I just got back from Wizard World Chicago. What. the. fuck. It was all retailers. No Marvel, no DC, no publishers at all, no Mattel, and a shitload of canceled events. The programming was laughable. Wizard has taken a great thing and they've run it into the ground. Instead all that was there was a bunch of has been celebs doing autographs. Oh wait, they weren't even at their tables. It's not even a shadow of its former "glory", it's a joke. I will never give Wizard a dime of my money again. Thank God I just look at the pretty pictures in their magazines...in the bookstores. I guarantee you there won't be a con next year. Wizard is going to go in the shitter. Natureboys, you should make next year's C2E2 your convention of choice. With a guest list like this, 8 months prior to the event, how can you go wrong?