I tried Wrestlemania X8 for the Gamecube this time.

It's playable, with a grappling system that seems like a cross between WWE Smackdown from the PS1 and WCW Mayhem for the N64. The graphics are so-so, the wrestlers are detailed enough for you to recognize who is who, but the overall quality is still subpar, and the angles kind of make the wrestlers look squished (similar to the camera angles in WWF Warzone/Attitude).

It's good enough for a few minutes, but you're bound to get sick of it afterwards-the animations are jerky and unnatural, with the wrestlers looking like they're on roller skates when walking. And every match seems stupid; all you're going to do is powermove after one powermove, since running attacks look lame and are not very effective, ditto for submissions.

I've pretty much given up on the gamecube when it comes to wrasslin games. It seems Here comes the pain and SD vs RAW 2006 on the PS2 is the best I can get for that generation of virtual wrasslin'.