Originally Posted By: PCG342
Area 51. It's free!

So far it feels like Doom III without the demons.
Not good. Not bad.

Oh lord, I played that on the Xbox when it first came out and it was such shit. I would describe it as more like Halo but without the multiplayer. The Illumanati were such pushovers, I wondered how they managed world domination. Then they threw in David Duchovony for the Mulder speeches.

I still love the arcade game though.

Voted "Biggest Waste Of Space" On The Bat-Boards For "Multiple Reasons"

Jerry Falwell On Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer:
"Those hollywood, homosexual, jewish types making a show about a reindeer who is 'different' and just cant 'hide it'. Everyone knows if he tries hard enough he can convert himself to a normal, black-nosed reindeer."

I am 95% addicted to Porn. What about you?