mansion for $5.2 million. That's almost $1.5 million more than what he paid for it back in 1998.

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I'm glad he's so able to speak for all of us commoners.


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Captain Sammitch said:
I'm glad he's so able to speak for all of us commoners.

As opposed to how Bush/Cheney do?

Fair play!
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Matter-eater Man said:

Captain Sammitch said:
I'm glad he's so able to speak for all of us commoners.

As opposed to how Bush/Cheney do?

Simple reality. You can't go far in politics today unless you have enough money and/or come from enough money and/or can weasel your way into enough money to be out of touch with the rest of us. That sad truth transcends party lines. Most anywhere else in the world, you just get ahold of some guns and convince enough of your buddies to come along for the ride, and you're a legitimate political entity.


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The Buffalo News:

    John Edwards may be running for president again in 2008, but his latest effort is hardly a repeat performance of the 2004 campaign that catapulted him to the Democratic vice presidential nomination.

    The former North Carolina senator says circumstances have changed, America has changed, and he has changed.

    "In 2004 I spent a lot of time thinking about how I could be the best candidate possible," he said in Buffalo Saturday. "Now I think about being the best president I could be."

    He has taken his campaign to the next level, he said, by moving beyond identifying problems to identifying solutions.

    "My thinking as a leader has evolved," he said. "Identifying a problem is not good enough, but taking action to solve it is key"

Wow, this "solutions" thing is going to revolutionize politics! And you thought Edwards was just another pretty face.

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John Edwards... hawk? At least he is when speaking in Israel:

    In his speech, Edwards criticised the United States' previous indifference to the Iranian issue, saying they have not done enough to deal with the threat.

    Hinting to possible military action, Edwards stressed that "in order to ensure Iran never gets nuclear weapons, all options must remain on table."

    On the recent UN Security Council's resolution against Iran, Edwards said more serious political and economic steps should be taken. "Iran must know that the world won’t back down," he said.

    Addressing the second Lebanon war , Edwards accused the Islamic Republic of having a significant role, saying Hizbullah was an instrument of Iran, and Iranian rockets were what made the organization's attack on Israel possible.

    Edwards also discussed Syria's recent calls for peace with Israel, saying that "talk is cheap," and that Syria was not doing enough to prove it was serious.

    The former senator also said that Syria has been a great source of destabilization in the area, from its support of Hizbullah and Hamas, to its relationship with Iran, and for this it should be held accountable.

I have to admit, however, its refreshing to hear this from any Democratic presidential contender.

I just wish we would hear more details on what those "serious political and economic steps" ought to be. And exactly how Edwards would hold Syria accountable.

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Edwards Campaign Names Blogger in Chief

    Left-wing blogger Amanda Marcotte of the vociferously anti-war web site Pandagon has been named by the John Edwards campaign as their new blogmaster.

    The extent of Ms. Marcotte's responsibilities at the Edwards site, and the nature of the political operations she will be undertaking as a member of the Edwards campaign, have not yet been detailed publicly.

Here is a Marcotte blog entry from last week:

    Naturally, my flight out of Atlanta has been delayed. Let's hope it takes off when they say it will so I don't miss my connecting flight home.

    In the meantime, I've been sort of casually listening to CNN blaring throughout the waiting area and good fucking god is that channel pure evil. For awhile, I had to listen to how the poor dear lacrosse players at Duke are being persecuted just because they held someone down and fucked her against her will--not rape, of course, because the charges have been thrown out. Can't a few white boys sexually assault a black woman anymore without people getting all wound up about it? So unfair.

Putting aside her potentially libelous comments about the lacrosse players, is it really a good idea to be calling the major cable network that isn't Fox "pure evil"? Not exactly the way to endear oneself to CNN, I would think.

Looks like Edwards, for all his money, has once again failed to hire good help.

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