Gears of War.

I can't believe the leaps that Gears 2 made from its predescessor. Don't count on your teamates to help much as their A.I. in the first of the franchise sucks. They constantly die and I find myself killing all the Horde by myself while they run into incoming fire and yell out for assistance after 30 seconds into an assault! Not only that but your better off using the Hordes weapons rather than your Lancer assault rifle. Even the chainsaw is fairly worthless as a melee weapon. The only functionality thats better in GoW 1 than GoW 2 is the enemy A.I. on Hardcore settings. Those fuckers are smart! They'll actually distract you while one of their guys will flank you and shot gun your head off from behind! Plus it never plays the same way twice as the Horde adapts their technique to the situation This game probably plays better overall with a second player, but I give it a solid 7 out of 10.