Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
So WB what would you propose here? Honestly it seems like you don't have a problem in general with elected officials making laws before this. Is it just this issue and maybe a couple of others that you want treated differently?

I propose that on heartfelt issues, like abortion and gay marriage or border security, where there is polarizing opinion, that the only way to legislate these things fairly is
(1) by popular vote.
(Where even a legislative vote like this one in New York state is unacceptable, because it no doubt is a political decision maneuvered behind the scenes, and not credibly representative of what the people of that state really want. It was 29 Democrats, who managed to leverage an additional 4 Republican votes, not an overwhelming consensus.)

(2) where will of the people is upheld, whether popular opinion goes for the way of liberals or conservatives. It's an outrage to me that Proposition 8 knocked down gay marriage in Nov 2008 --in liberal-heavy California of all places-- and a higher court liberal judge just threw the law out, despite it being the clear popular consensus will of California voters.

As I said above, these changes in controversial social policy should clearly be will of the people, not the elites.