Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
I personally would still like to see states decide on the basis of referendum and popular votes, but if elected representatives are voting on it the people are still represented at least a little. again, a state-by-state basis is still preferable to a federal-level decision IMO because it allows for the most accurate representation of the will of the people.

That would be the same as my crazy "embarassment to conservatives" opinion that I just posted above, that you just agreed with.

For all the partisan demagoguery of conservatives, and all the RKMB silliness here, it's still a very reasonable opinion. Will of the people, not the elites.

Except when the people vote against gay marriage ( or stricter immigration enforcement, or abortion) and then activist courts arbitrarily overturn it. Would that the rule of law cut both ways, whether the majority ruling is conservative or liberal.